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Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, Cllr C Harper (Chairman), A Johns, G May, Ms A Mayoh, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

2410/1 PRAYER

The Clerk led the Council in prayer.2410/2 APOLOGIES

Cllr F Scott


Constable Parker said that only one incident had occurred in the parish since the last meeting and that this concerned an arrest for driving with excess alcohol. There were no questions for Constable Parker. (Noted)


Proposed Charter Toilet/Quay Car Park and Lane End: - (i) The Clerk, at the request of a parishioner, read out a copy letter the parishioner had recently written to NDDC’s Planning Manager "objecting" to the provision of the charter toilets proposed for the Quay Car Park; other parishioners present spoke vehemently in support of the sentiments as expressed in said letter adding they were also very angry at the manner in which they had been treated by NDDC from a consultative point of view. One parishioner also spoke about the proposed new charter toilet site at Lane End adding that the manner in which these had "materialised" was a disgrace and for which NDDC should have to answer by way of an official enquiry. (Noted)

(ii) The Chairman and Clerk fully outlined the planning procedure in respect of both charter toilet sites (including current state of "progress") adding that Instow Parish Council was merely a consultee within that process and had democratically recommended approval of both applications to NDDC. (Noted)

(iii) Cllr Cann addressed Council and said he was incensed by the "attack" on his personal integrity that had been made in a letter sent to the Planning Manager of NDDC by a parishioner when writing to object to the proposed charter toilet site at the Quay Car Park. He added he wished to put on record that neither he nor Cllr Mrs L Brown had "interfered"/influenced in any way whatsoever with this particular planning application but that in the circumstances he now intended to "call it in" so that it would go to a committee (not involving him or Cllr Mrs L Brown) for decision as opposed to being delegated to a planning officer. This he said would give all interested parishioners, including the parish council, an opportunity to put their case to the committee in question prior to them coming to its decision. He finalised by saying he would welcome any "official" enquiry as regards the conduct of NDDC in both planning applications. The Chairman thanked Cllr Cann for his input adding that Instow Parish Council welcomed such a practical concession. (Action: Cllr Cann)

(iv) Cllr Johns said it was unfortunate, in his view, that NDDC had not afforded the nearby residents to the Quay Car Park with the same form of "on site" presentation of the proposed charter toilets that had been made to a sub committee of IPC (see item 2406/8 (c)). This presentation, he added, had been extremely well received and went a long way to influencing IPC in recommending approval of the application. (Noted)


Cllr Cann provided a briefing on the proposed 20 mph speed limit for Marine Parade and associated roads within the parish (see item 2410/8 (a)), Lane End Charter Toilets (now demolished and new toilets programmed for re-build later in the month), Reactive Speed Sign (being placed at Instow in the near future), New Instow School Site (a notice to land owner had been served and soil tests undertaken) and Sand Removal from Instow Sands (commencing on the 1st November for a 5 day period and costing in the region of £10.000) - see also item 2410/8 (b). (Noted)


Cllr Mrs L Brown reported upon her progress with planning application "Addition of second floor to dwelling (amendment to planning permission 35529) at Plot 2, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference no. 38471)". She confirmed she had been in liaison with NDDC’s Planning Department and that as a consequence she had ensured the application would be "called in" so that the final decision would be taken by committee and not by a planning officer. She added it was envisaged that further visits would be made on site by planning officers and that in due course she would receive a further report which she would pass on to IPC. Cllr Mrs L Brown was thanked for what she had done to date. (Noted)

2410/7 MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the September Minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)


(a) Item 2409/4 (d) - Marine Parade/Traffic Speed (20 mph speed limit): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 1.10.04) concerning "The County of Devon (Various Roads, Instow) (20 mph zone) Order". He said the letter stated that said order was to be advertised in the North Devon Gazette on the 6th October 2004 and that any observations IPC might have should be sent to DCC by the 28th October 2004. He reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers (14.10.04) for perusal and consideration prior to meeting and that he had placed a copy at the Post Office (14.10.04) for the information of parishioners. The Clerk said that Cllr Scott, who had forwarded his apologies, had asked him to query why the proposed 20 mph speed limit didn’t extend to the junction of Marine Parade/Anstey Way (Atturm). (Noted)

(ii) Cllr Cann said that the appropriate traffic criteria for a 20 mph speed limit would have meant that a considerable sum of money would need to be spent in putting into place traffic calming measures for that particular stretch of road so as to ensure "self monitoring" of a 20 mph limit and this was not felt to be cost effective. (Noted)

(iii) IPC RESOLVED to support the order as written. (Noted)

(b) Item 2409/8 (a) - Sand on Marine Parade/DCC Strategy: -

(i) The Clerk confirmed he had advised Andy Bell (NDCCS) of the excess sand issue to the rear of the wall at the rear of the dunes (from the Boathouse bus shelter to the dunes car park) and that he had promised this would be taken into account when the overall work was done. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a email (dd 30.9.04) from Andy Bell stating he had received Section 28H permission from English Nature for the beach works relating to the SSSI to take place and that work would commence when all parties (DCC, DCE etc) were ready. (Noted)

(iii) The Clerk said he had since been advised by Andy Bell (18.10.04) that the work was to commence on 1st November. He confirmed, in answer to Cllr May, that this work would also include replacement of the "stability" fencing in the dunes between the Boathouse and the Sand Dunes car park. (Noted)

(c) Item 2409/8 (d) - Parish Emergency Plan (PEP): - IPC, led by the Chairman, discussed a strategy for the production of a draft PEP for subsequent consideration and approval by Council. It was RESOLVED that IPC’s Emergency Planning Sub Committee, comprising of the Chairman (Cllr Harper), Cllrs Cook, Johns & Scott and assisted by Cllr Ms Mayoh and Cllr White, would meet up asap and commence the process. (Action: IPC’s EPSC and Cllrs Ms Mayoh/White)

(d) Item 2409/9 (e) - Crown Estates/Instow Beach - Lease to IPC: - (i) The Clerk said IPC needed to discuss its future strategy having deferred this item for further consideration as of 16th September. The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 4.10.04) from Mr Mansell (Executive Director - NDDC) of relevance to "Beach Lifeguard Service" and a meeting that was held at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple at 5.15 pm on Monday 18th October to discuss "risk assessment" issues. He added this meeting had been attended by Cllrs Harper (Chairman) and the Clerk who then provided a report i.e. NDDC would not be renewing its lifeguard contract (that expired at the end of the current summer season) but was prepared to facilitate a meeting in the very near future between private beach owners and the RNLI who do provide such a service. After discussion, lead by Cllr Crombie, IPC RESOLVED that IPC’s Finance Sub Committee (FSC), primarily Cllrs Crombie and Johns and supported by the Clerk, would explore all the options open to IPC (particularly assignment of the current Crown Estates lease to a third party) and report back asap to IPC with a recommendation. (Action: Cllrs Crombie, Johns and The Clerk)

(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 7.10.04) from NDDC reference "Beach Owners’ Meeting" and said that the meeting of the 29th October had been re-scheduled for Thursday 18th November at 5.15 pm (Civic Centre) and that it was hoped IPC would be represented by the Chairman and Cllr Cook. (Noted)

(e) Item 2409/9 (i) (f) - DAPC AGM 2004: - (i) The Clerk gave a report following his attendance on Saturday 24th September 2004; he spoke of his attendance at a "Quality Parish" Seminar (adding that IPC seemed very much ahead of the game), DAPC website (i.e. www.dapc.org.uk <http://www.dapc.org.uk>), DAPC annual subscription 2005/6 (IPC’s is £130 - was £124 in 2004/5), DAPC Annual Report/Accounts 2003-4, the Minutes of the DAPC AGM 2003 and a draft Charter for Devon copies of which had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers. He said it had been drawn up following input from principle authorities and a working group of local councils and was based on a national model; any comments would be very welcome. (Noted)

(ii) He said the date of the DAPC AGM 2005 would be Saturday 1st October - venue to be decided. (Noted)

(f) Item 2409/9 (i) (h) - Code of Conduct for Local Government Employees/Consultation: - The Clerk reported he had perused these papers and had nothing to report; he recommended NFA. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (NFA)

(g) Item 2409/9 (i) (k) - South West Assembly/Regional Spatial Strategy: - Cllr White briefed Council having perused the papers since the last meeting. He recommended NFA. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (NFA)

(h) Item 2409/12 (a) - Dog Signs/Instow Beach: - (i) The Clerk confirmed he had contacted NDDC (Geoff Barclay (GB) - Environmental Health Dept) by email (17.9.04) and that he had pledged to review the signs and come back to him with details of dog warden patrols asap. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 5.10.04) from GB stating that he had examined the by-law in question and that it seemed the area of the beach (from the dunes to The Commodore) was, in fact, a "poop scoop" area and there was no requirement to have dogs on leads; he added that dogs needed to be on leads behind the sandhills on the track to the car park and the cricket field. He added GB was to arrange for the signage to be changed in readiness for 2005 and IPC would be provided with a schedule of dog warden patrols in Instow for information. (Noted)

(i) Item 2409/12 (b) - Allotments/Provision of by Parish Councils: - The Clerk reported that following enquiries with the DAPC he had ascertained that "If 6 electors ask for allotments, the parish council is under a legal obligation to consider the provision of allotments. If it considers the matter and really can’t find any land to buy or lease (more likely in an urban parish), then the parishioners can’t force the issue". (Noted)


(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting

a) Letter (dd September 2004 - received 29.9.04) from Minister for Rural Affairs and Local Environmental Quality The Rt Hon Alun Michael MP concerning "Clean Neighbourhood (CN) Consultation": - The Clerk said this referred to a recently launched consultation concerning CN (not previously received by IPC) albeit the consultation period had ended on 24.9.04 He said IPC was, however, invited to respond although no copy of the consultation papers had been sent with the letter; it could be found, however, on website <http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/clean-neighbourhood/index,htm>. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had provided them with a copy of the letter with their agenda papers (14.10.04). After discussion, led by the Chairman, it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

b) Telephone call (dd 30.9.04) from Cllr Cann (DCC) reference "New Instow School Site": - The Clerk said this stated that DCC had served the appropriate notice on DCE and the land user to the effect it was to enter said site between period 11th to 25th October 2004 to carry out a preliminary site survey. (Noted)

c) Parish Carol Singing Event 2004: - (i) The Clerk reported that Instow Church had suggested that this event be held on Sunday 12th December and not the 5th December as currently arranged. The Clerk said he had checked with the Parish Hall’s letting officer and this was free for both nights. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to support the event being held on the 12th December and the Clerk was asked to liaise with Instow Church and the proprietor of The Commodore around whose Xmas tree the carol singing would take place. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) The Clerk said that IPC’s Finance Sub Committee were recommending that the proceeds of the charitable collection, taken on this night, be jointly shared between The ND Hospice, The Children’s Hospice (SW) and the Appledore Branch of the RNLI with IPC matching the collection up to £100. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)

(iii) The Clerk said it would be necessary to discuss the parish council’s involvement on the night at the next meeting, that is, provision of mince pies. mulled wine, hospitality, collectors, musicians etc. (Noted)

d) Remembrance Day Service 2004: - The Clerk said this was to take place at 10.55 am on Sunday 14th November 2004 at Instow Church and that he had ordered IPC’s wreath that was currently with the Chairman. IPC discussed representation and the laying of wreath. The Chairman confirmed he would be attending. (Noted)

e) Instow Website: - The Clerk said that action had been taken by the Chairman to have links to the DCC and NDDC’s websites put onto IPC’s home web page; this, he said, would assist IPC in its subsequent application for Quality Parish status. (Noted)

f) Marine Parade - Dinghy’s chained to posts: - The Clerk said he had received a complaint (8.10.04) from the DCC Local Highways Foreman regarding a number of dinghies’ chained to posts along Marine Parade and causing damage to said posts/potential obstruction problems to sand clearance activity planned (see item 2409/8 (a)). The Clerk said he had suggested that a note be left on each dinghy and a notice be placed at the post office; he said he had also spoken to Cllr Cook in the event he might know some of the owners. (Noted)

g) Letter from NDDC (dd 8.10.04) concerning "Greensweep Project - frequently asked questions": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (14.10.04) and had placed a copy in the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)

h) Letter from NDDC (dd 7.10.04) concerning "Code of Conduct: Registering of Interests and Freemasonry - Revised Advice": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (14.10.04). Cllr White said he felt this code, by virtue of the manner in which it had been couched, offered a "cop out" to certain freemasons and asked if Cllr Mrs L Brown could take it up with the local Scrutiny Committee -she agreed to do so and report back to IPC as soon as was practical. (Action: Cllr Mrs L Brown)

i) IPC’s Xmas Social 2004 (Thursday 16th December): - IPC discussed a draft invitation list (based on 2003) that had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.10.04). After finalisation of the list the Clerk was asked to send out the invitations. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Email (dd 20.10.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "TTEF Meeting of 4th October 2004" and "Fast Leisure Craft (FLC) in the Taw/Torridge Estuary": - Minutes of meeting of 4.10.04 and letter to TDC/NDDC (dd 5.9.04) reference FLC attached. Mrs R M E Day spoke to these papers and in addition mentioned she had receipt a copy of the wind farm planning application for Fullabrook Down, Ilfracombe (see item 2406/9 (i)(d)) if any Cllr wished to have sight of it. (Noted)

(iii) Matters to note: - (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Agenda of NDDC’s Standards Committee for Wednesday 29th September 2004 and minutes of meeting of 30th June 2004. (ii) Agenda for meeting of 27th October 2004 and minutes of meeting of 29th September 2004.

b) Children’s Hospice SW Newsletter (Autumn 2004).

c) Bideford and Instow Railway Group - Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (Autumn 2004 Edition - No. 60).

d) The South West Coast Path Association (Newsletter 69 - Spring 2004) and associated papers.

e) Complaint (20.9.04) of faulty (damaged hinge) kissing gate at Tarka Trail end of Atturm footpath. Clerk contacted parish handyman who repaired gate immediately. NDCCS also advised that this gate was not "disabled person friendly" and NDCCS, as a consequence, agreed to review it and take action as appropriate.

f) NDDC’s Weekly Information Sheet for 17.9.04, 24.9.04, 1.10.04, 8.10.04 and 15.10.04

g) NDDC’s Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee Agenda for meeting of 4th October 2004 and minutes of meeting of 7th June 2004. Also minutes of meeting of 4.10.04

h) NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee Agenda for meeting of 28th September 2004, minutes of meeting of 8th September 2004 and minutes of Rock Park Open Space and Barnstaple Riverfront Task Team of the Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee of the 8th September 2004. Also minutes of meeting of 28th September 2004.

i) Letter (dd 27.9.04) from North Devon Homes concerning change of address (as of 5.10.04) to "North Devon Homes, Westacott Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8TA".

j) Letter (dd September 2004) from Wicksteed Leisure entitled "The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and how the October 2004 provisions relate to your outdoor public play areas" together with brochure.

k) Telephone call (dd 30.9.04) from Cllr May stating it had been necessary for the gate at Venn Lane to be padlocked as it was being regularly left open and cattle had strayed and done damage - for information in event of complaints - also see item 2410/10 (5) (f).

l) Complaint (to Cllr Johns) from parishioner of "dangerous rocks covered by sand" on Instow beach/flood defence wall near ice cream kiosk. Clerk spoke to parishioner who confirmed she had spoken to the Environment Agency and that they had taken appropriate action.

m) Complaint from parishioner concerning "damage to grass verges - Anstey Way by BT lorries installing broadband". Clerk advised Local DCC Highways Foreman so that suitable action might be taken and updated parishioner.

n) Complaint (6.10.04) from anonymous parishioner regarding "Quay Car Park - use as Boat Park". Substance of complaint was that insufficient space was being left during the winter months for car parking and that Instow Marine were encroaching year by year. Clerk spoke to NDDC’s Car Park’s Manager who agreed to look into complaint. Clerk unable to update complainant as telephone number had been withheld when answer phone message left.

o) DCC Monthly News Round Up (October Edition) - copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.

p) Poster/application form from SLCC reference "Regional Conference (Gloucestershire 3rd December 2004) - Funding and Managing of Community Projects".

q) Letters (dd 11.10.04/undated) from North Devon Hospice & Children’s Hospice SW concerning "Light Up A Life Appeal"

r) Agenda/Reports for extraordinary meeting of NDDC on Wednesday 20th October 2004 at 1 pm.

s) Clerk noticed (13.10.04) graffiti (paint) damage to Boathouse Bus Shelter wall - Handyman asked to restore wall to its original condition.

t) Pamphlet from "The Local Channel" concerning websites etc.

u) Complaints from parishioners to Chairman (email to Clerk of 16.10.04 refers) reference (i) footpath from bridge to Atturm along Marine Parade (seaward side) - overgrown and obstructing free passage particularly with prams - DCC Local Services informed (email of 18.10.04 refers) (ii) introduction of wheelie bins into parish - Clerk passed this on to Cllr Cann NDDC (18.10.04 - answer phone) and (iii) insufficient winter parking spaces in Quay Car Park - see item (n) above. NDDC’s Car Parks’ Manager already advised.

v) Letter (dd 18.10.04) from DCC (County Environment Director) reference "Adopted Devon County Minerals Local Plan" and summary leaflet - more information available on DCC’s website www.devon.gov.uk/environment/planning/minerals_local_plan <http://www.devon.gov.uk/environment/planning/minerals_local_plan>

2410/10 FINANCE

The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the September meeting: -

1. INCOME: -

Ditto Period ending 22nd September 2004 £ 313.10

Ditto Period ending 29th September 2004 £ 189.00

NDDC 50% Precept/Parish Grant 2004/5 £ 3518.00+

DCC Grass Cutting Grant 2004 £ 518.00

TOTAL: - £ 4,538.10

Key: -

+ £718.00 grant and £2,800.00 precept.


Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 122.00#

Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 7) £ 162.50

SWEB Energy Car Park Machine £ 18.33*

TOTAL: - £ 334.83

Key: -

# Includes £12 for P3 activity - kissing gate repair Atturm/Tarka Trail footpath - see item 2410/9 (iii) (e)

* This is normally £7.13 per quarter - SWEB Energy, however, has decided (without any warning!) to increase it to £18.33 having reconsidered this "un-metered supply". Clerk spoke to SWEB Energy (Exeter - Gary) and requested a letter of explanation - not received as of date of meeting.


Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 28.9.04 (Statement). = £60.30#

Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 30.9.04 (Statement) = £19,706.08

Key: -

# According to Clerk’s records - £3.30 as at 8.10.04 (2 cheques for £25 and £32 uncashed as of 29.8.04)


(b) IPC RESOLVED to transfer £335.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Beach Grant 2004: - The Clerk reported he had liaised with Cllr Cann (17.9.04 - email) but still awaited a response from Jon Turner NDDC. Cllr Cann said he had recommended to NDDC’s Executive Committee that it was sympathetic to private beach owners as far as annual grants for the current year was concerned. (Noted)

(b) Parish Seat - Insurance Claim: - (i) The Clerk provided an update to IPC; he said he had heard nothing further from the Allianz Cornhill. (Noted)

(c) "Gift" of War Memorial and Grant to Instow PCC for Tree Husbandry in Churchyard: - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Treasurer of the PCC just prior to the meeting - he read it out to Council. After discussion it was RESOLVED to enquire of the PCC as to whether the war memorial was definitely covered by the PCC’s insurance and if not how much would it cost to do so with a record being made on the PC’s insurance that IPC had "an interest" in it.

(Action: The Clerk)(ii) IPC RESOLVED to pay the PCC £250 towards the recent tree husbandry in the burial ground. (Action: The Clerk)

(d) Instow Recreation Ground Trust Account - Portman Building Society: - The Chairman reported upon his research and apparent need, as a result, to change the name of this account to Allotment and Recreational a/c. After discussion it was agreed by the Chairman that he would bring evidence of the need to the next meeting of IPC for further discussion. (Action: The Chairman)

(e) Budget Meeting for Financial Year 2005/6: - The Clerk reported that this meeting had taken place on Tuesday 19th October and that a full report would be put before the IPC November meeting. (Noted)

(f) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2004/P3 Claim for 2005: - The Clerk asked if Cllrs had any comments to make as regards the state of the parish footpaths as he had now received the annual DCC "Condition Survey" reports albeit that the P3 2005 Finance form was still awaited. Cllr May spoke of a problem with the gate at Venn Cross (footpath no 16 - see also item 2410/9 (iii) (k)) and made suggestions as to how this might be rectified. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should liaise with DCC P3 department and pass on this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)

(g) Internal Audit - July to September 2004: - The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit on the 18th October 2004 and had found all to be in order - Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)

(h) Bank Reconciliation - 1st July 2004 to 30th September 2004: - The Clerk circulated a copy of this to Cllrs; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (18.10.04) - Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)

(i) Budget 2004/2005 against Actual Income/Expenditure April to September 2004: - The Clerk circulated, and presented this paper; he said it had been checked by Cllr Crombie on 19.10.04 - Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)

(j) Letter (dd 23.9.04) from Children’s Hospice South West reference "Death of Jill Farwell (Founder and Executive Director) and donations in lieu of flowers for her funeral": - IPC discussed this and RESOLVED to take no further action on the basis that one third of the xmas carol singing collection was to go the Children’s Hospice South West. (Noted)

(k) Instow Welfare Trust/Devon Community Foundation: - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 30.9.04) from the CCLA together with a dividend cheque for 40p; it was, yet again, seeking bank details. The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken to the CCLA and, as a consequence, the CCLA had written to the Revd Clive Cooper (Trustee); he said he had since received a copy of this letter (dd 5.10.04). The Clerk added he had since passed all correspondence (including the 40p cheque) to Mark Kidson (Trustee) who had agreed to sort it out with the Rev Clive Cooper. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of receipt of a further copy letter (dd 19.10.04) from CCLA to The Devon Community Foundation, which should, he said, finally resolve this "longstanding" issue. (Noted)

(l) Letter (dd 1.10.04) from Portman Building Society concerning "Torrington Branch - Re-Opens Full Time": - This was noted by IPC. (Noted)

(m) Instow Parish Council Grants 2003/4 - Parish Magazine: - The Clerk advised IPC of a letter he had received (dd 18.10.04) from Peter Cantle (PC) (Secretary Instow Parish News Magazine) requesting payment of its IPC grant 2003/4. He said he had advised PC that IPC normally dealt with its annual grants at its November meeting. (Noted)

(n) Quay Car Park - see 2409/5 (b): - Cllr White asked Cllr Cann if he had any further information in respect of NDDC’s apparent wish to take over the use of this car park. Cllr Cann said he had heard nothing further and that he would oppose it if and when it came up for a decision following consultation with IPC. (Noted)

2410/11 PLANNING

a) Erection of 4 dwellings, garages and access at land at Lane End Road, Instow (Planning Reference No 35529) - see item 2409/4 (b): - (i) The Clerk reported that as a consequence of general concerns expressed by parishioners and a resolution of IPC to contact a Planning Enforcement Officer so that he/she might make enquiries on site, he emailed the Planning Department (17.9.04) and provided them with the substance of all concerns. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email reply (received 6.10.04) which he then read to Council. It stated that a site visit had taken place by a Planning Enforcement Officer and that all had been found to be in order. (Noted)

(iii) Cllr Green stated that he felt the properties currently under construction were still not in accordance with the approved plans (i.e. too high) and as a consequence it was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) would make enquiries of the local planning department and report back to the next meeting. (Action: Cllr Mrs L Brown)

b) Erection of a conservatory at 1 Old Rectory Close, Rectory Lane, Instow (Reference No. 38467): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (17.9.04) and of having passed it to Cllr Crombie (Chairman and Vice Chairman unavailable) for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers/Sub Committee with a response being required by 5.10.04 or an extension applied for. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported that IPC’s PSC had subsequently RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application; NDDC was advised on 6.10.04. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)

c) Application under regulation 3 of the T and CP General Regulations 1992 for change of use of part land used for public conveniences to form residential garden area at Public Conveniences, Len End Road, Instow (Reference No. 38551): -(i) The Clerk reported receipt (20.9.04) and of having passed it to Cllr Crombie (Chairman and Vice Chairman unavailable) for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers/Sub Committee with a response being required by 8.10.04 or an extension applied for. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported that IPC’s PSC had subsequently RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application; NDDC was advised on 6.10.04. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)

d) Application under Regulation 3 of the T and C P General regulations 1992 in respect of demolition of existing toilet block and erection of new Charter Toilets at NDDC’s Public Conveniences, Lane End, Instow (Reference No. 38281): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (25.9.04) of a letter from NDDC’s Planning Department advising IPC that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported the receipt of a telephone call (24.9.04) from Cllr Cann and an email (dd 24.9.04) from Geoff Barclay (NDDC’s Environmental Health Department) advising IPC that the demolition of these toilets was imminent; he said he had advised the Vice Chairman immediately. It was noted by IPC that said toilets had been demolished on Tuesday 19th October. (Noted)

(iii) Cllr White said he believed NDDC had pledged IPC the sum of £1,500 as and when this site was developed. Cllr Mrs L Brown said she would make enquiries of NDDC, together with Cllr Cann, and report back to IPC. (Action: Cllr Mrs L Brown/Cllr Cann)

e) (i) Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling (amended plans and indicative scheme) at land adjacent to The White House, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No. 37400): - The Clerk reported receipt (25.9.04) of a letter from NDDC’s Planning Department advising IPC that this application had been REFUSED for reasons as specified. He reminded Cllrs he had provided them with a copy letter with their agenda papers (14.10.04). (Noted)

f) Application under Regulations 3 of the T and CP General Regulations 1992 for demolition of existing toilet block and construction of new Charter Toilets at Marine Car Park, Instow (Reference No. 38516) - see item 2409/11 (j) (iv): - (i) The Clerk reported upon his enquiries with Geoff Barclay (NDDC’s Environmental Health Department) concerning state/safety of old tanks under this car park and what action(s) NDDC contemplated if and when these charter toilets were built. He said a full geophysical survey would take place prior to any building work taking place. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported receipt (19.10.04) of two letters (via Cllr Johns) from two residents of Marine Court concerning this planning application. The Clerk appraised Council of the content. (NB: - one other letter from parishioner along similar lines - see item 2410/4 (i)). (Noted)

g) Ground floor extension to form disabled toilets and first floor extension to 3 bedrooms at The Commodore Hotel, Instow (Reference No. 38414): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (9.10.04) from NDDC’s Planning Department stating this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)

h) Demolition of existing and erection of new extension to dwelling and erection of conservatory at 4 Venn Close, Instow (Reference No. 38438): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (9.10.04) from NDDC’s Planning Department stating this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)

i) Erection of Cob Roundhouse at Instow Picnic Site, Tarka Trail, Instow (Reference No. 38458): - - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (9.10.04) from NDDC’s Planning

Dept. stating this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)

j) Planning Applications - Draft General Guidance Notes for Cllrs: - The Clerk reported that as a result of requests from Cllrs he had prepared a set of draft notes of general guidance for planning applications which are, in the first instant, being vetted by NDDC’s Planning Department. He said he was providing each Cllr with a draft copy for their information only at this stage and for any comments they might wish to make. The Clerk also circulated a copy of IPC’s current "Planning Visits - Code of Conduct" document that was drawn up and adopted as of the 27th April 2001 in line with The Nolan Report. (Noted)

k) Notice (received 20.10.04) from Michael J Smith and Associates (Chartered Architect on behalf of Mr O Cook) under Article 6 of Application for Planning Permission (Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 - Proposed Residential Development comprising of 7 Dwellings at Mollands Garage together with improved access and visibility to Quay Lane: - The Clerk said he presumed that IPC, as a garage tenant, was being invited to make representations about this application (to NDDC) within 21 days beginning with the date of service (i.e.10th November 2004). The document was handed to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Sub Committee. The Clerk said he wondered how IPC would be placed if and when any planning application was made and it was forwarded to it for comments bearing in mind that as a corporate body it had a vested interest. Cllr Mrs L Brown agreed to take this up with NDDC’s Legal Department/Scrutiny Committee and to report back to IPC asap. (Action: Cllr Mrs L Brown)

(ii) The Clerk was asked to ascertain under what terms and conditions IPC rented its garage to store its tractor. (Action: The Clerk)


a) IPC Monthly Briefing Folders: - The Chairman asked for the cooperation of all Cllrs in reading the monthly briefing folder and passing it on without undue delay. (Noted)

b) Wheelie Bins: - At the request of Cllr Crombie, Cllr Cann outlined the principle and method of use of the wheelie bins recently distributed throughout the parish. (Noted)

c) Road Maintenance - Huish: - Cllr May reported two highway issues at Huish that required the attention of DCC’s Local Services. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would report this asap with a request that Cllr May be contacted direct so that the exact locations/details might be obtained from him. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

