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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, M Green (Vice Chairman), A Johns, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 4 parishioners

2101/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllrs C Harper

(i) Cllr Declaration of Interest Record Book: -
The Clerk said that in the interest of good practice he was to provide, at each meeting, a “Cllr Declaration of Interest Record Book” for completion by Cllrs on a needs basis. He added it was the personal responsibly of Cllrs to declare an interest and other Councils used this process that was seen as an example of good practice. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this practice forthwith. (Noted)
(ii) There were no declarations of interest by Cllrs. (Noted)

a) Crime: -
PC Hodgson told IPC that since the last meeting there had been 8 crimes reported in the parish, namely, criminal damage (x1), non crime domestic incident (x4), theft (x1) and assault (x2). (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
Constable Hodgson said 10 police logs had been recorded during a similar period of time, namely, domestic (x2), crime related (x6), concern for welfare (x1) and alarm activation (x1). Constable Hodgson added that the assaults, as at (a) above, and the 6 crime related logs referred to one incident of assault at a local pub on New Year’s Eve whereby one man was arrested and charged. (Noted)
c) Monthly Newsletter: -
(i) PC Hodgson said the first edition of this had recently been published and circulated to parishes for appropriate circulation; the Clerk confirmed he had received a copy (21.1.10) and had circulated one to each Cllr at the meeting and for parishioners at the post office. (Noted)
(ii) PC Hodgson also circulated a number of “Commitment/Key Principle Neighbourhood Policing” leaflets setting out his contact details and that of PCSO Jessica Meaker. (Noted)
d) Crime and Counter Terrorist (CCT) Strategy: -
PC Hodgson then referred to two CCT projects, namely Unicorn and Kraken, and for which he provided copies of leaflets and posters. IPC RESOLVED to have copies placed at the post office for the information of parishioners/visitors; the Clerk said if more copies were available he could place them on other parish notice boards throughout the parish. PC Hodgson agreed to provide them.
(Action: PC Hodgson/The Clerk)
e) Alarm Activation – Notify Police: -
Cllr Mrs Dipper enquired as to whether it was appropriate to notify the police of alarm activations; PC Hodgson said that although many were false alarm this was not an assumption members of the public should make and that the police should always be notified. (Noted)

a) Anstey Way to Tarka Trail Footpath – Sewer: -
A parishioner said he believed there to be a sewage spill from a manhole cover on this path. The Clerk said IPC was aware of this “issue” that in the past had been found not to be a sewage spill. IPC RESOLVED to notify the appropriate authority.
(Action: The Clerk)
b) Al Saints Children’s Play Area: -
A parishioner said he had written to IPC about this proposed facility (see item 2101/9 (e)) but he wished to emphasise that he believed this initiative to be one that it was not worth the parish putting money into as there was little likelihood of getting any of the investment back if the site was ever sold. (Noted)
c) Recent Severe Weather: -
A parishioner said he wished to compliment the local bus companies together with John’s Supermarket and the Post Office for the excellent support provided to the village during the recent bad spell of weather; without them, he said, life would have been much more difficult. He added he could not say the same about DCC who through budgetary constraints had not gritted roads other than a few main roads leaving residential areas almost impassable. (Noted)
d) Offshore Wind Farm: -
A parishioner said he hoped that council would be anticipating the considerable effect upon the parish posed by this initiative; he said road traffic would increase and other effects would be massive. (Noted)
e) Instow Verges: -
A parishioner said vehicles should keep off the verges especially heavy and light vehicles such as the refuse lorry that seems to regard verges in Rectory Lane with complete distain and thereby cause much damage. (Action: Cllr Cann)
f) IPC’s TTEF Representative: -
(i) Simon Brown, IPC’s TTEF representative, introduced himself to Council and said he was delighted to be council’s representative on the TTEF. He gave Cllrs a brief outline of those issues that had been discussed at the recent TTEF meeting of 18th January 2010, namely, TTEF needed to identify a Chairman, Bideford Harbourmaster’s Report, Biosphere Reserve Report, North Devon AONB, Estuary Officers’ Group, Estuary Management Plan, Braunton Burrows Military Use, Planning Consultations and New Tamar Class Lifeboat due in March. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman thanked Simon Brown for his excellent report and suggested that he attend IPC say every three months (if necessary) and table a written report (via the Clerk) on a needs basis in between. (Noted)

(a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke of “Externalisation of Care Homes” (a current consideration of DCC – Cllr Cann not in favour), “Highways Maintenance” (only currently responding to emergencies and safety defects due to predicted overspend on repairing an increased number of potholes due to recent bad weather), “Highways Parish Surgeries” (being set up to explain current difficulties – planned for February), “Road Signs” (warning sign now in place on Westleigh Straight and Instow 30 mph limit extended), “Recycling” (almost 100 tons of cardboard collected in December; will be sold for around £50 a ton instead of being shredded as in the past), “Instow School” (there is to be a meeting at County Hall on 25.1.10 to discuss the way forward) and “Consultation on Mobile Library Service” (DCC claim there has been a 40% decline in usage – there is pressure to reduce service). (Noted)
(b) Village Gateway Initiative: -
Cllr Cann said he was still in negotiations with DCC and that if all else failed he would seek arbitration to resolve the matter. (Noted)
(c) NDC’s Recycling Centre – Overspend: -
Cllr Cann said NDC had recently seen the report that had been commissioned with regard to this emotive issue and that basically the fault lay in a lack of project management. He added, however, that NDC would have an excellent facility for its use and would most certainly get its investment back in any number of ways. (Noted)

(a) Quay Car Park, Instow: -
(i) Cllr Moores said NDC’s Property Services had carried out a local Business Case for this car park and that its intention was now to use this as a basis for discussion with IPC in order to find a solution to the management of the car park. Cllr Moores briefly outlined the tenor of the report that he agreed to forward to the Clerk for the information of IPC. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED that the Chairman, together with the Clerk, in the first instance, would meet up with Cllr Moores and an Officer from NDC’s Property Services to discuss the options as outlined in the report and then report back to IPC as a matter of some urgency. (Action: Chairman, Clerk and Cllr Moores)
(b) Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Moores said there was nothing further to report on this matter. (Noted)
(c) Ransom Strip: -
Cllr Moores said he was aware that the Clerk was to provide an update later in the meeting. (Noted)
d) Kiln Close, Instow: -
Cllr Moores said North Devon Homes (NDH) was proposing to demolish the four Woolaway PRC flats in Kiln Close Lane (3 NDH and 1 Privately Owned) and replace them with 5 homes (3 affordable rent, 1 shared ownership and 1 for the existing private owner); this scheme was due to go to Planning in March 2010. (Noted)
e) North Devon Street Wise Project: -
Cllr Moores said this initiative was possible due to a series of grants totalling £60k over two years; it aimed to offer support and advice to young people aged 16 and 17 year old and for care leavers up to the age of 21. Its primary aim was to prevent young people from becoming homeless. (Noted) f) Helping the Homeless in the Cold Snap: -
Cllr Moores said NDC, in partnership with Freedom Social Projects, provided the service to young people living on the streets when it was predicted the temperatures would drop to zero or below for thee consecutive nights. It also meant that rough sleepers could stay at the Freedom Centre in Barnstaple overnight, with a warm breakfast in the morning for as long as the freezing weather lasted. (Noted)
g) Appledore Shipyard (AS) – New Logo: -
Cllr Moores said that AS had submitted a planning application to TDC to change the logo on the doors of the shipyard; he showed Cllrs the details of the new logo – no comments were expressed. (Noted)
h) Knapp House, Northam: -
Cllr Moores said a planning application to develop this site as a “Marine Village” was currently open to consultation. He said NDC and DCC had a number of concerns in relation to this development including the level of education provision available within the local area, the overriding visual impact it would have upon the sensitive landscape and concerns surrounding the economic viability of the Marina proposal. (Noted)
(c ) NDC’s Recycling Centre – Overspend: -
Cllr Moores concurred with the appraisal of this matter that had been provided earlier by Cllr Cann (see item 2101/6 (c). (Noted)
2101/8 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the December 2009 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

(a) Item 2912/9 (a) – Instow Beach – Dogs: -
(i) The Clerk referred to a draft “press release” for recommended inclusion on the Instow Website, Parish Magazine and Parish Notice Boards; he said a copy had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10) adding it had been vetted and agreed by Cllr Cann (NDC’s Environment Portfolio holder) and NDC’s Chief Officer - Environmental Health Dept (EHD). IPC RESOLVED to confirm the document and agreed to circulate it as suggested. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk then enquired whether further publicity should be sought just prior to summer season .i.e. North Devon Journal/Gazette; IPC RESOLVED to agree to this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk then advised IPC he had spoken to NDC’s EHD and it was soon to erect “dog signs” at the entrances to the beach (x2); the Clerk suggested IPC invested in at least one other sign for the gap in the wall between the Commodore slipway and the Boathouse – costs approx £20. IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative.
(Action: The Clerk)
(b) Item 2912/9 (b) – Quay Car Park, Instow: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had forwarded a copy of the IPC/NDC’s Car Park Licence to Mr Budge (Solicitor) by email (dd 6.1.10) adding it had first commenced in 1986; Mr Budge agreed to review it for tenancy/tenure of occupancy rights. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that as of the date of the meeting he had had no further contact from NDC. (Noted) (iii) The Clerk then reported receipt of an email (dd 13.1.10) from Mr Budge (Solicitor) setting out his positive yet cautionary views as regards IPC’s “tenancy/tenure rights”; the Clerk elaborated. (Noted)
c) Item 2912/9 (c) - Village Gateway Initiative: -
See item 2101/6 (b). (Noted)
d) Item 2912/9 (d) - IPC’s QPC Reaccreditation: -
The Clerk told IPC that he had delayed preparing a press release for this pending IPC’s deliberation on the adoption of the POWB power; the Clerk suggested this was done in conjunction with the QPC re-accreditation. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2912/9 (e) - All Saints Chapel – Children’s Play Area: -
(i) The Clerk provided IPC with an update; he said NDC’s guidance on the legal process was that a lease needed be provided to IPC from the PCC if grants were to be drawn down (email of 15.1.10 from NDC Community refers); after a discussion IPC RESOLVED to advise the PCC of this guidance. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that about 13 completed “play area questionnaires” had been left at the post office to date. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 7.12.09) from a parishioner enquiring whether any monies expended by IPC on this play area initiative could be recovered from the Exeter Diocese if it ever decided to sell the chapel and land, had a full cost analysis been undertaken regarding the on-going costs, insurance, replacement of play equipment, cleaning of the area etc, would IPC be responsible for these costs and what percentage of the community would this proposal benefit. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC he had told the parishioner that this project was still very much in the consultative stage and that many of the questions posed would form part of that process; the parishioner was invited to attend the January meeting of IPC and address council. The Clerk said he had reminded the parishioner that a children’s play area had been highlighted in the current Instow Parish Plan. (Noted)
f) Item 2912/9 (f) - Defra Bathing Water Regulations 2008/EA Seminar: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had liaised (email of 23.12.09 refers) with Andy Bell (NDCCS) and although he had been unable to attend the EA event, one of his colleagues had and he promised to forward copies of the various presentations that were made. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 14.1.10) from Andy Bell and a number of attachments relevant to the EA’s seminar that he passed on by email (dd 14.1.10) to Cllr Green (IPC’s Bathing Water Quality “Expert”) for perusal and report to Council as necessary. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Green said that although the information provided was thorough and lucid it did not tell IPC anything it did not know already and he suggested it be filed for future information; IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Noted)
g) Item 2912/9 (g) - Devon Duck Tours (DDT) – Use of Instow Sands: - (i) The Clerk reported that he and Cllr Crombie had met up with the owner of DDT during the afternoon of Wednesday 13th January and discussed risk assessment issues of relevance to the use of the DUKW on those parts of Instow beach as leased by IPC from the CE; Cllr Crombie and the Clerk elaborated. (Noted)
(ii) A discussion then ensued with the proprietor of DDT, who was present, answering questions as posed to him by Cllrs. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then RESOLVED to defer a decision on this until the proprietor of DDT provided IPC with confirmation that he had, in place, an agreement with TDC and Christie Estates and had resolved the overnight parking of the DUKW; in addition IPC requested sight of any documents of relevance to the seaworthiness of the DUKW and its use as a passenger vessel. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Item 2912/9 (h) - Instow 30’ Highway: -
The Clerk suggested that this was deferred until the February meeting of IPC when Cllr Harper would be in attendance. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion.
(Action: Cllr Harper)
i) Item 2912/9 (i) – IPC’s TTEF Representative: -
The Clerk reported that Simon Brown had agreed to represent IPC at TTEF meetings and would address IPC on a timely basis; it was noted he had attended the meeting and had addressed council as at item 2101/5 (f). (Noted)
(j) Item 2912/9 (k) – Flood Defence Gates (Boathouse)/Signage: - .
The Clerk confirmed that the sign had been ordered but was still awaited; he said he would chase it up. (Action: The Clerk)
(k) Item 2911/10 (i) (f) –Instow Buses and Congestion: -
The Clerk reported that nothing further had been heard from DCC Highways; he said he would chase up a response by the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Email (dd 17.12.09) from DCC (Policy and Strategy Officer – Education) reference “Consultation on Admission Arrangements/In-Year Admissions Arrangements and Education Transport Policy for Devon Schools for 2011/12: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this consultation was for the period Christmas 2009 to 1st March 2010 and that further information could be found on www.devon.gov.uk/admissionarrangments. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the email had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
b) Email (dd 23.12.09) from Chairman of Instow In Bloom reference “IIB AGM 2010 – 11th February – Parish Hall”: -
(i) The Clerk said this invited a representative from IPC to attend and hold the floor (discuss environmental issues such as overhanging brambles, proposed playground etc) for a 5 minute or so segment with a brief Q and A session following. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the email had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to be represented at the meeting by Cllrs Johns and Harper. (Noted)
c) Email (dd 23.12.09) from NDCCS reference “Big Biosphere Beaches Spring Clean”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the NDCCS was organising the above event during the weekend of 20/21st March 2010 supported by local and national media and hoped that IPC could support it. He added that a meeting was to be held at 2 pm on Monday 25th January 2010 at the NDCCS Offices, East the Water, Bideford and that this meeting would decide the location of the beaches to be cleaned, who would manage the clean and how best to contact volunteers, surveying/data collection opportunities, on going beach cleaning. (Noted) (ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a further email (dd 8.1.10) from NDCCS reference “Agenda for Meeting”; he said it had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10). (Noted) (iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Dipper would attend the meeting and report back to IPC. (Action: Cllr Mrs Dipper)
d) Sand on Highway – Marine Parade (Boathouse area): -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had yet again requested DCC (email of 3.1.10 refers) to action this problem that was now causing safety issues for pedestrians; he added that Cllr Moores (NDC) has also been adopting a similar approach and Cllr Cann (DCC) had been most supportive. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a copy email (dd 7.1.10) from Cllr Moores (NDC) to Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “Sand on Footpath and in Gullies – Instow”; this complaint had been passed on to DCC Highways for attention. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to a series of emails (dd 11/12.1.10) from DCC Highways to Cllr Cann/copied to Clerk and in which DCC set out its reasons for not removing the sand i.e. only currently responding to emergencies or safety defects, the setting up of “Parish Workshops” to explain their current policies and a review of the duties of the owner/lease holder of the beach in respect of their obligations regarding the prevention of sand coming on to the highway and its subsequent clearance. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC he had pointed out to Cllr Cann that most of the problems of the sand getting on to the highway near the Boathouse bus shelter (and towards the sand dunes car park) was not relevant to IPC’s part of the beach (as leased by it from the CE) and that the handyman generally kept the pavements elsewhere clear and tidy on a day by day basis. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk reported that interest had now been shown in this long standing issue by the North Devon Journal. (Noted) (vi) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED, on the advice of Cllr Cann (DCC), to leave the matter to him to resolve and that IPC should await the impending “Parish Workshops” to put its grievance across. (Action: Cllr Cann)
e) Email (dd 8.1.10) and attachment from Cllr Cann reference “Proposal for Unitary Local Government in Devon – Discussion Paper on Draft Structural Orders”: -
The Clerk said he had copied this on to Cllrs with email addresses for their information and that Cllrs should note further correspondence as at part (iii) (c) and (d) of correspondence below. (Noted)
f) IPC Meeting Dates 2010: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of this to them with their agenda papers (14.1.10); IPC RESOLVED to confirm the dates and asked the Clerk to circulate them as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) At the request of Cllr Crombie IPC RESOLVED to update the “Cllr Contact” details and also circulate them as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Email (dd 5.1.10) and attachments from NDC reference “Parish Council Workshops: Consultation on The Local Development Framework (LDF) – Pre-Publication Strategy: -
(i) The Clerk said he had circulated the paperwork to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 8.1.10) and pamphlet from NDC reference “Draft Core Strategy; he said the pamphlet was as per one of the documents forwarded to Cllrs as at (i) above. (Noted)
(iii) For action see item (h) below. (Noted)
h) Letter (dd 11.1.10) and Draft Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DCSDPD) from NDC (Lead Officer Planning Policy) reference “North Devon and Torridge Local Development Framework Pre-Publication Core Strategy Development Plan Document”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that NDC/TDC had prepared a DCSDPD that was to be published on 21.1.10 for a 6 week period of public consultation; a colour version of this document could be found on www.northdevon.gov.uk/corestrategy and www.torridge.gov.uk/ldf The Clerk added that NDC/TDC would appreciate it if IPC could consider this important document that would establish the vision and objectives for delivering future development across Northern Devon until 2026. NDC/TDC was encouraging respondents to comment online through the above websites; comments should arrive by no later than 4th March 2010. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 11.1.10) from NDC reference “Parish/Town Council – Community Exhibitions - Engagement Workshops” to support the consultation process; he provided copies to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a further letter (dd 12.1.10) from NDC reference “Amended List of Parish/Town Council Workshop Venues”; he copied it to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then reported receipt of an email (dd 20.1.10) from TDC reference “Notification of Consultation: North Devon and Torridge Pre-Publication Joint Core Strategy Development Document”; he copied the email to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk suggested that IPC’s PSC met to consider the implications of the DCSDPD and to report back to IPC at its February meeting. (Noted)
(v) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to delegate this action (as at (v) above) to the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Cllrs Mrs Dipper/Crombie with a view to them reporting back at the February meeting of IPC.
(Action: Chairman/Vice Chairman and Cllrs Mrs Dipper/Crombie)
i) Letter (dd 7.1.10) and poster from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference “Police Authority Liaison Meetings at South Molton (28.1.10) and Barnstaple – (9.2.10): -
The Clerk copied this letter to Cllrs at the meeting and arranged for a copy (and poster) to be placed at the post office for information of parishioners. (Noted)
j) Letter (dd 13.1.10) and attachments from NDC’s Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic) and Monitoring Officer (Don Pratt) reference “North Devon Standards Committee Ethical Standards Audit”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the Standards Board had a statutory duty to promote high standards of ethical governance both within the Council and within the parish council’s support and that the Committee had, therefore, considered how it may exercise this role and, following guidance from the Standards Board for England, decided to conduct an Ethical Standards Audit (ESA). The Clerk said the objectives were to measure how well Cllrs understood and put into practice the ethical codes adopted by council and to measure how well Parish Cllrs understood and put into practice the members Code of Conduct. He added that IPC was invited to participate in the ESA by completing the attached questionnaires (by the Chair and Clerk – by 19th February) and by considering an invitation for a member of the council to participate in a focus group on ethical standards within parish councils; this focus group was open to the first 12 volunteers and would take place towards the end of February. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided a copy of the letter and questionnaire to Cllrs at the meeting for their information. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action other than for the Chairman and Clerk to compete the questionnaire and submit it to NDC.
(Action: Chairman and The Clerk)
k) Email (dd 18.1.10) from Chairman of IPH Committee reference “Parish Meeting – Parish Calendar of Events 2010”: -
(i) The Clerk said this invited IPC to be represented at the above meeting that was to be chaired by the Rev Calway at 7pm on Monday 15th February 2010 at All Saints Chapel, Instow. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED that Cllr Green would attend and represent IPC. (Action: Cllr Green)
l) Letter (dd 20.1.10) and attachments from NDC (Housing Options Service) reference “Devon Home Choice: A New Way of Letting Council and Housing Association Homes in Devon”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this new initiative “Devon Home Choice” (i.e. advertisement of availability of homes that were available to let countywide as opposed to NDC only) was to be launched and would benefit North Devon as of February 2010. NDC was enquiring whether IPC agreed to be a local contact point for distribution of newsletters, posters and user guides. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided a copy of the letter and pamphlet to Cllrs at the meeting; other attachments were placed by him in the Cllr Folder as at (iii) (v) below. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to cooperate in this initiative with NDC and the Clerk was asked to take the necessary action. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 2.1.10) and attachment from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF Officers – AGM 18th January 2010”: -
Invited IPC to nominate for positions of Chairman, Secretary and Committee Members; IPC to note that Simon Brown (IPC’s TTEF Representative) was present at the AGM and represented IPC.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 11.12.09) reference “DIS Extra 714”; (ii) Email (dd 14.12.09) reference “NALC Conference and Events Survey” – survey completed by Clerk as necessary; (iii) Email (dd 4.1.10) reference “March 2010 Edition of LCR”; (iv) Email (dd 4.1.10) reference “Devon Playing Pitch and Outdoor Courts Study – Questionnaire” – questionnaire completed by Clerk; (v) Email (dd 7.1.10) reference “South West Hams Parishes – Stoekenham Pilot”; (vi) “DAPC Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2010”; (vii) Email (dd 11.1.10) reference “NALC’s Local Council Awards 2010”; (viii) Email (dd 15.1.10) reference “E-Bulletin 15th January 2010”; (ix) Email (dd 18.1.10) reference “Spring Training Programme 2010” and (x) Email (dd 18.1.10) reference “Plunkett Foundation’s 2009 Survey of Parish Councils”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 11.12.09, 18.12.09, 8.1.10 and 15.1.10.
c) Letter (dd 8.12.09) and Summary Report (December 2009) from The Boundary Committee for England.
d) Letter (dd 9.12.09) and Summary Report (December 2009) from The Boundary Committee for England.
e) Email (dd 12.12.09) from Clerk to Editor of Parish News reference “Insurance Scam”.
f) Email (dd 14.12.09) from PSCO Jessica Meaker reference “Neighbourhood Beat Team – Monthly Newsletter”.
g) Letter (dd 17.12.09) and Posters from Nick Harvey MP reference “MP’s Advice and Help Surgeries 2010: -
Copy of poster placed at post office and parish hall.
h) Letter (dd 18.12.09) and posters from North Devon Hospice reference “Display of Posters – Big Breakfast 2010 and Knit I 2010”: -
Both placed at parish hall.
i) (i) Letter (dd 21.12.09) from ndh reference “Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete (PRC) Homes Project”.
(ii) Further letter (dd 4.1.10) from ndh reference “Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete (PRC) Homes Project - Consultations”.
(iii) Further letter (dd 8.1.10) from ndh reference “Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete (PRC)Homes Project - Consultations”.
j) Telephone call (22.12.09) from a parishioner reference “Drain Outlets - Marine Parade”: -
(i) Stated the men working on clearing the drains of sand had said there were no storm covers on the drain outlets on to the beach; this would prevent much of the sand entering the road drains ands blocking them.
(ii) Cllr Cann (DCC) advised – email of 22.12.09 refers.
k) Telephone call (dd 26.12.09) from Cllr May reference “(i) Lights Continuously On-Anstey Way” and (ii) “Salt Box Empty – Instow Town”: -
Appropriate authorities advised.
l) Email (dd 29.12.09) from a parishioner reference “(i) Lights Not Lit – Tarka Trail Tunnel”, (ii) “Speed Sensor – Anstey Way Faulty” and (iii) Atturm Footpath – Muddy”: -
(i) Clerk advised NDCCS reference (i), Cllr Cann (DCC) reference (ii) and parishioner told that item (iii) was in hand by DCC Footpath Warden; email of 31.12.09 refers.
(ii) NB: - Reported at IPC on 21.1.10 that Tarka Trail tunnel lights still not lit; NDCCS advised 22.1.10 by email.
m) Email (dd 6.1.10) from Cllr Thomas reference “Parishioner request for New Bus Stop – Anstey Way near South Yeo Farm/South Yeo Cottage”: -
(i) Passed to Cllr Cann for attention; Cllr Thomas advised and to recommend “hail and stop” in the meantime.
(ii) Copy email (dd 11.1.10) from DCC Highways to Cllr Cann reference “Reinstatement of Bus Stop”; DCC reports it has some safety concerns but is liaising with DCC’s Transport Coordination Services and Bus Companies for their views – copied on to Cllr Thomas.
(iii) Copy email (dd 18.1.10) from DCC Highways to Cllr Cann; bus companies are not in favour of reinstatement because of concerns about visibility on bend - Cllr Thomas advised.
n) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter – January 2010 (No 548).
o) Clerks and Councils Direct – issue 67/January 2010 including Council’s Suppliers Guide and Yearbook.
p) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Meeting of Wednesday 20th January 2010 at 2.30pm.
q) Email (dd 11.1.10) from Cllr Johns reference “Parking in 1 hour Designated Bay – Marine Parade”: -
Passed to PC Hodgson and PCSO Meaker for their attention.
r) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-up (January 2010): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.
s) Email (dd 13.1.10) from DCC reference “Devon Talk Spring Edition”.
t) Senior Council for Devon Newsletter (January 2010) – Issue No 5.
u) Email (dd 18.1.10) from a former IPC Cllr reference “Removal of Personal Details from Instow Website”: -
Passed by Clerk (email 18.1.10) to webmaster for attention.
v) Devon Homes Choice: Guide - see item (i) (l) above.
w) Email (dd 20.1.10) from MORI reference “Commission for Rural Communities Survey”: -
Clerk will deal as necessary.

2912/11 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Lloyds TSB Interest Business a/c October 2009 £0.87
Ditto Ditto November 2009 £1.06
Ditto Ditto December 2009 £0.96 TOTAL: - £2.89
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 160.00
DAPC POWB Training £ 204.50+
Instow WI Carol Singing Event £ 30.68*
P Humphreys Repairs to Tractor £ 556.65
EDF Energy Car Park Machine £ 29.70=
The Inf. Commission Data Protection Registration Fee 2010 £ 35.00
The Crown Estate Royalties – 1.1.09 – 31.12.09 £ 625.00
TOTAL: - £1,641.53
Key: -
+ £22.50 VAT recoverable and £20.45 to be invoiced to Fremington PC.
* Additional payment to £96.72 already paid in December 2009.
= See item hereafter i.e. item (5) (j) for explanation reference increase.
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 22.12.09 (Statement) = £ 250.94*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 11.12.09 (Statement) = £19,031.70 +
* According to Clerk’s records this is £114.22 (2 cheques to the total value of £136.72 uncashed plus £112.80 “credit” for misplaced and cancelled cheque number 000497 = £112.80).
+ Accords to Clerk’s records.
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £1,528.00 (£112.00 less than expenditure as above to cover “credit” for misplaced cheque) from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (December 2009): -
The Clerk said this conformed that IPC owed nothing; account in balance. (Noted)

(b) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010+ : -
(i) The Clerk reported that Mr Budge (Solicitor BHR) was still in liaison with the CE’s Solicitors and had advised the Clerk he was hopeful of resolving this matter before the next meeting. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that if a favourable reply was received from Mr Budge before the next meeting that he and Cllr Crombie visit the offices of Mr Budge and sign the lease but on the proviso that if any unforeseen issues arose, or were encountered, that it was brought back to the next meeting for discussion prior to signature. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action.
(Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
(c) MOD Beach Lease – Post 2010: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that Mr Budge was now in possession of an “agreed” lease from the MOD but wished to check its “compatibility” to the new CE lease before suggesting it was signed; the Clerk advised IPC he (and Mr Budge) had updated the MOD of the delay and reasons for it. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that if a favourable reply was received from Mr Budge before the next meeting that he and Cllr Crombie visit the offices of Mr Budge and sign the lease but on the proviso that if any unforeseen issues arose, or were encountered, that it was brought back to the next meeting for discussion and prior to signature. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action.
(Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
(d) Power of Well Being – Training”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that Lesley Smith (DAPC) had apologised for not making the charges for this training session perfectly clear beforehand (emails of 14.12.09 and 22.12.09 refer); hence payment to DAPC of £204.50 above. However, £22.50 VAT could be recovered and the Clerk suggested that he invoice Fremington PC in the sum of £20.45 (1/10th of invoice) to cover the training of the one FPC Cllr who attended the training session. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action.
(Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk then distributed the NALC/POWB certificates to IPC’s Cllrs. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then discussed the issue of whether it wished to resolve to adopt the POWB policy; the Clerk reminded Cllrs of the relevant eligibility, namely: -
• A qualified Clerk – Note: Clerk is qualified.
• A minimum of 2/3rd (66%) of vacancies on the council must have been filled at the last ordinary election – Note: 7 (out of a total of 9 = 77.7%) of the current Instow Parish Councillors were “elected” on the 1st May 2007.
• 80% of Cllrs have been trained in the use of the well being power – Note: 100% have been trained.
• Council must have published a statement of intent as to community engagement – Note: IPC adopted and published a Community Engagement Strategy at its meeting of 17th September 2009. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said the following points also needed to be considered: -
o The adoption and use of the POWB power should be documented in the minutes of meetings in particular when making spending decisions.
o A record should be kept by the Clerk of Cllrs who had received POWB training.
o When decisions on the use of the POWB are taken the minutes should identify those Cllrs present and voting that have received the training.
o Once a Council has decided that it has met the prescribed conditions, it can only use the POWB power if it passes a resolution which confirms that the conditions have been met.
o The meeting adopting the power must be a full meeting of Council and not delegated to a Committee or Sub Committee.
o The eligibility period of the power starts when the council passes a resolution and ends on the day before the next relevant annual meeting i.e. the annual meeting that is held by the Council in a year of ordinary elections.
o If a council at any time fails on any of the four conditions then the power ceases.
o NALC need to be informed if IPC adopts the POWB powers. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the power and the Clerk was asked to inform the appropriate body of that decision. In doing so IPC recognised that it had met the prescribed conditions. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Handyperson and Beach Cleaner – Terms and Conditions and Salary Scale 2010/2011: -
The Clerk reported that this still needed to be done once the budget has been finally “cleared” following the decision over the car park. (Noted)
(f) Letter/Form (dd 22.10.09) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2010/11”: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 18.12.09) from NDDC setting out a “Statement of IPC’s Proposed Parish Council Tax for 2010/11” i.e. Precept of £7,812 (Band D Council Tax required to produce £7,812 = £18.76 - estimate based on year 2009/10 properties). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that NDDC required confirmation from IPC that these figures were (a) acceptable and (b) whether IPC wished to have the annual subscription to DAPC deducted from IPC’s first precept payment. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then advised IPC that the parish precept figure (as at (i) above) was £12 more than originally requested because IPC’s maximum grant request (i.e. £2 per head of population) was only £1,264 based on a 632 head of population. This, he said, was because there was a shortfall of 6 parishioners on the current electoral roll (2008/9) when compared to the previous one (2007/8 i.e. 638). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reminded IPC that he had anticipated this state of affairs at the previous meeting and that IPC had, as a result, RESOLVED to reduce its original grant request to £1,264 (from £1276); this he said had the effect of bringing the precept (as at (i) above) back to what had originally been requested i.e. £7,800.00. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk confirmed he had taken the necessary action and corresponded with NDDC. (Noted)
(g) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2009/10 - P3 Claim for 2010/11:-
(i) The Clerk reported that the necessary forms had been completed and sent to DCC Footpaths (12.1.10) – a £400 P3 grant had been requested; apart from usual annual strimming a new stile had been requested for footpath 6 (opposite Instow School) and an improved surface on footpath 7 that was adjacent to Atturm (from Anstey Way to Tarka Trail). The gatepost to footpath 16 had also been reported as defective; for the attention of DCC’s footpath warden. (Noted)
(h) Donation/Grant to IPC – Local Business: -
The Clerk told IPC he was to soon attend a meeting in this regard and that Cllr Crombie was to accompany him. (Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
(i) Email (dd 29.10.09) and attachments from “Came and Company Parish Council Insurance - Aviva” reference “Quotation”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had forwarded a copy of IPC’s current insurance policy (4.1.10) to this company seeking a quote. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a quotation (email – 21.1.10) and which he had copied on to Cllr Crombie. It was a favourable quotation; approximately £200 less than the current policy. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllrs Crombie and Johns together with the Clerk would review this offer in some detail and report back to IPC at the next meeting. (Action: Cllrs Crombie/Johns and The Clerk)
(j) Letter (dd November 2009) from EDF Energy reference “Pricing Structure Changes”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC he had spoken (9.12.09) to EDF Energy and ascertained it was possible that a contract price might be cheaper than the current” Deemed Supply Rate” (unmetered) and that EDF had been asked to forward details to the Clerk asap for the consideration of IPC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said in the light that no response had been received (as of previous meeting) he had again spoke to EDF (4.1.10) who apologised for the delay and promised the relevant information as a matter of some urgency. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then said that in the light the quarterly EDF energy account was received (see item 1 above) and was much higher than usual he had contacted EDF Energy again and subsequently received an email setting out IPC’s options. The Clerk elaborated: i.e. to continue as per current arrangement it would cost £282.63 pa plus VAT whereas a new amended contract as offered (minimum 12 months) would be £248.37 plus VAT. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to accept the new contractual arrangements and the Clerk was asked to contact EDF. (Action: The Clerk)
(k) Xmas Carol Singing Charitable Collection 2009 – Letters of Thanks: -
The Clerk confirmed that letters of thanks had been received from North Devon Hospice (dd 16.12.09), Northam Lodge (17.12.09) and RNLI Appledore Branch (dd 16.12.09). (Noted)
(l) All Saints Chapel Community Facilities Project – IPC Grant: -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter of thanks from the Treasurer of the Instow PCC. (Noted)
(m) Internal Audit – October to December 2009: -
The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit on 15th January 2010 and had found all to be in order; Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case.
(n) Bank Reconciliation – 1st October 2009 to 31st December 2009: -
The Clerk circulated a copy of this to Cllrs at the meeting; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (15th January 2010); Cllr Crombie confirm this to be the case. (Noted)
(o) Instow Allotment and Recreation Field a/c – Nationwide Building Society: -
(i) The Clerk reported that he had visited the Nationwide Building Society on 8.1.10 and had been advised that the sum of £3.41 had been added to this account as interest for the year 2009/10; he said last year this was £142.19. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to have this sum drawn as a cheque made payable to the “Instow Parish Hall Committee” as for previous years. (Action: The Clerk)
(p) Email (dd 31.12.09) and attachments from Colt Project Services Ltd reference “Risk Assessment Systems for Parish Councils: -
(i) The Clerk said this offered a risk assessment system for parish councils at cost; he said he had copied it to Cllr Crombie for perusal. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Crombie told IPC he felt this service offered little benefit to IPC who already had good risk assessment policies and procedures in place. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
q) Section 137 (4) (a) LGA 1972 Expenditure – Limit for 2010/2011: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this was £6.15 per head of population, the same as for 2009/2010. He said now that IPC had adopted the POWB this would not apply to IPC. (Noted)
2912/12 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 9.12.09) and “Decision Notice” from DCC (Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture) reference “County Matter Planning Application: Operation of mobile concrete batching plant with control office building at Waste Transfer Station, Former Yelland Power Station site, East Yelland, Barnstaple EX31 3EZ”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that DCC had GRANTED planning permission to carry out the development described in the application (received on 21.9.09) and the plans and drawings attached thereto. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the letter and decision notice had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (14.1.10). (Noted)
(b) Letter (dd 10.12.09) from TDC (Development Control Manager) reference “Mixed use development comprising marina, hotel, medical centre, food store, community hall, retail units/café, care house/dementia unit, offices, up to 450 dwellings, play area, open space and ancillary infrastructure at land at Knapp House, Churchill Way, Northam, Bideford, Devon EX39 1NT”: -
(i) The Clerk said that any observations had been requested as soon as possible and before 31st December 2009 with all relevant details being available on www.torride.gov.uk/planningonline. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter by email (dd 18.12.09) to all Cllrs with email addresses. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that as a result of various responses received from Cllrs he had told TDC (3.1.10 – Planning Officers answer phone) that IPC had some concerns reference silt deposits that may or may not end up on Instow Beach if and when said development commenced. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 11.1.10) from TDC Planning reference “Installation of a cast bronze bell on the seaward side of the sloping seawall at Churchfield Car Park, Appledore, Devon “ – reference number 1/1235/2009/FUL: -
(i) The Clerk said that any observations had been requested as soon as possible and before 1st February 2010 with all relevant details being available on www.torride.gov.uk/planningonline. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter by email (dd 13.1.10) to all Cllrs with email addresses. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
d) Replacement of pitched roof at rear of Clare Cottage, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No 49597): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (14.1.10) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 2nd February 2010 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, lead by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of the application. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Email (dd 21.1.10) from TDC reference “Joint Core Strategy – Pre- publication”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this consultation was available to view and comment upon between 21.1.10 and 4.3.10; further information could be found via: -
(ii) The Clerk provided each Cllr with a copy of the email at the meeting for their information. (Noted)
f) Email (dd 21.1.10) from TDC reference “Consultation on Draft Winkleigh Airfield Site Development”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this consultation was available to view and comment upon between 21.1.10 and 4.3.10; further information could be found via: -
(ii) The Clerk provided each Cllr with a copy of the email at the meeting for their information. (Noted)

Instow Back Roads – Water Table: -
Cllr May said DCC Highways ought to be asked why they did not maintain the water tables (ditches etc) on the back roads that has recently overflowed and frozen during the spell of very cold weather. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to have Cllr May liaise directly with Cllr Cann and to arrange a site visit.(Action: Cllrs May and Cann)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

