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THURSDAY 19th JUNE 2008 AT 7.45 PM

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


The meeting was preceded at 7 pm by a presentation given by Cllr B Moores (NDC) together with Anne Cowley (Assistant Executive Director NDC) on proposals by North Devon Council for a single tier unitary council in Devon. Cllr Rodney Cann (DCC) and Mr Ian Hobbs (Officer DCC) were also in attendance to answer questions on DCC’s proposals for a single tier unitary council in Devon.

Present: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, M Green (Vice Chairman) , C Harper, A Johns, G May, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: - Cllr R Cann (DCC), Cllr B Moores (NDC) and 5 parishioners.

2806/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer

PCSO Cornish.

a) Crime: -
Constable Hodgson reported that four crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, indecent exposure (x2), theft of fuel (x1) and theft of a hedge trimmer (x1). PC Hodgson said a problem solving plan had been devised with reference to the indecent exposure offences that was being robustly enforced. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
Constable Hodgson said that in the same period of time 9 police logs had been recorded, namely, road related (x3), information to police (x3), crime related (x2) and anti-social behaviour (x1). (Noted)
c) Neighbourhood Policing: -
The Clerk said he had that day received a letter from the Superintendent of Police at Barnstaple, Superintendent Lander, thanking him for drawing to his attention the excellent work being carried out in the parish by PC Hodgson and PCSO Cornish and confirming he would draw it to the attention of the two officers. (Noted)

Wetland Project (See also item 2806/8 (f)): -
(i) A parishioner reported upon her progress with this project (land between Elm Terrace and Marshfield, Instow) and in particular her liaison with Christie Estates. She explained there were some difficulties that needed to be “worked through” and that with the parish council’s support she would continue with the quest. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED unanimously to thank the parishioner for all she had done and wished her well with her negotiations. Other possible land “recreational utilisation” within the parish was discussed. (Noted)

a) Cllr Cann spoke of “Extension to 30 mph Speed Limit – Bideford Side” (procedure work will commence in the near future funded from ward fund), “Reactive Speed Sign – Bideford Side” (DCC demanding a 3 year maintenance payment of £3,000 in addition to purchase price – unacceptable), “A39 Westleigh Junction” (new safety sign installed 9th May), “Pressure Washer” (funded pressure washer for IPC – see item 2806/10 (5) (h)), “New Toilet Block (Quay Car Park) Update” (full and detailed report has been prepared to justify proposals for their provision), “Aids to Living at Home” (new generation of wireless aids/sensors to assist disadvantaged people living in their own homes – Exhibition at County Hall) and “Renewable Energy Presentation” (by Government SW). (Noted)
b) “Village Gateway Design”: -
Cllr Cann said he wished to place an article in the parish magazine to elicit ideas for this road safety initiative and he sought the parish council’s consent to proceed in this fashion. IPC RESOLVED to support this excellent idea. (Action: Cllr Cann)
c) DCC Funding: -
Cllr Cann said that in view of the fact single tier unitary local government was “on the horizon” in Devon that any funding would have to be applied for and used within the current financial year although he did add that a government minister had gone on record to say that the status quo could be retained. (Noted)
a) Cllr Moores spoke on “Planning Application 46220 – Marsden” (see also item 2806/11 (a)), “Appeal – Planning Decision No 44991 – Garden of 5 Chichester Close” (see also item 2806/11 (b)), “Ransom Strip” (investigations and discussions ongoing with NDC as to suitable site and proposals – see also item 2806/4), “Quay Car Park Toilets” (no progress to date – see also item 2806/5), “Instow New School” (no progress to date – see also item 2806/8 (i)), and “Removal of Pay-phone Provision by BT” (see also item 2806/9 (i) (g)). (Noted)
b) “Grass Verge Overgrown – Lane End/Marine Parade & Anstey Way (General)” Cllr Moores said he had noted these hedges were badly overgrown and required attention. IPC RESOLVED to contact DCC Local Services. (Action: The Clerk)
c) NDC Housing – Kiln Close Lane: -
In an answer to a question posed by Cllr Cook, Cllr Moores said NDC had no plans to convert any of its housing stock in Kiln Close Lane into flats. (Noted)

2806/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the May 2008 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2805/2 (b) - IPC – Cllr Vacancies: -
(i) The Clerk reported that the appropriate notices, provided by NDC, had been placed on parish council notice boards (21.5.08) advising parishioners of the two Cllr vacancies. He said these notices invited parishioners to request that the vacancies be filled by an election (by 9th June – 10 electors) or if no such request was received then IPC was obliged to fill the vacancies by co-option. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of the current state of affairs as of the meeting and the action(s) that were now required to be taken; he referred to letter (dd 10.6.08) from NDC (Deputy Returning Officer) which stated that no election was necessary and that IPC was obliged to co-opt. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then discussed the co-option arrangements, namely posters (website/parish magazine), interviews by a sub committee, and recommendation by that sub committee to full council. It was RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Cllr Cook and The Clerk would form the interview sub committee and that the closing date for applications would be Wednesday 16th July 2008. (Action: The Clerk)
(iv) The Clerk advised IPC that two parishioners, to his knowledge, had already expressed an interest. (Noted)
b) Item 2805/4 (b) – Chairman’s IPC Strategic Plan 2008/9: -
Council, lead by the Chairman, Cllr White discussed a number of recommendation(s), namely: -
(i) Community “Grot Spot” Initiative: –
Cllr Harper suggested that IPC could enlist the co-operation of a number of public spirited parishioners to keep the various “grot spots” within the parish tidy and that each could be provided with black plastic rubbish sacks and a “grabber” to pick up the rubbish. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this idea but to operate under the umbrella of IIB primarily for insurance reasons. The Clerk was asked to liaise with IIB and DCC/NDC to secure their positive support/co-operation with the plan. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) Instow – Road Safety Initiatives: -
The Chairman said he would like to recommend that IPC concentrate its efforts during the forthcoming year by proactively supporting the implementation of all the road safety initiatives previously agreed so as to ensure their completion as a matter of some urgency. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
c) Item 2805/8 (d) – Bottle Bank/Quay Car Park: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that a bottle bank had been placed on the Quay Car Park (21/22.5.08) and that to date he had only received one constructive observation from a parishioner as regards its siting. The Clerk explained the concern of the parishioner in question (broken glass at/near the ramp to the garages of Marine Court etc) and of the action that had been agreed by the Clerk/Handyman and the parishioner. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of the various enquiries he had made of the NDC’s Works and Recycling Services and Car Park Dept as regards insurance implications in respect of IPC’s lease of the Quay Car Park (Car Park and Bottle Bank) and of possible claims for injury/damage thereon. IPC RESOLVED to support this action of the Clerk who agreed to keep chasing NDC for an answer asap and to check on the full terms of our lease. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Item 2805/11 (d) – IPC’s Self Help Emergency Plan Update: -
Cllr Harper reported on progress; he said an article had appeared in a recent Parish Magazine (June 2008) but little response had resulted. He said he would continue to revise the plan and bring it back to IPC for ratification asap. (Action: Cllr Harper)
e) Item 2805/11 (e) – Review of Local Government/Boundary Committee: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed that notices had been placed on parish council notice boards (4.6.08) to advertise the NDC’s (Cllr Moores) presentation that had preceded the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 2.5.08) from NDC (Chief Executive) reference “Local Government Review – NDC to Visit Every Parish”; he said the letter had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 19.5.08) and copy of NDC’s Submission Paper to the Boundary Committee from NDC (Chief Executive) reference “Local Government Review/NDC to Visit Every Parish – Presentation by Cllr B Moores and Anne Cowley (Assistant Executive Director NDC)”. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 19.5.08) from DCC reference “Boundary Review – DCC Community Listening Events”; he said this email had been copied (19.5.08) to IPC Cllrs with email addresses and that if others required sight of it he could oblige. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 10.6.08) and attachment from DCC (Peter Doyle – Head of External Affairs) reference “Boundary Review – Devon); he provided a copy for Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 11.6.08) from DCC reference “Ditto Item (v) above”. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 19.6.08) from DCC reference ”A Unitary Council for Devon – Your Questions Answered”; he said a copy, for the information of Cllrs, had been placed in the folder as at item 2806/9 (iii) below and that Cllrs with email addresses had been provided with a copy. (Noted)
f) Item 2805/11 (f) – Instow Ransom Strip/Wetland Project: -
See item 2806/4 and item 2806/6. (Noted)
g) Item 2805/11 (j) – Roundhouse, Instow Recreation Ground/Picnic Site: -
(i) The Clerk updated IPC on his various communications with NDCCS and Wings (emails) as regards insurance implications at this site and the cob house in particular; he said he had copied the relevant series of email to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to ensure an appropriate course of action was agreed by DCC and Wings as a matter of some urgency and that IPC should, in the meantime, continue to monitor progress. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Item 2805/12 (i) (m) – IPC’s Annual Report 2007/8: -
(i) The Clerk reported that no recommended amendments/alterations/additions had been received by him from Cllrs since the last meeting. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt it as written and to have it published throughout the parish as necessary; a copy was provided to each Cllr at the meeting for their information. (Action: The Clerk)

i) Item 2805/15 (b) – Instow New School/The Future: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed that a suitable letter (dd 23.5.08) had been sent by him to DCC (Director of Children and Young People’s Services) having been composed, on behalf of IPC, by Cllrs White, Green and Cook. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the relevant letter and DCC’s interim response (dd 27.5.08) had been forwarded to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 28.5.08 – received post 6.6.08) from DCC (Director of Children and Young People’s Services); it was copied to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion, during which IPC RESOLVED to accept there was little it could do in the interim period, a resolution was passed to take no further action at the moment other than to keep a regular watching brief on DCC’s progress. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Devon – Closure of Post Offices: -
i) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 16.5.08) from DAPC reference “Announced PO Closures”; this list did not include Instow. (Noted)
ii) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 16.5.08) from DCC reference “Devon Post Offices earmarked for Closure – Press Release”. (Noted)
iii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 21.5.08) from Postwatch entitled “Post Office Closure Programme – Devon Area Plan”. (Noted)
iv) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 22.5.08) reference “PO Closures & Replacement with Part Time Mobile Service”; he said he had copied this to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
v) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 23.5.08) from DAPC reference “Post Offices to Close – Report by DAPC Representative on Postwatch”; he said it had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
vi) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 28.5.08) from DCC and attachment reference “Letter to Parishes re Post Office Closures”; he said it had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
vii) IPC discussed the implications and RESOLVED to take no further action on the grounds there appeared to be no implications for the parish. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 15.5.08) from SWH Ltd reference “Road Closure for Drainage Works – Pottery Lane, Yelland”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this letter stated that an application had been made to close the road from beyond “Crossways” to “Crow Barn” on Tuesday 26th August 2008 to facilitate drainage works by SWH Ltd on behalf of DCC. He said these works should be completed by Thursday 28th August and a diversionary route would be signed and maintained from the junction of Pottery Lane with the B3233 to Crown Barn via Instow Town and vice versa. The Clerk said he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08) and had also placed a copy at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
c) Letter (dd 20.5.08) from Devon and Cornwall Police Authority reference “Police Authority Liaison Meetings – North Devon”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that these took place on Monday 16th June (South Molton) and Tuesday 17th June (Barnstaple) and that he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08) and had placed posters at the post office and parish council notice boards for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
d) Email (dd 20.5.08) from Defra reference “Summary of Bathing Water Consultation Responses”: -
(i) The Clerk said this thanked IPC for responding to this consultation process and provided an internet link where the recently published summary of responses to the consultation could be accessed i.e. http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bathingwaters/index.htm (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded the email immediately (20.5.08) to Cllr Green who had led IPC with its original response and also copied it to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Green then provided IPC with a resume of the Defra Summary. (Noted)
e) Email (dd 21.5.08) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Important Information for Creative Coasts Network Members”: -
(i) The Clerk said in view of the fact this provided information in respect of funding opportunities with a deadline date of 27th June, he had immediately forwarded the email (21.5.08) to the Chairman and Vice Chairman for perusal. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman and Vice Chairman address IPC on this initiative at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
f) Email (dd 25.5.08) and attachment from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Results for Instow, Westward Ho! and Saunton Sands as of 23rd May 2008”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this email mail and attachment to them with their agenda papers (4.6.08) and they should note that Instow failed the first water quality test on 1.5.08. (Noted)
g) Letter (dd 29.5.08) and attachment from NDC (Planning and Development Services) reference “Removal of Payphone Provision by BT”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that NDC is undertaking local consultation on behalf of BT as regards the removal of a number of payphones in the area and that any response by IPC should be done so by 30th June 2008 and a copy sent to NDC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this letter and attachment to them with their agenda papers (4.6.08) and that one kiosk affected was on Marine Parade (01271 860041 – Opposite The Boathouse). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported further receipt of a letter (dd 4.6.08) from NDC reference “Removal of Payphone Provision by BT”; he said it stated that BT had agreed to extend the consultation period and would now accept responses until 18.7.08. (Noted)
(iv) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to write to BT (copy to NDC) urging them not to remove this payphone on the grounds that “Instow is a busy seaside village that is visited by a large number of visitors and North Devon residents’ right throughout the year to make use of its beach and leisure facilities as well as a high volume of shipping (both commercial and leisure) that frequents its environs. In the interest of beach and water safety it is felt by IPC that this phone should remain in situ as well as on the basis that not all people carry a mobile phone (especially to the beach) and to cater for an emergency situation where a mobile phone user might have difficulty in engaging a signal or experiencing a low battery”. (Action: The Clerk)
h) Telephone call (30.5.08) from NDC’s Dog Warden reference “Damaged Doggy Bin Opposite Boathouse”: -
The Clerk said he had been advised that one of the two doggy bins situated at this location has been irreparable damaged and that it appeared to have been hit by a tractor (tyre tracks in the vicinity). The Clerk said he had spoken to the beach cleaner and DCC Local Services Superintendent and ascertained neither had been working in the vicinity recently. The Clerk finalised by saying he had eventually spoken to NDC’s Environmental Health Dept who had agreed to replace it at no charge to IPC. (Noted)
i) Letter (undated – received 2.6.08) and Proposed Business Plan 2010/2015 from Western Power Distribution (WPD) reference “Stakeholder Consultation: Our Future - Your Future”:-
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated that WPD was consulting widely with customers and stakeholders and would consider all of the responses received in developing its final investment programme which it would be asking the energy regulator, Ofgem, to agree during 2009. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had copied the letter to Cllrs with their agenda papers (4.6.08) and that the copy of the business plan had been placed in the miscellaneous correspondence folder as at (iii) (h) below. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
j) Email (dd 5.6.08) from Area North Highway Management reference “Road Closure/Saturday 5th July 2008 – Quay Lane, Instow”: -
The Clerk said this stated that this was for the Community Show; the Clerk confirmed he had placed a copy at the post office for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
k) Letter (dd 13.6.08) and enclosure from NDC reference “Re-tendering of the Dog Warden Service Contract”: -
(i) The Clerk said this requested feedback about the tendering process and concept overall and that any response was required by the 14th July 2008; a copy of the letter/enclosure was provided to Cllrs for perusal at the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
l) Letter (dd 5.6.08) from The 1991 Tapeley Life Interest Trust reference “Instow Quay – Steps and Railings”: -
The Clerk read the letter to IPC. (Noted)
m) Email (dd 6.6.08) and attachments from DAPC reference “Quality Parish Scheme – Launch Date”: -
(i) The Clerk said this email had been copied to all Cllrs (16.6.08) with email facilities for perusal before the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also tabled a copy of a DAPC email entitled “QPS Information Update” for Cllrs perusal. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed he had sent an email (16.6.08) to the DAPC (Secretary) to ascertain the current situation as regards IPC’s QP Status and that he had been advised that IPC would need to have its QPC status re-accredited in 2009 and that training would be arranged in the meantime for the Clerk on the administrative process that would be necessary. (Noted)
(iv) A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to note there were more advantages than disadvantages to being a “Quality Parish” and that as it stood at the moment IPC should seek re-accreditation in 2009. (Noted)
n) Email (dd 10.6.08) & attachments from Cllr Cann (DCC) reference “DCC Capital Bids”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated there was an opportunity to bid for capital to support community safety projects (deadline 19th June) and that a copy of the application form was enclosed with the email. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of the email and attachments to Cllrs with email facilities. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)
o) IPC – Cllr Appointments Review: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that a current copy (dd 19.7.08) had been circulated to them with their agenda papers (4.6.08). (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion it was RESOLVED to amend it as necessary and to confirm it at the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
p) IPC - Standing Orders Review: -
(i) The Clerk told IPC that this had been due for review in May 2008 but recommended, in the circumstances, that in view of the fact two new Cllrs were to be appointed within the next 6-8 weeks that a full review was held over the summer recess period i.e. July – September 2008. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation of the Clerk and to proceed appropriately. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 2.6.08) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF – Draft Marine Bill and Newsletter Update (2.6.08)”
b) Ditto IPC Cllrs etc.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 15.5.08) reference “ CiLCA Training”; (ii) Email (dd 19.5.08) reference “Quality Parish Councils”; (iii) Email (dd 21.5.08) reference “Clerk Vacancy – Kingston”; (iv) Email (dd 21.5.08) reference “DAPC – Planning Training”; (v) Email (dd 22.5.08) “DRHP Rural Housing Awards”; (vi) Email (dd 27.5.08) reference “2012 & The Extra Mile”; (vii) Email (dd 27.5.08) reference “Village Green/Open Spaces – Registration”; (viii) Email (dd Email (dd 27.5.08) reference “Playing Fields/Play Equipment Training”; (ix) Email (dd 28.5.08) reference “Bus Shelter Graffiti”; (x) Letter (dd May 2008) reference “Long Life Learning Network Conference – Throwing Light on the Role of the Town and Parish Councils in Devon” – Clerk will attend if available; (xi) Email (dd 30.5.08) reference “Devon Playing Field Association AGM Open Spaces/Open Minds Presentation &
Lunch”; (xii) Email (dd 2.6.08) reference “Savings Account and Interest” – suitable response sent by Clerk; (xiii) Letter (dd 10.6.08) from CCD reference “Executive Summary of the Rural Community Buildings Research”; (xiv) “Village Green Magazine – Issue 112 (June 2008” – copy placed at post office and parish hall; (xv) Email (dd 3.6.08) reference “Olympic Handover”; (xvi) Email (dd 12.6.08) reference “CCD Members Forum”; (xvii) Email (dd 13.6.08) reference “DAPC Autumn Training Programme”; (xviii) Email (dd 16.6.08) reference “CiLCA Training Dates”; (xvix) Email (dd 16.6.08) reference “Business Plan – Graveyards”; (xx) Email (dd 16.6.08) reference “Digital UK Roadshow”; (xxi) Pamphlet entitled “Devon Playing Fields Association – The Way Forward/Development and Action Plan 2208-2013 Summary”; (xxii) Email (dd 17.6.08) reference “Peer Supporters Initiative” – noted by Clerk; (xxiii) Email (dd 18.6.08) reference “Place Matters Conference – November 2008” and (xxiv) Email (dd19.6.08) reference “Cemetery Matters”.
b) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 16.5.08, 23.5.08, 30.5.08. 6.6.08 and 13.6.08
c) (i) Agenda of NDC’s Standards Committee of Wednesday 28th May 2008 at 7 pm and Minutes of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of 30th April 2008 and associated papers; (ii) Minutes of NDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of 28th May 2008
d) DCC P3 Spring Newsletter 2008
e) North Devon Direct Magazine (Issue 9 – Summer 2008)
f) Glasdon Catalogues (Various) for Local Councils
g) Letter (dd 28.5.08) from NDC (Electoral Services) reference “Parish Councillors – NDC’s Database Information”: -
Clerk responded as necessary.
h) Letter (undated – received 2.6.08) and Proposed Business Plan 2010/2015 from Western Power Distribution (WPD) reference “Stakeholder Consultation: Our Future - Your Future”:-
See item (i) (i) above
i) Telephone call and email (dd 29.5.08) from parishioner reference “Bottle Bank and New Charter Toilets/Quay Car Park: -
Suitable reply sent by Clerk as regards both issues – see also matters arising (Bottle Bank – Item 2806/8 (c)).
j) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (June 2008 – Edition 529)
k) Email (dd 6.6.08) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch Monthly News Round Up (June 2008): -
Copy placed at post office for information of parishioners
l) Letter (dd 5.6.08) from North Devon Homes reference “AGM 2008”
m) Notelet from Senior Council for Devon and attachments reference “Senior Council for Devon”: -
Copies of papers placed at post office and parish hall
n) NDC Council Meeting Agenda for meeting of Wednesday 25th June 2008 at 7 pm
o) Telephone call from Adopt a Beach Coordinator reference “Assistance from Princes Trust Volunteers”
p) Telephone call from parishioner reference “Overgrown Hedge – Atturm Bus Stop”: -
Matter attended to by handyman

2806/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Takings Period ending 21st May 2008 £ 384.50
Ditto Period ending 4th June 2008 £ 953.10
Ditto Period ending 18th June 2008 £ 999.35
DCC Grant: Engine Pressure Washer £ 150.00
Car Park Weekly Tickets No 6/7 (x3) £ 36.00
Car Park Season Ticket No 8 (x1) £ 80.00
TOTAL : - £2,602.95
Key: -
* Car Park Takings £35.84 up on same time (20.6.07) as last year

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 622.50+
Mr M Harris Grass Cut (No 2) £ 230.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 400.00
Mr P Cook Engine Pressure Washer £ 150.00
Mr R Jacob Clerks Remuneration £ 1,000.00
Mr R Jacob Clerks Expenses £ 442.14*
Inland Revenue Re Mr R Jacob £ 250.00
Mr G May Tractor Garage Rental (April – March 2006) £ 112.80=
Johns of Instow Heavy Duty Black Sacks/Beach Cleaning £ 34.00#
TOTAL: - £3,241.44
Key: -
+Includes £22.50 repair to Boathouse bus shelter and £75 P3 Footpath Strimming at Atturm, Venn Cross and Water Works
* Includes £33.97 paint/oil for parish seats, £12.05 for fuses for car park machine and varying sums of VAT that is recoverable
= £16.80 VAT recoverable
# £5.06 VAT recoverable
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as @ 23.5.08 (Statement) = £ 1.62*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as @ 3.4.08 (Statement) = £17,645.05+
* Accords with Clerk’s records.
+ £18,145.10 according to Clerk’s records as of date of meeting
IPC RESOLVED to transfer £3,242.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account (May 2008): -
The Clerk advised IPC this confirmed IPC was in balance and owed nothing. (Noted)
(b) Use of Instow Sands – Atturm: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that as the current agreement ended as of the end of May 2008 that payment at the old rate (£50 pa), or part thereof (i.e. £25 for 6 months), would be received by IPC in the current year financial year 2008/9. He added that payment of the new negotiated rate (£250 pa) would commence as of 1.6.08 and be paid on or about 1.6.09. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a copy of the new agreement that needed to be signed by the Chairman and another Cllr and witnessed by the Clerk. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to defer signing of the document on the basis that IPC only had “possession” of the Crown Estate lease for Instow Sands until 12/2009 and which would, therefore, having a bearing on this Defence Estates lease that was for 10 years from 1.6.08 to 31.5.18; the Clerk was asked to liaise with the DE. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Beach Cleaning Grant 2008: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that this grant was, as usual, taking a great deal of effort on his part and an inordinate amount of paperwork to achieve and that the saga continued; the Clerk elaborated. The Clerk added that Cllr Cann was endeavouring to assist and was in direct contact with the appropriate NDC department in order to try and short circuit the process. (Noted)
(d) Quay Car Park: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he was no longer permitted to issue fixed penalty tickets to motorists who contravened the parking regulations under the new civil parking regulations. He said that NDC wished to know if IPC would like NDC to enforce the parking regulations on IPC’s behalf. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to ask NDC to “manage” the car park on its behalf on the basis it might ensure payment by all car park users and that once in Instow, NDC’s civil enforcement personnel would also pay attention to breaches of parking on the streets. (Action: The Clerk)

(e) Letter (undated – received 12.4.08) from Audit Commission (AC) together with Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2008 and associated papers: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed that Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) had completed the internal audit; he said the relevant letter (dd 27.5.08) had been copied to Cllrs (with their agenda papers 4.6.08) for perusal together with a copy of the Annual Return Form (partly completed). The Clerk said the following action was now necessary by IPC: -
(a) Annual Return 2007/8 (General): -
The Clerk said that Mr Day had confirmed that nothing had arisen in the course of his examination of the parish records which he considered should be brought to the attention of Councillors. (Noted)
(b) Audited Receipts and Payments Account 2007/8: -
(i) The Clerk told Cllrs that Mr G Day had advised IPC to ratify the original Draft Receipts and Payments Account 2007/8 (as prepared by the Clerk and circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting/IPC Meeting in April 2008) but to do so in a slightly amended format. The Clerk said he had provided Cllrs with a copy of each (original draft and IA’s “approved” copy) with their agenda papers (4.6.08). The Clerk explained the differences. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the IA’s recommendation as at (i) above. (Noted)
(c) Annual Return (Specific) –
(i) The Clerk said Mr Day confirmed he had completed all the relevant sections and advised Councillors that, if they saw fit, they should adopt the Return at this (June) meeting with the details (in green spaces) at the foot of page 2 being completed and signed by the Chairperson/Clerk (Responsible Financial Officer) and similarly at the foot of page 3. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk added that before signing at the foot of page 3, however, Mr G Day advised that Council should carefully consider the answers he had provisionally entered to the 9 questions (see (d) below re question 9) answered on that page and if altered in any way whatsoever that an explanation be given to him as to reason(s) for change. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said that after completing/signing pages 2 and 3, Mr G Day had asked for the annual return form to be sent back to him for submission to the District Auditor. (Noted)
(iv) A discussion then ensued with the Clerk running through the Annual Return in detail at the conclusion of which IPC unanimously RESOLVED to adopt it as written and to complete the form as advised; the Chairman and Clerk signed in the appropriate places. (Noted)
(d) Instow Recreation Ground Charity (IRGC): -
The Clerk advised IPC that Mr Day stated that for the first time the annual return required confirmation that any charity administered by the Council was being dealt with in a proper manner (question 9 page 3). He added that as the Trustees of the IRGC were all the Council members for the time being, this annual return question had been addressed and answered in the affirmative. The Clerk said that Mr Day noted that Cllr Harper had spent some time in researching the IRGC and, in particular, the extent to which the Trustees should or could devote the trust funds to allotments; Mr Day had looked at his old papers and they suggested that: -
(a) A Charity (No 230996) was in existence for many years and was stated to be the Allotments for Labouring Poor Charity. This charity was removed from the register of charities when it was amalgamated with the Joan Tucker Charity, and the name of the combined charity became Instow Welfare Trust. The Trustees were not all the members of council as such, although some members of the Council were Trustees from time to time. This was the charity which the Rev Clive Cooper and other Trustees arranged to be either distributed or merged with another charity, some years ago. (Clerk’s Note: - Merged)
(b) Instow Recreation Ground Trust (No 300872) was a perpetual trust, with the Trustees guided to utilise the assets to provide recreational facilities for the parishioners of Instow. So far as Mr Day was aware, there was no requirement to be involved with allotments. (Noted)

(e) District Auditor/Public Notices
The Clerk confirmed that the appropriate “Exercise of Electors’ Rights” form had been placed at the Post Office and on parish council notice boards (together with a copy of the IPC’s Draft Annual Accounts 2007/8) on the 19th May with details of “Inspection Days” (being Monday to Friday {9 am to 5 pm}) for the period 2nd June to the 27th June 2008 (i.e. 20 working days). The Clerk confirmed that no requests, as of the date of the meeting, had been received by him. (Noted)
(f) Damaged Bench – Marine Parade/(Motor Car Accident): -
The Clerk advised IPC that the relevant parishioner had contacted another cabinet maker and was awaiting a price to have the seat repaired. The Clerk said he had explained to the parishioner that IPC was anxious to get the seat back on the sea front asap. (Noted)
(g) Boathouse Bus Shelter – Alterations: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that following liaison with Cllr Cann (DCC) he had submitted (by email – 31.5.08) a County Committee Locality Budget application for £90 on the basis that the job overall would cost approx £180 (£90 materials and £90 labour) and that match funding, in the circumstances, appeared the most appropriate form of application. IPC RESOLVED to agree. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that Cllr Cann had, at the beginning of the meeting, handed him a cheque for £90 in response to his grant application. IPC RESOLVED to thank Cllr Cann and express its gratitude. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to have this job completed asap and the Clerk was asked to liaise with the handyman. (Action: The Clerk)
(h) Motor Pressure Washer: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that an excellent condition second-hand motor pressure washer (Honda) became available subsequent to the last meeting at a cost of £150 and that following liaison with the Chairman and Beach Cleaner it was purchased (by the beach cleaner). He said this washer would be used to clean IPC’s tractor of sand and salt and would also be of use to the handyman for cleaning bus shelter and parish seats prior to painting for example. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this purchase. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that he had submitted a County Committee Locality Budget application for £150 to cover the cost of this vital piece of equipment (following liaison with Cllr Cann) and that subsequently a cheque in the full sum had been received – see item (1) above. IPC RESOLVED to thank Cllr Cann and express its gratitude. (Noted)
(i) Email (dd 10.6.08) from Charity Commissioners reference “Annual Return 2007/8: Instow Recreation Ground 300872”: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had completed this return on line (15.6.08) and circulated said email to IPC’s Trustees (and IPC’s IA) for their information; he said a copy of the return was available at the meeting if required by Cllrs. (Noted)
(j) Letter (May 2008) from Lloyds TSB reference “The Revised Business Banking Code: Deposit Interest Rates and Business Debit Card Charge Information”: -
The Clerk said this was for the information of Cllrs if required; he said he had noted it and that it would be filed for future reference. (Noted)
(k) Letter (undated – received 14.6.08) from The Co-operative Insurance (Good With Money) reference “Bespoke Policy for Parish and Local Councils”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of the content of the letter. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take this offer into consideration when next reviewing its public liability insurance renewal (April/May 2009). (Noted) (l) Letter (dd 17.6.08) from Knight Frank (KF) reference “Crown Estate – Devon/Re: Royalty Returns”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that on checking the Crown Estates’ records it would seem that KF had not received royalty returns from IPC since 2000; it enclosed the relevant returns for completion. The Clerk explained the implications having spoken to IPC’s IA. (Noted)
(ii) After a lengthy discussion it was RESOLVED to write back to KF and express IPC’s concern at the unprofessional and un-business-like manner in which the Crown Estate Agents had operated over this matter albeit that IPC had no intention of avoiding its legal obligations. It was further RESOLVED that Cllr Crombie should work with the Clerk/IPC’s IA to construct an appropriate letter. (Action: Cllr Crombie/Clerk)

2806/11 PLANNING
a) Extension to dwelling (amended plans) at Morsden (Marsden) Rectory Lane, Instow (Reference No 46220): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (21.5.08) of this planning application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 6th June or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on Instow’s website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that IPC’s PSC had unanimously resolved to recommend refusal of this application on the grounds of loss of light and privacy issues; further it was the view of IPC’s PSC that the drawing of the south elevation did not appear to have been amended and nor was it clear that the velux windows had been raised. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reported that NDC’s Planning Department had been advised by him (29.5.08). (Noted)
(v) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 12.6.08) from NDC Planning reference “Extension to Dwelling, Morsden, Rectory Lane, Instow Reference No 46220”; he said it stated that NDC Planning had approved this application (with conditions as listed) but advised IPC that “an amended south elevation has been received identifying the drop in ridge-line over the garage previously shown on the north elevation and that the local planning authority considered this, together with the higher level roof lights, would ensure that the development would not have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the occupants of Venn Farm”. The Clerk said a copy of this letter and decision notice had been copied to Cllrs for their perusal at the meeting. (Noted)
b) Appeal against the decision of the Local Planning Authority (NDC) to refuse planning permission for “Erection of 1 dwelling with integral garage and creation of new vehicular access to highway at garden of 5 Chichester Close (fronting Anstey Way), Instow (Reference No 44991)”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC that this appeal had been lodged before The Planning Inspectorate, Bristol and that any additional observations or amendments needed be sent to the Planning Inspectorate, in triplicate, and before the 19th June 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that he had liaised with the Chairman of IPC and it was decided to take no further action other than to bring it to the attention of IPC at the meeting of 19th June. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed he had passed the relevant papers to the Chairman of IPC for perusal. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action and to ratify the decision take as at (ii) above. (Noted)
c) Demolition of existing and erection of new extension to dwelling at 19 Lane End Close, Instow (Reference No 46678): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (29.5.08) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 13th June or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on Instow’s website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 13.6.08) from the Chairman of IPC to the effect he had advised NDC Planning, by telephone, that IPC’s PSC recommended approval of this application. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk told IPC he had written to NDC Planning (16.6.08) to confirm telephone call as at (iii) above. (Noted)
(v) IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
d) Extension to dwelling at Riverdance, New Road, Instow (Reference No 46758): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (5.6.08) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 24th June or an extension to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that an entry had been placed on Instow’s website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
e) Letter from NDC Planning reference “Erection of single storey extension to provide additional 6 units of accommodation at The Meadows, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 46320)”: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this letter stated that NDC Planning had GRANTED permission for this application with conditions as listed; the Clerk provided a copy of the letter and conditions to Cllrs at the meeting. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to enquire of NDC Planning whether this approved application supeceded all previous and similarly approved applications. (Action: The Clerk)
f) Letter (dd 5.6.08) from DCC reference “Town and Country Planning Act 1990: Appeal by Notts Contractors Limited reference Planning Permission 02/27/44588/2007 - Site at Transfer Station, Former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 3EZ”: -
(i) The Clerk reported that this letter stated that the applicant had lodged an appeal against conditions 1,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,19 and 20 of a temporary conditional permission granted by DCC on 14th February 2008 and that if IPC wished to add any further comments to that which it had previously offered at the consultation stage then it should do so in writing and by the 10th July 2008. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk provided a copy of the letter to Cllrs at the meeting for perusal. (Noted)
(iii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to take no further action. (Noted)

a) Venn Cross Bus Shelter – Bottom Rectory Lane: -
Cllr Cook said it was virtually impossible to look out of the windows in this bus shelter because of overgrown vegetation; IPC RESOLVED to contact IIB and have the situation rectified as soon as possible. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Instow Beach – Dog Mess: -
Cllr Cook said a great deal of dog mess was not being collected by their owners and the beach was, at times, disgraceful. IPC RESOLVED to contact NDC’s Dog Wardens and ask them to pay more attention to the area if at all possible. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Instow Sand Dunes – Dangerous Wire: -
Cllr May said there was a wire protruding from the sand in the dunes that was dangerous and needed rectifying. IPC RESOLVED to have the beach cleaner identify the wire in question and make it safe asap. (Action: The Clerk/Beach Cleaner)
d) Marine Parade (Atturm to Bridge) – Poor Road Surface”: -
Cllr White said this road surface was in a very poor state of repair, potholes etc. IPC RESOLVED to report this to DCC Local Services. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


