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THURSDAY 15th MAY 2008 AT 7.30 PM

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), G May, S White (Vice Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 3 parishioners.

2805/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

a) The Clerk advised Council he had received communications from both Cllr Mrs P Renshaw and Cllr B Moores resigning as Cllrs from Instow Parish Council. (Noted)
b) IPC RESOLVED to take the appropriate action to fill these two vacancies by liaising with North Devon Council. (Action: The Clerk)

Cllr Moores (NDDC)

a) RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor S White, being duly proposed (Cllr Cook) and seconded (Cllr Crombie), be elected as Chairman of Instow Parish Council for the ensuing year. Councillor White signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair. (Noted)
b) The Chairman said he would like to sincerely thank fellow Cllrs for their support and mark his forthcoming year as Chairman with a recommendation that IPC construct a Strategic Plan for the forthcoming year. He said he would like each Cllr to identify an area(s) they felt worthy of including in such a corporate strategic plan and which could be discussed at IPC’s June meeting and then, after resolution, commit to paper. He suggested this plan could be revisited every 3 months and progress reviewed. The Chairman added that quite obviously any action(s) identified needed to be realistic, achievable and within budget constraints and that IPC had to take into account that many actions would need to be in partnership with other governmental and statutory bodies, such as DCC, NDC, and Environment Agency etc. He said it would be useful if Cllrs could include with each recommendation as to how any proposed actions might be achieved. The Chairman said in his view this process would provide IPC with some proactive structure to its activity during the year and ensure Council kept its “eye on the ball”. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
c) The Chairman concluded by saying he would like to pay tribute to IPC’s out-going Chairman, Cllr Anthony Johns, who he knew had found it quite difficult of late juggling his chairmanship duties of the parish council with his business commitments. He said Anthony had done a terrific job in ensuring that Instow Parish Council had remained proactive, answerable to its parishioners and most of all non political which was, he suggested, one of its strengths. He said he hoped that in the foreseeable future Anthony might find it possible to return to his Chairmanship role. (Noted)
d) Cllrs and the Clerk echoed the Chairman’s sentiments. (Noted)

RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor M Green, being duly proposed (Cllr Harper) and seconded (Cllr Johns), be elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Cllr Green signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked Councillors for their support. (Noted)

a) Crime: -
Constable Hodgson reported that one offence of criminal damage had been reported in the parish since the last meeting. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
Constable Hodgson said that in the same period of time 10 other incidents had been reported to the police, namely, 6 information, 2 crime and 2 traffic logs. (Noted)
c) Instow Dunes – Nuisance Party (25thApril 2008): -
Constable Hodgson said that a large gathering of youths were identified as having a party within the dunes at Instow and police attended in numbers. A large quantity of alcohol was seized from the group and Section 27 of The Violent Crime Act was used to good effect when dispersing the young people, all of whom were removed from the village. Officers attended from both Barnstaple and Bideford to assist with the dispersal that was greatly helped by communications with the security office at Atturm for which a letter of thanks had been sent. (Noted)
d) Police Cycles: -
Constable Hodgson said that both he and PCSO Cornish had been issued with dedicated police cycling clothing and bikes which had already been used around the patch with favourable feedback having been received from residents. (Noted)
e) Operation Everest: -
Constable Hodgson reported that this was a force day of action that had been held on Tuesday 13th May 2008; a large number of officers were deployed at various locations around the area to target offenders for offences such as drug dealing and theft – this had not involved Instow. (Noted)
f) Speed Detection: -
Constable Hodgson reported that both he and PCSO Cornish had now completed their training in hand held speed detection equipment and had conducted their first operation on Anstey Way on the 14th May 2008. He said a number of vehicles were stopped and construction and use checks were completed as well as one endorseable fixed penalty notice being issued for excess speed. He added that these checks would continue on a regular basis from the Torridge bridge roundabout to the Cedars roundabout. (Noted)
g) Limited Waiting Abuse – Marine Parade (Shops): -
In response to a comment from Cllr Harper as regards apparent abuse of parking at this location, Constable Hodgson said he would pass on said information to the Civil Enforcement Officer of DCC/NDC for attention; he reminded IPC the Police no longer dealt with these types of offences. (Noted)
h) Neighbourhood Policing: -
After a discussion about the excellent service provided by Constable Hodgson and PCSO Cornish to the parish, IPC RESOLVED to write to the incumbent Superintendent at Barnstaple, Superintendent Stuart Lander, and congratulate both officers for their commitment and dedication. (Action: The Clerk)

TTEF – Minutes of Meeting of 21st April 2008: -
The Clerk said that Mrs Rose Day (Chairman of TTEF) had tendered her apologies for not attending the meeting but had asked that a pack of papers of relevance to the above meeting be handed to Cllrs; copies were circulated. (Noted)

a) Cllr Cann spoke of “Cleansweep Estuary (Power Station) Litter Pick” (approx 40 volunteers assisted – future event planned for Instow Yacht Club/Westleigh), “Instow Toilets” (a very robust response had been formulated to Christie Estate who were “preventing” the scheme moving forward; if objection not lifted NDC intends to go to Lands Tribunal), “Instow School Update” (DCC considering response from NDC), “Clean Neighbourhood Act” (NDC are considering implementing the act to enable it to introduce a widespread penalty regime and greater powers to control and clean up litter), “Dry Recycling Service” (transfer of this service to NDC was implemented the previous week; around 30 staff joined from SMR), “Grass Cutting (Not Instow)” (a significant number of complaints regarding the poor standard of grass cutting by the new contractors had been received and passed to NDC) and “Wetland Project – Instow” (fully supportive of this excellent initiative – see item 2805/11 (f)). (Noted)
b) Westleigh Junction/Torridge Bridge: -
Cllr Cann said he was looking at ways of improving this junction in the event monies became available from the DCC sale of Exeter Airport. (Noted)
c) Litter Bins – Marine Parade: -
Cllr Harper reported that many of these bins were in a poor state of repair; Cllr Cann said he would ascertain if this state of affairs could be rectified. (Action: Cllr Cann)
d) Commercial Recycling; -
Cllr May asked why only one recycling box/wheelie bin was emptied at houses that doubled as holiday lets. Cllr Cann said this was because the additional receptacles for holiday lets were treated as “commercial” waste and needed to be paid for accordingly. After a discussion it was RESOLVED by IPC, supported by Cllr Cann, that a Bottle Bank should be reinstated at the Quay Car Park to alleviate some of this problem; the Clerk was asked to liaise with Cllr Cann to arrange its siting. (Action: The Clerk)

In the absence of Cllr Moores there was no report. (Noted)

2805/10 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the April 2008 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2804/3 (f) – Vandalism to Bus Shelters: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that three perspex windows at the Boathouse Bus Shelter had been kicked/pushed out over the weekend of 26/27.4.08 and were originally missing (had, in effect, been recovered by Cllr Moores); he said the matter had been reported to the police and the windows were subsequently replaced by the handyman. (Noted)
b) Item 2804/4 (b) – Community Website/”Local Eyes”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had provided those Cllrs with access to the internet details of this website (19.4.08); he also provided copies with agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action; it recognised the worthiness of said website but felt it was not appropriate for Instow. (Noted)
c) Item 2804/8 (a) – Police Surgeries (PACT): -
PC Terry Hodgson advised IPC that the first Instow police surgery (PACT – Police And Community Together) had been held prior to the meeting although there had been some “teething” problems with access to the hall; it was anticipated this would be sorted by the next surgery in June. (Noted)
d) Item 2804/8 (b) – IPC’s Self Help Emergency Plan Update: -
Cllr Harper reported on progress; he said an entry had been published on the Instow website and that he hoped a similar report would appear in the next parish magazine seeking updated relevant information from parishioners. (Noted)
e) Item 2804/8 (c) – Review of Local Government/Boundary Committee: -
(i) The Clerk referred to DAPC Newsletter (May/June 2008) and its reference to “Unitary Status in Devon”; he said he had copied it to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 7.5.08) from DAPC reference “Joint Mayors (Okehampton, Tavistock and Hatherleigh) Response to the “Local Development Framework for West Devon”; he provided Cllrs with a copy at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported that IPC’s Unitary Sub Committee met on Thursday 8th May 2008 and discussed DCC/NDC’s unitary proposals; he said further meetings were proposed. Cllr Green provided Council with a précis of what had been discussed and the basis of the two recommendations. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC that Cllr Moores (NDDC) wished to make a presentation on NDC’s Devon Unitary proposals at the June meeting of IPC and that it has been suggested (by IPC’s Sub Group) he could be joined by Cllr Cann (DCC) and appropriate officers (NDC and DCC). The Clerk suggested this take place prior to IPC’s next meeting, that is, 7 pm on Thursday 19th June. (Noted)
(v) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this proposal and the Clerk was asked to publish suitable posters to advertise the event to parishioners. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Item 2804/4 (d) – Instow Ransom Strip: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 7.5.08) from DAPC reference “Funding for the Regeneration of Seaside Resorts”; he advised IPC that he had forwarded a copy (7.5.08) to the Chairman of Instow in Bloom (IIB) and of the outcome of this action. He said such funding could perhaps match fund some of the initiatives raised at the time of the Ransom Strip consultation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of a relevant media report from Government via NDCCS. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Cann said he had liaised with members of IIB and that a possible Wetland Project (land between Elm Terrace and Marshfield, Instow) could attract funding subject to the co-operation of the landowner. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should liaise with IIB and report progress at the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Item 2804/9 (i) (c) – The Future of Social Care in Devon: -
(i) The Clerk reminded IPC that this matter had been deferred at the last meeting for Cllrs to peruse the relevant papers and bring the issue back for discussion at the May meeting. (Noted)
(ii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
h) Item 2804/9 (i) (d) – Toucan Crossing – Marine Parade (Signal Box): -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had received further emails from the Bideford and Instow Railway Group (BIRG) expressing its concern over this road safety initiative in that it feared it would have a detrimental impact on the signal box which was a listed building and of heritage status. The Clerk added that all relevant emails had been passed to Cllr Cann (DCC) for his attention and the BIRG had been advised this project was a DCC “highways” matter. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to an email from the NDCCS who appeared to support the initiative. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Cann (DCC) said he understood there were design issues that DCC Local Services were endeavouring to resolve satisfactorily. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to reinforce its support for this essential road safety initiative and the Clerk was asked to communicate this view to Cllr Cann and DCC Local Services. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Item 2804/9 (i) (f) – Creative Coasts Meeting at Caddsdown, Bideford: -
The Clerk said he had been advised by the Chairman of the TTEF, who had attended this meeting and represented both TTEF and IPC, that it had primarily been a brain storming session and that she had little else to report. (Noted)
j) Item 2804/12 – Roundhouse, Instow Recreation Ground/Picnic Site: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of a series of emails he had sent/received with WINGS and the NDCCS and of the outcome. (Noted)
(ii) In a discussion that ensued, Cllrs expressed concern as regards the apparent state of affairs with the insurance cover at this site and it was RESOLVED that NDCCS and WINGS should be asked to provide IPC with an assurance that sufficient cover was now in place to cover all eventualities on site. (Action: The Clerk)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 14.4.08) from NDC (Community Development Officer) reference “Parish Council Meetings”: -
(i) The Clerk reported that as part of NDC’s ongoing commitment to consult and involve residents in local decision making it was currently trying to compile a list of all parish council meetings and events. The Clerk added that the aim was to develop a more strategic co-ordinated approach to consultation and participation by holding information in one central place, initially internally, but eventually to publish the data on NDC’s website. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk provide the relevant details of IPC’s meetings for 2008/9 and to include the date/time/venue of the annual parish Carol Singing event. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Note (dd April 2008) and attachments (posters etc) from NDC (Deputy Returning Officer) reference “Review of Polling Districts and Polling Placers/Stations”: -
(i) The Clerk said the Electoral Administration Act 2006 required each local authority to undertake a review of all polling districts and to consider access arrangements at polling stations. NDC was asking IPC if it had any comments/observations on the current arrangements and that responses were required by 30th June 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter/attachment to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08) and that posters had been placed on parish council notice boards for information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to advise NDC that it felt the current arrangements were more than satisfactory. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Letter (dd 16.4.08) from NDC (Assistant Chief Executive – Legal and Democratic) reference “The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter drew attention to Section 76 of this act that referred to (a) the election of Chairman/Vice Chairmen of parish/town councils (can only be elected from those Cllrs who have stood for election and not those who have been co-opted) and (b) Appointed Cllrs – although this had come into force further information was expected from the Secretary of State on 1.7.08; appointed Cllrs, the Clerk said, might be someone like the local head teacher who would not be qualified to be a local Cllr in the area but would be very useful; they may/may not end up with voting rights.(Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08) (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 18.4.08) from NDC (Licensing) reference “House to House Collection (Direct Debit Donors): Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) (by Support Direct) for period 19.5.08 to 15.6.08”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact this was a bone fide charity he had told NDC that IPC had no objections to the application in principle although he believed that IPC would not be happy with the concept of direct debit donation seeking as opposed to cash collection. The Clerk told IPC that unfortunately this was not a good or valid reason to object within the terms of the House to House Act 1939 and that he suspected the application would be granted. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision and in doing so confirmed its disquiet at such a form of collection. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 18.4.08) and Guidance Paper from NDC (Assistant Chief Executive) reference “Local Assessment of Complaints {Latest News}): -
(i) The Clerk said this letter/guidance paper advised IPC that as of the 8th May 2008 all allegations about the behaviour of Cllrs must be directed to the Standards Committee (NDC) as opposed to the current procedure of referral to the Standards Board for England; further information to follow in due course. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter/guidance paper to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk also referred to a note from NDC (received 5.5.08) reference “Members Code of Conduct Complaints Process”; the Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the note to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 25.4.08), pamphlet and questionnaire from North Devon and Somerset Coastal Authorities Group reference “Shoreline Management Plan Review – North Devon and Somerset Coastline”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter and questionnaire to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08) and the Chairman of TTEF (30.4.08). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to ask the Chairman of the TTEF to include IPC in the response of the TTEF. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Email (dd 30.4.08) and attachment from DAPC reference “Quality Parish Status/Power of Well Being”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the email and attachment to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08). The Clerk said this email advised parish/town councils of the imminent changes in quality parish status and that further guidance would follow in due course. (Noted)

h) Email (dd 28.4.08) from a parishioner reference “Excess speed of cars – Rectory Lane, Instow”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of the crux of the complaint and confirmed he had liaised with Cllr Cann (DCC) and the Headmaster of Instow School. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to request DCC to consider placing a speed hump in Rectory Lane and to ask the police to pay some attention to the alleged excess speed of certain motorists using the lane. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Copy letter (dd 6.5.08) from Headmaster of Instow School to DCC (Education Dept) reference “Instow New School”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann (DCC) said he had received a copy of a reply to this letter from DCC; he provided IPC with a copy - see item 2805/15 (b). (Noted)
j) Copy letter (dd 30.4.08) from Devon and Cornwall Police (PC Hodgson/PCSO Cornish) to Supervisor of 11 (ATT) Squadron Guardroom reference “Assistance Provided – 25.4.08”: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08). (Noted)
k) Letter (dd 1.5.08) and attachments from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference “Appointment of Independent Members to The Police Authority”: -
The Clerk said this letter stated the Police Authority was currently advertising for independent members to serve for a period of 4 years from 1st October 2008. The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied the letter and attachments to them with their agenda papers (8.5.08) and had also placed posters on parish council notice boards for parishioners. (Noted)
l) Note from DCC etc (via TTEF) reference “Devon Towns Forum AGM (9.7.08) and Reception 2008 – Invitation”: -
The Clerk reported that the Chairman of the TTEF, who had received this invitation, was unable to attend and enquired whether any IPC Cllr was interested and could represent the TTEF/Parish. After a discussion it was ascertained that no Cllr was available to attend. (Noted)
m) Instow Parish Council’s Draft Annual Report 2007/8: -
The Clerk circulated a copy of a draft report at the meeting to Cllrs requesting that any comment(s)/amendments should be passed to the Clerk prior to the next meeting at which time it could, by resolution, be published. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
n) Damaged Parish Seat (G Harker): -
The Clerk reported that a parish seat had been irreparably damaged over the previous weekend (it was not known if it had been caused by criminal damage or general wear and tear) and that part of it had gone missing although the plaque had been recovered. He added that fortunately the handyman was in a position to replace it with another seat he had constructed from parts of other damaged seats and it would be replaced asap; the Clerk added that the donor of the seat had been advised and was satisfied with this course of action. The Clerk confirmed that the police had been told. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 21.4.08) and Newsletter from Chairman of YYEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter – 21st April 2008”
b) Ditto to IPC Cllrs
c) Email (dd 8.5.08) from Secretary of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Minutes – Meeting of 21st April 2008”

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 18.4.08) reference “SLCC Meeting – 23rd May 2008”; (ii) Email (dd 22.4.08) reference “Park and Ride Scheme in Market Towns”; (iii) Email (dd 23.4.08) reference “Playground Equipment Inspections”; (iv) Email (dd 25.4.08) reference “Calor Gas Village of the Year 2008” – copied to Chairman of IIB; (v) Email (dd 29.4.08) reference “LCR July Opinion Piece – Image of Parish & Town Councils”; (vi) Email (dd 30.4.08) reference “Funding of Tourist Information Centres”; suitable response sent to Combe Martin PC by Clerk; (vii) Email (dd 30.4.08) reference “Summer Seminars – Gloucestershire University”; (viii) Email (dd 1.5.08) reference “People’s Millions 08”; (ix) Email (dd 1.5.08) reference “QPC – Clerks’ Lunch”; (x) Email (dd 6.5.08) reference “NALC Conference 2008”; (xi) Email (dd 6.5.08) reference “Notice Boards”; (xii) “DAPC Newsletter (May/June 2008)”; (xiii) “The Playing Field Magazine (Spring 2008)”; (xiv) Email (dd 9.5.08) reference “Chairmanship Training”; (xv) Email (dd 9.5.08) reference “DAPC Newsletter – May/June 2008”; (xvi) Email (dd 8.5.08) reference “Allotments – Lamerton PC”; (xvii) Email (dd 12.5.08) reference “War Memorials” – Clerk passed on the experiences of IPC; (xviii) Email (dd 12.5.08) reference “Job Advert – Town Clerk at Seaton”; (xix) Email (dd 13.5.08) reference “Car Parks in Villages”; (xx) Email (dd 13.5.08) reference “Career Opportunity - Local Policy 08/09” and (xxi) Email (dd 14.5.08) reference “Parish Path Maps”
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 18.4.08, 25.4.08, 2.5.08 and 9.5.08
c) (i) Agenda of NDC’s Standards Committee of Wednesday 30th April 2008 at 7 pm and Minutes of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of 19th March 2008 and associated papers; (ii) Minutes of Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 30th April 2008 at 7 pm.
d) Agenda, Minutes and Reports of Extraordinary Meeting of NDC on Wednesday 7th May 2008 at 7 pm
e) National Gardens Scheme (Devon Gardens) Booklet 2008
f) Letter (April 2008) from Vitalise reference “Please help Vitalise”
g) Complaint (7.5.08) by parishioner reference “Dangerous Anchor on Beach – Near Commodore Slipway”: -
Passed to beach cleaner by the Clerk who was aware of the boat and anchor in question and agreed to speak to the owner and give suitable H and S advice; complainant told and satisfied.
h) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (May 2008 – Edition 528)
i) Pamphlet reference “Royal Cornwall Show 2008”
j) Clerks and Councils Direct – May 2008 (Issue 57)
k) RD and Express Magazine (Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) – Issue 14 (May 2008)
l) Email (dd 7.5.08) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up (May 2008): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners
m) Note from Appledore Arts etc reference “Launch of Appledore Visual Arts Festival – 28th May 2008”
n) Junk Mail (Spring 2008)
o)Pamphlet reference “Devon Community Groups – Conference 21st June 2008 at Tavistock”

2805/13 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Season Ticket No’s 3-5 inclusive £ 200.00+
NDC 50% Parish Grant 08/09 £ 655.00
NDC 50% Parish Precept £ 2867.00*
Car Park Takings Period ending 14th May 2008 £ 427.10
TOTAL : - £4,149.10
Key: -
+ Includes Instow Pre School Group @ £40.
* DAPC Annual Subscription 2008/9 deducted at source i.e. £133.
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 142.50
Mr M Harris Grass Cut (No 1) £ 230.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 400.00
BT Parish Telephone (01271 372408) £ 82.74*
Allianz Cornhill plc Public Liability Insurance Premium 2007/8 £1,242.94
Metric Group Car Park Machine Service 2008 £ 118.50
TOTAL: - £2,216.68
Key: -
+ Includes x 3 hours for car park machine maintenance (power cut) issues.
* Calls £30.43, Service Charge £36.15, Payment Charge (not direct debit), £4.50 and VAT £11.66 .
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 28.4.08 (Statement) = £ 23.30*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 3.4.08 (Statement) = £17,645.05+
* £1.30 according to Clerk’s records (one cheque to value of £22 uncashed).
+ £17,759.15 according to Clerk’s records.
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,217.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (April 2008): -
The Clerk told IPC that this confirmed IPC was in balance and owed nothing. (Noted)
(b) Use of Instow Sands – Atturm: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (email – 30.4.08) of a draft renewal licence for the MOD’s use of Instow Sands; he copied it to Cllrs at the meeting. He advised IPC that it was more or less a similar type of document to the current one in existence although he was concerned that annual payments of £250 would be made on 1st June each year in arrears; he said if this were the case then no annual payment would be received during the current year (2008/9) on the basis the new agreement would commence on 1st June 2008 and no payment would be received until 1st June 2009. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to accept the agreement in principle but on the condition the annual payment of £250 be paid in November/December each year so that it in effect said payment would represent 6 months in advance and 6 months in arrears. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Beach Cleaning Grant 2008: - .
The Clerk told IPC that now he had received IPC’s financial records back from the Internal Auditor this grant could be applied for on the basis evidence of expenditure was required to support the request and a copy of the financial ledger needed to be sent together with the application. (Action: The Clerk)
(h) Inland Revenue – End of Year (2007/2008) Returns (P35 and P14s’): -
The Clerk confirmed this process had been completed and the necessary paperwork dispatched to Inland Revenue. (Noted)
(i) Quay Car Park: -
The Clerk advised IPC that the annual service of the car park machine had taken place on Tuesday 29th April 2008 (see expenditure as at 2 above) at which time it had been ascertained that the power supply had been off since November 2007; he said a fuse in the machine pedestal was found to have blown and was replaced. He added the power had also found to have failed when the machine was checked on Thursday 8th May at which time the car park mechanic was re-called after a further fuse had been inserted and power restored. The Clerk said the car park machine engineer attended on 9.5.08, found the machine to be in working order and suggested the fault was with the power provider. Western Power were subsequently called and visited the car park (9.5.08) – and found the fault to be in an adjacent lamp; the Clerk confirmed that action was in hand to have this light checked out and repaired. (Noted)
(k) Letter (undated – received 12.4.08) from Audit Commission (AC) together with Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2008 and associated papers: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed he had met up with Mr G Day (IPC’s IA – 21.4.08) and handed him all necessary financial paperwork to complete the audit. The Clerk added he had again met up with him on 14.5.08 and recovered all financial paperwork; no major issues had been identified by IPC’s IA. The Clerk said a letter from Mr Day would follow asap. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he now had to complete and publish the appropriate audit notice to electors. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk said the Annual Audit Return needed to be sent to the AC by the 23rd June 2008 following anticipated approval at IPC’s meeting of 19.6.08. (Noted)

(l) Letter (received 10.4.08) from Allianz Cornhill reference “Insurance Renewal 2007/8 – 1st June 2008”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that Cllrs Johns and Crombie and himself had reviewed the cover “on offer” and recommend it was accepted without amendment/addition. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this course of action. (Noted)
(m) Damaged Bench – Marine Parade/(Motor Car Accident): -
The Clerk advised IPC he had obtained an estimate to repair this seat at a cost of £110; he added he was currently “negotiating” with the relevant parishioner to pay this sum direct to the cabinet maker concerned although she wished, in the meantime, to find another local cabinet maker (who was known to her) who might charge a more competitive price. (Noted)
(n) Letter from DCC (11.3.08) reference “Parish Paths Partnership Scheme 2008/2009”: -
The Clerk said this letter confirmed IPC had been awarded £300 that had already been received and banked (March 2008). (Noted)
(o) Letter (dd April 2008) from HM Revenue and Customs reference “Budget Pack 2008”: -
The Clerk said this had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
(p) Boathouse Bus Shelter – Alterations: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC it would cost approx £200 to alter this shelter to make it more vandal proof including parts (ornamental bricks, sand/cement) and labour; the Clerk elaborated. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to proceed with this project but to ascertain whether a grant from DCC might be forthcoming to cover the costs/part costs; Clerk to liaise with Cllr Cann (DCC). (Action: The Clerk)
2805/14 PLANNING
a) Copy letter (dd 12.4.08) and Annexe A attachment letter from Windsor Road Residents Group reference “Scotts Moor, Pilton, Barnstaple”: -
The Clerk advised Cllrs of the content of this letter and annexe A at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

a) Potholes – Huish Road: -
Cllr Harper said he had ascertained that these potholes were not being repaired as it was believed there was an underlying water/sand problem that would make their repair almost impossible; he added that DCC were investigating. (Noted)
b) Instow New School – The Future: -
Cllr Green asked whether there was anything constructive that IPC should do with the apparent current impasse as regards positive progress being achieved with the new school. It was RESOLVED, after debate, that a suitable letter should be sent from IPC to DCC (Education Department) and that it would be drafted by Cllrs Green, White and Cook for signature by the Clerk. (Action: Cllrs White, Green, Cook and The Clerk)
*** Cllrs Crombie, Johns, Harper and May declared an interest and did not speak ***

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


