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12th FEBRUARY 2009 2009 AT 7.30 PM

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

The meeting was preceded by a talk/questions and answers session led by Mr. Keith Bines, Lead Planning Officer (NDC Planning and Development Services)

Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, C Harper, M Green, A Johns, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 2 parishioner.

2902/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

PCSO D Cornish

a) Crime: -
PC Hodgson reported that 2 crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, a no crime domestic assault and one offence of criminal damage to property for which enquiries were in hand. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
PC Hodgson reported that 5 incidents had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, x1 suspicious activity vehicle in Sandhills car park, x1harassment between family members and x3 silent/type talk 999 calls. (Noted)
c) Speeding Enforcement: -
PC Hodgson said PCSO Dan Cornish was soon to go on a speed gun instructor’s course and that further enforcement action would follow in the parish. (Noted)
d) Community Policing Instow: -
PC Hodgson said the community policing team within Fremington and Instow was soon to be complemented by PCSO Tony Charles and a new PCSO who had yet to be appointed. (Noted)
There were no items from parishioners. (Noted)
(a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke on “Cardboard Collections” (to be removed from green wheelie bins and placed in brown bags for kerbside collection), “Community Day 2009 - Funding” (£471.39 provided from County Fund), “Extension of 30 mph speed limit in the Bideford direction” (£1,700 cost secured from Exeter Airport funds), “New School Site” (been pressing for an early decision) and “Parish Plan” (would be happy to help fund it). (Noted)
(b) Gateway Project: -
Cllr Cann reported that progress was ongoing and that he had been working closely with Cllrs White, Green and Mrs Dipper (representing IPC) and Cllr Moores (NDC). He added it was now most important to be provided with the final estimate of costs for the project, including dimensions, siting etc, if he was to be successful with a funding bid. He added that DCC Highways would be responsible for a safety audit and would be responsible for the mounting of the plinths and highways “markings”. (Noted)
(c) Children’s Play Area: -
Cllr Cann reported he had met up with the Chairman (Cllr White), the Clerk and Andy Bell (NDCCS) on Friday 6th February at the Sand Dunes Car Park to reconsider the use of part of this area, believed owned by DCC, as a small play area for children. Andy Bell had suggested that some wooden play equipment built into the contours of this land might be acceptable in environment terms with minimal impact. He added that it was felt worthy of pursuing albeit that in the first instant it was necessary to explore the ownership issue in more detail; this he added was being done by Andy Bell and other DCC Officers. (Noted)
(d) Condition of Footpath – to Second Sand Hills: -
Cllr Cann said he had taken the opportunity of inspecting this footpath/lane (down passed the cricket club leading to the second sand hills) that was in a very poor condition and it was suggested that DCC be asked to provide some road scrapings to improve passage along it and by doing so make it more user friendly for disabled persons. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action.
(Action: Cllr Cann/The Clerk) (e) Pedestrian Islands – Anstey Way: -
(i) Cllr Cann said it had been agreed by DCC Local Services to build three pedestrian islands within the 30 mph area of Anstey Way with a view of improving road safety for pedestrians and reducing the speed of motorists. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr White asked whether one could also be placed on Anstey Way at its junction with Rectory Lane. He said this stretch of road was regularly used by schoolchildren and their parents and local residents who used the bus stops on either side of the highway. IPC RESOLVED to support this request. Cllr Cann said he would take this request back to DCC Highways. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(f) B3233 Westleigh/Tapeley Park to Instow Highway: -
Cllr Cann said DCC recognised the poor condition of this stretch of road (see item 2902/9 (i) (g)) and that immediate action was being taken to fill the vast number of potholes. (Noted)

(i) General: - Cllr Moore spoke on “Local Government Review” (Boundary Commission’s decision put back to 15th July 2009 – see item 2902/9 (k), “New School Lay By Site” (referred to 2 letters sent to County Hall – no response), “Structural Survey - Leisure Centre” (NDC’s Executive Group to discuss – cheaper option than a rebuild); “Village Gateway Initiative” (has been liaising with Cllr Green), “NDC’s Work for Rough Sleepers Recognised Nationally” and “Impact on Economic Downturn” (NDC to ensure all resources that can help people are available). (Noted)
(ii) Rough Sleeper – Instow: -
Cllr May provided details of a man who was believed to be sleeping rough in the area of Instow Church; Cllr Moores agreed to inform the appropriate NDC Department. (Action: Cllr Moores)
2902/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the January 2008 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2901/8 (b) – Village Gateway Initiative: -
The Chairman, together with the Vice Chairman, gave IPC an appraisal of the work carried out by IPC’s Sub Committee since the last meeting. IPC, after a discussion, RESOLVED to support the recommendations and Cllr Cann urged IPC to get the relevant data to him soonest as DCC would then need to carry out a safety audit and issue a licence and there was a deadline looming as regards the funding.
(Action: Cllrs White, Green and Mrs Dipper)
b) Item 2901/8 (d) – New School Instow: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 17.1.09) sent by him to Vic Ebdon (Head of Strategic Planning – CYPS Directorate DCC) and in which he expressed IPC’s concern at the current delay for the new school and the apparent lack of urgency being shown by DCC as regards the publication of a strategy/proactive intentions on its part.(Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then advised IPC of Mr Ebdon’s response (email of 17.1.09 refers); he said a copy had been circulated to Cllrs with email address with others being provided with a copy with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then summarised Mr Ebdon’s response, namely, “DCC is carrying out investigations relating to possible land acquisitions (its search is being cast wider than before so that further aborted work can be avoided) and would be happy to share its conclusions once these have been analysed and the matter has been considered by DCC elected members” He added “IPC might find this position unwelcome and perhaps frustrating but cautions that no capital commitment has been made to replace the school and the work currently being carried out is of a strategic nature only”. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then advised IPC of an email (dd 17.1.09) from Cllr Cann (DCC) to Vic Ebdon that had been copied to Cllrs with email address and others provided with a copy with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to a reply email (dd 28.1.09) from Vic Ebdon (DCC) to Cllr Cann (that had been copied to the Clerk); he said it had been copied to Cllrs with email address (29.1.09) and others provided with a copy with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(v) The Clerk then referred to an article in the North Devon Journal (dd 29.1.09) reference “County Continues Search for Site for New Primary School”; he said it had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 29.1.09) from DCC (Paula McCree - Strategic Planning Group) to Cllr Cann (that had been copied to the Clerk) reference “Instow Update”; he said it had been copied to Cllrs with email address (29.1.09) and others provided with a copy with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(vii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action and to await as response from DCC, that would hopefully be sooner than later. (Noted)
c) Item 2901/8 (e) – Proposed Devon Unitary Authority/Community Boards/Forums - Focus Group: -
The Clerk provided a short verbal report on his attendance at a meeting in Exeter on 20th January 2009. He added that further meetings were to follow and that he would provide IPC with an update as necessary. (Noted)
d) Item 2901/9 (i) (c) - Instow Beach IIB Initiative/Dogs: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC that he had advised (email of 16.1.09) IIB of IPC’s support for its recommended “Dog Mess Initiative” and that this was acknowledged by email (19.1.09); he added that IIB was to discuss this matter further at its AGM on 27th February 2009 when the campaign instigator from NDCCS would be present. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised Cllrs that each were invited to the IIB AGM; IPC RESOLVED to nominate Cllr Harper as its representative. (Action: The Clerk/Cllr Harper)
e) Item 2901/9 (i) (g) – Parish Planning Drop In Surgery: -
(i) The Clerk reported upon his attendance at this DAPC/CCD event held at Hatherleigh Village Hall on Friday 30th January 2009. He reported as follows: -
a) The Clerk produced a file of guidance papers collected by him for the information of IPC. (Noted)
b) He said if IPC wished to proceed with such a project it would need, in the first instance, to appoint a sub committee to lead the project. (Noted)
c) He said it would cost approximately £1,000 - £1,500 to construct a new parish plan. (Noted)
d) He said that professional and proactive support could be provided by NDC and CCD. (Noted)
e) He added that Cllr Cann (DCC) had expressed a willingness to provide a grant to assist in the costings and that perhaps Cllr Moores might be able to do likewise; Cllr Moores indicated in the positive. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 5.2.09) from CCD reference “CCD Parish Planning Surgery”; he said this offered support to IPC, such as, guiding Cllrs and Community Leaders through the process, advice on funding the plan, engaging the interest and participation of the community, consulting with other organisations, linking with neighbouring parishes plus a range of support, advice and guidance. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk referred to a telephone call (11.2.09) from NDC (Hannah Harrington) offering support to IPC as and when required (see item (i) (d)). (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to appoint the following sub committee to review all the implications relevant to producing a new parish plan and to come back to IPC, in the first instant, with a proposal to proceed or otherwise. The elected sub committee was Cllrs C Harper (Chair), M Green, Mrs T Dipper and B Thomas. (Action: IPC’s Parish Plan Sub Committee)
f) Item 2901/12 (a) – Parish Initiatives/Lack of Progress: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 16.1.09) from Cllr Harper to all IPC Cllrs with email addresses (delivered personally to those without email facilities) reference “Ransom Strip Consultation Findings – November 2006”. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Cann had been advised by him of IPC’s concerns as to the everlasting lack of progress of important pending parish initiatives such as the Quay Car Park Charter Toilets, Ransom Strip Projects, Street Lighting – Anstey Way and Instow New School. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 16.1.09) he had sent to Cllr Cann reference “Charter Toilet Update” and a response email (dd 30.1.09) received from NDC’s Estates Office (Norman Kernutt); the Clerk read it to Council. IPC noted the positive stance being taken by NDC. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 16.1.09) sent by him to Andy Bell (NDCCS) reference “Children’s Play Area” and “Pathway – Atturm Slipway, around Cricket Club and down adjacent lane to bottom Sand Dunes”. He outlined the implications and produced for the meeting a number of maps. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk then advised IPC of a reply email (dd 19.1.09) he had subsequently received from Andy Bell. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk told IPC of the details of a meeting that had been held on site with the Chairman, Andy Bell (NDCCS) and Cllr Cann (DCC) reference item (iv) above and of the outcome. IPC RESOLVED to support the ideas as put forward for a Children’s’ Play Area and the Refurbishment of the Footpath near The Cricket Club. The Clerk was asked to keep in contact with NDCCS and report back on nay progress.
(Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
(a) Email (dd 17.1.09) and copy letter (from Instow PCC to Chief Steward Instow Methodist Church) from Instow Parochial Church Council reference “Closure of Instow Methodist Church”: -
The Clerk said this stated that said Chapel was to be closed as of 14th June 2009 having been an important place of worship in the parish since 1838. (Noted)
(b) Email (dd 22.1.09) from DAPC reference “Garden Parties 2009”: -
(i) The Clerk said this invited IPC to nominate a Cllr or Clerk (accompanied by their spouse, unmarried child aged 18-25, married son or daughter or other companion); nominations to DAPC by 10th March 2009. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to nominate Cllr White (Chairman) and his partner. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Email (dd 23.1.09) and copy letter from Admin Officer of Westleigh, Instow and West Yelland 2009 Community on Show (COS) Committee reference “Invitation to Cllr White (Chairman) to attend Opening Ceremony of COS – 18th July 2009 at 1 pm”: -
The Clerk said this was for the information of Council. (Noted)
(d) Letter (dd 26.1.09) from NDC reference “House to House Act 1939: Bideford and District Sea Cadet Corp”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that an application had been made to collect in Instow on Monday 15th June to Friday 19th June 2009. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this was a bone fide organisation/charity and a regular application he had advised NDC that IPC would have no objection. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the decision of the Clerk. (Noted)
(e) Letter (dd 21.1.09) from County Solicitor (CS-DCC) reference “Commons Act 2006 (formerly Commons Registration Act 1965): Proposed Seminar March/April 2009”: -
(i) The Clerk said this invited IPC to attend a seminar on the “Commons Act 2009” sometime in March/April (to be arranged). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed he had advised CS-DCC that IPC would be interested in attending such an event (proforma responses of 30.1.09 refers). (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the decision of the Clerk; it was agreed that Cllr Harper would attend with the Clerk if available to do so. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 22.1.09) from Cllr Harper reference “Picnic Area – IPC Minutes 10th September 1971”: Cllr Harper elaborated. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 26.1.09) from Cllr Harper reference “Common Land in Instow: Recreation Field”; Cllr Harper elaborated. (Noted)
(vi) Cllr Harper then spoke of further research he had done, namely “Instow’s Lost Highway”. He spoke to the historical records appertaining to this land (Henry Badcock etc) and of his proposals. (Noted)
(vii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the matter on the grounds the land’s usage was minimal (even as a bargaining “tool” for a land swop) and that any action(s) taken to secure it legally in this day and age, would be costly and protracted. (Noted)
(f) Email (dd 21.1.09) from Cllr Harper reference “Ownership of Sea Frontage”: -
(i) The Clerk said this referred to IPC Minutes of 2nd September 1964 where it was said that the areas of foreshore opposite “The Lobster Pot” and above high water mark were vested in the proprietor of the Lobster Pot, at that time, a Mr Oliver; Cllr Harper elaborated. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said Cllr Crombie had agreed to make enquires of the current owner of said premises (now known as The Boathouse) but that these were incomplete.
(Action: Cllr Crombie)
(iii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 11.2.09) from the Crown Commissioners reference “Ownership of Instow Sands – Other than Sands leased by IPC”; he said it stated that these parts of the foreshore were sold on 29.5.1855 to Margaret Caroline Cleveland who went on to marry a Christie. It could be assumed, therefore, that DCE still had rights of ownership over them. (Noted)
(g) Email (dd 30.1.09) from Cllr Cann reference “B3233 Westleigh/Tapeley Park to Instow Highway”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the County Scientific Officer initial thoughts on the state of this part of the highway would involve an expensive solution and hopefully some funding would be available in the next financial year; until then potholes would continue to be filled. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 12.2.09) from DCC (Highways), prompted by Cllr Cann, stating that 37 potholes had been identified on this stretch of road and an order had been issued to SW Highways to deal. Cllr Cann elaborated. (Noted)
(h) IPC – Quality Parish Status/Re-accreditation 2009: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had liaised with Lesley Smith (Secretary DAPC) and been advised how the reaccreditation process operated. He said it was much the same as for accreditation except some additional criteria (tests) had been added such as: -
i) Test 2 – A Qualified Clerk: -
(i) The Clerk (currently qualified by being the holder of an “AQA Certificate in Local Council Administration”) would need to pass an additional module on “The Parish Councils (Power to Promote Well-Being) Order 2008” to qualify for reaccreditation. The Clerk said he had already booked a place on an appropriate training session at South Molton on Thursday 12th March 2009. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said it would also seem that Cllrs would need to receive training on this particular Order (Clerk could possibly deliver once trained?) and that IPC’s QC status could be in jeopardy if less than 80% Cllrs qualified or IPC did not adopt a published statement of community involvement – see item (b) below. (Noted)
ii) Test 4 - Communications and Community Strategy (discretionary part): -
The Clerk said the formulation of a policy was an option although this seemed to contradict item (a) (ii) above. (Noted)
iii) Test 4 - Communications and Community Strategy (discretionary part): -
The Clerk said this catered for a regular weblog on website or the provision of online forums or surveys. (Noted)
iv) Test 7 – Code of Conduct: -
The Clerk said that paragraph 12(2) must have been adopted (IPC has). (Noted)
v) Test 8 (New criteria) – Promoting Local Democracy and Citizenship: -
The Clerk said IPC could quote, for example, its leaflet circulated to parishioners at last local elections (2007). (Noted)

vi) Test 9 – Terms and Conditions: -
The Clerk said it was required that Council, with a paid Clerk, provide evidence they have adopted (as a minimum) the NALC/SLCC Terms and Conditions agreement and provide evidence they have issued all staff with a written contract of employment; he added that this criteria/test might present problems. (Noted)
vii) Test 10 Training: –
The Clerk said IPC would need to produce a Training “Statement of Intent”; this, he said, should not be a problem. (Noted)
viii) General: -
(i) The Clerk said IPC needed to submit its reaccreditation file sometime between July 2009 (i.e. from 4 year anniversary of original accreditation) and October 2009 (i.e. it has 3 months grace after relevant anniversary of date of accreditation has elapsed). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said it would take the Clerk approximately 30 hours to complete the “portfolio” process and cost IPC £58.75 (inc VAT which is recoverable) when reaccreditation was applied for. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, concerning the pro’s and con’s of reaccreditation, IPC RESOLVED to elect to become reaccredited and the Clerk was asked to take the necessary action. (Action: The Clerk)
(i) Instow Parish Hall (IPH) Centenary: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC he had been advised (email of 2.2.09 refers) by the Acting Chairman of IPH’s Committee that 2009 was the centenary year of the PH and asked for ideas to mark such an occasion. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that as a consequence Cllr Mrs T Dipper had been invited, by the Acting Chairman of IPH Committee, to lead on this; he said she had declined but was more than happy to proactively assist as a member of a steering group set up by the Parish Hall Committee. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then briefly discussed its participation and possible ideas for such a celebration at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to offer the services of Cllr Mrs Dipper (together with Cllrs Harper and Green who were already on the parish hall committee) and to work as part of a steering group.
(Action: Cllrs Harper, Green and Mrs Dipper)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED not to provide a grant towards the celebration; it noted that Cllr Cann had already committee £100. (Noted)
(j) Letter (dd 5.2.09) from NDC reference “Affordable Housing and The Local Development Framework (LDF) – The Way Forward”: -
(i) The Clerk said this invited IPC to be represented (x2) at a seminar at Goodleigh Village Hall on Saturday 7th March, either between 10am – 1pm or 2pm to 5pm; refreshments will be available 15 minutes before the beginning of each session.(Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED not to attend. (Noted)
(k) (i) Email (dd 9.2.09) from DCC (Chief Executive) reference “Boundary Committee Review Update”: -
The Clerk said this stated that the Secretary of State for Local Government and Communities had now extended the deadline by which the Boundary Committee must provide its advice on local government reorganisation in Devon, Norfolk and Suffolk from Friday 13th February to 15th July 2009. He said this delay almost certainly meant that the implementation of any eventual unitary authority recommendations would be delayed from April 2010 to April 2011 and that the Boundary Committee was to meet later in the week to consider its position. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 9.2.09) from DAPC reference “Change of Deadline for Boundary Committee”: he said it reiterated the information as at (i) above and added that the County Council elections in June this year would continue as planned. (Noted)
(l) Email (dd 9.2.09) from Churchwarden (Pam Cantle) of Instow Church reference “All Saints Church – The Future”: -
(i) The Clerk said Instow PCC was to renovate this building and anticipated it being used as a community resource bearing in mind that the parish hall was regularly in use and that All Saints would be more user friendly from an access and parking viewpoint. He added that Instow PCC would remain responsible for the building and the costs of conversion and that community usage should attract funding. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative of the Instow PCC; Clerk to advise PCC. (Action: The Clerk)
m) Email (dd 6.2.09 etc) from Cllr Mrs. Dipper reference “Instow – Elderly Initiative: -
(i) Cllr Mrs. Dipper explained that this was really an extension of sorts to the Parish Self Help Emergency Plan and that as a result she had liaised with Cllr Harper and Age Concern. She suggested that the details of Aged Concern could be added to the parish magazine as a means on contact for the vulnerable elderly parishioners. (Noted) (ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support Cllr Mrs Dipper’ recommendation; she agreed to contact the editor of the parish magazine. (Action: Cllr Mrs Dipper)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
(i) Email (dd 20.1.09) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Update – 20th January 2009”
(ii) Ditto to IPC Cllrs etc
(iii) Email (dd 11.2.09) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF/Somerset Shoreline Management Plan Response - Issues and Objectives”

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 16.1.09) reference “Spring Training Event – Community Buildings” – passed to acting Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee; (ii) Email (dd 19.1.09) reference “CPS Public Policy Exchange: Empowering and Engaging the Third Sector in Public Services”; (iii) Letter (dd January 2009) reference “Casual Vacancy on DAPC County Committee” – nominations by 2nd March 2009; (iv) Email (dd 22.1.09) reference “Coastal Parishes – War Time Defences”; (v) Email (dd 23.1.09) reference “DAPC Training”; (vi) Email (dd 23.1.09) reference “Peer Support for Young Parish and Town Cllrs”; (vii) Email (dd 27.1.09) reference “QPC Seminar – Aylesbury”; (viii) Email (dd 3.2.09) reference “Green Matters Seminar 2009”; (ix) Email (dd 5.2.09) reference “Bus Shelter - Spare”; (x) Email (dd 9.2.09) reference “Vacancy for Clerk – Lapford PC”; (xi) Email (dd 9.2.09) reference “Remembrance Day Parades/Display Energy Certificates (DEC)” – copied to Acting Chairperson of Instow PH Committee reference DEC; (xii) Email (dd 6.2.09) reference “NALC Clerk’s Networking Lunch – Manchester”; (xiii) Email (dd 9.2.09) reference “New Cllr Short Courses”; (xiv) Email (dd 10.2.09) reference “Green Matters Conference”; (xv) Email (dd 10.2.09) reference “Public Policy Exchange Symposium” and (xvi) Email (dd 11.2.09) reference “Grassroots Grants Update”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 16.1.09, 23.1.09, 30.1.09 and 6.2.09
c) Email (dd 16.1.09) from Cllr Cann reference “DCC Grants Meeting – 23rd January 2009”
d) Email (dd 20.1.09) from DCC Emergency Planning Department reference “DCC County Emergency Planning Survey: -
(i) Survey completed by Clerk and returned to DCC
(ii) Email (dd 4.2.09) from DCC reference “Reminder – Survey”
e) Email (dd 28.1.09) from Cllr Mrs Dipper reference “War Memorials – Upkeep of War Memorials/Civic Societies”: -
Advice provided by Clerk
f) Email (dd 22.1.09) from Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “Investing in Devon Bids”
g) Email (dd 27.1.09) from Cllr Moores (NDC) reference “Defective Light – Charter Toilets Lane End Close”: -
Matter reported to NDC’s Environmental Health Dept; to be dealt with soonest
h) Email (dd 19.1.09 etc) from Clerk to NDC’s Engineers Dept reference “Missing Street Sign – Rectory Close at junction of Anstey Way”: -
Matter to be dealt with soonest
i) Telephone call (24.1.09) from a parishioner reference “Missing Street Sign – Rectory Close at junction of Anstey Way”: -
Parishioner advised by Clerk that matter in hand – see item (h) above
j) Telephone call (dd 27.1.09) from a former REME Officer reference “Atturm – Historical Update”: -
Enquirer provided with appropriate details to contact Atturm CO
k) Email (dd 1.2.09) from Clerk of Dartmoor Forest Parish Council reference “Quality Parish Status”: -
Clerk provided information as requested
l) Letter (dd 27.1.09) from Senior Council for Devon reference “Dementia”
m) Email (dd 6.2.09) from Blue Water Road reference “Freedom of Information Act – Website”: -
Offer inappropriate as IPC has already dealt with this initiative
n) Email (dd 6.2.09) from NDC reference “Devon In Touch Special Bulleting – Snow Alert”
o) Email (dd 9.2.09) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up – February 2009: -
Copy to post office for information of parishioners
p) NDC Summary of Accounts 2007/8
q) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (February 2009) – No 537
r) Email (dd 9.2.09) from a parishioner reference “Public Footpaths in Village”: -
Parishioner’s complaint concerned the flooding on footpath alongside Atturm (Anstey Way to Tarka Trail Railway Crossing) and Tarka Trail. Clerk liaised with NDCCS (9.2.09 – email refers) and matters to be rectified soonest; parish handyperson to keep an eye on the Atturm footpath in particular - parishioner advised of action taken
s) Telephone call (from police) reference “Syringe on Beach opposite Boathouse near a Boat”: -
Parish handyperson checked the location (am 11.2.09) and no syringe found. Handyperson and beach cleaner to check the beach regularly; however, tides are considerably high at the moment and turbulent and syringe has most probably been washed away
t) Email (dd 11.2.09) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch – Special Bulletin: County Plan for Budget Stability/Local Economy and Post Office Task Force Report”
u) Agenda and associated papers of NDC Meeting of Wednesday 18th February 2009 at 7 pm

2902/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £120.00
Mr B Thorne Oil Leak – Tractor £113.39*
BT Parish Telephone 01271 372408 £ 84.45 +
TOTAL: - £317.84
Key: -
* £14.39 VAT recoverable
+ Cost of calls £34.54, rental chargers etc £40.00 and VAT £9.91 (recoverable)
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 23.1.09 (Statement) = £ 45.90*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 12.12.08 (Statement) = £17,738.26+
* According to Clerk’s records this is £1.00 (2 cheques to the total value of £44.90 uncashed)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £16,916.26
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £318.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (January 2009): -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed IPC was in balance. (Noted)

(b) Instow Allotment and Recreation Field a/c – Nationwide Building Society: -
The Clerk told IPC that £142.19 had accrued as interest on this account for the year 2008 and that action was in hand to have a cheque drawn in said sum and, as usual, paid to the Instow Parish Hall Committee. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) DCC/NDC Street Cleaning Grant Request: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had requested such a grant from Cllr Cann but this had been declined; the Clerk explained the reasoning (email of 2.2.09 refers). (Noted)
(d) Letter (dd 29.1.09) from The Office of The Information Commissioner reference “Data Protection Act 1998 – confirmation of Renewal 2009-10 (Until 18th February 2010): -
The Clerk said this had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
e) Boathouse Bus Shelter Alterations: -
The Clerk told IPC that this work had still not been completed due to the unfavourable weather conditions and short term sickness of the parish handyman. He said he anticipated it being done by the end of March 2009. (Noted)
f) Handyperson’s and Beach Cleaner’s Terms of Agreement 2009/10: -
The Clerk confirmed each had been duly signed and filed for future reference. (Noted)
g) Letter (dd 4.2.09) from Overton (UK) Ltd reference “Beach Cleaning Equipment etc”: -
The Clerk explained that this company had originally contacted him by telephone having found IPC’s website and offered to forward information on the various pieces of equipment provided by them such as a “Barber Surf Rake” that was towed across the sands by a tractor and lifts the debris, not the sand. He said it was clear at this moment that IPC could not afford such a piece of equipment (new or second hand) but maybe it was worth the beach cleaner reviewing what was on offer and it felt appropriate to add it to IPC’s wish list for the future; he said maybe a grant could cover the cost of a good second hand one. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation of the Clerk. (Action: Cllr Cook)
h) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010+ – Meeting with Agent: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had met up with the CE’s Agent on Monday 9th February 2009 (together with the Chairman of TTEF) and that it had been agreed that the CE’s agent would write to IPC offering IPC the option to take up the renewal of the beach lease from 1.1.10 and that negotiations would proceed thereafter as necessary. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 10.2.09) from the CE’s Agent confirming the offer (as at (i) above) and which could be as long as 20 years with 5 yearly reviews.
(iii) The Clerk said the CE’s Agent had suggested that IPC should be more business like (when it obtained the new lease) in the manner in which it dealt with its moorings lease; the Clerk explained. A discussion ensued. (Noted)

2902/11 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 29.1.09) from DCC reference “Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3/Construction of footway/cycleway on eastern verge on the private road between the B3233 and the Estuary Business Park, Yelland, Barnstaple (Reference No JR/DCC/2755/2008): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (2.2.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 19th February or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC Planning Sub Committee, it was RESOLVED to take no further action/make no response on the grounds it referred to an application on an adjoining parish. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 28.1.09) from NDC (Andrew Austen) on behalf of TDC, West Somerset Council (WSC) and Exmoor National Park Authority (ENPA) reference “Consultation on Draft Methodology for Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for Northern Peninsula Housing Market Area – 29th January 2009 to 11th March 2009”: -
(i) The Clerk said the Government required Local Planning Authorities to take a proactive approach to delivering housing and part of this approach required authorities to prepare a SHLAA to identify and assess land that might have the potential to deliver future housing development. It sought to identify suitable sites and to ensure these sites were deliverable. He added that NDC was working in partnership with TDC, WSC and ENPA to prepare a SHLAA for each authority’s area and that comments were invited by the 11th March 2009. He said full details of the consultation could be found on htpp://www.torridge.gov.uk/ldf/. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the letter had been provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (5.2.09). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the grounds there was no land available in the parish other than in private ownership. (Noted)
c) Email (dd 2.2.09) from NDC reference “Draft Ebberley Lawn Area Management Plan – Consultation period 2.2.09 to 16.3.09”: -
The Clerk provided IPC with details of this matter; IPC RESOLVED to note it and take no further action. (Noted)
d) Email (dd 2.2.09) from NDC reference “Draft Pilton Conservation Area Character Appraisal – Consultation period 2.2.09 to 16.3.09”: -
The Clerk provided IPC with details of this matter; IPC RESOLVED to note it and take no further action. (Noted)
e) Email (dd 2.2.09) from NDC reference “Draft South Molton Conservation Area Management Plan – Consultation period 2.2.09 to 16.3.09: -
The Clerk provided IPC with details of this matter; IPC RESOLVED to note it and take no further action. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


