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March 28th 1895

A meeting of the parish Council was held this day at seven o'clock p m.
To consider applications for Allotments. To take steps in conjunction with the lord of the Manor to prevent the depositing of rubbish and offensive matter on the foreshore.

Present. Messrs. Bellow, J Easterbrook, H.A. Easterbrook, Fulton, Joslin, Lock, Nation.

The minutes of the last meeting having been read and approved the Chairman asked if there were any applications for allotments but no applications were received.

A letter was read from Mr L.A. Christie, the Lord of the Manor, suggesting that the nuisance caused by depositing rubbish on the foreshore might be put a stop to if he erected two Notice Boards stating that offenders would be prosecuted. It was moved by Mr Fulton that a letter be written to Mr Christie's suggestion stating that the Council will pledge themselves to assist him all they can in abating the nuisance on the foreshore and they venture to hope in the event of their reporting anyone depositing matter, seconded by Mr Joslin and carried unanimously.

The following letter was received from Major Winter to the president of the Instow Parish Council.

"Sea View, Instow
March 28th 1895


As in all probability at an early date next month the three summer seats given by the parish last year will be put up again on the parade in the same places. I would beg to bring before your notice together with the Parish Council - that immediately after the seats were fixed up last year they were maliciously torn abroad and remained so, in a disgraceful state for some considerable time. I personally object to the one which was placed in front of "Sea View" (a house I have occupied for over 10 years)) being put there again and would venture to suggest that might all be placed in more suitable positions than in front of houses! I would never have subscribed towards their being put up had I thought they were going to be any annoyance. I remain

Yours faithfully
George Winter, Major"

Moved by Mr Fulton & seconded by Mr W.A. Easterbrook that the Clerk acknowledge Major Winter's letter and that the matter be deferred for the present.

Moved by Mr Nation & seconded by Mr Joslin that the Clerk be enrolled a member of the Parish & Rural District Association for one year and that cost be born by the Council. Carried unanimously.

