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January 5th 1895

A meeting of the Council held this day at 6-30 o'clock. Present. Messrs. Bellow, J Easterbrook, H.A. Easterbrook, Fulton, Joslin, Lock, Nation, Pidler, Robertson, being the full number of Councillors.

After all had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of office Mr. J Easterbrook who had the highest number of votes at the poll was voted to the chair pro-tem. Proposed by Mr Easterbrook seconded by Mr Robertson that Mr W.H. Lock be the Chairman of the Council. Proposed by Mr W.A. Easterbrook seconded by Mr Joslin that Mr Fulton be the Vice Chairman. Both carried unanimously.

A vote of thanks was then accorded to Capt. Chichester by the whole council for the very able way in which he had conducted the parish meeting and the business to the present time.

Proposed by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr Nation that Mr Durant of the Devon & Cornwall Bank, Bideford be the treasurer of the Council, carried unanimously.

The following letter was received from Capt Malet.

"Sir & Gentlemen

Accompanying are correspondence, receipts and list of subscribers for 3 seats + form placed by Authority of County Council on the esplanade as directed by their surveyor and generally approved. Mr C Pidler has kindly stored them for the winter may I suggest that when replaced 2 more seats be added.

Your Obedient Servant
AA Malet"

The council taking this as an offer to them of the above seats - the Clerk was directed to write Capt. Malet the following reply.

"Jan 5th 1895
Dear Sir

I am directed by the Instow Parish Council to thank you for your offer to them of the seats which have been on the esplanade and which they gratefully accept & will attend to.

Also thank you for the trouble you have taken to provide such a boon for the parish.

W. Henry Lock Chairman"



