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THURSDAY 19th MARCH 2009 AT 7.30 PM

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper, M Green, C Harper, A Johns, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 4 parishioner.

2903/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

PCSO D Cornish

a) Crime: -
PC Hodgson reported that 1 crime had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, a drunk and disorderly arrest on the beach (9.3.09). He also said a burnt out car had recently been found in a local field that had subsequently proven to have been stolen from elsewhere. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
PC Hodgson reported that 6 incidents had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, x2 concerns for welfare, x3 crime related, x1 information to police and x1 traffic related. (Noted)
c) Speeding Enforcement: -
PC Hodgson said speed gun patrols had been carried out in the area in an attempt to target known members of the “boy racer” fraternity; he added that these operations were continuing. (Noted)
d) Community Policing - Instow: -
PC Hodgson said the community policing team within Fremington and Instow had now been complimented by the addition of PCSO’s Tony Charles and Jessica Meeker. He added they were now using a satellite police office (IT equipped) out of Sticklepath School and that it was hoped to acquire similar “community” property within the Fremington (and maybe Instow) area. He said the force required them to attain an 80% visibility rate whilst on duty and such satellite police office initiatives enabled this to be achieved. (Noted)
e) Anti Social Behaviour Operation: -
PC Hodgson said an anti social escalation operation (including the monitoring of social networks) had recently been held in the area and that 17 arrests had been made; he added this operation had had little impact on Instow although he and his colleagues continued to monitor the area. He finalised by saying that dispersal orders were an option if problems did prevail. (Noted)
f) Instow – Damage and Anti Social Behaviour: -
(i) A parishioner enquired what action was being taken as regards her recent complaint about bulbs being pulled out of the ground from flower beds tended by her; PC Hodgson said enquiries were still in hand and that suspects were to be interviewed. He promised to keep her in the picture. (Action: PC Hodgson)
(ii) Cllr Johns asked whether any offence was committed by youths drinking alcohol on the streets of Instow. PC Hodgson said it was not illegal per se but dependent upon their age and general demenour at the time. He said alcohol exclusion zones were an option although this did not currently apply to Instow. He finalised by saying that if such an issue became a problem the police needed to be advised. (Noted)

a) Dead Sheep – Instow Beach: -
A parishioner reported that a dead sheep had recently been seen by him on the beach near the oil jetty and that this was a health hazard. The Clerk advised IPC that this matter appeared later on the agenda. (See item 2903/6 (e) & 2903/9 (iii) (ee)). (Noted)
b) Dilapidated Shed adjacent to Café – Sand Dunes Car Park: -
A parishioner said the state of this shed was a disgrace and that he hoped something would be done to improve it before the coming summer season; the Clerk said he had recently received a similar complaint. IPC RESOLVED to advise DCE of the complaints in a hope the situation might be soon rectified. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Footpaths: -
A parishioner said the footpaths, in and around the village, were “not up to much” and something needed to be done. He cited in particular the footpath from Venn Cross to the Tarka Trail and spoke of the reinstatement/reconstitution of a hedgerow. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk liaise with the P3 Footpath Warden for the area and discuss with him the issues raised. (Action: The Clerk)
d) TTEF Matters: -
(i) Mrs Rose Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) apologised for not attending the previous meeting and said her successor as Chairman of the TTEF was Mr Tony Pratt (NDYC). (Noted)
(ii) Mrs Day then reported upon issues of relevance to “Appledore Quay Wall – Re-cladding” (3 panels to be trialled), “Water Framework Directive/River Basin Planning” (attending a workshop on 26th March), “Houseboats” (liaising with NDC), “Foreshore Leases”(attended recent meeting with IPC/Crown Estates Agent – detailed Map awaited), Estuary Signs”(being renewed) and “Minutes of recent TTEF Meeting” (will forwarded asap). (Noted)

(a) General: -
Cllr spoke on issues relating to “DCC Residential Homes – Shaw Healthcare (SH)” (SH have withdrawn from negotiations), “DCC Council Tax” (has been set at 2.89% - £6 million from reserves and borrowing approval for up to £50 million agreed), “Local Government Reorganisation –Delay” (Deadline has been extended to 15th July 2009) and “Quids for Special Kids” (benefit advice for children/young people with special needs). (Noted)
(b) Gateway Project: -
Cllr Cann said he had been successful in obtaining a DCC grant for this road safety initiative to the tune of £1588 and that he now looked forward to working with IPC to get them in situ asap. (Noted)
(c) Pedestrian Islands – Anstey Way: -
Cllr Cann said these were now in place although some signage and road markings work were still outstanding. (Noted)
(d) B3233 Westleigh/Tapeley Park to Instow Highway: -
Cllr Cann said work was to commence on this stretch of road on the 23rd March for two weeks. (Noted)
(e) Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Cann said NDC were continuing to follow the legal route to ensure these toilets were built within the requisite planning permission period and that IPC would regularly be kept in the picture. (Noted)
(f) Instow New School: -
Cllr Cann said he was aware that DCC were exploring two sites within the Yelland area and that Officers were talking to landowners. (Noted)
(g) New Waste Food Collection Service: -
Cllr Cann then gave a short presentation on this forthcoming NDC service and answered questions from Cllrs as necessary. He said that full details would be provided in the local press and that each household would be provided with an explanatory leaflet. (Noted)
(h) Boundary Committee – Unitary Authority Proposals: -
Cllr Cann said he wished to place on record his position as regards Unitary Authority in Devon; he said he was a North Devon man through and through and that although he preferred the status quo, this was not an option. His preference was, therefore, for a Unitary Devon wide option which he honestly believed would serve North Devon better than a Northern Devon Unitary Authority. (Noted)

(a) General: -
Cllr Moores spoke of “Local Government Review” (timetable changed from 13th February to 15th July), “NDC Council Tax” (set at 2.5%), ”Engaging in North Devon and Torridge’s Future” (NDC/Torridge working together to produce a core strategy document), “Strategic Housing Inspection” (carried out by Audit Commission in February 2009 – outcome will be known in April 2009), and “Devon Home Choice” (a new way of letting Council and Housing Association Homes in North Devon). (Noted)
(b) Marine Parade (Quay) Car Park and Public Conveniences: -
Cllr Moores said NDC were endeavouring, by legal means, to modify the Tapeley Estate covenant on this land and had resolved to approach the Lands Tribunal. He said NDC were well aware that the current planning consent elapsed in 2010. (Noted)
(c) Boathouse Bus Shelter – Crime Prevention Alterations:-
Cllr Moores expressed his personal thanks to the Clerk and Handyperson for the work they had recently done to this shelter with the view of preventing criminal damage to the windows. (See item 2903/10 (5) (e)). (Noted)
(d) Local Government Review – Boundary Committee: -
Cllr Moores said he wished to place on record that he fully understood Cllr Cann’s position on the matter and respected him for it. (See item 2903/5 (h)). (Noted)
(e) Dead Sheep – Instow Beach: -
(i) Cllr Moores said it was unacceptable in this day and age that dead sheep could be left on the beach and not removed irrespective of whether a balance had to be taken as to its inaccessibility and cost of retrieval. He said he had liaised with a local farmer and requested that the dead sheep by the Oil Jetty be removed forthwith to a suitable place of disposal and that if necessary he would personally cover the cost. He finalised by saying he would endeavour to establish a solution at NDC level. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told Cllr Moores that NDC had recently been most cooperative in moving a dead sheep from in front of the sand dunes of the main beach (DCE property) and that he had recently caused a dead calf to be removed and suitably disposed of from a part of Instow sands leased by IPC from the Crown Estate. (Noted)
(f) Buses – Marine Parade: -
Cllr Cook said he was of the belief that too many buses traversed Marine Parade in either direction and wondered what might be done about it. Cllr Cann said this was a DCC matter and that by way of explanation very few buses on said route were DCC subsidised and it was purely “competitive” routeing from a bus company perspective.
2903/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the February 2009 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2902/8 (a) – Village Gateway Initiative: -
(i) The Chairman provided Council with an update of the action(s) taken by him and members of the sub committee; he said that planning permission needed to sought for each “gateway” and that he had made provisional enquiries of DCC Highways and NDC Planning. The Chairman agreed to follow these actions up and report back to IPC asap. (Action: The Chairman)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 16.3.09) from DCC referring to a “legal agreement” for the grant and project and requesting full details of the organisation (IPC) and point of reference (Clerk) for the necessary correspondence; he said the necessary details had been provided by email (dd 17.3.09). (Noted)
b) Item 2902/8 (e) – Parish Plan: -
(i) Cllr Harper, Chairman of the Parish Planning Sub Committee, provided IPC with an update of its work since the last meeting; he spoke to a report that was copied to all Cllrs. Cllr Harper said it was not felt by the Parish Planning Sub Committee that a full blown parish planning process was necessary; he suggested that a letter should be sent to all parishioners appraising them of what had been achieved during the life span of the current parish plan and seeking thoughts on what aspiration/objectives should be tabled for consideration for the future bearing in mind achievability and funding constraints. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation and Cllr Harper and the sub committee were charged with preparing a draft letter for the subsequent consideration of IPC. (Action: IPC’s Parish Plan Sub Committee)
(iii) Cllr Harper said he would liaise with NDC in regard to the preparation of the letter with a view to seeking administrative/financial assistance. (Action: Cllr Harper)
(iv) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd February 2009 – received 19.2.09) from QPSMR Limited reference “Special Offer to Parish Councils – Parish Action Plan Survey Solution”; he said QPSMR offered a questionnaire, printing and postage service, coding, data entry, verification, file conversions, detailed analysis, QPSSM reflect files ….. and much more! He said the information was available to the sub committee if felt appropriate. (Noted)
c) Item 2902/8 (f) – Parish Initiatives/Lack of Progress: -
(i) Quay Car Park Charter Toilets: –
The Clerk said further information was available on this matter that would be discussed vide correspondence 2903/9 (i) (f). (Noted)
(ii) Children’s Play Area: –
(i) The Clerk provided IPC with an update having liaised (email of 11.3.09 refers) with Andy Bell (NDCCS); he said it would seem there was insufficient land within the sand dunes car park, owned by DCC, to put a play area on although Andy Bell (AB) was prepared to negotiate with Christies if IPC would like him to do so. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take up AB’s offer and to ask him to extend his negotiations to include the parish as a whole. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) Pathway – Atturm Slipway to Second Sand Dunes via NDCC: -
(i) The Clerk provided IPC with an update having liaised (email of 11.3.09 refers) with Andy Bell (NDCCS); he said this matter could be dealt with through IPC’s DCC P3 agreement or NDCCS could take a look at improving the footpath in the next financial year (2009/2010) as a coast path. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take up AB’s offer to include this project in NDCCS’s budget for 2009/2010 and treat it as a coast path. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Item 2902/9 (i) (e) – DCC Commons Act 2006/Seminar: -
The Clerk advised IPC that as of the date of the meeting he had not received any information as regards the date/venue of the seminar. (Noted)
e) Item 2902/9 (i) (f) – Ownership of Sea Frontage: -
Cllr Crombie provided IPC with an update as to his enquiries; he said this matter might take some time to resolve and he recommended it be left in abeyance until such time as he could resolve the matter one way or other. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted)
f) Item 2902/9 (i) (h) - Quality Parish Status/Reaccreditation: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had attended a “Power of Well Being” training event at South Molton on Thursday 12th March 2009; he outlined the implications. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
(a) Letter (dd 13.2.09) from NDC reference “House to House Act 1939: Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) and The Cats Protection League (CPL): -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that an application had been made to collect in Instow on Monday 4th May and Saturday 9th May 2009 (inclusive), Monday 18th May and Saturday 23rd May 2009 (inclusive), Monday 22nd June and Monday 6th July 2009 (inclusive) and Monday 20th July and Saturday 25th July 2009 (inclusive). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact these were bone fide organisations/charities he had advised NDC that IPC would have no objection. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(b) Letter from NDC (Cllr Cann) reference “Offer of new Food Waste Collection Presentation”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that NDC, this coming summer, would be operating a weekly food waste collection to all homes; as a result all homes would be provided with a small kitchen caddy, a kerbside caddy (for those who do not have green wheelie bins), a re-usable brown bag for collecting cardboard and information on the new service. NDC was offering a short presentation to parish councils to explain the service; this had already been provided to IPC by Cllr Cann (Item 2903/5 (g)). (Noted)
(c) Letter (dd 26.2.09) and Survey Sheet etc from TDC (Planning Policy Officer) reference “Settlement Assessment”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that NDC and TDC needed IPC’s help to undertake a settlement assessment for the two districts. It would inform the future settlement strategy for the area to 2026 in the context of the emerging regional spatial strategy and that much of the data required was available already but some of the measures relied upon local knowledge and this was where IPC was being asked for help. The Clerk added that a settlement survey sheet (and guidance information) had been enclosed and IPC was asked to complete it as necessary; the consultation process runs for 12 weeks (ends 21st May) although it would be appreciated if the completed survey sheet could be returned within 8 weeks, namely, 23rd April. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a further letter (dd 3.3.09) from TDC reference “Settlement Assessment”; the Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the letter. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to appoint a sub group to complete the survey sheet, namely IPC’s Parish Plan Sub Group, chaired by Cllr Harper.
(Action: Cllr Harper)
(d) Email (dd 26.2.09) and letter from Defra reference “Revised Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC – Signage at Bathing Waters”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that these new directives came into force in 2012 and that all bathing water operators would be required to put up signs providing information about the bathing water classification together with a general description of the bathing water, advice about short-term pollution where appropriate, and any advice against bathing that may be in force. He said the UK Bathing Water Signage Working Group was working towards the implementation of this requirement and was seeking help in identifying issues which affected private beach owners particularly information on how local authorities and private beach owners worked together and any enquiries about signage that were specific to private bathing waters. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(iii) A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk would put together a suitable response and forwarded it to Defra asap. (Action: Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk) (e) Email (dd 27.2.09) from Acting Chairman of Instow Parish Hall Committee reference “Hall Centenary Event”:-
The Clerk said this stated that an Edwardian Evening Reception would be held at the Parish Hall on Wednesday 3rd June 2009 and that the organising committee consisted of Pam and Peter Cantle, Cllr Tracy Dipper, Cllr Harper, Pixie Renshaw and Cllr Green. He said the event would be by invitation only and that further details would follow in due course. (Noted)
(f) Letter (dd 27.2.09) and attachments from NDC reference “Marine Parade Car Park and Public Conveniences”: -
(i) The Clerk said the letter (and attachments) referred to various items of recent correspondence between NDC, The 1991 Devon Discretionary Trust (DCE) and Ashford’s (DCE’s Solicitors) and that all had been copied to Cllrs with their agendas papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to write to NDC (Steve Pitcher), copy to Cllrs Cann and Moores, complimenting NDC on the positive and proactive stance taken by them and asking to be kept in the picture on a regular basis. (Action: The Clerk)
(g) Note (received 28.2.09) from NDC reference “Notice of Polling District and Polling Places Review”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that under the Electoral Administration Act 2006, the District Council was required to undertake a review of parliamentary polling districts and places and that a consultation exercise had recently taken place with representations having been received. It added that NDC had now completed this review and having taken into account all representations and copies of all related documents, committee reports/minutes relating to, its findings were available for inspection of the Civic Centre during normal opening hours. (Noted)
(h) Letter (dd 4.3.09) from Stones (Solicitors of Okehampton) reference “Charles Mayoh - Deceased”: -
(i) The Clerk said Stones were seeking the details of any surviving relatives of the above who was believed to have lived in Instow and died in the early 1980s. (Noted)
(ii) The Cleek said he had forwarded a copy of the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then reported receipt of an email (dd 18.3.09) from Cllr Harper stating that Charles Mayoh’s widow still lived in Instow and provided the necessary details for onward transmission to Stones (Solicitors). (Action: The Clerk)
(i) Email (dd 7.3.09) from Churchwarden of Instow Church reference “Culvert - All Saints Site”: -
The Clerk said this referred to flooding issues as a consequence of said culvert and of meetings to resolve the issue with the Environment Agency and DCC Highways; the Clerk elaborated in more detail and said the parish handyperson had agreed directly with the PCC to do the necessary work. (Noted)
(j) Emails (dd 23.2.09 and 25.2.09) from Cllrs Thomas and Harper reference “Change/Amendment to Email Addresses”: -
(i) The Clerk said the Cllr “internal” email/telephone contact sheet had been amended as necessary and copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(ii) All Cllrs agreed the information contained therein was correct. (Noted)
(k) Email (dd 10.3.09) from Cllr Cann reference “B3233 Westleigh to Instow – Potholes”: -
The Clerk said this confirmed that this part of the highway was to be resurfaced, commencing 23rd March 2009 for approximately 2 weeks. IPC RESOLVED to thank Cllr Cann for his intervention that had undoubtedly ensured prompt attention. (Noted)
(l) Email (dd 15.3.09) from Cllr Harper reference “House to House Collection: Barnado’s – Instow”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that a Barnado’s (Clothesaid) envelope had been pushed through his letterbox and enquired whether this was a legitimate collection. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had sent an email (dd 16.3.09) to NDC so as to check on the authenticity of said collection. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 17.3.09) from NDC stating this was not an authorised collection and that enquires were being made of Barnado’s and Clothesaid; it thanked IPC for its interest and promised to keep it updated. (Noted)
(m) Email (dd 18.3.09) from Cllr Johns reference “Pedestrian Islands – Anstey Way”: -
(i) Cllr Johns spoke to a particular incident he had witnessed involving a number of cars and a motor cyclist and pointed out that the white line system (between the pedestrian islands) needed reviewing in light of their position. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that these concerns had already been forwarded to Cllr Cann (DCC) so that he might liaise with DCC Highways. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(n) Email (dd 19.3.09) from DAPC reference “Local Government Review – Boundary Committee Proposals: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that further draft proposals had been published namely, a Devon Unitary Authority comprising (a) the existing County of Devon with no change to Plymouth and Torbay and (b) an Exeter and Exmouth Unitary Authority and a Unitary Authority covering the remainder of Devon with no change to Plymouth and Torbay. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided a copy of said email and a copy of the “Boundary Committee’s Proposal Summary” to Cllrs. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
Nil (Noted)

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 17.2.09) reference “NALC Third Leading Members’ Lunch”; (ii) Email (dd 17.2.09) reference “Local Government Review”; (iii) Email (dd 18.2.09) reference “Information Security/Records Management Policy”; (iv) Email (dd 18.2.09) reference “French Market”; (v) Email (dd 18.2.09) “Clerk Vacancy – Copplestone”; (vi) Email (dd 23.2.09) reference “SLCC Meeting Agenda etc”; (vii) Email (dd 24.2.09) reference “Digital Switchover Update”; (viii) Email (dd 25.2.09) reference “DIS Extra 703”; (ix) Email (dd 25.2.09) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Parkham”; (x) Email (dd 5.3.09) reference “Calor Devon Village of the Year”; (xi) Email (dd 5.3.09) reference “Fire Alarms”; (xii) Email (dd “Clerk Vacancy – Bickington PC”; (xiii) Email (dd 5.3.09) reference “UK Consultation on EC’s Proposals on Bus and Coach Passenger Rights”; (xiv) Email (dd 5.3.09) reference “Anglo Irish Bank”; (xv) Email (dd 9.3.09) reference “2008/9 National Final Salary Award for Local Council Clerks”; (xvi) “Village Green Magazine (Issue 115 – March 2009)” – copies to post office and parish hall; (xvii) “Entry Form and Guidelines of Calor Village of the Year”; (xviii) “Seminar - Financing and Sustaining Growth”; (xix) “DAPC Newsletter – March/April 2009”; (xx) Email (dd 11.3.09) reference “Replacement of Chairs”; (xxi) Email (dd 17.3.09) reference “New Cllr Short Course”; (xxii) Email (dd 17.3.09) reference “Inaugural SW Allotments Officers Forum – Exeter 28th April 2009”; (xxiii) Email (dd 17.3.09) reference “Local Government Review – Boundary Committee” – states that documentation due out on 19th March and (xxiv) Email (dd 18.3.09) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Rewe Parish Council”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 13.2.09, 20.2.09, 27.2.09, 6.3.09 and 13.3.09
c) Letter (dd 11.2.09) from Director of Fullabrook Wind Farm Community Interest Company (CIC) reference “Meeting – 7pm on 25th March 2009/Braunton Village Hall
d) Email (dd 14.2.09) from parishioner reference “Verge at end of Lane End Close”:-
Parish handyperson advised and parishioner thanked.
e) Letter (dd 16.2.09) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference “Police Authority Liaison Meeting – Okehampton 12th March 2009”
f) Copy email (dd 18.2.09) from Cllr Green to Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “Pedestrian Refuge Island – Anstey Way”
g) Copy email (dd 18.2.09) reference “Beach Debris”
h) Agenda of Meeting of NDC for Monday 23rd February 2009 at 2 pm.
i) Standards Board for England Newsletter (Issue 4 – February 2009) entitled “Town and Parish Standards”
j)(i) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Standards Board Meeting of 25th February 2009 at 7 pm.
(ii) Agenda for NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 25th March 2009 at 7 pm.
k) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Board Meeting of 25th February 2009 at 7 pm.
l) Copy email (dd 3.3.09) from Cllr Dipper to Editor of Parish Magazine reference “AGE Concern - Parish News”.
m) Copy email (dd 2.3.09) from Cllr Cann to NDC/IPC reference “Complaint of Damage to Vehicle – Sand Dunes Car Park Entrance”: -
Cllr Cann advised by NDC to pass complaint to DCE.
n) Email (dd 5.3.09) from Unlock Democracy reference “Devon-Wide Sustainable Communities Act Public Meeting “
o) Email (dd 6.3.09) from Cllr Harper reference “The 1848 Enclosure Awards of Instow Marsh”
p) DCC pamphlet reference “Drainage from Roads”
q) DCC pamphlet reference “What the County Council Does and Who to Contact”
and Poster reference “Devon Link”
r) “Children’s Hospice South West Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2009”.
s) “The Playing Fields Magazine – Winter 2008/9”
t) “Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (March 2009) – No 538”
u) “RD and Express – Newsletter of RD and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (February 2009)”
v) “North Devon Direct – Spring 2009”
w) Email (dd 9.3.09) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up – March 2009: -
Copy to post office for information of parishioners.
x) “Junk Mail – Spring 2009”
y) Email (dd 10.3.09) from DCC reference “Post Offices – Public Meeting – 17th March 2009””: -
Email copied on to Cllrs with email address.
z) “Clerks and Councils Direct – March 2009”
aa) Letter (dd February 2009 – received 11.3.09) and pamphlet from Devon Partnership NHS Trust reference “NHS Foundation Trust Membership”: -
Copies of pamphlet placed at post office and parish hall for information of parishioners.
bb) Note reference “SLCC Regional Conference for the South West – Wednesday 13th May 2009 at Plymouth.
cc) “Senior Council for Devon Newsletter (Issue No 2 – March 2009)”
dd) Email (dd 12.3.09) from Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “Investing in Devon – Local Projects”
ee) Telephone calls (13.3.09) from a parishioner and NDC Environmental Health Dept reference “Dead Sheep – Instow Beach”: -
(i) Clerk ascertained from callers that a dead sheep was on beach in front of sand dunes and on DCE property; NDC spoken to who agreed to remove. Information as regards a further dead sheep (near Oil Jetty) also passed to NDC for attention.
(ii) Email (dd 18.3.09) from Cllr Moores reference these incident; matter resolved.
ff) Email (dd 12.3.09) from Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “De-selection – Conservative Party/DCC Candidate”: -
IPC Cllrs advised.
gg) Email (dd 16.3.09) from Cllr Moores (NDC) reference “Rough Sleeper – Instow Church”: -
States that NDC’s Rough Sleeper Outreach Worker was making enquiries and dealing as appropriate; Cllr May notified.
hh) Devontalk Magazine – Spring 2009.
ii) Email (dd 11.3.09) from a parishioner reference “Instow Quay – Poor State of Small Car Park”: -
Parishioner advised this was the property of Christie Estates.

2903/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
DCC P3 Grant 2009 £350.00
TOTAL : - £350.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 240.00+
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £1000.00
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £ 368.29
Inland Revenue Re: R Jacob £ 250.00
Mr G May Tractor Garage Rental (Jan – March 2008)) £ 112.80*
DAPC Power of Well Being Training Course/Clerk £ 10.00
TOTAL: - £1981.09
Key: -
+ Includes £90 for installation of brickwork at Boathouse Bus Shelter (see IPC of 19.6.08 item 2806/10 (5) (g))
* £16.80 VAT recoverable
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 19.2.09 (Statement) = £ 1.16*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 12.12.08 (Statement) = £17,738.26+ Key:
* Accords to Clerk’s records.
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £16,948.26

IPC RESOLVED to transfer £1981.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (February 2009): -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed IPC was in balance. (Noted)
(b) Letter (dd 29.1.09) and Booklet from Mole Valley Farmers (MVF) reference “Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting – 27th March 2009: -
(i) The Clerk said the purpose of the EAGM was to receive and approve a special resolution proposing changes to the Memorandum and Articles (MAA) of the Company. He said MVF was established in 1960 and the MAA had remained much the same ever since; changes were required, to amongst other things, conform to the new Companies Act 2006 and that as an ordinary share holder IPC was entitled to attend and vote. He said the Board of Directors strongly endorse all the proposals. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take NFA. (Noted)
(c) Tractor Tax Disc Application – From 1st April 2009: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had received the relevant paperwork from DVLA (11.3.09) and by way of the internet (email dd 11.3.09 refers) ordered the renewal tax disc. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the tax disc had been received (14.3.09) and handed to Cllr Cook (19.3.09). (Noted)
(d) Instow Allotment and Recreation Field a/c – Nationwide Building Society/Interest 2008/9: -
The Clerk advised IPC that a cheque in the sum of £142.19 had been withdrawn from this account (13.2.09) and paid to the Instow Parish Hall Committee; an email acknowledgement of receipt (dd 18.2.09) had been received from the Acting Chairman of the Parish Hall Committee. (Noted)
(e) Boathouse Bus Shelter Alterations: -
The Clerk told IPC that this work had been completed on Wednesday 18th March; it would now be necessary to paint the block/brick “windows” and fit new external beading to the plastic window panes; he said the handyperson was to deal asap.(Noted)
(g) Letter (dd 4.2.09) from Overton (UK) Ltd reference “Beach Cleaning Equipment”: -
Cllr Cook provided IPC with an appraisal of the equipment in question; he said however desirable said equipment would not be suitable for Instow beach. (Noted)
(h) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010+ : -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 1.3.09) from Cllr Harper referring to IPC’s meeting of 11th March 1965 when in a letter from a Mr Johns it was said that the commission on “Mooring Fees” was 3d in the 1/- i.e. 25%. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that a boat/mooring audit (within the parts of the beach/foreshore leased by IPC) should be carried out in May/June to establish the amount of income likely to be realised by such means. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
(i) Beach Cleaning Grant 2009: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had enquired of NDC (email of 17.3.09 refers) as to when he should submit IPC’s application for this grant; no reply had been received as of date of meeting. (Noted)
(j) Handyperson’s/Beach Cleaner’s Public Liability Insurance 2009/10: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had received a copy from each self employed person that had been filed for reference purposes. (Noted)
(k) Pamphlet from Norwich Union reference “Your Parish – Key Features”: -
(i) The Clerk said this set out its core cover and offered a no obligation quotation; the Clerk said both he and Cllr Crombie could review the offer but was it really such a good time to think of change. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to await the renewal of the Allianz Cornhill public liability insurance and to bear the Norwich Union offer in mind at that time. (Noted)

(l) P35 – Employers Annual Return (6.4.08 to 5.4.09) and associated HM Revenue and Customs Correspondence: -
The Clerk advised IPC he would action this at the appropriate time together with other relevant HM Revenue and Customs forms. (Action: The Clerk)
(m) Letter (dd 6.3.09) from Metric Parking reference “Bogus Metric Machine Operators”: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC of the content of the letter; he said it had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
(ii) Letter (dd 12.3.09) from Metric Parking reference “Metric Parking Management Services”; the Clerk said this set out changes to business status; he said it had been filed it for future reference. (Noted)
(n) Email (dd 11.3.09) from Clerk to NDC’s Car Park Manager reference “Quay Car Park Lease 2009”: -
(i) The Clerk said he had been advised that a new agreement was to be sent to IPC in the near future following a meeting (16.3.09) between Car Parks’ Manager and NDC Estates. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 19.3.09) from NDC’s Car Parks Manager stating that a licence was being raised for the car park this summer but that as a warning there was a significant increase to the charge this year; however, this reflected the 5/12 of NDC’s £3,400 rates bill and it didn’t include other costs they incur. The Clerk said the email continued by saying a report would be going to the Executive to discuss the future of the car park and that IPC would be kept informed. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to seek the support of Cllrs Cann and Moores in ensuring that IPC continued to be offered an annual lease to run this car park on the basis much of its proactive and practical activities, year in year out, involving the beach, pavements, grass verges etc could not take place without the income realised by this valuable resource. (Action: The Clerk)

2903/11 PLANNING
a) “Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 – Regulation 3/Construction of footway/cycleway on eastern verge on the private road between the B3233 and the Estuary Business Park, Yelland, Barnstaple (Reference No JR/DCC/2755/2008): -
The Clerk reported receipt of a copy email (dd 16.2.09) from a parishioner to the North Devon Journal reference the above; he said it had been forwarded to IPC for its information only. The Clerk outlined the context of the email. (Noted)
b) Email (dd 19.2.09) from TDC Planning reference “Potential Housing Sites Consultation”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated this consultation was to take place for the period 19.2.09 to 1.4.09 (5pm) and that further information was available as at http://consult.torridge.gov.uk/portal/planning_policy/shlaa/call_for_sites. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 18.2.09) from NDC (Planning Policy) reference “Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) – Call for Potential Housing Sites (18th February to 1st April 2009)”: -
(i) The Clerk said NDC was seeking (with TDC – see item (b) above) to identify and provide details of suitable sites for delivering new housing in the future; it wished to know of any land owned by IPC and welcomed IPC’s assistance in encouraging local landowners to submit details of potential housing sites to be assessed as part of the process. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy letter had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the basis it owned no land or had any influence over “other” local landowners. (Noted)
d) Letter (received 21.2.09) from NDC Planning reference “Raising of roof to enable second floor extension to dwelling at Westwinds, New Road, Instow (Reference 47798): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)

e) Letter (dd 19.2.09) from DCC reference “Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992: Regulation 3 – Retention of Temporary Classroom Blocks 02, 03 and 04 for a further five years at Instow Community Primary School, Instow (Reference ACB/DCC/2787/2009): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (21.2.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 12th March or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC that its PSC had resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application but for 2 years only (5 years was not supported) on the basis that “it was disgraceful that the children of Instow School should continue to have to be educated in inadequate temporary accommodation caused by the inaction and incompetence of DCC’s Children’s Directorate in failing to provide the new school”. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk added that IPC’s PSC felt that it had no option but to agree to this application but that it should be stipulated that no further extension (beyond 2 years) would be supported. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk confirmed that DCC had been notified by email (10.3.09). (Noted)
(v) IPC RESOLVED unanimously to support the recommendation as at items (iii) and (iv) above. (Noted)
*** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak ***
f) Email (dd 25.2.09) from TDC (Planning) reference “ND and Torridge Core Strategy – Feedback Report and Engagement Plan”: -
(i) The Clerk said that North Devon Council and Torridge District Council were undertaking additional participation on their joint Core Strategy and that IPC was being contacted in this regard as a result of a previously expressed interest in or involvement with the preparation of the Councils' Local Development Frameworks. The Clerk added that a series of documents were being published to provide information about work undertaken on the Core Strategy to date, including the outcomes of consultation undertaken on the Core Strategy Issues and Options Report (November 2007 - January 2008) and the manner in which the Councils intended to engage with the community and specifically with stakeholders; the following documents, together with supporting information, were now available on the Council's websites: http://www.torridge.gov.uk/corestrategy and http://www.northdevon.gov.uk. The Clerk finalised by saying that IPC’s comment on the Engagement Plan was sought in respect of the suitability of the proposed engagement programme and if interested, IPC was invited to put forward any realistic alternative ways that could strengthen community and stakeholder participation and build consensus around the emerging development plan - although there was no deadline for receipt of comments, early response was encouraged given the short timescale within which NDC/TDC were working to produce the draft Core Strategy. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had circulated a copy of the email to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.3.09). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take NFA. (Noted)
g) Extension to dwelling at Riverdance, New Road, Instow (Reference No 48107): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (14.3.09) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 1st April or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)

a) West Yelland – Narrowing of Main Road (B3233): -
Cllr Cook said the current roadwork’s at this location that had resulted in the narrowing of the main road, was dangerous. Cllr Cann (DCC) said this work had come about as a result of a 106 agreement and was as a consequence of the new housing development that was to be built at that location. (Noted)

b) Bus Shelter – Junction of Anstey Way/Marine Parade: -
Cllr Crombie said he had received a complaint from a parishioner about the general poor state of this bus shelter. After a discussion, in which it was agreed by Cllrs that said bus shelter was not in a poor state, IPC RESOLVED to await the annual spring check of the bus shelters/parish seats by the Clerk and Cllr Crombie/Handyperson and consider this issue in that light. (Action: Cllr Crombie/Clerk)
c) Tree – Grass Verge at junction of Anstey Way/Marine Parade: -
Cllr Crombie said he had received a complaint from a parishioner about a tree at this location that was spoiling a view of the estuary. The Clerk said the trees at this location were not the property of IPC (or apparently DCC/IIB from previous enquiries) but that in the past a light trim has been done by the handyperson following liaison with DCC Highways/IIB; he added that a substantial trim had been done in 2008 following a similar complaint. IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk review the position and take what action he felt appropriate. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Stray Pebbles on the Highway – The Anchorage/The Bar: -
Cllr Crombie said he had received a complaint from a parishioner about stray pebbles on the pavement/highway outside of these addresses. IPC RESOLVED to pass this complaint to DCC Highways for its attention. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Instow School – New Headmaster: -
Cllr Crombie said a new headmaster (to replace the retiring Peter Kent) had been appointed to commence in the autumn 2009 term; he was called Mark Gough. (Noted)
f) Parish Magazine – Age Concern: -
Cllr Mrs Tracy Dipper reported that following liaison with the editor of the parish magazine and Age Concern a suitable article was to appear in the April parish magazine; she outlined the details. The Chairman thanked her for her commitment to this excellent initiative. (Noted)
g) Tarka Trail – ND Yacht Club to Lime Kiln: -
Cllr May said the ditches along this stretch of the Tarka Trail were full of stagnant water and were, therefore, a health hazard. IPC RESOLVED to pas this on to the NDCCS. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Tarka Trail – Signal Box to Sand Dunes Car Park: -
Cllr Johns said a similar situation prevailed along this stretch of the Tarka Trail; hedges had been flailed and the debris left to rot in the overflowing ditches. IPC RESOLVED to pas this on to the NDCCS. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Back Roads – Instow: -
Cllr May said the back roads were in a very poor state; ditches had not been cleared out and water was running down the highway and damaging the surface. IPC RESOLVED to pass this complaint to DCC Highways for its attention. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Footpath Sign – Bottom Sand Dunes Beach: -
Cllr May said a DCC footpath sign was affixed on the beach roughly at a location in line with the lane that ran down beside the cricket pitch and wondered if it had been placed there as a prank. IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk advise the NDCCS/P3 Coordinator. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


