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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper A Johns (Chairman), G May, and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: 6 parishioners.

2801/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllr P Cook, B Moores (Also NDDC), Mrs P Renshaw, S White (Vice Chairman) and Cllr Cann (DCC)

a) Crime Matters: -
PCSO Dan Cornish reported that 4 crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, criminal damage (x 1 – undetected), dwelling burglary (x 1 – under investigation), assault occasioning actual bodily harm (x 1 – no statement of complaint) and a non crime domestic incident. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
PCSO Cornish said that over the same period of time 15 other incidents had been reported namely, x 3 crime related for the above crimes, x 8 personal attack alarm (faults on each occasion), x 2 found property, x 1 anti social behaviour on a bus and x 1 road related information. (Noted)
c) Crime Prevention Matters: -
PCSO Dan Cornish said he was still issuing vulnerable vehicle forms in the parish although he was finding it difficult now to reach his quota. (Noted)
d) Neighbourhood Watch Groups: -
PCSO Cornish said he had recently set up 2 new neighbourhood watch groups in the area, namely, one at Victoria Terrace & Quay Lane and the other at Higher Lagoon View. (Noted)
e) Camper Van – Marine Parade: -
PCSO Cornish said the police were aware of a parked camper van on Marine Parade that was being lived in by its occupants and that this was receiving their current attention. (Noted)
f) Parish Council Notice Board – Venn Cross: -
The Clerk advised PCSO Cornish that the parish council’s notice board at Venn Cross (Bus Shelter on seaward side of Anstey Way) was found to have been criminally damaged on Monday 7th January; it had since been repaired by the parish handyperson and replaced. PCSO Cornish agreed to keep an eye on this area. (Noted)

a) Rectory Lane – 20 mph Speed Limit: -
A parishioner asked for an update on the pending introduction of a 20 mph speed limit in Rectory Lane. The Clerk told the parishioner and Council that he was not able to provide the information but that he would liaise with Cllr Cann (DCC) and find out the current position. (Noted)
b) Anstey Way Lay By – Gravel: -
A parishioner asked whether the parish council might bring pressure to bear on DCC to have them tidy up the gravel piles in this lay by; he said it was unsightly. The Clerk said he would speak to the local DCC Highways Superintendent. (Action: The Clerk)

In the absence of Cllr Cann there was no report. (Noted)

In the absence of Cllr Moores there was no report. ((Noted)
2801/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the December 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2712/6 (a) - Instow – Traffic Management Issues: -
Cllr Cann was not present and there was, as a consequence, no report; the Clerk suggested it be deferred until the February meeting. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
b) Item 2712/6 (b) - Instow Ransom Strip Project(s): -
Cllr Cann was not present and there was, as a consequence, no report; the Clerk suggested it be deferred until the February meeting. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
c) Item 2712/6 (c) – New Charter Toilets/ Quay Car Park
Cllr Cann was not present and there was, as a consequence, no report; the Clerk suggested it be deferred until the February meeting. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
d) Item 2712/9 (d) - Clean N/hood Act – Dog Control Order: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of his liaison with NDDC Environmental Health Department and of a meeting he was to have at Instow at 9.15 am on Friday 18th January. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 16.1.08) from Cllr Harper reference “Dog Mess – Bridge Lane etc”. Cllr Harper explained he had received a number of complaints from parishioners. IPC RESOLVED to seek the services of the NDDC’s Dog Warden and to erect suitable posters at the post office. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2712/9 (j) – Venn Cross Bus Shelter/Lighting: -
The Clerk said he was having difficulty in getting a suitable post erected but that he anticipated sorting this out by the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Item 2712/9 (k) – Wooden Kiosk/Instow Beach (Rear of Boathouse Bus Shelter) -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of a letter (dd 9.12.07) he had received from DCE; the Clerk read it to Council. It was noted that DCE had every intention of renovating this kiosk in the spring 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that in the same letter, DCE had inferred that it might be sensible if an agreement was drawn up by DCE/IPC in respect of that part of IPC’s Boathouse Bus Shelter that was on DCE property. IPC RESOLVED to seek a draft of such a document and then to proceed as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Item 2712/10 (i) (b) – Defra: Revised Bathing Water Directive – Consultation: -
(i) Cllr Green briefed IPC and made recommendations for a suitable response; he referred to an email forwarded by him to Cllrs to aid discussion. IPC RESOLVED to accept Cllr Green’s recommendations and to have the Clerk invite the Environment Agency to attend IPC sometime during 2008 and give a presentation on the implications of these directives as they appertain to Instow (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of an email he had received (dd 21.12.07) reference “Appledore – Pig’s Body Parts/Torridge Estuary”; the Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
(a) Letter (dd 12.12.07) from NDCCS reference “North Devon Biosphere and AONB Discovery Day – Sunday 16th March 2008”: -
The Clerk said this invited IPC to participate in the event; he said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(b) Letter (dd 20.12.07) from NDDC reference “Affordable Housing – The Way Forward”: -
(i) The Clerk said this advised IPC there was to be a seminar (x 2) at St John’s Community Centre, Barnstaple on Saturday 19th January 2008 commencing at 10am to 1pm and again at 2pm to 5pm and that IPC was invited to send two reps. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that it had been previously agreed that Cllr Moores (also NDDC) would attend and represent IPC. (Noted)
(c) Letter (dd 23.12.07) and pamphlet from Campaign to Protect Rural England reference “Application to Join”: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter to them with their agenda papers; IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(d) Letter (dd 3.1.08) and Booklet reference “Consultation on Orders and Regulations relating to the Conduct of Local Authority Members in England”: -
(i) The Clerk reported that the government had published this consultation paper which sought views on the detailed arrangements for putting into effect the orders and regulations to provide a revised more locally-based ethical regime for the conduct of local councillors in England. (Noted)
(ii) He said Part 10 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 amended the Local Government Act 2000 to provide a revised ethical conduct regime for local government based on the principles of proportionate decision-making on conduct issues by local authorities. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk added that in order to implement the revised regime, it was now necessary to put in place detailed arrangements to allow standards committees and the Standards Board to undertake their new roles; it was hoped to introduce these provisions by Spring 2008. He said any comments were required by Friday 15th February 2008. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion it was RESOLVED to circulate the relevant booklet amongst Cllrs and to report any relevant views back to the Clerk for suitable response if appropriate. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
(e) Marine Parade – Road Closure/Buses: -
The Clerk advised IPC of the late “change of heart” of the local bus companies not to go along Marine Parade on “health and safety” grounds during the period of the current roadwork’s despite agreeing to do so at the time of planning. The Clerk told IPC that a number of complaints had been received by him from elderly parishioners. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action on the grounds the works were short term and any inconvenience would be likewise. (Noted)
*** Cllr Johns declared an interest and did not speak ***
(f) Letter (dd 11.1.08) from NDDC and TDC reference “NDDC/TDC Local Development Frameworks – Core Strategy Development Plan Document – Issues and Options Stage”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that responses to this had been low and that it urged interested parties to engage in the consultation as it would effect the future planning of districts. He added that the consultation period had, as a consequence, been extended to 31st January 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter for their information. (Noted)
(iii) After discussion it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(g) Letter (dd 14.1.08) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – Saturday 26th July 2008/RNLI Appledore Guild”: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC that this was an application by a bone fide and local charity and he recommended it be approved. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
(h) Letter (dd 15.1.08) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference “Police Authority Liaison Meetings – North Devon (Barnstaple 4th February 2008) and Braunton (18th February 2008)”: -
The Clerk provided details of this to Cllrs for their information and confirmed he had placed a poster on the notice board at the Post Office for parishioners. (Noted)
(i) Information received (17.1.08) reference “Dead Sheep – Beach between Cricket Club and Oil Jetty”: -
(i) The Clerk said he had contacted NDDC’s Environmental Health Dept who were aware and had already advised DCE (landowners?) who in turn had reported that this beach was owned by the Crown Commissioners (CC); NDDC said they had, as a result, told the CC’s agents. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported he had also contacted the Animal Health Unit (0845 155 1999) and eventually the Farming Standards Trading Unit (01392 385368) because the dead sheep was tagged and he had been advised that action would be taken asap. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Harper reported that as of 17.1.08 the dead sheep had gone. (Noted)
(j) Appledore Arts Festival (AAF) 2008: -
The Chairman said he had been approached to see if IPC would be supportive of this event expanding into the parish; after discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative in principle provided it did not clash or interfere with the Community on Show Day in July. (Action: The Chairman)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Emails x2 (dd 14.1.08) from Chairman of TTEF to TTEF Members/IPC Cllrs reference “TTEF Newsletter – 13th January 2008”

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 14.12.07) reference “Seaton Town Council – New Email Address”; (ii) Email (dd 19.12.07) reference “CCD Introduction to Sustainable Funding Workshop – January 2008”; (iii) Email (dd 200.12.07) reference “Bus Passenger Body Consultation”; (iv) Email (dd 20.12.07) from SWLCA reference “Seasonal Greetings”; (v) Email (dd 2.1.08) reference “Introduction to Sustainable Funding Workshop – February 2008”; (vi) DAPC Newsletter – January/February 2008; (vii) CCD Letter reference “Survey of Rural Retailers 2008” – completed and returned to CCD by Clerk (7.1.08); (viii) Email (dd 10.1.08) reference “Error in Training Calendar – Jan/Feb Newsletter”; (ix) Email (dd 10.1.08) reference “Opportunities at Seale Hayne – Pre Consultation”; (x) Email (dd 11.1.08) reference “NALC Conference 2008”; (xi) Email (dd 11.1.08) reference “NALC Conference 2008 – Best Practice”; (xii) Email 9dd 11.1.08) reference “CiLCA Training”; (xiii) Email (dd 11.1.08) reference “Database Workshop Invitation”; (xiv) Email (dd `15.12.08) reference “Devon Climate Change Community Histories Project”; (xv) Email (dd 15.1.08) reference “February Training”; (xvi) Email (dd 16.1.08) reference “Clerk and Council of the Year 2008/Communhicatiions Awards 2008” and (xvii) Email (dd 17.1.08) reference “Playing Fields”
(b) (i) Agenda of NDDC’s Standards (Special) Committee Meeting of Wednesday 9th January 2008 at 7 pm and associated papers; (ii) Agenda of NDDC’s Standards (Special) Committee Meeting of Wednesday 9th January 2008 at 7.30 pm and associated papers; (iii) Minutes of NDDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 19th December 2007 at 7 pm and (iv) Minutes of Standards Committee Meeting of 9th January 2008
(c) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 14.12.07 and 11.1.08
(d) Letter (dd 18.12.07) and posters from Nick Harvey MP reference “MP’s Advice and Help Surgeries 2008”: -
Copies placed on parish council notice boards as requested
(e) Letter from National Statistics reference “Questionnaire – IPC Vacancies”: -
Actioned by Clerk as necessary.
(f) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (January 2008 – Edition 524)
(g) Clerk and Councils Direct (January 2008 – Issue 55)
(h) Ditto – Suppliers Guide & Yearbook 2008
Pamphlet Fitzpatrick Woolmer – Design and Print Manufacturer
(i) Agenda and associated papers for NDDC Meeting of Wednesday 16th January 2008 at 2.30 pm
(j) The Local Column – December 2007 (Issue 33)
(k) Copy email (dd 10.1.08) from Constable Hodgson to parishioner reference “Shooting Incident – Gorse Hill, Instow/13th December 2007
(l) Junk Mail – Magazine
(m) Letter (dd 8.1.08) from Queensway Shelters
(n) Telephone call (16.1.08) from parishioner reference “Allotments”: -
Suitable advice given by Clerk.

2801/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
MOD (Atturm) Beach Grant 2007/8 £ 50.00*
TOTAL : - £ 50.00
Key: -
* Paid by Bacs 20.12.07
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £221.00#
EDF Energy Car Park Machine £ 6.42
The Inf. Commission Data Protection Registration Fee 2008 £ 35.00
TOTAL: - £262.42
Key: -
# Includes £60 P3 activity (clearing vegetation at footpaths 16 and 5) and £21 repair of notice board at Venn Cross – see item 5 (l) below.
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 24.12.07 (Statement) = £ 236.25*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 24.12.07 (Statement) = £19572.09+
* According to Clerk’s records this is £2.19 (3 cheques uncashed to the total value of £234.06)
+ Accords to Clerk’s records
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £262.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) NDDC – Recovery of Election Costs: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had no further information on this issue; he said he would liaise with Cllrs Cann/Moores to see if they had any information. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2007/8 & P3 Claim for 2007/8:-
The Clerk reported that the footpath inspections had been completed on the 21st December 2007 by him and the parish handyperson and that the necessary paperwork has been returned to DCC (31.12.07) i.e. footpath status reports and expenditure claim for 2008/9. He said he had claimed for a sum to the tune of £300 on the basis there would be a small surplus from the current year. (Noted)
(c) Letter (dd 7.11.06) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2007/8”:
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 21.12.07) from NDDC setting out a “Statement of IPC’s Proposed Parish Council Tax for 2008/9” i.e. Precept of £6,008 (Band D Council Tax required to produce £6,008 = £14.61 - estimate based on year 2007/8 properties). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said NDDC required confirmation from IPC that these figures were (a) acceptable and (b) whether IPC wished to have the annual subscription to DAPC deducted from IPC’s first precept payment. (Noted) (iii) The Clerk advised IPC that the parish precept figure (as at (i) above) was £8 more than originally requested because IPC’s maximum grant request (i.e. £2 per head of population) was only £1,310 based on a 655 head of population. This, he said, was because there was a shortfall of 4 parishioners on the current electoral roll (2007/8) when compared to the previous one (2006/7 i.e. 659). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reminded IPC he had anticipated this state of affairs at the previous IPC meeting in December and that IPC had, as a result, RESOLVED to reduce its original grant request to £1,310 (from £1318); this he said had the effect of bringing the precept (as at (i) above) back to what had originally been requested i.e. £6,000.00. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk confirmed he had taken the necessary action and corresponded with NDDC. (Noted)
(d) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (December): -
The Clerk advised IPC this confirmed IPC was in balance and owed nothing. (Noted)
(e) Tractor Service – Additional Work: -
The Clerk told IPC it had not been possible to obtain an estimate from another contractor and that he recommended IPC accept the current “offer” but to make it clear that only the work specified was to be done. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: Clerk)

(f) Xmas Carol Singing Charitable Collection 2007 – Letters of Thanks: -
The Clerk confirmed that letters of thanks had been received from North Devon Hospice (dd 19.12.07), RNLI Appledore Branch (dd 18.12.06) and Children’s Hospice South West (dd 2.1.08); he said a personal thank you from the Treasurer of Northam Lodge had also been received. (Noted)
(g) Internal Audit – October to December 2007: -
The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit on 17th January 2008 and found all to be in order; Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(h) Bank Reconciliation – 1st October 2007 to 31st December 2007: -
The Clerk circulated a copy of this to Cllrs at the meeting; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (17th January 2008); Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(i) Instow Allotment and Recreation Field a/c – Nationwide Building Society: -
(i) The Clerk reported that he had visited the Nationwide Building Society on 5.1.08 and had been advised that the sum of £178.07 had been added to this account as interest for the year 2007. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to have this sum drawn as a cheque made payable to the “Instow Parish Hall Committee” as for previous years; to include £235.17 Merger payment (Portman/Nationwide) – see item 2710/10 (5) (c): - Total £413.24. (Action: Cllrs Johns, Crombie and Green)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that he had also received a letter from the Nationwide (undated – received 16.1.08) confirming the above interest payment. (Noted)
(j) Beach Cleaner – Terms of Agreement 2008/9: -
The Clerk confirmed that the beach cleaner and him, on behalf of IPC, had signed a “terms of agreement” for the forthcoming season; a copy was provided to Cllrs for their information. (Noted)
(k) Handyperson’s Terms of Agreement 2008/9: -
The Clerk advised IPC that the signing of this was in hand. (Action: The Clerk)
(l) IPC Notice Board – Venn Cross: -
The Clerk reported that this was found damaged by him on Monday 7th January and that it had subsequently been repaired and replaced on site by the parish handyperson; see payment as at 1 above. (Noted)
(m) Use of Instow Sands – Atturm: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of some dialogue he had had recently with Major Lugg RM (email of 8.1.08 and 9.1.08 refers) as regards the annual grant IPC received from the Defence Estates (DE) – normally £50 per annum. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had suggested to Major Lugg that it should be increased to something like £200 to £250 per annum. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk said he would also liaise with the DE direct; he reported receipt of a letter (dd 9.1.08) from the DE referring to an agreement between DE/IPC of which he didn’t have a copy. (Action: The Clerk)
(n) Email (dd 16.1.08) from Crown Commissioners reference “Charity Commissioners News – Instow Recreation Ground”: -
The Clerk said he had copied this email on to Cllrs Johns, White, Crombie and Green (Trustees) together with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA). (Noted)

2801/11 PLANNING
a) Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3: Change of use of land from agricultural to education purposes, construction of grass playing pitch with land drainage, access road and turning head. Construction of temporary path from existing school to proposed playing field at land to south of B3233, adjacent to Venn, Instow (Reference No ACB/DCC/256/2007): -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC it had RESOLVED to defer this application at its meeting of 13th December 2007 for debate and decision on the grounds that a similar and intrinsically linked further application for a new school on the same site was imminently expected. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that no new school planning application had been received as of the date of the meeting but that following liaison with DCC Planning (17.1.08) he had reliably been informed it should be received well in time for meaningful debate/decision at the February meeting. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to defer the decision on the playing pitch etc application (as at (a) above) until its meeting in February. (Action: IPC)
b) Letter from NDDC Planning reference “Erection of detached double garage at Barley Stack Cottage, Huish, Instow (Reference No 45402)”: -
The Clerk said this stated that NDDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
c) Demolition of double garage and extension to dwelling with integral single garage at 19 Lane End Close, Instow (Reference No 45725)”: -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (20.12.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to IPC’s PSC for attention; for response by 8th January or an extension will need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that its PSC had resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application and that NDDC Planning had been told (7.1.08). (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
d) Extension to dwelling at 3 Craigwell Villas, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No 45893): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (17.1.08) of this application and of having passed it immediately to IPC’s PSC for attention; for response by 4th February or an extension will need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to leave this application for its PSC to decide upon bearing in mind that no enquiries had been made in the neighbourhood and that it had only just been placed in the public domain. (Action: IPC’s PSC)
*** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak ***
e) Letter (dd 14.1.08) from NDDC reference “Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004: Article 5 Town and Country (General Development Procedure) Order 1995: -
(i) The Clerk said this was a consultation on new procedures for the Validation of Planning Applications where the County Council proposed to develop its own land including that at County Schools and County owned buildings, where the County makes an application to develop land not in its ownership including applications made jointly with thirds parties and applications for waste development. (Noted)
(ii) He added that new procedures come into force on the 6th April 2008 and that the letter sets out the implications particularly as regards the application form and the information provided with the application. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said that from this date the planning authority would have regard to the new National List and a Local List (where in force) when assessing whether enough information has been provided in the application. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk added that this consultation was in respect of the Local List and comments were invited by 12 noon Monday 25th February 2008; full details were available on DCC website – www.devon.gov.uk/planning-system/validation_consultation. The Clerk provided a copy of the letter and website details to Cllrs for their information. (Noted)
(v) After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to defer this matter to the next meeting to enable Cllrs to research the subject in the meantime. (Action: IPC Cllrs)

a) Provision of a Laminator: -
Cllr Harper enquired whether IPC might be in a position to provide a number of local organisations with a laminator for their joint use. IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk check on the legality of such a purchase/grant and to also approach Cllr Cann to see whether he had grants for such a purpose. (Action: The Clerk)

b) Down Road – Instow: -
(i) Cllr Harper said he had received complaints about the water run-off in Down Road and the damage this was doing to the highway; he said that it appeared the road drain was on the wrong side of the hill. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told Cllr Harper that this matter had been discussed at the last meeting and that Cllr Cann was looking into it. The Clerk agreed to pass on Cllr Harper’s concerns to Cllr Cann. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Drains – Blocked: -
Cllr May suggested that the parish handyperson could perhaps clear out a number of blocked drains, gully’s and ditches throughout the parish to assist drainage at the time of heavy rainfall. The Clerk said he would liaise with DCC’s Highways Superintendent and enquire whether this might be feasible. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

