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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, C Harper, M Green, A Johns (Chairman), G May, F Scott together with Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and 7 parishioners.

2604/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllrs Ms A Mayoh and S White.

a) Crime: - (i) Constable Benbow said there had been considerable police activity in the village during the day following a report of a man acting suspiciously and the theft of a handbag. He reported that a man was in custody and that police enquiries were continuing. He added the police had been given a great deal of support by parishioners, which was much appreciated, as well as making positive use of the excellent CCTV facilities at Atturm. (Noted)
(ii) PC Benbow said there had been one offence of criminal damage (re-cycling hut set on fire – Quay Car Park) since the last meeting as well as an offence of burglary and theft (garage/outbuilding of house for sale). (Noted)
b) Fire/Old Power Station - Yelland: - Cllr Harper asked if PC Benbow was aware of a fire at this location earlier in the day – he was not but said he would check it out and report back if necessary. (Action: PC Benbow)
c) Lane End - Yellow Lines: - Cllr Harper reported that these had not been replaced following the completion of the new charter toilets and that some traffic congestion had been caused as a consequence during the Easter weekend. Cllr Cann said he was aware and the matter was in hand. (Action: Cllr Cann)
d) New Road/Near Anstey Way junction – Traffic Congestion: - Cllr Harper said a parishioner had complained to him of the obstruction of private drives at this locality over the Easter weekend and wondered whether double yellow lines might be a solution. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to let Constable Benbow visit the area to assess the problem and report back. (Action: PC Benbow)
e) Business Watch: - PC Benbow reported some progress on this initiative and said he would be liaising with the interested parties soonest. (Action: PC Benbow)
f) Traffic – Parking Problems: - Constable Benbow said he had been notified by the Clerk of recent parking problems in the vicinity of the shops and that he was arranging for a traffic warden to attend from Bideford. He said he would continue to monitor this himself as well. (Noted)

a) Flood Defence Wall – Flotsam and Jetsam: - A parishioner raised his concern as regards the amount of flotsam and jetsam on top of the rocks at this locality. He said it was an eyesore, health hazard and would encourage further rats. IPC RESOLVED to notify the Environment Agency. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Adopt A Beach Group (ABG) Activity: - Val Robson, Coordinator of the Instow ABG, said their next beach clean was being arranged for Sunday 30th April and that if it was at all possible she would like the beach (Quay to end of Commodore) left un- cleaned for 4 days prior thereto. IPC RESOLVED to support this request – the beach cleaner to be notified accordingly. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Cook declared an interest and did not speak***

a) General: - Cllr Cann spoke of “New Directory Helps Parent and Young Children” (see website www.devon.gov.uk/servicedirectory - provides guidance on benefits, employment, education etc), “Controversial Proposal for new Devon Logo” (facing fierce opposition from many County Cllrs), “DCC – National Leader for Road Safety” (prestigious beacon status has been granted to DCC), “DCC – School Catering” (£2.1 million to be put into improving this), “Instow New School Update” (owners of the proposed site have now written and will resist the use of the lay by site), “Free Access to Online for Devon Library Users” (registered members of DCC libraries can now get free access from their home PC to a wide range of information sources which are normally available only on subscription e.g. Oxford English dictionary etc), “Yelland Road – Virtual Footpath” (this might be realised this year funded by the Capital LTP programme – will also include improved crossing points by the bus shelters), and “A39 Bishops Tawton Roundabout to Lake Roundabout (Western Bypass)” (the worn road surface is to be replaced as part of a £290.00 reconstruction programme and will take place between 8 pm to 7 am [road will be closed for this period – diversions will be in place] commencing Tuesday 2nd May; expected to be completed by Friday 5th May. (Noted)
b) Greensweep/Environment Portfolio NDDC - Charter Toilets Quay Car Park: - Cllr Cann said he had retained this portfolio and would continue to support the Charter toilet project on Quay Car Park. (Noted)

Cllr Brown reported upon “Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee” (Instow beach cleaning grant 2006 has been agreed - £1,800.00), “Proposed Modifications to NDDC’s Local Plan” (30 parishioners wrote objecting to the proposal of the Inspector to make a small extension to the development boundary of Instow – this extension does not, however, propose any development and any planning application would still need to be considered on its merits in accordance with local policies including those for highway safety, flood risk and residential amenities), “Marine Car Park - Charter Toilets” (a report is being prepared for the June NDDC Executive Meeting – the recommendation will be for the use of the site for toilets in line with the recommendation of the parish council and Cllrs Mrs L Brown and R Cann), and “Lane End Close – Planning Application 39545” (the 106 agreement - a highways issue - is still with DCC’s solicitor who is preparing the legal agreement). (Noted)

2604/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the March 2006 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2603/8 (b) – Sandhills Ransom Strip: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC of the outcome of his meeting with Brian Holme (BH) (NDDC) on Monday 20th March. He said what he had been promised, a letter setting out the main findings of the previous parish plan/consultations, had not materialised, because of “pressure of work” and “shortage of staff – sickness”, and although he had some sympathy for BH’s predicament he did feel somewhat frustrated at the lack of “minimal” support which was all he felt was necessary. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had spoken to Cllr Cann (19.4.06) to express his disappointment that nothing had been received from Brian Holme to enable this matter to be taken forward despite prompting him w/c 7.4.06. Cllr Cann confirmed Brian Holme’s “predicament” and suggested that if the situation continued that IPC resolve to go it alone. Cllr Cann and Cllrs Mrs L Brown both said that each would look into the situation and see if an “off the shelf” type of proforma was available for use by IPC. (Action: Cllrs Cann and Mrs L Brown)
(iii) The Clerk suggested that if nothing was forthcoming by the next meeting that IPC’s Ransom Strip Sub Committee meet and discuss a strategy for final approval of Council. IPC RESOLVED to support this. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to the Village Show 2005 Wishing Tree Draft Action Plan that had been circulated to Cllrs with the their agenda papers following discussions between the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk. (Noted)
(iv) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to note the findings for the time being, use the information in conjunction with the data to be used in constructing the ransom strip questionnaire for parishioners and write to congratulate the Village Show Committee in coming up with such an excellent idea which IPC hoped would be repeated for this years event. (Action: The Clerk) b) Item 2603/8 (c) – Instow Beach/Water Quality: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that SWW (Martin Childs of May Gurney) had verbally reassured him that the “suspect” outfall on the beach between the jetty and the old power station was not having sewage discharged through it adding that this had been confirmed by taking samples from the immediate vicinity and having them examined. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to a letter (dd 27.3.06) from SWW confirming same; he read it to Council. SWW said this outlet pipe did not belong to them. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr May said he was of the belief this pipe was owned by SWW; Cllr Harper agreed to search local records to confirm this or otherwise. (Action: Cllr Harper)
c) Item 2603/9 (i) (b) - Cob House/Picnic Area Tarka Trail: - (i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 24.3.06) from Wings that stated a thatcher, weather permitting, was to commence work weekend of 25/26th March and that Wings SW were as frustrated as IPC that this project had not yet been completed. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the thatching had now been completed; he had checked the site on 17th April and the roof was on. IPC RESOLVED to congratulate Wings on this achievement and to enquire what further work was contemplated on the site/if there was to be an opening ceremony. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Item 2603/9 (i) (d) – New College at Bideford?: - Cllrs Crombie and Scott provided IPC with an update on their attendance at a meeting of relevance to this on Friday 17th March 2006. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting: -
a) Instow, Westleigh and West Yelland “Community on Show” 2006: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC he had been approached by the COS Committee (by email) to write a letter of support for this year’s event and to give permission for the show committee to use those parts of Instow beach as leased by IPC from the Crown Commissioners. He added, following consultation with the Chairman, he had written to the Chairman of the COS (29.3.06) providing “support/permission” as requested but sought clarification that the COS Committee was suitably insured for the purpose as regards the use of the beach. He finalised by saying his letter had been acknowledged but that until all the beach events had been risk assessed and approved by the COS’s insurance company that assurances could not be provided. (Noted)
(ii) Letter (dd 11.4.06) from NDDC reference “Temporary Road Closure – Quay Lane, Instow/Community Event”: - (a) The Clerk said this stated that the VSC had made an application to close Quay Lane from its junction with Anstey Way to its junction with the parish hall on Saturday 22nd July between the hours of 11 am and 5 pm. and that IPC was being asked for its observations by Friday 5th May. (Noted)
(b) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application and the Clerk was asked to tell NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (dd 27.3.06) from Defra reference “Getting to grips with the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 – a Parish Council Guide to Environment Enforcement”: - (i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this letter to them with their agenda papers for discussion. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED not to apply for the guide as all the information required could be found on the internet. (Noted)
(iii) Dog By Laws – Instow: - The Clerk advised Council that now this act of parliament was active it might be appropriate to check with NDDC as to how it was to invoke Section 55 as related to the “Control of Dogs”. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
c) (i) Email (dd 10.4.06) from Cllr Cann reference “Road Closure – Marine Parade (Maisonette 2) for period 8-10th May 2006”: - The Clerk said he had thanked Cllr Cann for this early warning and that a copy of the notice had been placed at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(ii) Note (received 12.4.06) from DCC reference same road closure: - The Clerk said he had sent an email (12.4.06) to DCC Local Services so as to ascertain the exact location of “Maisonette 2, Marine Parade” as this address did not appear on the electoral roll. (Noted)
(iii) Email reply received (dd 13.4.06) from DCC Local Services: - The Clerk said this stated that the road closure would be between Quay Lane and Kiln Close Lane” and that he had notified the Chairman so that the post office copy (see (i) above) could be amended. (Noted)
(d) Email (dd 27.3.06) from The Local Channel reference “Visibility of “Your” Council Website – Link to Instow Website”: - The Clerk confirmed there would be no charge for this and that the Instow Webmaster did not object; he had, therefore, accepted the offer on behalf of IPC. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this. (Noted)
e) IPC’s Draft Annual Report 2005/6: - The Clerk circulated a draft copy to Cllrs for perusal and approval at the May meeting prior to publication before the end of May. (Noted)
f) Email (dd 18.4.06) from Defra reference “Defra’s Bathing Water Quality Poster Scheme 2006”: - The Clerk advised IPC of the principles of the scheme. (Noted)
g) Letter from parishioner reference “Global Warming – Street Lighting at Instow”: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC of the tenor of the letter which suggested that perhaps some street lighting could be extinguished at night. (Noted)
(ii) After a debate IPC RESOLVED to liaise with DCC Street Lighting and discuss what options might be possible. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Email (dd 17.4.06) from Cllr Harper reference “Recycling Hut/Quay Car Park – Burnt Out” : - (i) The Clerk said this stated the hut had been burnt to the ground, police had been informed and that there was no danger to the public. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken (19.4.06) to South Molton Recycling (SMR - who own the hut) and it had no intention of replacing it; it was going to be removed soon in any event and if any parishioner wished to have a recycling green box (and they don’t already have one – holiday lets for example) they could be provided on request to SMR. (Noted)
i) Email (dd 18.4.06) from Cllr Harper reference (a) “Lane End – Road Marking” and (b) “Parking New Road”: - (a) The Clerk said this stated that yellow lines had not been replaced at Lane End (between charter toilets and new houses) and that this had caused problems over the Easter weekend. IPC noted that this had been dealt with as at item 2604/3 (c). (Noted)
(b) The Clerk said this stated that a complaint had been received from a parishioner as regards the parking of cars in New Road (opposite Sandpipers) over the Easter weekend; one driveway entrance had been effectively blocked and the owner would like double yellow lines at this location. IPC noted that this had been dealt with as at item 2604/3 (d). (Noted)
(c) The Clerk told IPC he had notified Cllr Cann of both issues (19.4.06). (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 18.3.06) and attachment from Chairman of TTEF reference “Environment Agency Flooding Exhibition – Braunton 30th March 2006 between 10 am and 5 pm”: - Copy of flier placed on notice board at Post Office for the information of parishioners.
b) Email (dd 21.3.06) from Chairman of TTEF reference “RNLI Beach Lifeguard Training Dates 2006”: - Copy to beach cleaner for his information.
c) Email (dd 26.3.06) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “Bideford Bridge Consultation and Draft Marine Bill”
d) Ditto (27.4.06) to IPC Cllrs and others.
e) Copy letter to Chairman of TTEF (dd 27.3.06) from a Fremington parishioner reference “Mechanical Harvesting of Mussels in the Taw/Torridge”: - Clerk spoke to Chairman TTEF and confirmed this was to be discussed by TTEF at its next meeting.

(iii) Matters to note (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters and akin (Various): - (i) Email (dd 20.3.06) reference “Hill Farming Website for Uplands Charity” - see www.hillfarming.org.uk; (ii) Email (dd 23.3.06) reference “County Associations – Country Life Magazine/BT Phone Boxes” not applicable to Instow; (iii) Email (dd 23.3.06) reference “Youth Café – Drop-in Centre Project”; (iv) Email (dd 4.4.06) from CCD reference “News from the Community Council of Devon – Grants/Community Buildings – Access and Awareness”: - Copied to Cllr Harper (Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee IPHC), (v) Email (dd 5.4.06) from NALC reference “Sir Michael Lyons to Head Local Vision Conference”, (vi) Email (dd 6.4.06) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Bramford Speke Parish Council”, (vii) CCD poster reference “Two Training Days for Village Halls” – copied to Cllr Harper (Chairman of IPHC), (viii) Email (dd 7.4.06) reference “Local Council Administration – Arnold Baker” – IPC has a recent copy, (ix) Email (dd 10.4.06) reference “ACRE Conference”, (x) Emails (dd 18.4.06) reference “Clerk Vacancies at Chardstock and Gittisham”, (xi) Email (dd 20.4.06) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Mary Tavy”, (xii) Email from CCD (dd 20.4.06) reference “Opportunity to Host Dutch Research Students” and (xiii) Email reference “Free Learning Opportunity with the CWLN”.
(b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet w/c 17.3.06, 24.3.06, 31.3.06, 7.4.06 and 13.4.06
(c) Minutes of Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee Meeting of Monday 6th March 2006 and Agenda for meeting of 18th April 2006 and associated papers.
(d) Minutes of Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee (NDDC) for Wednesday 8th March 2006 and Agenda for meeting of 12th April 2006 and associated papers: - Includes IPC’s application for a beach grant 2006
(e) Letter (dd 15.3.06) from Citizens Advice Bureau” reference “Continued Support for CAB”
(f) Email (dd 17.3.06) from DCC Local Services reference “Pavement Maintenance Anstey Way, Instow between Atturm and Bridge/Seaward Side”: - Acknowledges email from Clerk (17.3.06) reporting this footpath in need of some maintenance i.e. hedge encroaching upon the footpath and making it too narrow for pedestrians/prams etc.
(g) (i) Agenda (and Minutes) for NDDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 29th March 2006 at Civic Centre (7 pm) and minutes of Meeting of Wednesday 18th January 2006: - This contains a paper of relevance to the Review of the Code of Conduct and new Ethical Code and IPC Cllrs are recommended to read this in detail. (ii) Agenda for NDDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 26th April and associated papers.
(h) Children’s Hospice News (Spring 2006)
(i) Letter (dd 21.3.06) and attachment (Travelling in Winter 2005/2006) from DCC Local Services reference “Parish Lengthsman (PL) Programme 2006/7”: - Copy passed to parish handyperson and Cllr May (IPC’s PL Liaison Cllr) for their information.
(j) Pillar Talk Postwatch (Issue 10 – Winter 2006)
(k) Email (dd 27.3.06) from Commission for Rural Communities reference “Online Survey on Rural Crime – Survey Results”: - IPC did respond to this, hence a copy of the survey results.
(l) NDDC Meeting (Agenda ands Reports) for Wednesday 5th April 2006 at 6 pm.
(m) NDDC Annual Council Meeting Agenda (Minutes and Reports) for Wednesday 5th April 2006 at 7 pm approximately: - Also includes details of Special Meetings of the Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee, Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee and South Molton Area Committee – all for 7.15 pm approx on Wednesday 5th April 2006.
(n) Email from Cllr Harper (21.3.06) reference dead sheep on beach between Oil Jetty and NDCC: - Clerk advised NDDC Environmental Health Dept who agreed to liaise with DCE and have it removed.
(o) Letter (dd 28.3.06) from Knight Frank reference “Change of Landlord’s Address/Crown Commissioners (Instow Beach): - Noted by Clerk who had already been notified by CC.
(p) Telephone call (31.3.06) from parish handyperson reference “Flotsam and Jetsam on Marine Parade from High Tides - Obstruction of Footpath/Highway”: - Clerk immediately spoke to DCC Local Services at Civic Centre and asked for urgent attention - provided.
(q) Letter (dd 29.3.06) from DCC Local Services reference “Lengthsmen Programme”: - Attaches a resume of a talk given to a branch of the DAPC reference how DCC and Parish Councils could best work together to make the Lengthsmen service as effective as possible. NB: - IPC already operates such a policy with the local services manager.
(r) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-Up (April 2006): - Copy placed in parishioners folder at post office.
(s) Email (dd 4.4.06) from Clerk to DCC Local Services reference “Damaged Grass Verge – Nr Huish turning Instow/Bideford Road”: - Acknowledged and receiving attention.
(t) Email (dd 7.4.06) from DCC Local Services reference “Small Works Gang – Instow 10th April”: - Foreman advised that grass verge (as at (s) above) and pavement maintenance (as at (f) above) required attention.
(u) Glasdon Local Council’s News-Sheet (Spring 2006 Edition)
(v) Email (dd 13.4.06) from Cllr Harper reference “Graffiti – Charter Toilets/Lane End Close”: - Clerk spoke to the parish handyman who dealt.
(w) North Devon Music Festival Brochure 2006
(x) Telephone call/correspondence (18.4.06) from Ian Davidson reference “Exercise Tiger”: - Provided/provides information of relevance to “The War Memorials Trust” Charity, its local implications (e.g. Braunton Burrows concrete landing craft etc) and the fact that a Sea King is to fly over Instow between 2 pm and 3 pm on Friday 28th April in recognition of the charity and its work. Ian Davidson’s charity is catered for by its own website – www.exercisetiger.org.uk”.

2604/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Mr N Bragg Sale of Tractor (H94 TYC) £ 5,950.00
TOTAL: - £ 5,950.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 130.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 365.00
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 50.00
Mr G May Hire of Tractor £ 38.78*
EDF Energy Car Park Machine £ 6.42
TOTAL: - £ 590.20
Key: -
* £5.78 recoverable – Vat.

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 23.3.06 (Statement) = £ 21.14+
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 31.3.06 (Statement) = £13,114.11*
Key: -
+ Clerk’s records indicate a balance of £1.14 (cheque to the value of £20 un-cashed).
* According to Clerk’s records this is £19,064.11 as at date of meeting.

IPC RESOLVED to transfer £590.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Tractor: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that because of major problems with the tractor (i.e. 4WD/transmission issues) he had negotiated with the original vendor to sell it back to him for the original cost (£5,950.00). The Clerk then provided IPC with some further detail of the problem(s) and of his protracted negotiations. He also told council that he had sought the advice of IPC’s FSC on this matter at the time and it had been unanimous in its support for the action as taken. IPC RESOLVED to ratify the decision. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk further advised IPC that other “mechanical issues” should have been found by Murch Bros when they examined the tractor on IPC’s behalf (i.e. hydraulics faulty and front axle bushes in need of replacement). He suggested that IPC ought to consider whether this should be taken up with Murch Bros bearing in mind that IPC had paid £100 + Vat for the examination/report. IPC unanimously RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC it had been necessary to hire a tractor in the interim period and this had been negotiated with Mr G May of The Barton, Instow (see expenditure above – a one off payment). IPC RESOLVED to ratify this action. (Noted)
*** Cllr May declared an interest on this issue (iii) and did not speak***
(iv) Council then discussed a replacement tractor; the Clerk provided details of a possible replacement tractor that was available from Brian Thorne of Bratton Fleming; he gave full details as outlined in a prospectus that had been provided for the purpose – cost £7,000 plus Vat (recoverable). On the basis this tractor came with a 10 day free trial offer and three month warranty period IPC RESOLVED to accept it on such terms. (Action: The Clerk)
(v) IPC RESOLVED to authorise the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk to approve, or otherwise, the final purchase of this tractor (following the 10 day free trail offer – if this expired before the next meeting) subject to it being seen “as value for money”/“mechanically sound”. (Action: Chairman/Vice Chairman and Clerk)
(vi) (a) IPC then discussed the purchase and storage of bulk diesel for the tractor; the Clerk outlined possible local points of supply/cost. (Noted)
(b) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED, in the first instant, to check on the cost of a double skinned tank for storage purposes, that is, one that would stand up to stringent health and safety requirements. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Cook declared an interest on all issues of relevance to item 5 (a), left the room and did not speak***
(b) Parish Seat Audit/Maintenance Checks: - (i) The Clerk referred to an estimate as presented by the parish handyperson i.e. £14 per seat/22 seats to re-stain/some to repair = £308. IPC RESOLVED to accept this quotation. IPC further RESOLVED to request of the parish handyperson that all necessary work is completed by the end of May. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated an amended copy of the seat inventory to them with their agenda papers – seats now total 31. (Noted)
(c) Bus Shelter Maintenance: - The Clerk referred to an estimate as presented by the parish handyperson i.e. £20 per bus shelter/7 shelters = £140. IPC RESOLVED to accept this quotation. IPC further RESOLVED to request of the parish handyperson that all necessary work is completed by the end of May.
(Action: The Clerk) (d) Beach Cleaner/Terms of Reference: - The Clerk advised IPC that the beach cleaning contractor, Mr P Cook, had signed the agreed terms of reference (5th April) between him and IPC. (Noted)
(e) Reclaiming of Vat: Not Registered: - The Clerk reported that a claim for £1264.76 (£1,041.25 for tractor) had been sent to HM Customs and Excise on 3.4.05 although a cheque had not yet been received. (Noted)
(e) Draft Annual Accounts 2005/2006: Councillors were provided with a copy for perusal/discussion at the meeting. The Clerk said it had been checked by Cllr Crombie (12.4.05) with IPC’s financial records and found to be in order. This was confirmed by Cllr Crombie. There were no questions. (Noted)
(f) Budget (Income/Expenditure) 2005/2006 against Actual (Income/Expenditure) 2005/2006: - Councillors were provided with a copy for perusal/discussion at the meeting. The Clerk said it had been checked by Cllr Crombie (12.4.05) with IPC’s financial records and found to be in order. This was confirmed by Cllr Crombie. There were no questions. (Noted)
(g) Internal Audit – January to March 2006: - Cllr Crombie confirmed he had carried out this internal audit (12.4.05) and found all to be in order. (Noted)
(h) Bank Reconciliation – 1st January 2006 to 31st March 2006: - The Clerk referred to a copy of this paper that was circulated to Cllrs at the meeting. He said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (12.4.05). This was confirmed by Cllr Crombie. (Noted)
(i) Inland Revenue – End of Year (2005/2006) Returns (P35 and P14s’): - The Clerk confirmed this had been completed and sent to the Inland Revenue (6th April); this included a P 45 for Mr P Cook (former beach cleaner employee). (Noted)
(l) Letter (undated – received 31st March 2006) from Audit Commission (AC) together with Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2006 and associated papers: - The Clerk confirmed he was to meet up with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) asap and take the necessary action; necessary papers had been forwarded to him on 5th April – NB: - Appropriate paperwork needs to be completed and returned to the AC by the 10th July 2006. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had received a further letter from the AC (6.4.06) amending part of the previous papers; copy forwarded to Mr G Day (IPC’s IA). (Noted)
(m) Letter (dd 2.3.06) from Inland Revenue reference “Gratuities and the new Taxation Regime for Pensions Schemes after 6th April 2006”: - (i) The Clerk explained that this letter was in response to one sent by IPC (17.3.06) reference item 2603/10 (5) (j) (iv). The Clerk updated IPC as to the content of the letter and his response. IPC RESOLVED to ratify the response letter. (Noted)
(ii) Letter (dd 7.4.06) from Inland Revenue reference “Lump Sum Payment on Retirement”: - The Clerk read it to IPC. (Noted)
(n) Letter (received 6.4.06) from Allianz Cornhill reference “Insurance Renewal 2006/7 – 1st June 2006”: - The Clerk advised IPC he had copied the salient papers to Cllrs Crombie and Scott (as in former years) so that each could peruse and meet up with the Clerk to review the overall cover and come back to IPC at the next meeting (18th May) and make a recommendation to full council. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this course of action. (Action: Cllrs Crombie, Scott and The Clerk)
(o) Quay Car Park: - The Clerk told IPC that the annual service for the car park machine had been booked for Friday 28th April with the car park becoming operative as of the 1st May. (Noted)
(p) Email (dd 20.4.06) from GuideStar UK reference “Instow Recreation Ground – Your GuideStar Entry”: - The Clerk said he had copied this, by email, to Cllr Trustees i.e. Cllrs Crombie, Johns, White and Green. (Noted)

2604/11 PLANNING
a) Erection of a Dwelling at Land at Lane End Close, Instow (Reference No 39545): - Cllr Mrs L Brown provided an update to IPC on the progress of this application – see item 2604/6. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 17.3.06) from NDDC Planning Manager reference “Consultation Process”: - (i) The Clerk said this stated that all planning applications (including drawings and supporting information) and other consents received by NDDC could now be viewed on NDDC’s website namely www.northdevon.gov.uk/index/lgcl_planning.htm (and click on the “Online Planning Service” link). He said this initiative meant that NDDC proposed to change its consultation process for all consultees, except parish councils; as from 1st April 2006, other consultees will still receive Planning’s standard letter requesting comments, but would no longer receive a paper copy of the application. In due course NDDC Planning would like to adopt the same approach with parish councils and in order to assess views of this change NDDC Planning had attached a proforma response form for use by IPC. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had provided them with a copy of the letter/proforma with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to advise NDDC that it would prefer to continue with the provision of hard copy plans for the future (reason: not all Cllrs had access to a PC/Internet) but that it was more than happy to provide its recommendations by way of the internet. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Increasing size of two windows at Flat 8, Estuary View, Instow (Reference No 41859): - (i) The Clerk said he had received this on 3.3.06 and had immediately passed it to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 11th April 2006 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then said that IPC’s PSC had unanimously resolved to recommend approval of this application and that NDDC had been advised by him on 5th April 2006. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 22.3.06) and attachments from Torridge District Council (Principle Planning Officer) reference “The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004”; “The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004” – “Re: Supplementary Planning Documents: Area Design Frameworks for Appledore, Westward Ho! and Northam” and The Local Government Act 2000 Re: The DAWN (Developing Appledore, Westward Ho! and Northam) – Regeneration Strategy: - (i) The Clerk said he had received this on 23.3.06 and immediately passed it to the Chairman for perusal and circulation amongst other Cllrs adding that any comments on the strategy needed to be submitted to TDC by 5 pm on 4th May 2006. He reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers adding that all documents, on the strategy, could be viewed on website www.torridge.gov.uk (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, led by the Chairman, IPC RESOLVED to note the papers and offer no comments to TDC. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 11.4.06) from Torridge District Council (Principle Planning Officer) reference “The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004”; “The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004” – Re: Consultation Draft Supplementary Planning Documents: Development Brief for Site BID10(1) North of Alverdiscott Road East-the-Water, Bideford, Torridge District: - (i) The Clerk said he had received this on 13.4.06 and passed it immediately to the Chairman for perusal and circulation amongst other Cllrs adding that any comments on the strategy needed to be submitted to TDC by 5 pm on 25th May 2006. He provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter for perusal at the meeting, adding that all documents, on the strategy, could be viewed on website www.torridge.gov.uk (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, led by the Chairman, IPC RESOLVED to note the papers and offer no comments to TDC. (Noted)
f) Letter (received 15.4.06) from NDDC reference “Outline application for erection of 2 Units of Holiday Accommodation at Land at Sandhills (SS4731SW), Instow” – (Reference No 41727): - The Clerk said this stated that NDDC had REFUSED planning permission for this application for reasons as stated; he provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter for their information. (Noted)

a) “Illegal” Signage – The Bar: - Cllr Scott enquired what NDDC was doing about the proliferation of apparent “illegal” signs throughout the village advertising The Bar public house. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to enquire of NDDC Planning. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Village Appraisal 2008: - Cllr Harper suggested that a Village Appraisal be considered in 2008. IPC RESOLVED to note this for the time being. (Noted)
c) Instow School – Footpath Stile: - Cllr Crombie said somebody had been dumping grass cuttings at this location. IPC RESOLVED to have the parish handyman look at this and deal as necessary in conjunction with the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)

