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The meeting was preceded at 7 pm by a talk given by Andrew Austen
(Senior Planning Policy Officer - NDDC) on NDDC’s “Statement of
Community Involvement”.

Present: - Councillors P Cook, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), Cllr G May,
F Scott, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 10 parishioners.

2507/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

Cllrs N Crombie, M Green, Ms A Mayoh (All IPC) and Mrs L Brown (NDDC)

a) Community Policing - Instow: - (i) Constable Benbow reported that
Instow’s Neighbourhood Beat Manager, Constable John Parker, was still on
long-term sick leave and that he was continuing to cover the Instow area
in addition to his own patch at Lankey/Swimbridge. He assured Council he
would do all he could to provide an effective service to the parish
although he wanted Cllrs and parishioners to be aware that two thirds of
North Devon’s policing strength was currently either on sick leave or
holiday. (Noted)
(ii) Constable Benbow said he understood that Chief Inspector Nutt was
soon to meet with the Chairman and Clerk so as to discuss her future
neighbourhood policing plans for Instow with them. The Clerk confirmed
this to be the case. (Noted)
b) Crime: - (i) Constable Benbow said that 5 crimes had occurred within
the parish since the last meeting namely, a burglary (that remained
undetected), criminal damage (two youths interviewed), serious sexual
assault (one person arrested), a robbery (4 persons arrested and
charged) and a theft from an unattended motor vehicle (2 persons
arrested). (Noted)
(ii) Venn Cross Bus Shelters (See also Item 2507/9 (i)): - PC Benbow
also referred to acts of criminal damage that had recently taken place
at both Venn Cross Bus Shelters (graffiti, slates broken etc) and
outlined a particular line of enquiry. He said he would continue to
liaise with the Clerk as to progress. He reminded Council that acts of a
criminal nature needed to be reported on the Devon and Cornwall
Constabulary’s general telephone number 08452 777444. (Noted)
c) Traffic Congestion - Marine Parade: - (i) The Clerk read out a letter
from a parishioner concerning traffic congestion along this stretch of
the highway particularly at weekends when the weather was fine - he
referred in particular to Sunday 17th July; the parishioner had made a
futile attempt to contact the police at the time to report the
congestion. Constable Benbow said that most of the traffic wardens based
at Barnstaple did not work on Sundays but he would speak to Chief
Inspector Nutt to enquire whether wardens could attend from Bideford on
a regular basis. He also said the Chief Constable was aware of the
“failings” of the direct telephone number and was reviewing it. (Action:
PC Benbow)
(ii) Bus Routes - Instow: - A parishioner said that congestion along the
seafront could be alleviated if all buses travelled along Anstey Way
only (as previously suggested by him - see item 2504/9 (i) (j) (ii)).
After discussion it was RESOLVED by IPC not to take this suggestion any
further at the moment (although it would be reviewed at the end of the
season and considered by IPC’s Traffic Management Sub Committee) as many
elderly residents would find it very difficult to walk to the Anstey Way
bus stops together with the fact that if motorists parked legally along
Marine Drive and kept the pinchpoints clear, traffic congestion would
not materialise. (Noted)
d) Police Surgery: - PC Benbow said he was prepared to run a police
surgery within the parish if Council and parishioners felt this
initiative to be worthwhile. After discussion it was agreed that
Constable Benbow would make himself available prior to each parish
council meeting from 7 pm onwards. (Action: PC Benbow)

a) The Quay (The Bar) Public House - Removal of Railings: - A
parishioner expressed concern that the wall railings outside of this pub
had been removed during the current renovations and if not replaced
would encourage pedestrians/users of the pub to sit thereon and obstruct
the free passage of the footway. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to
contact NDDC’s Planning Department to enquire whether a failing to
replace the railings might contravene planning regulations bearing in
mind the property was within a conservation area. (Action: The Clerk)
b) New Instow School - Feasibility Study: - A parishioner enquired
whether there was any further news about the new school site. Cllr Cann
said he would be reporting upon progress during his report. (Noted)
c) Instow Sands - Volleyball Posts/Net: - A parishioner stated that this
volleyball court had apparently been placed in the incorrect location
and asked when it was to be moved. She spoke of noise and general
disturbance issues that were emanating from the site and aggravating
householders who lived in the proximity. After discussion it was
regretfully RESOLVED that, as the volleyball court was located on a part
of the beach, owned by Devon Christie Estates, that the parishioner
would need to take the issue up with DCE directly. (Noted)
d) Instow Village Show 2005: - (i) A parishioner provided a full report
on this extremely successful enterprise adding it was hoped to run it
for the future on an annual basis. She said the event had initially been
financed by a grant although there was now a surplus that would go
towards financing other years. IPC unanimously RESOLVED to write to the
organising committee and congratulate it on such a successful venture
that had brought much credit upon them and the community at large.
(Action: The Clerk)
(ii) Wishing Tree (Village and Environment): - The same parishioner also
spoke in detail of the principle of a wishing tree that had been made
available during the day and outlined the results that had been achieved
as a consequence of her analysis of the wishes. She said there had been
89 wishes in total and that the two most popular consisted of a “park
and play area for children” and “for dog owners clear up after their
dogs”. The full file and synopsis report was made available to Council -
it was RESOLVED to give it consideration and bring it back for
discussion at a later meeting. (Action: IPC)
e) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum Report: - (i) Mrs Rose Day, Chairman
of the TTEF, provided a report on the recent activities of the Forum
speaking on such issues as Seaplane Venture, Coastal and Floodplain
Consultation, Barnstaple Downstream Bridge, Kathleen May, RNLI, Floating
Pontoon-Bideford Bridge, Fast Leisure Craft Meetings/Minutes, AONB
Meeting, Trinity House Survey, Environment Agency Catchment Strategy
(see item 2507/9 (i) (b)), Barnstaple Longbridge/Pedestrian
Consultation, and Zeta Berth Planning Application. (Noted)
(ii) Instow Bathing Water Survey/Sewage System: - Mrs Day said that as
Instow had already, this season, failed two weekly bathing water tests
that Instow beach would not now achieve the statutory standard of
bathing water cleanliness for the year. She added that heavy rainfall
earlier in the season had undoubtedly caused a slurry run-off from
fields along the Taw/Torridge and that the current local sewage problems
had unquestionably contributed as well. She said it was highly probable
that Pumping Station A (situated along Marine Parade) was causing
problems together with constrictions in the sewer pipeline in the
immediate vicinity of the pumping station and The Quay. She spoke of her
recent liaison with the Environment Agency and other associated bodies
adding that an investigation of the sewer pipes locally was continuing
to be conducted with the use of CCTV etc and that some might need
replacing. On a final and positive note, she added that the most recent
bathing water test had proven to be in order. (Noted)
(iii) Appledore Quay Wall: - Mrs Day reported that the concrete option
had been chosen by the Environment Agency (EA), following consultation,
and that a public meeting was to be held at The Blue Light Hall,
Appledore on 5th September; in addition the EA had agreed to
specifically meet up with certain local bodies, including TTEF and IPC
(Chairman and Clerk), prior to the public meeting - Mrs Day said she was
currently in the midst of arranging such a meeting and that August 24th,
25th and 26th were dates she was considering. (Action: Chairman and Clerk)
(iv) TTEF - NDDC Representative: - Mrs Day outlined a problem the TTEF
were currently experiencing with NDDC as regards its representative. She
emphasised how important this role was to the smooth and effective
running of the forum. After discussion it was RESOLVED that IPC should
write to The Chief Executive of NDDC (copy to Cllr Cann who agreed to
personally speak in support) and reinforce the need for a NDDC Officer
representation on the TTEF as a matter of some urgency. (Action: The Clerk)

a) Village Show 2005: - Cllr Cann said he wished to place on record his
congratulations to the organisers of the Village Show which he had
attended and was extremely impressed with. (Noted)
b) Bideford Bridge/Westleigh Junction: - Cllr Cann said he was aware of
further road safety concerns about this junction following a recent
accident. He added he had liaised with the local DCC Local Services
Department and that the temporary hazard speed sign was to be replaced
together with additional hazard marker posts in lieu of cones and a
further review of the junction carried out. Several Cllrs expressed
their concerns about the junction and suggested a roundabout be
considered; this would have the effect of slowing speeds down and reduce
opportunities for accidents. Cllr Cann noted this suggestion. (Noted)
c) Excess Speed -Anstey Way: - Cllr Cann said he had received several
complaints about drivers exceeding the speed limit along this stretch of
road and asked for IPC’s support in taking the matter up with local DCC
Local Services Department. IPC unanimously RESOLVED to support this -
several Cllrs were able to personally verify the complaints having
witnessed incidents themselves. It was agreed the Clerk would write to
Mr Joe Deasey (DCC). (Action: The Clerk)
d) Smell Complaints - Quay Area: - Cllr Cann spoke of his liaison with
NDDC’s Environmental Health Department and confirmed it was liaising
with the Environment Agency as regards the current problems - see also
item 2507/4 (e) (ii) and 2507/9 (i) (h) (ii). (Noted)
e) Ransom Strip - Instow Facilities: - Cllr Cann reported that DCC were
reluctant to release plans for the new school site until the School
Governors had been advised - this has resulted in a delay in progressing
the draft scheme until September. Cllr Cann then said that it was to his
knowledge that the school governors had now seen the plans and he tabled
them (footprint plans) for the consideration of IPC. He added that the
lay-by site, as preferred by DCC, was also now preferred by the school
governors as the site on the seaward side of Anstey Way was now not
considered to be best value on the grounds it was wholly within a
coastal protection area and that the sub soil was not good. He finalised
by saying that the Multi Use Games Facility would be the first project
to be started once the site had been compulsorily purchase and planning
permission had been granted. (Noted)
f) Road Resurfacing Work: - Cllr Cann said that the highway, between the
Huish Junction and Marine Parade/Anstey Way, would be resurfaced on the
25th July owing to some slack with the machine laying gang. (Noted)
g) Charter Toilets - Quay Car Park: - In answer to a question from Cllrs
White and Cook, Cllr Cann said that appropriate members and officers of
NDDC were to meet on site within the next month and that he was happy to
place on record his support for the proposed toilets which, in his view,
were crucial for the continued prosperity of Instow. (Noted)
h) Fly Tipping: - Cllr Cann said he was pleased to report that NDDC had
recently and successfully prosecuted an offence of fly tipping. (Noted)

In the absence of Cllr Mrs L Brown there was no report. (Noted)

2507/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the June 2005 minutes of Instow Parish Council be
approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2506/8 (b) - Instow Beach/Crown Estates Lease - Lifeguards: -
(i) The Clerk provided an update on the proposed “Beach Signs” - he
produced a final draft for the consideration of Council. After perusal
it was RESOLVED to approve the draft sign and order three for placement
at each main entrance to the beach (x2) and in the middle of the beach
by the steps (x1). (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk then advised IPC it was timely to discuss the advertising
of the “Moorings Tender”, the current one of which elapsed at the end of
the year. He suggested that the normal 3 year period be extended to 4
years i.e. “2006 -2009” (bearing in mind the current lease with the
Crown Commissioners expired on 31st December 2009) but that a review of
the beach lease be carried out in 2008 so as to consider such issues as
“negotiations with the Crown Commissioners to renew/re-assign? public
consultation etc”. After discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt the Clerks
suggestion but with the proviso it be made abundantly clear in the
advertisement that IPC would expect a minimum of at least £1,000 per
annum over the 4 year period. The Clerk said he would place the
advertisement in the local press during the summer recess and bring
tenders back to the September meeting of IPC for consideration. (Action:
The Clerk)
(b) Item 2506/8 (c) - Sandhills Ransom Strip: - (i) Cllr Cann reported
upon the progress of the feasibility study by Brian Holme (NDDC) - Mr
Brian Holme had still to complete his work. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Harper then reported upon his research of IPC’s minutes - i.e.
he had ascertained that on 20th January 2000 IPC had resolved to commit
£5,000 to “community recreational facilities” in the new school from the
Instow Allotment and Recreation Fund. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Harper also said he had ascertained from his research that
Fremington Parish Council (FPC) had pledged a sum of £25,000 towards
Instow’s new school. Cllr Cann said there was no provision in FPC’s
budget for such a sum and it would probably now opt out; nevertheless
this would give IPC a free hand and enable it to free up any proposals
first. (Noted)
(c) Item 2506/8 (d) - Parish Emergency Plan Update: - (i) After
discussion IPC RESOLVED to approve the payment of £35 to NDDC to cover
the cost of a Lottery Licence application (The Clerk read out a letter
from NDDC received from NDDC (dd 21.6.05)) to allow the “Meal for 2
Voucher” to form part of IPC’s Emergency Planning proforma that was to
be sent out to parishioners. (Action: Cllr Harper)
(ii) Cllrs Scott and Harper then reported on the cost of printing (£70)
of the Emergency Planning proforma, its circulation method (Parish
Magazine) and collation of responses (Cllr Harper). IPC RESOLVED to
approve the printing costs and thanked Cllrs Harper and Scott for their
work. (Action: Cllrs Harper and Scott)
(iii) Cllr Harper then briefed IPC on an initiative entitled “ICE” -
after discussion IPC RESOLVED that this excellent initiative should
appear as an entry in a forthcoming Parish Magazine. (Action: Cllr Scott)
(d) Item 2506/8 (e) - Instow Beach Cleaning: - (i) There was no report
available from Cllr Ms A Mayoh reference her attendance at a recent
Adopt a Beach Meeting - the Chairman had not attended. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported on a response he had received from SWW reference
“The Pennon Fund”; he referred to a letter (dd 21.6.05) that said that
no funds were available to IPC for beach cleaning. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr May mentioned that perhaps that Devon Waste Management Ltd
(Financial Grant Support/Land Tax Credits Funds) could be another
possible source of funding - it was RESOLVED the Clerk should take the
necessary steps to find out and report back to IPC. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) The Clerk reported that he had been in liaison with NDDC (Cllr Cann
and Environmental Health Department) and secured a supply of black waste
bags for use by the beach cleaner and an agreement to collect IPC’s
rubbish (free of charge) following further publicity as regards broken
glass found in the sand dunes. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk also advised IPC that he had recently spoken to a
solicitor at County Hall (specialising in rights of way, countryside
issues) and checked on the legal implications of IPC cleaning the sand
dunes (and parts of Instow beach owned by DCE) particularly as they had
now been deemed “Open Access Land” albeit they still “apparently”
remained in the ownership of DCE. The Clerk referred to an email from
Cllr Harper (dd 17.6.05) together with a printout from the defra
website. The Clerk said the DCC Solicitor had advised him that there was
no reason why IPC shouldn’t continue to carry out this “community
spirited initiative” but should write to DCE and clearly state that IPC
did so “Without Prejudice” (and to copy the letter to IPC’s insurance
company, the Allianz Cornhill). After discussion it was RESOLVED to
adopt the recommendation of the DCC solicitor. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Item 2506/8 (g) - IPC Appointments Review: - (i) The Clerk reminded
Cllrs he had circulated an amended copy to them with their agenda papers
(14.7.05); IPC RESOLVED to ratify said copy. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy of IPC Cllr
address/email details (including telephone numbers) with their agenda
papers (14.7.05); IPC RESOLVED to ratify said copy. (Noted)
(f) Item 2506/8 (h) - Community Policing - Instow: - (i) The Clerk
advised IPC he had written to Chief Inspector Sara Nutt (dd 20.6.05) a
copy of the letter having been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda
papers (14.7.05). He further reported that said letter had been
acknowledged by answer phone (28.6.05) and that the Clerk and Chairman
were to meet up with C/Inspector Nutt in the very near future so as to
discuss her Community Policing plans for Instow. (Noted)
(g) Item 2506/9 (i) (l) - Instow Parish Council - Quality Parish
Application: - The Clerk reported he had personally taken IPC’s QP
application portfolio to County Hall on Tuesday 21st June and that the
NALC QP accreditation panel were to meet on the 25.7.05 to review it. He
agreed to update Cllrs as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Email (dd 22.6.05) from NDDC reference “House to House Collection -
Bideford and District Sea Cadets for period 4th to 9th July 2005: - The
Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this was a bone fide and
local charity he had advised NDDC (email of 22.6.05 refers) that he
anticipated IPC would have no objection to the application. IPC RESOLVED
to ratify this decision. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 28.6.05) and booklet attachments from Environment Agency
reference “Have Your Say - The Taw and North Devon Streams Catchment
Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS) - Consultation Document”: - The
Clerk advised Cllrs that this consultation document invited comments on
the proposed strategy and key issues with a deadline for receipt of
responses being 23rd September 2005. He said he had passed a copy of the
letter and consultation booklets to the Chairman (8.7.05) for perusal
before the meeting. After debate it was RESOLVED that the Clerk and
Chairman should liaise and respond on behalf of Council having first
taken guidance from IPC’s Environment Consultant, Mrs R M E Day.
(Action: Chairman and Clerk)
c) Email (dd 29.6.05) from parishioner reference “Parking in Instow -
Resident Parking?” - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy
of the letter to them with their agenda papers (14.7.05). After
discussion it was RESOLVED to advise the parishioner that resident
parking in Instow had been considered in the past but that it had not
been found to be cost effective particularly from an enforcement point
of view - Clerk to advise writer. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Complaint by Clerk to DCC Local Services Manager (LSM) (29.6.05)
concerning “Defective Pavement - Marine Parade”: - The Clerk advised IPC
that because of the many small potholes along the seafront pavement that
required repair he had spoken to the DCC Local Services Manager. As a
consequence he had told the Clerk that he would like to know what
surface IPC would prefer to have on this footway; tarmacadam, as at
present, or paving slabs such as had been laid near the shops/Quay area.
After discussion it was RESOLVED to support slabs and the Clerk was
asked to tell the DCC LSM. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Letter (dd 30.6.056) from Ashfords (Solicitors) reference “The Quay
Inn, Instow”: - The Clerk said this referred to a recent licensing
application (item 2506/9 (i) (j)) and stated that “The Quay Inn” would
be changing its name to “The Bar “ and not “The Barr” as was previously
stated. (Noted)
f) Telephone call (6.7.05) from Leader of Bickington Brownies reference
“Brownie Badge - Beach Clean (19.7.05) ”: - (i) The Clerk told IPC he
had advised the caller that in view of legal/insurance implications she
ought to make her request in writing so the matter could be officially
considered by IPC. The Clerk said he had further advised the caller to
speak to the “Adopt a Beach” (AAB) organiser at Instow and to ensure her
brownies were suitably equipped/dressed when on the beach clean. IPC
RESOLVED to support this decision as taken by the Clerk. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 6.7.05) received from a
Brownie Guider stating that the beach clean was to be carried out under
the supervision of Val Robson (AAB) that the brownies would be suitably
equipped/supervised and that said activity would be covered by the
insurance of the Guide Association who took responsibility for the
event. The Clerk told IPC he had spoken to the writer and had, on the
strength of her letter, given her the blessing of IPC. IPC RESOLVED to
ratify this decision. (Noted)
g) Email (dd 3.7.05) and attachment from Cllr Harper reference
“Fairtrade Towns Initiative”: - Cllr Harper briefed IPC on this concept
- Cllrs had been provided with a short briefing document with their
agenda papers (14.7.05) for perusal prior to the meeting. After a brief
discussion it was RESOLVED to take NFA. (Noted)
h) (i) Email (dd 7.7.05) and attachment from Chairman of TTEF concerning
“Instow, Westward Ho and Saunton Sands Beach Data” and (ii) Emails etc
(1.7.05 etc) “Sewage Smells - Marine Parade/Quay areas”: - (i) The Clerk
said that this email stated that Instow had had its second failure for
the year which meant that Instow beach would now fail the
imperative/mandatory standard for 2005. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had been variously advised by the Chairman of the
TTEF and Cllr Harper/Parishioner of sewage smells in the vicinity of
Marine Parade/The Quay and that DCC (Cllr Cann), the EA and SWW had been
advised and that appropriate action had been taken. Cllr Cann and Mrs R
Day (Chairman TTEF) provided an update report - see items 2507/4 (e)
(ii) and 2507/5 (d). (Noted)
i) Received information from handyperson (6.7.05) and parishioner
(7.7.05) concerning “Vandalism at Venn Cross Bus Shelters”: - (a) The
Clerk said he had visited the shelters with the handyperson (8.7.05) and
discovered that IPC’s notice board had been damaged (glass door
shattered, cork backing ripped off), roof slates damaged, and graffiti
over the ceilings and plastic windows. The Clerk said he had made
certain enquiries at the scene, and elsewhere, and discovered
information of relevance to three suspects; he said he had notified PC
Benbow by email (8.7.05) - see item 2507/3 (b) (ii) for update by PC
Benbow. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk reported that the handyperson had repaired the notice
board and that he suggested it be replaced in the bus shelter on the
seaward side of Anstey Way for security reasons. IPC RESOLVED to support
this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 - Control of Dogs: - The
Clerk reported he had been researching this act, particularly Sections
55 - 59, and as a consequence had been in liaison with the Environmental
Health Department of NDDC (Andrew Millie) in the hope the impasse as
regards the current dog by-laws on Instow beach could be resolved. The
Clerk reported upon progress to date that provided encouragement for the
future. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in
“Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 8.7.05) from Chairman TTEF to members of TTEF and IPC Cllrs
reference “TTEF Braunton Burrow File - Contents”: - Contains documents
of relevance to Braunton Burrows File, Christie Estates, English Nature,
Ministry of Defence, NDCCS: Biosphere Reserve Coordinator, UK Man and
The Biosphere Committee, Braunton Marsh Inspectors, Braunton Parish
Council, ND Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, DCC, TTEF and Contact
Details. Note: Next meeting of TTEF - Monday 18th July at 7 pm -
Bideford Town Hall.
b) Email (dd 13.7.05) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Seaplane
Proposal”: - States that this proposal is now not to take place - full
reasons contained in the email.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of
a) Email (dd 19.6.05) from Cllr Harper reference “FYI - BBQ on Beach”
b) Letter (dd 21.6.05) from parishioner reference “Defective Street
Lights near Marine Court Flats and Quay Car Park”: - Clerk spoke to
appropriate authority and matter resolved - parishioner kept informed.
c) (i) Email (dd 22.6.05) from a resident of West Down and (ii) Email
(dd 28.6.05) from residents of Canada reference “Congratulations -
Instow Website/Web cam”: - Emails acknowledged by the Clerk and copies
sent to Cllr Harper (IPC’s Webmaster) so that owner of website could be
d) Email (dd 21.6.05) from Cllr Harper reference “Seat Vandalism - Flood
Defence Wall”: - Clerk advised Cllr Harper that handyperson already
aware and had the matter in hand - subsequently repaired.
e) Emails (dd 25.6.05 and various) from Cllr Harper reference “Vandalism
(Planters) - Methodist Church”: - Description of suspect youths passed
to Constable Benbow/Methodist Church notified by Cllr Harper.
f) DCC P3 Summer Workshop - Hatherleigh/Thursday 23rd June 2005: - Clerk
attended with handyperson - implications of the CROW Act etc (see item
2506/9 (iii) (u)).
g) Devon Playing Fields Association - AGM/Thursday 28th July 2005 at
Dolton Village Hall, Dolton, Torridge
h) Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee - Agenda for Meeting
of Monday 4th July 2005 at 2.30 pm, minutes of meeting of 18th May and
8th June and 4th July.
i) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet dd 17.6.05, 24.6.05,
1.7.05, 8.7.05 and 15.7.05.
j) Agenda of NDDC’s Standards Committee for Monday 11th July 2005 at 7
pm - Civic Centre, Barnstaple together with minutes of meetings of 7th
June and 11th July 2005.
k) DCC “In Touch” Monthly News Round-Up (July 2005): - Full details can
be found on the DCC Website - copy to Post Office for information of
l) Telephone call from Vice Chairman (1.7.05) reference “Dumping of
rubbish (rubble and hedge trimmings) on Tarka Trail - Old Signal”: -
Passed to Andy Bell (NDCCS) for attention.
m) (i) DAPC Newsletter (July/August 2005 together with information on
“CPPIH Recruitment, Devon Local Access Forum Annual Report 2004/5,
Training Opportunities for Clerks (x3) and Pointers to Good Practice” (A
Guide to Town and Parish Councils) and (ii) Letter from DAPC (undated)
concerning “Latest Training Events” namely New Chairman’s Training Day
(15.9.05) and Planning - Master Class (11.10.05)
n) Telephone call (5.7.05) from GBH Engineering reference “Skateboarding
Park”: Referred to a previous “engagement” with IPC reference a
skateboarding park - Clerk advised caller this was unknown to him and
that GBH must be confusing IPC with another parish council (or it was a
marketing ploy?)
o) Clerks and Councils Direct (July 2005) - Issue 40.
p) Agenda for NDDC Meeting of 20th July 2005, Minutes of Meeting of 22nd
June 2005 and Pre-Audit Copy of NDDC’s Annual Statement of Accounts 2005
(Year Ended 31st March 2005)
q) Letter (dd 8.7.05) and attachment from DCC (County Environment
Director) concerning “Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Devon”: -
States that said strategy had been developed with District Council and
Environment Agency partners and forms the strategic basis for waste
management policy over the next 30 years. For noting by IPC.
r) Email (dd 19.7.05) from DAPC concerning “New Website - Rogue
Tradesmen” - For noting by IPC and possible entry in parish magazine -
Cllr Scott to note.

2507/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Instow Marine Mooring Fees 2005 £ 680.00
Car Park Takings Period ending 22nd June 2005 £ 354.60
Car Park Takings Period ending 29th June 2005 £ 450.00
Car Park Takings Period ending 6th July 2005 £ 209.50
Car Park Takings Period ending 13th July 2005 £ 564.00
Car Park Takings Period ending 20th July 2005 £ 515.20
Lloyds TSB Interest Business A/C (5/05) £ 21.41
Ditto Ditto (6/05) £ 27.25
Ditto Tax Refund Business A/C (6-05) £ 18.33
Ditto Ditto £ 63.78
Ditto Ditto £ 17.60
Inland Revenue Tax Refund (Lloyds TSB B a/c 2003/4) £ 19.15
Ditto Ditto (Lloyds TSB B a/c 2004/5) £ 64.33
TOTAL: - £3,005.15
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 468.00=
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 4) £ 170.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 425.49
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel/Transmission& Gearbox Oil £ 39.92+
Inland Revenue Per Mr P Cook £ 29.51
Allianz Cornhill War Memorial Insurance 2005/6 £ 266.79
SWEB Energy Car Park Machine £ 18.34
Allianz Cornhill Tractor Insurance 2005/6 £ 107.00*
DAPC AGM - Clerk’s Attendance (1.10.05) £ 15.00
NDDC Lottery Licence/EPSC £ 35.00 TOTAL: - £1,607.05
Key: -
= Includes £36 P3 activity (Summer Workshop Hatherleigh 23.6.05 and
hedge trimming/Atturm-Bridge (Marine Parade) and Anstey Way (see 2506/4
(d) and 2506/12 (c )).
+ £23.72 for Transmission/Gearbox Oil
* £97.51 in 2004/5
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 23.6.05 (Statement) = £ 63.92*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 30.6.05 (Statement = £18,919.20
* According to Clerk’s records - £2.54 (2 cheques to the total value of
£61.38 uncashed)
+ According to Clerks records - £20,971.38 as at 21.7.05
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £1,608.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account
number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to
cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Beach Grant 2005: - The Clerk reported that the beach grant for the
2005 season had been submitted to NDDC; he explained the details.
(Noted) (b) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st
March 2005: - The Clerk reported that no parishioner(s) had requested to
view the Council’s financial records/audit papers to date - he reminded
Cllrs that the relevant “Inspection Days” were Monday to Friday (9 am to
5 pm) for the period 20.6.05 to 25.7.05. (Noted)
(c) (i) Charity Commission - “Instow Allotment and Recreation
Field”/Change of Name: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that he had received
a letter (dd 21.6.05) from The Charity Commission (CC) noting the change
of name of this account but pointing out that a charity’s name may only
be formally changed if its governing document includes a power that
enables this to be done and this, apparently, does not apply to the
“Instow Recreation Ground Account 300872”. In view of this the CC has
placed the new name on their register as a working name (as part of the
charity’s particulars) as required by the Charities Act 1993. (Noted)
(ii) Allotment Field Account/Historical: - (a) Cllr Harper said he had
been researching the archived records of IPC and established that “the
monies received by the parish from the above sales are now invested and
held for any future purchase of land suitable for allotments” - see IPC
Minutes of 16th March 1961. In addition, the Allotment Field was sold to
the Christie Trustees in 1930 for £135.0.0 (IPC Minutes 1937 - 1974) and
the money received deposited in the Allotment Account - this boosted the
balance from £56 in 1931 to £205 in 1932 (Payment and Receipts book
1932). By 1982, with accruals over the years, there was £2,708.48
(Receipts and Payments Account Book 1991/1992) in the account. In 1992
the account was closed and the money transferred to the Instow Welfare
Trust which had a balance of £1.38 - Cllr Harper said he had been unable
to find any documentation that gave the rationale for the transfer. Cllr
Harper went on to say that on the 29th March 2004 the Instow Welfare
Trust was wound up and the money transferred to the Charities Official
Investment Fund (COIF). The Clerk reminded IPC that it had in fact been
transferred to the Devon Community Foundation (DCF), a Devon countywide
charity with identical aims and objectives as the Instow Welfare Trust
and that would be equally available to Instow residents as before. (Noted)
(b) Cllr Harper said he would like IPC’s Finance Sub Committee to verify
his findings and if found to be correct to retrieve the money from the
DCF or if this is not possible to transfer from the general account an
appropriate sum of money to a new account for the purchase of an
allotment field. After discussion it was RESOLVED that IPC’s FSC would
be asked to consider Cllr Harper’s findings and report back to IPC in
due course. (Action: IPC’s FSC)
(iii) Email (dd 19.7.05) from Charity Commissioners reference “Trustee
Vacancies”:- The Clerk outlined the crux of this message. (Noted)
(d) Lloyds Bank Business Account - Tax on Interest/Inland Revenue: - (i)
The Clerk advised IPC that Lloyds TSB had credited IPC with a total of
£99.71 (23.6.05 - Business a/c) and that (ii) The Inland Revenue had
sent two cheques (received 7.7.05) amounting to £83.48 i.e. £19.15 for
2003/4 and £64.33 for 2004/5; this had been banked; see Income as at 1
above. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that it was highly likely that IPC had been
double credited for tax refund for the years 2003/4 and 2004/5 from both
Lloyds TSB and The Inland Revenue. He suggested he liaised with Lloyds
TSB and resolve the matter asap. IPC RESOLVED to support this
suggestion. (Action The Clerk)
(e) Email (dd 20.6.05) from Charity Commissioners reference “Latest
Edition of Charity Commission News - Corrections”: - The Clerk advised
Cllrs (particularly IPC’s Cheque Signatories/Trustees of Allotment and
Recreation Ground a/c Cllrs) that the CORRECTED details could be found
on website www.charitycommission.gov.uk/tcc/newslist.asp
<http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/tcc/newslist.asp> - he said he had
provided a hard copy of said email to Cllrs Johns, White, Crombie and
Green. (Noted)
(f) Letter (dd 9.5.05 - not received until 18.6.05) from DBA/Defence
Agency reference “Email Address - Bill Payment Queries”: - The Clerk
confirmed he had responded as requested - relevant details sent by email
(20.6.05). (Noted)
(g) Parish Seat Inventory: - (i) The Clerk reported that he and the
parish handyperson had checked all parish seats on Wednesday 29th June
and found all to be in order. He said the handyperson had repaired all
those seats identified as requiring maintenance at the last check
(19.1.05) and all condemned seats had been removed. He added there were
still some seats that require re-staining (x11) and that this should be
completed within the next week or so, weather dependant. He added that
IPC currently had 27 seats and there were at least three new donated
seats anticipated in the next month or so. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the handyperson’s weekly “insurance” seat
checklist had been updated. (Noted)
(h) Internal Audit - April to June 2005: - The Clerk reported that Cllr
Crombie had carried out this internal audit (13.7.05) and found all to
be in order. (Noted)
(h) Bank Reconciliation - 1st April 2005 to 30th June 2005: - The Clerk
referred to a copy of this paper (signed by Cllr Crombie) circulated to
Cllrs at the meeting; he said all figures had been checked and confirmed
by Cllr Crombie (13.7.05). (Noted)
(i) Letters - CT620-ACK (x2) from Inland Revenue (dd 30.6.05) concerning
“Company Tax Return for periods 6.4.03 to 5.4.04 and 6.4.04 to 5.4.05”:
- The Clerk said this informed IPC there were no issues outstanding.
(j) IPC - Chairman’s Chain of Office: - (i) The Clerk reported he was in
the process of having IPC’s Chairman’s Chain of Office re-valued by Mark
Parkhouse (MP) (Antiques and Jewellery) of 106 High Street, Barnstaple
(Charge will be 1.5% of valuation) as suggested by IPC’s Internal
Auditor for insurance purposes. (Noted)
(ii) In addition, the Clerk said he had requested that MP provide a cost
of engraving for plaques for past/current Chairmen (x4); he had been
advised that each plaque would cost £38 plus Vat (silver then gold
plated) and engraving between £3 (minimum) and £5 (maximum) per digit -
there were approximately 52 digits in all; therefore minimum cost £150
and maximum £250 for engraving. The Clerk reminded Cllrs that the
current valuation of the chain of office on IPC’s insurance policy was
£157.59. (Noted)
(iii) After discussion it was RESOLVED the Clerk should look elsewhere
to get the engraving done on the grounds that the MP estimate was going
to cost IPC something in the region of £328.60 (minimum) and £428.60
(maximum) plus the valuation cost. It was felt that to spend this amount
of money on engraving/estimating the value of a chain of office was an
inappropriate use of public monies. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk
should liaise with the Chairman and Vice Chairman during the summer
recess, if a more realistic estimate could be achieved, so that the
engraving/estimate could proceed without undue delay.(Action:
Chairman/Vice Chairman and Clerk)
k) Letter (dd August 2005) concerning “Vitalise (formerly known as The
Winged Fellowship Trust (TWFT)) concerning”: - The Clerk said this
letter advised IPC of the re-launch of TWFT as Vitalise (providing
services to disabled people and carers) and “suggested” that IPC might
like to forward a grant. After a discussion it was RESOLVED not to
provide a grant. (Noted)
l) Grass Cutting Contract 2006-2008: - The Clerk advised IPC he would be
advertising this during the summer recess and would bring back the
quotes for consideration at the September meeting. (Noted)
m) Letter (received 20.7.05) from Inland Revenue concerning “Employer
Talk 2005 Presentation - Exeter University, Exeter on Thursday 22nd
September 2005: - The Clerk advised IPC he had made a note of this
presentation and might attend, if available. (Noted)

2507/11 PLANNING
a) Letter (received 25.6.05) from NDDC Planning Department reference
“Application under Regulations 3 of the T and CP General Regulations
1992 for demolition of existing toilet block and construction of new
Charter Toilets at Marine Car Park, Instow (Reference No. 38516): - The
Clerk reported that this letter advised IPC that this application had
been GRANTED by NDDC with conditions as listed; letter copied to Cllrs
with their agenda papers (14.7.05). (Noted)
b) Letter (received 25.6.05) from NDDC Planning Department reference
“Retrospective application for installation of external ventilation
ductwork at The Wayfarer Inn, Lane End, Instow (Reference No 40057): -
The Clerk said this letter advised IPC that this application had been
GRANTED by NDDC with conditions as listed. (Noted)
c) Letter (received 25.6.05) from NDDC Planning Department reference
”Outline application for erection of dwelling set in existing walled
garden (amended road alterations) at garden of The White House, Lane
End, Instow (Reference No 39423): - The Clerk told Council this letter
advised IPC that said application had been REFUSED by NDDC for reasons
as listed - letter copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.7.05).
d) Erection of replacement conservatory at Flat 3, Instow House, Marine
Parade, Instow (Reference No 40398): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of
this application (25.6.05) and of having sent it by post to the Chairman
(25.6.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC - for decision by 14th July; if
not, an extension would need to be applied for. This had been done by
Clerk (15.7.05) and extended until 22.7.05. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, lead by the PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend
REFUSAL of the application on the grounds that the proposed replacement
conservatory was not in keeping with the original building or
appropriate in a conservation area - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The

RESOLVED that Standing Order No. 4 be suspended to allow the outstanding
business, in front of Council, to be concluded. (Noted)

2507/13 PLANNING (Continued)
a) Erection of dwelling (additional drawings) at land at Lane End Close,
Instow (Reference No 39545): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of this
application (1.7.05) and of having sent it by post to the Vice Chairman
(1.7.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC - for decision by 20th July; if
not, an extension would need to be applied for This had been done by the
Clerk (15.7.05) - extended to 22.7.05. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Council that when this application was last
considered by IPC (March 2005) Council had unanimously RESOLVED to
recommend REFUSAL on the grounds: - “The application was contrary to the
“open” space design of the estate, it would bring about the loss of an
open space amenity, would create hazards of a road traffic nature and
there was a current condition to landscape this plot as an amenity area
- this has not been complied with”; in addition IPC had asked Cllrs Cann
and Mrs L Brown to “call” this application in for consideration of
committee. (Noted) (iii) After deliberation, lead by the PSC, IPC
RESOLVED to again recommend REFUSAL on the grounds that the amended
plans did nothing to convince the parish council that its original
recommendation of March 2005 should be altered - it was felt that the
amended plans did not alter the view of the parish council that traffic
hazard issues were of much concern and that this view was still relevant
- Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (received 2.7.05) from NDDC reference “Retrospective
application for installation of 1 fascia sign and 1 wall mounted sign at
The Wayfarer Inn, Lane End, Instow (Reference No 40056): - The Clerk
said this letter stated that NDDC had GRANTED this application with
conditions as listed. (Noted)
c) Alterations to dwelling at Two Bar View, Marine Parade, Instow
(Reference No 40446): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of this
application (4.7.05) and of having passed it to the Vice Chairman
(1.7.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC - for decision by 22nd July.
(ii) After a discussion, lead by the PSC, it was RESOLVED to recommend
this application be GRANTED - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Demolition of existing and erection of new extension to dwelling at
Westaway, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 40468): - (i) The Clerk
reported receipt of this application (7.7.05) and of having passed it to
the Vice Chairman (8.7.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC - for decision
by 25th July. (Noted)
(ii) After deliberation, lead by the PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend this
application be GRANTED - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Johns declared an interest on this application, left the room
and did not speak***
e) Letter (received 16.7.05) from NDDC Planning Department reference
“Extension and alterations to building at Wayfarer Inn, Lane End, Instow
(Reference No 40194): - The Clerk advised Council that this letter
advised IPC that this application had been GRANTED by NDDC with
conditions as listed. (Noted)
f) Circular 18/84 application notification by the Ministry of Defence in
respect of replacement of fuel tanks and interceptors at Atturm
(Instow), Sandhills, Instow (Reference No 40556): - (i) The Clerk report
receipt of this application (18.7.05) and of having passed it to the
Chairman (20.7.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC - for decision by 5th
August. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, lead by the PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend this
application be GRANTED - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr White declared an interest on this application, left the room
and did not speak***

a) Anstey Way Lay-By: - Cllr White said he was concerned at the amount
of chippings that were being deposited at this location by DCC
particularly as they were being spread throughout the whole of the
lay-by by vehicles driving in and amongst them. Although it was
recognised by IPC that this particular part of said lay-by was the
property of DCC Highways, and not part of the lay-by open to the public,
it was RESOLVED the Clerk would have a word with the DCC Local Services
Manager for Instow to endeavour to resolve this issue. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Overgrown Hedge - Rectory Lane near School: - Cllr Cook reported that
the hedge at this location was overgrown and a danger to pedestrians and
road users. The Clerk said he had recently spoken to the DCC Local
Services Manager about this issue and he was about to send a letter to
the landowner to instruct him to cut the hedge. (Noted)
c) Slipped Hedge - Atturm to Bridge: - Cllr Johns said he had received
complaints that this hedge had slipped and was causing a long term
obstruction to the pavement despite it having been strimmed by the
parish handyperson within the last week or so. It was RESOLVED that the
Clerk should contact the DCC Local Services Manager so he might liase
with the landowner and ask that he taken action to rectify the problem.
(Action: The Clerk)
d) Overgrown Hedge - Atturm to Slip Road (Anstey Way): - Cllr Johns said
he had received complaints that this verge was overgrown and encroaching
on the pavement. It was RESOLVED the Clerk would get the handyperson to
deal with this matter asap. (Action: The Clerk)

