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April 20th 1898

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the vestry room at 7.30pm. Present Messrs W.H. Lock, Anstey, Joslin, J. Easterbrook, W.A. Easterbrook, C. Pidler, W. Pidler, Turner & Major Winter.

After all had signed the declaration on acceptance of office Mr W.A. Easterbrook proposed that Mr Lock be re-elected chairman for the year this was seconded by Mr C. Pidler and carried unanimously.

Col Molloy and Mr F. Dennis were appointed Overseers for this year and Messrs W. Nation and T. Anstey to follow.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Proposed by Major Winter seconded by Mr W.A. Easterbrook that the Clerk write to Sir Cameron Gull, Bart M.P. to favour Parish Council Elections every three years the following is a copy of the letter sent.
Instow April 25th 1898
Sir Cameron

The Instow Parish Council understand that the opinion has been expressed by other Parish Councils in your division that it would be desirable if the elections for Parish Councillors were held triennially instead of annually, and that you have kindly promised to use your influence in the house to bring about such an alteration of the present system.

I am directed by the Parish Council to say that they approve of the proposed alteration.
I am Sir Cameron
Your obedient servant
Sir Cameron Gull. Bart M.P. J.P. England
House of Commons

The Clerk was also instructed to write to the local representative of the L & SWR Co to take steps to prohibit carts being backed on to the footpath belonging to the Co of which the following is a copy.

Instow April 25th 1898
Dear Sir

I am directed by the Parish Council to call your attention to the inconvenience which is caused to the public by carts being backed on to the footpath belonging to the railway Co near the bridge in order that sand may be loaded from the sandhills and I am desired to ask you that you will kindly take such steps as you may think advisable to put a stop to the practice.
Yours faithfully
J.P. England
Mr Palmer Clerk to the Parish Council
Permanent Way Inspector

Messrs W.A, Easterbrook, J. Easterbrook, C. Pidler and Turner were appointed a committee to see to the building of a wall at the intake of the water for flushing the Lane End sewer.

Major Winter was requested to see Mr Edger the surveyor with respect to the condition of the Sea Wall, the road by Bath Terrace and at Marsh Corner.

The financial statement for the year ending March 31st was presented and approved and it was moved that they be copied in the Minute Book.

Receipts Payments
£ s d £ s d
>From overseers precept 10 0 0 Establishment Charges 8 7 4
Allotment Rents 3 19 0 Cost of Elections 14 0
Recreational Ground do 2 0 0 Allotments 15 61/2
Poor field do 2 10 0 Recreation ground 15 111/2
Balance in bank brought forward 14 9 1 J. Tucker's Charity 2 4 1
Cash in Clerk's hand 1 41/2 Balance in Treasurer's hand 20 7 2
Balance due to clerk 6 0 Balance in Clerk's hand 1 41/2

The following bills were presented and cheques ordered to be drawn

J. Braunton. Care of rooms. £1 0 0
J. Worth. Care of Flushing tank 5 0
C.H.B. Ince. PC Association 1 1 0

W. Henry Lock

