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The meeting was preceded by a talk on the introduction of "Wheelie Bins" by Ken Danson a Green Sweep Warden from the North Devon District Council. Mr Danson fully explained the reasoning behind their introduction stating that if all went to plan they would be launched within the parish by "the end of June". He emphasised that parishioners would first receive a letter/leaflet from NDDC (approximately 10 days before delivery of the bins) and that their introduction was by no means compulsory.

Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper (Chairman), A Johns, G May, Ms A Mayoh, F Scott, and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

2405/1 PRAYER

The Clerk led the Council in prayer.2405/2 APOLOGIES

Councillors R Cann (DCC), Mrs L Brown (NDDC), and Cllr S White (IPC).


RESOLVED that Councillor C Harper, being duly proposed (Cllrs Scott) and seconded (Cllr Cook), be elected as Chairman of Instow Parish Council for the ensuing year. There were no other nominations. Councillor Harper signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, took the chair and thanked Councillors for their support. (Noted)


RESOLVED that Councillor A Johns, being duly proposed (Cllr Crombie) and seconded (Cllr Scott), be elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. There were no other nominations. Cllr Johns signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked Councillors for their support. (Noted)


(a) Crime: - (i) Constable Parker reported that a number of crimes had been reported since the previous meeting namely, one burglary that had been detected (Tuck Shop at Lydacott picnic area - Holmacott) and six offences of theft. Constable Parker provided further details of each theft adding that he believed a number (Marine thefts) were connected and had been committed by the same offender(s). (Noted)

(ii) Constable Parker provided details of a vehicle see acting suspiciously in the area adding that the driver was known and would be seen by him asap. (Noted)

(b) Other Matters: Cllr Johns said he had received complaints from parishioners about the "excess speed" of motorists driving along Anstey Way (towards Bideford) in the vicinity of the new junction with Marine Parade (Signal Box end). Constable Parker agreed to look into this matter and to liaise with his motor patrol colleagues asap. (Action: Constable Parker)

(c) Instow - Community Policing: - (i) PC Parker again reiterated his difficulties in being able to provide a "full and thorough" service to the parish adding he had spoken to his supervisors with a view to rectify the issue. He added that unlike many "Neighbourhood Beats" in North Devon, the general police patrol network did not overlap the parish of Instow but he was still hopeful of a positive solution. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk advised PC Parker that IPC had written to the North Devon Police Commander to express its general concerns in respect of its current "community police cover" and to seek a answer for the apparent "inactivity" of the police to Cllr John’s recent "999" call (see item 2404/3 (c) (iii)). (Noted)


a) Road Signs: - A parishioner enquired why some roads within the parish did not have road signs; she cited the examples of Bath Terrace, Victoria Terrace and Marine Parade. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should contact DCC Highways to have this issue rectified. (Action: The Clerk)

b) Instow In Bloom: - (i) Mr Peter Yeo (Chairman) explained that IIB were contemplating the re-issue of their "Village Trail" pamphlet and had already identified a funding source for the project. He said the new pamphlet would seek to promote the village with a strong environmental theme and that he hoped IPC would fully support the initiative and contribute to its content. IPC unanimously RESOLVED to support the project and Peter Yeo agreed to provide further information for IPC to consider. (Action: Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB))

(ii) The Chairman congratulated IIB for its recent excellent publicity in the North Devon Journal as regards the "Meadow" (Anstey Way/New Road). (Noted)

c) Cyclist Signs: - A parishioner pointed out that she felt the informatory "Cyclist Signs" throughout the village were too high for cyclist to read. The Clerk pointed out that they had undoubtedly been so positioned by DCC Highways so as not to cause a danger to pedestrians and cyclist. IPC RESOLVED to take NFA. (Noted)

d) Instow Website - Web Cam: - A parishioner expressed her concerns about the village web cams, particularly the one that monitored the beach. The Clerk explained that all web cams, as far as he was aware, only took a single shot in time, at approximately half hour intervals, and that the website was a private concern over which IPC had no authority. The parishioner was provided with the name of the Instow website facilitator. (Noted) ** Cllr Ms A Mayoh declared an interest and did not speak**


In the absence of Cllr Cann the Clerk read out a report that had been forwarded to him by Cllr Cann. The report referred to "Instow Replacement School Site" (DCC has been refused permission to go on to the site for the purpose of soil testing - there are, however, formal powers that might have to be invoked), "Sandhills Toilets" (the rubbish has finally been cleared from the adjoining bank), "Speed Limit Marine Parade" (the proposed 20 mph speed limit is to be advertised in the near future), "Drop Kerb opposite Rectory Lane" (these have now been lowered to assist wheelchair users), "Increase Car Parking adjacent to Passing (Pinchpoints) Areas" (work is programmed to remove yellow lines adjacent to the new passing areas to increase car parking as originally agreed in the scheme), "Loading Bay" (following the recent site visit it has been agreed to advertise changes to reduce the length of the bay to increase the available parking area) and "Damage to Sea Front Wall" (a works order has been placed to have this repaired). (Noted)


In the absence of Cllr Mrs L Brown the Clerk read out a report that had been forwarded to him by Cllr Mrs L Brown. It referred primarily to "Replacement Toilets" stating that work was to commence in October 2004 to ensure completion for the summer season 2005. Cllr Mrs L Brown added that the NDDC Officer preferred choice of the site for the charter toilets on the Quay Car Park was still to the front for the following reasons: - (a) more prominent location which will assist in identifying the existence of the facilities to visitors (b) increase visibility should help prevent vandal damage (c) there will be a reduced health and safety risk to people using the facilities (d) the location at the front of the site gives improved winter boat storage facilities (e) there is not likely to be a significant reduction in parking spaces and (f) the orientation of the building, as proposed, will prevent the occupiers of the flats opposite from looking straight into the facilities when the doors are open. The report also made reference to a "Restrictive Covenant" on the Quay Car Park site; the Clerk provided IPC with the full details. Cllr Mrs L Brown finished her report by suggesting that a site meeting be arranged by her involving IPC Cllrs and NDDC Officers. It was RESOLVED to delay any further discussion on this issue until later in the meeting i.e. "Item 2405/10 (c) - Matters Arising". (Noted) ** Cllr Ms A Mayoh declared an interest and did not speak**

2405/9 MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the April 2004 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)


a) Item 2404/3 (b) and Annual Parish Meeting 2004 (APM) - Tyres (and Dog Waste) - Environmental Disposal: - The Clerk advised IPC he had forwarded an email to NDDC’s Environmental Health Dept (dd 16.4.04) and received a prompt response on 19.4.04. The Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)

b) Item 2404/3(c) (i) and (ii) - Instow Community Policing: - The Clerk told IPC he had written to the North Devon Divisional Police Commander (5.5.04) having discussed the letter content with the former Chairman and Vice Chairman; he said he had received a letter confirming receipt (14.5.04). (Noted)

c) Item 2404/8 (a) - Charter Toilets/Quay Car Park: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that a number of defects to the Sand Dunes toilets had been reported to NDDC since the last meeting, that is, no electricity, internal rubbish/general uncleanliness and a request to remove the rubbish/sand outside of the toilets on the Marine Parade end. The Clerk further reported that as the unsightly pile of rubbish/sand, adjacent to the toilets, had not been removed by 4.5.04 he had emailed the DCC Road Foreman and asked him to deal. It had been dealt with by Friday 14th May following an intervention by Cllr Cann (DCC). (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk told IPC that NDDC still had a mind to place the new mini charter toilets on the Quay Car Park in the middle of the car park (behind the bus shelter) and not on the current site. The Clerk reminded IPC of NDDC’s reasons, as previously set out in Cllr Mrs L Brown’s report (see item 2405/8). After discussion it was RESOLVED to take up Cllr Mrs L Brown’s offer and Cllrs Harper, Johns and Scott agreed to attend and represent the views of IPC; the Clerk to contact Cllr Mrs L Brown and arrange. (Action: The Clerk) ** Cllr Ms A Mayoh declared and interest and did not speak**

d) Item 2404/8 (b) - NDDC/Future of Lifeguard Provision: - (i) The Clerk reported that the Allianz Cornhill (AC) Insurance Company were still prompting IPC for a response (letter of 19.4.04 refers); he said the AC had been advised that NDDC was still providing a Lifeguard service for the current season and that once IPC had come to a final resolution that the AC would be informed. The Clerk referred to a further letter from AC (dated 11.5.04); he read it to Council. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had finally made contact with The Crown Commissioners, via their agents, Knight Frank (KF) of Hereford, and that a letter, setting out IPC’s options as regards its beach lease (until 2009), would be sent by them asap. Before this could happen, however, KF had been asked by the Crown Commissioners to write to IPC and enquire about what income was derived from the beach, that is, moorings. IPC RESOLVED to reply setting out the income for the current three-year tender period. (Action: The Clerk)

e) Item 2404/8 (c) - Siting of Xmas Tree/Lease: - (i) The Clerk confirmed he had advised Andy Bell (NDCCS) that IPC did not wish to take up the lease, as offered, but that the Railway Group had been offered IPC’s lights etc. This, he said, according to Andy Bell, would, unfortunately, involve the Railway Group adopting a similar lease as IPC. The Clerk said he had been in contact with the Chairman of the Railway Group and would keep IPC appraised of progress. He said the Railway Group was to discuss the issue on the 7th June. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that the proprietor of The Commodore had no objection to the usual charitable collection being taken by IPC around the Xmas tree. (Noted)

f) Item 2404/8 (d) - IPC Traffic Management Sub Committee Meeting: - A report was given by Cllr Johns (Vice Chairman) who attended the site meeting together with Cllr Harper. (Noted)

g) Item 2404/9 (i) (b): - Appledore Quay Wall: - The Clerk referred to an email from Chairman TTEF; he read it to Council. (Noted)

h) Item 2404/9 (iii) (a) (i and ii) - Pollution/Oil Pipeline "Footpath" - Tarka Trail:

(i) Pollution - (a) The Clerk confirmed he had emailed the Environment Agency (16.4.04) and received a telephone call (28.4.04) to the effect that the leak would be checked again, samples taken, and that IPC would be notified of the outcome as soon as possible. (Noted)

(b) The Clerk reported he had received a telephone call (18.5.04) to the effect that the leak was not sewage and that SWW were now dealing. (Noted)

(ii) Oil Pipeline "Footpath" - The Clerk advised IPC that he had spoken to DCC’s Definitive Footpath Department at County Hall (30.4.04) who confirmed that this "alleged" footpath did not show up as an official public footpath on the Definitive Map although if "permission" to traverse the path had been given in the past by a landowner then the public, if in sufficient numbers, and who could prove "historical access", might be able to "work" with DCC to resurrect it. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action but to advise the parishioner, who had raised the matter, of the option(s) open to him. (Action: The Clerk)

i) Item 2404/9 (iii) (d) - Bus Shelter - Criminal Damage/Press: - The Clerk told IPC he had made contact with the North Devon Journal (NDJ) (7.5.04) and a small article appeared in said paper (13.5.04). The Clerk suggested he follow this up with a open letter to the NDJ specifically thanking DCC and NDDC for their grants and reminding parishioners/visitors to Instow, of the continual vandalism and to report any suspicious behaviour to the police. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion of the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)

j) Item 2404/9 (iii) (j) - Sand on Marine Parade/DCC Strategy: - The Clerk advised IPC of his various email communications with the DDC Road Foreman concerning sand on the highway (Marine Parade), blocked drains, sumping of water (Boathouse Bus Shelter) and damage to the sea wall. He said Cllr Cann had been most helpful with this on-going issue. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to seek a proactive solution to this issue and the Clerk was asked to set up a meeting, on site, with Cllr Cann. (Action: The Clerk)

k) Item 2404/9 (iii) (l) - IPC Standing Orders Review 2004: - The Clerk reported that had liaised with Cllr Scott and Cllr Crombie (10.5.04) and that as a consequence a recommended amended format had been circulated to Cllrs (with a covering memo) together with their agenda papers (13.5.04). He said he had already received some constructive comments from the Chairman, Cllr Harper. After a discussion, led by the Chairman, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should amend the document in line with current amendments/alterations and to bring it back for further consideration in due course. (Action: The Clerk)

l) Agency (EA) Flood Defence Testing etc: - (i) The Clerk confirmed he had emailed the Environment Agency (16.4.04) following which he spoke to Mr Phil Monk, Flood Defence Team Leader for Devon. He then spoke of a letter (dd 28.4.04) he had subsequently received; he read it to Council. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk then advised IPC of the content of two letters he had received from parishioners concerning "problems" with the EA’s flood defence wall at the front of Marine Court i.e. sand completely covering the flood defence boulders beneath the flood defence wall causing problems with residents "privacy" and the outflow of water running off Marine Parade/Quay Car Park and out to the beach, via drainage gulleys (beneath Marine Court) and which had become blocked by the build up of sand against the wall. The Clerk appraised IPC of his various conversations with Phil Monk (EA), (and to whom he had emailed (7.5.04) a copy of one parishioner’s letter). He confirmed he had also spoken to the NDDC’s Car Park Manager and DCC Highways so as to appraise them of the surface water implications. IPC then discussed the matter and RESOLVED to support the action(s) as taken by the Clerk’s. (Noted)


TTEF Correspondence and related (For information only): -

NB: - Mrs R M E Day (Chairman TTEF) was present at the meeting and addressed Council on TTEF matters particularly those items referred to hereafter. (Noted)

a) Email (dd 20.4.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Yelland Quay Ashbed Site (37228) - Variation of Condition 1/Response of TTEF": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04) - noted by IPC.(Noted)

b) Email (dd 27.4.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Update (27th April 2004) - Rolle Canal Walk, DWT Coast Workshop, Anchorwood Bank" and attachments: - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.5.05) and that copies of the relevant attachments were available if required - noted by IPC. (Noted)

c) Email (dd 4.5.04) from Chairman TTEF to NDDC Cllr M Shapland reference "TTEF - Fast Leisure Craft": - The Clerk appraised IPC of the contents. (Noted)

d) Email (dd 6.5.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Defra Guide for Local Authorities: Managing Coastal Activities (Fast Leisure Craft in the Taw Torridge Estuary)": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04) and that the website of relevance was: www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/issues/coastal-guidance.pdf <http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/issues/coastal-guidance.pdf> (Noted)

e) Email (dd 11.5.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Update: Rolle Canal - Briefing Sheet, NDDC Consultation - Development Briefs (x3) for the former Cattle Market, Barnstaple, Queens Street/Bear Street, Barnstaple and Supplementary Planning Guidance on Community Woodlands": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04) - noted by IPC. (Noted)

f) Email (dd 19.5.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Forum Meeting of 19th April 2004 and associated correspondence": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs that this had been copied to them direct by Chairman TTEF - noted by IPC. (Noted)

(ii) Other Correspondence: - (For discussion and resolution): -

a) Letter (dd 21.4.04) from NDDC reference "Street Collection Permit - 26th June & 22nd August 2004 (between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm) - Association of Search and Rescue Hovercraft": - The Clerk advised IPC that on the grounds he had established this to be a bone fide charity (by way of NDDC) he had advised NDDC that IPC had no objections. IPC RESOLVED to support this decision. (Noted)

(iii) Other Correspondence (For information only): -

a) Email (dd 7.4.04 - received 19.4.04) from parishioner concerning "New Instow School": - The Clerk told IPC that the parishioner had been advised that his email would be placed before IPC at its meeting of the 20th May and that he had copied it to the Chairman (by email) immediately for his information. He added he had circulated a copy of said email to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.4.04) and that he had advised the parishioner to contact Cllr Cann (DCC). IPC noted the content and supported the action taken by the Clerk. (Noted)

b) Letter (dd 20.4.04) from NDDC reference "NDDC’s Charges Booklet for 2004/5": - The Clerk said he had retained this for information. (Noted)

c) Invitation letter (dd 23.4.04) from Director of Bideford Railway Company Limited reference "Carillion Award Presentation: Instow Signal Box Saturday 5th June 2004" -Inviting Chairman and Clerk: - The Clerk outlined the event for the information of Cllrs and reported that the previous Chairman and himself hoped to attend and represent IPC. (Noted)

d) Letter (received 24.4.04) from Devon Playing Fields Association (DPFA) reference "Survey of Outdoor Sports and Play Provision in Rural Devon": - The Clerk advised IPC he had completed the survey form and returned it to DPFA on 1.5.04. (Noted)

e) Letter (dd April 2004 - received 24.4.04) from The Home Office reference "Forthcoming Changes to the Law on Preventing Illegal Working": - The Clerk advised IPC of the contents. (Noted)

f) Received telephone call from parishioner (27.4.04) to the effect that Re-cycling Pavilion at Quay Car Park was overflowing: - The Clerk told IPC he had immediately contacted South Molton Recycling who cleared the pavilion on the following day. (Noted)

g) Letter (dd 28.4.04) from NDDC reference "European Parliamentary Election - 10th June 2004" and Posters: - (i) The Clerk confirmed that the posters had been placed on all parish notice boards (30.4.04). (Noted)

(ii) Letter (received 15.5.04) and notices from NDDC reference "Notice of Poll - European Parliamentary Election 10th June 2004" - The Clerk confirmed that the relevant notices had been placed on all parish notice boards and at the Post Office (17.5.04) as requested. (Noted)

h) DCC Monthly News Round Up (May 2004): - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04) and placed a copy at the post office for parishioners. (Noted)

i) Letter from Wyn Thomas/Gordon Lewis (dd 29.4.04) reference "Proposed dredging of marine aggregates at Culver Sand Area 472, Inner Bristol Channel - Application for "Government View" (Refers to Item 2404/8 (h)): - (i) The Clerk advised IPC this letter sought a response from IPC by 17.5.04; he reminded Cllrs that IPC had resolved, at its April Meeting (see item 2404/8 (h)), to be associated with the response of the TTEF. He added he had made contact with the Chairman TTEF, by email, and that she had confirmed that IPC would be included in the final response from the TTEF (see (ii) below). (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported receipt, by email (17.5.04), of a copy of the TTEF’s response that he circulated to Cllrs for their perusal. (Noted)

j) Meeting of Community Alliance of Parishes of Horwood, Lovacott, Newton Tracey, Westleigh, Instow and Tawstock: - The Clerk confirmed he had attended this meeting at Lovacott Village Hall during the evening of Thursday 6th May - he had tendered the former Chairman’s apologies. He added that talks had been given by Jo Deasey (DCC) on "Travel and Transport Issues" and Martin Coles (NDDC) on "Environmental Issues and Recycling"; the meeting had been chaired by Cllr Cann (DCC) and about 10 representatives of the various parishes were present. He said the next meeting was to be held at Westleigh Parish Hall commencing at 7 pm on Thursday 9th September and that all IPC Cllrs and parishioners were invited to attend - it is anticipated that presentations will be given on "Education" and "Vital Villages Applications". (Noted)

k) Information of relevance to "The Guardian Charity Awards 2004" - received from NDDC: - The Clerk advised Cllrs that this award was aimed at those organisations that were making a truly outstanding contribution to society as a whole and that he had circulated a copy to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04). (Noted)

l) Rural Transport Partnership Newsletter (Spring 2004): - The Clerk said he had passed this to Cllr Green with his agenda papers - Cllr Green said there was nothing to report. (Noted)

m) Letter (dd 7.5.04) from Mrs J Genge (Monitoring Officer and Solicitor for NDDC) referring to "Register of Interest": - The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this to them with their agenda papers (13.5.04). (Noted)

n) Letter from Society of Local Council Clerks and poster (received 12.5.04) reference "Regional One Day Conference - Exeter on 12th July: - The Clerk appraised Cllrs of the detail. (Noted)

o) Letter from DCC/NDDC reference "Looking Beyond the Barnstaple Western By-Pass - Public Exhibition 19/20th May 2004": - The Clerk said that the letter advised IPC of a public exhibition that was held in the Pannier Market, Barnstaple on 19/20th May between 10 am and 4 pm and also in the foyer of the Queens Theatre on the evening of Thursday 20th May between 5 pm and 8 pm. He added that the former Chairman and Clerk had also been invited to a preview of said exhibition in the Taw Room, Civic Centre, Barnstaple on Tuesday 18th May between 5 pm and 8 pm but that neither he or the former Chairman had been able to attend. (Noted)

p) Letter from parishioner reference "Introduction of Wheelie Bins/Dispensation": - The Clerk told IPC he had spoken to the parishioner and advised her to contact NDDC Environmental Health Department; he said he had also told her of the "Wheelie Bin" presentation being given at the Parish Hall prior to the Council meeting. (Noted)

q) Information from Parish handyman (13.5.04) reference "Fallen Tree - Kiln Close Lane - Hazard": - The Clerk advised IPC he had contacted DCC Highways and that said tree had been removed the same day. (Noted)

r) Telephone Call from parishioner reference "Parish Church - Teddy Bear Picnic Charity Event/Instow Sands": -The Clerk said this was a request for permission, from IPC, to hold this event (4th August 2004) on part of Instow beach leased by IPC from the Crown Commissioners; he said he had subsequently received a letter confirming the request (15.5.04) which he then read to IPC. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to grant such permission and the Clerk was asked to advise the applicant. (Action: The Clerk)

s) Letter (and posters) from Environment Agency reference "World Environment Day - 5th June 2004": - The Clerk advised IPC of the contents and confirmed he had placed the posters at the Post Office and provided copies of the letter/posters to the Chairman TTEF and Editor of Parish Magazine. (Noted)

t) Letter/poster (dd 13.5.04) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference "North Devon Police Liaison Meeting at Braunton on Friday 4th June 2004": - The Clerk told IPC he had copied this correspondence to Cllr Ms A Mayoh (Police Liaison Cllr) and placed a copy of the poster at the Post Office. (Noted)

u) Letter from Ros Davies (DCC P3 Coordinator) reference "Parish Paths Partnership Summer Workshop 2004": - The Clerk advised IPC that the North Devon event is to be held at Uffculme on the 12th July and that both he and the parish handyman were in a position to attend. IPC RESOLVED to support the attendance of the Clerk and Parish Handyman. (Action: The Clerk)

v) Review of IPC Appointments 2004: - Cllrs reviewed IPC’s appointments for the fiscal year 2004/5; a current copy had been circulated to Cllrs, by the Clerk, prior to the meeting. Some amendments/additions were made. The Clerk agreed to bring it back for further discussion at the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)

w) Letter (dd 4.5.04) from Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) to Clerk: The Clerk said the letter confirmed that a portfolio, recently submitted by him for the "AQA Certificate in Local Council Administration", had achieved Pass level and that IPC could now consider applying for Quality Parish status. After discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr Crombie would liaise with the Clerk to ascertain what action(s) were now necessary. (Action: Cllr Crombie and The Clerk)

x) Miscellaneous correspondence: - DCC "Common Ground" Magazine (Issue 14 Spring 2004) - placed at the post office, "The Playing Field" - Devon Playing Fields Association Newsletter (Spring 2004) and Clerk and Councils Direct Magazine (Issue 33 - May 2004). (Noted)

2405/12 FINANCE

1. INCOME: -

Car Park Season Tickets Nos 1 - 7 inclusive £ 560 00

NDDC 50% Precept/Parish Grant 2004/5 £ 3394.00+

Car Park Takings Period ending 17th May £ 456.20

TOTAL: - £4,410.20

Key: -

+ £2,676.00 precept (DAPC subscription 2004/5 deducted i.e. £124.00) and £718 grant.


Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 238.00 =

Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (Nos 1 and 2) £ 325.00

Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 217.07

Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 17.50

Inland Revenue Tax re: P Cook £ 7.93

NDDC Car Park Licence 2004/5 £ 1390.03*

BT 01271 372408 (Parish Phone) £ 73.96+

Instow Recreation Ground A/C DCC Lease Payment £ 25.00

Instow Parish Hall Committee Hire of Parish Hall 2004/5 £ 1.00

Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc Local Council Ins Policy 2004/5 £ 509.08~

M T Mills (Civil Contractors) Ltd Car Park Machine Installation £ 470.00$

TOTAL: - £3,306.57

Key: -

= Includes P3 activity - £128.00 (i.e. Strimming at Footpaths 5 (Water Works), 7 (Atturm), 16 (Venn Cross) and Worlington Cross and clearance of culvert, signage etc on footpaths 6 (Instow School) and 16 (near Bottom Sand Dunes Car Park).

* £54.05 more than 2003/4 (including Vat)

+ £26.04 for calls and £47.92 for Service Charges/Vat.

~ See item 5 (g) for further information

$ Includes £70 Vat


Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as at 27.4.04 (Statement) = £15,306.51#

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as at 4.5.04 (Statement) = £ 3.75

Key: -

# Actual balance £16,082.71 according to Clerk’s records as at 18th May 2004.


IPC RESOLVED to transfer £3,306.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Instow Welfare Trust (IWT): - Mark Kidson (Trustee IWT) provided IPC with an update of the IWT Trustees Meeting of 24th April. He said this would be their final report as all the necessary paperwork had now been completed in respect of the transfer of IWT funds into the Devon Community Foundation. The Clerk, on behalf of IPC, thanked Mark Kidson and his colleague trustees, Sandra Yeo and the Revd Clive Cooper, for their commitment. (Noted)

(b) Reclaiming of Vat: Not Registered: - The Clerk said he had liaised with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA), as regards how much Vat could be reclaimed (£132.57) by IPC for the financial year 2003/4, and that he now intended to communicate with Customs and Excise to recover same asap. (Action: The Clerk)

(c) Car Park Machine 2004: (i) The Clerk reported that the new car park machine (and signage) had finally been installed on Friday 30th April (note charge as at 1 above - M Mills) but that its service/"set-up", by Metric, could not take place until the following Tuesday (4th May); he cited the prime reason as being that the relevant software for the machine, in respect of IPC’s charges, was not available until that date because of a massive backlog at the suppliers. He said that in addition, "set-up" tickets for the machine had not arrived on time and this had necessitated some being borrowed from the Barnstaple Health Centre so as to commence a paying service on the 4th May; he said the tickets had since been replaced with grateful thanks. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he now needed to purchase a batch of tickets. (Noted)

(iii) The Clerk reported he still had not received details of the annual Metric maintenance costs. (Noted)

(iv) The Clerk updated IPC of a complaint regarding the blocking of access to garages in the car park and of a letter received by him from NDDC. He said he had pointed out to NDDC that the car park markings required repainting, as did the sign-requesting motorists not to block access to the garages in question. He said he had assured NDDC that he would do all he could to prevent obstructions on the infrequent occasions he visited the car park. (Noted)

(v) The Clerk advised IPC that any person, authorised by the Clerk, could issue fixed penalty tickets for breaches of the off street parking regulations applicable to the Quay Car Park. (Noted)

(d) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2004: - The Clerk confirmed he had met up with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) and that Mr Day had since completed the audit; letter of the 15th May refers. The Clerk referred to this letter, copies of which had been provided to Cllrs for perusal at the Meeting. The Clerk said that the following action was now necessary by IPC: -

(i) Annual Return 2003/4 (General) - The Clerk pointed out that Mr Day has confirmed that nothing had arisen in the course of his examination of the parish records, which he considered should be brought to the attention of Councillors - noted by Councillors. (Noted)

(ii) Audited Receipts and Payments Account 2003/4: - The Clerk told Cllrs that Mr G Day had advised IPC to ratify the original "Draft Receipts and Payments Account 2003/4" (as prepared by the Clerk and circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting in April 2004) but to do so in a slightly amended format. The Clerk circulated a copy to Cllrs and explained the minor differences. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the "Audited Receipts and Payments Account 2003/4" as advised by Mr G Day. (Noted)

(iii) Annual Return (Specific) - (i) The Clerk said that Mr G Day confirmed he had completed all the relevant sections and advised Councillors that, if they saw fit, should adopt the Return at this meeting with the details (in green spaces) at the foot of page 2 being completed and signed by the Chairperson/Clerk (Responsible Financial Officer) and similarly at the foot of page 3 (Chair and Clerk). The Clerk added, however, that before signing at the foot of page 3 that Mr G Day advised that Council should carefully consider the answers he had provisionally entered to the 8 questions answered on that page. A discussion then ensued with the Clerk running through the document in detail at the conclusion of which IPC unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the annual return and complete the form as advised; the Chairman and Clerk signed in the appropriate places. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk said that now the form had been completed/signed as necessary, he would return the paperwork to Mr G Day for submission, by him, to the District Auditor. (Action: The Clerk)

(iv) Reserves - The Clerk said that Mr G Day had stated, in his letter, that, as for the year 2002/3, IPC was left with cash at the bank at the year-end of more than twice the annual precept and that he would again have to explain to the District Auditor why this had occurred and whether the Council had earmarked part of the surplus cash for specific purposes i.e. tractor and more bus shelters for example. He said Mr G Day would like to know if any further capital costs were anticipated. After discussion it was RESOLVED to confirm to Mr G Day that IPC was most certainly considering a "new"/second-hand tractor in the next 1- 2 years and that a grant to the Parish Hall, towards a new damp course, might be appropriate. The Clerk said he would liaise with Mr Day. (Action: The Clerk)

(v) District Auditor/Public Notices - The Clerk advised IPC that Mr G Day is to copy the Clerk in on his letter to the District Auditor at which time the sequence/format of public notices would be discussed and actioned, by the Clerk, as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)

(e) Parish Handyman - Public Liability Insurance 2004/5: -The Clerk reported he was in possession of a copy of the relevant document, valid from 5.3.04 to 5.3.05 - total public liability indemnity of £5,000,000.00. (Noted)

(f) Letter from P3 Coordinator - DCC reference "Parish Paths Partnership Grant 2004: - The Clerk said this letter confirmed that DCC had awarded IPC a grant of £285.00 (see item 2403/10 (1)) and stressed that P3 rates had been increased from £50 per mile for footpaths and £75 per mile for a bridleway for those parishes that have been in the P3 partnership for three years or more and that it was important, in the coming year, to ensure all paths are very well maintained; it is the final year of the Public Service Agreement and this aims to achieve 90% all rights of way being "easily to use" by Spring 2005. The Clerk reminded Council that Instow Parish Council had already received praise for the manner in which it maintained the public footpaths within the parish. (Noted)

(g) Insurance Renewal 2004/5: - (i) The Clerk advised IPC that the current policy had been reviewed by him, together with Cllrs Crombie and Scott, and that apart from some amendments (i.e. more seats to be added/insurance company advised) it was felt that all was in order. After discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the view as recommended by Cllrs Crombie, Scott and the Clerk. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) War Memorial: - The Clerk said that from enquires made it was known that the war memorial (situated in the Instow Churchyard) was not included on the insurance policy of IPC or the PCC. He added that if it was to be added to the policy of IPC it would be necessary to have it professionally valued (at cost) and then the Allianz Cornhill would quote a price. He added, as an alternative, that IPC might consider "gifting" the war memorial to the PCC, who have an insurance policy that covers the whole of the churchyard and presumably therefore the war memorial. After discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED to offer the war memorial to the PCC as a gift and the Clerk was asked to write to the PCC. (Action: The Clerk)

(h) Mooring Fees 2004: - The Clerk confirmed he had sent an invoice to Instow Marine in the sum of £640.00. (Noted)

2405/13 PLANNING

a) Extension to Dwelling at 4 Kiln Close Lane, Instow (Reference no. 36334) - See Item 2404/4: - (i) The Clerk reported he had brought the parishioner’s "concerns" to the attention a Planning Enforcement Officer (16.4.04) of NDDC who confirmed he would speak to the parishioner and investigate/report back asap. The Clerk said he was subsequently told (17.5.04) that all was in order; he had advised the parishioner accordingly. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk reported he had also received information from a parishioner (email 11.5.04) to the effect this dwelling was to be used, it was believed, for bed and breakfast purposes and that there was concern, as a result, as regards additional parking that might ensue in Kiln Close Lane. The Clerk said he had, as a consequence, again spoken the NDDC’s Planning Dept who had responded by email (19.5.04); the Clerk read the response to IPC. (Noted)

b) Installation of 4 dormer windows in place of 4 roof lights at 4 Instow House, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No. 37570): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application on 8.5.04 and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers/Sub Committee. A discussion was then led by IPC’s Planning Officers at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to recommend approval - Clerk to advise NDDC. (Action: The Clerk)

c) Replacement of Garage and provision of stores and utility room at Gorse Hill, Instow (Reference No. 37713): - The Clerk reported receipt of this application (14.5.04) and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers/Sub Committee. A discussion then ensued, led by IPC’s Planning Officers, at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to recommend approval but to bring to the attention of NDDC (for information only), IPC’s concern that this replacement garage etc might subsequently be converted into living accommodation although it was appreciated that a further application for change of use and/or action by Planning Enforcement would be necessary/appropriate. Clerk to advise NDDC as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)


Bill Pain - Former Clerk: - The Clerk was asked to enquire into the state of health of the former Clerk, Mr Bill Pain and report back to IPC. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


