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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), G May, B Moores (Also NDDC), Mrs P Renshaw, S White (Vice Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 22 parishioners.

2711/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllr P Cook.

(i) The Clerk, in welcoming everyone to the meeting, said that in view of the special nature of the meeting, that was, the consideration of a DCC planning application to construct a grass playing pitch etc on the Anstey Way Lay-by field site (known locally as “Windmill Hill” ), that Instow Parish Council (IPC) wished to advise parishioners present of the format of the meeting that was to follow.
(ii) He said he had been reliably advised, earlier in the day, that a further DCC planning application, to build a new school on the same site as the playing field, was imminent, most likely within the next 7/10 days, and that IPC could well find itself non-quorate when it came to debate the current playing field application later in the meeting,
(iii) He explained that several Cllrs present would, undoubtedly, find it necessary to declare an interest on personal/prejudicial grounds and that this could well leave insufficient Cllrs to form a quorum (3 Cllrs) and therefore legally be unable to debate the matter.
(iv) The Clerk added it would be an option for IPC, in the circumstances, to defer a debate/decision on the playing field application to the December meeting (quorate or not), at which time, hopefully, the new school application would be to hand and both applications could then be dealt with together. He added that, in addition, such a deferment would allow those Cllrs, having to declare an interest on the applications, an opportunity to apply to the NDDC’s Standards Board for a dispensation to take part in any subsequent debate and vote on both applications irrespective of their personal/prejudicial interest.
(v) The Clerk added that DCC would be agreeable to such a deferment and that it did not anticipate the applications going before Committee until 23rd January 2008.
(vi) The Clerk finalised by saying that parishioners present, and who wished to speak on the playing field application, would have an opportunity to address IPC during parishioners speaking time that followed (15 minutes would be set aside) and that in any event all Planning Matters (Item 11 on the agenda) would be brought forward for discussion following Item 7 (Confirmation of Minutes of IPC Meeting of 18th October 2007).
(vii) The Clerk added he was in possession of a number of letters/emails from parishioners in respect of the playing field planning application and that he would refer to these when the application came up for discussion at the appropriate time in the meeting.
(viii) There were no questions/comments from parishioners.

a) Crime Matters: -
(i) Constable Hodgson reported that four crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, a criminal damage (vehicle), a walk-in burglary (purse taken), a theft from a house (nebuliser) and a burglary at a local pub where enquiries were continuing and a suspect was under investigation. He added that one domestic incident had also been reported but that this was not linked to Instow. (Noted)
(ii) Other Incidents: -
Constable Hodgson said reports had been received concerning the welfare of a man on the beach (satisfactorily resolved) and an incident related to drink driving where a vehicle was seen to strike other cars in Lane End; an investigation to identify the driver was ongoing. (Noted)
(iii) Traffic Issues: -
PC Hodgson said that both he and PCSO Cornish had stopped a number of cyclists riding on pavements within the village and warnings have been given that fixed penalty tickets would be issued to those found re-offending. He added that it was an intention of his to carry out a local media campaign at the start of the summer 2008. (Noted)
(iv) General: -
PC Hodgson said that he and PCSO Cornish had recently employed the services of the North Devon crime investigation team to carry out crime enquiries within the parish and that each had patrolled the area during late shifts and carried out reassurance to the victims of recent crimes. (Noted)
(v) Illegally Parked Cars: -
In answer to a question from Cllr Harper, who had recently noted 11 illegally parked cars within the parish, Constable Hodgson said that both he and PCSO Cornish had and would continue to pay attention to this problem and that fixed penalty notices would be issued as necessary. (Noted)

a) DCC Planning Application – Playing Field etc (see item 2711/9 (h))
(i) Friends of Instow Environs: -
Mr Ben Thomas (Spokesperson), introduced by Mr M Harper, presented a report tabled by him on behalf of the Friends of the Instow Environs Committee. A copy of the report was provided for Instow Parish Council for its consideration. (Noted)
(ii) Devon Christie Estates (DCE): -
Mr Raymond Coldwell (RC) said he had been asked to address IPC by the Trustees of DCE. He said the Trustees were against the “Windmill” site as other sites within the locality would be cheaper, with better access and expansion possibilities; to pursue the “Windmill” site would necessitate a public enquiry as he had been advised that improper procedures had been adopted. He said the Trustees were committed to enhancing education facilities in the area; indeed they had already done so at the current site. (Noted)
(iii) Windmill Site – Poem: -
A poem entitled “Windmill Hill – Instow” and written by a parishioner, Kathleen Harper, was read to Council. A copy of the poem was provided for Instow Parish Council. (Noted)
(iv) DCC – Cllr Cann: -
Cllr Cann said the “Windmill” site was not his personal choice but that his current view was to proceed with the “process” for the sake of the children adding that the current school had achieved tremendous results at their current site over many years and now deserved better facilities. He said he was pleased to hear Mr Coldwell (RC) supported the current school and then detailed a number of letters (x3) that had been sent to RC by DCC throughout the current year requesting details of other sites in the locality on which DCE were prepared to negotiate with DCC; he said no replies had been received. (Noted)
(v) Mr R Coldwell – DCE: -
Mr Coldwell said he had provided a set of plans to DCC in 1994 indicating all possible sites. He added that a site meeting had taken place in 1997 and that subsequent to a further request (because records had been mislaid) a further set was sent to DCC in 1999. He added that he had spoken to another DCC official in 2006 and in no way accepted blame for any delay. (Noted)
(vi) DCC – Cllr Cann/Mr R Coldwell (DCE): -
Cllr Cann said it was perhaps time to now move on, especially in the interests of the children of Instow School, and requested that Mr Coldwell provide DCC with the details of other sites on which DCE would be prepared to negotiate with DCC. Mr Coldwell agreed to this suggestion. Cllr Cann thanked Mr Coldwell for his cooperation and said it had been a most helpful debate. (Noted)
*** Note: - Cllrs Johns, Crombie, May, Harper and Mrs Renshaw, who subsequently declared an interest on this matter (see item 2711/9 (h), did not speak during this item (i.e. Item 2711/5) ***

(a) Traffic Issues – Update: -
Cllr Cann said he had attended a very useful meeting earlier that day at the Civic Centre with the Clerk, Roger Jacob, together with James Anstee (DCC Local Services). He said it was anticipated that the notes of this meeting would be provided, in due course, to those members of IPC’s Traffic Management Sub Committee who could then meet up and discuss it before reporting back to full Council with recommendations. (Noted)
(b) Children’s Play Area: -
Cllr Cann said it appeared that DCC may own the land that had been suggested as suitable for as play area and that he was to attend a site meeting the following day with the Clerk and a DCC Local Services Officer. (Noted)
(c) New Charter Toilet - Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Cann said an adjoining landowner was to employ an independent assessor to establish if the proposals would devalue the estate. (Noted)
(d) General Report: -
Cllr Cann spoke about DCC Farm Estate (affect of Best Value Review in 2001), Parking – Civil Enforcement (police are to withdraw traffic warden resources by March 2008 – DCC will be assuming responsibility in May 2008) and Capping of Yelland Ashbeds (both applications going before DCC Development Control Committee on 28.11.07). (Noted)

Cllr Moores said he had nothing to report. (Noted)

2711/8 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the October 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Creation of open porch with pitched roof canopy and erection of garden shed at 4 Instow House, Kiln Close Lane, Instow (Reference No 45441): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (20.10.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to IPC’s PSC for attention; for response by 7th November or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s PSC had resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application and that NDDC had been notified (5.11.07). (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the decision. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 19.10.07) from NDDC reference “Appeal to Planning Inspectorate: Extensions and alterations to flats at The Decks, Marine Parade, Instow” (Reference No 44861): -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that any further response IPC might wish to make to the Planning Inspectorate should be done so by 19th November 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that it had resolved to respond as follows, when it had considered this application at its meeting of 20th September 2007: -
“IPC resolved to recommend REFUSAL of this application on the grounds: -
a) It would result in an over-intensification of the site;
b) It would have an adverse impact on the amenities (e.g. light and privacy) currently enjoyed by neighbouring properties;
c) It would detract the character and appearance of the immediate locality which is a designated conservation area;
d) It is doubtful whether 8 cars could park within the curtilage of the property as is alleged; if it were possible there would be real concern about access/egress of vehicles onto a busy Marine Parade and the danger this could present to motorists/pedestrians”. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC he had consulted IPC’s planning sub committee (by email dd 22.10.07) and it was its view that no further response was immediately necessary but that IPC might wish to discuss it further at the meeting of 15th November. (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
c) Letter from NDDC reference “Replacement of flat roof to garage with pitched roof at Highfield, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 44935): -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (received 22.10.07) from NDDC Planning to the effect that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)
*** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak ***
d) Letter (received 29.10.07) from NDDC reference “Erection of 1 dwelling with integral garage and creation of new vehicular access to highway 5 Chichester Close (fronting Anstey Way), Instow (Reference No 44991): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC Planning had REFUSED planning permission for this application for reasons as listed; he said a copy of the letter had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.11.07). (Noted)
e) Letter from NDDC reference “Erection of porch and access ramp at Harbourside, 25 Chandlers Court, Instow (Reference No 45317): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 14.11.07) from DCC (Director of Environment, Economy and Culture) reference “County Matter Planning Application: Enlargement and continuation of use of Transfer Station at former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple, Devon and Completion of capping of ashbeds at former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple: -
The Clerk said this letter stated that this application would be considered by the Development and Control Committee on 28th November 2007 and enclosed a leaflet reference public participation. (Noted)
g) Letter (dd 30.10.07) from NDDC Planning (Mike Kelly – Planning Manager) reference “Planning and Parish Councils – Questionnaire”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this was a repeat of a questionnaire that had previously been discussed by IPC at its September meeting and that he had responded accordingly to NDDC at that time. IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
h) Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3: Change of use of land from agricultural to education purposes, construction of grass playing pitch with land drainage, access road and turning head. Construction of temporary path from existing school to proposed playing field at land to south of B3233, adjacent to Venn, Instow (Reference No ACB/DCC/256/2007): -
NB: - *** Cllrs Johns, May, Mrs Renshaw, Harper and Crombie declared an interest, left the room and did not speak ***
i) The Clerk reported receipt (29.10.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to IPC’s PSC for its attention; for response by 16th November or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reminded Council he had forwarded an email (dd 2.11.07) to those Cllrs with email access reference this application and provided them with a website address where the full application could be found (i.e. DCC Planning). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk referred to three emails (dd 2.11.07, 10.11.07 and 12.11.07 {to Cllr Moores/copy Clerk}) from a parishioner reference this application. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 2.11.07) from the Chairman of the TTEF requesting to be kept informed on the basis the proposed site lay partially in a coastal protection area and was therefore within the remit of the TTEF. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk referred to a copy letter (and poster entitled “Instow – Too Beautiful to be Built On”) from a parishioner to Cllr Moores and which he had passed on to the Clerk for the information of IPC. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk referred to a copy email (dd 7.11.07) and attachment letter from a parishioner to Cllr Moores and which he had passed on to the Clerk for the information of IPC. (Noted)
(viii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 11.11.07) from a parishioner asking to speak at the IPC Meeting of 15th November reference this planning application. (Noted)
(ix) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 11.11.07) from parishioners. (Noted)
(x) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 12.11.07) from parishioners. (Noted)
(xi) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 13.11.07) from a parishioner. (Noted)
(xii) The Clerk read out the names of the parishioners who had forwarded letters/emails (as above) to IPC (and the public) in order to assure each writer that their views were available to IPC Cllrs prior to them making a decision and that further letters/emails of a similar nature would be included. (Noted)
(xiii) The Clerk then asked those Cllrs still present at the meeting, Cllrs White (Vice Chairman), Green and Moores if they wished to debate the application at this stage; it was their unanimous view that it should be RESOLVED to defer said application until the December meeting of IPC (13th) in order to receive and consider the planning application for the new school, deal with both applications together (they were intrinsically linked) and to allow fellow Cllrs, who had found it necessary to declare an interest, to consider applying to NDDC’s Standards Board to seek a dispensation to allow them to subsequently debate both applications and vote. (Noted)

a) Item 2710/8 (a) – Launching of Jet Skis/Commodore Slipway: -
The Clerk advised IPC of his recent liaison with DCC reference the placement of a lockable bollard at this location and the ownership of the slipway i.e. the slipway is not owned by DCC (as previously stated) but the Environment Agency who are, however, happy for a lockable bollard to be put in place. The Clerk told IPC this would be done (by DCC/EA) before the summer season 2008 and legitimate users of the beach would be provided with a key. (Noted)
b) Item 2710/8 (i) (c) - Clean N/hood Act – Dog Control Order: -
The Clerk said he had nothing further to report on his liaison with the Clerk to Combe Martin Parish Council; he said that when he had something positive to report he would bring it back to IPC for its information. (Noted)
c) Item 2710/8 (e) - Instow – Traffic Management Issues: -
(i) Cllr Cann reported on a meeting he and the Clerk had had with James Anstee, a DCC (Highways) Officer, at the Civic Centre at 11am that day; for further information see item 2711/6 (a). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 23.10.07) received from a parishioner; the Clerk advised Council of the crux of the letter. (Noted)
d) (i) Item 2710/8 (f) and Item (ii) 2710/9 (i) (i) – (i) Instow/Beach Water Monitoring and (ii) Beach Water Failures at Instow/Declassification of Instow Beach: -
(i) Water Quality: -
The Clerk reminded IPC it wished to discuss the content of an email (dd 18.10.07) received from the Environment Agency (EA) and which had briefly been discussed at the last meeting. Cllr Green then lead IPC on a discussion at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to accept that the EA was doing all within its powers to “protect” the bathing status of Instow’s beach but that there was very little they or the Council could do in the event of inclement weather. (Noted)
(ii) Beach Declassification: -
(a) The Clerk confirmed he had forwarded an email (dd 19.10.07) to the Environment Agency confirming that IPC would in no way be in favour of having Instow’s beach declassified as a bathing beach; the Clerk elaborated on the content of his email. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk then referred to an internal email (dd 22.10.07) from the EA (and copied to The Clerk) “accepting” there would be no support for this proposition from “any of the bodies most concerned about the failures”. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk confirmed he had advised the Chairman of the TTEF for her information.
e) (Item 2710/8 (g) - IPC – Child Protection (CP) Policy: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of an amended CP Policy with their agenda papers (8.11.07) for their perusal; he said it now contained a reference to “Risk”. (Noted)
(ii) A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED to adopt the policy as written; the Chairman signed a copy for record purposes. (Noted)
f) Item 2710/8 (h) - Instow Ransom Strip Project(s): -
Cllr Cann provided IPC with an update; see item 2711/6 (b). (Noted)
g) Item 2710 (i) (h) – Instow Beach – Beach Management Plan: -
(i) The Clerk referred to a telephone conversation he had had with an Officer of the NDCCS who had enquired whether IPC might consider cleaning the beach “by hand” in the 2008 summer season as an experiment. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that he had suggested that the NDCCS put this suggestion in written form which he would then put to IPC for consideration. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 12.11.07) from the NDCCS advising IPC that further work was required by NDCCS on the subject of sustainable beach cleaning and that it would be looking for ways to gauge public opinion and to raise an awareness campaign about the importance of strandlines for wildlife. The NDCCS said it would keep IPC informed of the work it was doing and any conclusions it came to. (Noted)
(iv) IPC discussed this and RESOLVED to take no further action until the NDCCS came back to it in due course with specific proposals which it would then give its consideration. (Noted)
(v) Cllr Cann and Cllr Moores advised IPC that the NDDC’s Executive had recently agreed to continue to provide a beach cleaning grant to Instow and that it would be inflation linked. The Chairman thanked Cllrs Cann and Moores for their support. (Noted)
(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting: -
a) Email (dd 22.10.07) and attachment letter from Black and Veatch (BAV) reference “Marine Parade Sewer Pumping Station Replacement”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that part of South West Water’s ongoing commitment to improve the sewage network at Instow meant that some remedial works to the sewer in the area of Marine Parade was now required; in summary this work will consist of the following elements: -
 Replacement of existing pumped main from pumping station to beach car park
 Associated road replacement
 Connection into existing chamber
The Clerk said it was envisaged that the making connections would start early December 2007 and would be completed prior to Christmas with the remainder of the works commencing 7th January 2008 and completing by 29th February 2008 (approx 8 weeks).
He added that unfortunately, to enable the main replacement element of the above section of road, it would be necessary to adopt a one-way system; however, this would not be required for the initial connections and would commence 7th January 2008 for approx 8 weeks. He confirmed that access to beach fronted properties would be maintained whilst all works were completed although it was inevitable there would be some disturbance although every effort would be made by the contractors to minimise noise and disruption. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had acknowledged this email/letter and told BAV that the matter would be reported to IPC at its meeting of 15th November and that he would report back as necessary; he said the Chairman and Vice Chairman had been previously advised by email. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Cann said he had considered challenging these proposals but felt that such a challenge could delay the work that was obviously essential. (Noted)
(iv) IPC then discussed the issue and RESOLVED to ascertain, as soon as possible, what plans the contractors had for the one-way system so that parishioners might be made aware in good time. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (dd 24.10.07) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – Rotary Club of Barnstaple; 18th December 2007”: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC he had sent an email to NDDC (26.10.07) requesting that IPC be told what the collection was in aid of, that is, what charity(s) were being collected for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that after a great deal of pressing he finally found out that the Rotary Club of Barnstaple intended to collect for the Appledore Brass Band and The Hospice. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Letter (dd 25.10.07) from NDD reference “Parish Council Vacancy on NDDC Standards Committee”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this letter to them with their agenda papers (8.11.07). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion no Cllrs expressed an interest and it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 30.10.07) from Administrative Officer of Westleigh, Instow and West Yelland Community on Show Committee reference “Community on Show (COS) – Saturday 5th July 2008”: -
(i) The Clerk said that this letter sought permission from IPC to use those parts of Instow beach, leased by it from the Crown Commissioners, for its COS Day in 2008. The Clerk advised IPC that he had written back (dd 31.10.07) stating that permission was granted (subject to IPC’s ratification) in order that the COS Committee could apply for the necessary insurance cover of which IPC would be provided with a copy in due course. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify the action taken by the Clerk. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 29.10.07) from Cllr Andrea Davis (Portfolio Holder for Housing - NDDC) reference “Affordable Housing – The Way Forward”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC was to hold a half day seminar (to explore opportunities to provide affordable housing in North Devon) in January 2008 to which IPC was invited to send two representatives. He said there was also to be a pre-seminar meeting (between 7pm and 8pm on Tuesday 27th November) when areas of concern could be discussed and the content of the seminar outlined. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.11.07). (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Moores (NDDC) said he would be attending these events and that he would be in a position to represent IPC and report back thereafter. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: Cllr Moores NDDC/IPC)
f) Letter (dd 29.10.07) and attachments from NDDC Electoral Services (Don Pratt) reference “Electoral Register 2007/8 – Non-returnee Addresses”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that following liaison with the Chairman he had been able to forward quite a comprehensive return to NDDC for which he had been thanked. He said that IPC should note that every resident that did not appear on the electoral register meant that £2 less could be claimed as part of the annual parish grant. (Noted)
g) Letter (dd 24.10.07) and attachments from NDCCS reference “Access for all Improvements to Tarka Trail access/egress point, Instow”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter set out a number of improvement proposals for access/aggress to the Tarka Trail particularly at either side of the Signal Box; he reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.11.07). He then showed Cllrs an illustration of the various proposals. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to respond as follows: -
“a) The Signal Box (and presumably the fencing etc around it) is a listed building and IPC would like it, and the street furniture associated with it, to be preserved and in keeping to its original state.
b) IPC recommends that liaison takes place (if not already) with the Bideford and Instow Railway Group who manage the Signal Box and surrounding area and have “an interest”.
c) IPC has concerns that if access is made too readily available (it is aware of the need to cater for disabled persons and cyclist etc) that horse riders might more readily gain access to the Tarka Trail.
d) IPC is currently working with DCC Local Services to improve road safety on the road at/near this location and it suggests that NDCCS, the parish council, Cllr Rodney Cann (DCC) and DCC Local Services Officers at the Civic Centre work together on this area as a joint project”. (Action: The Clerk)

h) Letter from NDDC and TDC (dd 5.11.07) reference “North Devon and Torridge Council’s Core Strategy Development Plan Document – Issue and Options Report”:-
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that NDDC and TDC had produced a joint Issues and Options Report for their Core Strategies which had been published for public consultation; the report and accompanying background papers could be viewed on the Council’s websites at www.northdevon.gov.uk/corestrategy and www.torridge.gov.uk/corestrategy together with the DPD Matters, Consultation Statement, Evidence based Index and other supporting documentation. The Clerk added that because Instow was a parish either in North Devon or Torridge and/or adjoining North Devon or Torridge, it was invited to comment on the report and to do so by no later than 5 pm on Thursday 20th December 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had provided a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.11.07). (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to defer this to the next meeting (13th December) for the consideration of Cllrs in the meantime. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
i) Letter (dd 6.11.07) from TDC (Community Planning Manager) reference “Planning and Compulsory Act 2004: Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Torridge District (TD) Local Development Framework”:-
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that the SPD had now been published for consultation, the main purpose being to provide further detailed advice on the implementation of policies in the saved TD Local Plan and the emerging Local Development Framework. He added that the aim of the document was to clarify the use of planning obligations within the district of Torridge and that responses were requested by the 20th December 2007 – further details could be found on website www.torridge.gov.uk/planningobligations to which any responses could also be sent; alternatively representations could be sent by email – planningobligations.spd@torridge.gov.uk. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk tabled a copy of the letter to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to defer this to the next meeting (13th December) for the consideration of Cllrs in the meantime. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
j) Letter (dd 5.11.07) and attachments from DCC (Minerals and Waste Policy Officer) reference “Devon County Minerals and Waste Development Framework Minerals Core Strategy – Consultation on Issues and Options”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that DCC had published an Issues and Options Consultation Paper for its Minerals Core Strategy which would provide the strategic framework for minerals planning in the County until 2026; the consultation period extended to the 18th January 2008. The Clerk said it also stated that DCC was to hold a Consultation Workshop in Exeter on Tuesday 4th December 2007 and that further details could be found on website www.devon.gov.uk/mineralscorestrategy (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk tabled a copy of the letter to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk further advised Cllrs that the Consultation Paper etc had been placed in the Briefing Folder (as at Correspondence (iii)) for the information of Cllrs. (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to note this correspondence and take no further action. (Noted)
k) Armistice Day Church Service – 11th November 2007: -
The Chairman, who had attended and laid the parish council wreath, gave a report of the service. (Noted)
l) Parish Carol Singing Event 2007: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this event was to be held at 6.30 pm on Sunday 9th December at The Commodore (Parish Hall if wet) and that IPC needed to discuss the recipient of the charitable collection (see item 2711/12 (5) (i) (h) (i) for decision), matching the collection up to £100 (see item 2711/12 (5) (i) (h) (i) for decision) and the general arrangements on the night i.e. mince pies. mulled wine, hospitality and collectors. The Clerk confirmed that The Two Rivers Wind Ensemble has been recently reminded and that the Commodore venue double checked. A discussion then ensued – for further details see item 2711/12 (5) (i) (h) (ii) and (iii) (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 20.10.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Senior Council – Posters/Briefing”: -
Posters placed on parish council notice boards and briefing paper place in parishioner’s folder at Post Office.
b) Email (dd 29.10.07) and poster from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “Public Presentation – Geomorphology Study Taw/Torridge Estuary; Wednesday 31st October 2007”: -
IPC already aware of presentation and posters placed on parish council’s notice boards.
c) Ditto to IPC Cllrs
d) Email (dd 4.11.07) from Chairman of TTEF to Members of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter – 4th November 2007”
e) Ditto to IPC Cllrs etc.
f) Email (dd 13.11.07) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF – Newsletter 13th November 2007”
g) Ditto to IPC Cllrs etc.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 18.10.07) reference “Criteria – War Memorial Additional Names”; (ii) Email (dd 22.10.07) reference “Village Hall – Installation Induction Loops”; (iii) Email (dd 24.10.,07) reference “Vacancy Parish Clerk – Kingswear”; (iv) Email (dd 25.1`0.07) reference “DAPC E-Group – Test”; (v) Email (dd 25.10.07) reference “Grant Allocation Regulations”; (vi) DAPC Newsletter (November/December 2007”; (vii) Email (dd 2.11.07) reference “Land Purchased for Municipal Cemetery”; (viii) Email (dd 2.11.07) reference “Bus Shelters”; (ix) Email (dd 2.11.07) reference “Interest Bearing Accounts”; (x) Email (dd 2.11.07) reference “Christmas Decorations”; (xi) Email (dd 2.11.07) and letter (dd 2.11.07) reference “2007/8 Clerk’s Pay Award”; (xii) Email (dd 2.11.07) reference “Free Website Link for all Quality Parish Councils”; (xiii) “Society of Local Council’s – Continuous Professional Development” folder; (xiv) Email (dd 13.11.07) reference “Participatory Budgeting”; (xv) Email (dd 13.11.07) reference “Governance and Accountability in Local Government in England” and (xvi) Email (dd 14.11.07) reference “Avian Influenza – DCC Stakeholders Update”
b) NDDC’s Member Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 19.10.07, 26.10.07, 2.11.07 and 9.11.07
c) Minutes of NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee for Wednesday 10th October 2007
d) Agenda/associated papers and Minutes of NDDC’s Standards Committee of Wednesday 24th October 2007
e) Telephone call (22.10.07) from Cllr May reference complaint from a parishioner as regards “Ditch – Fullincott/Damaged Car”: -
Cllr May advised to suggest that parishioner contact DCC Local Services (Highways) at Civic Centre
f) Poster from NDDC reference “Community Consultation – Replacement of Adopted Local Plan with a Local Development Framework”: -
Copies placed on parish council notice boards for parishioners
g) Flyer from University of Gloucestershire reference “Local Policy – Stronger Local Councils”
h) Letter (dd 29.10.07) from EDP Drug and Alcohol Services reference “Festive Season Campaign – Detox for Devon”
i) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (November 2007 - No. 522)
j) Letter (dd 1.11.07) from NDDC (LSP Statutory Sector COMPACT Champion) reference “Invitation to Volunteer Vera – Award Winning Play on the Compact”
k) Email (dd 4.11.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Parishioner complaint – Parking in Quay Car Park/Blocking Garage”: -
Clerk suggested that parishioner be advised to speak to NDDC direct who own the car park and garages
l) Letter (dd 5.11.07) and attachments from South West Water reference “Periodic Review – The South West/Clean Sweep and Beyond”: -
IPC/Cllrs are invited to comment on SWW’s strategy by way of feedback form provided or by use of www.southwestwater.co.uk/PR09
m) Clerk and Council’s Direct (November 2007 – Issue 54)
n) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-Up (November 2007): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners
o) Agenda and associated papers of NDDC’s Meeting of Wednesday 21st November 2007 at 7 pm.
p) Email (dd 8.11.07) from TDC reference “TDC – New Consultation Website Account”
q) Email (dd 8.11.07) from TDC reference “Consultation: Core Strategy DPDs Issues and Options November 2007”: -
See (i) (h) above
r) Email (dd 8.11.07) from TDC reference “Draft Planning Obligations SPD November 2007”: -
See (i) (i) above
s) Email (dd 8.11.07) from TDC reference “Planning Obligations SPD Sustainability Appraisal”
t) Email (dd 9.11.07) from a Nancy Frey of Ontario reference “Parish Registers – Family History”: -
Passed to Cllr Harper who agreed to deal direct

2711/12 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Lloyds TSB Interest Business a/c 7/07 £ 43.08
Ditto Ditto 8/07 £ 41.55
Ditto Ditto 9/07 £ 50.20
TOTAL : - £134.83
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 112.00
Instow/Westleigh Parish News Grant 2007 £ 514.00
Parish Hall Grant 2007 £ 410.00 Burial Ground Grant 2007 £ 823.00
Instow Website Grant 2007 £ 103.00
BT Parish Telephone 372408 £ 76.28*
RBL Armistice Wreath £ 16.50
Freebird Leisure New Parish Seat (Watts) £ 270.00+
Mr P Cook Tractor Service Parts £ 30.81=
Mr B Thorne Ditto £ 101.11=
O J Williams Tractor Service - Engine Oil £ 30.55=
TOTAL: - £2,487.25
Key: -
*Cost of calls £27.52, service charge £33.57, payment charge £4.50 and £10.69 VAT.
+ Subject of insurance claim
= VAT recoverable.
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 26.10.07 (Statement) = £ 2.60*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 2.10.07 (Statement) = £22,576.47+
* Accords to Clerk’s records
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £21,923.47 as at 19.10.07
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,487.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
a) IPC’s Finance Sub Committee Meeting - Budget 2008/9: -
The Clerk reported that this meeting took place on Wednesday 31st October 2007 and that a copy of the “unapproved” draft minutes had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers. The Clerk continued to report as follows: -
(i) Minutes of IPC’s FSC Meeting of 31st October 2007: -
IPC’s FSC Cllrs present, and who had attended the meeting (Cllrs Johns, Crombie and White), verified and approved the minutes; Cllr Johns (Chairman) signed them as a true record. (Noted)
(a) IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations: -
The Clerk reported that IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations had last been updated/re-affirmed by Council at its meeting of the 16th November 2006 and that he recommended they remain as written apart from a couple of amendments, that is, to raise the IA’s hourly rate to £50 per hour to a maximum of 4 hours (£200) (see item 2 (c)) and to correct a reference to Standing Orders (Item 10 – Contract Procedure) i.e. Item 66 (a), (b) and (c) instead of 60 (a), (b) and (c) on the basis that Standing Orders had been amended since the regulations were originally written; a copy of the regulations had previously been forwarded to Cllrs for their information – the Clerk told IPC that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(b) IPC’s Beach Risk Assessment Policy: -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC that this policy (that had been accepted by its insurers, the Allianz Cornhill) had last been updated/re-affirmed by Council at its meeting of the 16th November 2006 and that he recommended it remain as written with no amendment/additions; a copy had previously been forwarded to Cllrs for their information – the Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(ii) IPC Beach Lease - Crown Commissioners (CC): -
The Clerk reminded IPC that this lease would expire in 2009 and that the CC has intimated they could well find favour in extending the lease with IPC if this was its wish. The Clerk added that the beach was a “significant” asset to Council and the Parish as a whole and that IPC needed to ensure it communicated with the CC in the next financial year (2008/9) to secure an extension/renewal; the Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC supported this action. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given.(Noted)
(c) Parish Seats Maintenance Policy: -
The Clerk reminded IPC of the principles of the policy (that had been accepted by its insurers, the Allianz Cornhill) and recommended it remain as written; the Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(d) Other Risks: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC that IPC’s FSC had recognised that IPC had already identified the need to adopt a Child Protection Policy (to be finalised at IPC Meeting of 15th November 2007); otherwise there were no other risk(s) identified; IPC RESOLVED to accept this assumption. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk further advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had discussed IPC’s liability as and when contractors (beach and handyman) used IPC’s equipment such as its chain saw/engine blower and it had been suggested that the Clerk should take appropriate advice and report back to IPC in due course. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk updated IPC on actions(s) taken by him to date, that is, DAPC, Allianz Cornhill and each Contractors own public liability insurance and that it was recommended, as a consequence, that provided IPC ensured all item of equipment were regularly serviced, use of said equipment was covered under its IPC public liability insurance as well as the contractors personal insurance. IPC RESOLVED to support this conclusion. (Noted)
(e) Annual Insurance Review: -
The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie, together with Cllr Johns and himself had reviewed IPC’s Public Liability Insurance cover on renewal (May 2007), and subsequently reported to Council, and that IPC’s FSC recommended that a similar process be adopted in 2008. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(f) Car Park Charges 2008: -
The Clerk reported that after lengthy debate IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to Council that these be left the same as for the current year i.e. £1 for 2 hours, £3 all day (24 hours), £80 for a season ticket & £12 for a weekly ticket although these costs might well need seriously reviewing (prior to 1st May 2008) if NDDC was to significantly raise the leasing charge of the car park to IPC for the 2008 season. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(g) Parish Handyman/Beach Cleaner 2008/9 – Terms of Reference/Contract and Hourly Rate: -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC that the terms of reference for the parish handyman had been re-affirmed by IPC on the 16th November 2006 and, in his view did not require amendment; a copy had previously been provided to Cllrs for their information – the Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the terms of agreement for the beach cleaner (in the light he was self employed) had been re-affirmed by IPC at its meeting of the 16th November 2006. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend to IPC it remain as written for the 2007/8 season, subject to calendar/payment alterations etc; a copy had previously been provided to Cllrs for their information. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the Handyman’s hourly rate (2008/9) be increased from £7.00 to £7.50 per hour and the beach cleaner’s annual rate (2008/9) should be £400 per month (April to September inclusive = £2,400) and that the Tractor Service and Xmas beach clean should be £400 (Total payments £2,800). IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(h) Xmas Charity Nominee 2006/7: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend to IPC that the collection from the Carol Singing event (9th December 2007) be paid equally to The North Devon Hospice, Children’s Hospice (South West), the Appledore Branch of the RNLI and Northam Lodge. It was further resolved to recommend to IPC that it match fund the collection to a maximum of £100. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had discussed the manner in which the refreshments for this charitable carol singing event might be funded and that as a consequence it had resolved to recommend (as for 2006) that a grant be given to a local “bone fide” organisation who agreed to organise and pay for the refreshments on the grounds it was “for the encouragement of the arts and entertainment within the parish” and was a “community Christmas charitable event”. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC that the local branch of the Woman’s Institute had provisionally agreed to take on this role (as for 2006) and that negotiations were in hand subject to IPC’s approval (at (ii) above. IPC RESOLVED to approve this arrangement. (Noted)
(j) Internal Auditors Fee 2006/7: -
The Clerk advised IPC that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) was not seeking recompense for his internal auditor activity for the current year 2007/8 and that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend to IPC that an official vote of thanks be tabled to Mr Day for his valuable commitment to the parish. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given and asked the Clerk to send a suitable communication to Mr Day and to make a record in the minutes of the meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
(j) Staff Salary/Bonus 2006/7: -
(i) The Chairman advised IPC, in the absence of the Clerk, that IPC’s FSC had discussed and then resolved to recommend to IPC that the Clerk be paid a bonus in the sum of £100 to reimburse him for additional work performed by him throughout the year and which was beyond his general terms of reference. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Chairman added that IPC’s FSC also recommended that the Handyman and Beach Cleaner be paid the sum of £100 and £150 respectively to reimburse them for additional work performed throughout the year and which was beyond their general terms of reference. He said that IPC’s FSC were of the opinion that the beach cleaner, particularly, had worked extremely hard on the beach during the summer and had been engaged in necessary & unforeseen tractor maintenance and scrape purchase/refurbishment activity throughout the year that was most certainly

beyond the call of duty. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given.
(Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Chairman further reported that IPC’s FSC had resolved to recommend to IPC that there should be an ultimate objective to pay salaries/contract payments to staff/contractors that were commensurate to their relevant jobs and that if this was the case there would be no need to consider bonus payments. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
(k) Clerk’s Salary/Expenses 2008/9: -
(i) The Chairman advised IPC, in the absence of the Clerk, that IPC’s FSC had noted (from reliable enquiries made of the DAPC) that for the Clerk’s experience, workload/responsibility (and the fact IPC was a Quality Parish Council) his hourly rate should be somewhere in the region £9.50. After deliberation it was IPC’s FSC recommendation to IPC that the Clerk’s salary be raised from £4,600 to £5,000 (£8.01 approx ph – 12 hours per week). IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Action: The Clerk) (ii) The Chairman further advised IPC that it was a recommendation of IPC’s FSC that the Clerk’s expenses remain the same as for the current year - £1,465. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Action: The Clerk)
(l) IPC – Use of Reserves: -
The Clerk advised IPC that following discussion, IPC’s FSC, in recognising that to avoid possible criticism by the Audit Commission at the time of the annual audit 2008 (for holding “excessive reserves”) it should be recommended to IPC, and if agreed, duly minuted, that together with possible plans to utilise some of IPC’s reserves towards “community facilities” at the intended new Instow School (*) it should also consider earmarking monies for the successful “Ransom Strip” project(s) and commit a sum of up to £2,000 to put towards “Village Gateway Projects” at either end of the village with a view to reducing speed/increasing road safety and to enhance the entrances to the village. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC felt that this particular project could be shared by the community as regards its maintenance and design. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)
*** Cllr Crombie declared a personal interest on this issue as a School Governor and did not speak***
(ii) Draft Budget 2008-2009: -
The Clerk reported that following the above discussions, IPC’s FSC had drawn up a draft Budget (copy previously forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers – appendix A to FSC Minutes) and it was now for IPC to approve it in its entirety, or otherwise. The Clerk added that IPC should note that the draft budget accounted for a small surplus (£33) and that the precept recommendation was the same as for the current year. The Clerk finalised by saying that IPC’s FSC recommended the draft budget to IPC, in its entirety, but on the understanding that the NDDC’s charge on the use of the Quay Car Park 2008 was in line with previous years; if not, it would be necessary to revisit the budget and undoubtedly make cuts as necessary. The Clerk then ran through the draft budget, item by item, and answered queries as necessary. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the draft budget as written. (Noted)
b) Letter/Form (dd 7.11.07) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2008/9”: - The Clerk reported that now that IPC’s Budget 2008/9 had been agreed he could complete this form and forward it to NDDC prior to the deadline of 14th December 2007. He advised IPC of the details i.e. NDDC Grant: - Instow had 659 parishioners (according to current electoral roll) x £2 per head of population = £1318 made up of Burial Ground (£830), Parish Hall (£400 – maximum payment) and “Parks and Open Spaces” (£88) – Total £1318. IPC RESOLVED to support the action as proposed by the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Bank Reconciliation – 1st July 2007 to 30th September 2007: -
The Clerk advised IPC of the full circumstances concerning a £100 difference (deficit) in this bank reconciliation (as had previously been advised to IPC at 2710/10 (5) (f) (ii)); he said that on 25th July 2007, £595 had been collected from the car park machine (this was evidenced on the actual ticket and Clerk’s “working” papers) and presented for payment at Hele Post Office, Sticklepath, Barnstaple. Unfortunately (and because of human error) the post office only credited IPC with £495 and this wasn’t identified until the quarterly bank statement of IPC’s Lloyds TSB business account was received early in October. He said that Hele Post Office had admitted the error, apologised and £100 had been credited to IPC’s business account on 18th October. The Clerk confirmed he had made an appropriate finance ledger entry to explain the “mistake” (i.e. Income voucher/ledger number 45 refers). (Noted)

(d) NDDC – Recovery of Election Costs: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of a letter (dd 18.10.07) from NDDC (Don Pratt) setting out, in more detail, a breakdown of the relevant costs that NDDC sought to recover from IPC for the un-contested parish council election in May 2007. The Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of his various responses to NDDC (emails of 19.10.07 and 20.10.07 refer); The Clerk appraised Council of the detail. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a further letter (dd 31.10.07) from NDDC (Don Pratt) providing additional information as regards the costs apportioned to IPC; he said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.11.07). (Noted)
(iv) Cllrs Cann/Moores said this contentious matter had been referred to NDDC’s Executive and advised IPC to await the outcome. (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to defer this matter and asked the Clerk to communicate this decision to NDDC (Don Pratt). (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (October): -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed IPC was in balance and owed nothing. (Noted)
(f) Theft of Parish Seat (Jill and Eric Watts) –see item 2710/10 (5) (j): -
(i) The Clerk confirmed that this claim had been acknowledged by the Allianz Cornhill (letter dd 23.10.07 refers) but that the settlement cheque was still awaited. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said the new seat (with plaque) had not, as yet, been installed on Marine Parade; it was anticipated this would be done in the next week or so. (Noted)
(g) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2005/P3 Claim for 2007:-
(i) The Clerk reported that the necessary forms had been received and he would attend to them as necessary asap. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk reported that he and the parish handyman are to attend a P3 Xmas Workshop at Swimbridge on 4th December; he said a report would be given at the next meeting.
(Action: The Clerk)
h) Parish Seat Inventory/Inspection – Autumn 2007: -
The Clerk reported this had been carried out on Wednesday 31st October by himself and Mel Harris (Handyman); he said Cllrs had been provided with a copy of the inspection report with their agenda papers (8.11.07). The Clerk then went through the inspection report and outlined the actions to be taken by the parish handyman. (Noted)
(i) Xmas Grass Cut and Beach Clean 2007: -
The Clerk told IPC that a pre Xmas grass cut would be done (necessity and weather conditions dependant – was included in budget 2007/8) by the parish handyman; he added that the beach would receive a clean up as per the current agreement between the beach cleaner and IPC. (Noted)
j) Tractor Service: -
The Clerk reported that this was in hand as per current agreement between IPC and the beach cleaner (see expenses (various) as at 5 (2) above). (Noted)
k) Letter (dd 5.11.07) from NDDC (Transport and Market Manager) reference “Car Park Charges 2008”: -
The Clerk said this requested that the proposed charges be forwarded to him by Friday 14th December 2007 in order they could be taken to Committee in January 2008. The Clerk said he could deal now that the budget had been agreed. (Action: The Clerk)
l) Email (dd 6.11.07) from Wolfestone Translation reference “Translation for Charities”: -
The Clerk advised IPC of the crux of this email and suggested NFA. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the advice given. (Noted)

(a) Commodore Slipway - Bollard: -
Cllr Crombie said a parishioner had questioned the unnecessary expense at placing a lockable bollard at this location; the Clerk reminded IPC that such an initiative had been passed as a result of a resolution of Council and that DCC would be providing the bollard in liaison with the owners of the slipway, the Environment Agency. IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(b) Noisy Barking Dog: -
Cllr Crombie said he had received a complaint from a parishioner as regards a noisy barking dog; the Clerk advised IPC that this was a “noise pollution” incident and that such complaints were dealt with by NDDC (Environmental Health Dept); Cllr Crombie to advise parishioner accordingly. (Noted)
(c) Venn Cross Bus Shelter (Instow Town Side) – Unlit: -
Cllr White said he had received a complaint from a parishioner that this shelter was extremely dark at night and enquired what could be done about it. IPC RESOLVED to enquire into the cost of supplying lighting such as solar power. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) Wooden Kiosk – Instow Beach (Rear of Boathouse Bus Shelter): -
Cllr Moores asked whether IPC felt it appropriate to enquire of the owners of this shed as to what its intention were as regards future usage and maintenance before it became as eyesore. IPC, after a discussion, RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to the owners, believed DCE. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


