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Present: - Councillors N Crombie, C Harper, A Johns, F Scott, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

2306/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.
Councillors P Cook, M Green and Mrs A Mayoh.

(a) Crime: - Constable Johnson said that since the last council meeting there had been one offence of burglary and one offence of theft reported in the parish. He also said that an arrest had taken place on Anstey Way for the possession of cannabis that had been traced to a vehicle when searched. He finalised by saying the Clerk had advised him that some seats on the flood defence wall, opposite the Quay Public House, were being ill-treated and confirmed he would be keeping an eye on the area. Parishioners were asked to pass on any information to him as regards any possible sightings of high-spirited behaviour in the area. (Noted)
(b) Crime Prevention: - Constable Johnson urged parishioners to take basic crime prevention measures in and around their homes. He said unlocked doors and windows presented an opportunity for criminals to enter and steal property particularly when their dwellings were unattended (Noted)
(b) Traffic Matters: - Constable Johnson said the Traffic Wardens would be working on Sundays throughout the summer season and would be visiting Instow. (Noted)

Instow New School: - A parishioner outlined his reasons for not being in favour of the lay-by site for the new school adding it appeared that no feasibility study had been undertaken by DCC and it seemed DCC was rushing into making a decision without the benefit of such a study; he said he was in favour of the Welch’s Field site. Cllr Cann said that the consensus of local people was to support the lay-by site albeit that such a site could not sustain community facilities as part of the overall plans. He added that in his view DCC, was not rushing into making any decision bearing in mind it had been considering a new school for Instow for 10 years and that all the time such considerations were taking place, the current school could not fulfil all of the educational curriculum. (Noted)

(a) Marine Parade - Experimental Pinchpoints (2305/13 (d)): - Cllr Cann reported that these seemed to be working well according to information he had received from the Bus Company albeit he felt the one nearest to the Sand Dunes Car Park needed to be lengthened. After discussion, during which time it was unanimously agreed the experiment appeared to be successful, it was RESOLVED to support Cllr Cann’s recommendation to lengthen the pinchpoint near the Sand Dunes Car Park and to have each clearly marked as being a No Parking area. Cllrs were able to cite examples of where motorists had parked alongside the pinchpoints and to have caused obstructions as a result. Constable Johnson also spoke in favour of the experiment and of the proposed amendments to the scheme. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(b) Marine Parade - Experimental 20 mph Speed Limit (2305/13 (d)): - After a discussion, lead by Cllr Cann, it was unanimously RESOLVED to support the introduction of an experimental 20 mph speed limit along Marine Parade to run in tandem with the experimental pinchpoint initiative. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(c) Proposed Pedestrian Crossing - Anstey Way: - Cllr Cann reported that some work had been done on this but to date the options under consideration had proven to be too expensive. He added he did not wish to raise the expectations of parishioners but confirmed that further exploratory enquiries were in hand and he would report back as soon as an achievable option was determined. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(d) Miscellaneous Matters: - Cllr Cann spoke of the recent DCC Highways Maintenance Restructure (Improved Service) - see 2306/9 (d) (iv), Banger Racing at Orchard Farm - see 2306/9 (x), Footpath to Power Station and of the proposed Improvements to the Westleigh Junction/Bideford Bridge. (Noted)

Cllr Mrs L Brown spoke of the Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Committee - NDDC (formerly known as the Northern Rural Area Committee), Planning Committee - NDDC (New Format), Standards Committee - NDDC, Masts - Tarka Railway Line, and the CPA Inspection by The Audit Commission of NDDC. (Noted)
2306/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the May 2003 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Items 2305/10 (b) - Local Elections - 1st May 2003 and associated matters: - The Clerk reported that: - (i) The "Acceptance of Office/ Undertaking to Observe the Code of Conduct (LGA 2000)" forms had been dispatched, by him, to NDDC after the last meeting only to have them returned immediately for retention as they were not required by NDDC. He said he had questioned Members’ Services, as to how they were to know that Cllrs had complied with the LGA 2000 and was told this was the responsibility of the Clerk. (Noted)
(ii) The "Register of Financial and Other Interest" forms, as completed by the newly elected Cllrs, had been sent by him (after retaining a copy) to NDDC, after the last meeting, only to be told that said forms were also required from the re-elected Cllrs. He added that NDDC Members’ Services did agree their original letter was misleading (stated that "newly" elected Cllrs were required to complete these form which by inference, in view of the Clerk, meant that re-elected Cllrs didn’t need to) and apologised for the confusion. The Clerk confirmed the necessary forms had since been received by him from the re-elected Cllrs and had all been forwarded (after retention a copy) to NDDC. He added that in future he would have IPC’s "Register of Financial and Other Interest" at meetings in the event a parishioner(s) wished to examine it and to accord with the LGA 2000. (Noted)
(iii) Letter (dd 23.5.03 - received 24.5.03) from Julie Genge (NDDC - Monitoring Officer) concerning "Register of Financial and Other Interests". The Clerk said this provided a reminder that these forms were required to be sent to her, from all Cllrs, by the 29th May so as to ensure compliance with the LGA 2000 - Code of Conduct, and some guidance as regards the completion of the forms. He added, however, that the letter had arrived too late to pass on to Cllrs to assist them in the completion of the forms. (Noted)
(iv) Letter (dd May 2003) from Standards Board for England concerning "The Code in Practice Video" together with Video and Workbook. The Clerk outlined the letter at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED the video/workbook should circulate amongst all Cllrs starting with the newly elected Cllrs. (Noted)
(v) IPC - Appointments of Councillors - The Clerk reported that a draft copy had been circulated to all Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12.6.03 and it required ratification. The Clerk confirmed he had received positive responses from ex Cllrs Mrs R M E Day (IPC’s TTEF Representative) and M Kidson (IPC’s IT "Consultant"). It was RESOLVED the document was correct. (Noted)
(vi) IPC - Cllrs Addresses/Telephone Numbers - Ditto (v) above. It was further RESOLVED that copies should be placed on all Parish Notice boards and at The Parish Hall/Post Office. (Action: The Clerk)
(vii) NDDC’s Member Development Programme 2003: - The Clerk reminded Cllrs of this programme adding that some sessions were already full and that early booking was recommended. (Noted)
(viii) Standing Orders (SO) - IPC: - The Clerk said he was pleased to report that the current SO of IPC had been made the subject of a "Word" document, thanks to Cllr Harper, and that amendments, as a consequence (following review in 2004), would now be that much easier. (Noted)
b) Item 2305/11 (b) - Countryside Agency (CA) - CROW Act: - (i) The Clerk confirmed receipt of a letter (dd 13.5.03) from the CA concerning the above and enclosing a draft map for the information of IPC. He added he had forwarded this to Cllr May (CROW Act Responsible Cllr). The Chairman, who had attended the recent Cedars Roadshow at Barnstaple, briefed Council. The Clerk reminded Council that any response was required by 13th August 2003. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 9.6.03) from DCC’s Local Access Forum suggesting that it would be extremely helpful if IPC could publicise its draft map (as at (i) above) within the parish and if possible, display it so that parishioners had the opportunity to comment individually. The Clerk suggested this could be achieved by placing it in the Post Office - IPC RESOLVED to adopt this suggestion and the Clerk was asked to liaise with Cllr May. (Action: Cllr May & The Clerk)
c) Item 2305/11 (f) - Waste Bins at Venn Cross and Sand Dunes Car Park (Entrance): - The Clerk said he had made contact with NDDC Environmental Health Dept (Martin Coles) by email (16.5.03) and that it was to review IPC’s request. NDDC, in their reply email of 5.6.03 had suggested, however, that IPC might like to buy its own bins (approx. cost £450 each) which NDDC would then service. It was RESOLVED to await the decision of NDDC. (Noted)
d) Item 2305/11 (m) - Toilets opposite Sand Dunes Car Park: - (i) The Clerk reported that following reports of "inactivity" at this site by NDDC (from Cllr Harper) he had contacted Phil Fitzsimons (PF) (NDDC) and put him in touch with Cllr Harper who had taken a number of photographs to illustrate and evidence the poor state these toilets had been allowed to deteriorate to. Cllr Harper then addressed IPC and suggested a letter of complaint be sent to NDDC albeit IPC were aware that NDDC was waiting for negotiations to come to fruition with DCE to build a new café/toilet block/showers in the car park opposite and were undoubtedly reluctant, in the meantime, to spend money on the existing toilets. IPC unanimously RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk also referred to a complaint from a parishioner (email 6.6.03) reference the toilets at the Quay Car Park; doors wide open to the view of the public and elements - door closers required? He said NDDC had been advised, by email (9.6.03), together with a comment reference the lock on main door in that it can be closed, by pranksters, on the outside when people are inside using the facilities. He referred to an incident that had been reported to him on Sunday 9th June. It was RESOLVED to include this in the letter as at (i) above. (Action: The Clerk)
e) Item 2305/14 (a) - Recycling Shed at Quay Car Park: - The Clerk reported he had ascertained this shed to be the property of NDDC albeit that South Molton Re-Cycling used it/empty it. He said that as a result he had sent an email to NDDC’s Environmental Health Department (Martin Coles - 24.5.03) requesting it be tidied up. The Clerk said he had been reluctant to offer the voluntary services of parishioners, at this stage, to do the work on the grounds NDDC might see such a "cash saving" arrangement as a precedent for the future together with possible infringements of IPC’s Public Liability insurance cover. The Clerk said Martin Coles had replied (email - 5.6.06) to the effect he would arrange any repairs that were necessary; the Clerk has requested this be done expeditiously. (Noted)

(a) Letter (dd 13.5.03) from Nick Harvey (MP) concerning Council Tax: - The Clerk said this letter included copy letters from Paul Boateng MP (dd 25.4.03) and Christopher Leslie MP (dd 15.4.03) and that he had copied it to Cllrs with their agenda papers. (Refers to items 2302/12 (e) & 2303/8 (e)). (Noted)
(b) Poster (received 17.5.03) from The Devon Conservation Forum/CCD & Devon Planning Officers inviting IPC to a seminar entitled "Delivery of Affordable Housing in a Quality Environment": - The Clerk reported that this was to be held at St Leonard’s Church Hall, Exeter on Thursday 26th June 2003 (10am to 4pm) at a cost of £25 to include coffee and buffet lunch. He said he had previously copied it to the Chairman in the event he felt an IPC Cllr should attend. (Noted)
(c) Email (dd 17.5.03) from Cllr Harper reference Atturm footpath DCE notice: - The Clerk said that Cllr Harper was concerned at the DCE notice erected at the Anstey Way end of this footpath and which stated it was only accessible to people with authorised access. The Clerk said he had advised Cllr Harper this sign had already been checked out by IPC (Item 2112/12 (a)) and that DCC (P3) had been advised at the time and were unconcerned on the basis the path was a recognised footpath and that the public had a right of way over it as a result. The Clerk said it was believed, at the time, the sign had been erected to prevent motorist using the path - it appeared just before SWW began their work along the Tarka Trail. (Noted)
(d) Email (19.5.03) from Clerk to DCC Highways (Steve McCrory - SM) requesting
that Handyman be given assistance with excess sand on Marine Parade: - (i) The Clerk said that SM had agreed to liaise with Melvyn Harris asap. (ii) The Clerk reported that SM pointed out that the Parish Lengthman would be in the parish for the period 17th/18th June and that he had told SM of a grass verge, at the junction of Anstey Way/Quay Lane, that required some attention - heavy vehicular tyre damage, so much so, the grass could not be cut by machinery. The Clerk said he had previously advised DCC Highways of this by letter (16.5.03) following complaint by a nearby householder (to Cllr May); details of perpetrator known and passed to DCC. (iii) The Clerk referred to a response letter (dd 11.6.03) from DCC - the Clerk appraised Council of content. (iv) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 9.6.03) from DCC reference "Changes to Maintenance Technician Areas, Lengthman Programme and Programme of Proposed Highways Work" that he copied to Cllrs (and Village Handyman) for their information. (Noted)
(e) Letter (dd 16.5.03) from DCC reference "Sunday Rover Network": - The Clerk said this referred to "The Rover Ticket" that is valid on 19 bus services operating from various points in Devon. The Clerk pointed out that although the letter stated it has been forwarded to the parish, as it was on the relevant route, it would seem this is not the case unless parishioners travel to other parts of Devon (mainly Exeter/South Devon) where it does. He added he had placed the material at the Post Office.(Noted)
(f) Letter (dd 31.3.03 - received 21.5.03) from NDDC reference "NDDC Oil Spill Contingency Plan": - The Clerk said this enclosed an updated copy of the authorities Oil Spill Contingency Plan (CD Rom) with an instruction to disregard the previous version. (Noted)
(g) Letter (dd 21.5.03) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority concerning North Devon Police Liaison Meeting to be held at South Molton on Wednesday 11th June: - The Clerk confirmed he had copied this to Cllr Mrs A Mayoh for information only and placed a poster in the Post Office. (Noted)
(h) Copy email (dd 23.5.03) from Chairman TTEF to Chairman IPC reference "Jet Ski Meeting" with NDDC and TDC etc (9.6.03): - (i) The Clerk said this correspondence included a copy letter of invitation to interested parties (and circulation list), agenda and copy of briefing notes, and that Mrs R M E Day (Chairman TTEF) had agreed to represent IPC and report back. (ii) The Clerk said he had received an email (dd 16.6.03) from the Chairman TTEF appraising IPC of the Jet Ski Meeting on 9.6.03. He read it to Council. (iii) The Clerk reported he had received a complaint from a parishioner reference a Jet Ski on Instow beach on Sunday 15th June and that he had advised complainant to contact TDC, NDDC, DCE, NDCCS and TTEF (Noted)
(i) Letter (dd 23.5.03) from DAPC reference "County Committee 2003-2007"- North Devon: - The Clerk said this letter advised IPC of North Devon’s "elected" Cllrs. (Refers to items 2304/9 (e) and 2305/10 (c)). (Noted)
(j)Letter (dd 22.5.03) from NDDC reference "Parish Tree Wardens": - The Clerk said the Planning Department of NDDC had requested an update as to IPC’s Parish Tree Warden; NDDC had been advised by email (28.5.03) that Cllr G May was IPC’s nominated Cllr. (Noted)
(k) Letter (dd 27.5.03) from DAPC reference "Quality Parishes Training Day" at Tiverton on Saturday 14th June: - The Clerk provided a report on his attendance and after a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to support the Clerk in seeking to attain more information on how he might become suitable qualified (i.e. Certificate in Local Policy - Gloucestershire University or Certificate in Local Council Administration awarded by AQA); the Clerk requires to be appropriately qualified before the Council can consider seeking Quality Parish status. (Action: The Clerk)
(l) Received (28.5.03) minutes of TTEF Meeting of 28.4.03, notes of TTEF Website Sub Committee Meeting of 12.5.03 and Website Questionnaire: - (i) The Clerk reported that IPC had already been briefed on the TTEF meeting of 28th April (see item 2305/11 (l)) and that the Website meeting notes, and website questionnaire, had been copied to them with their agenda papers on 12th June. After discussion it was RESOLVED to complete the questionnaire, as recommended by the Clerk, and return it to the TTEF. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk suggested that IPC might like to consider having its own website much along the same lines as Westleigh PC. He said it would improve communications between the Council and the Parish and go somewhat towards their subsequent qualification as a Quality Parish. . After discussion it was RESOLVED to support this suggestion and the Clerk was asked to look into it. (Action: The Clerk)
(m)Licensing of New Vicar, Clive Cooper, to Instow and Westleigh Churches: - The Clerk advised Council that he and his wife had represented IPC at Westleigh Parish Church on Tuesday 17th June when the Reverend Clive Cooper was licensed as the new priest of Instow and Westleigh. He reminded Cllrs he had also copied the invitation to all Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12th June. It was RESOLVED to write to the Revd Cooper and welcome both him and his wife to the parish and advise him of the Carol Singing event on the 7th December 2003. (Action: The Clerk)
(n) Letter from DCC (dd 21.5.03) concerning "Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Devon - Consultation Draft" and enclosures, namely 2 copies of the full strategy together with a number of summary strategy documents - consultation period ends 12th September 2003: - The Clerk confirmed a copy of this letter, together with a full and summary document, had been passed immediately, by him, to the Chairman for his perusal and that copies of the letter, and summary document, had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12th June and one left at the Post Office for the information of parishioners. The Clerk reminded Cllrs that any response needed to be compiled and returned by the 12th September. (Noted)
(o) Copy emails (dd 31.5.03 and 4.6.03) from Chairman TTEF to Chairman IPC concerning TTEF issues (Jet Ski Meeting, Bideford Bridge Consultation, CROW Act - Consultation, TDC Supplementary Planning Guidance, Code of Practice: Education and Libraries - Consultation, RNLI visit, Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Devon - Consultation Draft and letter from Environment Agency (dd 2.6.03) reference Appledore Quay Wall) - for information: - The Clerk said this had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12th June. (Noted)
(p) Invitation to Clerk from Wings SW (received 31.5.03) to its Grand Opening on Saturday 21st June 2003: - The Clerk reported he had been unable to attend but had replied and wished Wings all the best from IPC. (Noted)
(q) Email (dd 2.6.03) from Cllr Harper reference damage to seats on wall opposite Johns Supermarket: - (i) The Clerk reported that the village handyman, at little cost, had repaired the seats and that Constable Johnson had been informed for his information - see 2306/3 (a). (ii) The Clerk further reported receipt of an additional email from Cllr Harper (14.6.03) stating a slat was missing from a seat over the sea wall opposite the Quay Inn. The Clerk said this had similarly been repaired, at little cost, by the parish handyman (16.6.03). (Noted)
(r) DCC Monthly News Round-Up - June 2003 etc: - The Clerk confirmed this had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12th June and that one had been placed in the Post Office. (Noted)
(s) CCD Village Green The Clerk said this magazine contained miscellaneous correspondence from DAPC namely: - CCD Membership application form, NPFA Annual Inspections letter, DAPC Website letter, Training Courses (various), CCD Rural Housing. Copies taken by Cllrs. (Noted)
(t) Letter (dd 11.6.03) to all IPC Councillors reference Annual General Meeting of North Devon Homes- 27th June 2003: - The Clerk circulated a copy to all Cllrs for their personal attention. (Noted)
(u) Email (dd 14.6.03) from Cllr Harper reference broken aluminium mast on beach near Boathouse Bus Shelter - danger to children? : - The Clerk said he had spoken to Peter Cook (Beach Cleaner) who knows the owner and will ask him to remove it. (Noted)
(v) Emails (dd 12 & 13.6.03) from Chairman TTEF/Environment Agency reference Instow Beach Results/Bathing Beach Updates: - The Clerk appraised Council adding that according to the Chairman of the TTEF, said results were very encouraging. (Noted)
(w) Email (dd 16.6.03) from parishioner reference village grass verges/state of: - The Clerk said this outlined the parishioner’s disappointment as regards the unkempt state of the grass verges throughout the village this year. The Clerk said he had replied to the parishioner to the effect that IPC was responsible for the grass cutting (7 cuts per annum) and received a grant from DCC, each year, to support this activity. After discussion it was RESOLVED the Clerk should have a word with the grass-cutting contractor. (Noted)
(x) Letter (dd 13.6.03) from NDDC (Environmental Health Department) concerning "Orchard Farm, Instow - Banger Racing": - The Clerk advised IPC that NDDC had continued to receive noise complaints about the "banger racing" despite some steps being taken by the organisers to mitigate the nuisance. Further that evidence had been obtained which NDDC believed supported the service of both a second Noise Abatement Notice and also a Planning Contravention Notice - these were served on the 12th June. The Clerk said that NDDC had agreed to keep IPC informed of developments. (Noted)
(y) Parish Clerk Activity Report 2002/2003: - The Clerk elaborated on this paper, which he had circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers on 12th June. It was noted that a considerable amount of communication traffic was now by way of email and not by the traditional postal service. (Noted)
(z) Miscellaneous correspondence: - The Clerk said he had received a North Devon Festival (7th-21st June) Booklet and Poster (Instow Post Office), Devontalk Magazine (Summer 2003), NDDC Leaflet concerning Composters (Post Office) and letter (undated - received 19.6.03) from Northern Devon Community Transport Association Ltd reference change of Project Officer (now Nick Curley - has replaced Lyn Brayley) enclosing leaflets on Shopmobility, Ring and Ride and new Travel and Transport Ground (Post Office). (Noted)

2306/10 FINANCE
The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the May meeting of Council: -
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Season Ticket No.5 £ 80.00
Car Park Takings Period ending 15th May 2003 £ 107.00
Ditto Period ending 22nd May 2003 £ 60.50
Ditto Period ending 29th May 2003 £ 346.00
Ditto Period ending 5th June 2003 £ 216.50
Ditto Period ending 12th June 2003 £ 157.00
TOTAL: - £ 967.00
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 250.00
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (Nos 2) £ 155.00
Mr M Harris Footpath Maintenance (P3 Grant) £ 76.00#
Mr P Cook Beach/Dune Cleaning £ 188.46
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 17.50
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £ 643.50
Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £ 349.26
Inland Revenue Re: Mr P Cook & Mr R Jacob £ 183.00
DAPC Meet the Auditor Training £ 15.00*
Allianz Cornhill Public Liability Insurance £ 21.87+
Instow Parish Hall Committee Annual Letting Fee £ 1.00
TOTAL: - £1932.59
Key: -
# Approved vide 2212/10 (5)(h)- from DCC P3 Grant received April 2003
* Authorised vide 2305/12 (5)(h))
+ Additional premium as required by Allianz Cornhill for inclusion of new stone bus shelter on policy and update of number of parish seats.(Original premium of £444.84 paid at April 2003 meeting of IPC).

Portman Current a/c number 15783618 as at 5.6.03 = £ 50.10
Portman Corporate Instant Access a/c number 137-4375752-5
as at 14.6.03 = £13,617.13
(b) It was RESOLVED to transfer £1,900.00 from Portman Corporate Instant a/c number 137-4375752-5 to Portman Current a/c number 15783618 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Instow Welfare Trust: - The Clerk reported he had liaised with Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA) on 22nd May 2003 and now awaits a written response before any further action can be taken. (Noted)
(b) Car Parks: - The Clerk referred to email correspondence he had had with NDDC’s Car Park Department reference (i) Car Park Surface - this has been placed into NDDC’s system for maintenance; no date given. (ii) Car Park Annual Licence - provided IPC and Instow Marine can come to an amicable agreement, year by year, IPC’s licence can be varied to include Easter (when it falls in April) and finally (iii) New Car Park Machine - suggested IPC liases with NDDC in the autumn to discuss possible arrangements for 2004 i.e. second-hand machine covered by NDDC’s maintenance programme to include provision of tickets. (Noted)
(c) Marine Car Park, Instow - Bottle Bank: - The Clerk confirmed receipt of this licence for 2003 (no fee). (Noted)
(d) Audit Commission (AC) - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2003: The Clerk confirmed he had passed the appropriate financial documentation to Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA) on the 22nd May 2003 (now returned) and that the completed audit papers would be completed, for the consideration of IPC, at its July meeting and then forwarded to the AC by the 28th July 2003. The Clerk added he had obtained an "extension" from the original date of the 14th July (secured following a discussion he had had with Julie Snooks (AC) on 5th July) although IPC, according to NALC Audit Guidance Notes, only needed to submit the appropriate audit papers, to the AC, by the 30th September; it would seem the AC had set its own unenforceable deadline to suit themselves. (Noted)
(e) Instow Parish Church - Grant 2003: - The Clerk reported he was in receipt of a note (4.6.03) from John Edwards (Churchwarden on behalf of PCC) thanking IPC for the Church’s Burial Ground Grant (£600) 2003/4. (Noted)
(f) Letter (dd 27.5.03) from Portman Building Society reference "Important changes to your Treasurers Account and/or Corporate Cheque Account": - The Clerk said that as of 1st July 2003 (albeit the first charge period would start on 1.8.03 with the first £5 payment leaving such accounts after close of business on 31.8.03/or earlier if account closed in August), a £5 monthly administration charge was to be applied to these accounts. This charge, according to the Portman, reflected the significant cost of administering the transactions associated with such accounts. The Clerk suggested (following a conversation with Mr G Day IPC’s RFO/IA) that IPC closed its current account (a/c no. 15783618) with the Portman and opened a Treasurers Account at Lloyds Bank, Barnstaple where an interest rate applies (interest is tiered on all credit balances - the more the account is in credit, the higher the rate of interest on total savings - interest is calculated on a daily basis and credited to the account every month - 1.25% was quoted when the Clerk visited Lloyds bank and spoke to a Business Manager), and where no charges were applicable provided withdrawals, per month, were 25 or less - there are no charges for credit entries or monthly statements. On the grounds of expediency the Clerk also recommended that the Portman Instant Access Account (a/c no 137-4375752-5) was also closed and the balance paid into the new Lloyds Bank Treasurers Account (Lloyds Bank do not have any similar accounts as the Portman Instant Access unless at least £50.000 is held on account) - to retain this account with the Portman would create problems every month when it was necessary to transfer monies across to Lloyds Bank to cover the cheques payable following each monthly IPC Meeting. The Clerk said The Welfare Trust and Recreation Ground Instant Access accounts could remain at the Portman. (Noted)
IPC RESOLVED to accept the above recommendation of the Clerk who pointed out it would be necessary for all cheque signatories (Cllrs Crombie, Green, Johns and White) to visit Lloyds Bank, Barnstaple personally and provide evidence of their identity (unless they are already account holders at Lloyds). It would also be necessary for Cllr Green to visit the Portman Building Society to provide evidence of his identity (unless he is already an existing account holder) so as to become the 4th signatory to the Welfare and Recreation Ground accounts. (Action: The Clerk)
(g) Draft Accounts 2002-2003 (Amended Format): - The Clerk said that following comments passed recently that the draft accounts, as prepared by the Clerk, for the Annual Parish Meeting 2003, were not readable/formatted correctly, in accountancy terms, the Clerk had liaised with Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA) and between them they had come up with a suggested amended format, a draft copy of which had been included with the agenda papers for all Cllrs when delivered by the Clerk on the 12th June. After discussion it was RESOLVED to approve the new format for use in forthcoming years. (Noted)

2306/11 PLANNING
(a) Proposed Temporary 20 mph Speed Limit - Marine Parade (Summer Season 2003): - See Item 2306/5 (ii). (Noted)
(b) Blue Hayes, Kiln Close Lane, Instow - "Illegal" access (See 2305/13 (c)): - (i) The Clerk reported that following a telephone call (28.5.03) from a parishioner, who referred to the apparent "illegal" access to the front garden of these premises/the fitting of inappropriate windows in a conservation area (he was updated as to the action taken by IPC to date - see item 2305/13 (c)), he contacted NDDC’s Planning Department by email (28.5.03) as regards the new windows and which most probably did not accord with those that should be fitted within a conservation order. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had received a letter (dd 13.6.03) from NDDC’s Planning Manager; the Clerk appraised Council of the content. The Clerk said he had updated the parishioner in question and thanked him for his interest. (Noted)
(c) Letter (dd 20.5.03) from NDDC reference Circular 18/84 Procedure: Application by the MOD in respect of re-roofing/cladding of workshop building at Atturm, Instow (Reference no. 35087): - The Clerk said the letter stated the Local Planning Authority had resolved to INDICATE APPROVAL to this proposal subject to conditions as filed. (Noted)
** The Chairman, Cllr White, declared an interest and did not speak**
(d) Letter (dd 19.5.03 - received 4.6.03) from DCC reference "New Farm Buildings in Devon - A Design Guide": - The Clerk explained this guide had been prepared jointly by Defra and Devon Planning Authorities, following consultation in 2002. The guide aimed to help farmers, agents, builders and planners develop sustainable farm buildings with a minimal impact upon the landscape and the wider environment. It was RESOLVED the guide would circulate between IPC’s Planning Cllrs and the Clerk would obtain a further copy for his retention. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Extension to Dwelling at 7 Lane End Close, Instow (Reference no. 35506): - The Clerk said this had been received by him on 11.6.03 and immediately passed to the Chairman (12.6.03) for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers. The Clerk said IPC had received a similar letter, reference this application, vide reference no. 34333, where it had been resolved (at IPC Meeting December 2002) to offer no objection subject to there being no adverse impact on the privacy of adjoining properties i.e. No 5. IPC’s Planning Officers outlined the proposal at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to recommend approval. (Action: The Clerk)
(f) Approval of details in respect of Erection of 4 No. Dwellings, Garages and Access at Land at Lane End Road, Instow (Reference No. 35529): - The Clerk said this had been received by him on 12.6.03 and passed immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers. The Clerk reported that IPC had previously received an outline planning application for this site before (Reference no. 31350 - Renewal of 22111; IPC Meeting of 21.6.01) - when it was resolved to recommend approval. After lengthy debate it was unanimously RESOLVED to recommend refusal on the grounds the proposed buildings were too high and not in accordance with other dwellings in the locality, there was concern reference the privacy to residents of Lane End Close/White House Close and finally, concern over highways issue - the number of vehicles accessing the site would be excessive (i.e. residents and other vehicles visiting houses for whatever reason). A parishioner was present and put forward his views of the plans in question. (Action: The Clerk)
** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak**

(i) Land adjacent to No 2 Lane End Close, Instow: - Cllr Johns said he had been asked by a parishioner if IPC knew what action NDDC was to take as regards the landscaping condition imposed by it as a result of a long standing planning application (Reference 32550). After discussion it was RESOLVED the Clerk would enquire of the Planning Department and that Cllr Johns would suggest to the parishioner in question that he similarly contact the Planning Department for an answer. (Action: Cllr Johns & The Clerk)
(ii) Instow Parish Council - Archives: - Cllr Harper said he wanted to research the history of Instow Parish Council and needed to know who to approach. The Clerk advised Cllr Harper that the DCC’s Archivist at The Athenaeum, Barnstaple, as far as he was aware, held all salient documents. (Action: Cllr Harper)
(iii) Old Rectory Close/Rectory Lane - Weeds: - Cllr White said the weeds in the gutter/pavement of these roads were unsightly and required removal. It was RESOLVED the Clerk would contact the DCC Road Foreman and ask him to deal asap. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

