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Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns
(Chairman), Cllr G May, Ms A Mayoh, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and 8

2506/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

F Scott

a) Instow’s Community Constable (Neighbourhood Beat Manager): - The
Clerk reported that Constable Parker would not be attending the meeting
as he was off work sick and then introduced Constable Jim Benbow who had
been detailed to cover Instow in PC Parker’s absence. Constable Benbow
introduced himself and reassured Cllrs, and parishioners alike, that
although he was also responsible for Landkey and Swimbridge he had been
asked to patrol Instow for at least 2-3 days per week and that following
a brief meeting with the Chairman and Clerk, independently, was fully
aware of the pressing issues of a traffic and criminal nature that
applied to the parish. He also reassured the meeting that he had spoken
to the senior Traffic Warden at Barnstaple and that regular visits by
her staff were also in hand. The Chairman thanked Constable Benbow for
attending the meeting at short notice and for delaying a family social
engagement in order to attend. Constable Benbow said he could be
contacted on 01271 335211 for non-emergency matters. (Noted)
b) Instow - Community Policing and Traffic Issues: - (i) Community
Policing - Sergeant Peter Sarney (Neighbourhood Beat Manager Team Leader
- Barnstaple) then addressed the meeting. He said he had been sent by
Chief Inspector Sara Nutt, (who sent her apologies) in response to a
letter she had recently received from the parish council (see item
2506/8 (h)) - he reassured Cllrs that the Devon and Cornwall
Constabulary would police the parish of Instow in an appropriate manner
and it was hoped a meeting, to be arranged, between Chief Inspector Nutt
and the Chairman/Clerk, would achieve an amicable understanding and a
positive working relationship for the future. Sergeant Sarney provided a
contact telephone number (01271 335207) but stressed it should not be
used for matters of an urgent nature that should be channelled through
the usual police number (0845 2777444). (Noted)
(ii) Traffic Issues - (a) Sgt Sarney and Traffic Warden Olds briefed
Cllrs of an initiative that was in being at Woolacombe where off street
parking measures (i.e. Pay and Display, Resident Permits etc), provided
by DCC, were financing the provision of a seasonal traffic warden, 7
days a week, for the summer season. Cllrs told Sergeant Sarney and TW
Olds that such an initiative had been considered at Instow in the past
but there were insufficient off street parking opportunities for
residential permit parking (and parishioners who might be interested) to
make such a scheme financially viable. Nevertheless, the Chairman said
this was something that Council might consider for the future if only a
mini version of that which operates at Woolacombe. (Noted)
(b) TW Olds said she was concerned at the amount of abuse both she and
her staff had received from local people when they had been enforcing
local traffic orders and asked the Council for support in communicating
the message to parishioners that breaches of traffic orders applied to
all, parishioners and visitors alike. It was RESOLVED a suitable article
would be included in the next Parish News Magazine - the Clerk to brief
Cllr Scott. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) TW Olds said the policy for illegal parking was to use discretion
where necessary and to do so consistently. She said she could be
contacted for non emergency matters on 01271 335202 (Noted)
(d) Sgt Sarney finalised by saying that Chief Inspector Nutt had every
intention of attending an Instow Parish Council meeting in due course
and that he was liaising with the Clerk so as to achieve that objective.
(Action: The Clerk)

a) West Yelland, Instow and Westleigh Community on Show: - Mrs Pam
Cantle provided details of the Village Show that is to take place on
Saturday 16th July between 1 pm and 5 pm in The Parish Hall, on the
Beach and Farm Tent at The Commodore. She added it was to be opened by
Hector Christie and that Nick Harvey MP and Cllrs R Cann and Mrs L Brown
had been invited. (Noted)
b) Adopt A Beach (AAB): - Mr Peter Yeo (Chairman of IIB) advised Council
that the local AAB group were to clean the beach on Sunday 26th June and
that it would be appreciated if the Council’s beach cleaner could leave
the area of sand between the Quay and the Barnstaple side of the
Commodore untouched for the previous 3 days. IPC RESOLVED to accede to
this request. (Noted)
c) Instow in Bloom (IIB) - Beach Cleaning: - Mr Peter Yeo (Chairman of
IIB) said that IIB had discussed its ideas as to the beach cleaning
process at Instow with Andy Bell (NDCCS) and that the NDCCS would be
responding in due course - he said he believed a letter had recently
been sent to IPC (see item 2506/8 (e) (iii)). (Noted)
d) Overgrown Hedge/Footpath between Atturm and Bridge over Tarka Trail
(Marine Parade): - A parishioner commented upon the dangers this
presented to pedestrians using this footpath. It was RESOLVED to liaise
with DCC/Parish Handyperson and get the hedge trimmed. (Action: The Clerk)

a) Cllr Cann spoke on issues of relevance to County Committee Places
(Development Control, Environmental and Economy Overview/Scrutiny, North
Devon Highways and Traffic Orders, Public Rights of Way and Strategic
Planning and Regional Affairs, Devon Sea Fisheries and Devon Fire and
Rescue Authority), Yelland Road Site Visit (it was agreed to further
consider the suggested traffic refuge at Anstey Way/Rectory Lane,
possible parking restrictions in areas along Yelland Road and a virtual
footpath when the highway was next resurfaced), New Raised Pedestrian
Crossing - Marine Parade/Dunes Car Park Entrance (the provision of this
crossing was part of the planning consent for the adjacent new houses -
not related to the provision of the new charter toilet block), Ransom
Strip - Instow Facilities (New School) (feasibility study by Brian Holme
still continuing - site of new school yet to be made public although a
site location/best fit is being prepared), Local Development Framework
(see item 2506/9 (i) (c)), County Council Expenses (Cllr Cann did not
support them), Sandpipers Planning (some of the work carried out does
not have planning permission and the owners have been advised), Glass -
Instow Sand Dunes (North Devon Journal to publish an account of a local
family having collected over 100 pieces of broken glass - Cllr Cann has
advised the NDJ than IPC takes great pride in keeping the beach clean
and has arranged for NDDC’s Work’s Unit to liaise with Christie Estates
to endeavour to work together to improve the situation. (Noted)
**Cllr Ms A Mayoh declared an interest on the Sandpiper issue and did
not speak***

a) Charter Toilets - Quay Car Park: - Cllr Mrs L Brown spoke of the
proposed new Charter toilets on the Quay Car Park which she said had
been approved by NDDC’s Planning Committee on 15.6.05. (Noted)
b) Charter Toilets - Anstey Way/Lane End Close: - Cllr Harper complained
there was only one “general” toilet available at this site and asked why
the disabled toilet could not be made available to all. He added that
the overall block was smaller than the new toilets proposed for the Quay
Car Park. Cllr Cann said he would make enquiries about Cllr Harper’s
suggestion that the disabled toilet should be made available to all and
reminded Council that both sets of Charter toilets came as an agreed
package and with the previous consent/support of IPC. (Noted)
*** Cllr Ms A Mayoh declared an interest and did not speak***
c) Greensweep: - Cllr May asked for an update as regards fortnightly
collections and as to whether this was going to continue. Cllr Cann said
that by and large this initiative had been very successful throughout
the NDDC area although it was being reviewed and some areas might revert
back to weekly collections - this he added, might not necessarily be
Instow. (Noted)

2506/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the May 2005 minutes of Instow Parish Council be
approved and signed. (Noted)

(a) Item 2505/7 (iii) - Proposed Charter Toilets Marine Parade (Quay)
Car Park
(i) The Clerk advised Cllrs that he wrote (20.5.05) to the Chief
Executive NDDC (copy to NDDC Planning and NDDC Environmental Health
Depts) requesting an update on this project and consequently received a
response (letter dd 27.5.05 refers) from Mr G Barclay (Assistant
Environmental Health Officer NDDC). The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had
provided each with a copy of both letters with their agenda papers
(9.6.05). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred Council to a further item (Planning -
2506/11 (f) that was to follow. (Noted)
(b) Item 2505/10 (a) - Instow Beach/Crown Estates Lease - Lifeguards: -
The Clerk report upon: -
i) Beach Draft Risk Assessment - He said the Allianz Cornhill had
approved IPC’s draft “Beach Risk Assessment” policy (email of 1.6.05
refers). After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the policy as written
and both the Chairman and Clerk signed a copy for retention with the
minutes of the meeting. (Noted)
ii) Beach Signs - He said that South West Signs were having some
difficulties in producing the signs but he was hopeful the matter would
be resolved by the next meeting. (Noted)
iii) Beach Lease Re-assignment - Cllr Crombie said that as IPC had now
put in place all those procedures as requested by the AC that perhaps
the beach re-assignment issue could be deferred for further
consideration. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt this course
of action. The Clerk said the mooring tender was due for renewal in 2006
(for 3 years) and that perhaps this issue could be debated when the
tendering process was considered later in the year. Cllr Crombie said a
costs benefit analysis could be considered at that time if only to
update that which had been done a month or so ago. (Noted)
iv) Beach - Public Liability Insurance Cover - The Clerk said that the
public liability cover for the beach was catered for in general terms
within the “public liability” section of the policy and not specifically
as was anticipated by IPC. (Noted) (c) Item 2505/10 (b) - Sandhills
Ransom Strip: -(i) See item 2506/5 for update by Cllr Cann. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Harper reported he would like to make two corrections to the
document entitled “Proposed Instow School Facilities” which had been
sent to the Clerk by Cllr Cann as an appendix on 11th April 2005 and
subsequently copied to Cllrs. He said Mr Holme (NDDC) had highlighted
the need for more leisure, out of school activities and indoor sports.
This Cllr Harper said was incorrect, as 80% of the respondents had no
interest at all. In addition he said the document also referred to the
majority of the respondents to the questionnaire feeling that the
existing parish hall facilities were inadequate and that they would
prefer a new facility - this he said was also incorrect as there was a
50/50 split. He said the sources he had used to make the above
statements were “Instow School and Community Facilities Appraisal 1999”
and “Instow Community Appraisal 1998”. (Noted)
(iii) It was RESOLVED, after discussion, to take these issues back to
the next Ransom Strip Steering Group Committee - it was noted that Cllr
White now superseded Cllr Harper on that group having been elected Vice
Chairman at the May meeting of IPC (Cllr Harper having been a member of
the Committee by virtue of being Chairman of IPC). (Action: IPC’s Ransom
Strip Sub Committee - Cllrs
Johns, White, Ms A Mayoh and Scott together with the Clerk)
(iv) Cllr Ms A Mayoh asked whether IPC felt that Cllr Scott ought to
declare an interest as a member of this sub committee on the grounds he
was an Instow School Governor. The Clerk told Cllr Ms A Mayoh that this
was a decision that only Cllr Scott could take and that he would bring
her comments to his attention before the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) Item 2505/10 (c) - Parish Emergency Plan Update: - (i) Cllr Harper
reported upon a meeting of IPC’s EPSC that had taken place on Tuesday
14th June 2005. He said IPC would need to pay the sum of £35 to NDDC to
obtain a lottery licence if it was agreed to offer the incentive prize
of a £25 voucher (Meal for 2 at The Boathouse) to encourage parishioners
to return their questionnaire. The Clerk, as IPC’s Responsible Financial
Officer, questioned whether an outlay of £35 to distribute £25 was a
proposition that would find favour with IPC’s Audit for 2005/6. After a
discussion Cllr Cann agreed to find out whether the £35 lottery fee
could be waived by NDDC in the circumstances - Cllrs found favour with
Cllr Harper’s reasoning for the voucher and thanked him for his
initiative. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(ii) Cllr Harper reported that the questionnaire had been altered
slightly to indicate it was from IPC and not its EPSC. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Harper also reported that a new paragraph had been added at
the end of the questionnaire to the effect that “This form complies with
the Data Protection Act” and invites parishioners completing to “agree
to IPC holding these details which will be confidential and not passed
to a third party”. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Harper said that IPC’s EPSC recommended that the questionnaire
be professionally printed and that Cllr Scott had agreed to explore the
cost of such a process. (Action: Cllr Scott)
(v) It was also said by Cllr Harper that IPC’s EPSC recommended that the
questionnaire be sent out with the Parish Magazine and that Cllr Scott
was to report on this in due course. (Action: Cllr Scott)
(vi) Cllr Harper said he was prepared to deal with the collation of the
questionnaires and provide a report to IPC at the conclusion. (Action:
Cllr Harper)
(e) Item 2505/10 (e) - Instow Beach Cleaning: - (i) There was no report
from the Chairman and Cllr Ms A Mayoh reference their attendance at the
Adopt a Beach Meeting as to date no meeting had been held. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had not received a response from SWW reference
“The Pennon Fund” but that he would chase it up. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 7.6.05) and attachment from
Andy Bell (NDCCS) reference ”Beach Cleaning Methodology at Instow” - the
Clerk read it to Council. The contents, of a briefing and advisory
nature, were noted by IPC. It was suggested that parishioners might be
consulted on this issue in due course. (Noted)
(f) Item 2505/11 (i) (c) - Cob House (Picnic Site - Tarka Trail): - (i)
The Clerk advised IPC of his liaison (email dd 20.5.05) with Rupert
Hawley (Wings) and his reply of the 28th May i.e. “the project is moving
along fast now and the wall is expected to be up to full height by the
“beginning of June”. The site has been seen by the H and S Officer of
Wings and is now tidy; the next step is to put on the roof. It is
expected that the roundhouse will be completed in the next 2 months”.
The Clerk added he had sent a copy of the emails to Cllr Harper who was
overseeing the project on behalf of IPC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 8.6.05) from Rupert Hawley
together with a photograph showing the progress of the cob house to
date; it had been copied to Cllr Harper. The Clerk showed it to Council.
(g) Item 2505/11 (i) (d) - IPC Appointments Review/Cllrs Details: - (i)
The Clerk said he had circulated an amended copy to Cllrs as a draft
with their agenda papers (9.6.05) and it now required ratification. Cllr
Harper said he felt that Cllr White should, as Vice Chairman, take his
place on IPC’s Finance Sub Committee - IPC RESOLVED to adopt this
suggestion - Cllr White was in agreement. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt the Appointments list as circulated subject
to the amendment as at (i) above - Clerk to amend and circulate.
(Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk also referred to an amended copy of IPC’s Cllr details
(email addresses etc) that he had also circulated to Cllrs with their
agenda papers. IPC RESOLVED to ratify the list for publication within
the parish but asked the Clerk to provide a copy for each Cllr with
telephone numbers on in addition to email and home addresses. (Action:
The Clerk)
(h) Item 2505/14 (c) - Community Policing -Instow: - (i) The Clerk
advised IPC he had written to the Senior Police Officer at Barnstaple
Police Station (dd 20.5.05) and that he had provided them with a copy
with their agenda papers (9.6.05). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that he had received a reply letter from Chief
Inspector Sarah Nutt (dd 27.5.05 - received 2.6.05) that he had again
copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (9.6.05). (Noted)
(iii) After discussion it was RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk
should accept the Chief Inspector’s invitation to meet with her to
discuss the relationship of the parish with the police, particularly the
Neighbourhood Beat Manager but that this could not be achieved until
another “complaint issue” had been resolved between the Police and a
parishioner. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should communicate this to the
Chief Police Officer. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) (i) Note from NDDC (received 23.5.05) reference “The Licensing Act -
Amended Advice for Village Halls and Community Premises from the Police
Licensing Unit”: - The Clerk reported he had copied this to the Chairman
of the Instow Village Hall Committee and that Cllrs had been provided
with a copy with their agenda papers (9.6.05) for information. (Noted)
(ii) Letter (dd 25.5.05) and attachment from Toller Beattie Solicitors
reference “Licensing Act 2003”: - The Clerk confirmed he had copied this
to the Chairman of the Instow Village Hall Committee (with attachment)
and that Cllrs had similarly been copied in with the letter/attachment
with their agenda papers (9.6.05). (Noted)
b) Letter (undated - received 25.5.05) from Commission for Patient and
Public Involvement in Health concerning “Recruitment - PPI Forum
Members”: - The Clerk said this letter had been copied to Cllrs with
their agenda papers (9.6.05) and that he had also placed a copy at the
Post Office for parishioners. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 18.5.05) from The 1991 Tapeley Life Interest Trust
concerning “Instow Quay Car Park”: - The Clerk appraised Cllrs of the
content i.e. car park was to be tidied up in the very near future.. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 18.5.05) and attachments from NDDC (Andrew Austen)
concerning “Pre-submission Draft Statement of Community Involvement”: -
(i) The Clerk said that this letter stated that the pre-submission draft
of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for North Devon was
published on 20th May for a formal six week public consultation period
and that it could be viewed on the NDDC’s website vide
www.northdevon.gov.uk/localplan <http://www.northdevon.gov.uk/localplan>
where the form for making representations to the Local Plan was also
available. He added that representations needed to be in writing (or by
email) and must be received by the Planning Policy Unit no later than 5
pm on Friday 1st July 2005. The Clerk advised IPC that he had passed the
draft document to the Chairman (1.6.05) for consideration prior to the
meeting. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman then spoke to Council about the contents of the
document at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to invite Andrew
Austen to personally brief IPC at its next meeting and to invite
representatives from the parishes of Westleigh, Horwood, Lovacott and
Newton Tracey and Tawstock. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Email (dd 23.5.05) from DAPC reference “Village Halls - Licensed
Premises”: - The Clerk said this letter stated that many Village Halls
were applying/going to apply for a full licence and that some of these
premises acted as the meeting venue for parish and town Councils. He
added that in the Local Government Act 1972 it specifically states that
parish and town councils should not meet on licenses premises unless
there were no other premises available. He finalised by saying that the
DAPC was seeking clarification from the NALC and further guidance was
anticipated in due course. (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 31.5.05) from NDDC reference “Application for the Renewal
of a Public Entertainment (Music or Dancing) Licence” - Instow Parish
Hall: - The Clerk advised IPC that he had notified NDDC (by email
3.6.05) that he envisaged IPC would have no objection to this
application on the grounds that Instow Parish Hall was extremely well
managed by its Committee. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
g) Letter (undated - received 4.6.05) from The Countryside Agency
(Landscape Access Recreation) concerning “Conclusive Map of Registered
Common Land and Open Country for South West England (Area 6) and Map: -
The Clerk said that the CA was obliged to send copies of the relevant
section of the map (as above) to organisation such as parish councils;
hence this letter and map. He added that IPC could make the map
available for public viewing although it was not required to do so. If
it was displayed people needed to understand two things; (i) the maps
were not walking maps and must not be used as definitive evidence about
where people can walk and (ii) the new access rights would not come into
force until the Secretary of State had made a commencement order for SW
England (possibly in August 2005?). The Clerk added that the CA also
provided, with the letter/map, an information sheet. The Clerk suggested
to IPC that the map and information sheet be displayed at The Parish
Hall or Post Office -IPC RESOLVED to display the map etc at The Parish
Hall. (Action: The Clerk) h) Email (dd 6.6.05) from parishioner
reference “Instow Town - Security of School Car Park”: - (i) The Clerk
said this referred to a recent incident of youths hanging around the
school car park, revving engines and driving around - he said the police
had been informed (Log No 263) but didn’t attend. The Clerk said the
parishioner asked whether a sensor light could be fitted to deter this
form of behaviour. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Crombie (School Governor) said he had recently discussed this
situation with the Headteacher together with a Police Crime Prevention
Officer. He said acts of criminal damage had recently occurred at the
school although it was not felt the two incidents were linked. He
outlined the action proposed by the Crime Prevention Officer and
recommended to IPC that this matter was left with the School Headteacher
and Police to deal with. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this suggestion -Clerk to
advise parishioner. (Action: The Clerk) Letter (dd 7.6.05) from an
Instow beach user from Winkleigh concerning “Dog Fouling on Instow
Beach”: -The Clerk said he had spoken to the writer and thanked her for
her genuine interest and told her that the current by-laws were enforced
by NDDC but that they were, in effect, unenforceable because of the
private nature of the beach and the detrimental effect this had on the
authenticity of the by-laws themselves. The Clerk said he had assured
the writer that IPC would do all it could to keep the beach clean by
virtue of its beach cleaner and the obligations placed upon it by its
insurance company. (Noted)
j) Letter (dd 14.6.05) from Ashfords (Solicitors - Exeter) concerning
“The Quay Inn - Instow: Application for Transfer of Justices’ Licence
(Barnstaple Magistrates Court - 6th July 2005): - The Clerk appraise IPC
of details. (Noted)
k) Letter (dd 3.6.05) from Defra concerning “Clean Neighbourhoods and
Environment Act 2005”: - The Clerk said this set out the timetable for
implementing the provisions of the Act, which received Royal Assent on
the 7th April. He provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter for their
information - See item 2502/9 (i) (g). (Noted)
l) Instow Parish Council - Quality Parish Council Status (QPS)
Application: - (i) The Clerk said he was delighted to advise Councillors
that IPC’s application for QPS was ready for submission and that he had
recently had it vetted by Lesley Smith (DAPC) who has “approved” its
content. He added there was only one QP Council in the NDDC’s area to
date, Combe Martin, and none in the TDC area. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the submission of the QP Portfolio (as fully
outlined by the Clerk) - The Chairman signed the application form. The
Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the manuscript from the portfolio
for their perusal. (Noted)
(iii) Cllrs thanked the Clerk for his commitment and dedication in
putting the application together. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in
“Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 20.5.05) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF - Seaplane
Proposal”: - This email and attachment letter forwarded to IPC Cllrs by
Chairman TTEF by email and post.
b) Email (dd 26.5.05) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF Update 25th
May 2005”: - Refers to TTEF Update (25.5.05), Seaplane Proposal (Letter
from Mr Jez Wassell) - see (ii) (a) above, “What is Interpretation and
Why is it needed?” (Notes of a presentation given by Ian Parkin at the
North Devon Interpretation Strategy Workshop) and EA Bathing Beach
Results 2005. This email and attachments forwarded to IPC Cllrs by
Chairman TTEF by email and post.
c) Email (dd 26.5.05) from Secretary of TTEF reference “TTEF Meeting of
18th April 2005 - Minutes”
d) Email (dd 27.5.05) from DCC via TTEF reference “Fats Leisure Craft
Recording in the TT Estuary”
e) Email (dd 4.6.05) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Instow Beach -
Monitoring Data”: - (i) IPC to note that Instow Beach failed the
Imperative (Mandatory) Standard on 22.5.05 possibly due to storm
overflow discharging following torrential rains. (ii) Email (dd 6.6.05)
from Chairman TTEF reference this matter: - Cllrs to note comments of
Environment Agency - see (e) above.
f) Email (dd 4.6.05) from Chairman TTEF concerning “Instow, Westward Ho!
And Saunton Sands Data including Environment Agency printout: - See (e)

(iii) Matters to note (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 20.5.05) from Victims Support (Devon) concerning
“Helpline”: - Cllr Scott (Parish Magazine Editor) to note and include
therein if at all possible.
b) Letter (dd 17.5.05) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority
reference North Devon Police Authority Liaison Meeting at Council
Chambers, Civic Centre, Barnstaple on Monday 6th June 2005 at 7.30 pm: -
Copy letter sent to Cllr Ms A Mayoh (IPC’s Police Liaison Cllr) - Poster
placed at Post Office.
c) NDDC’s Members Services Weekly Information Sheet w/c 20.5.05,
27.5.05, 3.6.05 and 10.6.05
d) Report from Cllr Scott (21.5.05) reference “damaged” seat on Marine
Drive: - Seat immediately collected by parish handyperson and repaired.
(ii) Report (31.5.05) from handyman to Clerk reference seat damaged on
Marine Parade: - Collected by handyperson and repaired. (iii) Clerk sent
email (31.5.05) to Constable Parker advising him of these minor acts of
vandalism and requesting that both he and his colleagues bear this in
mind when on patrol in the area. (iv) PC Parker responded by email
(31.5.05) - Cllrs to note response.
e) Telephone call (27.5.05) from Cllr May reference “Complaint reference
hedge/footpath trimming at junction of Anstey Way/Rectory Lane (to the
Church): - Clerk spoke to Local Services Manager and matter resolved.
f) Devon Rural Transport Partnership Spring Newsletter 2005: - Cllr
Green (IPC’s Transport Cllr) to note.
g) (i) Agenda for NDDC’s Standards Committee for Tuesday 17th June 2005
at 7 pm and Minutes and attachments of meeting of Wednesday 27th April
2005 (ii) Minutes of Standards Committee of 7th June 2005.
h) (i) Agenda for NDDC’s Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee
(INRAC) Meeting of Monday 6th June 2005 at 7 pm and Minutes of meeting
of Monday 11th April 2005(ii) Minutes of INRAC Meeting of 6th June 2005.
i) Agenda of NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee
(BFIAC) for Wednesday 8th June 2005 at 7 pm and associated other minutes
and Minutes of BFIAC Meeting of 8th June 2005.
j) Letter (dd May/June 2005) from agepartnershipgroup concerning “Be
Ready - Practical Information for Employers”: - Concerns guidance on Age
Legislation which is to be introduced in 2006. IPC to note.
k) Email (dd 28.5.05) from parishioner concerning (i) “Raised Piece of
Road - Charter Toilets/Dunes” and (ii) Anstey Way/Atturm Slipway - Sign
Invisible - Illegal Parking”: - Clerk advised parishioner that (i) was
being looked into by Cllr Cann (see item 2505/8 (ii) and 2506/5) and
(ii) he would get the parish handyperson to clear away the overhanging
vegetation from the sign (done) and keep an eye on the “illegal” parking
issue himself. Parishioner thanked for the information.
l) Information from a parishioner that (i) Two Upholstered Chairs had
been dumped over the flood defence wall opposite The Quay Public House
and (ii) There was a large quantity of broken glass in the Sand Dunes
near the Boathouse - left from a BBQ: - (i) Clerk spoke to
handyperson/beach cleaner and seats moved (2.6.05) by the person who
“dumped” them there following local enquires and (ii) Broken glass
already collected by beach cleaner and disposed of.
m) Leaflet reference “Shaw’s Books, Forms and Records for Local Councils
(Parish, Town and Community Councils).
n) Village Green Magazine (Issue June 2005 - 100th Edition) - Contains
additional information i.e. “University of Gloucestershire (Local Policy
and Community Development), Working Together (From Community Planning to
Community Action) - 19th October 2005 - Filleigh Village Hall,
Certificate in Local Council Administration (Portfolio Training) - 6th
July 2005 Crediton) and CCD Business Plan 2005 - 2010. NB: - Copy of
Villager Green placed in folder at Post Office.
o) Information from a parishioner reference “Ladder left on Instow Quay
- Danger to Children”: - Clerk spoke to Cllr Cook who confirmed ladder
was the property of Instow Marine Services - he agreed to advise
proprietor (done).
p) Email (dd 6.6.05) from DAPC reference “Sports Field - Request for
help” from Mary Tavy Parish Council.
q) Adopt -a-Beach Leaflet and Poster for Beachwatch 17th - 18th
September & Report - Marine Conservation Society Basking Shark Watch
1987 - 2004 Summary
r) Letter (dd 8.6.05) from North Devon Homes reference “AGM 2005 -
Thursday 30th June 2005 Barnstaple Hotel - 11 am): - Clerk advised NDH
that IPC would not be represented.
s) Letter (dd 31.5.05) from DCC Local Services reference “Programme of
Proposed Highways Works”: - Letter copied to Cllrs with their agenda
papers and copy placed in parishioner folder at Post Office.
t) Email (dd 8.6.05) from DCC reference “DCC Newsletter June 2005: -
Full details to be found on DCC Website.
u) Letter (dd 8.6.05) from DCC P3 Coordinator concerning “Parish Paths
Workshop - 23rd June 2005 at Hatherleigh: - Clerk and Parish Handyperson
to attend - Clerk to brief Council at next meeting; letter and full
details with the Clerk.
v) Letter (dd 3.6.05) from Andy Bell (NDCCS) together with publication
concerning “Without Touching The Ground - Art in the Landscape”: -
Councillors to note.
w) NDDC Meeting Agenda for Wednesday 22nd June 2005 at 7 pm and
x) Letter (dd 9.6.05) and attachments from Devon Music Services (DCC)
concerning “New Music Festival for Young People”: - Attachments placed
in folder at Post Office for information of parishioners - copy attached
to file for attention of Cllrs.
y) Email (dd 15.6.05) from DAPC concerning “Countryside Agency - Food,
People and Place”: Concerns the identification of suitable parishes to
enable them to take a direct role in developing local food systems -
Cllrs to consider and bring back to Council if felt to be appropriate.

2506/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
NDDC Beach Cleaning Grant 2004 £1,800.00*
Car Park Takings Period ending 25th May £ 202.10
Car Park Takings Period ending 1st June £ 610.35
Car Park Takings Period ending 7th June £ 287.10
Car Park Takings Period ending 14th June £ 459.00
Weekly Car Park Ticket Period ending 18th June £ 12.00
TOTAL: - £3,370.55
Key: -
* Paid into IPC’s Lloyds TSB Business a/c by BACS payment - NDDC letter
dd 27.5.05 (Invoice No 002239) refers.
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 282.00*
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 3) £ 170.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 187.00
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 16.20
Mr R Jacob Clerks Remuneration £ 741.00
Mr R Jacob Clerks Expenses £ 390.31+
Inland Revenue Per Mr P Cook and Mr R Jacob £ 212.00
NALC Quality Parish Application Fee £ 29.38
SLCC Cost of Return of Clerk’s AQA File £ 5.00
TOTAL: - £2,064.89
* Includes P3 activity - strimming footpaths at Venn Cross, Atturm and
Water Works (£66)
+ Includes some Quality Parish expenses.
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 26.5.05 (Statement) = £ 829.38*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 4.5.05 (Statement) = £ 17,127.48+
* According to Clerk’s records - £2.43 (3 cheques to the total value of
£826.95 uncashed)
+ According to Clerks records - £20,031.23 as at 15.6.05
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,065.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account
number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to
cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Beach Grant 2004: - The Clerk reported that the beach grant for the
2004 season had finally been received (see Finance item 1 above) and
that he would soon be applying for a similar grant for the current year
2005/6. (Noted)
(b) War Memorial - Insurance: - - (i) The Clerk reminded IPC that it
needed to discuss and decide upon an appropriate level of cover (if at
all) for the war memorial - i.e. £175.44 plus IPT = £184.21 for Impact
cover and £265.74 plus IPT = £279.03 for All Risk cover; the property
damage excess of £125 applies. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of an email (dd 20.5.05) he had sent to The
Allianz Cornhill (AC) and of its response - email (dd 1.6.05) refers.
(iii) After debate IPC RESOLVED to seek to insurance the war memorial at
“all risk” rate and the Clerk was asked to liaise with the AC asap.
(Action: The Clerk)
(c) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2005:
- (i) The Clerk referrd to a letter (dd 30.5.05) he had received from Mr
G Day (IPC’s IA) concerning IPC Annual return 2004/5 together with a
copy letter from Mr Day to the Audit Commission (dd 30.5.05). The Clerk
reminded Cllrs he had copied both letters to them with their agenda
papers (9.6.05); The Clerk appraised IPC of the contents of both
letters. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed to Council that the appropriate “Exercise of
Electors’ Rights” form had been placed at John’s Post Office (together
with a copy of the relevant “Annual Return”, “Income and Expenditure
Summary” and “Council’s Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights” form”) on
the 6th June with the details of “Inspection Days” being Monday to
Friday (9 am to 5 pm) for the period 20th June to the 15th July 2005
(i.e. 20 working days). (Noted)
(d) Charity Commission - “Instow Allotment and Recreation Field” -Change
of Name: - The Clerk told IPC that he had received no response as at
16.6.05. (Noted)
(e) Mooring Fees 2005: - The Clerk reported that a second invoice had
been sent (15.6.05) to Instow Marine Services as it appeared it had not
received the original one that had gone astray. (Noted)
(f) Letter (dd 11.5.05) from Inland Revenue (IR) reference “Instow
Parish Council - Dispensation Review”: - (i) The Clerk reported that
following the advice of IPC’s IA, Mr G Day, he wrote to the Inland
Revenue (1.6.05) - the Clerk explained the content of his letter. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a reply letter (dd 8.6.05) from the IR
and outlined its content. (Noted)
(g) Lloyds Bank Business Account - Tax on Interest/Inland Revenue: - The
Clerk advised IPC that he had nothing further to report on this as of
16.6.05. (Noted)
(h) Letter (dd 6.6.05) from Victim Support (Devon) reference “Donation”:
- The Clerk appraised IPC of the content of the letter following which
it was RESOLVED not to make a donation. (Noted)
i) Email (dd 15.6.05) from Charity Commissioners reference “Latest
Edition of Charity Commission News”: - The Clerk advise Cllrs
(particularly IPC’s Cheque Signatories/Trustees of Allotment and
Recreation Ground a/c Cllrs) that said details could be found on website
<http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/tcc/newslist.asp> (Noted)
j) Letter (Dated June 2005 - received 15.6.05) from Lloyds Bank TSB
concerning “Revised Business Banking Code 2005 and Important Changes to
Business Banking Terms and Conditions”: - The Clerk said this had been
noted by him and retained with IPC’s Lloyds TSB papers. (Noted)

2506/11 PLANNING
a) (i) Erection of 8 self contained residential units together with
erection of workshop/store at The Meadows, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference
No. 39404): - The Clerk advised Council he had received an email (dd
19.5.05) from a parishioner concerning this application (as a
consequence of item 2505/6). The Clerk told Cllrs he had updated said
parishioner of the progress of this planning application (i.e. still to
be considered by NDDC’s Planning Committee having been “called in” by
Cllrs Cann and Mrs L Brown at the request of IPC) and copied the
original email and his reply to them with their agenda papers (9.6.05).
(ii) Letter (dd 9.5.05) from Sue Porteous (Registered Manager) of The
Meadows, Instow together with a copy letter from to NDDC’s Chief
Planning Officer concerning “Planning Application - The Meadows”: - The
Clerk advised Cllrs he had copied these letters to them with their
agenda papers (9.5.05). (Noted)
(iii) Letter (dd 11.6.05) from parishioner to Clerk and Cllr White
concerning “Meadows - Driveway/Access Road - Covenant”: - The Clerk
appraised IPC of the content. (Noted)
b) Retrospective application for installation of 1 fascia sign and 1
wall mounted sign at The Wayfarer Inn, Lane End, Instow (Reference No.
40056): - The Clerk advised Cllrs he had received a letter (dd 23.5.05)
from NDDC’s Planning Department and to which was enclosed details of the
signage (construction dimensions etc) of relevance to this application
and for which IPC had recommended approval at its last meeting. (Noted)
c) Retrospective application for installation of external ventilation
ductwork at The Wayfarer Inn, Lane End, Instow (Reference No 40057): -
The Clerk advised Cllrs he had received a letter (dd 205.05) from NDDC’s
Planning Department and to which was enclosed details of the ventilation
specification of relevance to the above application and for which IPC
had recommended approval at its previous meeting in May. .(Noted)
d) Extension and alterations to building at The Wayfarer Inn, Lane End,
Instow (Reference No 40194): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (31.5.05)
of this application and of having passed it to the Chairman (1.6.05) for
the attention of IPC’s PSC; for decision by 15th June. He added that an
extension had been obtained (David Heard - 9.6.05) so that IPC could
discuss it in full at the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, led by the PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend
approval of the application - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Letter (dd 20.5.05) from The Planning Inspectorate concerning “Appeal
Ref: APP/X1118/A/05/1172542 - Plot 2 Lane End Road, Instow EX39 4LE”
(NDDC Reference No 35529): - The Clerk said that this letter stated that
this appeal had been dismissed; the development proposed was alterations
to the previously approved Plot 2, Lane End Road to create new second
floor. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy of the letter
to them with their agenda papers (9.6.05). (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 6.6.05 - received 9.6.05) from NDDC Planning Department
reference “Application under Regulations 3 of the T and CP General
Regulations 1992 for demolition of existing toilet block and
construction of new Charter Toilets at Marine Car Park, Instow
(Reference No. 38516): - (i) The Clerk said this letter advised IPC that
this application was due to be considered by NDDC’s Planning Committee
at their meeting of Wednesday 15th June - 2 pm at the Civic Centre
(Council Chamber) and invited a member of IPC to address the committee
for up to 3 minutes. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised Council he had liaised with the Chairman and Vice
Chairman and it had been agreed that the Vice Chairman, Cllr White,
would attend and address the Planning Committee possibly accompanied by
Cllrs Scott/Cook. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr White confirmed he had attended the meeting, together with
Cllrs Scott and Cook and that he was pleased the application had been
approved. (Noted)
g) Extension to form owner’s accommodation (renewal of unimplemented
planning permission 28720) at Armada House, Marine Parade, Instow
(Reference No 40070): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (9.6.05) of this
application and of having passed it to the Chairman (9.6.05) for the
attention of IPC’s PSC; for decision by 27th June. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, led by the PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend
approval of the application - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Extension to Coastguard Building at the North Devon Yacht Club,
Instow (Reference No 40258): (i) The Clerk reported receipt (15.6.05) of
this application and of having brought it to the meeting for the
attention of IPC’s PSC; for decision by 4th July. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, led by Cllr White, IPC RESOLVED to recommend
approval of this application - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Johns, Ms Mayoh, Green, Crombie and Harper all declared an
interest and did not speak***

a) Overhanging Tree - Anstey Way/Marine Parade Junction - Visibility: -
Cllr May reported that some branches on a tree situated on the grass
verge to the Barnstaple side of this junction were impeding motorists
visibility. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should speak to DCC Local Services
and/or Parish Handyperson and act accordingly. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Footpath - Venn Cross to Tarka Trail/Water Leak: - Cllr May said that
water leaked from this manhole cover during times of heavy rain. It was
RESOLVED the Clerk should contact the appropriate authority. (Action:
The Clerk)
c) Anstey Way near Junction of Marine Parade/Atturm - Footpath
Obstructed: - Cllr Crombie reported that hedgerow vegetation was almost
completely overhanging the footpath at this location and causing a
danger to pedestrians. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should speak to DCC
Local Services and/or Parish Handyperson and act accordingly. (Action:
The Clerk)

