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Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), G May, F Scott, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and 7 parishioners.

2511/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

Cllr Ms A Mayoh

a) Crime: - Constable Benbow reported that the parish had been crime free since the last meeting but that a spate of theft from unattended motor vehicles was rife in the area. He advised parishioners to be crime prevention conscious and not to leave valuables on view in their vehicles. (Noted)
b) Parish Walkabout: - Constable Benbow reported that this initiative had not been a great success but that it was planned to repeat the exercise another three times. He added the purpose was to evidence funding for Community Support Officers and identify which village needed them. He said he would circulate the dates (Spring 2006) when known. (Noted)
c) Illegal Parking – Traffic Warden Evening Patrols (2510/3 (d)): - Cllr White asked whether PC Benbow had progressed this. Constable Benbow said he had spoken to Kate Old (Senior Traffic Warden) and that evening patrols were being considered in Fremington and it was hoped to extend this to Instow. Cllr White outlined the problem spots. (Noted)

a) Ransom Strip Monies: - A parishioner enquired as to when the referendum was to take place within the parish as regards to the ransom strip monies. Cllr Cann reminded Council that the money concerned was NDDC money, pledged for the parish of Instow, and that once the work of the “Ransom Strip Steering Group” was finalised a consultation within the parish would be considered. He added that the use of the funds would need to fit within the policy objectives of NDDC and would be enhanced by match funding with other income stream grants. (Noted)

a) General: - Cllr Cann spoke of Litter Bin – Anstey Way Lay-by (NDDC taking delivery of bins soon; will be larger than existing to minimise frequency of emptying), Devon Library Service: Strategic Review (Devon meets only 13 of 21 public library standards), Greensweep Recycling (been very successful despite early teething problems), Ransom Strip Project (there is to be a meeting of Officers after which a Steering Group meeting will be convened), New School Site (Devon Property Services have been instructed to proceed with negotiations to acquire the lay-by site), Waste Bin – Marine Parade (Nr Yacht Club entrance) (bin still with the repair company –will be replaced once work completed) and Rectory Lane – NDH Garage Yard (the potholes have been reported). (Noted)
b) Anstey Way – Water Across Highway: - Cllr Johns said he was concerned about the water running continuously across the road (Anstey Way near its junction with Marine Parade (Signal Box end) especially at this time of very cold weather; if it froze, a serious accident might occur. Cllr Cann said he had visited the site earlier in the day and would speak to DCC Local Services as a matter of some urgency although the water did seem to be coming from private property.(Action: Cllr Cann)

a) General: - Cllr Ms L Brown spoke of NDDC - Public Satisfaction (had increased by a massive 11% in the last 2 years, 78% satisfaction level on re-cycling facilities and the three areas that people think most needed addressing was traffic congestion (58%), affordable decent houses (49%) and wage levels/local cost of living (41%), Licensing (NDDC has significantly out-performed other councils in implementing the Licensing Act), E-Government (NDDC on track to meet government’s targets (2006) to make all services available electronically) and Waste Unit Recycle Garden (NDDC Recycling – Seven Brethren Bank). (Noted)
b) Quay Car Park - New Charter Toilets: - (i) In answer to a question from Cllr Harper, Cllr Mrs Brown said that NDDC’s Executive was soon to consider this matter and that she would be present and would speak in favour of them being built as soon as was practicably possible. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Harper said he had recently looked at the North Devon Local Plan: Revised Deposit and that under Item “14: Instow” (14.19 in particular) he had noted that, quote “The Quay Car Park is of strategic importance and will be safeguarded from redevelopment in accordance with Policy TRA8A unless alternative provision is made available”. Cllr Cann said that as a member of NDDC’s Executive he could assure IPC that these new toilets had his support. He added there had been a number of challenges from some local residents to the building of either toilets or flats on the site and that NDDC’s legal department was currently researching them. (Noted)

2511/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the October 2005 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2510/8 (f) - Sandhills Ransom Strip: - The Clerk reported he had heard nothing further from Brian Holme (NDDC) since the last meeting. Cllr Cann said there was soon to be a meeting of Officers after which a Steering Group meeting would be convened. Cllr Cann agreed to liaise with the Clerk. (Action: Cllr Cann)
b) Item 2510/8 (g) - Parish Emergency Plan Update: - (i) The Clerk reported he had forwarded a draft copy of IPC’s Self Help Emergency Plan to all Cllrs with their agenda papers (9.11.05) and liaised with Judith Hardiman (DCC – Emergency Planning Officer). He added that suggestions made by her had been passed to Cllr Harper (email of 10.11.05 refers). The Clerk said that Judith Hardiman had complimented IPC, particularly Cllr Harper and his team, on putting together such an excellent plan. The Chairman, on behalf of IPC, thanked Cllr Harper for all his hard work and commitment. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Harper advised IPC of the amendments made to the plan by him since “their” draft copy had been sent to them and explained the reasoning. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk referred to “salt/grit bins, emergency stocks available by parishioners, community building prepared?” as mentioned in the recent DAPC Newsletter (Nov/Dec 2005). IPC RESOLVED to include this advice in the next Parish Magazine. (Action: Cllr Scott)
(iv) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to ratify the plan, as amended, and Cllr Harper was asked to deal with the necessary circulation and publication on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Action: Cllr Harper)
c) Item 2510/8 (h) (i) - Instow Beach Cleaning: - (i) The Clerk reported that still no proposed beach cleaning strategy had materialised from Andy Bell (NDCCS); he suggested that maybe a small IPC working party should be established to consider a basic strategy for 2006 and to include parishioners with an interest in the beach, for example, Val Robson (Adopt a Beach Group), with Andy Bell being invited to contribute. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr White proposed that in the light no beach cleaning strategy had materialised from Andy Bell (NDCCS) since April, IPC should decide to continue to clean the beach as normal for 2006. Cllr Harper put forward an opposing view that further consideration should be given to Andy Bell’s offer to recommend a new strategy. Following a vote, Cllr White’s proposal received three votes and Cllr Harper’s two. Cllrs Johns/Crombie abstained. Cllr White’s proposal was carried. (Noted)
(iii) The Chairman then suggested it might still be possible to utilise the views and expertise of Val Robson and Andy Bell; IPC RESOLVED to contact both and see what each could contribute in anticipation that any fine tuning to the current strategy could be finalised at the December meeting. (Action: Cllr Harper and The Clerk)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to more recent bad publicity (local press/radio and TV) reference water quality at Instow. He said Instow was the only beach to have failed the mandatory water quality test in the South West and one of only a handful throughout the Country. He suggested that a strong letter be sent to SWW (copy to Environment Agency) to seek its assurance that all that could be done would be done in the 2006 season, to ensure Instow passes the mandatory standard. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this suggestion. Cllr May suggested that SWW/EA should also be asked to investigate the discharge outlet at the rear of the old power station and to assure IPC it was not raw sewage. (Action: The Clerk)
** Cllr Cook declared an interest on this issue and did not speak**
d) Item 2510/8 (i) (i) - Instow Parish Council/Quality Parish Status: - The Clerk confirmed that The Countess of Arran DL (President of DAPC), together with Lesley Smith (Secretary to DAPC), had both gladly accepted an invitation to attend on the 15th December (IPC’s Xmas Social) and present IPC’s Quality Parish Certificate. The Clerk advised IPC, however, that Lady Arran would prefer if the presentation could take place “earlier than later“ as she has an early morning engagement the next day; he suggested that the December IPC Meeting could commence at 7 pm and finish sharp by say 8.15 pm. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2510/8 (l) (ii) – Flood Defence Wall/Benches: - The Clerk updated IPC of the current situation and advised Cllrs of the details of recent and various emails received by him from the Environment Agency. (Noted)
f) Item 2510/9 (i) (e) – Parish Carol Singing Event (11th December 2005): - The Clerk reported that this event was to be held on Sunday 11th December at 6.30 pm at The Commodore/Parish Hall (both venues now confirmed by Clerk). IPC then discussed the arrangements on the night i.e. mince pies, mulled wine, hospitality, and collectors. The Clerk said the attendance of the Two Rivers Wind Ensemble had also been confirmed. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting: -
a) Remembrance Day Service 2005 – Instow Church: - The Clerk reported that this service took place at 10.55 am on Sunday 13th November 2005 and that Cllr Scott and he had attended to represent IPC. He added that a representative of the RN had laid the wreath but that it would be IPC’s turn in 2006 followed by a representative of the Army (2007), RAF (2008) and RN again in 2009. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 20.10.05) from NDDC reference “House to House CT 1939: Fundraising Initiatives on behalf of the Dog’s Trust, Action for Blind People and the National Deaf Children’s Society”: - (i) The Clerk said this letter stated that a house-to-house collection licence had been applied for to collect second hand clothing, for one year, in the parish. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter with their agenda papers (10.11.05), adding he had sought an extension from NDDC. The Clerk referred to an email (dd 31.10.05) from him to NDDC and a subsequent reply from NDDC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to an email (dd 17.11.05) from the applicant offering assurances as to the integrity of such collections – the Clerk read it in précis form to Council. (Noted)
(iii) After debate IPC RESOLVED to advise NDDC it was against this form of collection in principle as the "licence was too open-ended and there was concern about the fear of crime "caused" by door to door collectors especially seeking direct
debits/elderly parishioners”. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to include an article on this form of collection in the next Parish Magazine. (Action: Cllr Scott)
c) Letter (dd October 2005) from NDDC in respect of “Submission Draft Statement of Community Involvement” together with a complimentary copy of the document and response forms: - (i) The Clerk said this letter stated that said document had been submitted to The Secretary of State and would be published on Friday 21st October 2005 for a formal six week consultation period. He added that the letter/ document and response form had been passed to the Vice Chairman for perusal prior to the meeting; he added he had provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter with their agenda papers (10.11.05) which included a website address. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had passed the letter/document to the Chairman (9.11.05) for perusal before the meeting adding that any representation(s) should be made, in writing (or by email), and must be received by The Planning Policy Unit no later than 5 pm on Friday 2nd December 2005. (Noted)
(iii) The Chairman led IPC in a discussion at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED that the Chairman and Clerk would confer and formulate a response if deemed necessary by them. (Action: Chairman and The Clerk)
d) Email (1.11.05) concerning “Guidance on Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act”: – (i) The Clerk confirmed he had copied this to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.11.05) – after discussion it was RESOLVED to note it. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd November 2005 – received 7.11.05) and attachments from NDDC reference “North Devon Local Plan 1995 – 2011 – Proposed Modifications”: - (i) The Clerk said he had passed this to the Vice Chairman (8.11.05) for perusal prior to the meeting; the Vice Chairman to liaise with the Chairman. He added that if IPC was to make a response the deadline was no later than 5 pm on Monday 19th December 2005. (Noted)
(ii) Following a discussion, led by the Chairman/Vice Chairman, IPC RESOLVED to advise NDDC that it had concerns over the proposed development of Marsh Lane; it was an already busy area, suffered flooding and more development would only increase the risk of this. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Letter (dd 10.11.05) and attachments from DCC reference “Devon County Waste Local Plan: Proposed Pre-Enquiry Changes and Omission Sites”: - (i) The Clerk said this letter stated that DCC had now published, for consultation, proposed Pre-Enquiry Changes and Omission Sites in advance of the public enquiry to hear objections to the Devon County Waste Local Plan (which is due to commence on Tuesday 10th January 2006). The Clerk added that IPC was invited to consider with comments to arrive before Friday 23rd December 2006. He said the Chairman had been provided with the papers (13.11.05) for perusal prior to the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, led by the Chairman, it was RESOLVED to enquire of DCC
what the term "potential for MRF and waste to energy facility" meant and to provide IPC with details of the complaints that had been received about the future plans for Holmacott, presuming this was the reason the plans for it had been modified, and what was proposed for its future use - i.e. number of lorries in and out daily, route in and out etc. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Instow Allotment Provision – Petition: - The Clerk said he had been handed a petition (11 parishioner signatories) requesting that IPC provide parishioners of Instow Parish with an allotment field in accordance with The Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908 Section 23. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to defer this matter to another meeting so that the relevant legislation might be closely examined and to provide Cllrs with an opportunity of considering where such a site might be available within the area. (Action: Cllrs and The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 23.10.05) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Appledore Quay Wall Treatment – Pubic Consultation”: - Includes a copy of the TTEF’s response letter.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Miscellaneous DAPC matters viz: - (i) Email (dd 20.10.05) reference “Grant Making Procedures” – not responded to by Clerk; (ii) Email (dd 20.10.05) reference “BT Phone Kiosks”; (iii) Email (dd 27.10.05) reference “Youth News Local Issue 2” – copied by Clerk to Parish Hall; (iv) Events (Various) – Blackdown Hills; (v) Devon Woodland Competition 2005; (vi) DAPC Newsletter (Nov/Dec); (vii) DAPC Courses (Various) and (viii) DAPC E- Group: - IPC is a member of this group.
b) Letter (undated) and Brochures from Children’s Hospice SW reference “Light Up A Life” Services.
c) Letter (dd 20.10.05) from NDDC reference “Stocks of Empty Sandbags”: - Necessary return completed by Clerk following consultation with Beach Cleaner.
d) The Playing Fields Magazine (Autumn 2005)
e) NDDC’s Members Services Weekly Information Sheets w/c 21.10.05, 28.10.95, 4.11.05 and 11.11.05
f) Email (dd 28.10.05) from NALC reference “Mapping”: - Not responded to by the Clerk as the use of maps by IPC is minimal and if necessary can be obtained locally.
g) Clerks and Councils Direct (November 2005 – Issue 42)
h) Letter (received 4.11.05) reference “CARE Blackerton – Directory of Information” – Proforma completed by Clerk and returned.
i) Letter (dd 28.10.05) from DCC reference “Parish Lengthsman Scheme”: -To be actioned by The Clerk as necessary.
j) Letter (dd 2.11.05) from Safer North Devon reference “Domestic Violence Week 21st – 26th November 2005”: - Poster placed at Post Office.
k) Telephone call (7.11.05) from parishioner reference “(i) Flooding Marine Parade/Quay Lane & (ii) Tarka Trail (Dunes side of Bridge between Signal Box and Dunes) – Sunday 6th November 2005”: - (i) DCC Local Services Foreman advised that the three drains at this location were blocked – he agreed to deal (ii) Parishioner agreed to advise NDCCS.
l) Telephone call (5.1.05) from Cllr Cook reference “Sandbags”: - Advised Clerk he had issued 12 to residents of Marsh Lane.
m) Telephone call (9.11.05) from parishioner reference “Dead Sheep on Instow Beach (Between Boathouse and Atturm Slipway)”: - Clerk thanked parishioner for the information and advised NDDC’s Environmental Health Department who in turn confirmed they had advised DCE.
n) Telephone call (8.11.05) from parishioner reference “Youth acting suspiciously near the Instow Quay Bus Shelter”: - Information passed to PC Benbow by email (10.11.05).
o) Catalogue from “Playtime Design Ltd”
DCC In Touch Monthly News Round Up (November 2005)
p) Email from DCC reference “DCC In Touch Monthly News Round-Up - Parish Cllrs – Email Addresses”: - If Cllrs wish to be supplied directly with a copy they can contact DCC direct – otherwise a copy will appear in the miscellaneous correspondence folder at each meeting as provided by the Clerk who will continue to receive one on behalf of IPC.
q) Email (dd 15.11.05) from David Wilson Partnerships reference “Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Building Surveying”
r) Junk Mail (Autumn 2005)

2511/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
NDDC Beach Cleaning Grant 2005 £1,800.00*
TOTAL: - £1,800.00
Key: -
* Payment made by BACS remittance advice to IPC’s Business a/c
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 196.00+
Instow/Westleigh Parish News Grant 2005 £ 400.00
Parish Hall Grant 2005 £ 400.00
Burial Ground Grant 2005 £ 800.00
Instow Website Grant 2005 £ 100.00
BT Parish Telephone 372408 £ 72.85*
TOTAL: - £2,000.85
Key: -
+ £96 handyperson activity, £66 P3 Footpath activity and £34 parish seats activity.
* Cost of calls £27.14, rental £34.86 and Vat £10.85.

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 27.10.05 (Statement) = £ 54.32+
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. as @02350065 30.10.05 (Statement) = £23,261.30*
Key: -
+ According to Clerk’s Records this is £2.29 (2 cheques to the value of £52 .03 not cleared)
* According to Clerk’s Records this is £22,906.30
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,000.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Beach Grant 2005: - The Clerk reported receipt of a cheque in the sum of £1,800.00, which had been banked - see Item 1 above. (Noted)
(b) IPC – Chairman’s Chain of Office: - The Clerk reported he had taken the chain of office to Hills (Jewellers), Joy Street, Barnstaple for necessary engraving/valuation of the chain. (Noted)
(c) IPC’s FSC - Budget Meeting for Financial Year 2005/6: - The Clerk reported that this meeting had taken place on Tuesday 8th November; he circulated a copy of the “unapproved” minutes to Cllrs with their meeting papers. He then went on to report as follows: -
(i) Minutes of IPC’s FSC Meeting of 8th November 2005: - IPC’s FSC Cllrs present, and who attended the meeting, Cllrs White and Crombie, RESOLVED to verify the minutes – Cllr White (Vice Chairman) signed them as a true record. (Noted)
(ii) IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations: -
(a) The Clerk reported that IPC’s Financial Regulations had been updated/re-affirmed by Council at its meeting of the 11th November 2004 and that IPC’s FSC recommended they be re-affirmed again without amendment/alteration; copies were provided to Cllrs. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC recommended a minor alteration to Item 5 of the Risk Assessment policy, that was, item 5 (i) (ii) as relates to column “Risk Protection/Reduction” i.e. instead of “Ditto etc” insert “As (i) above and to include regular checks for broken glass, debris etc”– The Clerk said he had suitably amended the document and had provided Cllrs with an amended page at the meeting for perusal. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC noted that IPC had adopted a “Beach Risk Assessment” Policy (IPC June 2005) that needed to be read in conjunction with its all inclusive “Risk Assessment” policy (as at (c) (ii) (b) above); it did not recommend any alterations to it. The Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
** Cllr Cook declared an interest on this matter ((b) and (c) above) and did not speak**
(iii) Risk Review/Considerations 2006/7: -
(a) The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC had noted that a formal structure was now in place in respect of the “maintenance” of the Beach (i.e. specific insurance cover, appropriate signage, written checks for debris etc by beach cleaner, supervision by Clerk) and Parish Seats (i.e. formal procedure for accepting “donated” seats, that is, suitable structure/make up, on-going maintenance, disposal and a weekly written check of all seats by handyperson supervised by the Clerk. The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC recommended that all this should continue for the year 2006/7 without amendment. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
**Cllr Cook declared an interest on this matter as regards the beach and did not speak**
(b) The Clerk said that no other risk(s) had been considered by IPC’s FSC. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to accept this reasoning without addition. (Noted)
(iv) Insurance Review: - The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC noted that Cllr Crombie, together with Cllr Scott and the Clerk had reviewed IPC’s Public Liability Insurance cover on renewal (May 2005) and that as a consequence specific cover for the beach had been added plus a premium for the war memorial. The Clerk further reported that IPC’s FSC recommended that a similar process be adopted in 2006. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(v) Grass Cutting Contract (x7 cuts per annum) 2006 –2008: - The Clerk said he had received two applications, one from Mr M Harris (the current holder of the tender) - £190 per cut 2006, £210 per cut 2007 and £230 per cut 2008 = Total £4,410.00 and the other from a Mr S Cornick of Monkleigh - £320 per cut for 2006/7 and 2008 subject to fuel costs remaining under £1 per litre = £6,720.00. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC recommended IPC accepts Mr Harris’s tender on the grounds it was cheaper than Mr Cornick’s/Mr Harris had a proven track record of reliability & commitment to the role. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation – Clerk to advise Mr Harris and Mr Cornick asap. (Action: The Clerk)
(vi) Moorings Tender 2006 – 2009: -
(a) The Clerk informed IPC he had only received one application, namely Instow Marine, and that it was quoting £1,000 for each year making a total of £4,000.00. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC recommended that IPC accept this tender. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation -Clerk to advise Instow Marine asap. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC had briefly discussed the renewal (or otherwise) of the beach lease from 2010 onwards and that it recommended a final decision be made by IPC at a later date. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation but agreed that it would be prudent to commence discussion “sooner than later”. (Noted)
(vii) Car Park Charges 2006: - The Clerk advised IPC that after debate IPC’s FSC recommended to Council that these be left the same as for the current year i.e. £1 for 2 hours, £3 all day, £80 for a season ticket & £12 for a weekly ticket. He said it had been noted by IPC’s FSC that NDDC were currently considering the future usage of the car park (i.e. build flats, new charter toilets etc) although it was hoped the car park would be available to IPC in 2006, and for many years to come, as the income derived from this means was invaluable for the future financial security of IPC. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(viii) Parish Handyman/Beach Cleaner 2006/7 – Terms of Reference/Contract and Hourly Rate: -
(a) The Clerk reminded IPC that the terms of reference for the parish handyman had been re-firmed by IPC on the 11th November 2004 and, in the view of IPC’s FSC, did not require amendment; a copy was provided to Cllrs. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation - Clerk to advise parish handyperson. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) The Clerk advised IPC that a contract/terms of reference for the beach cleaner had been re-affirmed by IPC on the 11th November 2004 for the 2005 season and that it now needed review for 2006. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC recommended it remain as written for the 2005 season, subject to calendar alterations; Cllrs were provided with a copy. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) The Clerk further advised IPC that IPC’s FSC recommended that the current beach cleaner (Mr P Cook) be paid for his statutory holiday entitlement for the current season (2005/6) – (Clerk’s note – annual salary (to date £1990.96) divided by 52 weeks times 4 weeks = £153.15). IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC recommended that the Handyman’s hourly rate (2006/7) be increased from £6 to £6.50 per hour and the beach cleaner’s hourly rate (2006/7) should be £5.50 ph. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
**Cllr Cook declared an interest on this matter ((b), (c) and (d) above), left the room and did not speak**
(ix) Tractor Service 2005/6: -
(a) The Clerk reported to IPC he had received a written “estimate” from Peter Cook, to carry out a pre-sale service of the tractor, should IPC decide to replace it with a second hand tractor for the 2006/7 season; it was approximately £100 including parts (with receipts) and labour. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk added that Peter Cook had also been making enquiries about a possible second hand replacement tractor but that IPC would need to spend in excess of £5,000 to buy such a vehicle and even then it could not be guaranteed that this would buy “value for money” over a long period of time.
(c) The Clerk added that Peter Cook had estimated that if up to £1,500-£2,500 was spent on the current tractor (to fully restore it) it would continue to serve its purpose for at least another 3/5 years. (Noted)
(d) The Clerk finalised by saying that IPC’s FSC, after debate, recommended that the “restoration” of the current tractor be explored (i.e. two estimates from a contractor or an estimate by P Cook (IPC Employee)) and that it then proceed as necessary thereafter. (Noted)
(e) Cllr White (Vice Chairman) then said that since IPC’s FSC meeting he had made further enquiries, in conjunction with Peter Cook, and established it would not be cost effective to restore the current tractor as maintenance issues had come to light that would be costly to put right. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED not to adopt this course of action. (Noted)
(f) Cllr White added that Peter Cook had now found a suitable second-hand tractor that would cost something in the region of £5,250 but with VAT recovery and the sale of IPC’s current tractor in part exchange, would amount to a total outlay by IPC of approximately £4,000. After a debate IPC RESOLVED to further explore this opportunity but on the proviso that an independent survey was carried out on the tractor to ensure IPC was getting “value for money”. Council asked the Clerk to confer with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) so as to verify the authenticity of the process and to proceed in an appropriate manner. (Action: The Clerk)
** Cllr Cook declared an interest on this matter and did not speak**
(x) Xmas Charity Nominee 2005/6: -
The Clerk reported that IPC’s FSC recommended that the collection from the Carol Singing event (11th December 2005) be paid equally to The North Devon Hospice, Children’s Hospice (South West) and the Appledore Branch of the RNLI. The Clerk added that it was further recommended that IPC match fund the collection on the night up to a maximum of £100. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
(xi) IPC – Use of Reserves: -
The Clerk advised IPC that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) felt that the future use of some of the reserves to restore the current tractor/purchase a second hand tractor would obviate some of the possible criticism by the Audit Commission together with the possible plans of utilising some of the money towards “community facilities” at the intended new Instow School. Mr G Day had also said that IPC’s reserves could possibly still be considered high by the Audit Commission at next year’s audit although he believed the potential loss of the car park revenue might obviate some criticism. (Noted)
(xii) Internal Auditors Fee 2005/6: - The Clerk informed IPC that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) had not sought recompense for his internal auditor activity for the current year 2005/6 and that although IPC’s FSC, had thanked Mr Day personally, it was recommended that a vote of thanks be tabled to Mr Day for his commitment and public spiritedness. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation and the Clerk was asked to deal. (Action: The Clerk)

(xiii) Clerk’s Salary/Bonus 2005/6: -
(a) Cllr White (Vice Chairman) advised IPC that it had been noted by IPC’s FSC, that the Clerk’s salary 2005-6 was “subject to a bonus provision in the event of extraordinary circumstances”. (Noted)
(b) Cllr White then outlined what he believed to be “extraordinary” circumstances with particular reference to the beach and parish seats. He said the Clerk had worked between 25 - 30 hours overtime on such activity for the period April to September 2005 in connection with local ad hoc meetings to agree beach sign format/location/insurance review, visiting the sign shop at Pottington on numerous occasions to check/amend the sign, affix the signs along the seafront with the handyman/liaise with DCC, set up a system of thrice weekly checks of the beach by the beach cleaner with record keeping, compiling a risk assessment strategy for the beach (a requirement of the Allianz Cornhill), supervising the beach cleaner, inspecting the parish seats along Marine Parade and elsewhere, moving condemned seats with the handyman, creating a system of checking said seats on a weekly basis, supervising the handyman with these weekly checks and liaising with the Allianz Cornhill (beach and seats) and DCC Solicitor (beach cleaning as relates to DCE). (Noted)
(c) Cllr White said that IPC’s FSC recommended that the Clerk be paid a bonus of £300 to reimburse him for this additional work, which was beyond his general terms of reference. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Noted)
(d) The Clerk, who was absent for the discussions (as at (a) to (c) above) was informed of the decision (as at (c) above) and instructed to action it. The Clerk thanked IPC. (Action: The Clerk)
(xiv) Landfill Tax Grants: - The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had reviewed Landfill Tax Grants as provided by, for example, Sweet UK and Entrust and recommended that this grant opportunity be borne in mind for the future. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC could not think of any specific project(s) to which it might apply at the moment, other than the proposed new Instow New School (it was suggested that Brian Holme {NDDC Ransom Strip Working Group/New Instow School} should be informed for his information) and that IPC’s FSC was also concerned that the amount of surplus monies, IPC currently held on account, would go against it in the event of a grant application. After discussion it was RESOLVED to note this for the future but to advise Brian Holme (NDDC). (Action: The Clerk)
(xv) Draft Budget 2006-2007: -
(a) The Clerk reported that following the above discussions, IPC’s FSC had drawn up a draft Budget (copy circulated to Cllrs at the meeting) and it was now for IPC to approve it in its entirety, or otherwise. He said IPC should note that the draft budget accounted for a “reasonable” surplus and that the precept recommendation was the same as for 2005/6. The Clerk then went through the draft budget (as listed below), item by item, and answered queries as necessary at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED unanimously to adopt it. (Noted)
(b) Cllr White recommended that IPC should consider a bonus provision for all staff employed by Council on an annual basis. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
** Cllr Cook and The Clerk were not present when this was discussed**

IPC Budget 2006/7: -

Income Budget 2005/6 Budget 2006/7
Grant 1418 1428
Precept 5800 5800+
Mooring Fees 680 1000
MOD 50 50
Car Park 10000 10000
Grass Cuttings 525 575
Beach Cleaning NIL 1800
Interest 300 400
Sundries 70 70
P3 Grant 125 125
Vat Refund 100 100
Total 19,068 21,348
Key: -
+ Same as for 2005/6

Handyman 2400 2600
Beach Cleaning Labour 2200 2400
Running Costs Tractor 600 600
Garage for Tractor 400 400
Grass Cutting 1360* 1520*
Car Park 2000 2000
SWEB 75 100
Concessionary Fares 50 100
DAPC 130 140
Crown Estates 75 75
Insurances 750 1100
Clerk’s Remuneration 3800# 4000
Clerk’s Expenses 1450 1465=
Grants 1700 1800
Contingencies 600+ 600
Repairs/Maintenance 500 500
Audit (Inc Int. Auditor Fee) 300 300
Xmas Charity 100 100
AQA/Quality Council 300 NIL
P3 Activity 270 250
Total 1,9060 20,050
Key: -
* 7 cuts at £190 – provision for one extra cut if necessary
# Subject to bonus provision in the event of “extraordinary” circumstances
= Includes an increase in lighting/heating allowance of £15 per annum

Grants: -
Parish News 400 500
Burial Ground 800 800
Parish Hall 400 400
Instow Website 100 100
Total 1,700 1,800

(d) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2005/P3 Claim for 2006: - The Clerk reported he had inspected the footpaths within the parish with the parish handyman and as a consequence would complete and sent off IPC’s P3 claim for 2006 that would be somewhere in the region of £300; the Clerk explained the reasoning. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Xmas Grass Cut and Beach Clean 2005: - The Clerk recommended that a pre xmas grass cut be done, weather conditions dependant (included in budget 2005/6) by the parish handyman and that the beach receive a clean up (say 4 hours at £5.05 per hour – minimum hourly wage). After discussion IPC RESOLVED to approve the grass cut and beach clean but it was agreed that 8 hours was most probably appropriate for the beach clean in view of all the flotsam and jetsam that had accumulated on the beach over the last week or so. (Action: The Clerk)
(f) Email (dd 8.11.05) from Charity Commission (SORP) reference “Information and Support for Tax, Accountancy and Finance Professionals – Books”: - The Clerk said this had been noted by him and filed. (Noted)
(g) Email (dd 9.11.05) from DAPC reference “2006 Pay Settlement”: - The Clerk said he had filed this for future reference. (Noted)
h) Parish Seats: - (i) The Clerk confirmed he had sent off the necessary paperwork to DCC reference a “licence” for the new “Leigh Boniface” seat (opposite The Boathouse) and included with it a list of all the other seats within the parish. He added that hopefully this would suffice – (see item 2509/10 (i) (i)) (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised Cllrs that he and the parish handyperson had checked all parish seats on 11th November 2005; he then provided Cllrs with an updated list and told them of immediate maintenance required which the handyperson had already dealt with (cost £34 as at item 2 above). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed that the Handyperson and him would carry out regular checks during the winter months and that a full examination would take place prior to the summer of 2006 with IPC’s Risk Assessment Cllr, Cllr Crombie. (Noted)
i) Letter (dd 11.11.05) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2006/7”: - The Clerk reported that now that IPC’s Budget 2006/7 had been agreed he could now complete this form and forward it to NDDC prior to the deadline of 15th December 2005. (NB: - NDDC Grant: - Instow has 714 parishioners x £2 per head of population = £1428 made up of Burial Ground (£800), Parish Hall (£400 – maximum payment) and “Parks and Open Spaces” (£228) – Total £1428). IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation of the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Email (dd 14.11.05) from Charity Commissioners reference “Instow Recreation Ground” – Charity Commission News”: - The Clerk said he had copied this to IPC’s Cllr Trustees by email (i.e. Cllrs Johns, White, Green and Crombie) together with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA)) for their information. (Noted)

2511/11 PLANNING
a) Listed building application for erection of conservatory with internal alterations together with alteration of a door to a window at Cobbles, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No 40998) – See item 2510/11 (f)): -(i) The Clerk reported that IPC’s PSC had RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application but had advised NDDC’s Planning Dept that a neighbour had some concerns about loss of privacy (i.e. proposed conservatory would overlook her conservatory) and possible damage to the party lane (which the neighbour owns) due to the removal of spoil from the site. In addition, the neighbour was concerned that if spoil was removed through the front door that damage might be caused to the cobbled footway. The Clerk said he had notified NDDC Planning on 26.10.05. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the decision taken by IPC’s PSC. (Noted)
b) Extension and alterations to dwelling at 5 Chichester Close, Instow (Reference No 39590): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 18.10.05) from NDDC’s Planning Dept stating that this application had been WITHDRAWN and would no longer be considered by the Local Planning Authority. The Clerk reminded Council that this did not affect a similar application (reference no 41070) considered by IPC on the 20th October 2005 – see item 2510/11 (g) – IPC to note. (Noted)

RESOLVED that Standing Order No. 4 be suspended to allow the outstanding business, in front of Council, to be concluded. (Noted)

2511/13 PLANNING (Continued)
c) Letter (dd 19.10.05) from NDDC Planning Department reference “Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Outline application for erection of dwelling set in existing walled garden (amended road alterations) at Garden of The White House, Lane End, Instow (Reference No 39423): - (i) The Clerk said this letter stated that a notice of appeal had been received by NDDC and that any further observations (or alteration(s) to original response) by IPC must be done so by 25th November 2005 and direct to The Planning Inspectorate. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had copied the appeal papers to the Vice Chairman in view of a number of, in his opinion, “unfavourable/misleading” comments contained in said papers of relevance to Instow Parish Council and the application itself. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the appeal papers and a suggested draft letter of response having discussed the matter with the Chairman and Vice Chairman prior to the meeting. After debate IPC RESOLVED to accept the draft response letter as written and instructed the Clerk to send it to The Planning Inspectorate without delay. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Outline application for erection of 7 dwellings together with improved access and visibility works on to Quay Lane at Mollands Garage, Quay lane, Instow (Reference No 41172): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (2.11.05) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 21st November or an extension applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Council of the decision it took as regards a previous and similar application (December 2004) and of its “pecuniary interest” in the application, that is, rents a garage on site. The Clerk suggested IPC could respond, however, to the “Notice Under Article 6 of the Application For Planning Permission (Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995” but would need to declare an interest on the application proper. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action when it had come to a final decision. (Noted)
(iii) After debate it was RESOLVED that IPC was not in a position to put forward a recommendation on the grounds the plans were misleading/incorrect (including scale) and that answers were required to such issues as the fire escape to the parish hall and ownership of the footpath to the rear of the site to name but two. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should speak to the Planning Officer in the case and endeavour to set up a site meeting with IPC’s PSC and/or get him to speak to IPC’s PSC asap/apply for an extension for IPC’s response. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Conservation area application for demolition of non-listed buildings in connection with erection of 7 dwellings together with improved access and visibility works on to Quay Lane at Mollands Garage, Quay lane, Instow (Reference No 41173): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (2.11.05) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 21st November or an extension applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Council of the decision it took as regards a previous and similar application (December 2004) and of its “pecuniary interest” in the application, that is, rents a garage on site. The Clerk suggested IPC could respond, however, to the “Notice Under Article 6 of the Application For Planning Permission (Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995” but would need to declare an interest on the application proper. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action when it had come to a final decision. (Noted)
(iii) After debate it was RESOLVED that IPC was not in a position to put forward a recommendation on the grounds the plans were misleading/incorrect (including scale) and that answers were required to such issues as the fire escape to the parish hall and ownership of the footpath to the rear of the site to name but two. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should speak to the Planning Officer in the case and endeavour to set up a site meeting with IPC’s PSC and/or get him to speak to IPC’s PSC asap/apply for an extension for IPC’s response. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Demolition of single garage and erection of triple garage at Ocean View, Millards Hill, Instow (Reference No 40931): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (12.11.05) from NDDC’s Planning stating that NDDC had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
g) Conversion of Games Room to form 1 Unit of Holiday Accommodation at Worlington House, new Road, Instow (Reference No 41249): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (12.11.05) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman (13.11.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 30th November or an extension applied for. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, lead by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Conversion of Dwelling and Post Office to form 2 Dwellings at 1 South View, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 41244): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt (12.11.05) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman (13.11.05) for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 30th November or an extension applied for. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion, lead by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)

a) Bottom Sandhills – Gateway to Field/Stile? : - Cllr May said the gate to a field at this location was regularly being left open with the consequence that cattle within the field escaped. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to contact DCC Footpath (P3) Department to see if a stile might be fitted. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Instow Recreation Ground/Tarka Trail – Cob House: - Cllr Harper said the cob house, under construction, had not been protected from the weather and that a considerable amount of rubbish had been left on site. IPC RESOLVED to contact Wings and ask them to deal as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Pavement Footpath – Mariner Parade: - Cllr Scott said there were a number of potholes along this footway that, if not soon repaired, could cause a pedestrian to trip. IPC RESOLVED to notify DCC Local Services. (Action: The Clerk)


