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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, C Harper, M Green, A Johns (Chairman), G May, Ms A Mayoh, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr Cann (DCC) and 2 parishioners.

2703/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Cllr F Scott

a) General: - In the absence of PCSO Charles (Holiday) there was no report. The Clerk did, however, advise IPC he had sent an agenda to Constable Napier (NBM Longbridge/Fremington and Instow) specifically inviting him to the meeting but that he had not been in touch to provide a report or his apologies. (Noted)
b) Burglary/Theft of Motor Vehicle: - The Chairman advised IPC that his house had been “burgled” during the night of 17/18th March and his motor vehicle stolen; he was pleased to report that the culprit had been arrested and was now being dealt with by the police. (Noted)

a) Parish and District Election – May 2007: -
(i) A parishioner said he wished to point out that his votes in respect of the above would only be cast where candidates had made clear their “manifesto”, where they stood on issues of the moment and actually asked him to consider their fitness for the purpose. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman said that as far as he was concerned Instow parish council was non political, no current councillor represented any particular political party and that each and every member worked in a corporate manner for the sole benefit of the parishioners of Instow. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised the parishioner that IPC had recently taken the initiative to publicise the forthcoming parish elections by producing a flyer and placing it in the parish magazine and that a report, by the Chairman, was to appear in a forthcoming parish magazine setting out the achievements of IPC during its current 4 year tenure and its pledges for the future. (Noted)
b) Parish Footpaths: -
(i) A parishioner said he felt the recent IPC statement that suggested the parish footpaths were “excellent” was incorrect; he felt “good” was a more appropriate adjective; he cited examples of recent problems such as paths being impassable due to either the weather or the presence of livestock. He then referred to some recent work on the Venn Lane footpath (Footpath No 16) that was, in his view, long overdue. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman advised the parishioner that if he had any complaint(s) in the future he should immediately draw it to the attention of IPC who would do all it could to rectify the issue. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reminded IPC that it only had a limited budget for parish footpath maintenance from DCC (P3 agreement) and that this only provided for strimming and general light maintenance that was carried out by the parish handyman. Beyond that it was the responsibility of the DCC Footpath Warden with whom he had a close and practical working relationship. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Cann (DCC) said footpaths should be left as natural to nature as was possible albeit they should be accessible to walkers of all ilks. (Noted)

c) Instow School – Road Safety: -
(i) A parishioner requested clarification as to liability in the event of an accident involving walkers using the “footprints” on Rectory Lane (used by pupils/parents as a virtual bus from the Anstey Way lay-by to the School) – he said he felt a 20 mph speed limit would be of more use. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann (DCC) reported that the “yellow feet” footprints had been agreed for use in Devon; they are for walking route guidance to parents/children and can also highlight a pedestrian hazard to motorists on a school route. He said they do not imply in any way that a pedestrian has priority over a motor vehicle and that a pedestrian has as much legal right to be on a highway as a motor vehicle. (Noted) (iii) Cllr Cann added that it was proposed to eventually fit reactive lights to supplement this road safety initiative. (Noted) d) Instow School Plans: -
(i) A parishioner said he commended the endeavours of the recently emerged Instow Environ Group in drawing attention to the imminent arrival of the, hitherto secret, plans for a new school on the Hill. He said he would like to remind the council that we had been here before and nothing seems to have changed other than a major polarisation of opinion in the face of blind obstinacy on the part of the Planners. The same points would be raised in objection, the landowner he understood to be less than impressed by the proposals and a great deal of money would be requested in order to build a new District Educational Resource above and beyond the present Instow school. He added that the outstanding achievements of the Head, Staff and pupils of this excellent Primary School may well not survive the enlargement clearly envisaged. He said that in view of the established fact that Instow School was so known only because of its historical situation and not for catchments means that there is no prima facie reason for a new school to be, necessarily, in Instow Parish; he said he would not go into the pros and cons of needs and locations. He finalised by saying that a copy of his original paper (one was provided to IPC) and a local petition raised at that time would be updated in the coming weeks and that suffice to say the extension of ribbon development and the progressive urbanisation of Instow was a disaster waiting to happen. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann (DCC) said that in noting what had been said he wished the parishioner to be reminded that he himself had not been in favour of the proposed site and that any previous plans or discussions had never been secret; he had in fact talked to a paper at a previous IPC meeting where a “footprint” map of the school on the proposed site had been produced. He added that any forthcoming planning application would be in the public domain for consultation. (Noted)
**** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak****
e) Old Rectory Close - Pavement: -
(i) A parishioner said it was sad to see, today, the demise of a 30 year Apple Tree (in good health but neglected) at 12 Old Rectory Close, cut to the ground. He said he would miss the Apple Blossom (rare indeed), the birds and bees so attracted and the fruit, long since disregarded by generations of unappreciative owners. However, as a result of the work carried out by the contractor, there is now a 4 inch diameter hole, 3 inches deep in the middle of the pavement, evidently burnt by the exhaust of the machine which virtually digested the entire tree; this hole, he said, was a hazard and should be made good as soon as possible before a pedestrian came to grief. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to report the damaged pavement to DCC Local Services for suitable attention but noted that the felling of the apple tree was a private matter.
(Action: The Clerk)
f) Noisy Manhole Cover – Marine Parade: -
A parishioner reported that a manhole cover at this location (bottom of Bridge Lane) was very noisy when driven over by motor vehicles. IPC RESOLVED to report this matter to DCC Local Services for attention. (Action: The Clerk)
g) “Dangerous” Water Stop Cock – Marine Parade: -
A parishioner reported that a stop cock (outside Offshore) was sharp and could be a danger to motorists/pedestrians. IPC RESOLVED to report this matter to DCC Local Services for attention. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Deposit of Oil – DCE Quay Car Park: -
A parishioner reported there was still quite a large deposit of oil at this location arising from a recent road traffic accident. It was RESOLVED the Chairman would liaise with DCE and endeavour to have the issue rectified. (Action: The Chairman)

a) General: -
Cllr Cann reported on Devon County Council – Audit Commission Report (Three Star Rating – was Four Stars in 2005; DCC is the only Council in the SW to have “lost” a star), Barnstaple Library – New Carpet (being replaced after 19 years at a cost of £27,700), Scheme Boosts Income for Families of Children with Special Needs (a scheme to ensure families on Devon’s Joint Agency Register are receiving their full financial entitlement; the service is free and completely confidential and further information can be obtained on 01392 420734), Barnstaple Square Traffic Scheme (a diagram was handed to IPC), Instow School Rollypig Novelty Composter (a green initiative for the pupils), Footpath Evidence Forms (see item 2703/8 (a)) and Instow Church Wall (SW Highways have agreed to remove the fallen wall (stones) to a safe place as a community initiative). (Noted)
b) Potholes: -
Cllr Harper said he wished to publicly thank Cllr Cann and the Clerk for getting the potholes in the main road to Bideford near the Huish junction repaired so quickly. (Noted)
c) Funding Issues: - Cllr Cann said he was hoping to support financially the purchase of a rib for use by the newly formed local Maritime Reserve and that he was prepared to support the purchase of an engine blower and chainsaw for use by Instow Parish Council. He said he had been in liaison with the Clerk and that an engine blower would make the parish handyman’s street cleaning duties that much more efficient as would the chainsaw be of immense use to the beach cleaner/handyman in shifting flotsam/jetsam off the beach. IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative and the Clerk was asked to provide Cllr Cann with the necessary details.(Action: The Clerk)

In the absence of Cllr Mrs L Brown there was no report. (Noted)

2703/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the February 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2702/4 (b) - Right of Way/Tarka Trail – Sandhills Car Park: -
(i) The Clerk advised Cllrs he had received further complaints from parishioners and that he had told them of the action being taken by IPC. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann and the Clerk update IPC on progress reference “Rights of Way – User Evidence Forms” that had been obtained from County Hall, Exeter and that were now in the possession of Cllr Harper for distribution to interested parishioners. (Noted)
**** Cllr Johns declared an interest and did not speak****
b) Item 2702/8 (c) – Traffic Management Issues (Various): -
Cllr Cann provided an update as regards plans/costing for the previously agreed traffic calming measures (i.e. village gateway/speed bumps etc). (Noted)
c) Item 2702/8 (d) – Quay Car Park/Charter Toilets: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of two letters (dd 23.2.07 & 26.2.07) he had received from NDDC reference “Informal Executive Site Visit to Quay Car Park – Tuesday 20th March 2007 at 3.30 pm” (was formerly 28th March 2007). He said details of the letters had been passed immediately to Cllrs by email/telephone (27.2.07) and had also been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
(ii) After discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr White (Vice Chairman) and Cllr Cook would represent IPC and that Cllr Harper would also attend if available on the day. (Action: Cllrs White, Cook and Harper)
**** Cllr Ms Mayoh declared an interest and did not speak****

d) Item 2702/8 (f) – Chemical and/or Oil Spillage: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 21.2.07) from Andrew Millie (AM) (NDDC Environmental Health Department); this email had been prompted by a previous email from the Clerk to AM and a telephone conversation that then ensued; the email in question had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED not to take any particular action as regards “specific insurance” cover on the basis the risk was slim and this slim risk did not warrant IPC paying out for “specific” insurance cover that would unquestionably be extremely expensive. (Noted)
(ii) IPC further RESOLVED to revisit and revise (as necessary) its Risk Assessment (and Beach) policy with this task to be undertaken by Cllr Crombie in conjunction with the Clerk. (Action: Cllr Crombie/ Clerk)
e) Item 2702/8 (h) – Elections 2007: -
(i) Cllr Harper reported on the production of election flyers and their circulation with the parish magazine (March edition). The Clerk said he had thanked Mr John Edwards for assisting the Council by putting the flyers into each magazine prior to circulation. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman and Clerk spoke to a draft report entitled “IPC’s 4 Year Report 2003 - 2007” and which had been prepared for inclusion in a subsequent parish magazine; a copy had been sent to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
(iii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to approve the report. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 15.2.07) from Don Pratt (NDDC Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic)) reference “Local Elections – 3rd May 2007”; he said it referred to the arrangements for the forthcoming elections. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk reported receipt of a further letter (dd 23.2.07) from Don Pratt (Deputy Returning Officer) reference “Parish and District Elections – 3rd May 2007”; he said it referred to the issuing of “Notices of Election” (on the 15th March) along with sets of “Nomination Papers”. He said it also requested that the number of each required by the parish be passed to NDDC without delay (done by Clerk – 26.2.07) adding that “Candidate Guide’s” would be issued with each set of nomination papers although these could also be currently accessed vide www.nalc.gov.uk/election%20Pack/index.html. The Clerk finalised by saying that any queries should be addressed to NDDC Electoral Services on 01271 388277. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the letter to them with their agenda papers. (Noted)
f) Item 2702/9 (i) (b) (iii) – New Code of Conduct: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 23.2.07) and attachment from Cllr Harper setting out a summary of the proposals for the “New Code of Conduct” and which he, Cllr Harper, had circulated to all Cllrs for comments. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that it had been decided by Cllr Harper and him that no response was appropriate; an explanation was provided. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 15.2.07) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – RBL Poppy Appeal on 9th and 10th November 2007”: -
The Clerk said that in view of the fact the collection was bone fide and an annual request he had advised NDDC that IPC had no objection – IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 15.2.07) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit – RNLI Appledore Guild on 28th July 2007”: -
The Clerk said that in view of the fact the collection was bone fide and an annual request he had advised NDDC that IPC had no objection – IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)

c) Letter (dd 15.2.07) from NDDC reference “Review of the Role of Post Offices”: -
The Clerk said IPC had already communicated with the Dti as regards its view on the closure of post offices (November 2006) with a copy letter being sent to NDDC’s review committee (the authors of this report). He said the relevant papers had been placed in the miscellaneous folder ((iii) below) for the information of Cllrs. (Noted)
**** Cllr Johns declared an interest and did not speak****
d) Email (dd 16.2.07) from DCC North Area Highways Management reference “Road Closure – Holmacott Cross, Instow”: -
The Clerk said this stated that this road would be closed from the 26th to 30th March 2007 to enable DCC to carry out drainage and resurfacing work; he reminded Cllrs he had provided them with a copy with their agenda papers (8.3.07) and had placed another at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 20.2.07) from DCC reference “DCC Budget 2007/8 – Local Government White Paper”: -
The Clerk said this set out DCC’s budget plans for 2007/8 and its thoughts on unitary structures and that a copy of the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
f) Letter (dd March 2007) reference “Adoption of Education Contributions Code of Practice”: -
The Clerk said this stated that NDDC had published its Education Contributions Code of Practice in February 2007 which was now adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document within the Local Development Framework for North Devon. He added that it could be viewed on the Council’s website alongside the Adoption Statement, Sustainability Appraisal and Statement of Representations received namely:http://www.northdevon.gov.uk/index/lgcl_environment/lgcl_planning/nponlgcl_planning_policy.htm. He reminded Cllrs he had copied said letter to them with their agenda papers 8.3.07. (Noted)
g) Flood Defence Gate/Boathouse: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that during a recent high tide a great deal of flotsam and jetsam had been washed up on to the road opposite the Boathouse having been washed around the side of the flood defence gates. He added that DCC Local Services had requested, as a result, a site visit that he attended with Cllr Crombie on Wednesday 7th March. He said the problem could be overcome by fitting a temporary gate/flood boards to the side of the current flood defence gate and fitting it at times of high tides. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to contact the manufacturer of the Flood Defence Gates and enquire whether they could supply a suitable gate that would serve the purpose as at (i) above noting that before any positive action could be taken that appropriate liaison would be necessary with, for example, the Environment Agency. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Letter (dd 9.3.07) from NDDC reference “Road Closure Application – Community Show, Quay Lane, Instow on Saturday 21st July 2007 (11 am to 5 pm)”: -
The Clerk said that NDDC was seeking the views of IPC; IPC RESOLVED to offer no objection to the closure/recommend approval. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Email (dd 14.3.07) from Chairman of Instow Railway (Signal Box) Group reference “Instow Signal Box/Signal Posts”: -
(i) The Clerk said the Railway Group sought to recruit volunteers to be “Duty Signalman” (Signal Box re-opening on Good Friday through Easter weekend and then Sunday afternoons throughout the season) and for IPC to perhaps fund/complete the repainting of the two signal posts in black/white. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to publicise the need for Signalmen by way of the minutes of the meeting and possibly the Parish Magazine subject to the agreement of the editor. It further RESOLVED not to provide a grant for the repainting of the signal posts or repaint them. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Letter (undated – received 15.3.07) from parishioner reference “Rectory Lane Parking etc”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter asked IPC to consider the parking problems and the speed limit/access in Rectory Lane as outlined in the letter that the Clerk read to Council. The parishioner suggested that the pavement opposite Venn Close could be removed and parking bays put in its place and recommended that a 20 mph speed limit be introduced together with a weight limit of vehicles. After a discussion IPC agreed that this was a DCC matter and that the letter should be passed to Cllr Cann (DCC) for attention; Clerk to advise parishioner. (Action: The Clerk)
**** Cllrs White and Cook declared an interest and did not speak****
(ii) The Clerk said the parishioner also complained about the inaccessibility of the cricket club car park (the barrier was always closed) and that a doggy bin was required at the cricket club end of Instow beach. The Clerk reminded IPC that this car park was private and the property of DCE and that a doggy bin, formerly fitted in said car park near the cricket club, had been removed by NDDC as they could not gain access to the car park to empty it. IPC RESOLVED to advise the parishioner of this state of affairs and to suggest that she contact DCE herself. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)

(iii) Matters to note: - Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 15.2.07) reference “Can Rural Cllrs Make a Difference”; (ii) Email (dd 16.2.07) reference “CCTV Training Day Flyer/March 2007”; (iii) Email (dd 19.2.07) reference “Sciencehorizons – Shaping Your Future”; (iv) Letter (dd 14.2.07) reference “Transforming Public Services in Devon”; (v) Email (dd 19.2.07) reference “Understanding Government – Courses”; (vi) Letter (dd February 2007) reference “Royal Garden Party – 19th July 2007” – nomination forwarded by Clerk following appropriate liaison; (vii) Email (dd 26.2.07) reference “Creation of Allotments”; (viii) Email (dd27.2.07) reference “Media Inquiry – Speed Watch”; (ix) “DAPC Newsletter (March/April 2007)”; (x) Email (dd 28.2.07) reference “Quality Council Event – Well Being/Taunton 15th May 2007” – Clerk advised DAPC of his availability; (xi) Village Green Magazine (Issue No 107 – March 2007)” – includes “Village Green Readers Questionnaire”, “Community Empowerment Awards” and “Community Building Training Programme 2007”; copies to Post Office/Parish Hall for parishioners and Acting Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee; (xii) Email (dd 8.3.07) reference “Masterclass on Local Government White Paper”; (xiii) Email (dd 8.3.07) and Letter (dd 9.3.07) reference “Making Our Devon Better” – copy of poster placed at post office/parish hall for information of parishioners; (xiv) Email (dd 8.3.07) reference “Playing for Real Training”; Email (dd 8.3.07) reference “Third Sector Conference 2007”; (xv) Email (dd 9.3.07) reference “Town and Parish Council Research” – online survey completed by Clerk; (xvi) Email (dd 13.3.07) reference “LCR Opinion Piece – What Should the Minimum Size of a Council Be?”.
b) NDDC’s Members Services Weekly Information Sheets for w/c 16.2.07, 23.2.07, 2.3.07 and 9.3.07
c) (i) Agenda of NDDC Standards Committee for Wednesday 28th February 2007 at 7 pm and associated papers and (ii) Minutes of meeting of 28th February 2007: - NB: - NDDC’s response to Amended Code of Conduct.
d) Letter (dd 13.2.07) and attachments from Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust concerning “Developing Better Relationships with Community Organisations”: - Assortment of papers placed in folder at post office for information of parishioners.
e) Email (dd 18.2.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Parish Church Wall at Lych Gate”: - States that wall has fallen down.
f) Email (dd 18.2.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Car Accident at Mini Car Park near Quay”: - DCC Highways Foreman notified so that necessary repairs to street furniture might be done.
g) Agenda and associated papers of Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee Meeting of Monday 5th March 2007 at 7 pm
h) Letter (dd 22.2.07) and posters/pamphlets from ndh reference “Devon Pound – Helping to Drive Down Debt in Devon”: - Copy of letter/poster and pamphlet left at Parish Hall and Post Office for information of parishioners.
i) Email (dd 23.2.07) from Cllr Harper reference “(a) Pot Holes, (b) Dead Seal on Beach, (c) Slipway Railings (Damaged) and (d) Damage (Window) to Boathouse Bus Shelter”: - Clerk took action as follows; (a) DCC Local Services told; (b) NDDC Environmental Health told and dealing; (c) Environment Agency told and dealing and (d) Parish Handyman told and will repair soonest.
j) Copy email (dd 27.2.07) from Cllr Cann (DCC) to DCC Local Services reference “Damaged Bollards at Crossing Island – Silver Threads”: - Work to rectify this situation carried out on 28.2.07.
k) Email (dd 26.2.07) from parishioner reference “Instow Police Officer”: - Suitable reply sent.
l) Email (dd 4.3.07) from Cllr Harper reference (i) “Wrecked Boats/Commodore Slipway” and (ii) “Parish Magazine – Election Flyer” : - Clerk took action as follows; (i) Email sent (4.3.07) to Environment Agency to action – confirmed receipt and (ii) Thanked Mr J Edwards personally for his assistance to IPC.
m) Devon in Touch Monthly News Round Up (March 2007): - Copy placed at post office for information parishioners.
n) North Devon Direct Magazine (Issue 4 – Spring 2007)
o) Junk Mail Magazine (Spring 2007)
p) Clerks and Councils Direct (March 2007 – Issue 50)
q) Devon Rural Transport Partnership Newsletter (Winter Newsletter 2007)
r) Letter (dd 6.3.07) from TAG for Sustainability reference “Article for Your Parish Magazine”: - Refers to information of relevance to this company’s project to promote the installation of energy efficiency measures and small renewable energy systems in households throughout North Devon, passed to Editor of Parish Magazine.
s) Email (dd 7.3.07) from North Devon College (NDC) reference “Request Beach Clean at Instow”: - NDC is currently working on a Marine Litter Project and a group from the College would like to come to Instow beach on Wednesday 21st March to carry out some research. The Clerk, having first checked with the local Adopt a Beach group, who had no objection, granted permission subject to the beach clean being between the Commodore and the Boathouse.
t) Emails (dd 12.3.07) {x2} and 13.3.07)) from The Local Column reference “March 2007 - Newsletter” etc.
u) Letter (dd 8.3.07) from Department of Constitutional Affairs (dca) reference “Memorial Safety”: - Concerns the manner in which action, in some cases, has been taken to deal with unstable or dangerous memorials in public cemeteries. Letter copied on the Instow PCC via Church Warden (Pam Cantle). Dca advised (by email), as requested, that IPC not responsible for burial ground in Instow but that Instow PCC is.
v) Received information (14.3.07) from parish handyman reference “Boathouse Bus Shelter – Damaged Window”: - Handyman replaced window that had been pushed out of frame undamaged – unrelated to item (i) (d) above.
w) DCC Minerals Pamphlet Update No 3
x) Email (dd 14.3.07) from Cllr Harper to Cllr Cann (DCC) (copied to Clerk) reference “Pot Holes”: - See (i) (a) above.
y) Letter (dd 12.3.07) from Chairman of NDDC to Chairman of IPC (via Clerk) reference “Community Stalwarts – Receptions”:- States that Chairman, or a representative of IPC, is invited to a reception at the Civic Centre at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th April 2007. Clerk liaising with Chairman.

2703/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
DCC P3 Grant 2007 £325.00
TOTAL: - £325.00
Mr. M Harris Village Handyman £ 110.50#
Mr. M Harris Grass Cut (No 7) £ 190.00
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £ 780.00
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £ 386.71
Inland Revenue Re: R Jacob £ 220.00
Mr G May Tractor Garage Rental (Jan – March 2007)) £ 112.80*
Lazarus Press Local Election Flyers £ 56.00
DAPC Village Green Subscription 2007/8 £ 20.80
TOTAL: - £1876.81
Key: -
# Includes £6.50 for repair to Boathouse Bus Shelter window (14.3.07)
* £16.80 VAT recoverable
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 23.2.07 (Statement = £ 3.57*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 15.12.06 (Statement) = £18,199.09+
* Accords with Clerk’s records.
+ £17,771.09 according to Clerk’s records as of date of meeting.
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £1876.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Parish Seat Audit/Maintenance Checks Spring 2007: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that this had been completed (7.3.07) with Cllr Crombie (Health and Safety Cllr) and handyman and provided Cllrs with a copy of the inspection report that Cllr Crombie confirmed was a true record. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the handyman had estimated it would cost IPC £15 per seat plus materials – total outlay £315.00 (i.e. 21 seats at £15 per seat). (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to accept this estimate. (Action: The Clerk) (b) Bus Shelter Maintenance Checks Spring 2007: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC this had been completed (7.3.07) with Cllr Crombie (Health and Safety Cllr) and handyman and provided Cllrs with a copy of the inspection report that Cllr Crombie confirmed was a true record. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the handyman had estimated it would cost IPC £25 per bus shelter plus materials – total outlay £175.00 (i.e. 7 bus shelters at £25 per shelter). (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to accept this estimate. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Tractor – Purchase of a Second-hand Scrape (See item 2702/10 (5) (l)): -
(i) The Clerk reported that IPC had taken possession of the second hand tractor scrape (13.3.07) and it would now be trialled to ensure it was satisfactory for the purpose prior to purchase. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the supplier of the scrape as at (i) above was still to supply IPC with a quotation to refurbish the current scrape; hopefully it would be available by the April meeting of IPC. (Noted)
**** Cllr Cook declared an interest and did not speak****
(d) Car Park/Bottle Bank and Bus Shelter Licences 2007/8: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had, on behalf of IPC, asked for the Car Park Licence to be granted (letter from NDDC 21.2.07 refers) for the period 1.5.07 to 30.9.07 – total cost of £1608.58 (£1369.00 + Vat) – NB: - an increase of £76.58 on 2006. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk further advised that a similar offer (and acceptance by him on behalf of IPC) had been made (letters from NDDC 21.2.07 refers) to grant a Bottle Bank Licence (no fee) for the Quay car Park irrespective of the fact there was currently no bottle bank; it could be replaced. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk further advised that a similar offer (and acceptance by him on behalf of IPC) had been made (letter NDDC 21.2.07 refers) to grant a Bus Shelter (Quay Car Park) Licence – cost £13 plus VAT = £15.28. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reported that the relevant invoices were still awaited. (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to support these (Car Park, Bottle Bank ands Bus Shelter) decisions of the Clerk. (Noted)
(e) TTEF Subscription 2007/8: -
The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 20.2.07) from the Secretary of the TTEF acknowledging receipt of IPC’s subscription cheque 2007/8. (Noted)
(f) DCC P3 Footpath Programme: -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (received 28.2.07) reference the DCC’s P3 Grant 2007 – see Income (1) above. (Noted)

(g) Beach Cleaning Grant 2007: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with NDDC and there was to be a new form of grant for this purpose known as “Community Cllr Grants” and that this was to be introduced as and from 1st June 2007. The Clerk said he would apply for the necessary paperwork towards the end of May. (Action: The Clerk)
**** Cllr Cook declared an interest and did not speak****
(h) Letter (dd March 2007) from DAPC reference “Payment of Membership Subscription 2007/8 “ and “Additional Village Green Magazines 2007/8”: -
The Clerk told IPC he had advised DAPC that IPC wished to pay its annual subscription 2007/8 (£129), as usual, via NDDC (Precept) and that it required the usual number (x 4) of additional Village Green Magazines - see expenditure as at 2 above. (Noted)
(i) Letter (dd March 2007) from Shelter reference “Devon Housing Aid Centre – Grant Application”: -
(i) The Clerk said that Shelter Devon dealt with enquiries from people with housing problems and worked towards the prevention and alleviation of housing problems; it sought a grant from IPC. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED not to consider a grant as the application did not accord with its policy. (Noted)

2703/11 PLANNING
a) Alterations and renovations to dwelling at The Old Rectory, Quay Lane, Instow (Reference No 43538): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed; letter copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 19.2.07) from Torridge District Council (TDC) reference “Proposed re-cladding of the existing quay wall along the Quay and Marine Parade at The Quay, Appledore (Reference No 1/2327/2005/FUL): -
The Clerk said this stated that TDC had GRANTED planning permission for this application. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 20.2.07) from NDDC reference “Notification of works to trees in a conservation area in respect of removal of cypress tree at The White House, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No 43645):-
The Clerk said this stated that NDDC had resolved to RAISE NO OBJECTION to the proposed works provided such works are carried out in accordance with the recommendations of BS 3998 – 1989 (Recommendations for tree work). (Noted)
d) Application for consent for work to trees covered by tree preservation order in respect of 1 limb from bay laurel, crown reduction by 30% on cherry plum, removal of branch stubs from alder, removal of 2 branches from whitebeam and removal of various branches from Monterey cypress tree at Bar Beacon, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 43937): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (10.3.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 29th March or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on Instow’s website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
**** Cllr Green declared an interest, left the room and did not speak****
e) Letter (dd 12.3.07) from NDDC Planning Manager reference “Replacement Double Glazed Windows to all Flats at Marine Court (Flats 1-15) at Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 42373): -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that this application was due to be considered by the NDDC’s Planning Committee on Wednesday 21st March 2007 at 2 pm in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Barnstaple and that IPC was invited to attend this meeting and at the discretion of the Chairman address the Planning Committee. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that it had recommended approval of this application at its meeting of 20th July 2006. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk further reported receipt (15.3.07) of NDDC’s Planning Committee Agenda and associated papers for the meeting of 21st March 2007 for the information of IPC. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED not to attend the meeting in view of its previous decision as at (ii) above. (Noted)
**** Cllr Ms Mayoh declared an interest, left the room and did not speak****
f) Letter (dd 6.3.07) from Barnstaple Town Council reference “Planning School”:-
(i) The Clerk said this invited IPC Cllrs to this event that was to be held at The Castle Centre, 25 Castle Street, Barnstaple between 9.15 am and 3.30 pm on Saturday 24th March 2006 – cost £10 per person (to include lunch and refreshments); copy letter sent to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.3.07). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a further letter (dd 8.3.07) from Barnstaple Town Council that set out the draft programme for the Planning School as at (i) above; it was copied to Cllrs for their perusal. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED that no Cllr would be attending (Noted)

a) Tree Causing Obstruction – Anstey Way: -
Cllr Crombie said he had been approached by a parishioner enquiring what could be done about a tree on a grass verge that was obstructing her view of the estuary. The Clerk said this issue had been brought up on many occasions in the past and that the parishioner had been advised to contact DCC; IPC RESOLVED that Cllr Crombie should advise the parishioner of this previous decision. (Action: Cllr Crombie)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


