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A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the vestry room at 7pm. Present Mr W.H. Lock in the chair, Major Winter, Messrs J Easterbrook
W.A. Easterbrook, Turner, C. Pidler, W. Pidler, Turner and Anstey.

The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved.

The chairman read the following letter from the District Council:-

March 25th 1899
Dear Sir
Instow Water Supply
In pursuance of the resolution adopted by the District Council at their last meeting to provide Lane End Instow with a water supply from Adam's Meadow I communicated with Mr Christie thereon who replied to the effect that he was sorry he could not see his way to grant a lease of the water in question.

The matter came before the District Council at their meeting yesterday when a resolution was adopted instructing me to write to you as the Chairman of the Parish Council to know whether under the circumstances the Parish Council were prepared to submit to the District Council any scheme with the view of the whole of the residential part of Instow being provided with a proper water supply.

If not the District Council will have to fully consider the whole matter and take such steps as they may deem expedient with the view to providing such water supply.
Yours faithfully
W.H. lock W.H.Toller
The Chairman Parish Council

In reply to this the following letter was sent
April 5th 1899
Dear Sir

Lane End Water Supply
Your letter of the 25th ult to the Chairman of the Instow Parish Council has been laid before that body and I am directed by them to express disappointment that Mr Christie should now refuse to allow water to be taken from the Adam's Meadow when in 1898 he permitted the Parish to incur considerable expense in finding water in that field and in testing its wholesomeness.

The Parish Council are more surprised that Mr Christie should put obstacles in the way of providing Lane End with water as a considerable portion of the property there falls into his hands at a very early date.

The Parish Council suggest that Mr Christie should be reminded of the circumstances I have mentioned and if he continues in his refusal to grant the right to take water from the field in question I am directed to suggest that water may probably be obtained at small expense by sinking a well in the highway on the north side of the dunes at a spot which is sufficiently far from houses to make it extremely improbable that the water there is contaminated in any way.

I am further directed to say that a member of the Parish Council is prepared to pay the cost of the sinking of the well should the water found therein be proved on analysis to be polluted with sewerage.

As regards the question whether the Parish Council are prepared to submit to the District Council a general scheme for the supply of the whole of Instow with water I am directed to point out that it is only at Lane End that the water has been pronounced to be polluted and only there that the necessity has arisen for the public authority to take measures for a supply of pure drinking water being provided.

As to a general water scheme for Instow the members of the Parish Council are fully aware of the great advantage which such a supply would afford but having regard to the fact that the greater portion of the houses in Instow are leasehold and will fall into the hands of other owners within a few years they feel that it would be most unfair under existing circumstances to enter upon a comprehensive water scheme the burden of which for some years would have to be borne by persons whose interest ceases when the leases under which they now hold expire.
I am Sir
W.H. Toller Your Obedient Servant
Clerk to R. District Council J.P. England
Barnstaple Clerk to Parish Council

The Clerk was also instructed to send the following reply to Mr Christie.

April 4th 1899
Dear Sir

I have laid your letter of the 7th ult before the Parish Council and am instructed by the Council to point out to you that the award of 1848 under which your rent charge of £1-1-0 per year was created undoubtedly directs that the Lord of the Manor shall make a road from the corner of the cricket field to the level crossing which road has to be fenced in a stipulated manner.

It appears that the allotment holders formerly obtained access to this road across the sands from Lane End but for some years past the access at the cricket field and has been so bad that the way has been across the coney gars and down the cricket field road.

It is from the bottom of this road to the level crossing that the roadway has become so bad and of which the allotment holders complain.

I observe that you state that there is a way to the allotment field from Venn Lane but this road is in such repair that it is almost impassable in winter, if however you think proper to make this road better I have no doubt many of the allotment holders would prefer to go that way.

I am Sir
Your obedient servant
A.L. Christie Esq. J.P. England

