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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, M Green, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 5 parishioners.

2811/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

Cllrs A Johns and C Harper (IPC) and Cllr Moores (NDC)

a) Crime: -
PCSO Cornish said there had been 3 reported crimes in the parish since the last meeting, namely, a common assault (suspect interviewed), theft (non specific) and a burglary (currently under investigation). (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
PCSO Cornish said there had also been 16 incident logs created for the same period namely, 4 x information, 1 x enquiry, 5 x concern for welfare, 1 x request for contact, 1 x found property, 3 x traffic related and 1 x crime information. (Noted)
c) Crime Prevention: -
PCSO Cornish said he was still continuing to issue vulnerable vehicle forms with the intention of alleviating thefts from unattended vehicles and that he urged parishioners to be more crime prevention conscious as the Xmas period approached. He said that most crimes could be prevented by removing valuables from view, keeping windows closed, keeping doors locked (even if house occupied) and by using door chains when opening the door. (Noted)

a) TTEF Matters: -
(i) The Chairman of the TTEF addressed council and spoke to the minutes of the most recent TTEF meeting that had been held on the 20th October 2008 (see item 2811/9 (ii) (e) and (f)). (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman also said she was to stand down as Chairman of the TTEF at the next AGM but that she would continue to be a member and concentrate on AONB and Biosphere Reserve matters. (Noted)
b) Appledore Shipyard - Dredging: -
The Chairman of the TTEF said there had been a further and recent complaint about the manner in which the shipyard was depositing the silt dredged from the shipyard but that this had been resolved by meetings between Natural England and the Environment Agency. (Noted)
c) Rating Valuations: -
The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 19.11.08) from a parishioner raising concerns about this matter and that he had referred the parishioner to Cllr Moores (NDC) for a response. (Noted)
d) Instow School: -
The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 19.11.08) from a parishioner raising concerns about this matter; he read the content of the email to Council. (Noted)
e) Unitary Councils: -
The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 19.11.08) from a parishioner raising concerns about this matter and that he had referred the parishioner to Cllr Cann (DCC) and Cllr Moores (NDC) for a response. (Noted)

f) Street Lighting/Rectory Lane etc: -
The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 19.11.08) from a parishioner raising concerns about this matter and that he had referred the parishioner to Cllr Cann (DCC) (NDC) for a response. (Noted)
g) Wind Turbines/Bickleton: -
The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 19.11.08) from a parishioner raising concerns about this matter; he read the content of the email to Council. In the light this matter was to be discussed as at “Correspondence”. IPC RESOLVED to note the comments of the parishioner. (Noted)

a) Cllr Cann reported on “Down Road Surface Water Flooding Problems” (following further flooding problems a request has been made to bring the work forward in advance of next year’s budget using contingency funds), “Traffic Order – No Right Turn Holmacott” (favourable comments received to date); “Leadership Training – Fire Service” (Cllr Cann has attended the Fire Service College in Gloucestershire as Chairman of the Devon & Somerset Human Resources and Development Committee), “Gateway Project Design” (had met with Clerk and Chairman of IIB to discuss feasible projects/designs), “Proposed Site for New Instow School” (currently DCC is awaiting a response from DCE requesting a discussion on the possibility of land being made available to the County - DCC is also exploring the identification of other sites within 2 miles of the current site), “Instow Toilets” (NDC’s Executive are still considering the options available to them) and “Fly Tipping” (NDC has won a successful action at Barnstaple Magistrates Court where an offender has been fined £26,800 plus £963 costs for fly tipping at Muddiford). (Noted)
b) Maintenance of Highway: -
(i) Cllr May enquired why DCC were not satisfactorily maintaining the roads; Cllr Cann agreed that DCC were not putting sufficient monies into the relevant budget adding he was not prepared to defend DCC’s policy. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said the commitment and dedication of the local highways staff, the Superintendent in particular, could not be faulted. He said they provided an excellent service and were highly motivated to provide a good service. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to hold a site meeting with DCC in January 2009; Cllr Cann said he would facilitate this. (Action: Cllr Cann)
c) Instow Quay Car Park : -
(i) Cllr White said IPC was extremely concerned about the possible loss of revenue at this car park in 2009 (should the rumours be true that NDC might well run it for itself) and that problems had been created in setting a suitable budget for IPC for the financial year 2009/10 as a consequence. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann said he would do all he could to ensure that the usual arrangement prevailed for 2009 and that the Clerk had provided him with a great deal of relevant information which he could use in defending that position. He advised IPC to set its budget on the premise that the car park revenue would be available. (Noted)

In the absence of Cllr Moores the Clerk read a report that referred to “Local Government Review” (NDC has received a summary of the results in the consultation process; 187 town/parish councils in Devon against the proposal, 37 for the draft proposal – NDC to be represented on county wide joint interim steering group and joint interim team); “New Instow School” (Cllr Moores has written to DCC requesting he be fully informed of developments), “Marine Parade – Car Park Toilets” (to be discussed by NDC Cabinet on 9th December 2008) and “Doggy Bin – Tarka Trail” (this will be replaced but not immediately). (Noted)

2811/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the October 2008 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2810/8 (b) – IPC’s Self Help Emergency Plan (SHEP) Update: -
(i) The Clerk reported that a draft amended plan had been circulated to Cllrs with email addresses (23.10.08) and that others were provided with a hard copy with their agenda papers (13.11.08) for perusal together with covering notes from Cllr Harper. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the updated SHEP and Council expressed its gratitude to Cllr Harper who had facilitated the document. (Noted)
b) Item 2810/8 (d) – Instow Bathing Water Data 2008: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of the current situation i.e. although nothing further had been received from the Environment Agency/Defra etc, via TTEF, the Clerk said he had read an article in the local press recently (WMN etc) citing the beaches that had failed the imperative water quality standard for the year 2008 and this had included Instow. It did, however, go on to say that much of the problem was due to run off from fields and that the relevant authorities were doing all they could to resolve it. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the Defra News Release on this matter (dd 13.11.08) that had been downloaded from the internet. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 20.11.08) and attachment from NDC reference “Bathing Water Quality Group Meeting – 14.11.08”; he outlined the content that verified much of the information as at (ii) above. (Noted)
(iv) IPC then discussed the implications and of the effect the impending new European regulations would have in future years. (Noted)
c) Item 2810/8 (e – Cllr Code of Conduct/Indemnity: -
(i) The Clerk reported on the deliberations of IPC FSC on 27th October i.e. IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that it should lobby DAPC/NALC to ensure such liability was indemnified particularly as Cllrs might inadvertently breach the code and require some form of legal advice and support; the Clerk reminded IPC it had already been ascertained that the Allianz Cornhill (IPC’s insurers) did not provide such cover. The Clerk said this matter would be discussed later as at Finance. (Noted)
d) Item 2810/9 (i) (a) – IPC Cllr Appointments: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy for approval with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to approve the document. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to updated lists of “Cllr Details” i.e. telephone numbers & email addresses that had also been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to approve the document that would be published on the Instow website and parish notice boards. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2810/12 (h) – New School Instow: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed he had sent a letter (dd 17.10.08) to DCC reference the planning application for the new school at Instow; a copy was provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 22.10.08) from DCC reference “Instow New School”; a copy was provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that this letter (as at (ii) above) stated that DCC, following legal advice, would be withdrawing the new school planning application on the basis that in order to proceed with a compulsory purchase order for the land in question there had to be no other suitable land available; this was, in the view of DCC, patently not the case and consequently it seemed unnecessary to ask for the planning application to be determined. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to the receipt of a letter (dd 22.10.08) from a parishioner of West Yelland reference “Instow New School/More Delays/Cllr Harper”; he said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08) at the writer’s request and that the Chairman had been advised of the content. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk also referred to the receipt of a copy letter (dd 12.10.08) from a parishioner at West Yelland to DCC (Head of Education Strategic Planning) reference “Instow New School”; a copy of the letter had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk then advised IPC that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Cllr Cook (the only Cllrs able to discuss and debate/resolve to take action on this matter) had agreed that a suitable letter should be sent immediately to the local press to express IPC’s dissatisfaction at DCC’s decision. The Clerk confirmed this had been done by email (27.10.08) and that a copy of the letter had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk referred to an article in the North Devon Gazette (29.10.08) and North Devon Journal (30.10.08); a copy had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(viii) The Clerk also referred to the letter from IPC (as at item (vi) above) that had also appeared in the North Devon Journal (30.10.08); a copy had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(vix) The Clerk told IPC that he had forwarded an additional letter (dd 29.10.08) to DCC from IPC (at the instigation of Cllrs White, Green and Cook); a copy had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(x) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 29.10.08) from Cllr Cann together with an attachment, i.e. a letter from NPS South West Limited (dd 29.10.08) to Mr Coldwell (DCE). The Clerk advised IPC of the content. (Noted)
(xi) The Clerk reported receipt of a copy letter (dd 29.10.08) from a parishioner of West Yelland to DCC reference “Instow New School/Dangers from Electro-Magnetic Power Lines”; a copy had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(xii) The Clerk then referred to a letter from DCE reference “Instow New School” that had appeared in the North Devon Gazette (dd 5.11.08); a copy had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(xiii) The Clerk reported receipt of a copy email (dd 10.11.08) from Cllr Cann to DCC requesting that a meeting be set up with representatives from IPC, School, DCC Development Control and DCC Children’s Department being represented. He said the Chairman/Vice Chairman had been advised. (Noted)
(xiv) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (by email 13.11.08) from Cllr Harper reference item (iv) above; a copy was provided to Cllrs at the meeting and the Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)
(xv) After a discussion, during which IPC noted this was a very unsatisfactory state of affairs, IPC RESOLVED to press DCC to meet up with IPC and other interested bodies as a matter of urgency and the Clerk was asked to take what action(s) was necessary to facilitate it. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Crombie, Thomas, Mrs Dipper and May declared an interest and did not speak ***
f) Item 2810/12 (i) - IPC Meeting Dates 2009: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy for approval with their agenda papers (13.11.08); IPC RESOLVED to approve the paper and the Clerk was asked to arrange suitable circulation, that is, website and notice boards. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 17.10.08) from NDC (Cllr Andrea Davis – Portfolio Holder for Housing) reference “Affordable Housing – The Way Forward”: -
(i) The Clerk said this referred to an affordable housing seminar that had been held for town/parish councils earlier in the year and provided some relevant information for the information of Cllrs; he said the letter and attachment had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 21.10.08) and attachment from NDC (Chief Executive) reference “Devon Structural Review – Letter to Boundary Committee”: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed the letter and attachment had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(ii)The Clerk advised IPC he had been asked to join a DCC Focus Group to discuss the implications of “Community Boards/Forums” which were part of the concept of single tier unitary government for Devon. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 22.10.08) from NDC (Technical Support Administrator) reference “House to House Act 1939: Clothes Aid for Wellchild”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the applicant (Clothes Aid) had applied for a licence to collect second hand clothing to sell on behalf of Wellchild (a registered charity) between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2009 within the parish of Instow. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that as the applicant (Clothes Aid) wished to collect “under licence” for Wellchild (a registered charity) that he had advised NDC (email of 27.10.08 refers) that although IPC would not be in a position to object to this application, as per House to House Act 1939 criteria, it would not be happy for this form of collection taking place within its parish on the basis that presumably not all income derived would be going to the charity (Wellchild) and that it believed a “fear of crime” emanated from this form of door to door collection in a parish where there were a considerable number of elderly parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision (as at (ii) above). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken to NDC’s Licensing Officer (29.10.08) who rang to confirm he noted and shared the concerns of IPC as regards these forms of collections adding he was doing all he could to resolve the issues of concern and at the highest possible level. (Noted)
d) Email (dd 24.10.08) from DCC Local Services reference “Road Closure from Barton Cross to Instow County Primary School for period 21.1.09 to 23.2.09”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had copied this on by email (24.10.08) to Instow School, Instow Parochial Church Council and provided a copy for each Cllr with their agenda papers (13.11.08); he added he had also placed a copy at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 29.10.08) from NDC (Technical Support Administrator) reference “House to House Act 1939:Support Direct for National Children Society”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated the applicant (Support Direct)) had applied for a licence to collect on behalf of the National Children’s Society (a registered charity) between 17th November 2008 to 14th December 2008 in the parish of Instow. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that as the applicant (Support Direct) wished to collect, presumably “under licence”, for the National Children’s Society (a registered charity) that he had advised NDC (email of 27.10.08 refers) that although IPC would not be in a position to object to this application, as per House to House Act 1939 criteria, it would not be happy for this form of collection taking place within its parish on the basis that presumably not all income derived would be going to the charity. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision (as at (ii) above). (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 9.10.08) and booklet from Communities and Local Government (CALG) reference “Communities in Control: Real People, Real Power: Code of Conduct for Local Authority Members and Employees – A Consultation”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this consultation paper was published on the CALG website on the 1st October 2008 and it invited views on proposals for revising Local Authority (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 and the Relevant Authorities (General Principles) Order 2001. It also sought views on the proposed introduction of a model code of conduct for local government employees with comments invited by Wednesday 24th December 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of said letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08) and that the booklet was available at the meeting for perusal as necessary. (Noted)
(iii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
g) Instow Beach – Dog Control By Laws: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an article in the North Devon Journal (30.10.08) reference a complaint about the amount of dog mess on Instow beach during the summer season; he said a copy of said article had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to an email (dd 4.11.08) concerning “Instow Beach – Dogs” and of his response; he said both emails had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to continue to liaise with NDC’s Environmental Health Department (and the Crown Estate over ownership) with the aim of improving this very unsatisfactory state of affairs for the following year. The Clerk advised IPC that NDC were intending to improve the signing for the forthcoming season and that the Dog Wardens could be more effective once ownership of the beach was clearer and all owners fully supported enforcement. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Letter (dd 6.11.08) from, Administrative Officer of West Yelland, Instow and Westleigh Community on Show reference “Community on Show Day – 18th July 2009/Use of Instow Beach”: -
(i) The Clerk said this requested permission from IPC to use those parts of Instow beach leased by it from the Crown Estate; the usual insurance cover would be obtained and evidence of such provided to IPC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC he had sent an appropriate letter giving the permission of IPC as in previous years. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision (as at (ii) above). (Noted)
i) Letter (dd 4.11.08) from NDC’s Electoral Registration Officer (Don Pratt) reference “Electoral Register 2008/9”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that the usual canvassing for the above was underway and that an 88% return rate had been achieved to date. However, it was hoped that IPC would be able to provide some relevant information about those addresses, within their parish, who had not responded with responses to NDC by 21st November 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the letter and list of relevant Instow addresses had been provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion a number of addresses were identified from which some relevant information could be passed to NDC. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Advice Note from DAPC reference “Freedom of Information Act – Updated Publication Scheme”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the Information Commissioner (IC) had now issued draft documents in conjunction with the publication scheme to be adopted by all local authorities, including town and parish councils. The new scheme should be adopted for use from 1st January 2009. It was anticipated that all authorities would adopt the model scheme without making any changes and if this was done by resolution of council then the IC does not need to receive a copy or agree the scheme. Councils may submit their own scheme but this is not the recommended course of action. The scheme is more general in its nature than the previous scheme which makes the adoption by a range of authorities possible. All the necessary documents can be viewed on www.dapc.org.uk (information/other section) or on the Commission website www.ico.gov.uk. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that as it was registered with the IC it would undoubtedly receive guidance on this in the very near future and should await such correspondence before taking any further action. (Noted)
After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the recommendation of the Clerk as at item (ii) above. (Noted)
k) Email (dd 8.11.08) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bickleton Farm – Proposed Wind Farm”: -
(i) The Clerk said this email attached a “Brief for Fremington Parish Council” that the Chairman of TTEF had also circulated to IPC Cllrs with email addresses; the Clerk added he had forwarded a hard copy with agenda papers (13.11.08) to those Cllrs without email addresses for information. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a further email (dd 11.11.08) from the Chairman of the TTEF reference “Proposed Wind Farm – Cllr Jones (Fremington PC/NDC)”; he circulated it to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the basis it did not have all the relevant information to hand and did not wish to predetermine such an application as and when and if it was ever made. It was assumed that IPC would be consulted as an adjoining parish but it was RESOLVED that, as a precaution, the Clerk should notify NDC Planning of its interest in this matter and that it would wish to be consulted in the event of an actual planning application being made. (Action: The Clerk)
l) Email from DAPC reference “Consultation on Single Point of Entry to Schools”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC this could affect the viability of small playgroups in rural areas, such as Instow, in that if all eligible children left the playgroup to start school at one time, the numbers left at the playgroup would be very small until the numbers build up throughout the rest of the year. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with the local playgroup organiser and she believed her local playgroup would be unsustainable should this happen. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk provided a copy of the consultation letter to Cllrs at the meeting.(Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to write to DCC and support the views of the local Play Group organiser as at (ii) above. . (Action: The Clerk)
m) Armistice Day Church Service: -
The Clerk advised IPC that Cllrs Harper, Mrs Dipper and he had attended this service and that Cllr Harper, as the RN representative, had laid IPC’s wreath and the Clerk had read the second reading. (Noted)
n) Parish Carol Singing Event 2008: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this event was to be held at 6.30 pm on Sunday 7th December at The Commodore (Parish Hall if wet) and that posters had been placed on parish notice boards and in the next edition of the parish magazine. (Noted)
(ii) IPC then discussed the recipients of the charitable collection; the Clerk said IPC’s FSC had recommend that the monies should go jointly between ND Hospice, RNLI (Appledore) and Northam Lodge with IPC matching collection up to £100. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then discussed the arrangements on the night i.e. mince pies, mulled wine, hospitality, collectors. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reminded IPC that the attendance of The Two Rivers Wind Ensemble had been confirmed as had the Commodore and Parish Hall for the venues and refreshments. (Noted)
o) IPC’s Xmas Social 2008 (Thursday 11th December 2008): -
The Clerk said IPC needed to consider its invitation list for this event and that he had provided them with a copy of its 2007 list with their agenda papers (13.11.08) in order to assist their deliberations. It was RESOLVED to defer a discussion on this until after the meeting. (Action: IPC Cllrs)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 19.10.08) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter – 19th October 2008”
b) Ditto to IPC Cllrs
c) Email (dd 11.11.08) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter – 11th November 2008
d) Ditto to IPC Cllrs
e) Email (13.11.08) from Chairman of TTEF to IPC Cllrs etc reference “TTEF Meeting Minutes – 20th October 2008
f) Email (dd 13.11.08) from Secretary of TTEF to members of TTEF reference ““TTEF Meeting Minutes – 20th October 2008

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 24.10.08) reference “LCR/NALC Survey – Bank Crisis”; Clerk responded as necessary; (ii) Email (dd 28.10.08) reference “NALC Survey – Banking Crisis” – survey completed by Clerk and returned; (iii) Email (dd 29.10.08) reference “Sport and Play for All”; (iv) Email (dd 29.10.08) reference “DIS Extra 695” – copied to Cllrs with email addresses; (v) Email (dd 30.10.08) reference “Questionnaire Sport and Play” – actioned as necessary by the Clerk); (vi) Email (dd 3.11.08) reference “Free Training – Getting Engaged with Your Community”; (vii) Email (dd 6.11.08) reference “Second Leading Members Lunch – Lincoln” – Chairman advised; (viii) Email (dd 7.11.08) reference “DAPC Newsletter – Nov/Dec 2008”; (ix) Hard copy of “DAPC Newsletter – Nov/Dec 2008”; (x) Email (dd 7.11.08) reference “RNIB – Raising Awareness” – passed to Chairman of IIB (xi) Email (dd 7.11.08) reference “Digital TV West Country Update – November 2008”; (xii) Email (dd 7.11.08) reference “NALC Opinion Article for LCR Magazine – Can Parish and Town Councils Work in Urban Areas?” – suitable response sent by Clerk (11.11.08); (xiii) Email (dd 13.11.08) reference “South Tawton PC – Community Public House”; (xiv) Email (dd 13.11.08) reference “Training for Experienced Clerk”; (xv) Email (dd 19.11.08) reference “Car Sharing Scheme”; (xvi) Email (dd 19.11.08) reference “Level of Broadband Access at Parish/Town Councils” and (xvii) Email (dd 19.11.08) reference “Allotments Survey – CCD” – appropriate action take by Clerk
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 17.10.08, 24.10.08, 31.10.08, 7.11.08 and 14.11.08
c) Letter (dd 20.10.08) from The Crown Estate together with copy of “Marine News – Autumn 2008”
d) Email (22.10.08) from parishioner reference “Instow Quay Car Park Light – Nuisance”: -
This email was a sample of a number of complaints (by email, personally and telephone) that had been received from parishioners; Clerk advised NDC Car Parks Manager each time and appropriate action promised. See also item (k) below
e) Email (dd 21.10.08) from NDC Environmental Health Department reference “Doggy Bin – Tarka Trail near Tunnel”: -
Stated that bin would be changed for a new one when a new supply became available; Cllr Harper advised
f) Letter (received 25.10.08) from Shore Sight Opticians reference “Domiciliary Eye Care Service”: -
Writer provided by Clerk with contact email of Editor of Parish Magazine
g) Email (dd 29.10.08) and attachment from Cllr Harper reference “Maritime and Coastguard Agency”: -
For information in the event of abandoned boats on the beach that the MMA will not deal with
h) Email (dd 29.10.08) from a visitor to Instow reference “Excess Speed at Bideford end of Anstey Way near Elm Terrace – 20 mph Limit?”: -
Cllr Cann (DCC) forwarded a suitable reply to writer
i) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (November 2008 – No 534)
j) Email (dd 29.10.08) from Inspector Toby Davies (Sector Inspector – Barnstaple) reference “Barnstaple Police Changes”: -
Stated that Inspector Davies was to be co-opted onto a project entitled “Op Quest” for 6 months and that during this period Inspector Joe Hartshorn would be covering in his absence
k) Email (dd 2.11.08) from a parishioner reference “Quay Car Park Light – Power Disconnected”: -
See item (d) above
l) Copy email (dd 4.11.08) from Cllr Cann to DCC Local Services and visa versa (5.11.08) reference “Poor Road Surface - Instow to Tapeley”:-
DCC Local Services to deal with this as a matter of some urgency.
m) Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine (Issue 60 – November 2008)
n) Letter (received 7.11.08) from Children’s Hospice (SW) reference “January Open Days”:-
Little Bridge House is open on January 15th (10 am to 12 Noon), 16th (10am to 3 pm) and 17th (10am to 3 pm)
n) “The Playing Field Newsletter” - (Autumn 2008)
o) Email (dd 7.11.08) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up” – November 2008: -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners
p) Telephone call (7.11.08) from President of Atherington WI reference “Tidy Up – Instow Beach/17th November 2008”: -
Clerk told caller that IPC would be more than happy for her group to carry out this “tidy up” as requested (between Commodore and Boathouse) but that they did so at their own risk; advised appropriate liaison with Instow Adopt a Beach group and local WI
q) Email (dd 6.11.08) from Chairman reference “Overgrown Hedges – Near Atturm and Sand Dunes Car Park”: -
Passed by Clerk to DCC’s Local Services Superintendent for attention of parish lengthsman
r) Email (dd 7.11.08) from Cllr Mrs Dipper reference “Exposed Anchor – Instow Beach”: -
Passed by Clerk to beach cleaner for suitable attention
s) Email (dd 9.11.08) from a parishioner to DCC Local Services/Cllr Cann reference “Flooding at Bar Beacon, Anstey Way, Instow”: -
Matter being dealt with by DC Local Services
t) Email (dd 11.11.08) from Cllr Harper reference “Pothole – Marine Parade outside Offshore”: -
Passed to DCC Local Services for attention
u) Agenda and associated papers for NDC Meeting of Wednesday 19th November 2008 at 7 pm
v) Annual Report of Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 2007/8 and associated papers
w) RD & Express (Issue 16 – November 2008)
x) Email (dd 14.11.08) from parishioner reference “Flooding Concerns – Torbrook House, New Road, Instow”: -
Passed to DCC Local Services Superintendent for attention; parishioner advised
y) Email (dd 17.11.08) from parishioner reference (a) “Atturm Bus Stop – Brambles in Hedge “ and (b) “Damage to Grass Verge – Marine Parade/Lane End Close”: -
Issue (a) passed to parish handyman for attention and (b) to DCC Local Services Superintendent for action as necessary; parishioner told and thanked
z) Email (dd 18.11.08) reference “Advertising – Xmas Events at Tapeley”: -
Writer given details of editor of parish magazine
aa) Email (dd 18.11.08) from Cllr Moores (NDC) reference “Doggy Bin – Tarka Trail”: -
See item (e) above
bb) Email (dd 18.11.08) from The Local Channel reference “The Local Column – November Edition”
cc) Letter (received 18.11.08) and attachments from Digitaluk reference “Digitalk TV”
dd) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 26th November 2008 at 7 pm
dd) Email (dd 18.11.08) from a parishioner reference “Sand Clearance”: -
Parishioner told by Clerk this was as a consequence of DCC culvert clearance on the beach; DCC Local Services advised for information

2811/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 150.00
Audit Commission Audit Fee 2008 £ 334.88
Instow/Westleigh Parish News Grant 2008 £ 520.00
Parish Hall Grant 2008 £ 415.00
Burial Ground Grant 2008 £ 1100.00+
Instow Website Grant 2008 £ 105.00
BT Parish Telephone (372408) £ 98.02*
TOTAL: - £2,722.90
Key: -
+ An increase on the budgeted figure of £270 – see IPC Meeting September 2008
* Cost of calls £44.09, rental/payment charges £40.00 and £13.93 VAT (recoverable)
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 24.10.08 (Statement) = £ 23.61*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 29.9.08 (Statement) = £23,999.75+
* According to Clerk’s records this is 51p (2 cheques to the total value of £23.10 uncashed)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £23,342.75
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,723.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (October 2008): -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed IPC was in balance. (Noted)

(b) Use of Instow Sands – Atturm (Defence Estates {DE}): -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that the interim licence (as amended and recently initialled by Cllr Crombie) for the period 1.6.08 to 31.12.09 had been returned to DE on 25.10.08. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that a signed copy had subsequently been returned to him (12.11.08) and had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
(c) IPC’s Finance Sub Committee Meeting - Budget 2009/10: -
The Clerk reported that this meeting took place on Monday 27th October 2008 and that a copy of the “unapproved” draft minutes (and all IPC documents referred to therein) had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). The Clerk reported as follows: -
(i) Minutes of IPC’s FSC Meeting of 27th October 2008: -
IPC’s FSC Cllrs present, and who had attended the meeting, verified and approved the minutes; Cllr White (Chairman) signed them as a true record. A discussion then ensued as follows: -
(a) IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations: -
The Clerk reported that IPC’s Financial/Risk Assessment Regulations had last been updated/re-affirmed by Council at its meeting of the 15th November 2007 and that he recommended they remain as written other than to correct references to Standing Orders (Items 4,5,6,7 and 10) on the basis that Standing Orders had recently been amended. He added that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation and Cllr White (Chairman) signed a copy. (Noted)
(b) IPC’s Beach Risk Assessment Policy: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this policy (that had been accepted by its insurers, the Allianz Cornhill) had last been updated/re-affirmed by Council at its meeting of the 15th November 2007 and that he recommended it remain as written with no amendment/additions adding that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation and Cllr White (Chairman) signed a copy. (Noted)
(ii)The Clerk reported that the Beach Lease from the Crown Estate (CE) was due for renewal at the end of 2009 and that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend that IPC commence negotiations with the CE early in the New Year. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(c) IPC’s Child Protection Policy: -
The Clerk reminded IPC that this policy had been drawn up and ratified by Council at its meeting of the 15th November 2007 and that he recommended it remain as written with no amendment/additions adding that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation and Cllr White (Chairman) signed a copy. (Noted)
(d) Parish Seats Maintenance Policy: -
The Clerk reminded IPC of the principles of the policy (that had been accepted by its insurers, the Allianz Cornhill) and that he recommended it remain as written adding that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend continuation. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(e) Other Risks/Record Keeping: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that, after deliberation, IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend that no obvious “other risks” could be perceived at present but that IPC needed to be alert and mindful on a meeting by meeting basis. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that biannual checks (spring and autumn) of the parish seats took place (normally by Cllr Crombie {Risk Assessment Cllr}, the Clerk and the handyman) and that records were kept (by the Clerk) of these inspections together with the ad hoc checks (by the handyman) throughout the year especially during the summer. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said that, in addition, the beach cleaner kept a daily log of his “activity” on the beach throughout the summer season. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reminded Council that both these procedures (as at (ii) and (iii) above) were requirements of the Allianz Cornhill and that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend continuation. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(f) Annual Insurance Review: -
(i) Cllr Crombie confirmed that he, together with Cllr Johns and the Clerk had reviewed IPC’s Allianz Cornhill Public Liability Insurance cover on renewal (May 2008) and that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this process continue in 2009. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that from time to time other insurance companies offered their “services” to IPC. He said an offer from the Co-op had come to IPC’s attention earlier in the year and it had been RESOLVED at that time to leave it for IPC’s FSC to consider. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk added that after a discussion IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that it remain with the Allianz Cornhill on the basis it specialised in Local Government Public Liability policies and it catered for IPC’s “special needs” such as the beach. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reminded IPC that a discussion had recently taken place within Council on the possible implications of breaches of the code of conduct and indemnity against such an eventuality; the Clerk quoted the originator of this discussion, namely, a recent survey by NALC (via DAPC) and The Local Authorities (Indemnities for Members and Officer) Order 2004. The Clerk told IPC that after a discussion IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to advise IPC it should lobby DAPC/NALC to ensure such a liability was indemnified particularly as Cllrs might inadvertently breach the code and require some form of legal advice and support. He said it had already been determined that the Allianz Cornhill did not provide such cover. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(g) Car Park Charges 2009: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had noted that the future of the Car Park for the following season was again in doubt in that there appeared to be a distinct possibility that NDC might decide to run it for itself and not grant a licence to IPC. The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had agreed this would result in achieving a significant effect on the income generation of IPC and that a number of current “essential” activities might need to be curtailed (i.e. beach cleaning, handyperson activity, grass cutting etc) and/or the precept possibly doubled. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that it should do all within its power to secure a licence to run the car park for the 2009 season and that this should be actioned as a matter of some urgency. The Clerk advised IPC of the action(s) taken by him already. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that after debate IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that in the event NDC was to grant IPC a licence to run the car park in 2009 that prices should be left the same as for the current year i.e. £1 for 2 hours, £3 all day (24 hours), £80 for a season ticket & £12 for a weekly ticket. The Clerk said that IPC’s FSC had noted that the country was currently experiencing a “credit crunch” that would undoubtedly have a negative financial impact into, at the very least, 2009 and that costs of such valuable services as car parking needed to remain relatively cost effective. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(h) Parish Handyman/Beach Cleaner 2009/10 – Terms of Reference/Contract and Hourly Rate: -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC that the terms of reference for the parish handyman had been re-affirmed by IPC on the 15th November 2007 and, in his view, did not require amendment adding that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this proposal. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that the terms of agreement for the beach cleaner (in the light he became self employed in 2006) had been re-affirmed by IPC at its meeting of the 15th November 2007 and that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC it remain as written for the 2008 season, subject to calendar/payment alterations etc. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that after discussion it had been RESOLVED by IPC’s FSC to recommend to IPC that the Handyman’s hourly rate (2009/10) be increased from £7.50 to £8.00 per hour and the Beach Cleaner’s annual rate (2009/10) should be increased from £400 to £425 per month (April to September inclusive = £2,550) and that the Tractor Service and Xmas beach clean should be £425 (Total payments £2,975). IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation (Noted)
(i) Xmas Charity Nominee 2008: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the collection from the Carol Singing event (7th December 2008) be paid equally to The North Devon Hospice, the Appledore Branch of the RNLI and Northam Lodge and that it had been further RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that it match fund the collection to a maximum of £100. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that following a discussion as regards to the manner in which the refreshments for this charitable carol singing event might be funded IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend (as for 2007/8) to IPC that a grant be given to a local “bone fide” organisation who agreed to organise and pay for the refreshments on the grounds it was “for the encouragement of the arts and entertainment within the parish” and was a “community Christmas charitable event”. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that the local Woman’s Institute had in the past agreed to take on this role and that negotiations were in hand, subject to IPC’s approval (at (ii) above). (Noted)
(j) Internal Auditors Fee 2008/9: -
(i) The Clerk informed IPC that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) was not seeking recompense for his internal auditor activity for the current year 2008/9 and that its FSC had recommended he be suitably thanked for his public spiritedness and commitment. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk further advised IPC that Mr Day had, on the night of IPC’s FSC Meeting, tendered his resignation as IPC’s IA, by letter, and that it would be necessary, therefore, to identify a replacement. He said IPC’s FSC had personally expressed its gratitude to Mr Day for all his hard work and dedication over the many years he had supported IPC as its Responsible Financial Officer and Internal Auditor and that it had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that an official vote of thanks be tabled to Mr Day for his valuable commitment/public spiritedness to the parish over many years. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to consider a suitable replacement for Mr G Day asap recognising that a replacement IA would be required by May 2009.(Action: IPC Cllrs)
(iv)The Clerk informed IPC that after a discussion IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the current rate for payment to IPC’s Internal Auditor (as set out in IPC’s Financial Regulations (item 2 (c)) should remain the same, that is, £50 per hour up to a maximum of 4 hours = £200. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(k) Staff Salary/Bonus 2008/9: -
(i) The Chairman advised IPC that after discussion (and in the absence of the Clerk) IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the Clerk be paid the sum of £100 to reimburse him for additional work performed by him throughout the year and which was beyond his general terms of reference. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman advised IPC that it had been further RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the Handyman and Beach Cleaner be paid the sum of £100 each to reimburse them for additional work performed throughout the year and which was beyond their general terms of reference. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
*** Cllr Cook and the Clerk were absent during the above discussions ***
(l) Clerk’s Salary/Expenses 2009/10: -
(i) The Chairman advised IPC that after discussion (and in the absence of the Clerk) IPC’s FSC had noted, from reliable enquiries made of the DAPC, that for the Clerk’s experience, workload/responsibility (and the fact IPC was a Quality Council) his hourly rate should be somewhere in the region £9.84 - £10.068 (average weekly hours = Minimum 12). The Chairman added that after deliberation it had been RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that the Clerk’s salary be raised from £5,000 to £5,400 (£8.65 ph). IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
*** The Clerk was absent during the above discussion ***

(ii) Chairman told IPC it had been further RESOLVED that the Clerk’s expenses remain the same as for the current year - £1,465. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
*** The Clerk was absent during the above discussion ***
(m) Grass Cutting Tenders (x7 cuts per annum) 2009 – 2011: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had received three applications, one from Mr M Harris (the current holder of the tender) - £250 per cut 2009, £275 per cut 2010 and £300 per cut 2011 = Total £5,775.00 for period 2009/2011, one from Glendale of Chivenor - £557.14 plus VAT per cut = Total £11,699.94 plus VAT for period 2009/2011 and one from a Mr W P Isaac of Kentisbury - £1,503.05 plus VAT per cut (2009), £1,540.63 per cut 2010 and £1,579.15 per cut 2011 = Total £32,359.81 plus VAT. for period 2009/2011. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that after debate IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC it accept Mr Harris’s tender on the grounds it was, by far, the cheaper and that Mr Harris had a proven track record of reliability & commitment to the role. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(n) Tractor Service 2008/9: -
The Clerk advised IPC that the cost of carrying out the annual service of the tractor was included in the beach cleaner’s December 2008 payment of £400 but that this did not include the cost of necessary parts. The Clerk added he had been reliably informed by the beach cleaner that this should be minimal and that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend this additional cost to IPC. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
(o) IPC – Use of Reserves: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had noted that IPC had, in the past, earmarked some of its reserves towards “community facilities” at the intended new Instow School (*), suitable “Ransom Strip” project(s) and a sum of up to £2,000 towards the intended “DCC Village Gateway Project” with a view to reducing speed/increasing road safety and to enhance the entrances to the village. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had further noted that the “Village Gateway” project could now be removed from the list on the basis that DCC had agreed to cover the whole cost of this project (in lieu of IPC providing an additional grant to the Instow Parochial Church Council - November 2009). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend to IPC that no other projects should be earmarked for “reserve expenditure” on the basis there was a strong possibility that IPC might need to use some of its reserves in 2009/10 to cover the possible loss of car park revenue and because of “credit crunch” implications. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation. (Noted)
* Cllr Crombie declared a personal interest on this issue as a School Governor*
(ii) Draft Budget 2009-2010: -
a) The Clerk reported that following the above discussions, IPC’s FSC had drawn up a draft Budget (copy previously forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers 13.11.08 – appendix A to FSC Minutes) and that it was now for IPC to approve it in its entirety, or otherwise. (Noted)
b)The Clerk added that IPC’s FSC had RESOLVED to recommend its approval, in its entirety, on the understanding that NDC was going to grant IPC a licence for the Quay Car Park in 2009; if not, it would be necessary to revisit the budget and undoubtedly make drastic cuts/revisit the precept as necessary. (Noted)
c) The Clerk then ran through the draft budget, item by item, answering queries as necessary. (Noted)
d) IPC, after deliberation, RESOLVED to ratify the budget as written. (Noted)
(d) Letter/Form (dd 31.10.08) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2009/10”: -
(i) The Clerk reported that now that IPC’s Budget 2009/10 had been agreed he could complete this form and forward it to NDC prior to the deadline of 12th December 2008. He advised IPC of the details i.e. NDC Grant: - Instow had 655 parishioners (according to current electoral roll) x £2 per head of population = £1310 made up of Burial Ground (£872), Parish Hall (£400 – maximum payment) and “Parks and Open Spaces” (£38) – Total £1310. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to support the action as proposed by the Clerk. (Noted)
(e) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2008/9/P3 Claim for 2009/10:-
(i)The Clerk reported that the necessary forms had been received and he would attend to them as necessary asap. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that he and the parish handyman were to attend a P3 Xmas Workshop at Ashreigney on 28.11.08 and that he would give a report at the next IPC meeting. (Noted)
(f) Parish Seat Inventory/Inspection – Autumn 2008: -
The Clerk reported this was carried out on 17.11.08 by himself and Mel Harris (Handyman); Cllrs were provided with a copy at the meeting. The Clerk spoke to the paper. (Noted)
(g) Xmas Grass Cut and Beach Clean 2008: -
(i) The Council discussed a Xmas grass cut; it was RESOLVED to do so, necessity and weather conditions dependant. The Clerk confirmed it had been included in the budget 2007/8 but that in any event only 6 cuts (normally 7) had been necessary to date. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said the current agreement between the beach cleaner and IPC was that the Xmas beach clean was part of his contract (and included in the budget) and that this also included a tractor service (parts extra).. (Noted)
(h) NALC Employment Briefing Paper E11-08 – 2008/9 National Interim Salary Awards for Local Council Clerks”: -
The Clerk confirmed that this paper had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
(i) Section 137 Limit for 2009 – 2010: -
The Clerk said that according to the DAPC Newsletter (Nov/Dec 2008) this is to be £6.15 (as opposed to £5.86 currently). (Noted)
(j) Email (dd 13.11.08) from Charity Commissioners reference “Charity Commission News – Issue 28”: -
The Clerk said the email had been copied (14.11.08) to Cllrs White, Green, Crombie and Johns who were IPC’s cheque signatories and trustees of Instow Recreation and Allotment (Charity) Account and been filed for future reference. (Noted)

2811/11 PLANNING
a) Letter (received 18.10.08) reference “Demolition of existing and erection of new dwelling at Crows View (Crowe View), Sandhills, Instow (Reference no 47261): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 23.10.08) from DCC (Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture) reference “Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Appeal by Notts Contractors Ltd: Site at the Transfer Station, Former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple/Planning Permission 02/27/44588/2007: The Enlargement and Continuation of Use of the Transfer Station (Appeal Reference no. APP/J1155/A/08/2074759/NWF”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the appellant had lodged an appeal against conditions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.11, 12.14, 19 and 20 attached to the above planning application and that the appeal was to be dealt with by a hearing and not by written representation; this is to take place at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple at 10 am on Tuesday 25th November 2008 (Torridge Room) and that IPC could be represented if it wished at the Inspector’s discretion. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had consulted the Chairman (27.10.08) and that it had been agreed not to attend the hearing; IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
c) TDC Planning Application 1/0555/2008/FUL – “Time and Tide Bell” at Appledore Slipway: -
The Clerk told IPC that Cllr Johns had spoken to Cllr Osborne (email of 29.10.08 refers) of Northam Town Council (NTC) and it would seem that NTC had similarly recommended refusal of this planning application and that if IPC was to receive any complaints from its parishioners he would like to be notified; email r.owborne@talktalk.net refers. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 20.10.08) from DCC (Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture) reference a) Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3: Change of use of land from agricultural to education purposes, construction of grass playing pitch with land drainage, access road and turning head. Construction of temporary path from existing school to proposed playing field at land to south of B3233, adjacent to Venn, Instow (Reference No ACB/DCC/2566/2007): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that this application had been WITHDRAWN by the applicant on 22nd October 2008. (Noted)
e) Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3: single storey 5 class primary school at land to south of B3233 adjacent to property known as Venn, Instow (Reference Number ACB/DCC/2602/2008): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that this application had been WITHDRAWN by the applicant on 22nd October 2008. (Noted)
f) Letter (received 1.11.08) from NDC Planning reference Demolition of Existing Accommodation and Catering Blocks and Erection of New Accommodation and Catering Facility and Water Tank at RM (Atturm), Instow (Reference No 47433): -
The Clerk said this letter stated that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)
g) DAPC Newsletter (Nov/Dec 2008) – The Code of Conduct and Planning Decisions: -
(i) The Clerk said this article referred to the practice of pre-application discussions (between councils and developers) and which was being encouraged by government with the aim of ironing out as many difficulties as possible before the application was considered. However, this had raised concerns among parish councillors who felt that if they listened to a developer at this stage then they could be accused of bias or predetermination when considering the application. These are not strictly code of conduct matters but tend to come under that umbrella. It is important that parish councillors do not demonstrate predetermination or bias as this would allow the decision of council to be disregarded as well as creating a problem for that individual. Cllrs can make sure they are not accused of predetermination or bias through being careful with the manner in which they talk through the issues. They must make sure they do not use extreme language that would indicate to anyone listening that they have already made up their mind, and will not be open to any facts available at the time of making the decision to support or not support an application. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that the DAPC suggested there was a very good occasional paper on the Standard Boards website entitled “Predisposition, Predetermination and Bias and the Code” – this explained that Cllrs could be predisposed to any course of action; they might, for example, be keen to see affordable housing in their community but this is not the same as predetermination in favour of any planning application for affordable housing that comes before Council; the councillor would still look on each application on its own merits in the light of the facts brought to the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the article to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.11.08). (Noted)
(iii) A discussion ensued. (Noted)
h) Email (dd 18.1.08) from a parishioner reference “Planning Application No 47326 – Garage at Morsden, Rectory Lane, Instow: -
(i) The Clerk stated that this planning application, according to the parishioner, had been granted (IPC had not been advised) and that he had forwarded grounds for objection much the same as IPC had done after the October meeting. The Clerk said he had advised the parishioner accordingly. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to challenge this decision once official confirmation was received from NDC Planning and the Clerk/Chairman were asked to act as necessary if it was received before the next meeting. (Action: Chairman/Clerk)
There being no other business the meeting was closed.


