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Present: - Councillors N Crombie, C Harper, A Johns, G May, Ms A Mayoh, F Scott, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

2311/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Councillors P Cook and M Green.

(a) Crime: - Constable Johnson said no crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting although he was aware of some minor damage that had occurred at the stone bus shelters at Venn Cross having recently been contacted by the Clerk. He urged Cllrs and parishioners alike to immediately report any suspicious behaviour at this location to the police and to take a full note of descriptions of persons acting suspiciously in the vicinity. (Action: Cllrs & Parishioners)
(a) General: - Constable Johnson reported he was now working out of the offices of Fremington Parish Council (FPC) although he did not, as yet, have his own dedicated telephone (mobile) number. For the time being he could be contacted via the FPC telephone number - 321063. (Noted)

There were no issues raised by parishioners. (Noted)

Cllr Cann spoke of the “Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2004/5” (and its indubitable effect on the “Council Tax 2004/5”) “Pedestrian Crossing at Anstey Way” (work to begin on 24.11.03), “TK - Marine Parade (Boathouse)” (the suggested extension to the footway out into the road, to permit wheel chair access around this TK, is to be included in the contract for the pedestrian crossing at Anstey Way (see above), “Community Alliance” (see item 2311/8 (a)), “St Johns Chapel” (accidents report), “Drop Kerb opposite Rectory Lane/Anstey Way” (will be undertaken after Xmas), “Westleigh Junction A39” (work is completed on the road markings to improve visibility when turning down slip road from the direction of Bideford and permission has now been given for new signs to encourage continuous flows of traffic on and off the A39; these should be in place in the next couple of months), and finally, “Traffic Orders for Seafront” (Cllr Cann said he had signed the changes to these orders - he referred to a letter of observation from a parishioner (see item 2311/9 (w)). Cllr Cann answered questions posed to him by Cllrs particularly about the “Council Tax 2004/5” and “Westleigh Junction” (Noted)

Cllr Mrs L Brown spoke of “NDDC’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment Report by The Audit Commission” (categorised as “weak”; report highlights the need for NDDC to concentrate finance on areas of priority, scrutiny, housing, refuse collection and “tense” relationship with DCC). Cllr Mrs Brown said, in summary, that the findings of the CPA inspection were disappointing at best although it had acted as a catalyst to force NDDC to start to address long standing problems and failures. (Noted)

2311/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the October 2003 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

(a) Item 2310/8 (a) - Community Alliance: - The Chairman and Clerk provided IPC with a report of their attendance at a presentation that took place at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple at 6.30 pm on Monday 10th November 2003.They said if IPC considered that an Alliance with Westleigh and Horwood, Lovacott and Newton Tracey (HLNT) PCs’ was more desirable than a larger alliance, including Fremington and Tawstock, then it would need to pass a Resolution to do so. The Clerk said it would still be possible for ad hoc meetings to be held between all 5 parishes on issues of joint interest. The Chairman said that the Chairman of Westleigh (W) PC had intimated to him that an alliance with Instow was desirable as far as his Council was concerned although he was unsure where Horwood’s intentions lay. The Clerk said that once an Alliance had been agreed meetings would be held to establish the strengths and weaknesses of such an alliance followed by community consultation, the development of a community action plan and integration with neighbouring Local Service Providers/District Service Providers. Cllr Cann then spoke to IPC in favour of an Alliance and said that if IPC was of a mind to participate he would facilitate such a process together with Officers from both DCC and NDDC. After a discussion IPC unanimously RESOLVED (in principle) to become part of an Alliance preferably with the parishes of W/HLNT - Cllr Cann agreed to continue his discussion with neighbouring parishes and to report back asap. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(b) Item 2310/8 (b) - Toilets - Marine Parade/S and Dunes & Quay Car Park: -
(i) The Chairman, Clerk and Cllr Harper provided a report to IPC concerning their recent on-site meeting at Instow with Cllr Sue Sewell (NDDC’s Environment Portfolio Holder (EPH)), Cllrs Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and Mr Geoff Barclay (NDDC Environmental Health Department EHD)) and that had taken place on Thursday 13th November (Note: The original meeting of 6.11.03 had been cancelled, at short notice by NDDC, for reasons beyond the control of IPC). It was said that IPC’s preference (see item 2310/8 (b) (ii)) to have 2 single unisex toilets with disabled facilities (at the Quay Car Park and Sand Hills, Marine Parade), as opposed to one super loo at the Quay Car Park, had been discussed together with the fact that IPC did not wish to accept responsibility in any way shape or form for the servicing of toilet facilities at Instow. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then updated IPC and said he had received an email from Geoff Barclay (19.11.03) to the effect that preliminary investigations had revealed that two mini super loos were possible (for the same price as one super loo) but that each would only contain disabled/baby changing facilities and one unisex toilet. GB promised to contact IPC when his “financial” enquiries had been confirmed and that plans would follow. IPC felt this was not acceptable and that two unisex loos, in addition to the disabled/baby changing facilities were the very least it could expect. IPC RESOLVED to await the actual plans and confirmation of NDDC’s intentions before making its views known. Council discussed offering (without prejudice at this stage), and in appropriate circumstances, the use of some of its financial reserves in securing the facilities it felt Instow was deserving of if NDDC did not come up and agree suitable premises. Clerk to continue to liaise with GB. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Chairman, Clerk and Cllr Harper reported on the result of their discussion with the above as regards the continuous poor state of the Sand Dunes toilets despite numerous complaints from IPC during the current summer season. The Clerk said GB had recently advised him that a deep clean of said toilets was imminent. (Noted)
(c) Item 2310/9 (d) - Instow Beach Water Results 2003: - (i) The Clerk reported on his progress reference the seeking of publicity for Instow having passed the EU Mandatory Standards 2003. He said he had liaised with the Environment Agency (EA), North Devon Coast & Countryside Service (reference “Beach Notices” - funding being sought and delay in production due to impending new EU Bathing Water Directive) and The Parish News. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk referred to press releases in the Western Morning News (4.11.03) and North Devon Journal (NDJ) (6.11.03) which he had copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers. It was noted that each had reported favourably upon the Instow Water Quality results for 2003. The Clerk suggested he wrote a letter to the NDJ to “openly” thank South West Water and the EA for acting as the catalyst, by their proactive work in the area, in achieving such excellent results. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this suggestion of the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) Item 2309/9 (e) - Code of Practice - Local Councils in Handling Complaints: -
The Clerk reported he had circulated a copy of IPC’s draft “Complaints Policy” to all Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.03); after a discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt it as written. The Chairman and Clerk signed the original document. (Noted)
(e) Item 2310/9 (p) - Beach Management Meeting (8th November 2003): -The Clerk said that Cllr Cook had attended this meeting on behalf of IPC; the Clerk provided each Cllr with a copy of the minutes of the meeting which had been received by email (15.11.03). It was noted that a new “EU Bathing Water Directive” was due to be brought in (2004) and that, according to the Chairman of the TTEF, this would have a huge significance for Instow. The Clerk said that the next Beach Management Meeting was to be held on Friday 27th February 2004 at 10.30 am - Civic Centre, Barnstaple. (Noted)
(f) Item 2310/9 (t) - Dogs on Sand Dunes (New Signs, Order etc): - Cllr Harper appraised IPC of his recent discussion, reference this topic, with Cllr Sue Sewell (NDDC - EPH) and Mr Geoff Barclay (NDDC EH) - see item (b) above. Mr Barclay had said it would be most unlikely now if such a “dog banning” order (as is currently in place on Instow beach) would be granted - so an extension to said order is undoubtedly out of the question; enclosed areas such as parks are preferred as they can be easily enforced and effectively “policed”. GB had agreed, however, to arrange for further signs to be exhibited throughout the village at/near the beach and will ensure that dog warden patrols are earmarked for the area on a more regular basis than already exists. (Noted)
(g) Item 2310/9 (y) - Parish Xmas Carol Singing Event (7th December 2003): - (i) The Clerk provided IPC with an update and discussions ensued so as to finalise arrangements. The Clerk said that Carole Grant would (i) like assistance from Cllrs in clearing the hall beforehand (she will be there at 6 pm), (ii) have the “donated” mince pies by Cllrs delivered to the parish hall and (iii) be given help by Cllrs (and their partners?) in serving the mulled wine/mince pies and clearing up afterwards. The Clerk said the Appledore Band would be providing a concert in the hall whilst the mince pies and mulled wine was being consumed. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he felt it was now appropriate to purchase a set of new Xmas tree lights as the current ones had become very unreliable. It was RESOLVED to spend up to £50 on such a purchase. (Action: The Clerk)
(h) Item 2310/9 (z) - IPC December Meeting “Do”: The Clerk provided IPC with an update; he said he had provided each with a list of suggested invitees for approval. After a discussion the Clerk was asked to send out invitations to the agreed invitee list and to liaise with The Commodore as regards numbers etc (Action: The Clerk)
(i) Item 2310/12 (b) - Doggy Bin Atturm/Anstey Way: - The Clerk provided IPC with an update; he said Martin Coles (NDDC Environmental Health Dept) had said there were no reserves in the current budget to provide a bin as requested despite the fact the one that had been situated in the Sand Dunes Car Park had been recently removed (NDDC unable to enter Car Park and empty bin) and placed elsewhere other than in the parish of Instow. After debate it was RESOLVED to approach NDDC yet again and ask for the “removed” bin to be replaced in the parish and at the Atturm/Anstey Way footpath site. (Action: The Clerk)

 TTEF Correspondence: -
(a) Email and copy letters from Chairman TTEF (26.10.03) reference “Water Quality - Instow and Appledore and Bideford Quay Walls”: - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.11.03) (Noted)
(b) Email (dd 30.10.03) from Secretary TTEF reference “TTEF Minutes October 2003”: - The Clerk said he had copied this to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.03) (Noted)
(c) Email (dd 3.11.03) from Chairman TTEF reference “Braunton Burrows Biosphere Reserve”: -The Clerk reported that this referred, in particular, to Andy Bell’s appointment as Biosphere Coordinator and enquired what was to happen to his current roles within NDCCS and AONB; the Clerk said the answer to this was inconclusive and clarification would no doubt follow in due course. (Noted)
(d) Email (dd 7.11.03) from Barbara Haddrill reference “WISE (Wildlife Safe) Course” at Instow: - The Clerk said he had copied this to Cllrs with their agenda papers. (Noted)
 (ii) Other Correspondence: -
(a) Email (dd 16.10.03) from parishioner concerning (i) “Fly Tipping: Environmental Pollution” and (ii) “Instow Website: Web Cam”: -(i) The Clerk said he had replied to this email (17.10.03) and requested further information as regards exact location of the fly tipping and again on 28.10.03 as no response had been received. The Clerk reported he received a reply on 4.11.03 and visited the site on Wednesday 5th as a consequence of which he emailed NDDC’s Environmental Health Dept and requested appropriate attention. He said a confirmatory email had been received on 5.11.03 stating that all was in hand; he confirmed the parishioner in question had been informed. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had advised the parishioner that IPC’s “Instow Website” was a privately run concern over which IPC had no control. (Noted)
(b) Invitation from Directors of Banbury’s to attend Official Opening of Banbury’s New Garden Centre at Ashford on Friday 7th November 2003: - The Clerk said he had passed this to the Chairman who reported he had been unable to attend. (Noted)
(c) Letter (dd 13.10.03) from The Countryside Agency concerning “Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 - The Clerk said this letter confirmed receipt of IPC’s “Formal Comments”(see item 2307/8 (b)). (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 17.10.03) from NDDC reference “House to House Act 1939: National Missing Persons Helpline/Mr M G Walters of Littlebrook Cottage, Frog Street, Bampton, Devon”: - The Clerk said that on the grounds this application was a bone fide charity he had provisionally advised NDDC that IPC had no objection (by email 30.10.03). He added, however, he had asked NDDC to withhold the granting of the licence until IPC had had a chance to consider it on the grounds it was for a 12-month period albeit a collection could take place only once every 6 months. After debate IPC RESOLVED to offer no objection. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Letter (dd 21.10.03) and enclosures (pamphlets, booklet, posters etc) from Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare NHS Trust concerning “NHS Foundation Trust Status - Public Consultation Meeting at Castle Centre, Barnstaple on 6th November 2003”: - The Clerk said a copy of the letter, and booklets, had been passed to the Chairman for his information and that a poster and some pamphlets had been left at the Post Office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(f) Letter (received 25.10.03) from DCC (P3 Coordinator) reference (i) “Annual Parish Paths Partnership Survey2003/4” and (ii) “P3 Grant application 2004/5”: - (i) The Clerk confirm he had completed this process on Wednesday 5th November with Melvyn Harris (Handyman) and that a copy of their inspection report had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers. The Clerk further advised Council that this report would form the basis of the P3 Grant application for 2004/5 which should virtually be Nil (apart from administration costs) on the grounds there would undoubtedly be some money carried forward from the current year (see further details as at Finance (Item 10 (5) (c) (iii)) (Noted)
(ii) “Information reference Annual Parish Paths Partnership Xmas Workshop - 10th December 2003”: - The Clerk reminded IPC that both he and Melvyn Harris were to attend (see item 2310/9 (ii) (m)). (Noted)
(iii) Letter (dd 6.11.03) from DCC P3 Liaison Officer) reference “Charges to DCC Public Rights of Way (PROW) Warden Team: - The Clerk said this letter reports that David Wines was now the PROW Officer for the Instow and surrounding Parishes and could be contacted on 01271 - 388486. It further stated that Joe Hutchinson and Andrew Moulton were supporting David with the public service agreement activity within his patch that had already been completed within the parish of Instow (see 2310/9(m)). (Noted)
(g) Letter (dd October 2003) and folders etc from NDDC (received 27.10.03) reference “Revised Deposit of the North Devon Local Plan (1995 - 2011): - The Clerk said he had passed this immediately to the Chairman for perusal and briefing of Council and that any response needed to be sent to NDDC by Friday 5th December 2003. A discussion ensued. (Noted)
(h) Email (dd 27.10.03) from Chairman of Instow Parish Hall (IPH) concerning (i) “Ecclesiastical Parishes Meeting (to include discussion on Rectory in Quay Lane)”, (ii) “Tree Preservation Orders” and (iii) “Proposed Village Show 2004 etc”: - (i) The Clerk appraised Council. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk briefed Council at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED that Cllr Harper would speak to the writer. (Action: Cllr Harper)
(iii) The Clerk advised Council of the proposed details of this event; he said the Chairman of IPH was seeking the support of IPC. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to support this initiative - Clerk to advise writer. (Action: The Clerk)
(i) Letter (dd 29.10.03) from Clerk to the Reverend Clive Cooper on the death of his wife Rita: -The Clerk confirmed he had written a letter of sympathy/condolence to the Revd Clive Cooper on behalf of IPC. (Noted)
(j) Pamphlet (received 31.10.03) from Devon Conservation Forum (with DCC) concerning “Biodiversity Seminar at Christow Village Hall on 5th December 2003: The Clerk said he had copied this to the Chairman of the TTEF. (Noted)
(k) Note (dd 1.10.03) from NDDC reference (i) “Notice of Financial and Other Interest for Cllrs” and (ii) “Promotion and Maintenance of high standards of conduct of Cllrs”: - (i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs of their responsibilities. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk briefed Cllrs of the background of this “recommendation of good practice” from NDDC’s Scrutiny Committee that was in regard to agenda preparation and the declaration of interest by Cllrs. The Clerk suggested he should endeavour to construct the agenda/meeting indices for the December meeting of IPC along the recommended lines - Council RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(l) Letter (dd 4.11.03) from NDDC (Engineering Manager) reference Stocks of Empty Sandbags: - The Clerk confirmed he had taken the necessary action in consultation with Peter Cook. (Noted)
(m) Letter (dd 5.11.03) from Devon Fire and Rescue Service (DFRS) concerning “Changes to Devon Fire and Rescue Service” together with leaflets: - The Clerk said that this letter stated that Britain’s Fire and Rescue Service was undergoing significant changes to ensure it met the needs of the community. Under a Government White Paper - “Our Fire and Rescue Service” - services delivered by Devon Fire and Rescue Service were being reviewed to make sure they served the people of Devon in the best possible way. The Clerk added that the leaflets provided an overview of the changes described in the Devon Fire Authority’s draft Integrated Risk Management Plan and DFRS would be grateful to hear of any views as part of an open consultation process with the public and its partners (Closing date - 5th January 2004). The Clerk said that further details could be found on the DFRS’s website - www.devonfire.gov.uk <http://www.devonfire.gov.uk>. The Clerk finalised by advising IPC he had placed a copy of the letter/leaflet at Instow Post Office for the information of parishioners. A discussion ensured. (Noted)
(n) Letter (dd 3.11.03) from Devon & Cornwall Police Authority (DCPA) concerning “Policing in Devon and Cornwall”: - The Clerk said that this letter referred to an annual survey undertaken by DCPA to obtain the views of the general public on the policing service they receive; it enclosed a copy of the questionnaire for the information of Council and a publicity leaflet relevant to the campaign. The Clerk said the letter “suggested” that Council might have a view on the level of funding that would be received from Government next year (DCPA expects it to be a difficult year) and might possibly resolve to make representations to The Home Secretary (HS) with a view to securing appropriate funding for policing in Devon & Cornwall during 2004/5. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had provided them with a copy of the letter with their agenda papers and that Cllr Ms A Mayoh had also been provided with a copy of the questionnaire and publicity leaflet. After debate it was RESOLVED to write to the Home Secretary along the lines as “recommended” by the DCPA. (Action: The Clerk)
(o) DCC Monthly News Round Up (received 13.11.03) for November 2003: - The Clerk provided copies to Cllrs at the meeting; he also confirmed he had placed one copy at the Post Office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(p) Letter (dd 14.11.03) from DCC (e-Government Implementation Team) concerning “Community Computers”: - The Clerk said that DCC wished to compile a list of communities that have a computer(s) that is available for use by the residents to access the internet and had provided a proforma to aid replies. DCC is keen to work with partner agencies to find suitable solutions to extend the Internet availability to the community. After a discussion the Clerk was asked to complete the proforma in an appropriate manner. (Action: The Clerk)
(q) Telephone call/email (dd 11.1.03) from parishioner concerning “Mud on Road - Anstey Way between Venn Cross and Power Station junction”: - The Clerk confirmed he had reported this to DCC Highways (by email) for its attention and that he had copied same to Cllr Cann on the grounds the mud was allegedly being deposited by lorries leaving the old power station site where exportation of “deposits” was not allowed. (Noted)
(r) Information from Cllr Peter Cook reference “Minor damage to Stone Bus Shelters at Venn Cross”: - (i) The Clerk said he had visited the shelters (5.11.03) and noted minor “smoke” damage to the windows & notice board. He said Mel Harris had immediately carried out the necessary repairs. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then said that as a result of further information received, from Cllr Cook, he had again visited the shelters (13.11.03) and noticed that the window had been completely removed from the shelter on the Instow Town side of Anstey Way; Mel Harris had again been contacted and he replaced the “missing” window that had been recovered, unbroken, by Cllr Cook. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had sent a letter (dd. 4.11.03) to Constable Johnson asking both him and his colleagues to keep an eye on the Venn Cross shelters on as regular a basis as is possible. He urged Cllrs, and parishioners, to report suspicious behaviour at this location to the police immediately and that it was highly probable that “locals” were committing the damage. (Noted)
(s) Letter (dd 12.11.03) from DCC etc (and leaflet- summary report) concerning “Devon Structure Plan 2001 - to 2016 - Examination in Public Report of the Panel”: -The Clerk said this letter reminded IPC that the Examination in Public into the Structure Plan was held in June and July 2003 and that the Panel had now presented the Report of their findings to the Devon Structure Plan Authorities for their consideration. The Summary Leaflet, he said, set out a summary of the Panel’s recommendations for the information of IPC. He added that modifications to the Structure Plan would be published in the Spring of 2004 for public comments over a six week period and that IPC would be advised when this was to take place. He said he had copied all correspondence to the Chairman. (Noted)
(t) Instow Parish Council - Appointments: - The Clerk circulated an updated copy to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(u) Instow Parish Council Meetings 2004: -The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy to them with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(v) IPC - Training Needs: - The Clerk suggested it might be appropriate for IPC/Cllrs to consider training needs so that he might invite suitable person(s) to address Council prior to Council meetings during the current winter period. The Clerk recommended that a presentation and questions/answer session by a member of NDDC’s Planning Department might be one worthy of early consideration. IPC, in discussing this recommendation, RESOLVED to adopt the Clerk’s suggestion as regards the Planning Department of NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
(w) Correspondence from Cllr Cann reference “Proposed Changes to Traffic Regulations in Instow after Bus Passing Places” (Illegal Use of Unloading Bay, Marine Drive and Obstruction to Lane End: - The Clerk said he had been handed this correspondence, at the meeting, by Cllr Cann and that it referred, in chief, to item 2311/5 (Traffic Orders for Seafront). He then went on to outline the contents of a letter therein, from a parishioner, of relevance and in particular, to the “Unloading Bay” opposite The Boathouse, its abuse by motorists and the obstruction to the highway (Lane End) when heavy goods vehicle drivers were delivering to premises in Lane End and chose not to use the unloading bay in Marine Parade for whatever reason. After discussion it was RESOLVED to contact Constable Johnson and ask him to take appropriate action as regards this problem and to report back to IPC soonest. (Action: The Clerk)
(x) Miscellaneous correspondence: - “The Playing Field” - Devon Playing Fields Association Newsletter (Autumn 2003), pamphlet from “Betterplay” reference “Conference - Disability and Discrimination Act for Play Area Provision” and “Routine Inspectors Training Course and Examination”, letter (received 6.11.03) from The Local Channel -Website offer (already considered by IPC and dismissed - see 2309/8 (h) (v)), Clerks and Councils Direct (November 2003 - Issue 30), Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (Autumn 2003 - Issue 56), Devontalk Magazine (Winter 2003) - placed at Post Office and four pamphlets from DCC entitled (i) “Highway Maintenance in Devon” (retained by the Clerk), (ii) “Roadside Hedge and Tree Management” (retained by the Clerk), (iii) “Devon in Touch Roadshow” & (iv) “Travelling in Winter 2003/4” - (iii) and (iv) placed in Post Office). (Noted)

2311/10 FINANCE
The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the October meeting of Council: -
1. INCOME: -
NDDC Beach Cleaning Grant 2003/4 £1,800.00+
TOTAL: - £1,800.00
Key: -
+ Clerk confirmed he had signed and returned a copy of a funding agreement in this respect - one copy retained for IPC’s records.
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 142.00+
Audit Commission Annual Audit 2003 £ 141.00
Instow/Westleigh Parish News Grant 2003 £ 250.00
Parish Hall Grant 2003 £ 360.00
BT Parish Telephone 372408 £ 62.34*
RBL Parish Wreath - Armistice Service £ 16.00
Ottaker’s Bookshop (per R Jacob) Book: Local G’ment/Admin. £ 47.00
TOTAL: - £ 1050.34
Key: -
*Includes £31.91 line rental, £5 phone book entry and £9.28 Vat - calls only £16.15.
+Includes repairs/maintenance to parish notice boards/Venn Cross bus shelters & sand clearance Marine Parade (Total £30) and P3 work (£32)
NB: - Final Grass Cut (No. 7) to be done in December.
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as at 20.11.03 (according to Clerk’s records - no recent statement received) = £17,791.83
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as at 28.10.03
(as per Statement) = £ 6.77
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £1050.00 From Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Instow Welfare Trust: - (i) The Clerk reported that the re-arranged meeting of the Trustees (previously arranged for Thursday 9th October 2003) had been held on Thursday 9th November and that a resolution, as listed hereafter, was proposed and unanimously adopted. “Resolution - That the property of the Charity known as the Instow Welfare Trust (Registration No. 230995) be transferred to the Charity known as Devon Community Foundation (Registration No. 1057923) which Charity has similar purposes”. Sandra Yeo and Mark Kidson (Trustees) were in attendance at Council and personally briefed Cllrs as to their reasoning and answered questions. The Chairman thanked them for attending Council. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that he had had the Welfare Trust Account (Portman Instant Access a/c no. 134-1578364-2) updated on the 11th November 2003 and that there was £2,931.34 in the account as of that date (less any interest on closure). The Clerk said that if the account was to be closed and a cheque drawn, made payable to “Devon Community Foundation” (to accord with the resolution of the Trustees) then two of IPC’s cheque signatories for the Welfare Trust a/c would need to sign a “Withdrawal Request”, marked account closed; the final cheque would then include any interest accrued. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action - the Clerk was asked to pass the cheque, on receipt, to Mark Kidson (Trustee), for onward transmission to the “Devon Community Foundation”, together with a photocopy of the last page of the account’s passbook with the original book being kept by him for auditing purposes. Sandra Yeo advised IPC that the Trustees needed, in the first instant, to publicise their intent throughout the parish and that they were to do this by putting up “statutory” notices as advised by the Charity Commissioners.
(Action: Clerk/Trustees Welfare Trust)
(b) Recreation Ground: - The Clerk updated IPC of his enquiries with a “local” solicitor as regards the collection of the peppercorn rent from DCC and the possibility of “squatting” once the lease was terminated. He said he had been unable to obtain the advice (already provided and previously reported upon- see 2309/10 (5) (b)) in writing and sought instructions from Cllrs as to what further action was required by IPC. He reminded Cllrs that as there was a bone fide lease he had been reliably informed that DCC could not claim “squatters” rights at the conclusion of the period of the lease (2012) and that it was not usual to claim a peppercorn rent. After discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED to “accept” the informal advice as regards “squatting” but to invoice DCC for the £1 per year peppercorn rent. The Clerk was asked to liaise with DCC and determine the most effective way of achieving this. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) IPC Finance Sub Committee Meeting - Budget 2004/5: - The Clerk reported that this meeting took place on Thursday 6th November and that a copy of the minutes, and draft budget for 2004/5, had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers on 13.11.03. The minutes of this meeting were then agreed a true record by IPC’s FSC and were duly signed by the Chairman. (Noted)
The Clerk then went on, with the Chairman, to outline the various issues that had been discussed viz: -
(i) IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations: - The Clerk said he had circulated a copy to Cllrs with their agenda papers in order that any amendments/additions could be considered before the meeting. He went on to recommend certain minor amendments to the regulations but suggested that the risk assessment document, which had only been drawn up and ratified in February 2003, remain unaltered. After discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt, in full, the Clerk’s recommendations. The Clerk agreed to amend accordingly and bring the regulations back to the December meeting of IPC for ratification. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) Car Park: -
(a) Charges 2004: -- The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC recommended that these be left the same as for the current year i.e. 50p for 2 hours, £2.50 all day, £80 for a season ticket & £12 for a weekly ticket. After discussion it was RESOLVED to put the 2-hour period up to £1 (from 50p) and the “all day” period (24 hours) to £3, with the season ticket and weekly ticket remaining the same as for 2003, that is, £80 and £12 respectively. Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) (i) Replacement Car Park Machine & (ii) Car Park Lease 2004: - (i) The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC recommended that IPC purchase, for the 2004 season, a replacement second hand car park machine, inclusive of a pedestal, that had already been offered to IPC by NDDC at a cost of £500 (plus Vat) together with a computer chip (approx £130 + Vat). The Clerk reminded Cllrs that £600 had already been set-aside in the current financial year’s budget for such a purpose. The Clerk further advised that said machine could be placed onto NDDC’s annual service contract (£255 + Vat per annum) that would cover two services and any replacement parts; basic maintenance training could be provided to the Clerk (or a nominated Cllr(s)) -otherwise repairs could be done by an engineer at a cost of £18 per hour. The Clerk finalised by stating that tickets could be provided by NDDC, at cost, or, provided IPC was content to accept “time sensitive” advertising on the reverse, said tickets would be free. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the FSC’s recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that the “new” car park machine could not be fitted until “sometime” in April 2004 and that as Easter was to the beginning of April he advised that the lease for the car park be sought from NDDC for the usual period, that is, 1st May to end of September. IPC RESOLVED to support this. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) PP3 Footpath Grant 2004/5: - The Clerk informed the meeting he did not anticipate Council applying for/receiving any more than the annual administrative P3 grant from DCC (£125 was received for example in 2002/3) to cover necessary expenditure such as postage, paper, mileage and envelopes and which was calculated, pro rata, on the overall mileage of footpaths within the parish. The Clerk referred to his previous footpath report (see item 9 (ii) (f)) where he had reported that only general maintenance, such as strimming, would be necessary in 2004/5, and that much of it could be paid for from P3 monies already received and carried forward from previous year’s grants including the current year 2003/4. (Noted)
(iv) New Stone Bus Shelter - Marine Parade-Atturm: - (i) The Clerk advised the meeting that £1000 had now been pledged (£500 by NDDC and £500 by DCC) towards this project provided it was completed during the current fiscal year (2003/4). The Clerk added he had recently spoken to the builder, Terry Shilvock, who had advised him his charge for such a shelter would be £2,200 (same price as Venn Cross bus shelter built in March/April 2003 - no Vat as Mr Shilvock not registered). The Clerk further advised IPC that its FSC recommended the authorisation of the use of £1,200 from IPC’s current reserves so that this project could be completed before the end of March 2004 - Mr Shilvock has told the Clerk this would be achievable by him. After debate IPC RESOLVED to adopt the FSC’s recommendation and to accept the verbal quotation (seen as “reasonable”) from Mr Shilvock with the proviso that it be recorded in the minutes that Mr Shilvock had done similar work for IPC before (satisfactorily) and there are no other specialist builders known locally and from whom a comparison estimate could be obtained - the Clerk to advise DCC/NDDC and Mr Shilvock. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 13.11.03) from Jon Turner (NDDC - Community Development Officer) confirming the NDDC Grant of £500 together with a Funding Agreement (FA) and Project Evaluation form. The Clerk said that if IPC completed the above shelter during the current fiscal year the FA would need to be completed and returned soonest; 80% of the grant (£400) could be requested in advance (with proof of need) with the remaining 20% being held back until the project is completed. (Noted)
(v) Parish Handyman/Beach Cleaner 2004/5 - Terms of Reference/Contract and Hourly Rate: - (a) The Clerk advised the meeting that the terms of reference for the parish handyman had only been drawn up and confirmed in July 2003 and that the FSC recommended that it remain, in the circumstances, unchanged. IPC RESOLVED to accept this recommendation. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk told Council he was hopeful of having a simple contract/terms of reference in place for the beach cleaner for the 2004 season and that once he had it to hand he would bring it before IPC for ratification. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk referred to item 2211/10 (5) (a) (iii) and suggested that Mr Peter Cook be re-employed to clean the beach/dunes for the 2004 season. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation - Clerk to advice Mr Cook. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) The Clerk advised Council that its FSC recommended that the Handyman’s hourly rate was increased from £5 to £5.50 per hour (for 2004/5) and that the beach cleaner’s hourly rate should reflect the national minimum wage - currently £4.50 per hour. IPC RESOLVED to adopt these recommendations. (Noted)
(vi) Tractor Service 2003/4: - The Clerk said he had received an estimate from Peter Cook, which stated it would take him 35 hours to complete the service (at £4.50 per hour - current national minimum wage; total, therefore, £157.50) plus any parts that would be necessary (with receipts). The Clerk added that the FSC recommended Peter Cook be re-employed for this purpose (as per 2002/3) and that his terms are accepted. IPC RESOLVED to accept this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(vii) Instow Website - Grant for 2003/4 and 2004/5: - The Clerk advised IPC that its FSC recommended that £50 be immediately paid, as a grant, for the current financial year (2003/4) with a further £100 for the year 2004/2005. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(viii) Xmas Charity Nominee 2003/4: - The Clerk told IPC that its FSC recommended that the £100 collection/donation from the Carol Singing event (7th December 2003) be paid to either/or/each from The North Devon Hospice, Children’s Hospice (South West) and the Appledore Branch of the RNLI. After discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED to share the donation equally between the North Devon Hospice and Children’s Hospice SW. (Action: The Clerk)
(ix) IPC - Use of Reserves: - The Clerk advised Council, whilst acknowledging that recommendations had already been made to IPC by its FSC to use some of its current reserves (i.e. Car Park Machine and Bus Shelter at Marine Parade/Atturm - see items 5 (c) (ii) (b) and 5 (c) (iv) above), it was felt that Council ought to also consider “other suitable projects” bearing in mind its reserves would, most probably, still be considered too high by the Audit Commission at next year’s audit. By way of example, the Clerk reminded IPC that it would eventually require a replacement tractor, albeit not imminently and that it might (without prejudice) consider “supporting” the proposed charter toilets (see item 2311/8 (b). A discussion then ensued. (Action: Cllrs)
(x) Format of Budget (2004-5) and Accounts 2003/4: - The Clerk told IPC that its FSC recommended that the budget format for 2004/5 remain as in previous years (see item 2211FSC/2 in minutes of FSC of 6.11.03) and that the accounts (2003/4) be presented on a Receipts and Payments format - Clerk to liaise with Internal Auditor at the appropriate time. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(xi) Quality Parish (QP) Council - Clerk’s Portfolio of Competence: - The Chairman address Council (in the absence of the Clerk) and reported it would be necessary for the Clerk to put in approximately 40 hours of overtime (during the current financial year) to complete his QP portfolio and that IPC’s FSC recommended he be reimbursed for this time (in addition to his normal remuneration) at the rate of £6 per hour - total £240. The Chairman added that the FSC recommended this be paid on completion of the relevant work and attainment of the appropriate qualification. The Chairman finalised by stating that the FSC, in coming to its deliberation, recognised there would be ancillary QP expenses involved, that is, a Clerk’s portfolio registration fee (£55) and then subsequently (financial year 2004/5) a fee, currently unknown, when IPC submitted its request to register as a Quality Parish. IPC RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the FSC. The Chairman advised the Clerk. (Noted)
(xii) Draft Budget 2004/5: - The Chairman and Clerk then took IPC through the draft budget (as had been previously been circulated to Cllrs) and provided detail of reasoning, other than recorded above, as necessary. At the conclusion of this exercise IPC RESOLVED to adopt the draft budget (as listed immediately below) in its entirety. It was noted that the precept figure was as per 2003/4 and that IPC were budgeting for a “small “ deficit. The agreed budget is as follows: -
Income Budget 2003/4 Budget 2004/5
Grant 1468 1418
Precept 5600 5600
Mooring Fees 600 640
MOD 50 50
Car Park 5800 6000
Grass Cuttings 480 510
Beach Cleaning 1850 1800
Interest 300 300
Sundries 70 70
PP3 Grant 125 125
Total £16343 16513
Handyman 2000 2200
Beach Cleaning Labour 2000 2000
Running Costs Tractor 500 600
Garage for Tractor 416 416
Grass Cutting 1085 1138
Car Park 2100* 1600
SWEB 30 35
Concessionary Fares 110 110
DAPC 105 124
Crown Estates 75 75
Insurances 420 500
Clerk’s Remuneration 3300 3600
Clerk’s Expenses 1400 1400
Grants 1210 1300
Contingencies 600 600
Repairs/Maintenance 500 500
Audit (Inc Int. Auditor Fee) 300 300
Xmas Charity 100 100
Total 16251 16598
Key: - *Includes replacement car park machine (600)
Grants: -
Parish News 250 300
Burial Ground 600 500
Parish Hall 360 400
Instow Website NIL 100
Total 1210 1300
(d) Parish Council Expenditure 2004/2005: - The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 14.11.03) received from NDDC reference “Parish Grant and Precepted Expenditure 2004/2005”. The Clerk confirmed he would complete soonest now that the Budget 2004/5 had been ratified. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Note (received 6.11.03) from CCLA Investment Management Ltd (for Churches, Charities and Local Authorities) concerning its change of address: - The Clerk said this was for noting by IPC. (Noted)
(f) Letter (received 20.11.03) from Inland Revenue reference “Do it Online” - A Guide to filing PAYE Returns and Paying Electronically: - The Clerk said the Inland Revenue was offering talks to “small employers” during the next few months in this regard and he suggested he attend, if possible, although the current IPC administrative “activity” of relevance to this was minimal. (Noted)

2311/11 PLANNING
(a) Listed Buildings and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs’) - Instow: -(i) The Clerk reported he had received more detailed information from NDDC’s Planning Department of relevance to the TPOs’ in Instow albeit it was sketchy and inconclusive. The Clerk advised IPC he had passed said information to Cllr Harper to review and hopefully set it out in a format that would make it “website” friendly and to then arrange for its “publication” onto the Instow website together with the listed building data as agreed at the October meeting (see 2310/11 (a)). Cllr Harper said he felt it would be necessary for him to go into the Planning Department in order to sort out the TPO data he had and that he would do this asap. (Noted)
(b) Approval of details in respect of Erection of 4 No. Dwellings, Garages and Access (amended plans) at Land at Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No. 35529): The Clerk reported that as a result of discussion at the IPC meeting of 16.10.03 (see 2310/11(c)) he contacted NDDC’s Planning Department (20.10.03) and obtained further documentation for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers i.e. design statement and cross section plan of site showing relationship of new buildings with surrounding properties. The Clerk further reported that all additional information was subsequently reviewed/considered by IPC’s Planning Officers/Planning Sub Committee and that as a result there had been a unanimous view to recommend approval. The Chairman briefed council; the Clerk said NDDC’s Planning Department had been informed (27.10.03). IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(c) Copy letter (dd 15.10.03) from NDDC’s Planning Department to Mr R Webb of 26 Whitehouse Close, Instow reference “The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - Section 211 Notice Tree in Conservation Areas - Notification of Intended Arboriculture Works to Protected Trees” (Reference AGT/JEG/Conservation Area Instow): - The Clerk appraised Council of the contents. (Noted)
(d) Letter received 18.10.03) from NDDC’s Planning Department reference “Formation of disabled access to Clubhouse and Changing Rooms together with erection of covered store at the North Devon Yacht Club, Instow (Reference no. 35820): - The Clerk said this letter informed IPC that said application has been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)
(e) (i) Letter (received 18.10.03) from NDDC’s Planning Department concerning “Extension to Dwelling at 7 Lane End Close, Instow (Reference no. 35506): -The Clerk said this letter informed IPC that said application had been REFUSED for reasons as listed. (Noted)
(ii) Letter (dd 6.11.03) from NDDC’s Planning Manager reference “Extension to Dwelling at 7 Lane End Close, Instow” (Reference no. 35506) - Town and Country Planning Act 1990; Appeal against the decision of the local planning authority to refuse planning permission for the above development: - The Clerk said this letter confirmed that NDDC had received notice of appeal and stated “The Secretary of State has decided to determine the appeal on the basis of written statements submitted to him on behalf of both the appellant and the Local Planning Authority.”; IPC was advised that if it wished to make any observations or amend its original response it was invited to do so by 17th December 2003. The Clerk reminded IPC that it had recommend approval of this application at its meeting of 19th June 2003. IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(f) Listed Building application for erection of Summerhouse at Glebelands, Instow (Reference no. 36274): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application (21.10.03) which he had passed, immediately, to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers. The Clerk further reported that as a result of a unanimous agreement between IPC’s Planning Officers/Planning Sub Committee he had advised NDDC’s Planning Department (27.10.03) that IPC recommended approval of this application. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(g) Replacement of Existing Low Pitched and Flat Roof with Pitched Roof at 3 Instow House, Kiln Close Lane, Instow (Reference no. 36294): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application (23.10.03) which he passed immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers The Clerk further reported that as a result of a unanimous agreement between IPC’s Planning Officers/Planning Sub Committee he had advised NDDC’s Planning Department (`10.11.03) that IPC recommended approval. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(h) Extension to Dwelling at 4 Kiln Close Lane, Instow (Reference no. 36334): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application (28.10.03) which he passed immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers. The Clerk further reported that as a result of a unanimous agreement between IPC’s Planning Officers/Planning Sub Committee he had advised NDDC’s Planning Department (10.11.03) that IPC recommended approval of this application. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(i) Letter (received 15.11.03) from NDDC’s Planning Department reference “Extension to Lounge at The Commodore Hotel, Marine Parade, Instow” (Reference no. 36124): - The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC has GRANTED permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
(j) Circular 18/84 Application by The Ministry of Defence in respect of Re-Roofing/Cladding of South Side of Annexe of Building No. 7 at Instow Camp (Atturm), Instow (Reference No. 36550): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application (20.11.03). IPC then discussed the application, led by the Planning Officers, at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to recommend approval -Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)
** Cllr White (Chairman) declared an interest and did not speak**

RESOLVED that Standing Order No. 4 be suspended to allow the outstanding business, in front of Council, to be concluded. (Noted)

(a) Beach - Sand/Wall (Marine Drive): - Cllr Johns reported that a parishioner had expressed her grave concern at the height of the sand on the beach up against the wall along Marine Parade and of the problems this could create now that the autumn/winter had arrived. After discussion it was RESOLVED the Clerk should write to Cllr Cann (DCC) and ask him to liaise with the appropriate bodies (DCC and NDDC) to resolve this issue of concern. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) Council Tax 2004/5: - Cllr May led a discussion on this issue at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED the Clerk should write to Nick Harvey (MP) - copied to Cllr Greenslade (Leader DCC) and Cllr Prowse (Leader NDDC) - so as to express IPC grave concern at the impact of another “major” rise in the Council Tax on many of Instow’s elderly/pensioner parishioners. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) IPC _ Instow Website: - After discussion IPC RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Harper as its Webmaster. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

