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THURSDAY 20th MAY 2010 AT 7.30 PM

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors, P Cook, M Green (Vice Chairman), C Harper, G May, B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 6 parishioners.

2005/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

Cllrs N Crombie, Mrs T Dipper and A Johns.
The Clerk welcomed Mr Mark Gough the Headteacher of Instow School.

RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor S White, being duly proposed (Cllr Cook) and seconded (Cllr Thomas), be elected as Chairman of Instow Parish Council for the ensuing year. Councillor White signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair. (Noted)

RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor M Green, being duly proposed (Cllr May) and seconded (Cllr Harper), be elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Cllr Green signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. (Noted)

(a) Item 2005/7 (c) & 2005/13 (5) (g) All Saints Community Appeal; Cllr Green declared a pecuniary interest. (Noted)
(b) Item 2005/12 (i) (j) Reopening of Railway – Barnstaple to Bideford and Beyond; Cllr Green declared a pecuniary interest. (Noted)
(c) Item 2005/15 Overgrown Hedge Rectory Lane; Cllr White declared a personal interest. (Noted)

a) Crime: -
Constable Hodgson reported that two crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, criminal damage (a domestic incident) and the theft of a pedal cycle. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
Constable Hodgson said that in the same period 6 other incidents had been reported to the police, namely, x1 “information”, x1 “crime related”, x1 “dog related”, x1 “property related” and x2 “domestic related”. (Noted)
c) Dog Incidents: -
(i) Constable Hodgson said he had attended two dog “out of control” incidents on the beach recently and that both owners had been reported. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised PC Hodgson of the local beach dog/litter initiative which he agreed to be part of if available – see item 2005/11 (h). (Noted)
d) Vehicular Obstruction Offences – Boathouse Flood Defence Gates/Bus Stop: -
Constable Hodgson said he had been approached by the Clerk to take some positive action on this long standing matter and that this was currently in hand. He spoke of a press release that he and the Clerk had discussed and of requests he had made with colleagues to adjoining businesses to ensure their clientele complied with the law. He agreed it was now time to issue fixed penalty tickets. (Action: PC Hodgson)

e) Scrap Metal Thefts: -
Constable Hodgson said that a number of these thefts were occurring in the Yelland area; he gave a description of some suspects. (Noted)

a) Instow Church: -
A parishioner reported that the West Window was “falling out” and that the situation was quite serious. (Noted)
b) Parish Plan – Ransom Strip: -
(i) A parishioner suggested that one asset the parish council might consider acquiring from this source was a free standing parish notice board. (Noted) (ii) The parish council subsequently discussed this during the meeting and RESOLVED not to consider it on the grounds there were already four parish council notice boards within the parish and that this was felt to be more than adequate. (Noted)
c) All Saints Community Appeal: -
(i) A parishioner reported that £29,000 had already been raised towards this appeal by way of various grants, donations and other forms of funding. She added that an Exhibition/Consultation Day had been arranged for the 11th June and that all were welcome to attend. (Noted)
(ii) It was also said that the Community Council for Devon (CCD) was currently considering an application for a substantial grant and that as a result of a telephone conference/application critique certain other matters had to be attended to in order to reinforce the committee’s original application for funds; these had all to be completed by 30th June 2010 (next round 11th October 2010). (Noted)
(iii) The parishioner said that the CCD wished to know why IPC’s original grant (£200) was “disappointing”, required to be advised why more could not have been provided together with a copy of its annual accounts and a letter fully expressing support for the project. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC that the £200 grant that had originally been given was un-budgeted for and was in addition to the £436 provided to the parish hall committee as its annual grant. He added that IPC had only made a small surplus for the previous year and that he had already provided the treasurer of the appeal fund with a copy of IPC’s Annual Accounts and an email expressing IPC’s full and unreserved support for the project. (Noted)
(v) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to forward to the treasurer of the appeal fund a suitable letter as requested. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Instow In Bloom (IIB) – Dog Show: -
(i) A parishioner reported that Instow In Bloom wished to arrange a Dog Show on Instow Beach on Saturday 11th September 2010 and enquired whether Instow Parish Council was prepared to permit it to do so. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to agree to this request on the grounds that IIB was covered by its insurance company to organise and run such an event and that it was held on those parts of Instow Sands as leased by it from the Crown Estate. (Noted)
e) Instow School – Community Governor: -
The headteacher of Instow School, Mr Mark Gough, reported that since Cllr Crombie had stood down as a Community Governor there was a vacancy for his replacement and he invited applications for the post. (Noted)
f) Boathouse Flood Defence Gates: -
(i) A parishioner said he was now unable to access his boat on the beach because these gates had been chained and padlocked. He added that as a fisherman he had to get to his boat to deliver heavy loads of fuel etc and that he had paid a substantial sum for the provision of moorings and harbour dues. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk explained that action had been taken to secure these gates and indeed place a lockable bollard (this was imminent) on the Commodore slipway because of the amount of “illegal” access to the beach the previous year. This he said had been done in partnership with DCE, NDCCS and the Environment Agency, with the NDCCS leading the initiative. He said that persons and organisations that had a right to access the beach had been provided with keys as had the emergency services. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk suggested that the parishioner liaised with the person to whom he had paid the mooring/harbour dues as undoubtedly he had access to a key and could enable the parishioner to access the beach as and when. The parishioner said he had already written to DCE and was awaiting a reply (Noted)

a) General: -
Cllr Cann spoke of “A39 Westleigh Junction” (hoped a scheme would be ready for presentation to Cabinet in July), “DCC – Farm Estates” (DCC currently reviewing its 84 farms – 9960 acres; 6 nursery farms, 30 starter farms, 39 progression farms and 9 others), “Yelland – Tarka Trail Cycle Link” (SWH have undertaken to rectify current surface breakup and grass growth), “Tell Us Once Project” (government initiative that enables informants to give consent for the registration service to share information about deceased persons to other local authority and government departments), and “North Devon Cricket Club – Grant” (£1,600 has been provided from DCC Locality Budget for replacement of rotten windows and protective mesh within pavilion – a grade 2 listed building). (Noted)
b) Bus Congestion – Marine Parade: -
Cllr Cann said DCC Highways Officials had held discussions with bus companies regarding this problem apparently with little effect. He, therefore, had requested a meeting with more senior bus company management and would report back as necessary. (Action: Cllr Cann)
c) DCC On-Street Parking Policy: -
Cllr Cann said DCC were now adopting a policy of pay and display throughout Devon with consultations already in hand in some areas. He added that enforcement was far easier in this situation and that this initiative might well suit Instow in time to come. (Noted)
d) Sand on Footpath/Highway – Marine Parade: -
Cllr Cann said that discussions were ongoing regarding a possible shoreline management scheme to assist in minimising this problem; he said the Clerk and he were to meet Andy Bell (NDCCS) on site the following week.
(Action: Cllr Cann and The Clerk)
e) Additional Passing Bay – Marine Parade: -
Cllr Cann said this initiative was currently with the Engineering Design Group and that it was hoped it would be available for the October round of HATOC meetings where the final design could be accepted. He said the scheme was currently top of DCC’s reserve public transport scheme list for the financial year but that it was more than likely not going to be achieved until the year 2010/11. (Noted)
f) Village Gateway Project: -
Cllr Cann said that DCC now had sufficient information to carry out a further safety audit on the current proposals and that he would report back asap. (Action: Cllr Cann)
g) Marine Parade – State of the Road Surface: -
Cllr Cann said he was concerned at the generally poor state of the road surface along the seafront and that he intended to meet with DCC Highways and endeavour to resolve the matter. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Thanks to Cllr Cann: -
Cllr Harper thanked Cllr Cann for speedily resolving the defective 30 mph speed sign on Anstey Way. (Noted)
a) General: -
Cllr Moores spoke of “Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park” (Executive to consider the funding implications of a High Court hearing to settle the interpretation of the covenant), “Sand Residential Home - Instow” (spoke of a recent communication between NDC Planning and Agent of proprietors as regards level of affordable units), “Kiln Close, Instow” (NDC proposes that all flats (Woolaway PRC flats and NDC flats) are demolished and replaced with 5 homes; 3 affordable rent, 1 shared ownership and 1 for existing private owner), “Planning” (new government coalition will rapidly abolish regional spatial strategies and return decision making to local councils).(Noted)
b) Management of Quay Car Park: -
(i) Cllr Moores said a response should have recently been received by IPC from NDC’s Property and Technical Services as regards this matter. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised Council that no such response had been received even though Cllr Moores had originally promised it as of w/c 19th April. (Noted)
c) Thanks to Cllr Moores: -
Cllr Harper thanked Cllr Moores for the provision of the new doggy bin on the Commodore Slipway. (Noted)
d) Damaged Waste Bin/Marine Parade - Entrance to NDYC: -
Cllr Harper said this bin was damaged and its support pole bent and required some appropriate maintenance. Cllr Moores agreed to deal. (Action: Cllr Moores)
2005/10 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the April 2010 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2004/4 (c) – Unlawful Parking/Marine Parade near Boathouse: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this long standing problem appeared to be caused by motorists causing an “obstruction” (bus stop and flood defence gates), as opposed to breaching any parking regulations, and that this was a police matter and not that for the civil enforcement officers. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that, as a consequence, he had sought the co-operation of PC Terry Hodgson (email dd 10.5.10 refers) and provided him with a short statement for a press release that PC Hodgson intended to release. The Clerk added that PC Hodgson had also agreed to take positive action in the area with the assistance of his colleagues and issue fixed penalty tickets as necessary. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action taken by the Clerk. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Cann told IPC he had liaised with DCC as regards the “unsuitable” hours worked by the Civil Enforcement Officers, particularly during the summer months, and that hopefully this would be reviewed. (Noted)
b) Item 2004/5 (c) – Marine Parade/Congestion-Buses: -
(i) See items 2005/7 (b) and (e). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 19.4.10) from Cllr Thomas recommending possible solutions to this ever present problem; the Clerk said he had acknowledged it and passed it to Cllr Cann (DCC) for review. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Thomas then addressed IPC and spoke of initiatives such as the installation of traffic lights at each end of the village to control buses (as were situated by the Barnstaple Railway Station); Cllr Thomas acknowledged this would not be a cheap option and agreed to make further research. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Cann spoke of initiatives such as “On Street Parking Charges” – see item 2005/7 (c). (Noted)
c) Item 2004/6 (b) – Sand on Highway/Near Boathouse Bus Stop: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had forwarded an email (dd 19.4.10) to Andy Bell (AB) (NDCCS) requesting a meeting to discuss a “Shoreline Management Plan”. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of the various responses he had received as a consequence from AB and DCC’s Local Services Superintendent; he elaborated. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk told IPC he had forwarded another email (dd 11.5.10) to NDCCS requesting a site meeting prior to IPC’s meeting of the 20th; this was not achieved – the Clerk explained the reason. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC it was hoped to meet up on site with AB and Cllr Cann w/c 24.5.10. (Action: The Clerk)
(v) Cllr Cook enquired whether DCC was to clear away the sand from the Marine Parade drain outlets on the beach; the Clerk said he was unaware but that he would check. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Item 2004/9 (a) - Village Gateway Initiative: -
(i) The Clerk reported he had forwarded an email (dd 22.4.10) to Cllr Cann requesting that DCC carry out a safety audit on the current plans (as agreed at the April meeting of IPC). (Noted)
(ii) For further progress see item 2005/7 (f). (Noted)
e) Item 2004/9 (b) – Ransom Strip Projects: -
(i) Cllr Cann provided IPC with an update on his enquiries reference the Tarka Trail “Yacht Club” and “Signal Box” sites. He said that the NDC’s Parks Department had advised that a single multi-play piece of equipment could be fitted on either/both of the sites. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann asked IPC if it wished him to proactively pursue these initiatives; IPC RESOLVED to do so. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed he had sent a letter to DCE (dd 11.5.10) enquiring about the availability of land for sale or lease within the parish so as to establish some of the proposed Ransom Strip/Parish Plan projects; he said no reply had been received as of the date of the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.5.10). (Noted)
f) Item 2004/10 (c) - Instow 30’ Highway: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC that Mr Ian Budge (Solicitor) had advised him (20.5.10) that in the light of no specific reply having been received from the Land Registry that he recommended IPC placed a “charge” on the land which would ensure it was formally advised if a third party laid claim to it. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Item 2004/9 (d) - Parish Plan Update – Format: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 18.5.10) and parish plan update document from Cllr Harper; he said he had copied it to Cllrs with email addresses for their information. He also provided a copy at the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) IPC then discussed the document, led by Cllr Harper, at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to re-draft it to indicate what action had already been taken, what action was still proposed (and who should deal) and what issues were not being actioned and for what reason(s). (Action: Cllr Harper and The Clerk)
(iii) Cllr Harper was thanked by IPC for all the hard work he had put in to prepare the document. (Noted)
h) Item 2004/10 (i) (a) - Instow Beach/Litter and Dogs: -
(i) The Clerk reported that a number of parishioners, led by Peter Yeo (Chairman of IIB), together with Cllr Mrs Dipper, “patrolled” Instow Beach on Monday 3rd May, suitably attired with fluorescent waistcoats, advising dog owners of the new “dog” legislation and seeking their cooperation to abide by it. They were, apparently, well received and hoped to repeat the process in the very near future. The Clerk added that this initiative had the support of the Dog Wardens. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the North Devon Gazette had covered this story in their paper (19.5.10); he provided a copy of the article to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported it was hoped, if above initiative was repeated, that a small handout could be produced to emphasise the objectives of the exercise; he advised IPC of the tenor of the proposed leaflet and costings. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support the leaflet initiative and the Clerk was asked to explore funding. (Action: The Clerk)
(v) The Clerk reported it was not clear whether the new legislation (CN and E Act) also referred to keeping dogs under control (e.g. on leads) so had sought guidance from NDC (email dd 12.5.10 refers). The Clerk advised IPC of the outcome that was in the negative. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk advised IPC that irrespective it would seem the police had powers to deal with dogs not under the control of their owners (see item 2005/6 (c)) and it had been noted that PC Hodgson and his colleagues were keen to participate in the imitative as at (i) above. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 16.4.10) from RWE npower renewables reference “Atlantic Array Scoping Opinion”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that in January 2010 the Crown Estate announced that RWE npower renewables (NRL) had been awarded the development rights to the Bristol Channel Round 3 Zone. NRL has undertaken a detailed review of the constraints affecting the entire Bristol Channel Zone to determine the optimal location to site a proposed offshore wind project, known as the Atlantic Array. Some detailed work has already been carried out by NRL and a scoping report has been prepared for consultation. IPC is a consultee under the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2009 and it is advising IPC that the Infrastructure Planning Commission (known, confusingly, by its abbreviation as IPC) will soon be in touch requesting comments. NRL states it will be in contact in the near future to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss the project. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded this letter by email (dd 26.4.10) to Cllrs with email addresses and to others with their agenda papers (13.5.10). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 21.4.10) from the Infrastructure Planning Commission reference “Proposed Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Bristol Channel (“the project”) etc” He said this letter reiterated the information as at (i) above and set out where the relevant information could be found i.e. its website. It requested that any comments be forwarded to it by the 19th May 2010. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said he had forwarded this letter by email (dd 26.4.10) to Cllrs with email addresses and to others with their agenda papers (13.5.10). (Noted)

(v) The Clerk advised IPC he had also forwarded the above information to the Chairman on the North Devon AONB, Simon Brown (IPC’s TTEF Representative) and the Secretary of the TTEF by email (27.4.10). (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk advised IPC he had received little or no feedback from Cllrs prior to the meeting. (Noted)
(vii) A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED to advise IPC that it wished to highlight its grave concerns over the massive impact the above development might have on its community particularly as regards to traffic management, the natural environment (much of which was in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and World renowned Biosphere) and wildlife. IPC stressed that a carefully managed Traffic Management Scheme should be drawn up as a consequence and a strategic plan developed to protect the natural environment and wildlife. (Noted) (viii) The Clerk was asked to convey this message to IPC and to apologise for the lateness of the response. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (dd 23.4.10) from NDC (Housing) reference “Making Housing Affordable for Local People – We Need Your Help”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that NDC was to hold a seminar on Saturday 12th June 2010 at Goodleigh Village Hall (EX32 7NN) and that IPC was invited to attend (three places); it was to be held in two identical sessions, namely, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm and NDC required to know of attendances by 2nd June 2010. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter to Cllrs (13.5.10) with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED that any Cllr(s) who wished to attend should make their own arrangements with NDC direct. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to the recent “Affordable Housing” survey carried out in Instow (November-December 2009) by the Rural Housing Project (Exmoor, North Devon and West Somerset) and that had been discussed at IPC’s meeting of April 2010 – see item 2004/7 (c). The Clerk referred to the project’s report and distributed it to Cllrs for suitable circulation amongst themselves. (Action: IPC Cllrs)
c) Email (dd 26.4.10) from the Environment Agency reference “Forthcoming Bathing Season – Bathing Checks by Beach Owners and Managers”: -
(i) The Clerk said this email stated that the EA’s water quality sampling programme commenced on the 1st May 2010 and set out some recommended actions for beach owners/managers to consider taking beforehand. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy email to Cllrs (13.5.10) with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Harper and the Clerk then led a discussion on “Gully Pots”, one of the EA’s recommendations; the Clerk said DCC were to clean Instow’s gully pots w/c 24th May – 350 in total. (Noted)
(iv) IPC then discussed the various other recommendations one of which was a dog ban on the beach for the summer period. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to enquire of NDC what this initiative might entail before considering it as an option.
(Action: The Clerk)
(v) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 27.4.10) from the Environment Agency reference “Bathing Water Data 2010”; it stated it would commence collecting bathing water data from the 1st May and would continue to send it to IPC. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 30.4.10) from a parishioner of Taddiport reference “SWW – Discharge of Sewage”. He said it stated that SWW was altering the sewage outlet into the river (believed Torridge) during increased water fall at a speed of 80L/S having first screened out sanitary towels and condoms etc; the Clerk said it also referred to a website where a video could be seen of this process. The Clerk added that the informant had said that a Michael Collingham (MC) (Chairman of the Torrington Commons Conservators) had been dealing with SWW and the EA “for a number of years” on this matter and was the best person to speak to. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken to MC (7.5.10) and it was clear he was intimately involved in this “issue” and as a result he had promised to keep IPC appraised of developments, hopefully before 20th May; the Clerk said he had not been contacted since. (Noted)
(viii) The Clerk advised IPC he had copied this information by email (10.5.10) to Simon Brown (IPC’s TTEF representative) & Mrs Rose Day (Chairman AONB). (Noted)
(ix) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 13.5.10) from the EA reference “Bathing Water Report – 13th May 2010”. The Clerk told IPC that IPC appeared to have passed this set of tests. (Noted)
(x) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 20.5.10) from the EA reference “Bathing Water Report – 20th May 2010”. The Clerk told IPC that IPC appeared to have passed this set of tests. (Noted)
d) Letter (dd 28.4.10) and attachment from SWH reference “Road Closure for Resurfacing Works – Old Bideford Road, Roundswell – Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th August 2010”: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC he had checked with SWH (29.4.10) and it was advising IPC on the basis that this closure could well affect the prescribed route for lorries travelling to and from to Cole’s Tip (Holmacott) and that “rat runs” may well be used in Instow during that period such as New Road. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed he had placed a copy of the notice at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
e) Letter (dd 30.4.10) from NDC (Assistant Director/Monitoring Officer) reference “Ethical Standards Audit and Member’s Code of Conduct Refresher Training”: -
(i) The Clerk said this referred to a recent ethical standards audit carried out during Feb/March 2010 and of a refresher training opportunity for town and parish councils on the Members Code of Conduct to be held on Thursday 13th May 2010 at 7 pm in the Taw Room, Civic Centre, Barnstaple. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the letter (5.5.10) to Cllrs with email addresses (direct copy to Cllr Cook) in order that they might afford themselves the opportunity of attending the refresher training. (Noted)
f) Letter (dd 21.4.10) from NDC (Acting Returning Officer) reference “Parliamentary Election 6th May 2010 - Statement of Persons Nominated/Notice of Poll/Situation of Polling Stations and Notices of Election Agents’ Names and Offices”: -
The Clerk confirmed he had placed the relevant notices at the post office and parish hall. (Noted)
g) Lockable Bollard - Commodore Slipway and Chain/Padlock – Boathouse Flood Defence Gates: -
(i) The Clerk reported that IPC had now taken possession (beach cleaner) of a set of keys (from NDCCS) as had a number of authorised “users” of the beach i.e. CDET, Peter Short - Instow Marine, Mr M Hook – Fisherman and Atturm; the Emergency Services already held a set. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that some private individuals had made approaches to him (direct and via Cllr Moores NDC) to obtain their own key; these persons had been referred to NDCCS and had apparently been refused. The Clerk said the keys also fitted all padlocks along the Tarka Trail and NDCCS were keen that only the bare essential were issued so as not to compromise the Tarka Trail “arrangement”. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 10.5.10) from the Rear Commodore of the North Devon Yacht Club as regards access to the beach via the Commodore slipway permission for which had originally been given by DCE; he said he had advised the Rear Commodore to liaise with DCE who held a key. (Noted)
(iv) Cllr Cook enquired when the lockable bollard was to be fitted to the Commodore slipway; the Clerk said this was to be done by the EA and that he would check by way of the NDCCS. (Action: The Clerk)
h) IPC’s Post Office Notice Board: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC it had been necessary for him to find an alternative location for this notice board and that following lengthy negotiations with NDC Property Services/Planning Department it was to be re-sited at the end of NDC’s garages on the Quay Car Park. The Clerk explained the process which would culminate in IPC being offered a licence to keep the notice board there on an annual basis. (Noted)
i) Telephone call (6.5.10) from Clerk to Northam Town Council reference “Appledore - Instow Ferry Project”: -
(i) The Clerk said this advised that a preliminary meeting was to be held at 7 pm on Thursday 6th May at the Blue Lights Hall, Appledore to discuss the way forward for this project with members of the Appledore and Instow communities, who had previously shown interest, being invited. He added that issues of relevance to Committee membership and a Draft Constitution were on the agenda. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC he had asked to be kept in the picture of developments so that he might update IPC as necessary. (Noted)
j) Email (dd 11.5.10) from Cllr Cann reference “Reopening of Railway – Barnstaple to Bideford and Beyond”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC there was a move amongst some enthusiast in Torridge to have a debate ignited about the above matter; Cllr Cann, who had been advised through DCC channels, felt that IPC should be made aware. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to note that the many and varied activities along the Tarka Trail would be drastically affected by this initiative and that it needed to monitor progress as a consequence. (Noted)
k) Email (dd 19.5.10) from Acting Chairman of Instow Parish Hall reference “Parish Hall Committee AGM 2010”: -
The Clerk said this email advised IPC that said meeting was to be held at 7.15 pm on 29th June 2010 at Instow Parish Hall and that all Cllrs were invited to attend. (Noted)
l) Letter (dd 18.5.10) from an Exeter University Student reference “PhD Research - Impact of Second Home Ownership in Instow, Brendon, Countisbury and Georgeham”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that this student would be meeting a number of people within the parish as part of her research and would also like to meet Cllrs – see 2005/11 (i) (b) above. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to invite the writer to the next meeting of IPC and the Clerk was asked to make contact. (Action: The Clerk)
m) Instow Parish Council’s Draft Annual Report 2009/10: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that a copy of the draft annual report 2009/10 had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.5.10). He reminded IPC that it needed to agree the content and resolve to approve it for circulation by the end of May (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to approve it and the Clerk was asked to arrange for circulation as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 3.5.10) from Secretary of TTEF reference “Next P and C Meeting – Thursday 6th May 2010”
b) Email (dd 8.5.10) from Secretary of TTEF reference “Minutes of Meeting of 19th April 2010”.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC (Now DALC) Matters (Various): - (i) Letter (dd 12.4.10) reference “Induction Course”; (ii) Email (dd 21.4.10) reference “DALC Annual Report – Members Contribution”; (iii) Email (dd 22.4.10) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Offwell PC”; (iv) Email (dd 22.4.10) reference “NALC Event Programme 2010”; (v) “DALC Newsletter – May/June 2010”; (vi) Email (dd 11.5.10) reference “DALC Newsletter – May/June 2010”; (vii) Email (dd 12.5.10) reference “Devon FA Pitch Maintenance Event”; (viii) Email (dd 14.5.10) reference “NALC Events Bulletin”; (ix) Email (dd 17.5.10) reference “Parish on Line”; (x) Email (dd 19.,5.10) reference “Funding Your Vision Event”; (xi) Email (dd 19.5.10) reference “Dawlish Town Council Training Day – 27th May 2010”; (xii) Email (dd 20.5.10) reference “SLCC Branch Meeting – 4th June 2010” and (xiii) Letter (dd 17.5.10) from SLCC reference “Exclusive Rights and Transfer Half Day Course for Cemetery Management – 30th June 2010”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 16.4.10, 23.4.10, 30.4.10, 7.5.10 and 14.5.10.
c) (i) Agenda and associated papers of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 28th April 2010 at 4.30 pm and (ii) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 24th March 2010.
d) Emails (dd 20.4.10, 27.4.10, 4.5.10, 11.5.10 & 18.5.10) and attachment from NDC Housing reference “Devon Home Choice Newsletter”: -
Copies placed at post office for the information of parishioners.
e) Telephone call (16.4.10) from the proprietor of a Mobile Coffee/Snack Van reference “Mobile Coffee/Snack Van – Marine Parade, Instow” – see item 2004/10 (i) (g): -
Clerk advised caller that IPC would not consider his request until he put it in writing; all possible “site” options discussed with him.
f) Email (dd 26.4.10) from a parishioner reference “Verges”.
g) Email (dd 26.4.10) from Cllr Harper reference “Sunday Times – 25th April 2010/Beaches”.
h) South West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Newspaper – “Twentyfourseven – Edition 11 Spring 2010”.
i) Kompan Playgrounds Park and Recreation Catalogue 2010”.
j) Telephone call (23.4.10) from Chairman of Barnstaple Gig Club reference “Launching of Pilot Gig from Instow Beach”: -
Clerk advised caller that he did not envisage that IPC would have a problem with this but that he ought to first of all check with DCE/EA (owners of Commodore Slipway) and DCE (Boathouse Flood Defence Gates access) to seek permission to enter by these means. Clerk also suggested he check with the TTEF (who have a vessel launching code of conduct) and the Bideford Harbourmaster.
k) Poster and leaflets from DCC reference “DISC (Devon’s Family Information Service) – Childcare Tax Credits”: -
Poster and leaflets left at parish hall; copy of leaflet also placed at post office for the information of parishioners.
l) Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine – May 2010/Issue 69.
m) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter – April 2010 (No 552).
n) Leaflet reference “Royal Cornwall Show – Wadebridge 10th/12th June 2010.
o) Letter (dd 4.5.10) from ndh reference “Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete (PRC) Homes Project”.
p) Telephone call (5.5.10) from Cllr Crombie reference “Ownership of NDCC Seawall”: -
Clerk ascertained from NDCCS (email of 5.5.10 refers) that wall owned by DCE; Cllr Crombie notified.
q) (i) Telephone call (5.5.10) from a parishioner reference “Grass Bank – Marine Parade between entrance of Lane End/Sand Dunes Car Park and Tarka Trail Tunnel/Bridge – not cut by IPC”: -
Parishioner advised that as far as IPC was aware this grass bank was privately owned and not part of IPC’s grass cutting responsibility; it was suggested he contact DCC.
(ii) Clerk subsequently advised by DCC (email dd 13.5.10 refers) that this area of grass should be cut by IPC and that it would reimburse it accordingly; in hand by the Clerk.
(iii) Also see item 2005/13 (5) (f) (ii).
r) Email (dd 11.5.10) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round- Up – May 2010”: -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners.
s) Agenda for Extraordinary Meeting of NDC at 2 pm on Wednesday 26th May 2010.

2005/13 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Season Ticket No 1 £ 80.00
Car Park Season Ticket No 2 £ 80.00
Car Park Season Ticket No 3 £ 80.00
Car Park Season Tickets No 4 and 5 £ 160.00
Car Park Season Ticket No 6 £ 80.00
Car Park Weekly Tickets (1 - 6) £ 72.00
NDDC 50% Parish Grant 10/11 £ 632.00*
NDDC 50% Parish Precept 10/11 £ 3761.00*+
Car Park Takings Period ending 19th May 2010 £ 725.95#
HM Revenue & Customs VAT Claim 2009/10 £ 310.17&
TOTAL: - £5,981.12
Key: -
* Paid by BACS 30.4.10.
*+ Paid by BACS 30.4.10 (DALC subscription deducted in error – NDC/DALC advised and sorting asap)
# £72.45 up on similar date in 2009.
& Paid by BACS 6.5.10

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 255.00
Mr M Harris Grass Cut (No 1) £ 275.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 450.00
BT Parish Telephone (01271 372408) £ 101.57*
AON Limited (Allianz) Public Liability Insurance Premium 2009/10 £1,081.86
NALC Annual Subscription 2009/10 – LCR/LCR Online £ 13.50
The Crown Estate Foreshore Rent 2010 £ 75.00
TOTAL: - £2,251.93
Key: -
*48.706 cost of calls and £52.86 rental etc charges etc; £15.13 VAT (recoverable)

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 28.4.10 (Statement) = £ 161.39*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 10.5.10 (Statement) = £19,536.89+
Key: -
* According to Clerk’s records this is £0.9l (1 cheque to the value of £160.48 uncashed)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £20,262.84 as at 20.5.10.

IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,252.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)

(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (April 2010): -
The Clerk said this stated that IPC owed nothing; account in balance. (Noted)
(b) Crown Estate (CE) Beach Lease 2010 - 2034 : -
The Clerk provided IPC with an update and said it was hoped to resolve this by the next meeting. (Noted)
(c) MOD Beach Lease – 2010 - 2034: -
The Clerk provided IPC with an update and said it was hoped to resolve this by the next meeting. (Noted)
(d) “Marine Car Park, Instow – Summer Let”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that the annual service for the car park machine had taken place on Wednesday 28th April 2010 and that the account was awaited. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that whilst visiting the Car park (26 and 28.4.10) it was clear that a considerable amount of diesel fuel (?) had been spilled over the car park surface (since IPC last “leased” it) and that the tarmac in the vicinity was “lifting”. He added that as a result he had told the NDC’s Car Park Manager (emails of 26 and 28.4.10 refers – both acknowledged by NDC). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported that as of the date of meeting nothing had been received from NDC as regards the long term use of the car park by IPC; the Clerk reminded IPC that it had been stated by Cllr Moores (NDC) at the last meeting (see item 2004/7 (a)) that IPC would receive a communication w/c 19th April 2010. (Noted)
(e) Letter (undated – received 26.3.10) from Audit Commission (AC) together with Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2010 and associated papers: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed he had delivered all necessary IPC’s financial paperwork to complete the audit to Mrs Mary Jane Scott (IPC’s IA – 21.4.10). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed he had collected all IPC’s financial paperwork from Mrs Mary Jane Scott (11.5.10) and had been advised at that time that a letter, together with the completed Annual Return, would be forwarded prior to the meeting of the 20th May. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported he had collected (17.5.10) a letter (dd 11.5.10) from Mrs Mary Jane Scott (IPC’s IA) and the completed Annual Return and in which she confirmed she had completed the internal audit/necessary paperwork; the Clerk copied the letter to Cllrs at the meeting together with a copy of the Annual Return Form (partly completed). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then stated that the following action was now necessary by IPC: -
(a) Annual Return 2009/10 (General): -
The Clerk advised IPC that Mrs Mary Jane Scott had confirmed that nothing had arisen in the course of her examination of the parish records which she considered should be brought to the attention of Councillors. (Noted)
(b) Audited Receipts and Payments Account 2009/10: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that Mrs Mary Jane Scott was advising IPC to ratify the original Draft Receipts and Payments Account 2009/10 (as prepared by the Clerk and circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting/IPC Meeting in April 2010) but to do so in a slightly amended format. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then spoke to a copy of each (i.e. original draft and IA’s “approved” copy) having previously provided copies to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.5.10); the Clerk explained the subtle differences. (Noted)
(iii)After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the amended copy. (Noted)
(c) Annual Return (Specific) –
(i) The Clerk then advised IPC that Mrs Mary Jane Scott had confirmed she had completed all the relevant sections of the return and advised Councillors that, if they saw fit, they should adopt the Return at this (May) meeting with the details (in green spaces) at the foot of page 2 being completed and signed by the Chairperson/Clerk (Responsible Financial Officer) as necessary and similarly at the foot of page 3. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then added that before signing at the foot of page 3, however, Mrs Mary Jane Scott was advising that Council should carefully consider the answers she had provisionally entered to the 9 questions on that page and if altered in any way whatsoever that an explanation be given to her as to reason(s) for change. (Noted) (iii) The Clerk further advised Council that after completing/signing pages 2 and 3, Mrs Mary Jane Scott had asked for the annual return form to be sent back to her for submission to the District Auditor. (Noted) (iv) The Clerk then ran through the Annual Return in detail at the conclusion of which IPC RESOLVED to adopt it as written and to complete the form as advised; the Chairman and Clerk signed in the appropriate places. (Noted)
(d) District Auditor/Public Notices
(i) The Clerk confirmed that the appropriate “Exercise of Electors’ Rights” form had been exhibited at the Post Office (together with a copy of IPC’s Draft Annual Accounts 2009/10) on the 7th May with details of “Inspection Days” (being Monday to Friday {9 am to 5 pm}) for the period 21st May to the 18th June 2010 (i.e. 20 working days). (Noted)
(e) Instow Recreation Ground Charity (No 300872): -
The Clerk said that the annual return requires confirmation that any Charity administered by the Council is being dealt with in a proper manner and that as the trustees of this account are all Council members, that this annual return question has been addressed and answered in the affirmative. (Noted)

(f) Instow Parish Hall Charity No 300873: -
The Clerk said that for reasons previously addressed in Mrs Mary Jane Scott’s letter (dd 15.5.09) it should be recognised that the parish hall is not the “property” of IPC but it has been included in the Asset Register since IPC is the parish hall’s Custodian Trustees. (Noted)
f) DCC Grass/Verge Maintenance Grant 2010/11: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had contacted DCC Highways (email - 26.4.10 refers) and had been advised (email – 26.4.10) that this would be £2515.69 (3% increase on last year’s sum) adding that an Order would be sent in due course. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an Order from DCC reference “Grass Cutting Grant - 2010/11” in the sum of £2515.69; he said he had returned it (10.5.10) to DCC with an invoice requesting payment by BACS by the 10th June 2010. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 13.5.10) from DCC reference “Additional Grass (Bank) Cutting Request – Lane End Close/Marine Parade”; the Clerk explained the exact location and said that this area was to be added as an extra to the claim as at (i and ii) above and would be actioned by him asap – see also item 2005/12 (iii) (q). (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) The Clerk then sought approval from IPC for him to operate as per year 2009/10 – i.e. authorise the handyperson, in addition to the “agreed” grass cutting, to maintain hedges/verges as necessary and in line with previous years. IPC RESOLVED to confirm this arrangement. (Action: The Clerk)
g) All Saints Chapel Community Facilities – IPC Grant: -
(i) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 22.4.10) from the Treasurer of Instow’s PCC stating that the Chief Officer of the Community Buildings part of the Community Council of Devon (CCD) was enquiring why IPC’s grant (£200) was “so low” and could she a) be provided with a copy of IPC’s draft accounts 2009/10 for use as evidence and b) receive a letter explaining why it could not be any more. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that he had told the enquirer (email – dd 22.4.10) that the £200 grant had not been budgeted for, that this sum was all IPC could afford at the time and only in fact made a small surplus on its trading during the relevant fiscal year of £158.98. The Clerk said he also said that this £200 was in addition to the previous £436 paid as a grant to the Parish Hall, a community facility. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed he had provided the enquirer with a copy of IPC’s Draft Accounts 2009/10 bearing in mind they had already been in the public domain at the Annual Parish Meeting (15.4.10). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to a further email (dd 10.5.10) from the Treasurer of Instow’s PCC and to which she attached a copy of the CCD’s Feedback as regards the PCC’s grant application. She requested a letter of support from IPC (already provided in email format) for the project plus evidence of agreement with the principles of the project (copy of minutes for example) and a request for a further grant. (Noted)
(v) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to forward a letter as requested and to include in it the information as previously set out in items (ii) and (iii) above and to confirm that no further grant would be forthcoming other than by splitting some money off the budgeted Parish Hall grant for 2010/11. (Action: The Clerk)
h) HM R and C Employers Bulletin (April 10 – Issue 35): -
The Clerk said this had been noted and filed for future information. (Noted)
i) Inland Revenue – End of Year (2009/2010) Returns (P35 and P14s’): -
The Clerk advised IPC that this had been successfully completed on 19.4.10 and that the appropriate copy paperwork had been filed for future information. (Noted)
j) Beach Cleaning Grant 2010-2011 – NDC: -
The Clerk reported that nothing further had been heard of this grant from NDC since the last meeting; he suggested it remain on the agenda until the matter had been successfully resolved. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
k) Instow Twinning Association – Request for Grant: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that when “tabling” the report for the Twining Association at the recent Annual Parish meeting (15.4.10) the Secretary of the Association had made a request for a grant from IPC. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED not to provide a grant on the basis to do so would not benefit the whole of the community. (Action: The Clerk)

2005/14 PLANNING
a) Letter (dd 16.4.10) from NDC’s Planning Manager reference “Parish Council Forum”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that two representatives from IPC were invited to a Parish Council Planning Forum at the Civic Centre (Council Chamber) at 1.30 pm for 2 pm on Thursday 24th June 2010. He added that the letter set out a proposed agenda and asked that details of those attending be passed to NDC Planning by Friday 21st May 2010. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said a copy of the letter had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.5.10). (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would attend with one IPC Cllr whose identity would to be established in due course. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Extension of time limit for implementation of planning permission 40070 – Extension to form owners accommodation at Armada House, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 50114): -
(i) The Clerk report receipt (dd 21.4.10) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 10.5.10 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s PSC had resolved (11.5.10) to recommend APPROVAL of this application and that NDC Planning had been advised (email dd 11.5.10 refers). (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
c) Extension and alterations to dwelling together with rebuilding of partially collapsed gable wall at Sea View Cottage, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 49928): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
d) Listed building application for extension and alterations to dwelling together with rebuilding of partially collapsed gable wall at Sea View Cottage, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 49972): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
e) AMENDED DECISION NOTICE: Listed building application for extension and alterations to dwelling together with rebuilding of partially collapsed gable wall at Sea View Cottage, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No 49972): -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that the only apparent difference between this notice and that as at (d) above was that the final paragraph had been removed which stated that “The granting of Planning Approval does not relate to the needs or otherwise for Building Regulation Approval and you are advised to contact the Council’s Building Control Service to check whether this is a requirement”. (Noted)
f) Insertion of 2 side windows to roof dormer at Homeleigh, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference 50189): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (dd 28.4.10) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 17.5.10 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s PSC had resolved (11.5.10) to recommend APPROVAL of this application and that NDC Planning had been advised (email dd 11.5.10 refers). (Noted)
(iv) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
g) Extension to dwelling at 3 Craigwell Villas, Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No 50114): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (dd 6.5.10) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 24.5.10 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Letter reference “Erection of one agricultural building at Highfield, Orchard Farm, Instow (Reference No 49881)”: -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
i) Letter (received 15.5.10) from NDC reference “Variation of condition 3 (holiday occupancy restriction) attached to planning permission 48412 at Seafield, Sandhills, Instow (Reference No 49658): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed; a copy was provided to Cllrs. (Noted)
j)Conversion of ancillary building to form additional living accommodation (amended plans) at The Coach House, Middle Huish, Instow (Reference No 50017):-
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (dd 17.5.10) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 3.6.10 or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion, led by IPC’s PSC, IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)

Overgrown Hedge – Rectory Lane, Instow: -
Cllr Cook said a “high” hedge on the left hand side of this road (travelling towards the school) between its junction with Rectory Close and the first bend was overgrown and needed trimming. IPC RESOLVED that the Clerk should contact DCC Highways and report the matter to them for urgent attention. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


