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THURSDAY 15th OCTOBER 2009 AT 7.30 PM.

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


The meeting was preceded (at 7pm) by a talk on “Affordable Rural Housing” by Colin Savage (Rural Housing Enabler – Rural Housing Project (RHP) Exmoor, North Devon and West Somerset). Mr Savage explained that the RHP was an independent organisation that worked to meet the gap in housing supply, by identifying the level of need for affordable housing and where this need was identified, progressing to ensure that new housing was provided. He said the project achieved this by working with local communities, initially through parish councils. The housing needs of Instow, which he said were a priority in the NDC’s area, were discussed. The Chairman thanked Mr Savage for his valuable time.

Present: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, M Green (Vice Chairman), C Harper, A Johns, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and approximately 42 parishioners.

2910/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

There were no apologies.

a) Introduction: -
PCSO Jessica Meaker introduced herself as the successor to PCSO Dan Cornish who had been transferred to Barnstaple Town Centre. The Chairman welcomed her to the meeting. (Noted)
b) Crime: -
PCSO Meaker said 4 crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, an offence of criminal damage (refuse bin), an offence of theft from a motor vehicle (fishing equipment), an offence of theft (boating equipment) and an offence of non crime domestic incident. (Noted)
c) Traffic Matters: -
PCSO Meaker said that both her and her colleagues continued to use the speed gun in the area and that this invaluable road safety initiative was on-going. (Noted)
e) Neighbourhood Watch: -
PCSO Meaker said there was now a NW coordinator, Helena Sutton, based within the Barnstaple Beat Office and that she would soon be making contact with street coordinators to provide further information and endeavour to enhance relationships and support. (Noted)

a) Miscellaneous Matters: -
A parishioner spoke of: -
• James May Batteries: – he noted they had been quickly removed; the Clerk advised him they were not the subject of crime and had been collected by the NDCCS. (Noted)
• New Speed Warning Signs: - he welcomed the current signs but asked whether another could be installed at Venn Cross; it was agreed this was a matter for DCC to consider. (Action: Cllr Cann)
• Instow Energy Saving and Carbon Footprint: - he suggested that favourable planning consideration should be given to parishioners who implemented energy saving measures, solar panels should be installed in parish halls and all unnecessary street lighting should be switched off at say midnight. It was agreed that these were matters for DCC/NDC to consider.
(Action: Cllrs Cann (DCC) and Moores (NDC))
• Instow Car Park “Seizure”: - he said this was scandalous and against all common sense and fairness. (Noted)
• Tarka Trail (Old Power Station) – Emergency Access: - he said the new wooden gate was incorrectly positioned and favoured the snack bar trailer and not emergency vehicles who had recently had problems attending a fire on the Tarka Trail. He asked why the snack bar had not been mentioned in the recent planning application. It was agreed that these were matters for DCC/NDC to consider. (Action: Cllrs Cann (DCC) and Moores (NDC))
b) TTEF Matters: -
(i) TTEF – IPC’s Representative: -
Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s current TTEF Representative) said she had recently been elected as the Chairman of the North Devon Coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership and on the grounds of impartiality she would have to reluctantly step down as IPC’s representative on the TTEF. She said she had thoroughly enjoyed her 22 years association with IPC, as a parish councillor (and past Chairman) and representative of IPC on the TTEF, and would continue to promote the interests of Instow in her new role. The Chairman thanked Mrs Day for all she had done for Instow Parish Council and wished her well in her new role that was richly deserved. Councillors and members of the public present supported this view by a round of applause. (Noted)
(ii) TTEF – General: -
Mrs Day spoke of the “Revision of Shoreline Management Plan”, “Devon Maritime Forum”, North Devon Coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty” and “Update of the Taw Torridge Estuary Management Plan”. She provided Councillors with a paper covering brief details of each issue and other correspondence as relevant. (Noted)
c) Slipway – Opposite Commodore Hotel: -
A parishioner asked when the lockable bollard was to be fitted at this location – the Clerk said it was now in the hands of the NDCCS (following consultation with DCE and IPC) and that they were currently in negotiations with the Environment Agency. (Noted)
(a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke of “Devon County Homes” (all homes to be the subject of externalisation achieved through a tender process; he is to seek assurances regarding the safeguarding of the future of Oakwell Home which provides a vital service for the local community), “Traffic Queuing - Westleigh Junction” (a site meeting has been arranged with Highways Officers on the 14th November), “Extension of Instow 30 mph Limit” (work is to commence on 5th November), “A39 Westleigh Junction” (ongoing pressure on DCC), “Energy Saving – Devon Street Lighting” (almost 9,000 street lights will be affected over next 6 months in a phased and strategic manner; potential saving of £450,000 and 4,000 tonnes of Co2 pa) and “Payment of £11,000 by NDC to Celebrities to attend Devon Games to Inspire”. (Noted)
b) Dog Fouling – Instow Beach: -
(i) Cllr Cann said the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 would become law in North Devon on 1.11.09. This would succeed the previous order made under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996. Ticket fines would rise from £50 to £75 (£65 for prompt payment) but, regrettably, the legislation still allowed for land owners being able to give dog owners permission to use their land for the purpose of fouling. This, he said, would not, therefore, help the current anomaly issues as regards varying ownership of the beach at Instow, nor the sand dunes, albeit that IPC and the Crown Estate were supporting the enforcement of dog fouling legislation on “their” parts of the sands by District Council appointed dog wardens. Cllr Cann added that despite local enquires and a land registry search the ownerships of land above the mean tide line was at best unclear and that considerable effort has been put into the informal resolution of concerns with local land owners but in important cases without success. He added that Instow was visited regularly by the dog wardens although they could not provide a permanent or protracted presence. Cllr Cann finalised by saying any remaining signage would now be removed and as previously promised 3 or 4 metal signs would be erected on lamp posts adjacent to the main seafront area with the content being the same as that depicted on the current adhesive signs. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED, in conjunction with NDC, to engage in suitable publicity subsequent to 1.11.09 and to post an appropriate message on the Instow website/parish magazine setting out, as succinctly as possible, the “Dog Fouling” implications and constraints on Instow Sands for the information of parishioners and visitors alike. (Action: Cllr Cann and The Clerk)
c) New Instow School: -
Cllr Cann said this was still “up in the air” but that he would continue to lobby at DCC whenever possible. (Noted)
d) Anstey Way – Pedestrian Island”: -
Cllr Johns said he was still concerned that the road markings in the vicinity of these islands were unclear in that he had witnessed incidents of overtaking in their vicinity that might well have resulted in serious accidents. Cllr Cann agreed to liaise with the Local Services Department in this regard. (Action: Cllr Cann)

Quay Car Park, Instow: -
(i) Cllr Moores advised IPC that NDC was considering direct management of this car park in 2010; he said there was no suggestion whatsoever that the car park was to be “taken away”. He said the subject had first come up for discussion by NDC’s Executive on the 23rd September but that at his instigation it had been removed from the agenda for consultation with the parish council. Cllr Moores said it had been recommended that direct management of the car park would overcome some anomalies in the current car parking system throughout the area and ensure value for money (VFM). Cllr Moores said that as a resident of Instow, and its NDC’s Ward Member, he was passionate about Instow and would fight hard for its cause by engaging in this consultation and mediating on its behalf. Cllr Moores stated that NDC had to ensure VFM but on current licence terms and conditions to IPC this was not the case. He said the running costs of this car park to NDC was somewhere in the region of £9,000 pa and that the annual licence fees paid by IPC did not reflect these overall costs. He assured IPC there was no hidden agenda. (Noted)
(ii) A parishioner asked Cllr Moores how the overhead figure of £9,000 was derived and apart from stating there was somewhere in the region of £3,400 business rates to pay on an annual basis he was unable to specify. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk pointed out that this VFM argument was not new to him and that he had particularly, in the current year, negotiated to pay NDC a going rate only to have the normal inflation licence fee subsequently invoiced. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Johns asked Cllr Moores for his particular view on the issue – would he support NDC or IPC? Cllr Moores said he would not be in a position to make that decision until the consultation process was complete. Cllr Moores was then pressed by a number of parishioners to make his stance perfectly clear and unambiguous and he said he would quite naturally support Instow. (Noted)
(v) Cllr Cann said he was totally behind Instow in retaining its ability to run the Quay Car Park as he recognised the tangible and real benefits that the revenue accrued provided the parish. He added this was much more than a VFM issue; it was about the value of communities and their aspirations especially one like Instow that had the benefit a Quality Parish Council with all that that entailed. (Noted)
(vi) IPC then discussed the issue and unanimously RESOLVED to write to NDC and oppose its recommendations and seek the status quo. (Action: The Clerk)
(vii) The Clerk advised IPC that it might be appropriate in the circumstances to take a vote on the resolution from the parishioners present. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
(viii) In the vote that followed all parishioners present (approx 42) voted in favour of supporting IPC’s resolution with none abstaining or voting against. (Noted)

2910/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the September 2009 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2909/5 (iv) - Westleigh Junction: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had written to the Leader of DCC (dd 21.9.09) and subsequently received a reply (dd 1.10.09); he said copies of both letters had been provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.10.09). A discussion ensured. (Noted) b) Item 2909/5 (vi) ((b)) - Marine Parade – Parking Restrictions: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had obtained copies of the current waiting restriction orders for Marine Parade from DCC Local Services via Cllr Cann; the Clerk reminded Cllrs of the current restriction. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman asked Cllr Cann for some detail of the original complainant and the nub of his/her request. Cllr Cann said he had received the “complaint” from a local Cllr who had been approached by one of his neighbours requesting that the current no waiting restriction be lifted from the Boathouse to the entrance of the Sand Dunes Car Park. The Clerk told Council this was currently restricted to 2 hours at any one time (no return in 2 hours) and that it only operated between July and August. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the grounds the current restrictions were most reasonable in both time (2 hours) and period (July/August) and should remain as such. (Noted)
c) Item 2909/8 (a) - Village Gateway Initiative: -
Cllr Cann provided IPC with an update; he said DCC were still considering options that would be acceptable in health and safety terms. (Noted)
d) Item 2909/8 (c) (ii) - Speeding Poster Initiative: -
Cllr Mrs Dipper provided IPC with an update i.e. the poster was to appear in a forthcoming parish magazine and copies had been placed by the Clerk on all parish council notice boards (7.10.09). (Noted)
e) Item 2909/8 (d) - IPC’s QPC Reaccreditation: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had taken IPC’s reaccreditation portfolio to County Hall, Exeter on Wednesday 23rd September and handed it to Lesley Smith (Secretary of DAPC). He added the result of the accreditation panel was now awaited. (Noted)
f) Item 2909/8 (e) - Neighbourhood Watch Messaging – Website etc: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with PCSO Dan Cornish and that it would appear the local Neighbourhood Policing Team was soon to have their own website (that could be linked to the Instow website) and in which “neighbourhood watch” messages would appear. (Noted)
g) Item 2909/8 (f) - All Saints Chapel – Children’s Play Area: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that having spoken to the Reverend Calway (9.10.09) he had ascertained that the Instow PCC was, in principle, in favour of the project; The Clerk then read a missive (email dd 13.10.09) received from the Reverend Calway setting out the PCC’s “requirements” (i.e. no lease, raised beds/planters, Instow pre School in favour, retain grass, no play equipment higher than 2’ – above that specialist flooring would be necessary). (Noted)
(ii) Following a discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should liaise with the Reverend Calway and NDC as regards parishioner consultation and to report back at the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Item 2909/9 (h) - Instow Beach – Dogs: -
Cllr Cann provided IPC with an update; see item 2910/5 (b). (Noted)
i) Item 2909/9 (i) (k) – Access Gates – Instow Beach (Boathouse): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 29.9.09) from the Chief Executive of the 1991 Tapeley Life Interest Trust reference this matter; he said he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.10.09). He read it to Council. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
j) Item 2909/9 (i) (l) - Defra Bathing Water Regulations 2008: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with Andy Bell (NDCCS) and that a proposed strategy was in place to standardise the necessary signage and to ensure conformity and there not being a multiplicity of unnecessary signs. He added that on behalf of IPC he had asked that IPC be proactively involved in this process that would involve, hopefully, all private beach owners in the vicinity. IPC RESOLVED to support this decision. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then confirmed he had advised Defra that IPC accepted it was the “controller” of those parts of Instow Sands it leased from the CE and Defra had offered, in return, to include IPC in its final deliberations (there is a Defra signage working party) as regards recommended signage format. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Green elaborated on an email (dd 13.10.09) he had forwarded to the Clerk and Cllrs reference “Advisory Signs – Instow Beach”. In the light of items (i) and (ii) above this was noted and Cllr Green was thanked for his hard work. (Noted)
k) Item 2909/9 (i) (m) - Devon Duck Tours – Use of Instow Sands: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with the proprietor of DDT and as a result received an email (dd 21.9.09) setting out his future plans; he said this email had been circulated to Cllrs with email addresses. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that as a result of (i) above he had forwarded a further email (dd 5.10.09) to the proprietor of DDT requesting a response to a couple of supplementary questions raised by Cllrs, namely, “why had TDC refused permission for the DUKW to “land” at Appledore Car Park (what does he intend to do to resolve this)” and “where would it be kept for the winter months”. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of an appropriate reply from the proprietor of DDT in response to (ii) above that had been forwarded to the Cllrs concerned and copied to the Chairman. (Noted)
(iv) At the request of Council, the proprietor of DDT, Mr Paul White, then addressed Council at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to permit DDT to use those parts of Instow Sands as leased by it from the CE but subject to approval by IPC’s insurers, the Allianz Cornhill plc. (Action: The Clerk)
l) Item 2909/9 (i) (n) - Marine Watch (MW) Meeting: -
Cllr Harper provided a verbal report to IPC; he said no official MW group had been set up as such although the meeting was extremely useful from a crime intelligence point of view. (Noted)
m) Item 2909/12 - Instow 30’ Highway: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had forwarded a copy of a report (as prepared by Cllr Harper) to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.10.09). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that IPC last discussed this issue at its February 2009 meeting (reference item 2902/9 (i) (e) (vi) and (vii)) when it had been resolved to take no further action “on the grounds the land usage was minimal (even as a bargaining “tool” for a land swop) and that any action(s) taken to secure it legally in this day and age would be costly and protracted”. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Harper then addressed IPC and provided it with a summary of his very detailed enquiries to date and advised Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of his full report, with the cooperation of Cllr Cann, to NDC’s solicitor for comments; a reply was awaited. (Noted)
(iv) A discussion then ensured at the conclusion of which Cllr Harper was complimented by the Chairman on his detailed and in-depth enquiries into this subject and for preparing such a lucid and comprehensive report. IPC RESOLVED to await feedback from NDC’s solicitor. (Noted)
*** Cllr May declared an interest, did not speak and left the room ***
(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Affordable Rural Housing: -
In the light of the information given to IPC by Mr Colin Savage (Rural Housing Enabler – Rural Housing Project Exmoor, North Devon and West Somerset) prior to the meeting IPC RESOLVED to invite Mr Savage, and the organisation he represented, to engage in a community consultation so as to identify the level of need for affordable housing within the parish; Clerk to liaise with Mr Savage and offer him IPC’s cooperation. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (dd 2.10.09) and attachment from NDC (Electoral Registration Officer) reference “Register of Electors 2009/2010 – Outstanding Registration Forms”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the usual canvassing for the above was underway but that a number of properties had not responded. It was hoped, however, that IPC would be able to provide some relevant information about those addresses within their parish who had not responded and to do so by 9.10.09 (extended to 16.10.09). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter and attachment to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.10.09). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to pass the relevant informant gleaned as a result of the discussion to NDC. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) At the suggestion of Cllr Mrs Dipper IPC RESOLVED to place an article in a forthcoming parish magazine advising parishioners it was not only a legal obligation to complete the form but that not to do so meant that IPC lost out to the tune of £2 per head of population for those parishioners that did not respond in its annual grant application from NDC. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Remembrance Day Service 2009 – Instow Church: -
The Clerk reported that this was to take place at 10.55 am on Sunday 8th November 2009 and that he had ordered IPC’s wreath. IPC then discussed attendance. (Noted)
d) IPC’s Representative of TTEF – The Future: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that in the light Mrs Rose Day (see email of 7.10.09 and item 2910/4 (b)) had been appointed the Chairperson of the AONB she needed to stand down as IPC’s representative on the TTEF; her successor would, therefore, need to be identified. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a further email (dd 12.10.09) from Mrs Day reference “AONB Representation”; he said he had forwarded this on to Cllrs with email addresses for their information. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to defer this matter to the next meeting so that Cllrs could consider their options (Action: IPC Cllrs)
(iii) At the suggestion of the Chairman IPC RESOLVED to write to Mrs Day and thank her for her dedication and commitment to IPC and especially her TTEF role for IPC and wish her well in her new appointment. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 23.9.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) to IPC Cllrs etc reference “TTEF Meeting – 20th July 2009/Minutes etc”.
b) Email (dd 23.9.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) to IPC Cllrs etc reference “TTEF – Devon Marine Forum News/September 2009”.
c) Email (dd 3.10.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) reference “Low Carbon Communities Challenge Fund”.
d) Email (dd 5.10.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative)reference “RREF – Agenda of Meeting of 19.10.09”.
e)Email (dd 17.9.09) from Environment Agency (EA) reference “Bathing Water Results – 17th September 2009”.
f) Email (dd 24.9.09) from Environment Agency (EA) reference “Bathing Water Results – 24th September 2009”.
g)Email (dd 1.10.09) from Environment Agency (EA) reference “Bathing Water Results – 1st October 2009”.
h) Email (dd 7.10.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) reference “TTEF Agenda – Monday 19th October 2009”.
(i) Email (dd 8.10.09) Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) reference “TTEF Estuary Management Plan – Update Workshop 17th November 2009”.
(j) Email (dd 12.10.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) reference “Review of Shoreline Management Plan”: -
Forwarded to Cllrs with email addresses for their information.
(k) Email (dd 15.10.09) from Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) reference “Devon Maritime Forum Newsflash - Meeting of 4.11.09”.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 22.9.09) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Willand”; (ii) Email (dd 24.9.09) reference “NALC Pay Scales – 2009/2010”; (iii) Email (dd 28.9.09) reference “SW Allotments Forum Meeting at Bristol – 24.11.09”; (iv) Email (dd 28.9.09) reference “Egroup – Museum Contributions”; (v) Email (dd 29.9.09) reference “E-Bulletin – NALC”; (vi) Email dd 1.10.09) reference “Community Assets Action Learning Seminar – Ivybridge”; (vii) Letter (dd 30.9.09) reference “DAPC AGM 2009 – Main Points” and (viii) Email (dd 13.10.09) reference “E-Bulletin – NALC”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 18.9.09, 25.9.09, 2.10.09 and 9.10.09.
c) (i) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Standards Board Meeting of 28th September 2009 at 7 pm and (ii) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Board Meeting of 28th September 2009.
d) (i) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Standards Sub Committee B Meeting of 28th September 2009 at 2 pm and (ii) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Sub Committee Meeting of 29th September 2009 at 2 pm.
e) Various emails (dd 22.9.09) from Cllr Mrs Dipper, Cllr Harper (both IPC) and Cllr Moores (NDC) reference (i) “Possible House Boat on Instow Sands” and (ii) “DUKW - Obscuring View of Residents: -
Both matters resolved satisfactorily i.e. (i) these were local boats undergoing emergency repair and (ii) proprietor spoken to and agreed to move.
f) Email (dd 23.9.09) from Clerk to IPC Cllrs reference “Death of Colonel Pilkington – Former IPC Cllr”: -
Condolence card sent to family by Clerk on behalf of IPC.
g) Email (dd 25.9.09) from a parishioner reference “Tarka Trail Railway – Batteries”: -
Information passed to Andy Bell (NDCCS) and PCSO Cornish/PC Hodgson. Not believed to be subject of theft.
h) Letter (dd 28.9.09) from ndh reference “Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete (PRC) Homes Project – Customer Consultations”.
i) Letter 29.9.09) from Peter Kent (Rtd Headmaster Instow School) reference “Thanks to IPC”.
j) Letter (received 5.10.09) fr4om SLCC reference “Membership”.
k) Northam Lodge Autumn Newsletter.
l) Pamphlet etc from Wicksteed reference “Playscapes”.
m) Senior Council for Devon September Newsletter (Issue No 4).
n) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter – October 2009 (No 545).
o) Telephone call (dd 21.9.09) reference “Use of Anstey Way Lay-by – Service of Food”:-
Advised caller that Lay-by was the property of DCC (to whom he said he had spoken) but that no doubt IPC would like to be consulted for its views if such a venture was to be contemplated.
p) Telephone call (dd 21.9.09) from a parishioner reference “Control of Dogs – Instow Sands”: -
Caller advised to speak to NDC Dog Warden in regard to his specific complaint; he was advised of the legal implications as at current and for the future.
q) Telephone call (dd 3.10.09) from a parishioner reference “Sea Defence Wall - Marine Court Flats”: -
Parishioner advised to contact Christie Estates, NDCCS or Environment Agency.
r) Conference Report: “Empowering Communities in Devon”.
s) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-up (October 2009): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.
t) Email (dd 7.10.09) from DCC Local Services Department reference “Road Closure: Barnacott Cross to Coast, Instow – 14th-17th December inclusive 2009”: -
Copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.10.09) and copy placed at post office for parishioners.
u) Email (dd 10.10.09) from Clerk to DCC’s Local Services Superintendent reference “Hole in Road –Bottom Worlington Hill”.
v) Email (dd 13.10.09) and photograph from Cllr Harper reference “Car Illegally Parked – Boathouse Loading Bay Area”: -
Passed to PC Hodgson/PCSO Cornish for suitable attention.
w) LCR Autumn Magazine.
x) Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (No 77 – Summer 2009).
y) Agenda and associated papers for NDC Standards Committee for 7 pm on Wednesday 21st October 2009.
z) Letter (dd 8.10.09) and poster from DCC reference “SW - Love Food Hate Waste Campaign: -
Poster placed at parish hall.

2910/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Weekly Tickets x2 (No 18 & 19) £ 24.00
Ditto Period ending 22nd September 2009 £1,391.10 Ditto Period ending 3rd October 2009 £ 421.50#
NDC Beach Cleaning Grant 2009/10 £1,800.00+
NDC 50% Parish Grant 09/10 ` £ 638.00*
NDC 50% Parish Precept 09/10 £3,150.00*
TOTAL : - £7,424.60
Key: -
#Car Park Takings are up on 2009 by £1,821.30 (not including season/weekly tickets).
+ Paid by BACS.
* Paid by BACS.
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £160.00
Mr M Harris Grass Cut (No 6) £250.00
EDF Energy Car Park Machine £ 6.83
The British Legion Poppy Wreath £ 16.50
Barnstaple Town Council Planning School (Cllr Training) £ 30.00
TOTAL: - £463.33
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 23.9.09 (Statement) = £ 171.85*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 24.9.09 (Statement) = £21,066.98+ Key:
* According to Clerk’s records this is £1.55 (2 cheques to the value of £170.30 uncashed).
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £25,275.63 as at date of meeting.
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £463.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (September 2009): -
The Clerk advised Cllrs that this confirmed IPC was in balance. (Noted)
(b) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010+ : -
(i) The Clerk reported he had spoken to Mr Budge (Brewer Harding and Rowe - BHR) and he had agreed to carry out the necessary “lease” work for IPC at a nominal cost of £100 plus VAT. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with the members of IPC’s FSC and it had been agreed to accept this arrangement; Mr Budge had been duly advised. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to support this decision. (Noted)
(c) Beach Cleaning Grant 2009: -
The Clerk reported receipt of the payment of £1,800.00 (see item 1 above). (Noted)
(d) DAPC Subscriptions 2010-2011: -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 30.9.09) from DAPC stating that at its AGM (27.9.09) it had been agreed to increase the subscription level for 2010-2011 by 2%. (Noted)
(e) MOD Beach Lease – Post 2010: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had been in touch with the MOD, advised it that IPC had accepted the Head of Terms as previously received and now awaited a draft licence for perusal. The Clerk suggested that Mr Budge (Solicitor of BHR) be asked to review it to ensure accord with the new lease from the CE. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)
(f) Power of Well Being – Training”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he was still endeavouring to establish the best date for Cllr Training (by Lesley Smith DAPC – approx 2 hours) on either the evenings of Thursday 12th/26th November or Monday 23rd November. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to hold the POWB training during the evening of Thursday 26th November at which time all 9 Cllrs could attend. The Clerk was asked to make the necessary arrangements. (Action: The Clerk)
(g) IPC’s Finance Sub Committee Budget 2010/2011 Meeting: -
The Clerk reported that this meeting was to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 27th October 2009 so that the draft IPC budget 2010/2011 could be formulated for consideration of IPC at its November meeting. (Noted)
(h) QPC Reaccreditation Payment – NALC Receipt: -
The Clerk confirmed receipt of an invoice receipt confirming the necessary payment of £57.50. (Noted)
(i) Letter (dd 30.9.09) from Lloyds TSB reference “Improving our Service for our Customers”: -
The Clerk said this would be filed by him for future reference although it was available at the meeting for members of IPC’s FSC if they wished to peruse it. (Noted)
(j) NALC Employment Briefing E13-09 – 2009/2010 National Final Salary Award for Local Council Clerks”: -
The Clerk reported that he would make this available to IPC’s FSC at the Budget Meeting of 27.10.09 (see item (g) above). (Noted)
(k) IPC’s Tractor – Maintenance: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had been advised that IPC’s tractor would require some repair/paint to rust corrosion areas (door bottoms/frames, O/S/R wing and O/S/R Roof Pillar and Roof) this winter and that one estimate for the work to date was for £566.00. The Clerk advised IPC he had asked that at least one other estimate (two if at all possible) be obtained so that IPC’s FSC could deliberate at its forthcoming budget meeting (see (g) above) and bring a recommendation to IPC in November. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: IPC’s FSC)
(l) Internal Audit – July to September 2009: -
The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit on 14.10.09 and found all to be in order. Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(m) Bank Reconciliation – 1st July 2009 to 30th September 2009: -
The Clerk circulated a copy of this to Cllrs at the meeting; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (14.10.09). Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(n) Budget 2009/10 against Actual Income/Expenditure April to September 2009: -
The Clerk circulated and presented this paper to Council adding it had been checked by Cllr Crombie on 14.10.09. Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(o) Letter (received 8.10.09) and attachments from HM Revenue and Customs reference “Employers Bulletin Issue 33”: -
The Clerk said this had been filed future reference, (Noted)
(p) Letter (received 10.10.09) and Magazine (Issue 18 – Autumn 2009) received from O J Williams reference “O J Williams – Marketing”: -
The Clerk reminded IPC that O J Williams supplied the fuel for IPC’s tractor and that the letter etc had been filed for information. (Noted)

2910/11 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 29.9.09) from NDC Planning reference “Raising of roof to form additional living accommodation together with insertion of 3 dormer windows at Golden Hind, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No 48718)): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that this application had been WITHDRAWN and was no longer being considered by NDC Planning. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 30.9.09) and Decision Notice from NDC Planning reference “Erection of Office accommodation to rear, conversion of existing offices to form 1 flat with new staircase and to the rear a lean-to (amended plans and description) at The Decks, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 48388): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that NDC Planning had APPROVED this application for reasons as expressed in its letter adding that the letter and decision notice had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.9.09). (Noted)

c) Letters (dd 23.9.09 and 24.9.09) and contents reference “County Planning Matter: Operation of mobile concrete batching plant with control office building at the Waste Transfer Station former Yelland Power Station site, East Yelland, Barnstaple EX31 3EZ (Reference No JR/DCC/2876/2009)”: -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (3.10.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 15th October 2009 or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL of the application on the grounds “of the additional traffic this would create (and was already creating) in and around the Instow area (particularly Anstey Way) and which would/has unquestionably increased road safety issues for parishioners”. IPC said it also wished to express its grave concern that this application had had to be submitted retrospectively especially when one considered the amount of “supervision” this site should be receiving as a consequence of previous planning applications and restrictions placed upon it at that time. IPC concluded that this site had a long standing history of retrospective planning applications and perhaps it was time for the authorities to make a stand. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Johns and Crombie declared an interest and did not participate in the discussions ***
d) Demolition of existing and erection of new holiday accommodation at Southgate, Sandhills, Instow (Reference No 49049): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (3.10.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 22nd October 2009 or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Conversion of building to form 1 dwelling at The Coach House, Middle Huish, Instow (Reference No 49011): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (7.10.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 23rd October 2009 or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Johns declared an interest and did not participate in the discussions ***
f) Letter (received 10.10.09) from NDC Planning reference “Erection of replacement extension to dwelling at The Old Brew House, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No 48894): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
g) Letter (received 10.10.09) from NDC Planning reference “Listed building application for erection of replacement extension to dwelling and internal alterations at The Old Brew House, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No 48914): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
h) Barnstaple Town Council “Planning School”: -
The Clerk reminded IPC that Cllrs Mrs Dipper, Thomas and Green were to attend this event that was to be held on Saturday 31st October 2009 (9.15am to 4.45pm) at The Castle Centre, 25 Castle Street, Barnstaple; cost £10 per person – see finance. (Noted)
i) Copy email (dd 29.9.09) from Cllr Cann reference “Former Sands Nursing Home – Instow”: -
(i) The Clerk said this advised IPC that the vendor had declined to sell this site to a potential development company although its interest remained. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that Cllr Cann had previously briefed IPC of this possibility as of item 2907/5 (d). (Noted)

j) Email (dd 15.10.09) from NDC Planning reference “Draft Sustainable Design and Construction Guide”: -
The Clerk said this stated that this consultation would be in the public domain for the period 15.10.09 to 26.11.09 and that more information could be found vide: -
http://northdevon-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/sdandc/sdandc (Noted)

a) Parish Plan Update Consultation: -
Cllr Harper asked whether IPC was still of a mind to consult with the community with a view to updating the current parish plan. After a discussion it was RESOLVED that IPC needed to re-engage with NDC’s Community Department (who had offered to assist with printing etc) and to formulate a suitable questionnaire to be also circulated as regards the possible children’s play area at All Saints Chapel. The Clerk was asked to make the necessary arrangements. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Simon Edney (John’s Shop) – World Duathlon Championships: -
Cllr Harper suggested that a letter of congratulations be sent to Simon Edney on recently achieving a silver medal in the above championships; IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Instow School – IIB Merit Award: -
Cllr Harper suggested that a letter of congratulations be sent to Instow School to congratulate it on recently being given a merit award by IIB; IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Worlington Hill – Pothole: -
Cllr May said this pothole, that had previously been reported, was getting larger; this was confirmed by Cllr Mrs Dipper. IPC RESOLVED to again advise DCC’s Local Services Superintendent. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


