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THURSDAY 17th MAY 2007 AT 7.30 PM.

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), B Moores, S White (Vice Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 3 parishioners.

2705/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

Cllrs P Cook and G May

a) RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor A Johns, being duly proposed (Cllr White) and seconded (Cllr Crombie), be elected as Chairman of Instow Parish Council for the ensuing year. Councillor Johns signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, took the chair and thanked Councillors for their support. (Noted)
b) The Chairman welcomed all Cllrs to the first meeting of the newly elected Council in particular Cllr Moores. (Noted)

RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor S White, being duly proposed (Cllr Harper) and seconded (Cllr Crombie), be elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Cllr White signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked Councillors for their support. (Noted)

(i) General: -
PCSO Charles commenced his report by apologising for the non attendance of Sgt Jo Hartshorn (NBM Supervisor) who was sick and by introducing his accompanying colleagues, Constable Terry Hodgson and PCSO Dan Cornish. (Noted)
(ii) Crime Report: -
PCSO Charles apologised for there having been no police presence at the last three IPC Meetings and then provided details of all crimes that had been reported in the parish for the previous three months. These consisted of 7 thefts (various), 2 taking of vehicles without consent, 2 burglaries and 1 act of criminal damage (motor vehicle); he said suspects had been arrested for one incident (burglary/taking vehicle without consent) but beyond that there were no suspects or witnesses. (Noted)
(iii) Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators (NWC): -
PCSO Charles said he was pleased to report that another NWC had been recruited in the parish and that he was hopeful of enlisting others; it was his intention to publish posters around the village to encourage other parishioners to come forward. Following a discussion it was RESOLVED that if PCSO Charles furnished the Clerk with the information he wished to publicise he would arrange for it to be put in a forthcoming parish magazine and have it posted on the Instow website. PCSO Charles said that if sufficient interest was shown he would instigate a meeting to which a representative(s) of IPC would be invited to attend. (Action: PCSO Charles & The Clerk)
(iv) Neighbourhood Policing (PCSO) – Instow: -
PCSO Charles said that once PCSO Dan Cornish was fully operational he was to revert back to the Fremington, Sticklepath and Longbridge area of Barnstaple and would no longer be responsible for Instow. The Chairman and Clerk thanked PCSO Charles for his overall commitment and dedication to the parish; Cllr White (Vice Chairman) proposed that a letter of gratitude be sent to the Chief Inspector at Barnstaple Police Station; IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)

(v) Neighbourhood Policing (NBM) – Instow: -
Constable Terry Hodgson introduced himself as the NBM for Instow adding that he was to take up his position in the very near future once the posting had been ratified by the force. He pledged his commitment to the parish, which he knew well, adding that he looked forward to the challenge. (Noted)
(vi) Neighbourhood Policing (PCSO) – Instow: -
PCSO Dan Cornish introduced himself adding that like Constable Hodgson, he knew Instow well, and relished the challenges that this posting would set him. He said he hoped to start in the very near future. (Noted)
(vii) Neighbourhood Policing (General) – Instow: -
The Chairman and Clerk thanked all the Officers for attending the meeting adding that IPC could now looking forward to some proactive neighbourhood policing and this could only be good news for the parish. (Noted)
(viii) Marine Parade - Parking: -
The Clerk read out a letter (dd 15.5.07) that had been received from a parishioner concerning apparent flouting of the seasonal parking restrictions in Marine Parade (particularly between the Signal Box and The Quay), Instow. PCSO Charles reminded Cllrs there were insufficient traffic wardens to cover all parking regulations in the area and that as he had targeted this problem last year by leafleting/speaking to local residents he would attend and speak to the parishioner in question and endeavour to come up with a solution to the problem. (Action: PCSO Charles)

a) Instow Adopt a Beach (IAAB) Report: -
(i) Val Robson (IAAB Coordinator) provided Council with a full report of her group’s recent activities. She said that on average approximately 50% of litter collected on the beach came from beach users and 15% from fishing but that this varied with the seasons, tides and winds. She added that people were now becoming more aware of the problems and the scheme was attracting additional volunteers partly due to greater publicity in the local press. Val Robson finalised by saying the next beach clean was to be held on July 1st. The Chairman, on behalf of Council and the parish, thanked Val Robson and her team for all they do; it was much appreciated. (Noted)
(ii) Instow Beach – Dog Mess: -
Val Robson said that dog mess on the beach was becoming a problem, especially with the summer season upon us, and wondered what IPC could do about it. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to get in touch with NDDC and ask the Dog Warden(s) to pay some special attention to the area; it was suggested that Cllr Cann (who was not present at the time) might be copied in on the request. (Action: The Clerk)
a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke about a site visit to Holmacott Tip with the Environment Agency (to inspect the site and the progress being made by the operator to conform with the various permissions and licences on the site), DCC Borrowing (between 31st March 2003 and 31st March 2007 DCC’s borrowing rose from £368 million to approx £560 million), DCC Cllrs Ward Fund (been increased to £10,000 for 07/08) and NDDC – New Council (format of Executive etc). (Noted)
b) Quay Car Park: -
Cllr Cann said this matter was to be discussed by NDDC’s Executive on the 29th May and that he would be in attendance; he stressed he would have the interest of the community at heart and would be speaking against any development of the site.(Noted)
c) Ransom Strip Report to Executive: -
Cllr Cann advised IPC that Brian Holme had prepared a report to go to NDDC’s Executive with the recommendations that the working party had agreed. (Noted)
d) New Instow School Site: -
(i) Cllr Harper said he had obtained certain information from DCC (under The Freedom of Information Act) as regards the siting of the new Instow School and that he wished to know why two potential sites near Welch’s Lane had been discounted and not apparently ever been considered. Cllr Cann said that as far as he was concerned all possible sites had been considered as part of the overall consultation process but that various sites, at or near to Welch’s Lane, had been discounted on the basis that overhead cables in the immediate vicinity were likely to cause a danger to the schoolchildren. He added that as far as he was concerned the Welch’s Lane site had always been his personal preferred site but that the local consultation process, initiated by IPC, had disagreed; hence the lay by site that was the preferred choice of site as a result of the local consultation. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Harper said that as far as he could tell, having researched back thought IPC’s minutes, that Instow Parish Council had never passed a resolution in favour of/or against any particular site and that he suggested this should now be rectified. After a discussion and with no other Cllr willing to support Cllr Harper’s motion it was RESOLVED the matter should be deferred to the next meeting so that appropriate research might be carried out and the discussion continued once that was complete. It was pointed out to Cllr Harper, by the Clerk, that if he wished to make a representation(s) to DCC (there was a meeting arranged for Tuesday 22nd May) then, as a parishioner, he was within his rights to do so. (Action: The Clerk)
a) Welcome: -
The Chairman, Cllr Johns, congratulated Cllr Moores on his recent appointment as District Cllr for Instow and wished him well for the future. (Noted)
b) Report: -
Cllr Moores thanked Cllr Johns for his welcome and said he looked forward to working with IPC; he also thanked the residents of the Instow Ward for supporting him at the recent election. He went on to add that he had attended his first NDDC Meeting that afternoon and that beyond that he had little to report. He finalised by saying he would do all he could to ensure the Quay Car Park remained as such and was not developed; he added that the NDDC Executive was to meet at 10 am on the 29th May 2007 to discuss its options and he would be attending. (Noted)

2705/9 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the April 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2704/8 (b) – Traffic Management Issues (Various): -
Cllr Cann reported that costing of the relevant plans for traffic calming measures (i.e. village gateway/speed bumps etc) were still being considered and that he would report progress as and when. (Action: Cllr Cann)
b) Item 2704/8 (c) – Quay Car Park/Charter Toilets: -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 24.4.07) from a parishioner together with a copy letter (dd 24.4.07) sent by said parishioner to NDDC (Steve Pitcher) regarding the “Quay Car Park”, “NDDC’s Title Deeds of Ownership” and “Planning Permission for Flats” thereon; he had requested sight of same under The Freedom of Information Act and would report progress to IPC when completed. The Clerk said he had thanked the parishioner, on behalf of IPC, for his commitment/public spiritedness. (Noted)
c) Item 2704/8 (e) – Local Elections 2007/Co-option of Cllr to IPC etc: -
(i) All Cllrs present signed and handed to Clerk their “Declaration of Acceptance of Office” forms which he duly witnessed as the “Proper Officer” of Council; this form included an undertaking to observe the Code of Conduct previously adopted for the parish. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 27.4.07) from NDDC (Mr D Pratt – Assistant Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer) reference Revised Code of Conduct. He said this new code came into effect on 3rd May and authorities had until 1st October 2007 to adopt it after which date it would automatically become effective. He added that NDDC was to adopt the new code of conduct at its Annual Meeting on 17th May 2007 and that it was intended to provide training upon the revised code of conduct for parish councillors with said training sessions being held out in the communities rather than at the Civic Centre in an attempt to reach as many Cllrs as possible. The Clerk said these sessions were likely to be held in July and August 2007 and that full details would be circulated in due course. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said that in the meantime a training session had been arranged for Clerks and Chairmen on Friday 25th May at 10 am at the Civic Centre; this session would provide an overview of the existing code and replaced the previously circulated dates of 22nd and 24th May 2007. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this letter and the new Code of Conduct to them with their agenda papers (10.5.07). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 1.5.07) from The Standards Board for England reference “New Code of Conduct”. He said it stated much the same as that outlined in NDDC’s letter as at (ii) above but added that not all parts of the Model Code were relevant to parish and town councils. It suggested that for Parish Council’s Code of Conduct members should refer to www.standardsboard.gov.uk/TheCodeofConduct/ReviewingtheCode/ adding that it was possible to make local additions to the code although it advised that the code should be adopted un-amended with one exception; it suggested that councils should consider paragraph 12 (2) which was not mandatory for parishes - this gave members, with prejudicial interests, the same rights as members of the public to speak to a meeting on the issue and then leave before the main discussion and vote. The Clerk said that if Council wished such a provision to apply then it would need to pass a resolution adopting the Model Code of Conduct including paragraph 12 (2). It was not enough, the Clerk said, to adopt the code as applicable to parish councils as paragraph 12(2) was not mandatory for parishes, and parish councils must, therefore, expressly opt in for it to have effect; if this additional paragraph 12 (2) was adopted the Standards Board recommended that, in order to provide clarity, parish councils should have standing orders in place which set out clearly the circumstances whereby members of the public could attend meetings of the authority for the purpose of making representation, giving evidence or answering questions. The Clerk finalised by saying that IPC must notify The Standards Board when the new Code had been adopted. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter to them with their agenda papers (10.5.07) and confirmed that IPC’s Standing Orders did set out a procedure for parishioner speaking time at all meetings. (Note: - Standing Order 14 (a)). (Noted)
(v) a) IPC Co-option: - The Clerk advised Cllrs that he had prepared and published a notice (on parish notice boards and website; also copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers - 10.5.07) advertising there were insufficient candidates (x 1) nominated to fill all vacancies on IPC and that electoral legislation provided for IPC to co-opt any person to fill the vacancy and which must take place within 7 weeks from the 3rd May (i.e. by no later than 21st June 2007 – date of June IPC Meeting)). The Clerk said that interested parishioners were asked to notify the Clerk of their interest by the 31st May and that to date no person(s) had applied. (Noted)
b) The Clerk reminded IPC that if it failed to co-opt the necessary person, NDDC would have to decide whether or not a fresh election would be required to properly constitute IPC. (Noted)
c) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 1.5.07) from DAPC reference co-option; he said he had copied it to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.5.07). (Noted)
d) IPC then discussed the Procedure for Co-option; the Clerk recommended that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and two other Cllrs (TBA), if possible, together with the Clerk, should meet up with any interested parishioner(s) at a suitable time/date/venue, after 31st May, and then bring their recommendation(s) to the next meeting of IPC (21st June) at which time a decision could be taken by full Council. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action and Cllrs Crombie and Green were nominated to support the Chairman/Vice Chairman & Clerk.
(Action: - Cllrs Johns/White/Crombie/Green & The Clerk)
e) The Clerk reported receipt of some papers from NDDC relevant to co-option (11.5.07) i.e. “Rules for Co-option” (already received), “Candidates Consent to Co-option Form” and some additional “Declaration of Acceptance of Office” forms for use by all elected Cllrs – see item (c) (i) above. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 9.5.07) from NDDC (D Pratt - Deputy Returning Officer) reference “Parish Council Elections – 3rd May 2007”; he said it referred in particular to the Parish Council Election but attached a result of the election results for the NDDC Cllr. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 11.5.07) and enclosures from NDDC (Mr D Pratt – Monitoring Officer) reference “Revised Code of Conduct – Guidance”; he said the enclosures referred to “Standards Board for England Bulletin No 33”, “The Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils”, “Amended Register of Financial and Other Interest” and “Tear Off Slip for Composite Newspaper Advertisement”. The Clerk added that all papers (except Model Code of Conduct” – already copied as at item (c) (ii) above apart from “The Ten General Principles”) had been copied to Cllrs for their information at the meeting. (Noted)
(ix) IPC then discussed the appropriate action(s) necessary as regards the New Code of Conduct. The Clerk suggested he produced a draft New Code of Conduct for discussion at the June IPC Meeting and that IPC plan to adopt it at the July meeting subject to any amendments of the draft. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action and to include S 12 (2) – see (iv) above. (Action: Then Clerk)
d) Item 2704/9 (i) (a) (ii) - Neighbourhood Policing (Instow)
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had written to Chief Superintendent Terry (24.4.07) and that this letter had been copied to them with their agenda papers (10.5.07). IPC RESOLVED to support the tenor of the Clerk’s letter. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 9.5.07) from Chief Inspector Paul Davies (Local Policing Area Commander, North Devon & Torridge); he circulated a copy of that letter to Cllrs at the meeting; in addition the Clerk read it to Council. IPC RESOLVED to note the content. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC of further acts of vandalism to property of IPC and a parishioner; namely, a parish seat (Giles) vandalised/apparently stolen (night of 2/3rd May - opposite Commodore), a parish seat (Cantle) vandalised (night of 4/5th May - repaired by handyperson) and a plant pot (night of 4/5th May). He added that enquiries (7th May) had subsequently revealed that the “Giles” seat had undoubtedly been hit by a motor vehicle that had mounted the pavement; the remains of the seat had been recovered by the Commodore and it was irreparably damaged. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said he had liaised with PCSO Charles (8.5.07) and that there was no record of the road traffic accident involving the “Giles” seat; he confirmed that the other acts of vandalism had been passed to PCSO Charles. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk then recommended to IPC that an insurance claim be made for the “Giles” seat; he said a replacement new seat would cost £250 (he referred to a written quotation from Freebird Leisure) and pointed out that there would be an insurance excess payment of £125. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2704/9 (i) (h) – Audit Commissioner (AC) Survey – NDDC
The Clerk confirmed that a suitable response had been sent to the AC following consultation with Cllr Harper. The Clerk and Cllr Harper advised IPC of the crux of the response. (Noted)
f) Item 2704/9 (i) (i) – Instow Parish Council Annual Report 2006/7
The Clerk provided Cllrs with an amended draft copy for confirmation prior to publication by the end of May. After deliberation it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should publish the Annual Report, as currently written, unless he was advised of typographical errors for example prior to the end of the month. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 17.4.07) from NDDC reference “Road Closure Application – Community Show, Quay Lane, Instow – Saturday 21st July 2007”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed that said road closure order had been made – a copy of the order was provided to Cllrs for their information. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 26.4.07) and Submission Draft Document from DCC reference “DCC Minerals and Waste Development Framework Consultation on Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (Submission Draft): -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that the SCI outlined the proposed method of community involvement in the preparation of the various documents which would comprise the Devon County Minerals and Waste Framework and in consideration of those planning applications for which it was the determining authority; at this stage IPC had the opportunity to make representations until Monday 11th June 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that a copy of the letter, and précis of submission draft, had been provided to them with their agenda papers (10.5.07). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed that a DCC Poster, reference this consultation, had been placed on all parish council notice boards for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 1.5.07) from DCC reference “Highways Matters”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that the Highways Superintendent for the Instow area, following reorganisation, was now confirmed as Julian Roskilly (no change). He said the letter also advised IPC of the dates the Parish Lengthsmen were to visit the parish and that the letter had been copied to Cllr May (IPC’s Lengthsmen Liaison Cllr) and Parish Handyperson in addition to being noted by him. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 3.5.07) from DCC reference “Proposal for a Unitary Authority for Exeter – Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Proposals for Future Unitary Structures: Stakeholder Consultation: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that DCC had been asked by the DCLG to highlight the invitation to stakeholders to comment on Exeter City Council’s proposal to seek unitary status and it was asking for views by 22nd June 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that a copy of the letter had been provided to them with their agenda papers (10.5.07). (Noted)
(iii) After deliberation IPC RESOLVED that Cllr Moores would draft a response and following liaison with the Chairman and Clerk have it forwarded to the DCLG prior to the closing date for consultation. (Action: Cllrs Moores/Johns & The Clerk)
e) Letter (dd 14.5.07) from parishioner reference ”Request for Bus Shelter – Opposite Chandlers Court”: -
(i) The Clerk read the letter to Council. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED not to consider this request on the basis there was already a substantial (stone) bus shelter in the vicinity and that IPC could not consider outlaying the substantial cost of such an initiative for use by a small minority of parishioners especially as the acquisition of land was also involved; Clerk to advise writer. (Action: The Clerk)
f) IPC – Cllr Appointments/Published Details: -
(i) The Clerk circulated to Cllrs a copy of the current list of “Cllr Appointments” and “Cllr – Published Details” for perusal/discussion. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to amend both documents as appropriate with the Clerk bringing back amended copies for confirmation at the next meeting of council. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 24.4.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter”: - Refers to issues of relevance to Northam Burrows, Appledore Churchfield Slip, Changes to The Bar and Safe Channels in the Estuary Mouth, RNLI Open Meeting (24.4.07), CoastNET Conference (22nd June 2007 – Cardiff), Bideford Harbourmasters’ Report and dates of forthcoming meetings 2007/8.
b) Email (dd 4.5.07) & attachment (Minutes) from Secretary of TTEF reference “TTEF Minutes – 16th April 2007”

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 13.4.07) reference “New ACRE Small Grants Fund”; (ii) Email (dd 23.4.07) reference “SWMTA Press Release”; (iii) Email (dd 23.4.07) reference “Grants Scheme – ACRE”; (iv) Email (dd 23.4.07) reference “Good Homes Wanted!”; (v) Email (dd 25.4.07) reference “Petition to Downing Street – Sports Academy”; (vi) Emails (dd 25/26.4.07) reference “NALC Annual Conference October 2007”; (vii) “DAPC Newsletter (May/June 2007”; (viii) CCD Pamphlet reference “Annual Conference for Community Buildings 2007”; (ix) Email (dd 30.4.07) reference “LCR July Opinion Piece – Clerks to Multi Councils”; (x) Email (dd 27.4.07) reference “NALC Awards”; (xi) Email (dd 2.5.07) reference “CB Conference Delegate Push”; (xii) “The Playing Field Magazine” (Spring 2007); (xiii) Email (dd 8.5.07) reference “Reminders – DAPC County Committee/Dartmoor National Park Authority”; (xiv) Email (dd 9.5.07) reference “Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill”; and (xv) Email (dd 15.5.07) reference “CCTV”.
b) NDDC’s Members Services Weekly Information Sheets for w/c 20.4.07 and 27.4.07
c) Letter (dd 25.4.07) from Chairman of DCC reference Dinner – Parish Council Chairmen (17th May 2007): - Chairman’s apologies tendered; event coincided with date of IPC May Meeting.
d) Devon in Touch Monthly Special News Round Up (May 2007): - Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.
e) Letter (undated) from Society of Local Council Clerks reference Membership of the Society of Local Council Clerks: - No action taken as Clerk receives excellent proactive support from DAPC and expense to join SLCC, therefore, unnecessary.
f) Clerks and Council’s Direct (May 2007 – Issue 51)
g) Email (dd 4.5.07) from The Local Channel reference Help Engage Your Local Community
h) Devontalk Magazine (Spring 2007)
i) Email (dd 6.5.07) from Secretary of Instow Community Show reference “Instow Population”
j) Atlantic Coast Express (Bideford Railway Heritage Centre) – No 70 (Spring 2007)
k) Email (dd 28.4.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Update – Various Issue”: - All issues noted/salient information provided to Cllr Harper by the Clerk with the exception of graffiti in Sand Dunes Charter Toilets; passed to handyperson for attention
l) Letter (dd 9.5.07) from DE C and E reference “External Works & Ground Engineering, Building Solutions and Parks and Play Seminars & Exhibitions”
m) Agenda and associated papers of NDDC’s Meeting of Thursday 17th May 2007 at 2.30pm
n) Telephone call from parishioner reference “Vomit - Quay Bus Shelter”: - Seat cleaned by Clerk; handyman advised so as to disinfectant floor area asap. Handyman also requested to similarly clean Venn Cross Bus Shelter (seaward side).
o) Devon Rural Transport Partnership (Spring) Newsletter 2007
p) Devon In Touch Monthly Round Up (May 2007): - Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.

2705/12 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Season Ticket No’s 3 - 8 inclusive £ 480.00
NDDC 50% Parish Grant 07/08 £ 659.00
NDDC 50% Parish Precept £2871.00*
Car Park Takings Period ending 16th May 2007 £ 600.00
TOTAL: - £ 4,610.00
Key: -
* DAPC Annual Subscription 2007/8 deducted at source i.e. £129.00
Mr. M Harris Village Handyman £ 140.00#
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No. 1) £ 210.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 380.00
BT Parish Telephone (01271 372408) £ 79.09*
Allianz Cornhill plc Public Liability Insurance Premium 2007/8 £1,093.48
DAPTC Q. P. Council Seminar – Taunton (12.6.07) £ 15.00+
Lazarus Press Local Election Flyers £ 56.00~
Brian Thorne Welding Rods/Labour Tractor Scrape £ 68.15=
Metric Group Car Park Machine Service 2007 £ 108.28
TOTAL: - £2,150.00
Key: -
# Includes £28 for repair to Boathouse Bus Shelter
* Calls £29.91, Service Charge £33.57, Payment Charge (not direct debit) - £4.50 and VAT £11.11
+ See item 5 (i) below
~ Original Cheque (issued March 2007) gone astray – cancelled and re-issued
= £10.15 VAT recoverable

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 27.4.07 (Statement) = £ 294.35*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 30.4.07 (Statement) = £18,760.43+
* According to Clerks records this is £3.35 (2 cheques to the total value of £291.00 uncashed)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £19,240.43 as at date of meeting
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,150.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Tractor – Refurbishment of Old Scrape: -
(i) The Clerk reported on the progress of an additional quotation to the one that had been discussed at the April meeting of IPC i.e. £400 plus VAT (Pro-Weld of Bideford). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to defer a decision on this matter until the June meeting of IPC on the grounds it was not urgent. (Noted)
(b) DCC Locality Budget/Engine Blower and Chain Saw: -
The Clerk said that Cllr Cann had advised him he had nothing to report on this matter other than to say he was “chasing” it up. (Noted)
(c) Boathouse Flood Defence Gate (See Item 2704/10 (5) (n)): -
(a) The Clerk confirmed he had written to Devon Christie Estates (DCE) (dd 24.4.07) and then referred to an email (dd 17.5.07) response that supported IPC’s initiative; the Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk confirmed he had liaised with Andy Bell (NDCCS) who had stated (email of 23.4.07 refers) that said “project seemed like a reasonable suggestion at first sight” but advised liaison with DCE and EA. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk confirmed he had liaised with the Environment Agency (EA) (emails of 23/24.4.07 refer) and that he had completed, as a result, and returned (by email), an “Application for Works in Rivers” Form”; he added that another email (dd 17.5.07) requested that IPC provide the EA with a drawing/sketch showing the proposed design and construction of the gate. The Clerk said he would deal with this as soon as possible. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) The Clerk said he had endeavoured to procure a second estimate to construct and fit the proposed gate but despite an initial agreement to provide an estimate said offer had since been withdrawn because of excess workload; this company, he said, recommended the firm that had already provided an estimate. (Noted)
(e) After a discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED to proceed with the project by accepting the first estimate (£395 plus VAT {recoverable}) subject to the agreement of the EA (see item (c) above) and to DCC paying half of the cost (see item 2704/10 (5) (n) (i)). (Action: The Clerk)
(d) Letter (received 30.3.06) from Allianz Cornhill reference “Insurance Renewal 2007/8 – 1st June 2007”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had met up with Cllr Crombie (11.5.07) and their recommendation to council was as per an email to Allianz Cornhill dated 11th May 2007; Cllr Crombie and The Clerk spoke to this document. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to ratify this recommendation (see payment as to AC as at item 2 above). (Noted)
(e) Letter (undated – received 7.4.07) from Audit Commission (AC) together with Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2007 and associated papers: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed he had met up with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) and that he had completed the internal audit; the Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a copy of Mr Day’s letter (dd 4.5.07) to them (with their agenda papers 10.5.07) for perusal prior to the meeting together with a copy of the Annual Return Form (partly completed). The Clerk added that the following action was now necessary by IPC: -
(a) Annual Return 2006/7 (General): -
The Clerk said Mr Day had confirmed that nothing had arisen in the course of his examination of the parish records, which he considered should be brought to the attention of Councillors. (Noted)

(b) Audited “Receipts and Payments Account 2006/7”: -
(i) The Clerk told Cllrs that Mr G Day had advised IPC to ratify the original “Draft Receipts and Payments Account 2006/7” (as prepared by the Clerk and circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting/IPC Meeting in April 2007) but to do so in a slightly amended format. Cllrs had been provided with a copy of each (original draft and IA’s “approved” copy) with their agenda papers (10.5.07) for perusal prior to the meeting; the Clerk explained the minor differences.
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the amended “Receipts and Payments 2006/7” accounts as recommended by IPC’s IA. (Noted)
(c) Annual Return (Specific) –
(i) The Clerk told IPC that Mr Day confirmed he had completed all the relevant sections and advised Councillors that, if they saw fit, should adopt the Return at this (May) meeting with the details (in green spaces) at the foot of page 2 being completed and signed by the Chairperson/Clerk (Responsible Financial Officer) and similarly at the foot of page 3 (Chair & Clerk). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that before signing at the foot of page 3, however, Mr G Day advised that Council should carefully consider the answers he had provisionally entered to the 8 questions answered on that page and if altered in any way whatsoever that an explanation be given to him as to reason(s) for change. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk finalised by saying that after completing/signing pages 2 and 3, Mr G Day had asked for the Annual Return Form to be sent back to him for submission to the District Auditor. (Noted)
(iv) A discussion then ensued with the Clerk running through the Annual Return in detail at the conclusion of which IPC unanimously RESOLVED to adopt it as written and to complete the form as advised; the Chairman and Clerk signed in the appropriate places. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk then said that because of some changes in internal audit requirements (he added that IPC appeared to be doing everything correctly) Mr G Day recommended that IPC considered and minuted the following: -
(a) The Council’s Risk Assessment should be reviewed and any alterations deemed necessary should be incorporated into the manual (policy). The Clerk reminded Council that IPC does this each year when the budget is set for the forthcoming year (last done in November 2006) albeit a minor amendment was only made at the previous meeting (April) to include oil spillage etc implications. IPC RESOLVED that this procedure should continue. (Noted)
(b) The Council should review the internal audit procedures in place and minute their approval of them. In particular Council should indicate the Cllr responsible for the quarterly review of the financial records (currently Cllr Crombie) and the requirements that he/she should sign the Cash Book at the end of each quarter to signify he/she has made his examination; confirmation that the procedures for approving all receipts and payments and minuting them at each Council meeting will be maintained; acknowledging that actual income and expenditure is monitored against the approved annual budget (this is done at 6 monthly intervals), and confirming the procedure for examining and approving the Clerk’s expenses each quarter. IPC noted that such processes were already carried out as part of IPC’s Financial Regulations and than passed a RESOLUTION that such procedure(s) should continue. (Noted)
(vi) Council’s Assets Register: - The Clerk said Mr Day had pointed out that this administrative process/record needed reviewing/updating; The Clerk said he would deal with this asap. (Noted)
(d) District Auditor/Public Notices –
The Clerk said that Mr Day would copy the Clerk in on his letter to the District Auditor at which time the sequence/format of public notices would be discussed and actioned as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
(f) Letter (dd April/May 2007) from HM Revenue and Customs reference “Budget Pack 2007” together with HM Revenue and Customs Employers Bulletin (April 07 – Issue 26): -
The Clerk said this had been filed for future information. (Noted)
(g) Pamphlet from HM Revenue and Customs (received 7.5.07) reference “Employer Talk 2007 – Thursday 12th July 2007 at Torquay”: -
The Clerk said this had been noted by him and filed. (Noted)
(h) Letter (Dated March 2007) from Land Management Information Service (LaMIS) reference “Parish Mapping on CD Rom”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this issue had been brought forward from IPC’s April Meeting for further discussion – see item 2704/9 (i) (f). After deliberation IPC RESOLVED to take no further action on the principle that although such an initiative was desirable it was not essential. (Noted)
(i) Emails (dd 3.4.07, 5.4.07 & 7.5.07) from South West Conference of Local Councils Association reference “Quality Council Seminar Taunton - 12th June 2007”: -
The Clerk stated that this confirmed that said seminar was to take place at Somerset County Cricket Ground in Taunton on Tuesday 12th June 2007 – booking form enclosed; £15 per candidate (see payment as at 2 above) - Clerk to attend as approved at IPC Meeting of April 2007 – see item 2704/9 (i) (d). (Noted)
(j) Letter (dd 30.4.07) from Crown Estate (CE) reference “Change of Address”: -
The Clerk said this stated that the Head Office of the CE had now moved to “The Crown Estate, 16 New Burlington Place, London W1S 2HX” and that he had noted this for his records. (Noted)
(k) Email (dd 25.4.07) from The Charity Commissioners reference “Charity Commission News”: -
The Clerk confirmed that copies had been provided (by email) to Cllrs Johns, White, Crombie and Green (Cheque Signatories and Trustees of Recreation Ground a/c) and Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) for information. (Noted)
(l) Email (dd 21.4.07) from Secretary of Instow Twinning Association (ITA) reference “Donation to ITA”: -
The Clerk read this email to Council at the conclusion of which, and after deliberation, it was RESOLVED not to provide a donation/grant on the grounds that to do so would set a precedent for other local organisations to make similar applications (IPC doesn't have a great deal of reserves that are not already accounted for) coupled with the fact it has a policy only to consider awards to local organisations that would benefit the community/parish as a whole. (Action: The Clerk)
(m) Letter (dd 18.4.07) from DCC P3 reference “Parish Paths Partnership Scheme 2007/2008”:
(i) The Clerk said this advised IPC it should have already received its P3 Grant (£325), either by a cheque/BACS payment. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC it had received this grant in March 2007. (Noted)
(n) Quay Car Park – Boat Park Issue: -
The Clerk advised IPC that he had refused a boat owner permission to leave his boat on the car park post April; he alleged it would require, at the most, 2-4 weeks of additional work on it before it could be moved and offered to pay car parking charges in lieu. The Clerk said he had provided the boat owner with details of alternative storage facilities and that the boat had been moved by 1st May when the car park opened. IPC RESOLVED to support this action taken by the Clerk. (Noted)
(o) Email (dd 11.5.07) from Charity Matters reference “Charity Matters/May 2007 (Issue 1)”: -
The Clerk confirmed that copies had been provided (by email) to Cllrs Johns, White, Crombie and Green (Trustees of Recreation Ground) and Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) for information. (Noted)
(p) Handyman - Public Liability Insurance Cover 2007/8: -
The Clerk confirmed he had taken possession of a copy of this document (limit of liability - 5 Million) that had been filed for future reference. (Noted) (q) Beach Cleaner - Public Liability Insurance Cover 2007/8: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this was in hand. (Noted)
(r) Letter (dd 14.5.07) from HM Revenue and Customs (Barnstaple Office) reference “Request for Duplicate Pay and Tax Details/R Jacob”: -
The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the relevant P 60 (2006/7) had been sent by return of post – original sent to Exeter Office on 5.4.07. (Noted)

2605/13 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 1.5.07) from Barnstaple Town Council reference “Advance Notice of Planning School”: -
The Clerk said this stated that a planning school was being arranged for Saturday 23rd June 2007; further information would be forwarded in due course. (Noted)
b) Listed building application for installation of solar panels to rear of garage roof at The Rectory, Quay Lane, Instow (Reference No 44263): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this application (5.5.07) and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 24th May or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Installation of solar panels to rear of garage roof at The Rectory, Quay Lane, Instow (Reference No 44264): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of this application (5.5.07) and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 24th May or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend approval of this application. (Action: The Clerk)

a) Rectory Lane/Close – Weeds: - Cllr White requested that DCC Local Services be asked to deal with this annual issue. IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk liaise with DCC Local Services asap. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Sand Bags – Boathouse Flood Defence Gate: -
Cllr Harper suggested that these bags should now be removed; IPC RESOLVED that the Clerk should contact DCC’s Local Services to deal. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


