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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)

Present: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, M Green (Vice Chairman), A Johns, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 2 parishioners

2912/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllrs C Harper

a) Crime: -
PC Hodgson told IPC that since the last meeting there had been 6 crimes reported in the parish, namely, criminal damage to vehicle (x2), non crime domestic incident (x1), theft from a vehicle (x1) and non crime specific i.e. theft of lead from church roof & theft of boat trailer (x2). (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
Constable Hodgson said 13 police logs had been recorded during a similar period of time, namely, domestic (x1), road related (x4), concern for welfare (x1), information to police (x5) and alarm activation (x2). (Noted)
c) Police Surgeries: -
PC Hodgson said because the attendance at police surgeries prior to each parish council meeting had not been good he had decided to try a different approach adding that he was going to trial a mobile surgery in a police van hopefully in the new Year. IPC felt this was an excellent idea. (Action: PC Hodgson)
d) Police Neighbourhood Website: -
PC Hodgson said this website, that was currently available, contained all relevant information about the patch from a policing perspective. It enabled parishioners to contact their local police officers and pass on information by email (he stressed this was for non emergency matters only) and was constantly updated with details of progress as regards the objectives and goals for each area. (Noted)
e) Monthly Newsletter: -
PC Hodgson said it was intended to circulate this to each parish by either email to interested parties or as a hard copy at the post office for example. (Noted)
f) Mobile Phone Communication – Blue Tooth: -
PC Hodgson said trails had taken place at Instow School as regards the sharing of police information by way of mobile phones that possessed a blue tooth facility; he agreed to report in this further at a later meeting. (Noted)

There were no items raised. (Noted)
(a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke of (i) “Draft Taw and Torridge Joint Core Strategy” (Proposals: - (a) Larkbeare 1000 dwellings, North of Yelland 600 dwellings, Bickington and Tews Lane around 300 dwellings and significant growth at Fremington Camp & (b) Employment land at Roundswell, Yelland and Chivenor 20 hectares, Yelland 5 hectares, Bickington and Tews Lane 10 hectares, south of Roundswell 10 hectares and Larkbeare 5 hectares), (ii) “Waste and Recycling Portfolio” (recycling rates exceed government targets, a market for all recycled materials except foil collection, in house dry recycling has saved in excess of £200k and the food waste collection is around 30 to 40 tons a week), (iii) “A39 Westleigh Junction” (no DCC statement until after Coroners Court {3 months?} although design work and costings are in hand), (iv) “Highways Maintenance Backlog” (£220k backlog through Devon – possibly up to £20-£24k in North Devon), (v) “Boundary Committee Proposals” (now published – a single unitary authority for Devon) and (vi) “Instow New School” (a new approach is being considered following consultation with current headteacher). (Noted)
(b) Instow “Back Roads”: -
Cllr May said the back roads around Instow were in an atrocious state and that all gullies needed cleaning out. Cllr Cann explained that because of the current backlog of work (mainly due to the exceptionally poor winter 2008/9) that only “health and safety” work was being programmed; however, Cllr Cann asked Cllr May to liaise with him directly and he would see what could be done. (Action: Cllrs May and Cann)
(c) Affordable Housing: -
Cllr Thomas asked how much of the new housing (as at (a) above) would be in the affordable housing bracket; Cllr Cann said this was not possible to say at this stage although undoubtedly some would be included. (Noted)
(d) Instow Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Cann said he was fully supportive of IPC running this car park in 2010 and that he would personally do all he could to ensure this state of affairs. (Noted)
(e) NDC/ TDC – Efficiency Ratings: -
Cllr Cann said he was sorry that NDC had slipped back in the efficiency ratings whereas TDC had improved. (Noted)
(f) Merry Xmas/Happy New Year: -
Cllr Cann wished Cllrs and parishioners a merry Xmas and happy New Year. (Noted)

(a) Quay Car Park, Instow: -
(i) Cllr Moores said he was still supporting the view that IPC should run this car park in 2010 and answered questions from Councillors. He said he was aware that the Clerk had provided NDC with certain information, as requested, and that he would no doubt report on this later. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised Cllr Moores that an early decision was hoped for as IPC’s budget for 2010/2011 was dependant upon the revenue. (Noted)
(b) Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Moores said NDC was still dealing with objections that had been received and reminded IPC it would take some time to go through the tribunal process that might not be resolved for many months. (Noted)
(c) Ransom Strip: -
Cllr Moores said he was aware that questionnaires had been sent out in the recent parish magazine and that analysis was awaited as and when. (Noted)
(d) The Sand Residential Home – Instow: -
Cllr Moores said he had nothing further to report. (Noted)
(e) Draft Taw and Torridge Joint Core Strategy: -
Cllr Moores said this was currently in the public domain for consultation; closing date 21st January 2010. He said NDC supported vibrant low carbon communities where people are able to live well, work productively and enjoy excellent education and leisure opportunities in harmony with nature and our world-class environment. (Noted)
(f) Instow New School: -
Cllr Moores said he welcomed Cllr Cann’s recommendation (as at 2912/5 (a) (vi) above) and would be fully supportive of it. (Noted)
(g) Boundary Committee: -
Cllr Moores said this report had just been published with a consultation period of 8.12.09 to 19.1.10. (Noted)
(h) Merry Xmas/Prosperous New Year: -
Cllr Moores wished IPC and all parishioners a merry Xmas and happy and prosperous New Year. (Noted)

(i) Item 2912/9 (e) ((i) and (ii) – Cllr Green declared a personal interest
(ii) Item 2912/9 (e) (iii) and (iv) – Cllrs Johns and May declared a personal interest
(iii) Item 2912/9 (h) – Cllr May declared a personal interest
(iv) Item 2912/12 (c) - Cllr Crombie declared a personal interest.
(v) Item 2912/12 (i) – Cllr May declared a personal interest
(vi) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to place this item as item 3 on the next meetings agenda. (Action: The Clerk)

2912/8 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the November 2009 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2911/9 (a) – Instow Beach – Dogs: -
The Clerk reported that the draft press release for the website, parish news etc was not as yet available; hopefully by January 2010 meeting. (Noted)
b) Item 2911/9 (b) – Quay Car Park, Instow: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had spoken to Cllr Moores (NDC) who had assured him that it was his personal view that IPC should be allowed to run the car park for the 2010 season and that this was a view he had made known to the leader of NDC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to an email (dd 26.11.09) from NDC’s Estates Officer reference “Instow Quay Car Park – Revenue Generation”; the Clerk said her had responded as necessary. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk also reported an exchange of emails (2/4.12.09) between him and the Head of Property and Technical Services NDC and in which he had itemised the valuable services IPC was able to provide with the income derived annually from the car park; the Clerk elaborated in full. The Clerk confirmed that said response had been forwarded to NDC (copy to Cllr Moores - NDC) following necessary liaison with the Chairman. (Noted)
(iv) A lengthy discussion then ensued regarding the appropriate proactive strategy IPC ought to adopt to ensure it secured the car park for the 2010 season and beyond; this involved options, for example, of a meeting with NDC’s Chief Executive and legal advice as regards “security of tenure” and “tenancy rights” on the basis IPC had leased this car park continuously on licence from NDC for approximately 20-25 years. IPC also discussed the possibility of purchasing the car park from NDC. (Noted)
(v) IPC finally RESOLVED to seek informal legal advice from a solicitor as regards “security of tenure/tenancy rights” – it approved the costing of such action up to a ceiling of £100 plus VAT; Cllr Moores (NDC) agreed to keep IPC informed of discussions within NDC which he hoped would not be too lengthy. He also said he would support IPC’s thinking on purchasing the car park if that ever proved to be achievable. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Item 2911/9 (c) - Village Gateway Initiative: -
Cllr Cann provided IPC with an update i.e. the scheme had been relocated in accordance with new guidance from DCC and although discussion had taken place with the safety audit team they were still unable to support the project – they apparently did not provide reasons. Cllr Cann said it would seem that Area North Highways Management (ANHM) was supportive of the scheme which had successfully passed the environmental audit and if safety audit recommendations could not be resolved the final stage would be arbitration at County Hall. In the meantime a meeting was being pursued between HQ Traffic, Safety Audit, ANHM and Cllr Cann (DCC). (Noted)
d) Item 2911/9 (d) - IPC’s QPC Reaccreditation: -
The Clerk reported that IPC’s reaccreditation certificate had arrived and had been presented to the Chairman by Lesley Smith MBE (Secretary DAPC) at the recent POWB Training session. IPC RESOLVED to have the certificate exhibited in the parish hall and to facilitate appropriate publicity. (Action: The Clerk)

e) Item 2911/9 (f) - All Saints Chapel/Children’s Play Area: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had nothing to report other than the “play area” consultation questionnaire had been sent out with the recent parish news and responses were now awaited. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that NDC’s Community Department needed to be contacted reference guidance on the format of the “legal agreement” that was required to be drawn up between IPC and PCC. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Green declared a personal interest ***
(iii) The Clerk said that as this item involved the “Ransom Strip” he was going to refer to an email (dd 30.11.09) from Cllr Harper reference “Purchase of Quay Car Park/Triangular Field adjacent to Atturm”. The Clerk said Cllr Harper suggested that IPC considered both these options adding the field was 2.73 acres in size and that the cost per acre varied from 3.5 to 10k. (Noted)
(iv) IPC then discussed the proposals of Cllr Harper; it was RESOLVED to await the results of the “Play Area” and “Parish Plan Update” questionnaires before making a decision in respect of the Field and similarly the result of the current negotiations with NDC as regards IPC’s continued use of the Quay Car Park in 2010. It was recognised that both proposals had much merit but it was not timely to formulate a decision at this moment in time. (Noted)
*** Cllr Johns and May declared a personal interest ***
f) Item 2911/9 (g) - Defra Bathing Water Regulations 2008: -
The Clerk reported that as of date of the meeting there was nothing to report from Andy Bell (NDCCS) who had recently attended an Environment Agency meeting; he said he would chase up a a reply for the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Item 2910/9 (h) - Devon Duck Tours (DDT)/Use of Instow Sands: -
The Clerk advised IPC that following liaison with Cllr Crombie, he had made contact with the proprietor of DDT and both are to meet up with him on the beach during the Xmas period to discuss IPC’s “risk assessment” and “health and safety” liabilities/implications should IPC decide to grant DDT a “licence” to use parts of Instow Sands as leased by it from the CE. (Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
h) Item 2911/9 (i) - Instow 30’ Highway: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 3.12.09) and attachments from Cllr Harper and which had been circulated by him to all Cllrs with email addresses; the Clerk elaborated on the content. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to defer any further action on this matter until such time as Cllr Harper was present at a meeting and could then address IPC personally. (Action: Cllr Harper)
*** Cllr May declared a personal interest ***
i) Item 2911/9 (k) – IPC’s TTEF Representative: -
(i) The Clerk reported that Cllr Harper had established that Simon Brown (Maritime Volunteer Service - MVS), who was currently a member of the TTEF, had agreed to temporarily represent IPC on the TTEF until such time as a more local representative could be established. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that an article be placed in a forthcoming parish news/website seeking a suitable parishioner to take on the role on behalf of IPC in the long term with Simon Brown fulfilling the role in the meantime. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to formally approach Simon Brown, who was an Instow parishioner, to see if he was willing to take on the role permanently and if so to provide a verbal report to IPC on a quarterly basis. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Item 2911/9 (l) - Parish Plan Update Questionnaire: -
The Clerk confirmed that the “parish plan update” consultation questionnaire had been sent out with the recent parish news and responses were now awaited. (Noted)
(k) Item 2911/10 (i) (d) – Flood Defence Gates (Boathouse)/Signage: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed he had liaised with the NDCCS and that it was, in the circumstances, unable to assist IPC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with South West Signs (email of 8.12.09 refers) reference guidance on the appropriate sign and likely cost; he told IPC it would cost £30 for the sign and outlined the recommended dimensions etc. IPC RESOLVED to support this purchase. (Action: The Clerk)

(l) Item 2911/10 (i) (f) – North Devon and Somerset Shoreline Management Plan: -
Cllr Green addressed IPC on his recommendation for a response following which IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
(m) Item 2911/10 (i) (h) - Parish Carol Singing Event 2009: -
(i) The Chairman and Clerk provided IPC with an update i.e. an excellent turnout of in excess of 100 people with £194.18 collected (£163.25 collected in 2008). The Chairman thanked all those Cllrs who assisted especially Cllr Mrs Dipper who coordinated the event; for costings and donations to charities see finance later. (Noted)
(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 18.11.09) and enclosures from SWH reference “Road Closure for Drainage Works at Downs Road, Instow”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that an application had been made to close the road from Anstey Way to Worlington Cross on Monday 8th February 2010; this would enable SWH to carry out drainage works on behalf of DCC – these works should be completed by Friday 26th February 2010. A diversion route would be signed and maintained from Anstey Way to Worlington Cross via the B3233 – New Road and visa versa. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the letter and enclosure had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (3.12.09). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk also reported receipt of a copy email (dd 27.11.09) and “Road Closure Order” from DCC to Cllr Cann reference “Road Closure for Drainage Works at Downs Road, Instow”; he said it confirmed information as at (i) above. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said the Road Closure Order had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (3.12.09) and a copy had been placed at the post office for the information parishioners. (Noted)
b) DCC “Town and Parish Working Group”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had attended a meeting at Exeter on Tuesday 1st December 2009 and that a couple of issues had arisen that he felt might be of interest to IPC, namely: -
(i) Communities in Action Website i.e. www.communitiesinaction.org.uk; this had links to a number of Parish Plans and Self Help Emergency Plans albeit not Instow’s. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to rectify this as and when the Instow Parish Plan was updated later in the year following the current consultation.
(Action: The Clerk)
(ii) DCC Emergency Planning Department had a number of Environment Agency “Flooding” Pamphlets available for parishioners; it was RESOLVED to obtain a quantity and place them in a forthcoming Parish News. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Sand on Highway – Marine Parade (Boathouse area): -
(i) The Clerk reported that this matter had been reported to the DCC Local Services Superintendent (prior to it being blown over the seawall onto the road/pavement) and since to Cllr Cann (DCC); Cllr Moores (NDC) had also contacted Cllr Cann as a result of complaints received by him from parishioner. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to express its disapproval at the lack of action by DCC and Cllr Cann was asked to convey that message to the appropriate DCC Officer. (Action: Cllr Cann)
d) Email (dd 5.12.09) from NDC Licensing Officer reference “House to House Collections – Clothes Aid (CA)/Make a Wish Foundation (MAWF) UK” : -
(i) The Clerk reported that NDC’s Licensing Officer had written to Clothes Aid (dd 4.12.09) as a consequence of IPC’s response to a recent H/H collection request involving CA and MAWF. In it he had stated that whilst the substance of IPC’s objections did not allow NDC to consider elements of it, NDC, as a licensing authority, may refuse to grant a licence on a number of legal grounds and in particular if it appeared that: -
• the total likely to be applied for charitable purposes as the result of the collection (including any amount already applied for) was inadequate in proportion to the value of the proceeds likely to be received (including any proceeds already received);
• the remuneration which was excessive in relation to the total amount aforesaid is likely to be, or has been, retained or received out of the proceeds of the collection by any person.
NDC’s Licensing Officer also informed CA that having taken internal advise from NDC’s Works and Recycling Services he had ascertained that a charitable donation of £50 per tonne of clothing collected was significantly lower that the market rate; they estimated the market rate to be currently in the region of £220 and £350 per tonne. CA has been asked for its comments with regard to IPC’s representations and the information supplied by NDC’s Works and Recycling Services in order that NDC could determine the original application. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed he had acknowledged the email (dd 5.12.09) and thanked NDC’s Licensing Officer for his proactive stance on the matter. (Noted)
e) Letter (undated – received 5th December 2009) and Public Notice reference “Register of Electors 2010”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that the number of parishioners had fallen yet again to 632 (734 in 2002 & 638 in 2009). The Clerk confirmed that the relevant public notice had been exhibited at the post office as requested. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 2.12.09) from a parishioner reference “Bideford and District Post”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated the parishioner had been asked to coordinate all the news items, articles, notice of future events, photographs etc from Instow Village. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed the letter had been acknowledged (by email 0 4.12.09) and that he had suggested that the writer also contacted IIB, Parish Hall, Parish Magazine etc as any number of local organisations (small and large) such as these could well be interested. (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 3.12.09) from DCC Area North Highways Management (Dave Netherway) reference “Instow Buses and Congestion”: -
(i) The Clerk said the letter referred to a telephone conversation he had had with the writer a day or so previously reference above matter (and in which disabled access to the pavement along this stretch was also mentioned) and which had previously been raised as an issue at a meeting with DCC Highways in July 2009. He said the letter stated that the writer was currently in liaison with the bus companies to establish their slant on the problem and where they believed changes in car parking would be most helpful in this area; he also pointed out that any changes would result in somewhat less parking being available. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann said this work would be carried out within the “reserve scheme” budget and that DCC also proposed to erect a further pedestrian island along Anstey Way in line with those that had previously been fitted. (Noted)
g) Email (dd 8.12.09) and attachments from DAPC reference “Boundary Committee – Devon Structural Review”: -
The Clerk said that in the light of the recent High Court appeal failure, the Boundary Committee had made a recommendation to the Secretary of State (7.12.09) about Devon’s Structural Review which was now open to consultation until 19th January 2010. He added that the attachments to the email were a letter (dd 8.12.09) and summary (dd December 2009) from the Boundary Committee to Parish and Town Clerks and that each had been copied to Cllrs at the meeting for perusal. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 23.11.09) reference “NALC – Information from Quality Parish Councils”; (ii) “Village Green Magazine (Edition 118 – December 2009” and enclosures (various); (iii) Email (dd 3.12.09) reference “Rising to the Challenge – Conference 8th February 2010”; (iv) Email (dd 3.12.09) reference “SLCC Newsletter – December 2009” – copied by email to Cllrs with email addresses and (v) Email (dd 7.12.09) reference “Egroup Enquiry – Members Allowances”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 20.11.09, 27.11.09 and 4.12.09.
c) Letter from parishioner reference “Thanks to IPC for its Condolence Letter – Shep”.
d) RD and Express (Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) Newsletter (November 2009)
e) DCC Devontalk Magazine (Winter 2009).
f) Email (dd 26.11.09) from DCC reference “Fairer Funding for Devon School Campaign”.
g) Health and Safety Information from Safety Shop.
h) Xmas Card from Royal Mail.
i) North Devon Direct Magazine (Issue 14 – Winter 2009).
j) Letter (dd 26.11.09) and “Safe and Sound” Magazine from Safer North Devon (Autumn 2009).
k) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Committee meeting of 25th November 2009 at 7 pm.
l) Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (Winter 2009-2010”.
m) Copy email (dd 27.11.09) from NDCCS to Environment Agency reference “Commodore Slipway – Lockable Bollard Update”.
n) Email (dd 26.11.09) from Cllr Dipper reference “Dead Deer on Beach”: -
Carcass removed by Cllr May at request of Clerk.
o) Email (dd 26.11.09) from Cllr Harper reference (i) “Dead Sheep (Deer?)”, (ii)”Oil Jetty – Railings Dismantled” and (iii) “Sand up to top of Wall near Boathouse Bus Shelter”: -
Clerk responded as follows; (i) see (n) above, (ii) noted and (iii) DCC Highways Superintendent already advised as well as Cllr Cann (DCC).
p) Telephone call (1.12.09) from Fremington In Bloom reference “Grass Cutting -Instow”: -
Caller enquired how IPC dealt with grass cutting in the parish; Clerk provided the necessary information.
q) Email (dd 23.11.09) from a parishioner reference “Flooding on Tarka Trail and Atturm Footpath”: -
NDCCS advised reference Tarka Trail and DCC Footpaths Warden reference Atturm footpath; parishioner updated.
r) NALC’s LCR Magazine (Winter 2009 Edition).
s) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter – December 2009 (No 547).
t) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-up (December 2009): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.
u) Agenda and associated papers for Extraordinary Meeting of NDC on Wednesday 16th December 2009 at 2.30 pm.
o) Email (dd 9.12.09) from DCC’s Emergency Planning Dept reference “Newsletter - December 2009”.

2912/11 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
MOD Beach Lease 2009 £250.00*
Parish Carol Singing Event Charitable Collection £194.18
TOTAL : - £444.18
Key: -
* Paid by BACS on 26.11.09
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 260.00#
Mr M Harris Grass Cut (No 7) £ 250.00
P Cook Beach Clean/Tractor Service £ 525.00$
Mr R W Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £ 1320.00&
Mr R W Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £ 406.61+
Inland Revenue Re: R W Jacob £ 330.00
Mr G May Tractor Garage Rental £ 225.60+
North Devon Hospice Xmas Carol Singing Donation £ 98.06
RNLI (Appledore) Ditto £ 98.06
Northam Lodge Ditto £ 98.06
Two Rivers Wind Ensemble Ditto – Provision of Music £ 40.00
Instow WI Donation Xmas Carol Singing £ 96.72
Instow PCC Grant/All Sts Community Project £ 200.00
TOTAL: - £3,948.11
Key: -
# Includes annual bonus £100 – see item 2911/11 (5) (i) (k) (i)
$ Includes annual bonus £100 - see item 2911/11 (5) (i) (k) (i)
& Includes QPC Overtime – see item 2911/11 (5) (i) (k) (ii)
+ Includes P3 activity - £28
* Includes Inland Revenue payment on salary (£270) and QPC overtime (£60)
+ £29.43 VAT recoverable (double payment due to misplacement of cheque for £112.80 – IPC September 2009; see IPC November 2009)
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 26.11.09 (Statement) = £ 1,444.47 *
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 24.9.09 (Statement) = £ 21,066.98+
* According to Clerk’s records this is £1.53 (3 cheques to the total value of £1,330.14 uncashed plus £112.80 credit for misplaced and cancelled cheque number 000497 = £1442.94)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £22,976.81 as at date of meeting.
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £3,948.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action : The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (dd (i) 14thNovember 2009 and (ii) 28th November 2009): -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that IPC owed £17.70 adding this sum had been paid at the last meeting of IPC (19.11.09). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said this stated that IPC owed nothing; account in balance. (Noted)
(b) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010+ : -
(i) The Clerk reported that Mr Budge (Solicitor BHR) was still in liaison with the CE’s Solicitors and had nothing to report other than to confirm he was chasing them to resolve the issue prior to the end of the year. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED (on the basis the new lease commenced 1.1.10) for Cllr Crombie and the Clerk to sign the lease as and when agreed by Mr Budge on the assumption this would be before the next IPC meeting on the 21st January 2010. (Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
(c) MOD Beach Lease – Post 2010: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that Mr Budge had provided him with a couple of recommended and minor amendments to this lease and that this had been forwarded to the MOD for its consideration. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED (on the basis the new lease commenced 1.1.10) for Cllr Crombie and the Clerk to sign the lease as and when agreed by Mr Budge on the assumption this would be before the next IPC meeting on the 21st January 2010. (Action: Cllr Crombie/The Clerk)
(d) Power of Well Being – Training”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that this had taken place at the Commodore Hotel between 6.30 pm and 8.30 pm on Thursday 26th November and that all Cllrs had attended; IPC agreed it had been a worthwhile exercise. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 7.12.09) from NALC reference “POWB – IPC Cllr Certificates”; a copy was provided to Cllrs and personal details verified or otherwise – Clerk to liaise with NALC. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) IPC then informally discussed if it wished to resolve to adopt the POWB policy; the Clerk suggested that if this was the case that it was brought back for formal discussion at the next meeting when qualification criteria could be considered and the appropriate administrative process adopted. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk/IPC)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to an invoice from DAPC (dd 8.12.09) in the sum of £204.50 (£172.50 Officer Time and £32 Mileage); he said this represented DAPC charges for the above event that had not been made clear beforehand. The Clerk advised IPC he had sought clarification from DAPC ((email of 9.12.09 refers) but still awaited a response. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) “Health and Safety – Handyperson and Beach Cleaner”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had written to the handyperson and beach cleaner (3.12.09) advising them that because IPC owed a duty of care to each, despite the fact they were self employed, it was necessary to point out that when using IPC property (tractor, chain saw etc) they should do so in accordance with the manufacturers instructions; the Clerk also enclosed a copy of the DCC “Parish Paths Partnership Health and Safety Information Memorandum” for their general information. (Noted)
(f) Handyperson and Beach Cleaner – Terms and Conditions and Salary Scale 2010/2011: -
The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact the budget had yet to be “affirmed” (in the light NDC had not as yet come to a decision as regards the Quay Car Park) neither the handyperson or the beach cleaner has been notified officially of the decisions taken in their respect by IPC on 19.11.09. (Noted)
(g) Letter/Form (dd 22.10.09) from NDDC reference “Parish Council Expenditure 2010/11”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that the parish precept figure was probably going to be £12 more than requested (£7,800) because IPC’s maximum grant request (i.e. £2 per head of population) was likely to be only £1,264 based on 632 head of population – Source: Electoral Roll 2010. This, he said, was a shortfall of 6 parishioners on the current (2009) electoral roll (638). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that if this was the case that IPC reduced its grant request to £1,264 (from £1276) that would have the effect of also reducing the precept back to what was originally requested i.e. £7,800. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC he anticipated receiving a letter from NDDC (before the January meeting) requiring confirmation from IPC that the precept/grant figures are (a) acceptable and (b) whether IPC wished to have its subscription to DAPC deducted from IPC’s first precept payment. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to act as recommended by the Clerk as at (ii) above and to advise NDC that its DAPC subscription 2010 could be deducted from its first precept instalment. (Action: The Clerk)
(h) DCC P3 Footpath Inspection 2009/10 - P3 Claim for 2010/11:-
(i) The Clerk reported that the necessary forms would be completed once both he and the handyman had checked the footpath furniture etc. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that he had attended a P3 Xmas Workshop at Halberton on 25.11.09 and that once again it had been an excellent forum. The Clerk advised IPC that the current DCC policy was to replace stiles (when defective) with self closing gates and that once footpath furniture was installed it became the property of the landowner who is then responsible for it. (Noted)
(i) Donation/Grant to IPC – Local Business: -
The Clerk said it was hoped to get a full update at the next meeting. (Noted)
(j) Email (dd 29.10.09) and attachments from “Came and Company Parish Council Insurance - Aviva” reference “Quotation”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he intended to deal with this in the New Year.
(Action: The Clerk)
(k) IPC Grant 2009/10 – Parish Magazine: -
The Clerk confirmed receipt of an email (dd 23.11.09) from the Treasurer of the Parish Magazine thanking IPC for its generous contribution. (Noted)
(l) IPC Grant 2009/10 - Instow PCC: -
The Clerk confirmed receipt of an email (dd 23.11.09) from the Treasurer of Instow PCC thanking IPC for its generous contribution. (Noted)
(m) Letter (dd November 2009) from EDF Energy reference “Pricing Structure Changes”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken (9.12.09) to EDF Energy and it was possible that a contract price might be cheaper than the current “Deemed Supply Rate” (unmetered); he said EDF had been asked to forward details of this option to the Clerk asap for the consideration of IPC. (Action: The Clerk)
n) Letter (dd November 2009) from HM Revenue and Customs reference “Notice to File Online”:-
The Clerk said this letter stated that as IPC had less than 50 employees it would be necessary for the 2009/2010 tax year and onwards to file the Employers Annual Return (P35 and P14’s) online by the 19th May; penalties may be charged if this is not done. The Clerk said he had noted this and would deal accordingly. (Action: The Clerk)

o) Letter (dd 1.12.09) from Audit Commission reference “Appointment of External Auditor”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that in order to comply with the Audit Commissions policy to rotate appointed auditors after 5 years, it was proposed that the responsibility for the audit for IPC should be transferred from Alun Williams to another District Auditor, namely, Wayne Rickard with effect from January 2010 (CV enclosed). The Clerk added that IPC’s views on this were sought with a response date of by 8.1.10 being requested. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided a copy of the letter/CV to Cllrs (and IPC’s IA) for their information. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this recommended change of auditor subject to the agreement of IPC’s IA. (Action: The Clerk)

2912/12 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 16.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Town and Country Planning Order 1990 Section 96A; Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 47798 in respect of style of window for dormers at Westwinds, New Road, Instow (Reference No 49241): -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that having considered a submission by the applicant the local planning authority had determined that these were acceptable as a non-materials amendment to the application and that work was now required to be carried out in accordance with these details; the applicant had been further reminded that this decision had to be read in conjunction with application 47798 and that the conditions and informatives relating to this previous consent remained applicable. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of this letter to them with their agenda papers (3.12.09). (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 19.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Parish Council Workshop: How to make representations on the core strategy”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter invited IPC to attend a drop-in session to find out how to make representations to this very important document on Thursday 10th December between 2 pm and 8 pm in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple and that he had forwarded a copy to Cllrs with their agenda papers (3.12.09). (Noted)
c) Extension of time limit for implementation of planning permission 38931 – Enclosure of first floor balcony at The Boathouse, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 49405): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (27.11.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 15th December 2009 or an extension will need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Crombie declared a personal interest ***
d) Email (dd 26.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Georgeham Conservation Area Character Appraisal Consultation for period 26.11.09 to 14.1.10: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this email and said that further information was available at:-
http://northdevon-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/conservation_area_character_appraisals/georgeham_conservation_area/georgeham_conservation_area_character_appraisal (Noted)
e) Email (dd 26.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Ilfracombe Conservation Area Management Plan Consultation for period 26.11.09 to 14.1.10: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this email and said that further information was available at:-
http://northdevon-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/conservation_area_character_appraisals/draft_ilfracombe_character_appraisal/draft_ilfracombe_conservation_area_management_plan (Noted)

f) Email (dd 26.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Putsborough Conservation Area Character Appraisal Consultation for period 26.11.09 to 14.1.10: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this email and said that further information was available at:-
http://northdevon-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/conservation_area_character_appraisals/putsborough_conservation_area/draft_putsborough_conservation_area_character_appraisal (Noted)
g) Email (dd 26.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Croyde Conservation Area Character Appraisal Consultation for period 26.11.09 to 14.1.10: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this email and said that further information was available at:-
http://northdevon-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/conservation_area_character_appraisals/croyde_conservation_area/croyde_conservation_area_character_appraisal (Noted)
h) Letter (received 28.11.09) from NDC Planning reference “Conversion of building to form 1 dwelling at The Coach House, Middle Huish, Instow (Reference No 49011): -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that NDC Planning had REFUSED planning permission for this application for reasons as listed. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (3.12.09). (Noted)
i) Raising of roof, insertion of 2 dormer windows and conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation at Golden Hind, Bridge Lane, Instow (Reference No. 49427): -
i) The Clerk reported receipt (5.12.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 23rd December 2009 or an extension will need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr May declared a personal interest ***

a) Insurance Telephone Scam: -
Cllr Thomas provided details of an insurance telephone scam that he had recently experienced and suggested it be made a topic for the forthcoming Parish News. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Cllrs Cann (DCC) and Moores (NDC) – Seasons Greetings: -
Cllr May recommend that IPC thank Cllrs Cann and Moores for all they had done for the parish in the previous 12 months and wished them a very Happy Xmas and New Year. IPC RESOLVED unanimously to be associated with these remarks. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

