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Present: - Councillors, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper (Chairman), Ms A Mayoh, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

2406/1 PRAYER

The Clerk led the Council in prayer.


a): -Apologies: - Councillors P Cook, A Johns, G May, F Scott and Constable Parker.

b) Chairman’s Address: - The Chairman addressed Council and said he was keen to ensure that only issues of relevance to Instow came before Council and with this in mind had, in conjunction with the Clerk, devised a "Briefing Folder" for non-relevant and informatory correspondence. He said this folder would circulate amongst Cllrs between meetings so that each could peruse and note the peripheral information contained therein (see also preamble to item 2406/9 (ii) & (iii)). He went on to say that all matters and questions raised during meetings should be put "through" the chair and that Cllrs must act professionally and with integrity when being required to declare an interest; he reminded parishioners that this, in some circumstances, also applied to them. He finalised by adding that Council needed to operate in a totally transparent and objective fashion. (Noted)


The Clerk read out a letter he had received from Constable Parker that also contained his apologies for not being able to attend the meeting. The letter reported: -

a) Crime: -Between the 20th May and the 16th June four crimes had been committed in the parish, namely a burglary and criminal damage at the café in the Sandhills Car Park, a criminal damage to two vehicles (offenders arrested and dealt with) and a theft at Holmacott landfill site (offender charged). (Noted)

b) Traffic Matters - Speeding along Anstey Way (see item 2405/5 (b)): - Constable Parker reported this matter had been passed to Constable Benson (Traffic Management) for attention. (Noted)


a) Instow Recreation Ground (IRG) - WINGS: - Rupert Hawley (RH) of Wings addressed Council on the IRG project currently being undertaken by Wings and explained that it was their intention to make the current and restored pond larger (with the assistance of IIB), introduce a further pond and erect a Cob Roundhouse. He said it was intended to bid for Leader + funding to finance the work and sought IPC’s approval and support. RH said he would be contacting the Planning Department of NDDC as regards possible planning permission for the cob roundhouse. After discussion it was RESOLVED to wholeheartedly support the strategy of Wings and RH was thanked for his time and Wing’s innovative work plan for the site. (Noted)

b) Fast Leisure Craft - Code of Conduct/Complaints Procedure: - Mrs R M E Day (Chairman TTEF) spoke to Council about a recent Fast Leisure Craft meeting that had been held at the Civic Centre, Barnstaple on 14.6.04. She provided Cllrs with a written report of said meeting. She said that any complaints regarding fast leisure craft should be notified to Ben Totterdell (Access and Interpretation Officer) of the Northern Devon Coast and Countryside Service, Bideford Station, Railway Terrace, East-the-Water, Bideford, Devon EX39 4BB - Tel No. 01237 423655 and email ben.totterdell@northdevon.gov.uk. IPC RESOLVED to publicise the fast leisure craft complaints procedure at the post office and in the parish magazine for the information of parishioners. (Action: The Clerk)

c) Instow In Bloom: - Mr Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) explained that IIB were contemplating running two trials on verges within the parish namely, the "Spring Meadow" (New Road/Anstey Way) and at "West Yelland". He added that each site would be marked out, woven willow planted and after a grass cut allowed to grow back with hopefully a second flush of wild flowers growing through. He confirmed the necessary liaison with DCC Highways would take place. IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative. (Noted)


a) General: - Cllr Cann reported that following a site meeting at the Anstey Way/ Marine Parade New Junction it had been decided to install an additional drop kerb in the vicinity of Silver Threads and that following a site meeting with IPC Cllrs he had asked DCC Officers to arrange a meeting to consider proactive measures to control the problems continually being experienced with wind blown sand on Marine Parade. (see also item 2406/8 (e)) (Noted)

b) Wheelie Bins: - Cllr Cann reported that the wheelie bins "promised" to Instow by the end of June 2004 (see IPC May meeting - address by Ken Danson NDDC) had been put back until at least September. (Noted)


a) Charter Toilets/Quay Car Park: - Cllr Mrs L Brown reported upon the recent Quay Car Park "Charter Toilet" site meeting that had recently been held. (see also item 2406/8 (c)) She said it had been generally agreed that with a good design and appropriate materials the new toilet block could be accommodated to the front of the site and that NDDC was to prepare a revised site plan of an improved parking layout; she added it was also an intention of NDDC to consult with all residents in the immediate area of the car park as regards the siting of the toilet block. (Noted)

b) Recycling: - Cllr Mrs L Brown went on to provide a report on Recycling - she said that South Molton Recycle had secured a significant award from the National Lottery’s New Opportunity Fund that would now allow NDDC to roll out the "Green Box Dry Recycling Scheme" into most of North Devon, including Westleigh and that part of Instow that was not currently covered. (Noted)

2406/7 MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the May Minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)


a) Item 2405/6 (b) - Instow In Bloom/Village Trail: - The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 21.5.04) from Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) which he had copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.6.04). After discussion IPC RESOLVED to write a letter of support for this initiative/bid for funding by IIB. (Action: - The Clerk)

b) Item 2405/10 (b) - Instow Community Policing: - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Devon and Cornwall Police (dd 25.4.04) which he had copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.6.04). He read the letter to Council. IPC RESOLVED to take NFA other than to record its displeasure at the "negative" response. (Noted)

c) Item 2405/10 (c) - Charter Toilets/Quay Car Park: - Cllr Crombie and the Clerk, reported upon the result of a site meeting held on Thursday 10th June and which had been chaired by Cllr Cann (DCC); Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and Mr Geoff Barclay (GB) (NDDC Environmental Health Dept) were also present together with Cllrs Johns and Scott. It was said that GB had described the new building as stone-clad, outlined the reasons for the preferred choice of site by NDDC’s Officers (i.e. to the immediate rear of the bus shelter/front of the car park) and had produced plans to illustrate and support that reasoning. Cllr Crombie summarised by saying that GB had agreed to further research the history of the site as regards current and former services, for example, and to carrying out a survey of immediate local residents and establish exactly how many car parking spaces would be available. IPC noted that if NDDC’s preferred site was to be pursued that a planning application would need to be made and both IPC and Instow parishioners would have an opportunity to formally respond at that time. (see also item 2406/6 (a) above). (Noted)

d) Item 2405/10 (d) - NDDC/Future of Lifeguard Provision: - The Clerk reported receipt of an acknowledgment letter (dd 26.5.04) from the agents of Crown Commissioners reference the beach lease. (Noted)

e) Item 2405/10 (j) - Sand on Marine Parade/DCC Strategy: - Cllr Crombie, and the Clerk, reported upon the results of a site meeting chaired by Cllr Cann (DCC) and which had been held on Thursday 10th June together with Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC) and Cllrs Johns and Scott; Mr Julian Roskilly (DCC Local Services Foreman) had also been present. It was said that DCC was considering proactive measures to deal with the on-going sand problems along the beach and Marine Parade and that liaison was to take place with the OC at Atturm with a view to establishing some "goodwill" and "community support" (see also item 2406/5 (a)) (Noted)

f) Item 2405/10 (k) - IPC Standing Orders Review 2004: - The Clerk referred to an amended copy of Standing Orders that had been provided to Cllrs at the meeting. He expressed his grateful thanks to the Chairman (Cllr Harper) and Cllr Green for their invaluable input. After discussion and at the request of Cllr White this matter was put back for further discussion at the July meeting of IPC. (Noted)

g) Item 2405/11 (iii) (v) - IPC Appointments Review 2004/5: - The Clerk referred to an amended copy that had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.6.04); he said further consideration was necessary as regards a Parish Hall Committee representative in addition to Cllr Green. After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED that the Chairman (Cllr Harper) would fill this vacancy. (Noted)

h) Item 2405/11 (iii) (w) - Quality Parish (QP) Council Application: - (i) Cllr Crombie, and the Clerk, reported upon their research and recommendations which in summary advised that IPC should resolve to apply for Quality Parish status. Cllr Crombie, in the first instant, said that IPC should express its gratitude to the Clerk, by way of a vote of thanks, for committing himself successfully in attaining a pass in an AQA Certificate in Local Council Administration and thus enabling IPC to now be in a position to consider applying for Quality Parish status. IPC RESOLVED to support Cllr Crombie’s recommendation; the Clerk thanked him for his very kind words. (Noted)

(ii) After discussion it was RESOLVED that the Clerk and Cllr Crombie should take their recommendations forward and come back to IPC by the September meeting of IPC and report upon their progress. It was recognised that one or two minor areas for QP accreditation needed rectification. (Action: Cllr Crombie & The Clerk)


(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting: -

a) Letter (dd 20.5.04) from NDDC reference "Application for the renewal of a public entertainment (music or dancing) Licence at Instow Parish Hall": - The Clerk reported he had advised NDDC (email 24.5.04) that IPC would have no objection to this application. After discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this decision of the Clerk. (Noted)

b) Letter (dd 2.5.04) from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary reference "Anti Social Behaviour - Barnstaple Town Centre": - The Clerk said this letter advised IPC of new powers (Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003) and asked for IPC’s support in taking the action as described in the letter. He confirmed he had copied said letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers. IPC RESOLVED to note the contents. (Noted)

c) Letter (dd 21.5.04) from NDDC reference "Notice of Financial and Other Interests": - The Clerk said that this letter advised Cllrs that it was important that the Register of Interests was an accurate record of all interest that members had and referred particularly to land and property. He said he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.6.04). He said he had some blank "Declaration of Interest" forms in the event any Cllr wished to update theirs; and confirmed he had received a copy letter from Cllr Green to the Monitoring Officer of NDDC updating his "interests". (Noted)

d) Letter (dd 26.5.04) and attachments from Devon Wind Power Limited (DWPL) reference " Wind Farm at Fullabrook Down, Ilfracombe": - The Clerk said that copies of the letter and attachments, as provided by DWPL, had been passed to Cllrs with their agenda papers (10.6.04) and that a copy had been laced at the Post Office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)

e) Email (dd 28.5.04) from Clerk to Mr Geoff Barclay (NDDC EH Dept) reference "Dog Signs - Beach and Dunes": - The Clerk said this reminded GB that the "promised" signs had yet to materialise; as a result GB has now asked (email 7.6.04) for suggestions as to where they might be placed. The Chairman suggested that appropriate signs should be placed at all entrances to the beach - IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation - Clerk to advise GB. (Action: The Clerk)

f) Email (dd 8.6.04) from Cllr Johns (Vice Chairman) regarding (i) Bus Shelter - The Quay/Provision of a Seat", (ii) "Grass Cutting Complaint - Lane End Close" and (iii) "Provision of Traffic Wardens": - (i) Bus Shelter Seat: The Clerk reported that Melvyn Harris (Handyman) could affix a simple seat at a cost of £35. IPC RESOLVED to support this action. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Grass Cutting: The Clerk said the grass in Lane End Close had been cut by Mel Harris (9.6.04) and that the remainder of the parish grass verges had been cut w/c 14.6.04. (Noted)

It was said by Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) that IPC should consider budgeting for more than 7 cuts per annum. After discussion it was RESOLVED to discuss this further at the budget meeting 2005/6 when held in October/November. (Noted)

(iii) Traffic Warden Cover: Cllr Johns reported his general concern that the Traffic Warden cover for Instow for the summer was not materialising as "promised" by Constable Parker. The Clerk said he had brought this to the attention of PC Parker whose response had been sketchy to say the least. IPC RESOLVED to write to Constable Parker and seek an assurance that traffic wardens/police would be attending Instow on a regular basis during the summer period to deal with offending motorists (Action: The Clerk)

g) Letter from DCC (dd 9.6.04) reference "Health and Safety Commission - Safety of Memorials in Cemeteries" (see also (iii) (o) below): - The Clerk suggested this was passed to Instow Parochial Church Council who "manage" the parish burial ground. IPC RESOLVED to support this suggestion. (Action: The Clerk)

h) Letter from Mrs C Grant (dd 16.6.04) concerning "Proposed Instow Pre-School Family Barbecue on Instow Sands (leased by IPC) between 6 pm and 8 pm on 16.7.04": -The Clerk explained the writer was requesting permission from IPC to hold this event - after discussion it was RESOLVED to provide permission and the Clerk was asked to contact Mrs Grant. (Action: The Clerk)

*NB: - The Clerk briefly outlined the correspondence as a (ii) and (iii) below particularly for the information of parishioners who were present at the meeting. IPC RESOLVED to adopt the Chairman’s suggestion (as at item 2406/2 (b)) and to have said information circulated amongst Cllrs between meetings so that each might be briefed and note each paper.

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum Matters (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Email (dd 22.5.04) and attachments from Chairman TTEF reference "Fast Leisure Craft Meeting - Monday 14th June 2004.

b) Email (dd 4.6.05) from Chairman TTEF reference "TTEF - Update": - Contains information on NDCCS - Staffing and responsibilities, DCC Mineral Local Plan, Fast Leisure Craft Meeting and World Environment Day.

c) Email (dd 11.6.04) from Secretary of TTEF reference "TTEF Meeting Minutes of 19.4.04 and Rolle Canal"

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Copy letter (dd 24.3.04) parishioner (Mr J H Armstrong) to NDDC reference "Blocked drains in Rectory Lane, Instow" - passed to Clerk by Cllr May: - Clerk emailed DCC Highways (21.5.04) who stated (email 28.5.04) matter would receive attention asap.

b) Letter (dd 18.5.04) from North Devon Marketing Bureau reference "North Devon Super Service Awards 2004- The Most Welcoming Community": - Clerk placed a copy of letter and leaflets at Post Office and John’s.

c) Letter (received 22.5.04) and photograph from parishioner (Ms P Lines) reference "Flood Defence Wall by Marine Court - Sand" (see item 2405/10 (l) (ii)): - Clerk emailed Environment Agency (24.5.04) and notified it of the content of letter/photo; he subsequently received a telephone call from the EA; EA agreed to speak direct to parishioner.

d) Letter (dd 26.5.04) from North Devon Homes reference "AGM 2004 - 25th June"- Clerk advised NDH that IPC would not be represented.

e) Telephone call from parishioner (Susan Mann - 860467) reference "Sand on Marine Parade/Boathouse Gate": -Clerk advised parishioner of action taken by IPC to date (with DCC) and of other action contemplated - sand had subsequently been cleared by DCC.

f) Email from Chairman reference ""Damaged Seat - Anstey Way (near Atturm)": - Handyman attended at the request of the Clerk - seat had been replaced (from bank where it had been pushed) and was undamaged; no further action taken - Handyman to affix seat to base asap.

g) Village Green Magazine (Issue 96 - June 2004) containing: -

Clerks Training Event (8.7.04) - North Devon

Cllrs Training Event (21.7.04) - North Devon

"Nothing About Us Without Us" - Tackling Social Exclusion in Devon’s Communities - Workshops

SW Forum Newsletter (June 2004)

Job Vacancy at CCD - Community Projects Officer

CCD Annual Conference 2004 (13.10.04) - North Devon (Venue TBC)

Society of Local Council Clerks - AGM (18.6.04) - Exminster

Devon Local Access Forum - Annual Report 2003/4

Letter (dd 11.3.04) from First Devon and Cornwall Ltd - Update

Letter (dd May 2004) from Winged Fellowship Trust - seeks support

University of Gloucestershire - Local Policy Training Opportunities

Rural Women’s Research Project Pamphlet

CCD Training Opportunities - Poster

Clerks Training Events (North & South Devon) - 1st and 8th July 2004

h) Letter from Shaw and Sons Limited reference "Local Council’s Catalogue"

i) DCC Monthly Round-Up (June 2004): - Clerk placed copy placed at Post Office for information of parishioners.

j) Devontalk Magazine (Summer 2004): - Ditto item (h) above.

k) Agenda (9.6.04) and Minutes (14.4.04) of NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee

l) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheets (4th and 11th June).

m) Instow Parish Hall Pamphlet.

n) NALC Legal Topic Note No. 58 - Disability Discrimination Act 1995.

o) Letter (dd 9.6.04) from DCC reference papers entitled "A place at the Table for Parishes" and "Government Funding for Charities On-Line (26th May 2004)" (see also (i) (g) above).

p) Letter (dd 9.6.04) from The Crown Estate together with "The Crown Estates First Corporate and Social Responsibility Report 2004"

q) NDDC Council Meeting (Agenda and Reports) - Wednesday 23rd June 2004.

2406/10 FINANCE

The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the May meeting: -

1. INCOME: -

Car Park Takings Period ending 26th May £ 510.10

Ditto Period ending 2nd June £ 452.50

Ditto Period ending 9th June £ 5 49.70

Ditto Period ending 16th June £ 453.10

HM Customs and Excise Vat Refund 2003/4 £ 138.92+

Instow Marine Mooring Fees 2004 £ 640.00

TOTAL: - £ 2744.32

Key: -

+ Paid into IPC’s Lloyds Bank Business a/c by BACS remittance advice (10.6.04)


Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 220.00*

Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 3) £ 162.50

Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 208.98

Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 17.50

Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £ 702.00

Mr R Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £ 359.80

Mr R Jacob Overtime - AQA Qualification £ 187.20

Inland Revenue Tax re: P Cook/R Jacob £ 205.02

DAPC Standing Orders/Chairman’s Role Booklet £ 6.00

BemroseBooth Car Park Tickets £ 220.90

TOTAL: - £2321.90

Key: -

* Includes additional hours for sand clearance - i.e. £22.00


Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as at 4.5.04 (Statement) = £15,306.51=

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as at 28.5.04 (Statement) = £ 36.18#

Key: -

= Actual balance £15,521.01 according to Clerk’s records as at 17.6.04.

# Actual balance £3.18 according to Clerk’s records as at 17th June 2004 - outstanding cheques of £1 and £32 still outstanding.


IPC to RESOLVED to transfer £2322.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Reclaiming of Vat: Not Registered: - The Clerk confirmed he had forwarded the necessary paperwork to Customs and Excise to recover "non business" Vat for the fiscal year 2003/4 - £138.92 and that it had been paid into IPC’s Lloyds Bank Business a/c by BACS on 10.6.04 - see 1 above. (Noted)

(b) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2004: - (i) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 8.6.04) he had received from Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) concerning IPC Annual return 2003/4 together with a copy letter from Mr Day to the Audit Commission (dd 8.6.04). The Clerk appraised IPC of the contents of both letters. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the appropriate "Exercise of Electors’ Rights" form had been placed at the Post Office (together with a copy of the relevant "Annual Return", "Income and Expenditure Summary" and "Council’s Accounts: A Summary of Your Rights" form") on the 14th June with the details of "Inspection Days" being Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm) for the period 28th June to the 23rd July 2004 (i.e. 20 working days). (Noted)

(iii) Reserves - The Clerk reminded IPC that a "expenditure" strategy needed to be considered for the budget 2005/6 in the light of current reserves and the fact that car park takings are likely to "exceed expectations" for the current fiscal year. (Noted).

(c) Insurance Renewal 2004/5: -. (i) War Memorial - The Clerk advised IPC he had written to the PCC offering to "gift" the war memorial to it but still awaited a response. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk confirmed the placement of a copy of IPC’s Public Liability Certificate on the Parish Hall Notice board (inside). (Noted)

(d) Letter from Defence Estates (DE) - Change of Address (as of 14.6.04): - The Clerk said this was for information only; DE pays IPC a sum of £50 per annum for use of the beach "leased" by IPC from the Crown Commissioners. (Noted)

(e) Annual Return 2004 from Charity Commissioners (CC) (and Trustees Update Form) for Recreation Ground Trust: - The Clerk said he had completed the forms as necessary and that they now required signing by one of the trustees namely Cllrs White, Crombie, Johns or Green before return to the CC; the forms were signed by Cllr White - Clerk to forward to the CC. (Action: The Clerk)

(f) Email (dd 4.6.04) from Charity Commissioners reference "Instow Recreation Ground: Update": - The Clerk reported that this was a bi-annual newsletter that kept trustees up to date with important issues affecting charities and was available for viewing by any Cllr, particularly trustees, if required. (Noted)

(g) Letter (dd 16.6.04) from Treasurer of Instow Parochial Church Council concerning "Trees in Instow Churchyard": - The Chairman reported that Instow PCC were requesting the provision of a small grant from IPC towards the cost of the felling of a row of old macracarpa trees that had been "condemned" by Mr Tucker (Agricultural Officer of NDCC); Mr Tucker has recommended they be felled (because of their age and danger by virtue of falling branches) and replaced with a more suitable species - initial quotes for the work were in the order of £2,200.00. IPC RESOLVED to give this request some consideration and bring it back for decision at the July 2004 meeting - Clerk to advise PCC. (Action: - The Clerk)

2406/11 PLANNING

a) Instow Parish Council - Tree Preservation Orders (See item 2404/11 (a)): - The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 20.5.04) from NDDC’s Planning Manager (specifically Mr A Tucker) that he read to Council; he confirmed he had copied it to the Chairman. The Chairman expressed his dissatisfaction at the tone and content of the letter and confirmed he would contact Mr Tucker. (Action: The Chairman)

b) Street Naming and Numbering Procedures, Section 38 Procedures: Local Government Act 1972 - Signage (see item 2405/6 (a)): - The Clerk referred to an email (21.5.04) from him to DCC (reference street naming of "Bath Terrace, Victoria Terrace and Marine Parade") and a response letter (dd 7.6.04) from Mr A Tucker (NDDC’s Planning Department); the Clerk read it to Council adding that he had responded by email (dd 10.6.04) questioning how Marine Parade did not qualify for signing in such circumstances. The Chairman again expressed his displeasure at the tone and content of the letter - Cllr Cann agreed to take up this item (and the issue as at (a) above) and report back in due course. (Action: Cllr Cann)

c) Outline application for the erection of 1 Dwelling in grounds of Redlands Residential Home, New Road, Instow (Reference No. 37882): - The Clerk reported receipt (10.6.04) of this application and, in the absence of the Chairman, of having handed it direct to IPC’s Planning Officers (10.6.04) for their attention. Cllr Ms A Mayoh then briefed Council on the application after which a discussion ensued. At the conclusion of this discussion it was RESOLVED to write to NDDC’s Planning Department and report "because of the sensitivity of the site IPC would wish to have sight of a full application before making a decision". (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Parish Seats -Flood Defence Wall (Marine Parade opposite Shops)_: - Cllr White suggested that some additional slatted seats be installed in the flood defence wall (seaward side) opposite the shops and that if IPC agreed he was prepared to carry out some research and come back with a price. IPC RESOLVED to support this initiative. (Action: Cllr White)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

