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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, A Johns (Chairman), G May, Ms A Mayoh, F Scott and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and 3 parishioners.

2601/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllrs C Harper and S White.

a) Crime: - Constable Benbow reported that 3 offences of criminal damage to motor vehicles had been reported since the last meeting (4x4 vehicles parked along Marine Parade) and that the telephone kiosk near The Quay had been broken into. (Noted)
b) Illegal Parking – Boathouse: - Constable Benbow reported upon his observations as regards this problem and made a number of suggestions that, in his view, might alleviate it. Cllr Cann said he would liaise with DCC Local Services to see what it might suggest and IPC RESOLVED to give the matter consideration and discuss it in more detail at a later meeting. (Action: IPC and Cllr Cann)

a) Planning Matter/Sandpipers (Reference No 39451): - The Clerk read out a letter that had been handed in to the meeting by a parishioner, who was present, and had requested the Clerk to read it on her behalf. IPC RESOLVED to note the letter and take the contents into consideration when considering said planning application later in the meeting - see item 2601/11 (e). (Noted)
*** Cllrs Johns, Crombie and Mayoh declared an interest, left the room and did not speak***
b) TTEF Matters: - Mrs Rose Day (Chairman of the Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum) spoke to a report she had previously tabled. She spoke of the TTEF Annual Subscription, Dredging at Appledore Shipyard, Mussel Harvesting, Water Quality, Moored Houseboats, TDC Lifeguards, Bideford Harbour Master’s Report, North Devon Yacht Club, Atturm/Work at Zeta Berth, Braunton Burrows UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve, Grants, Fast Leisure Craft, Jet Skis/Appeal Court Decision, North Devon AONB, AONB Boundary Review, Appledore Quay Wall – Planning Response, District Council Liaison, Meeting with Chief Executive TDC and Dates of TTEF’s Meetings 2006/7. (Noted)

a) General Matters: - Cllr Cann reported upon Litter Bin – Anstey Way (now installed), Water Across Anstey Way (gully work/drain completed), Ransom Strip Project (Meeting on 1st February), Highways Maintenance in Winter - DCC Leaflet, Procedure for Clearing Public Footpaths (P3, Wardens etc), Holmacott Tip - Planning Conditions (complaints reference burning on site), Refuse Collection Rounds (new arrangements), Acquisition of RCV’s (Wheelie Bin initiative can now be extended), Fly Tipping (fines etc), Recycling (a successful year for recycling), South Molton Recycling, Loading Bay – Boathouse (Hours of Operation 9 am to 6 pm – see item 2601/3 (b) above)), New Advertising Signs (The Bar) in Parish (Enforcement Officer NDDC Planning has sent a letter requesting they be moved), Condition of Highway near Huish Junction (DCC Local Services aware and works order placed – see also item 2512/5), New Instow School Site and Condition of Footpath - Marine Parade (an MA bid for funding has been made for the next financial year – not known if it will be successful; will most probably not be brick but reinstatement of tarmac – see also item 2601/9 (i) (h)). (Noted)
b) Footpath - Marine Parade: - Cllr Scott said he was extremely concerned at the poor state of the surface of this footpath, throughout its length, and was anxious that a person might trip and fall and seriously injure themselves. IPC RESOLVED to support this observation and Cllr Cann was asked to convey these genuine concerns to DCC Local Services. Cllr Cann said there had been a cut back on funding for this sort of project but he would do all he could to have the issue resolved to the satisfaction of IPC. (Action: Cllr Cann)

a) General Matters: - Cllr Mrs L Brown reported upon NDDC’s Achievements 2005 (Various), Car Park’s Smartcard and NDDC’s Improvement Plan. (Noted)
b) Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park: - (i) Cllr Mrs L Brown said that at the last NDDC Executive Briefing it was agreed that a briefing paper would be prepared setting out the background to and the implications of the choices facing the Council on the use of the car park for: - (a) Toilets and (b) Development in line with the existing planning permission. She said that the portfolio holder (Cllr Cann) and Ward member (herself) were both in favour of the toilets but when it goes to the Executive for final decision executive members will need to understand all the implications including, for example, capital receipts foregone and the planning history, alternative sites for toilets etc. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann said he would vigorously pursue the placement of the toilets on the car park site. (Noted)

2601/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the January 2006 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2512/8 (a) – Sandhills Ransom Strip: - Cllr Cann and the Clerk updated IPC as to progress since the last meeting i.e. a meeting has being arranged of the Steering Group Committee (viz Cllrs Johns (Chairman), White (Vice Chairman), Mayoh and Scott together with representatives of NDDC etc) on Wednesday 1st February 2006 at the Civic Centre at 2.30 pm. (Noted)
b) Item 2512/8 (b) – Instow Beach Cleaning: - (i) IPC discussed a Beach Cleaning Strategy 2006 in light of Andy Bell’s email (dd 6.12.05); this email had been re-copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.1.06). After discussion it was RESOLVED to operate the beach clean as in former years (until NDCCS came back to IPC with more tangible recommendations) but that every effort should be made to collect as much flotsam and jetsam and general rubbish from the beach/dunes and have it removed by NDDC as had previously been agreed; Clerk to liaise with beach cleaner and Cllr Cann and facilitate. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) IPC then discussed the re-appointment of Mr P Cook as beach cleaner 2006; it was RESOLVED, at the conclusion that he should be re-employed in the usual capacity and the Clerk was asked to liaise with him as regards hours, working practices etc. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Cook declared an interest on these subject (i.e. items (b) (i) and (ii) immediately above, left the room and did not speak***
(iii) The Clerk updated IPC on his correspondence (various) with SWW (28.11.05 and 17.12.05) reference IPC’s concern about the “Water Quality at Instow 2005”. He referred to 2 letters received from SWW (dated 16.12.05 and 30.12.05) that he read out in full; Cllrs had been provided with copies of these letters with their agenda papers. The Clerk also updated IPC on progress since the receipt of these letters referring in particular to a “suspect” outlet on the beach between the rear of the former Power Station and Jetty; further enquiries by the Environment Agency were, he said, still on-going (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk also referred to two copy letters (sent to IPC by Nick Harvey MP) from The Environment Agency (dd 13.12.05) and SWW (dd 5.12.05); Cllrs had been provided with copies of these letters with their agenda papers. (Noted)
c) Item 2512/8 (d) – Instow/Allotment Provision: - (i) The Clerk updated IPC on his local enquiries since the last meeting i.e. it was believed there were approximately 12 allotments on the current site (Anstey Way/All Saints Chapel site) and that the current owner had no intention of disposing of this land/using it for any other purpose in the foreseeable future. The Clerk said he had also been informed there was a possibility that other allotments existed within the parish (administered by DCE), believed off New Road. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, where it was noted that the possible allotments in New Road had long since gone as a building plot, it was RESOLVED that IPC should write to DCE to see if it had any suitable land in the vicinity of the parish it could earmark/already operated as allotments and that an article be placed in the Parish Magazine to ascertain whether any parishioners similarly had any land that could be set aside for allotments. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Item 2512/9 (i) (a) – TDC Statement of Community Involvement : - The Chairman gave a briefing to IPC at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
e) Item 2512/9 (i) (d) (ii) – House to House/Street Collections/NDDC Talk: - The Clerk advised IPC that Mr Phil Fitzsimons (NDDC) would be attending the next meeting of IPC (Thursday 15th February) at 7 pm to give a presentation on “House to House/Street Collections”. He added that Mr Fitzsimons would be grateful if any questions could be passed to him beforehand so that he could come to the meeting fully prepared. (Action: IPC Cllrs)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting: -
a) Letter (dd 14.12.05) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – RBL Poppy Appeal”: - The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this collection was for a bone fide charity and was an annual application he had advised NDDC that he anticipated IPC would not object. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 15.12.05) from Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) reference “Standards of Conduct in English Local Government: The Future” together with discussion paper: - The Clerk said the discussion paper set out the government’s vision for a future comprehensive conduct regime for local authority members and employees and that any queries or comments on the document should be directed to the ODPM asap; he said the full papers had been passed to the Chairman for perusal prior to the meeting and that a copy of the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.1.06). After discussion it was RESOLVED to include the full papers with the Cllr Correspondence folder (Items 2601/9 (ii) and (iii) inclusive) and that any comment(s) be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion under matters arising. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
c) Flood Defence Wall – Benches: - The Clerk referred to an email (dd 20.12.05) from The Environment Agency (EA) stating that any damage caused to the flood defence wall was only “surface damage” and that the holes that had been drilled (to affix the benches) had been made good by someone other than the Agency’s Operations Delivery Team. The Clerk added, however, that the EA had now issued formal warning letters to DCE and the Manager of The Bar, the effect of which was that if the benches are moved back in the spring 2006 then the EA would move straight to a prosecution. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 5.1.06) from NDDC reference “House to House Collection – Bideford and District Sea Cadets/3rd to 8th July 2006”: - The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this collection was for a bone fide charity and was an annual application he had advised NDDC that he anticipated IPC would not object. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 5.1.06) from NDDC reference “House to House Collection – Clothes Aid/2.1.06 to 1.1.07”: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that he had advised NDDC that he anticipated IPC would not be in favour of this application on the grounds it was “open-ended” and there would be concerns about the fear of crime "caused" by door to door collectors especially amongst elderly parishioners. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk referred to a subsequent email (dd 16.1.05) from NDDC which stated that any collection would consist of collection bags being posted though letter boxes and if householders wished to contribute they would be asked to leave the bags on the kerbside 4/5 days later where they would be collected; there would be no door knocking or intrusion involved. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this application subject to the procedures as outlined. (Action: The Clerk)
f) IPC Meeting Dates 2006 (Cllr Attendances: Apologies): - (i) Meetings: - The Clerk distributed a list of “draft” dates to each Cllr and outlined a problem as regards the July meeting (20th July 2006) in that the hall had been double booked for both IPC and the Village Show Committee (VSC). After a discussion it was RESOLVED that both organisations could work alongside each other, without complications, and that the date could stand; the VSC were supportive of this. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii)Cllr Apologies: - The Clerk reminded Cllrs that in light of The Local Government Act 1972, if a Cllr failed to attend any meeting for 6 calendar months, and they had not sent acceptable apologies, then they ceased to be a Cllr. He added that in order to determine “acceptability” it would be helpful, for the future, if a reason could be sent with any apologies in that this would give a reassurance to Council that it could formally accept such apology if the 6-month rule were to be a problem. He said details did not have to be minuted; he could keep a note of the reason i.e. work commitment, sickness, holiday etc. After discussion it was RESOLVED that such a procedure would be adopted as and from April 2006. (Action: IPC Cllrs/Clerk)
g) Letter (dd 13.1.06) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – RNLI Appledore Guild/5th August 2006 (8 am to 6 pm)”: - The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this collection was for a bone fide charity and was an annual application he had advised NDDC that he anticipated IPC would not object. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
h) Complaint (17.1.06) reference poor standard of pavement along Marine Parade, Instow from Cllr Scott: - The Clerk said he had spoken to Cllr Cann at the time this complaint was received - see item 2601/5 (b) (Noted)
i) North Devon Cricket Club (NDCC) – Leader + Grant Application: - Cllr Green read a letter to IPC that had been sent to Cllr Crombie from the Secretary of the NDCC as regards seeking support from IPC for a grant application to Leader + for a fielding/catching piece of equipment for the juniors of the club. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to write and support the application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Crombie, May and Scott declared an interest, left the room and did not speak***

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (x2) (dd 20.12.05) from Chairman of TTEF to TEF Members/IPC Cllrs reference “TTEF - Update 20th December 2005”: - Contains information in relation to Fast Leisure Craft Joint Working Party, Appledore Quay Wall, NDCCS – Draft Interpretation Strategy, Meeting with Chief Executive TDC, Bideford Harbour Master Report, Dredging at Appledore, Environment Agency CAMS, Barnstaple Western Bypass, Devon Living Coasts Conference, Devon Maritime Forum, Draft Maritime Bill Newsletter, Proposed Visit to Met Office, Avian Flu and date of next TTEF Meeting – 16th January 2006 (Town Hall, Bideford – 7 pm).

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Holmacott Tip/Access-Egress by Lorries: - Following information received from Cllr May (21.12.05), as regards lorries accessing Holmacott Tip by way of New Road, Instow (in breach of planning), Clerk contacted DCC by email (21.12.05) and informed appropriate department.
b) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Letter (dd 14.12.05) reference “Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005”, (ii) Letter (undated) concerning “DAPC Website, (iii) DAPC Courses (Various), (iv) DAPC Newsletter (Jan/Feb 2006), (v) Email (dd 21.12.05) reference “Community Boost Fund”, (vi) Email (dd 10.1.06) reference “Email Group – Happy New Year”, (vii) Email (dd 11.1.06) reference “Parish Seats - Belstone”: - Clerk liaised with Clerk at Belstone by email (11.1.06) and provided information as requested, (viii) Email (dd 12.1.06) reference “Car Parks”: - Clerk provided Lesley Smith with information as requested and finally (ix) Email (dd 17.1.06) reference “Access and Awareness Event/Parish Halls”: - Forwarded by Clerk to Mr C Harper (Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee) by email (18.1.06).
c) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet w/c 16.12.05, 6.1.06 and 13.1.06
d) Letter (dd December 2005) from Environment Agency reference “Newsletter – Links”: - Copy placed at Post Office for information of parishioners.
e) Clerk and Councils Direct (January 2006 – Issue 43) including “Suppliers Guide and Yearbook”
f) Defective Bus Timetable Signpost – Venn Cross Bus Shelter: - Following information received from parish handyperson, Clerk contacted DCC Local Services by email (6.1.06) requesting repair; subsequently confirmed all in hand.
g) Instow Adopt a Beach Group (IAABG) Activity: - Clerk received information to the effect that IAABG were to carry out a beach clean on Sunday 15th January 2006.
h) Minutes of NDDC Standards Committee for Wednesday 21st December 2005 and Agenda (and attachments) for Meeting of 18th January 2006.
i) Letter (dd 6.1.06) from DARE reference “Climate Change and Fuel Poverty”: - Cllrs to peruse and bring back to a forthcoming meeting (February 2006?) if it is felt appropriate to the parish of Instow.
j) Telephone call from parishioner reference “Tree on grass verge at Anstey Way/Marine Parade (Signal Box end) blocking view to The Torridge Estuary”: - Clerk advised parishioner that this was a DCC matter and recommended she take it up with Cllr Cann (DCC).
k) Email (10.1.06) from DCC – Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up (January 2006).
i) Agenda for NDDC Meeting of 18th January 2006 and attachments.
j) Letter (dd 10.1.06) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference, particularly “Police Authority Liaison Meeting – Barnstaple Sector: Monday 30th January 2006”: - Poster placed at Post Office and correspondence copied to Cllr Ms A Mayoh (IPC’s Police Liaison Cllr).
k) Letter (dd 6.1.06) from Queens Theatre reference “Little Women” Production: - Poster placed at Parish Hall as requested.
l) Clerk noted large pothole on Marine Parade, Instow (opposite Commodore)”: - DCC Local Services Manager advised.
m) Correspondence from Community Council of Devon reference “Devon Community Activist Network Research” and “Parish Regeneration Project”: - Cllrs to peruse and bring back to a forthcoming meeting (February 2006?) if it is felt appropriate to the parish of Instow.
n) Glasdon catalogues (various)
o) Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (No 65 – Winter 2005)

2601/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
DBA (MOD – Atturm) Beach Grant 2005/6 £ 50.00* Lloyds Bank (Business a /c) Interest October 2005 £ 33.43
Ditto Tax Refund £ 7.58+
Ditto Ditto November 2005 £ 39.19
Ditto Ditto December 2005 £ 37.94
TOTAL: - £ 168.14
Key: -
*Payment by BACS on 22.12.05 to Treasurers a/c
+ Taken in error by bank on 10.8.05; error pointed out to bank at the time.

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £171.00#
Mr P Cook Xmas Beach Clean etc £ 95.95+
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel/Parts £ 78.56~
Mr M Palmer Pressure Clean Tractor £ 20.00@
EDF Energy Car Park Machine £ 6.42*
The Inf. Commission Data Protection Registration Fee 2006 £ 35.00
TOTAL: - £406.93
Key: -
# Includes £18.00 - P3 activity (Atturm Footpath drainage), £18.00 - assistance to Mr P Cook in clearing out tractor garage at Mollands Garage and £15.00 - repair Venn Cross Bus Shelter (Slates – old damage).
+ Includes an additional 8 hours beach clean activity (8 hours only approved vide 2511/10 (5) (e)) due to excess flotsam/jetsam on beach and 3 hours to clean out tractor garage and transport tractor accessories to Barton Farm, Instow. IPC RESOLVED to approve.
~ Includes fuel for old tractor (£20), fuel for new tractor (£16), inner tube for old tractor as a consequence of a puncture (£16.45) and oil/oil filter for old tractor following “accident” during beach clean (£26.11).
@ Retrospective approval required from IPC – steam clean old tractor.
* Clerk has taken this up with EDF Energy. Quarterly electricity payment only went up to £18.34 in 2005 having been £7.13 for about 4 years prior to that – Clerk briefed IPC as to EDF Energy’s response (email).

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 28.12.05 (Statement = £ 5,377.10+
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 22.12.05 (Statement = £ 14,924.12*
Key: -
+ According to Clerk’s Records this is £3.85 (2 cheques to the value of £5,373.25 not cleared)
* Concurs with Clerk’s Records as at date of meeting.

IPC RESOLVED to transfer £405.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)

(a) IPC – Chairman’s Chain of Office: - The Clerk reported that the chain’s recent valuation of £495.00 (inc Vat) had been passed to the Alliance Cornhill Insurance Company who had returned an amended policy and schedule. (Noted)
(b) Replacement Tractor/Garaging etc: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that the replacement tractor had been bought on 23rd December 2005 and was now temporarily “garaged” at Barton Farm, Instow. He said the garage rental “arrangement” at Mollands Garage had been terminated (the new tractor was too big for the garage) and that IPC was now required to discuss the offer of permanent “garaging” at Barton Farm. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion, IPC RESOLVED, in principle, to “garage” its replacement tractor at Barton Farm, Instow. The Clerk then read to Council a suggested “agreement” that had been drawn up following discussion with the owner of the farm and the Clerk. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the “agreement” as written and the Clerk was instructed to sign it on behalf of Council. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to pay the sum of £32 per month garage rental at Barton Farm, on a quarterly basis, on the understanding that no VAT was applicable albeit the Clerk was asked to take guidance on this issue asap. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to write and thank Mr O Cook for services rendered hitherto at Mollands Garage. (Action: The Clerk)
(v) The Clerk confirmed that the necessary paperwork had been forwarded to DVLA as regards change of ownership of IPC’s original tractor and that a replacement log book, for the replacement tractor, had been received. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk also confirmed that an insurance cover note/certificate had been obtained from the Allianz Cornhill (AC) Insurance Company. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk told IPC there was still a need to advise the AC of change of garaging arrangements. (Action: The Clerk)
(viii) The Clerk advised IPC he had written to DVLA reference a vehicle licence exemption for the replacement tractor and that a reply was awaited. (Noted)
*** Cllrs May, Mayoh and Cook declared an interest on this issue i.e. items (b) (i) to (iv) inclusive above, left the room and did not speak***
(c) DCC P3 Footpath Programme: - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 16.12.05) from the DCC’s Parish Paths Liaison Officer confirming receipt of IPC’s P3 Finance Form 2006 and to outline the action(s) DCC proposed to take as regards Footpath No 9; the Clerk explained. (Noted)
(d) Xmas Carol Singing Event 2005 – Charitable Donations: - The Clerk reported receipt of three letters of thanks from North Devon Hospice, Children’s Hospice SW and RNLI Appledore concerning donations of £73.22 to each. (Noted)
(e) Parish Precept 2006/2007: - (i) The Clerk reported he had received a letter (dd 22.12.05) from NDDC setting out a “Statement of IPC’s Proposed Parish Council Tax for 2006/7” i.e. Precept of £5,886 (Band D Council Tax required to produce £5,886 = £13.93 - estimate based on year 2005/6 properties). The Clerk said NDDC required confirmation from IPC that these figures were (a) acceptable and (b) whether IPC wished to have the annual subscription to DAPC deducted from IPC’s first precept payment (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that the parish precept figure (as at (e) (i) above) was £86 more than originally requested because IPC’s maximum grant request (i.e. £2 per head of population) was only £1,342 based on a 671 head of population. This, he said, was because there was a shortfall of 43 parishioners on the current electoral roll (2005/6) when compared to the previous one (2004/5 i.e. 714). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk suggested that IPC reduce its original grant request to £1,342 (from £1418); this he said would have the effect of bringing the precept (as at (e) (i) above) back to what had originally been requested i.e. £5,800.00 (Band D payment of £13.72). After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation and the Clerk was asked to liaise with NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
(f) Letter (dd 21.12.05) and attachments from NDDC concerning “Grants from NDDC2005/2006”: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC he would retain this and use it to request the beach cleaning grant 2006 at an appropriate time during the financial year 2006/7; he said he would advise NDDC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said this grant was open to other organisations and if Cllrs were aware of any specific ones they should refer them to NDDC asap. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
(g) Internal Audit – October to December 2005: - The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit on 12th January 2006 and found all to be in order. Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(h) Bank Reconciliation – 1st October 2005 to 31st December 2005: - The Clerk circulated a copy of this to Cllrs at the meeting; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (12th January 2006). Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(i) Email (dd 9.1.06) from DAPC reference “Clerk Salary Scales 2006 – NALC”: - The Clerk said he had filed this for reference purposes. (Noted)
j) Instow Allotment and Recreation Field a/c – Portman Building Society: - The Clerk reported receipt of a statement (dd 10.1.06) from the Portman Building Society confirming that the sum of £155.10 had been added to this account as interest for the year 2005. IPC RESOLVED to have this sum drawn as a cheque made payable to the “Instow Parish Hall Committee” as for previous years. (Action: The Clerk)
2601/11 PLANNING
a) Extension and alterations to dwelling at 5 Chichester Close, Instow (Reference No 41070): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from NDDC Planning stating that NDDC had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed; he reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of this letter to them with their agenda papers (12.1.06). (Noted)
b) Change of Use from Residential Care Home to Private Dwelling at Redlands House, New Road, Instow (Reference No 41474): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (22.12.05) of this application and of having immediately passed it to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 5.1.06. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that IPC’s PSC had resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application and that he had notified NDDC on 4.1.06. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
c) Complaints received reference proliferation of new signs advertising The Bar Public House, Marine Parade, Instow: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that signs had been positioned by The Quay (i.e. DCE private car park - x 2), Tarka Trail (near Zeta Berth), the main road from Bideford to Instow and on Marine Parade close to entrance to Sand Hills Car Park. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC he had spoken to Cllr Cann (who had received similar complaints) and that Cllr Cann had already liaised with NDDC Planning (Enforcement) – see also item 2601/5 (a). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had suggested to parishioners who had complained that they speak to Cllr Cann or NDDC Planning Enforcement direct. (Noted)
d) Letter (received 7.1.06) from NDDC reference “Conversion of games room to form 1 unit of holiday accommodation at Worlington House, New Road, Instow (Reference No 41249): - The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC had GRANTED this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
e) Formation of terrace (amendment to planning permission 39451) at Sandpipers, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 41488): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (14.1.06) of this application and of having passed it to the Chairman (15.1.06) for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 2.2.06 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk report receipt of a copy letter (dd 16.1.06) from a parishioner to NDDC Planning objecting to this application – The Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk also re-read the letter referred to as at item 2601/4 (a). (Noted)
(iv) After discussion, led by Council’s Planning Sub Committee, IPC unanimously RESOLVED to recommend refusal of this application on the grounds it infringed on the privacy of adjoining properties and was not in accordance with the original plans.
(Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Johns, Crombie and Mayoh declared an interest, left the room and did not speak***
f) Email (dd 18.1.06) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Proposed re-cladding of Appledore Quay Wall (TDC Application no 1/2327/2005/FUL): - The Clerk pointed out to Cllrs that a copy of the TTEF’s response to this application was contained with the papers as circulated to them vide item 2601/4 (b). (Noted)
g)Erection of a Dwelling at Land at Lane End Close, Instow (Reference No 39545): - The Clerk reported that he understood this application to have been granted by NDDC’s Planning Committee some three months or so ago although nothing had been received officially from NDDC. Cllr Mrs L Brown said she would make enquiries and report back at the next meeting. (Action: Cllr Mrs L Brown)

a) DCC Highways Issues: - (i) The Chairman suggested to fellow Cllrs that any highway issues should be raised at the beginning of each meeting when Cllr Cann was speaking/taking questions and before he left. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Noted)
b) NDDC Issues: - The Clerk said the same really applied to any NDDC issues which could be raised when either Cllr Cann (NDDC Portfolio Holder (Environment) and Executive Member) and Cllr Mrs L Brown (Ward Member) were speaking/taking questions. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Noted)
c) Willow Fencing – Sand Dunes: - Cllr May said he was concerned at the great danger being caused by broken willow fencing posts being left in the dunes (partly exposed/covered by sand) and which might cause serious injury to beach users. IPC wholeheartedly agreed and RESOLVED to bring this to the attention of Andy Bell (NDDCS). (Action: The Clerk)
d) Sewage Pipe/Venn Cross Footpath (Anstey Way to Tarka Trail): - Cllr May said that orange (rusty?) coloured water was continually seeping from this pipe/manhole cover and that he felt the authorities should be notified. IPC RESOLVED to support this view. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Mini Motor Bikes – Instow Second Beach: - Cllr Ms Mayoh said that a parishioner had told her that mini motorbike riders were using this area. In view of the fact the area in question was private land IPC RESOLVED to notify the parishioner who might like to consider notifying the owners themselves. The Clerk said he would notify Andy Bell (NDCCS) for information. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Main Instow to Bideford Road (Near Tapely Park): - Cllr Cook said it was a shame it had been necessary to dig up this part of the highway almost immediately after it had been reinstated to a good state of repair. Cllr Cann said that as far as he was aware the job in question was an emergency and could not be avoided. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

