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Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper (Chairman), G May, Cllr F Scott and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

2411/1 PRAYER

The Clerk led the Council in prayer.2411/2 APOLOGIES

Cllrs A Johns, Ms A Mayoh and S White.


In the absence of Constable Parker (no apologies received) there was no police report. (Noted)


a) Parish Tree Meeting

A parishioner spoke of a meeting to be held at the Parish Hall at 10 am on Saturday 27th November to discuss a project to identify valued village trees. (Noted)

b) Village Show

A parishioner said there was to be a meeting in the Commodore Bar Lounge at 8 pm on the 3rd November for anybody who would like to share ideas for this proposed Instow and West Yelland community summer event designed for all comers and that was to be held on the 16th July 2005. (Noted)

c) Mollands Garage -Planning Applications (see item 2411/11 (d) etc): -

A parishioner addressed IPC and set out the concerns of the Parish Hall Committee as regards these applications. The Chairman thanked her for her valuable contribution and said her comments would be fully considered by IPC when discussing the applications later in the meeting. (Noted)


Cllr Cann spoke of the recent Instow Beach Re-profiling, Greensweep Rollout, Quay Car Park Charter Toilet update (see item 2411/11 (b) - he said there was a current "approved" planning application in existence for this site for the erection of a block of flats and that it was as a result of this planning approval that Marine Court had been developed in the first instant), Marine Parade 20 mph speed limit (no objections have been lodged to date), the Barnstaple Western Bypass/Bridge (finally approved) and Funds from the sale of NDDC land at Lane End Close - he said he had researched NDDC’s records and was able to confirm that the proceeds from the sale of this plot of land and ransom strip (described by him as a "significant sum" - in excess of £70,000?) had been pledged by NDDC to the parish of Instow for a "community project" He said IPC and the parish should now start to seriously consider an appropriate "community project." (Noted)


a) General: - Cllr Mrs L Brown spoke of her enquiries as regards planning application viz: Addition of second floor to dwelling (amendment to planning permission 35529) at Plot 2, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference no. 38471) and associated applications. She said there had been approximately 15 letters of objection and that NDDC’s Planning Committee had subsequently refused permission (see item 2411/11 (i)). She added that a Planning Enforcement Officer was considering other issues of concern on this site (i.e. building too high/additional floor, bank adjacent to highway not fenced) and that one building, for example, was having to be made the subject of a retrospective planning application because it had been built larger than the approved plans. (Noted)

b) Code of Conduct -Freemasonry (see 2410/9 (i) (h)): - Cllr Mrs L Brown provided IPC with a summary of the guidance she had been provided with having taken advise from the Head of Policy and Guidance at The Standards Board for England. Cllr Mrs L Brown provided the Clerk with a copy of the full guidance for the information of Cllr White who had raised this issue. (Noted)

2411/7 MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the October Minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)


(a) Item 2410/8 (d) - Instow Beach/Crown Estates Lease - Lifeguards - (i) The Clerk reported that IPC’s Finance Sub Committee (Cllr Johns in particular) had commenced negotiation with Instow Marine and that it was hoped to report further at the next meeting. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk said he had heard nothing further about the Beach Lifeguard /RNLI Meeting being facilitated by NDDC. (Noted)

(iii) Email (dd 11.11.04) from Jon Turner NDDC reference "Beach Owners Meeting - Civic Centre at 2.30 pm on Thursday 25th November 2004": - The Clerk said this letter stated that the Environment Agency would be presenting the information about water test results for the current season at this meeting and reminded IPC that the original meeting of the 18th November has been cancelled. It was RESOLVED that IPC would be represented by Cllr Cook. (Action: Cllr Cook)

(b) Parish Carol Singing Event (6.30 pm on Sunday 12th December 2004): - (i) IPC discussed arrangements for this event i.e. mulled wine, mince pies, collectors (buckets), hosting of event etc. The Clerk said he had liaised with Instow Church (John Edwards - Carol Singing), Parish Hall (Alison Mayoh - Booking) and Commodore Hotel (Venue) and that all was in order. It was RESOLVED, after discussion, that the Chairman would be the facilitator of the event from an IPC viewpoint. (Action: The Chairman)


(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting

a) Letter (dd 20.10.04) from NDDC (Environmental Health - Licensing) reference "NDDC’s Draft Statement of Licensing Policy - Public Consultation Licensing Act 2003": - The Clerk said this letter informed IPC that NDDC has published its first draft licensing policy for public consultation as required by the relevant act and that copies could be downloaded from NDDC’s website www.northdevon.gov.uk <http://www.northdevon.gov.uk> together with a response form - closing date for replies 15th November 2004. He reminded Cllrs he had copied it to them with their agenda papers (4.11.04) so they could consider the content prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

b) Letter (dd 22.10.04) from DCC concerning "Moving Forward - Devon Local Transport Plan 2006 - 2011" -Includes Consultation Document October 2004 : - The Clerk said the government required DCC to prepare, by July 2005, a new Devon Local Transport Plan for the five years 2006 - 2011 and it sought contributions to this work; he said he had passed a copy of the letter to Cllrs (consultation document passed to Cllr Green (IPC’s Transport Cllr)) with their agenda papers (4.11.04) so they could consider the content prior to the meeting. He said the closing date for responses was Friday 3rd December 2004. After discussion it was RESOLVED to submit response at Cllr Green’s discretion. (Action: Cllr Green)

c) Letter (dd 22.10.04) from "Campaign against Wind Turbines in North Devon" reference "Application for 22 Wind Turbines at Fullabrook Down": -The Clerk said this letter asked that IPC consider this wind turbine application and send any comments to NDDC; he said he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04) so they could consider it prior to the meeting. After discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

d) Letter and booklet from DCC (dd 26.10.04) concerning "Devon Structure Plan 2001 - 2016/Notice of Adoption and Written Statement: - The Clerk said this referred to the adoption of the plan as of the 8th October - on this date the plan became operative and part of the development plan for DCC, Plymouth City, Torbay and Dartmoor National Park. He said it had been forwarded for the information of IPC and that further information could be found on the DCC website - www.devon.gov.uk/structureplan <http://www.devon.gov.uk/structureplan> He added the notice of adoption indicated that a person aggrieved by the proposals might, within 6 weeks from the 28th October 2004, make an application to the High Court under Section 287 of the 1990 Act. The Clerk said he had provided a copy of the letter/notice to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04), the booklet to the Chairman and a copy of the notice had been placed at the post office for the information of parishioners. After discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

e) Letter (dd 14.10.04) from Office of the Deputy Prime Minister concerning "New Ethical Framework Regulations": - The Clerk said this concerned the adoption (4.11.04) of the Local Authorities (Code of Conduct) (Local Determination) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 - copies could be found on website www.hmso.gov.uk <http://www.hmso.gov.uk> He said this act enabled local authority monitoring officers to carry out investigations into alleged breaches by members of their code of conduct which had been referred to them by an ethical standards officer prior to his/her having carried out or concluded an investigation. He added the regulations also enabled local authority standards committees to make determinations following monitoring officers reports on the investigation of such breaches and that the Order clarified that the Standards Board may issue advice to monitoring officers and local standards committees. He reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers (4.11.04). (Noted)

f) Letter (dd 27.10.04) from The North Devon Rail Users Group (NDRUG) concerning "Securing The Future": - The Clerk reported that attached to this letter was NDRUG’s recently published paper entitled "Securing The Future" and that the letter, summarising the published paper, had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04) to enable discussion at Council. He said that a copy of the report had been provided to the Chairman. After discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

g) Email (dd 2.11.04) from parishioner (Pam Cantle) reference "Village Show 2005" and "Tree Meeting": - The Clerk said that these matters were also mentioned in the Parish News (November 2004) - see also item 2411/4 (a) and (b). (Noted)

h) Email (dd 3.11.04) from Nick Steenman-Clark (Public Rights of Way Officer - DCC) concerning "Instow Quay - Public Rights of Way Committee Minutes": - (i) The Clerk said this referred to item 2409/9 (g). (Noted)

(ii) Letter (dd 3.11.04) and attachments reference (i) above: - The Clerk said was for noting by IPC. (Noted)

i) Letter from DCC County Solicitor (dd 5.11.04) reference "Temporary Traffic Order/ Lane End Road - prohibition of through traffic in 100 metres of Lane End Road (from Whitehouse Close - easterly) for approx 3 week period commencing 29th November: - The Clerk advised Council that this was to enable mains connection by SWW and that a copy had been placed at the Post Office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)

j) Letter (dd 1.11.04) and enclosures from DCC concerning "Local Community Self Help Emergency Planning": - The Clerk said this was relevant to the development of a self-help emergency plan and to provide parishes with information and advice. He said it had been handed to the Chairman for the information of IPC’s EPSC. (Noted)

k) IPC’s Xmas Social 2004 (Thursday 16th December): - The Clerk confirmed that invitations (as agreed at IPC of 21st October) had been sent out (30th October) and that all the necessary arrangements had been made with The Commodore. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs - list provided for parishioners at meeting)

a) Email (dd 22.10.04) from Secretary TTEF reference "Minutes of TTEF meeting of 4th October 2004" - Minutes attached.

b) Email (dd 26.10.04) from Chairman of TTEF concerning "TTEF Update (25.10.04)": - Refers to TDC Chief Executive’s Refusal of Chairman’s request for an appointment to discuss Estuary Matters, Fast Leisure Craft, Lundy No-Take Zone - English Natures Press Release, Consultation: Anchorwood Bank, Barnstaple - Construction of Attenuation Pond and Associated Open Space (Amended Plans), Consultation: Fullabrook Wind Farm application by Devon Wind Power Ltd and NDDC Beach Lifeguards.

List provided for parishioners who attended the meeting.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs - list provided for parishioners at meeting)

a) The Playing Field (received 23.10.04) - Devon Playing Field Association Newsletter

b) NDDC’s Members Services Weekly Information Sheet dated 22.10.04, 29.10.04 and 5.11.04

c) DCC’s Devon Wide (Half Fare Travel Pass) - Concessionary Fares booklets. Copies placed at post office for parishioners by Clerk.

d) DCC’s Monthly News Round Up (November 2004) - copy placed at post office for parishioners.

e) NDDC’s Meeting Agenda (Minutes and Reports) for Wednesday 3rd November 2004 at 2.30 pm.

f) Information from The Devon Reinvestment Service concerning a "Project Development Event" to be held on Monday 29th November 2004 at 9.30 am/Great Moor House, Sowton Industrial Estate, Exeter.

g) Email (dd 25.10.04) from Chairman IPC reference complaint from parishioner about BT’s re-installation of pavement (by the small DCE car park on the Quay) following installation of broadband - hole filled with tarmac which was not of a similar nature to the rest of the pavement. Clerk contacted DCC’s Local Services Officer by email (25.10.04) and reported the complaint.

h) Clerks and Councils Direct (November 2004 - Issue 36)

i) NDDC - Minutes of Standards Committee held on Wednesday 27th October 2004 at 7 pm.

j) Information from Cllr May reference "dumped tyres (approx 150) on highway near Holmacott tip (Westleigh Parish) - Clerk advised (3.11.04) Clerk to Westleigh Parish Council who confirmed he would deal.

k) Letter (received 5.11.04) from Devon Library and Information Services reference "Community Organisations Database - Update" - Clerk responded as necessary.

l) Letter (dd 3.11.04) from Engineering Manager of NDDC reference "Sand Bags Records" - Clerk responded as necessary.

m) Clerk noticed graffiti on window of bus shelter (3.11.04) at Venn Cross (seaward side) - Handyman dealt with this as necessary on request of Clerk.

n) Adopted DCC Minerals Local Plan - includes Part A (Written Statement) and Part B (Proposals Map and Inset Plans) - received 9.11.04.

List provided for parishioners who attended the meeting.

2411/10 FINANCE

The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the October meeting: -

1. INCOME: -



Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 366.50#

Instow/Westleigh Parish News Grant 2004 £ 300.00

Parish Hall Grant 2004 £ 400.00

Burial Ground Grant 2004 £ 750.00*

Instow Website Grant 2004 £ 100.00

RBL Parish Wreath - Armistice Service £ 16.00

BT Parish Telephone 372408 £ 64.95+

TOTAL: - £2029.45

Key: -

# Includes payment for seat maintenance (see item 2404/10 (5) (k)) - i.e. £267.50 made up of 14 seats at £15 per seat plus £57.50 for fixing bolts, chain and stain paint and graffiti removal/re-painting (see item 2410/9 (iii) (s)) and correspondence item for IPC meeting of 11.11.04 (i.e. (iii) (m) - £11)

* Includes £250 for tree husbandry in burial ground - see item 2410/10 (5) (c) (ii)

+ Cost of calls £20.92, vat £9.47 and service charges £34.36


Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 28.10.04 (Statement). = £78.80#

Key: -

# According to Clerk’s records -£3.47 as at 1.11.04 (3 cheques totalling £ 75.33 uncashed)

Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 21.10.04 (according to Clerk’s records) =



IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2030.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Beach Grant 2004: - The Clerk said he had heard nothing further since the last meeting. Cllr Cann said he would try and establish the current position and report back to the Clerk/IPC asap. (Action: Cllr Cann)

(b) Parish Seat - Insurance Claim: - (i) The Clerk updated IPC as to progress i.e. a letter had been received from the Allianz Cornhill (dd 22.10.04); the Clerk appraised Council of the content and of action taken subsequently i.e. check of all seats with parish handyman (3.11.04). It was agreed to discuss this issue in conjunction with item 5 (e) (iii) (a) below. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk suggested that an IPC Works Sub Committee (to include Cllr Crombie - Risk Assessment) be appointed to consider all the current seats, some needed condemning for example, and to report back to IPC with recommendation asap. After discussion it was RESOLVED to take this course of action.

(Action: Cllr Crombie and The Clerk) (iii) In the meantime it was RESOLVED that the parish handyman would be requested by the Clerk to check the seats weekly (as recommended by the Allianz Cornhill) and to keep a record. (Action: The Clerk)

(c) "Gift" of War Memorial and Grant to Instow PCC for Tree Husbandry in Churchyard: (i) War Memorial/Insurance: - The Clerk updated IPC i.e. he had established that Instow PCC’s insurance for the burial ground did not automatically cover the war memorial so he had, as a consequence, spoken to a local stonemason (Peter Roberts - 22/10/04) who had kindly offered to measure up the war memorial and contact a colleague in Cornwall who would be able to provide an estimated costs of replacement. The Clerk suggested that when this was known he wrote to the Allianz Cornhill and asked them to include it on IPC’s public liability policy. After discussion it was RESOLVED to take this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) War Memorial/Maintenance: - The Clerk reminded IPC of the estimate for maintenance recently submitted to IPC by Instow’s PCC. He suggested that this be considered by IPC when the insurance issue had been resolved - IPC RESOLVED to agree to this course of action. (Noted)

(iii) Tree Husbandry: - The Clerk advised IPC that £250 has been added to the 2004 burial ground grant of £500 - see item 2 above. (Noted)

(d) Instow Recreation Ground Trust Account - Portman Building Society: - The Chairman talked to and produced the evidence he had traced through archived parish council minutes and advise IPC, as a result, that this account’s name should be changed to "The Instow Allotment and Recreation Field Account". IPC RESOLVED to adopt this name change and the Clerk was asked to take the necessary action with the Portman Building Society and CCLA. (Action: The Clerk)

(e) Budget Meeting for Financial Year 2005/6: - The Clerk reported that this meeting took place on Tuesday 19th October (copy of "unapproved" minutes circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04)) and continued to report as follows: -

(i) Minutes of IPC’s FSC Meeting of 19th October 2004: - IPC’s FSC Cllrs present RESOLVED to approve the minutes. (Noted)

(ii) IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations: -

(a) The Clerk reported that IPC’s Financial Regulations had been reviewed by IPC’s FSC and on the basis they had been updated as recently as the 19th February 2004 (following on from the Clerk’s Quality Council AQA activity) they recommended to IPC they remain as written with no amendment/additions. IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. The Chairman and Clerk signed a copy for the records. (Noted)

(b) The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC recommended that IPC’s "commitment" to the beach (as a result of its current lease with the Crown Estates) be included as a "risk" under Section 5 (Council’s Assets - Third Party Liability) of IPC’s Risk Assessment Policy. The Clerk drew attention to the relevant recommended addition of said document that had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. The Chairman and Clerk signed a copy for the records. (Noted)

(iii) Risk Review/Considerations 2005/6: -

(a) Parish Seats/Beach - The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC recognised that a formal structure needed to be put in place for the financial year 2005/6 in respect of the "maintenance" of the beach (i.e. insurance implications - signage, checks for debris etc) and parish seats (adopt a formal procedure for accepting "donated" seats i.e. suitable structure, on-going maintenance, disposal etc) and that it recommended to IPC that such a procedure be introduced soonest (NB: - Letter from Allianz Cornhill (dd 22.10.04) as at item 5 (b) above). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation and the Chairman together with Cllr Crombie and the Clerk were asked to draw up a policy for the consideration of IPC asap (Action: Cllrs Harper, Crombie and The Clerk)

(b) Insurance Review: -The Clerk confirmed that he, together with Cllr Crombie and Cllr Scott, had reviewed IPC’s Public Liability Insurance cover on renewal (June 2004) and that it had been agreed at that time, by resolution of IPC, that it was adequate. (See item 2405/12 (5) (g)). (Noted)

(iv) Car Park Charges 2005: -

The Clerk reported that after debate IPC’s FSC recommended to Council that these be left the same as for the current year (i.e. £1 for 2 hours, £3 all day, £80 for a season ticket & £12 for a weekly ticket). The Clerk added that it was noted by IPC’s FSC that NDDC are apparently to consult IPC in respect of NDDC using this car park for its own purposes in future years although there was no indication when this might take place. IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Noted)

(v) Parish Handyman/Beach Cleaner 2004/5 - Terms of Reference/Contract and Hourly Rate: -

(a) The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC had reviewed the terms of reference for the parish handyman (originally drawn up and confirmed in July 2003) and that following a. "professional" input by Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) had made a number of amendments that now required the vetting and approval of IPC. The Clerk referred to a copy of the amended terms of reference that had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. - Clerk to liaise with handyman. (Action: The Clerk)

(b) The Clerk reported that a simple contract/terms of reference had been put in place for the beach cleaner for the 2004 season and that after discussion, IPC’s FSC had agreed to recommend to IPC that it remain as written for the 2005 season. IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Noted)

(c) The Clerk stated that IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that the current beach cleaner (Mr P Cook) be paid for his statutory holiday entitlement for the current season (2004/5) - The Clerk said that on the basis of annual salary (to date £1804.66) divided by 52 weeks times 4 weeks that this would amount to £138.82. IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation.

(Action: The Clerk)

(d) The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that the Handyman’s hourly rate (2005/6) be increased from £5.50 to £6 per hour and that the beach cleaner’s hourly rate (2005/6) should be £5 per hour (i.e. above the minimum weekly wage (£4.85 post October 2004). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Noted)

(vi) Tractor Service 2004/5: -

The Clerk reported he had received an "estimate" from Peter Cook, which stated it would take him 5 hours to complete the service (at £4.85 per hour - current national minimum wage) plus any parts that would be necessary to purchase (with receipts). He said that IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that Peter Cook be re-employed for this purpose (as per 2003/4). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Noted)

(vii) Xmas Charity Nominee 2004/5: -

The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that the collection from the Carol Singing event (12th December 2004) be paid equally to The North Devon Hospice, Children’s Hospice (South West) and the Appledore Branch of the RNLI; it was further recommended that IPC itself match fund the collection on the night up to a maximum of £100. He reminded IPC that it had already resolved to support this application at the October meeting - see item 2410/9 (i) (c) (ii). (Noted)

(viii) IPC - Use of Reserves: -

The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC felt that it should recommend to IPC that the purchase of a "new" tractor be "loosely" explored although it noted that a NDDC Beach Cleaning grant might not be forthcoming for 2005 (it had still not be paid for the current 2004 season) and that this could necessitate IPC to consider its future as regards beach cleaning costs. The Clerk added that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) said that IPC’s reserves might possibly still be considered high by the Audit Commission at next year’s audit although he believed the potential loss of the car park revenue might obviate this sort of criticism. (Noted)

(ix) Quality Parish (QP) Council Application: -

The Clerk reported that he advised IPC’s FSC it would be necessary for him to put in approximately 40 hours of overtime (during the early part of the financial year 2005/6) to put together IPC’s QP application portfolio. He said he had reminded IPC’s FSC that he had been reimbursed the additional time incurred in putting together his Clerks’ AQA QC portfolio along the lines of £6 per hour for 40 hours - £240. The Clerk finalised by saying that as a consequence IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that the Clerk be reimbursed on completion of the relevant work and attainment of the appropriate status; he added that IPC’s FSC, in coming to its deliberation, had recognised there would be other expenses involved, that is, for example, a Council portfolio registration fee (£25 plus vat - £29.38). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Noted)

(x) By-Election Costs 2005/6: - The Clerk reported he had reminded IPC’s FSC of a recent letter from NDDC (see item 2409/10 (5) (k)) of relevance to by-election costs 2005/6 - this was noted by IPC’s FSC (see contingency expenditure as at draft budget (item (xii) below)). (Noted)

(xi) Internal Auditors Fee 2004/5: - The Clerk reported he had informed IPC’s FSC that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) had not sought recompense for his internal auditor time for the current year and that IPC’s FSC recommended to IPC that a vote of thanks be tabled to Mr Day for his commitment and public spiritedness. IPC wholeheartedly RESOLVED to support this recommendation and the Clerk was asked to communicate this to Mr G Day asap. (Action: The Clerk)

(xii) Draft Budget 2005-2006: -

The Clerk reported that following the above discussions IPC’s FSC had drawn up a draft Budget (as previously circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04)) and it was now for IPC to approve it in its entirety, or otherwise. He said IPC should note that the draft budget accounted for a very small surplus and only a £200 increase in the precept on 2004/5. The Clerk then went through the draft budget (as listed below) item by item and answered queries as necessary at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED unanimously to adopt it. (Noted)

Income Budget 2004/5 Budget 2005/6

Grant 1418 1418

Precept 5600 5800

Mooring Fees 640 680

MOD 50 50

Car Park 6000 10,000

Grass Cuttings 510 525

Beach Cleaning 1800 NIL

Interest 300 300

Sundries 70 70

P3 Grant 125 125

Vat Refund NIL 100

Total 16513 19068


Handyman 2200 2400

Beach Cleaning Labour 2000 2200

Running Costs Tractor 600 600

Garage for Tractor 416 400

Grass Cutting 1138 1360*

Car Park 1600 2000

SWEB 35 75

Concessionary Fares 110 50

DAPC 124 130

Crown Estates 75 75

Insurances 500 750

Clerk’s Remuneration 3600 3800#

Clerk’s Expenses 1400 1450

Grants 1300 1700

Contingencies 600 600+

Repairs/Maintenance 500 500

Audit (Inc Int. Auditor Fee) 300 300

Xmas Charity 100 100

AQA/Quality Council NIL 300

P3 Activity NIL 270

Total 16598 19060

Key: -

· 7 cuts at £170 - provision for one extra cut if necessary

· # Subject to bonus provision in the event of "extraordinary" circumstances

· + Might include any by election costs

Grants: -

Parish News 300 400

Burial Ground 500 800

Parish Hall 400 400

Instow Website 100 100

Total 1300 1700

(f) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2004/P3 Claim for 2005: - The Clerk reported that the P3 2005 Finance form was still awaited. (Noted)

(g) Letter (dd 28.10.04) from CCLA Investment Management Ltd concerning "Devon Community Foundation (272110001T)": - The Clerk said that this advised IPC that CCLA has amended its records (from Instow Welfare Trust to Devon Community Foundation) and that in future all correspondence would be sent to Ms M McLoughlin of the Devon Community Foundation. (Noted)

(h) Xmas Grass Cut and beach Clean: - The Clerk recommended that a pre xmas grass cut be done - weather conditions dependant (in excess of budget for 2004/5 - £162.50 per cut) by parish handyman and that beach receive a clean up (say 4 hours at £4.85 per hour - minimum hourly wage). The cost of the beach clean could be included with the tractor service costs (as at (e) (ii) (vi) above) and payment to beach cleaner of holiday monies (as at item (e) (ii) (v) (c) above). IPC RESOLVED to agree to this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Letter (received 3.11.04) from Defence Bills Agency (DBA) reference "IPC’s Bank Account details for BACS Payment": - The Clerk reported that no response was necessary as all details were correct. (Noted)

2411/11 PLANNING

a) Application under Regulation 3 of the T and C P General regulations 1992 in respect of demolition of existing toilet block and erection of new Charter Toilets at NDDC’s Public Conveniences, Lane End, Instow (Reference No. 38281): - The Clerk reported upon his own enquiries and referred in particular to the minutes of the IPC Meetings of 27.2.1997 (Item 9702/5 (g)), 17.4.1997 (Item 9704/4 (d)) and 17.2.2000 (Item 2002/10 (f)). He said these minutes confirmed the information as provided by Cllr Cann as at item 2411/5. (Noted)

b) Application under Regulations 3 of the T and CP General Regulations 1992 for demolition of existing toilet block and construction of new Charter Toilets at Marine Car Park, Instow (Reference No. 38516): - (i) The Chairman reported upon correspondence received by him on behalf of IPC (22.10.04) from a resident of Marine Court, Instow of relevance to this planning application. (Noted)

(ii) Letter (dd 8.11.04) from NDDC reference "Application under Regulations 3 of the T and CP General Regulations 1992 for demolition of existing toilet block and construction of new Charter Toilets at Marine Car Park, Instow (Reference No. 38516): -The Clerk said this letter stated that this application was due to be considered by NDDC’s Planning Committee at their meeting of Wednesday 17th November 2004 at 2 pm at the Council Chamber of the Civic Centre, Barnstaple and that IPC was invited to attend and speak. After discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr Cook would attend and represent IPC - the Clerk reminded IPC it had resolved unanimously to recommend approval of this application. . (Action: Cllr Cook)

(iii) Agenda for NDDC’s Planning Committee (17th November 2004 at 2 pm) and Letters of Representation: - The Clerk said these papers were for the information of IPC and any Cllr(s) attending to represent IPC at the meeting. They were handed to Cllr Cook. (Noted)

c) Planning Applications - Draft General Guidance Notes for Cllrs: - The Clerk reported he had received a full response from NDDC; he went on to explain and itemised a series of paperwork received from NDDC’s Planning Department which he had placed into a folder for the information of all Cllrs, particularly those acting as Planning Officers. It was RESOLVED the file would be retained by the Chairman who would make it available for Cllrs on a needs basis. (Noted)

d) (i) Notice (received 20.10.04) from Michael J Smith and Associates (Chartered Architect on behalf of Mr O Cook) under Article 6 of Application for Planning Permission (Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 - Proposed Residential Development comprising of 7 Dwellings at Mollands Garage together with improved access and visibility to Quay Lane: - (i) The Clerk reported he had made enquiries as regards IPC’s garage tenancy "arrangement" and that as far as he could ascertain there was no lease or written agreement. (Noted)

(ii) Conservation Area Application for demolition of non-listed Buildings in connection with the Erection of 7 Dwellings together with construction of improved access at Mollands Garage, Quay Lane, Instow (Reference No. 38830): - (a) The Clerk reported receipt (28.10.04) and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC. (Noted)

(b) The Clerk said he had taken advice and that as IPC had a "pecuniary interest" in this application (i.e. rented garage) it would have to declare an interest and make no recommendation. He added, however, that IPC would be in a position to fully respond to the notice as at item 2411/11 (d) above as and when it had formulated a viewpoint. (Noted)

(iii) Outline application for Erection of 7 Dwellings together with construction of improved access at Mollands Garage, Quay Lane, Instow (Reference No 38787): - (a) The Clerk reported receipt (28.10.04) and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC. (Noted)

(b) The Clerk said he had taken advice and that as IPC had a "pecuniary interest" in this application (i.e. rented garage) it would have to declare an interest and make no recommendation. He added, however, that IPC would be in a position to fully respond to the notice as at item 2411/11 (d) above as and when it had formulated a viewpoint. (Noted)

(c ) IPC’s Deliberations: - (i) A full discussion then ensured during which concerns of relevance to the submitted plans being out of date, fire escape/footpath/ramp to the parish hall, noise, affordable housing were raised. Cllr Cann then suggested he facilitate a site meeting with the Planning Officer; IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation and the Chairman and Cllr Scott were agreed to be its representatives together with Mrs Pam Cantle (Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee). (Action: Cllrs Cann, Harper and Scott)

(ii) The Clerk was asked to liaise with the Planning Officer so as to express IPC’s "pecuniary interest" predicament and to seek a delay in responding until after the site meeting had been completed. (Action: The Clerk)

** Cllr Cook declared an interest in this application, left the room and did not speak**

e) Erection of conservatory at 1 Old Rectory Lane, Rectory Lane, Instow (Reference No. 38467): - Clerk to report receipt of letter (received 26.10.04) from NDDC’s Planning Department stating that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as filed. (Noted)

f) Extension to dwelling together with conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation and formation of terrace at Sandpipers, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No. 38792): (i) The Clerk reported receipt (28.10.04) and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC. (Noted)

(ii) The Chairman reported that IPC’s Planning Sub Committee had RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application although it did have some concerns about the effect on parking in the immediate vicinity i.e. Anstey Way and New Road. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)

**Cllr Crombie declared an interest in this application, left the room and did not speak**

g) (i) Letter (dd 27.10.04) from NDDC’s Planning Manager reference "Planning Enforcement Service": - The Clerk said that this letter informed IPC of a number of initiatives and developments relating to NDDC’s Planning Enforcement Service i.e. enforcement charter, increased resources to the enforcement team and a bi-monthly enforcement surgery; he added that a copy had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.11.04). (Noted)

(ii) Letter (dd 1.11.04) from Dave Smart, Customer Care Officer of NDDC’s Planning Department reference "Planning Unit - Request for Visit": - The Clerk outlined the content of the letter and advised Cllrs that Mr Smart was willing to attend IPC’s meetings of either 20th January or 17th February 2005 at 7 pm to address Cllrs. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to invite Mr Smart and the Clerk was asked to make an approach. (Action: The Clerk)

h) Letter (received 6.11.04) from NDDC reference "NDDC Reg 4 application under regulation 4 of the T and CP General Regulations 1992 for change of use of part land used for public conveniences to form residential garden area at Public Conveniences, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No. 38551): - The Clerk said the letter stated that NDDC’s planning authority had resolved to GRANT planning permission for the above proposal subject to conditions as listed. (Noted)

i) Letter (received 6.11.04) from NDDC reference "Addition of second floor to dwelling (amendment to planning permission 35529) at Plot 2, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference no. 38471): -The Clerk said the letter stated that NDDC’s planning authority had resolved to REFUSE planning permission for the above proposal for reasons as listed and that he had provided them with a copy for their information. (Noted)

j) Letter (dd 3.11.04) and map from Dave Smart (NDDC’s Customer Care Officer - Planning) reference "Conservation Map of Instow": - The Clerk said this had been forwarded at his request and that he had placed it in the planning folder as at item 2411/11 (c) above. (Noted)


There were no matters raised. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

