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The meeting was preceded, at 7 pm, by a talk on “By-Laws, Dogs and Public Conveniences” given by Mr Geoff Barclay (NDDC – Environmental Health Department). Mr Barclay outlined the by-laws of relevance to Instow and their relevance to the control of dogs and the enforcement of the relevant by-laws. Mr Barclay answered various questions as posed to him by Councillors.
As regards toilets: Mr Barclay firstly apologised for the current poor state of the two public conveniences in Instow (Quay Car Park and Sand Dunes, Marine Drive) and for not having opened up a dialogue with the parish much earlier on the future of public conveniences within the village. He said, however, he now hoped it was possible to “draw a line in the sand” and to move forward together in a positive and meaningful way. He spoke of the recent NDDC’s Best Value Review process and of the instigation of Charter Toilets that would bring about rationalisation of such facilities within the District and saving in the relevant budget. He also gave an undertaking that work would begin, almost immediately, on the current toilets although this would only involve general maintenance and necessary repairs but nothing of a cosmetic nature. Mr Barclay said NDDC was currently negotiating with the developer of the site behind the Sand Dunes toilets to sell the whole toilet site (and not just the ransom strip as was originally believed – should be resolved by end August) and to build, in partnership with Devon Christie Estates (DCE) a “Charter Toilet” block in the car park opposite, much like had recently been achieved at Saunton Sands; DCE have, apparently, offered planning gains to NDDC if this joint venture is to materialise. Mr Barclay added, however, that this could take some time and was nowhere near a “done deal”. In the meantime NDDC wished to press on with their Toilet Charter initiative (which had found favour with the recent Audit Commission Inspection of the Council’s Best Value Service Review - December 2002) and that Instow was now the next area, within the District, to benefit from such a process of development. Mr Barclay said NDDC was considering “withdrawing” from the Quay Car Park toilet facilities (so they could concentrate on one Charter facility – the NDDC/DCE project at the Sand Dunes Car Park) - and that IPC could undertake the “management” of these toilets with an annual grant being provided to cover the necessary running costs. Councillors generally questioned Mr Barclay at the conclusion of which he agreed to send a letter, setting out the District Council’s full proposals, with a view to receiving a response from IPC as soon as possible. The Chairman, Cllr White, thanked Mr Barclay for talking to Council. (Noted)

Present: - Councillors M Green, C Harper, A Johns, G May, Mrs A Mayoh, F Scott, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

2307/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Councillors P Cook and N Crombie.
The Chairman asked parishioners to confine their comments on any issue to the “public speaking” time of the agenda (Item 2307/4). He thanked them for their cooperation. (Noted)

(i) Crime: - The Clerk tendered Constable Johnson’s apologies and in doing so reported that since the last meeting there had been three crimes committed in the parish namely, criminal damage to the front gates at Orchard Farm Landfill Site, Holmacott together with the theft of a dinghy and dinghy seat at the North Devon Yacht Club. Finally he said there had been one arrest for the possession of cannabis following a car search at Anstey Way. (Noted)
(ii) Other Matters: - The Clerk added that Constable Johnson had yet to occupy his Office at Fremington (venue still unknown) and that he could, in the meantime, be contacted on the Force’s telephone number – 08705 777444. (Noted)

(a) Instow New School: - A parishioner updated Council on his recent email communication with DCC. He said that although he was speaking on behalf of himself he was actively gathering the views of residents of Instow and that he felt it was a key function of IPC to determine what was actually happening. He added it was important for parishioners to know what was going on and to be involved; otherwise the appropriate authorities would not known what they wanted. (Noted)
Cllr Cann (DCC) said DCC was currently considering two sites, the “Lay By” and “Seaward” site, the preferred option being the “Lay By” site, and that a decision would be taken by September. At this point any planning scheme would be advertised and the public would be invited to have their say. Cllr Cann said the “Seaward” site did present planning issues that were virtually insurmountable and reminded Council that public consultation, on a new school for Instow, had been in being for in excess of 12 years. Another parishioner reminded Council of a Community Steering Group that was set up in 2001 to consider the options for a new school, and community facilities, and that an open day had been held during that process at the Parish Hall for the benefit of the parish as a whole. It had been widely publicised. (Noted)
(b) Kerb/Disabled Access – Rectory Lane/Anstey: - A parishioner said he was speaking on behalf of a neighbour who was unable to negotiate the kerb at the junction of Anstey Way/Rectory Lane with his motorised scooter. It was RESOLVED the Clerk would contact DCC and arrange for some remedial action to be taken as soon as possible. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Bonfire – Nuisance: - A parishioner complained that a householder in Old Rectory Close had recently lit a bonfire at 8.30 pm which had proven to be a nuisance by virtue of the smoke that ensued. The Clerk advised the parishioner that this was a matter, which could be reported to the Environmental Health Department (NDDC) as a nuisance, but that a personal word with the householder might prove to be more beneficial in the long term. (Noted)

(a) Marine Parade - Experimental Pinchpoints (2306/5 (a)): - Cllr Cann reported he had signed the delegated approval to advertise the Traffic Order for this “initiative” to become a permanent scheme. He added that once it became a permanent scheme it would be clearly marked and identifiable. (Noted)
(b) Marine Parade - Experimental 20 mph Speed Limit (2306/5 (b)): - Cllr Cann said this proposal was for a permanent 20 mph limit, and not temporary as recorded in the June minutes (Item 2306/5 (b)). Council RESOLVED to accept this amendment. He added it would soon be advertised. (Noted)
(c) Proposed Pedestrian Crossing – Anstey Way (2306/5 (c): - Cllr Cann reported that exploratory enquiries were still ongoing and that the first option considered, and outlined at the June meeting, would have cost £40,000. (Noted)
(d) Obstruction of the Footpath/BT Kiosk: - Cllr Cann spoke of a BT Telephone Kiosk (opposite the Boathouse Pub – Marine Parade) that encroached onto the pavement so far that disabled wheel chair/scooter users could not pass it without going onto the roadway. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should contact BT/DCC Highways with a view to this issue being resolved. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Community Alliance: - Cllr Cann asked Council how they would prefer to proceed on this issue? After discussion it was RESOLVED that Ian Hobbs (DCC) would be approached and asked to outline the options available. (Action: Cllr Cann)
(f) Deep Moor Landfill Site: - Cllr Cann said a planning application had been submitted for an extension of 22 hectares of agricultural land. This would extend the life of the tip to 2030 at the forecast rates of filling. He added the proposals were causing concern to villages along the route to the tip because of the number of refuse lorries using the road and that local people wanted to see improvements to the road before approval is given to this extension. (Noted)
(g) Instow Toilets: - Cllr Cann confirmed he had received a copy of the letter sent by the Clerk to NDDC and that he agreed the toilets were a disgrace. He said he was aware of the negotiations between NDDC and DCE but that they had lapsed albeit he was aware an attempt was being made to get them reconvened. He said he would not support any “horse trading” for “other” development within the parish. (Noted)
(h) Local Plan Issues: - Cllr Cann spoke of the work of NDDC’s Task Team as it related to Instow. He said there were some thoughts about an amenity area (currently on private land) and that housing might be placed on the Atturm site should it ever be closed by the MOD. He finalised by saying IPC would be involved in any future discussions. (Noted)
(i) Old Power Station, Yelland: - Cllr Cann said he would like to know the details, registration numbers particularly, of any laden vehicles seen leaving this site; export was not permitted. (Noted)

In the absence of Cllr Mrs L Brown (she was attending a compulsory NDDC Training session) there was no report. (Noted)
2307/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the June 2003 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Items 2306/8 (a) - Local Elections – 1st May 2003 and Associated Matters: - (i) IPC Appointments: - The Clerk referred to the current list of IPC Appointments – a copy was circulated at the meeting. He said there was a requirement for a Cllr to replace Cllr Scott on the Parish Hall Committee; after discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr Green would take up this appointment. The Clerk then suggested that Cllr Harper be appointed to represent IPC on IIB in place of ex-Cllr Mrs C Grant. It was RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of a booklet from The Standards Board for England entitled “The IdeA Guide for New Members”; he suggested it be passed around between Cllrs starting with newly elected Cllrs. It was RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had received a letter (dd 24.6.03) from The Standards Board for England referring to a Booklet entitled “How do I register and Declare Interests, and Register Gifts and Hospitality”. He reminded Cllrs that copies had been circulated to them with their agenda papers. (Noted)
(ii) Standing Orders: - The Clerk suggested a Sub Committee be assigned to review this document albeit it was not due for final review until May 2004. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Scott would take on this role. (Action: Cllr Scott)
b) Item 2306/8 (b) - Countryside Agency (CA) – CROW Act: - (i) The Clerk confirmed that the CA’s draft map had been placed in the Post Office by Cllr May after the last meeting although no parishioners appeared to have passed any comment (unless they had communicated with the CA direct). After discussion, when it was noted that Instow Sands was shown on the map as common land (which was incorrect) it was RESOLVED the Clerk would liaise with Cllr May and forward a suitable response to the CA. It was noted that comments on the map needed to be submitted, in writing, during the consultation period, which runs until the 13th August 2003. (Action: Cllr May and The Clerk)
c) Item 2306/8 (d) – Toilets opposite Sand Dunes Car Park etc: - The Clerk reported that following the last IPC Meeting he had written to Jeremy Mann (Environment Manager NDDC) about the disgusting state of these toilets (included in this letter was a reference to the “problems” with the toilets at the Quay Car Park and the Recycling Shed at the same location). The Clerk said he had copied the letter to Malcolm Prowse (Leader NDDC), Cllr Cann (DCC), Cllr Mrs L Brown (NDDC), Phil Fitzsimons (Environment Health Dept (EHD) - NDDC), Geoff Barclay (EHD – NDDC) and Cllr Harper. The Clerk said he had had no response whatsoever to the letter apart from the request by Mr Barclay to speak to Council before the meeting. A discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to await the letter from Mr Barclay and to respond as necessary. (Noted)
d) Item 2306/8 (k) – Quality Parish Status: - The Clerk updated Council on his enquiries as regards his requirement to attain Qualified Clerk status before IPC could consider accreditation for Quality Parish status. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk, together with Cllr Crombie, would consider all the implications, positive and negative, prior to the next meeting at which time Council would be better informed to formulate a resolution. (Action: Cllr Crombie & The Clerk)
e) Item 2306/8 (l) – Proposed IPC Website: - The Clerk reported on his progress since the last meeting following his discussions with Mark Kidson (IT Consultant to IPC). Cllr Harper also spoke of his enquiries locally as regards the Instow Website at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to publish the approved minutes of all IPC Meetings, on the Instow Website, together with the details of Cllrs with the exception of their telephone numbers. (Action: Cllr Harper, The Clerk and Mr Kidson)
f) Item 2306/9 (n) - Municipal Waste Strategy for Devon – Consultation Draft”: - It was RESOLVED there was no response appropriate from IPC; replies were required by the 12th September 2003. (NFA)

 (i) TTEF Correspondence: -
(a) Emails (dd 7 & 9.7.03) from Chairman TTEF reference Instow Beach Results/Environment Agency (EA): - Mrs Day, Chairman of the TTEF, reported that the EA have had had problems with pumping station “A” (between Crow’s Nest and Commodore); apparently the pumping station sensors had been mounted too high so there was no warning given to SWW when the pumps(s) failed which, in turn, led to an unjustified discharge via storm overflows; this fault has now been rectified. Mrs Day said the two storm overflows in Instow were situated as follows: - (a) more or less opposite the entrance to Bridge Lane and (b) off the Sandhills (leading to pumping station “B”) by the Tarka Trail/Atturm near the stream and bridge. She said the much-improved water quality meant that any problems will now show up immediately and that this will mean that any “rogue” discharges could be picked up and dealt with. The TTEF suggested that if IPC was aware of any remaining problems around Instow it should contact the EA. (Noted)
(b) Email (dd 17.7.03) from Chairman TTEF together with notes of relevance to TTEF Meeting of 7.7.03: - Mrs Day provided a briefing; a copy of the document was circulated to Cllrs. She spoke particularly on Jet Skis. (Noted)
 (ii) Other Correspondence: -
a) Letter (dd 20.6.03) from NDDC reference “House to House Act 1939 – Caring Together” (for period of 1 year); applicant Mr G W Michie of 15 Brunton Place, Markinch, Fife: - The Clerk reported that in the event this charity was unknown to him he had requested further information from NDDC’s Technical Support Administrator, Mrs Loder (by email – 4.7.03); a reply had been received (9.7.03). He said Caring Together Ltd was apparently a wholly owned trading arm of the Cancer Care Foundation (Registered Charity No 10517114) providing fundraising services to over 150 charities through out the UK. After a discussion concerning the methods of collection of this charity it was RESOLVED not to support it – Clerk to advise NDDC by 21.7.03. (Action: The Clerk)
b) Letter (dd 20.6.03) from Army Careers Information Office, Barnstaple reference Recruitment Caravan: - (i) The Clerk said this stated a recruitment campaign was planned for the area and requested permission to place their caravan on the Quay Car Park sometime between 21st and 31st July 2003. The Clerk said he had advised the writer that as the Quay Car Park was relatively small (IPC would, of course, lose car park revenue) that he suggested an approach be made to The Commodore Hotel, which, for them, would be a better site. (Noted) (ii) Letter/Invitation (dd 10.7.03) from The Army Presentation Team (Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst) concerning an “Army For Today” Presentation/Reception & Briefing to be held at The Barnstaple Hotel, Barnstaple on Wednesday 3rd September 2003: - The Clerk said this letter/invitation had been copied to Cllrs and that he would collate responses (by 31.7.03) and respond as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Email (dd 23.6.03) from Peter Cantle reference Instow Parish Hall Committee AGM – 7.30 pm on Tuesday 22nd July 2003: - The Clerk said that all Cllrs were invited to attend. (Noted)
d) Email (dd 26.6.03) from Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) reference SW in Bloom Judging (Thursday 17th July 2003 – 4 pm): - The Clerk said IIB had invited the Clerk and/or Cllr to attend and meet the IIB Committee and “In Bloom” Judges at The Commodore Hotel and that Cllr Harper had in fact attended. Cllr Harper provided a verbal report to Council. (Noted)
e) ATTURM Reception and Beating Retreat on Tuesday 26th June 2003: - The Clerk reported he had attended, by invitation, with his wife and represented IPC, as did Cllrs May and Scott. (Noted)
f) Received (30.6.03) Minutes of Northern Devon Rural Transport Forum Minutes of Thursday 15th May 2003: - The Clerk said he had copied this to Cllr Green for his information. (Noted)
g) Received (3.7.03) DCC Monthly News Round Up – July 2003: - The Clerk said he had copied this to all Cllrs and placed a copy at the Post Office. (Noted)
h) Emails (dd 3.7.03 & 5.7.03) from parishioner reference (i) BT Broadband/Instow (ii) Parish Constable (Contact Tel No) (iii) Instow School (iv) Website and (v) “Illegal” Parking on the pavement opposite the end of Venn Close and on the corner of Old Rectory Close: - The Clerk briefed Council on these items as follows: - (i) Copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers – to note (ii) Constable Johnson had provided as at item 2307/3 (ii) (iii) Copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers – to note (iv) Clerk update Cllrs as per item 2307/8 (e) (v) Clerk outlined this issue at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to contact Constable Johnson and request him to deal as necessary. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Letter (dd 30.6.03 – received 5.7.03) from NDDC reference “NDDC Performance Plan for 2003/2004: - The Clerk said the report, attached to the letter (which showed how the Council has been performing, what it intended to achieve in the future and a detailed account of the services provided by it) had been forwarded to the Chairman to peruse and brief Council. The Chairman then provided Council with a briefing and invited other Cllrs to peruse the document if they so wished. (Noted)
j) Letter (dd 30.6.03 – received 5.7.03) from DCC reference “Devon Talk” – Summer 2003 Edition: - The Clerk said this letter requested feedback as to depth of delivery to residents; it had apparently been delivered direct to all residents across Devon at the end of June by a local distribution company and DCC had been assured that 80% of all households should have received a copy. The Clerk reported that IPC had received one for inclusion in the June minutes. After discussion it was noted that only 1 Cllr present had received a copy at his home – Clerk to advise DCC accordingly. (Noted)
k) Letter (dd 3.7.03 – received 5.7.03) from NDDC reference beach Lifeguard Visit and Display 2003 at Woolacombe Beach - 22.7.03: - The Clerk said that NDDC was inviting a representative of IPC to attend (Cllr Cook unable to attend) this event. After discussion it was RESOLVED that no Cllr present was able to attend and the Clerk was asked to advise NDDC (by 18.7.03). (Action: The Clerk)
l) Telephone message from John Edwards (Reader and Church Warden Instow Church) regarding Regatta Church Service on Instow Beach – Sunday 10th August 2003 at 11.30 am: - (i) The Clerk said that all Councillors and their partners were invited to attend. (Noted)
(ii) Carol Service 2003 - The Clerk advised Council that John Edwards had agreed that it would be possible for the Instow PCC, and congregation, to provide the musical accompaniment (electric organ and singers) to this year’s Parish Carol Service and that in this event the Barnstaple Male Voice Choir would not be necessary. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should act accordingly when final arrangements were in hand later in the year. (Noted)
m) Email (dd 10.7.03) from Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) reference “Poppy Patch” in grass verge of Lay-by, Anstey Way: - The Clerk said that IIB were requesting the support of IPC to ask DCC to remove a forlorn ash tree at said location; IIB were asking for this to be done for aesthetic reasons and they would be more than happy to plant some new, more appropriate trees in the vicinity when the location of the new school was finalised. It was RESOLVED to support this request and the Clerk was asked to notify IIB and DCC. (Action: The Clerk)
n) Letter (dd 7.7.03) from NDDC reference Community Church Service (St Peters Church, Barnstaple) – 4 pm on Sunday 27th July 2003 – Celebration of return from Iraq of Royal Marines from RMB Chivenor: - The Clerk said all Cllrs were invited to attend; he provided each with a copy of the letter; rsvp to NDDC’s Chairman’s Secretary by 21.7.03. (Noted)
o) Letter (dd 8.7.03) from DCC reference “Working Together for a Better Devon 2003/4 Performance Plan” together with Plans (DCC & Fire Service): - The Clerk said he had passed this to the Chairman to peruse before meeting. The Chairman gave Cllrs a short report. (Noted)
p) Letter (dd 1.7.03 – received 12.7.03) from DCC entitled “Education Act 2000: Reconstitution of Governing Bodies”: - The Clerk said he had copied this to Cllr Crombie to peruse and report back as to its implications. (Action: Cllr Crombie)
q) Letter (dd July 2003 – received 12.7.03) from NDDC together with Draft Consultation Document entitled “A Fairer North Devon: A Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy 2003”: - The Chairman & Clerk outlined the purpose of this document and said that any comments, from IPC, was required by the 26th August 2003. It was RESOLVED that NFA was appropriate. (Noted)
r) Letter (undated – received 11.7.03) from Office of the Deputy Prime Minister entitled “Consultation Paper on Indemnities for Relevant Authority Members and Officers: - The Chairman and Clerk provided a briefing on this document and said that any response, by IPC, was required by the 6th October 2003. After discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr Green would peruse the document and in doing so review IPC’s Public Liability Policy. (Action: Cllr Green)
s) Email (dd 12.7.03) from Nadeem Rehman from India offering his services, as a professional cricketer, to NDCC: - The Clerk said he had passed this information to David Lea (Treasurer NDCC) and that Nadeem Rehman had been notified accordingly. (Noted)
t) Miscellaneous correspondence: - The Clerk said he had received the Clerks and Councils Direct (July 2003 – Issue 28), Atlantic Coast Express (No 55 – Summer 2003), NDDC “Dog Mess Poster” – Hotline 01271 388870 (Post Office) & Junk Mail (DCRN) – Summer 2003 Edition. (Noted)

2307/10 FINANCE
The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the June meeting of Council: -
 1. INCOME: -
Instow Marine Mooring Fees 2003 £ 600.00
Car Park x 1 Weekly Car Park Ticket £ 12.00
Car Park Takings Period ending 19th June 2003 £ 363.50
Ditto Period ending 26th June 2003 £ 253.00
Ditto Period ending 3rd July 2003 £ 145.50
Ditto Period ending 10th July 2003 £ 306.20
Ditto Period ending 17th July 2003 £ 240.90
TOTAL: - £1921.10
*Note: Car Park Takings up by £198.10 on this time last year (no vat payable this year)
Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 280.00
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (Nos 3 & 4) £ 310.00
Mr M Harris Footpath Maintenance (P3 Grant) £ 53.18
Mr P Cook Beach/Dune Cleaning £ 271.62
Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel/Replacement Safety Lamp £ 65.06
Inland Revenue Re: Mr P Cook £ 13.98
SWEB Car Park Machine £ 7.13
NDDC Parish Council Election: Costs £ 328.50 TOTAL: - £1361.47
 Portman Current a/c number 15783618 as at 3.7.03 = £ 18.51
(NB: - Cheque to value of £1 un-cashed)
 Portman Corporate Instant Access a/c number 137-4375752-5
as at 12.7.03 = £13,397.33

It was RESOLVED to transfer £1350.00 from the Portman Corporate Instant a/c number 137-4375752-5 to Portman Current a/c number 15783618 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Instow Welfare Trust: - (i) The Clerk reported he had received a response from Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA) and that it was now appropriate for IPC to resolve its next course of action. The Clerk suggested a meeting be convened involving ex Cllr Mark Kidson (IPC’s “Nominated Trustee”), Sandra Yeo (Current “First Co-opted Trustee”) and the Rev Clive Cooper (“Ex-officio Trustee” - the incumbent for the time being of the present benefice of Instow) together with Mr G Day and himself. He said it was crucial the Charity Commissioners (CC) was duly advised of the details of the current Trustees and for the Trustees to decide how the monies should be disposed of in accordance with CC guidelines. Council RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: The Clerk)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt (11.7.03) of a letter from CCLA Investment Ltd concerning COIF Charities Investment Fund: Income Units – Statement of Unitholding (Instow Welfare Trust). He confirmed the appropriate dividends had been paid into the Instow Welfare Trust Instant Access account at Portman Building Society (a/c no 134-1578364-2 which currently stands at £2,930.94 as at 30.5.03). He added, for information, that The Recreation Ground a/c stood at £5,024.88 as of 21.1.03. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr May enquired as to the length of the lease and amount of rent paid by DCC for the “use” of the Recreation Ground. The Clerk said he would need to examine the relevant paperwork and would report back at the next meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) Car Parks: - The Clerk reported he had had problems with the current machine (jammed and then faulty) since the last meeting as a consequence of which he had found it necessary to call an engineer on two separate occasions (Log Call (3.7.03) Number 12033 & Log Call (17.3.03) No 12428) to repair it. He added that a new second-hand machine was now even more necessary for the 2004 season. (Noted)
(c) Bus Shelters – DCC: - The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 2.7.03) from John Beardsley (DCC) offering to financially support (£500), during the current financial year, a new stone bus shelter on Marine Drive opposite the Atturm Camp. The Clerk reported he had emailed NDDC (Jon Turner – Community Grants) enquiring as to whether any grant might be available from NDDC for such a project – a reply was still awaited. IPC RESOLVED to await the response from NDDC. (Noted)
(d) Audit Commission (AC) - Annual Return Year ended 31st March 2003: - The Clerk talked of a letter (dd 3.7.03) he had received from Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA) together with the completed Annual Return (2002/2003); he reminded Cllrs he had copied both to them with their agenda papers for perusal before meeting. The Clerk reminded Cllrs that the Annual Return needed to be sent to The Audit Commission, via Mr G Day, by the 28th July 2003. Council then discussed the implications as listed in Mr Day’s letter namely: -
*Draft Accounts 2002-2003 (Amended Format) –Mr Day said he was pleased to note that the 2002/2003 “Receipts and Payments Account” had been presented at the June meeting of IPC, a format which might have assisted members of Council to better understand the transactions that had occurred during the year ending 31st March 2003. In conclusion, Mr Day stated that he did have, on file, the information needed to prepare an “Income and Expenditure Account” (I & E) although this was not needed under the recent Audit and Accounts Regulations. Further that the surplus which an I & E account would show would not be materially different from the cash surplus of £2,246 shown on the Receipts and Payments account. (Noted)
*Annual Return 2002/3 (General) – Mr Day confirmed that nothing had arisen in the course of his examination of the parish records, which he considered should be brought to the attention of Councillors. (Noted)
*Annual Return (Specific) – Mr Day confirmed he had completed all the relevant sections and advised Councillors that, if they saw fit, should adopt the Return at this (July) meeting with the details at the top of page 2 being completed and signed by the Chairperson. In addition the Council should consider the answers he had entered to the matters raised in the Statement of Assurance at Section 2 on page 3 of the Return. Mr Day said the Chairperson should complete the details at the bottom of page 3 and the Clerk should also sign. After some explanation by the Clerk, IPC RESOLVED to adopt the Annual Accounts and the Chairman and Clerk signed in the appropriate places. (Action: The Clerk)
*Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) – Mr Day stated it was not now appropriate (according to recent Audit Guidelines from NALC) for the RFO to also be the Internal Auditor although it remained correct for both the RFO and IA not to be members of the Council. On the grounds that it was in order for the Clerk to be RFO, Mr Day recommended to IPC that the Clerk be appointed RFO and that he resign. Mr Day added that if Council agreed to this, he requested that IPC accept his letter (3.7.03) as his resignation as RFO with effect from the end of the current Council Meeting. Council discussed the implications at the conclusion of which it was RESOLVED to adopt Mr Day’s recommendations, that is, accept his resignation as RFO and appoint the Clerk in his stead. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Day and thank him for all he had done for IPC as RFO. (Action: The Clerk)
*Reserves – Mr Day stated that as Councils’ have no legal powers to hold reserve, other than those for reasonable working capital needs or for specifically earmarked purposes, whenever a Council’s year-end reserves were significantly higher than the Council’s annual precept, an explanation of their make-up should be provide to the District Audit. Mr Day pointed out that as at 31st March 2003, whilst the annual precept was about £5,500, cash balances were over £12,000. Mr Day explained the history of IPC’s cash balances over recent years adding that, in submitting the figures to the District Audit (DA), he proposed to explain these matters albeit Council should consider if it now wished to embark on any capital projects to utilise some of the excess of cash held over that not needed for recurring requirements and a reasonable contingency reserve. He suggested that Council might like to consider a new stone and permanent bus shelter at Lane End Close (opposite ATTURM – currently made of wood), or elsewhere, or were there any other future projects or liabilities needing cash reserve? After discussion it was RESOLVED that IPC would like the DA to be made aware it was considering the financing, from its reserves, of a new stone bus shelter (opposite Atturm), the imminent replacement of the car park machine, the possible replacement of the Council’s tractor and providing some monies to the new school/community facilities when built. The Clerk agreed to advise Mr Day when he liaised with him over the Annual Return. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Opening of Lloyds Bank Treasurers Account (in lieu of Current Portman Current/Cheque book and Corporate Instant Access Accounts) and closing of relevant Portman Accounts”: - (i) The Clerk reported it would be necessary to open the Lloyds Treasurers account (Item 2306/10 (5) (f)) before the end of July and that he needed to liaise with IPC’s cheque signatories, as a matter of some urgency, to facilitate the process. The Clerk then handed the necessary forms, partially completed, to the Chairman, Cllr White, and he agreed to pass them on to Cllrs Crombie, Johns and Green for return to the Clerk as soon as possible and before end of July. (Action: IPC’s Cheque Signatories)
(ii) The Clerk reported he also required the signature of two signatories to close the Portman Current and Portman Instant Access Accounts and that it would also be necessary for Cllr Green to visit the Portman Building Society, Barnstaple (unless he was a Portman account holder) and sign the necessary forms (x2) to act as cheque signatory to both the Welfare and Recreation Ground account. The Clerk added that the current signatories of these accounts were required to sign the forms first before passing them to Cllr Green. (Action: IPC’s Cheque Signatories)
(f) IPC - Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance: - The Clerk suggested that this certificate was placed on the Council’s notice board at The Parish Hall. It was RESOLVED to use a photocopy. (Action: The Clerk)
(g) Charity Commission Newsletter in respect of Instow Recreation Ground and Welfare Trust Accounts: - The Clerk confirmed he had copied this to Mr G Day IPC’s RFO/IA for information. (Noted)
(h) Letters (received 7.7.03) from Portman Building Society reference IPC’s Current/Cheque Book account, Welfare Account and Recreation Ground account referring to “Better Interest Rates on Instant Access Accounts: - This was noted by IPC. (Noted)
(i) Village Handyman – Draft Terms of Reference: - The Clerk referred to a draft “terms of reference” document for Melvyn Harris (Village Handyman) that he recommended IPC should consider adopting. He added that this document had been reviewed by Mr G Day (IPC’s RFO/IA), and Cllr Crombie, and it was Mr Day’s view that the paper should be independently reviewed by an employment solicitor to avoid “employment” complications, for example, inland revenue issues, particularly as Mr Harris was currently self employed and that this relationship, between him and IPC, was the preferred option for both parties. The Clerk reported he had already acted on this advice, by consulting an employment solicitor who was also a parishioner, and that the final document, as laid before them, was now the “approved” document. After discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt the “approved” document and the Clerk was asked to provide Mr Harris with a copy. The Clerk was asked to thank the solicitor who had so ably assisted him. (Action: The Clerk)
(j ) Internal Audit – April to June 2003: - The Clerk reported Cllr Crombie had carried out an internal audit on 7th July 2003 and had found all to be in order. (Noted)

2307/11 PLANNING
(a) Blue Hayes, Kiln Close Lane, Instow – “Illegal” access (Item 2306/11 (b)): - The Clerk reported that a parishioner, having been fully briefed on the contents of the recent letter from NDDC’s Planning Department, still questioned why other properties along the seafront had been made to replace their shutters (because they are in a conservation area) and this property had not. The Clerk advised the parishioner to contact the Planning Department direct to seek clarification. IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action. (Noted)
(b) Planning Reference 32500 – Lane End Close, Instow (Item 2306/12 (a): - (i) The Clerk confirmed he had sent an email to NDDC’s Planning Department (20.6.03) concerning its stance on the non-compliance of the order to landscape this particular plot of land. He added that following an additional email, to chase up a response, he had received a telephone call from Lewis Martin (11.30 am 16.7.03) to the effect that as the original landscaping condition was made as part of a planning application in 1990, and because there is a cut-off period of 10 years, there is little NDDC can now do to enforce it. The Clerk added that Mr Andrews finalised by saying he was going to check this out in more detail and would come back in due course. (Noted)

RESOLVED that Standing Order No. 4 be suspended to allow the outstanding business, in front of Council, to be concluded. (Noted)

(a) Tarka Trail/Footpath No. 16 – Signage: - Cllr Harper reported he had received a complaint from a parishioner that this footpath was not signed at either side of the Tarka Trail where it traversed near to The Recreation Ground site. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should take the appropriate action. (Action: The Clerk)
(b) Hedge Trimming – Rectory Lane: - Cllr May said the hedges in Rectory Lane, particularly as it approached Instow School, required trimming on road safety grounds. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should contact DCC. (Action: The Clerk)
(c) Verges - Grass Cutting:- Cllr May said it was nice to note how tidy the parish grass verges were following the recent complaint from a parishioner. (Noted)
(d) Blocked Ditch – Huish Moor: - Cllr May said there was a blocked ditch at Huish Moor that needed attention. It was RESOLVED the Clerk would contact DCC and ask them to deal. (Action: The Clerk)
(e) Horse Droppings on the Highway: - Cllr Mrs A Mayoh said she had received a complaint from a parishioner as regards horse droppings on the highway and as to its “legality”. After discussion it was RESOLVED that no further action could be taken in that there was no appropriate legislation. (Noted)
(f) Lay By – Anstey Way/Dumping of Rubbish: - Cllr White said he had noticed rubbish being deposited at this location; it was RESOLVED the Clerk should contact DCC. (Action: The Clerk)
(g) Marine Parade – Hedge between ATTURM and Bridge: - Cllr White said the vegetation on this hedge was encroaching onto the footpath and required strimming. It was RESOLVED the Clerk should speak to the village handyman and ask him to deal. (Action: The Clerk)

It was RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk take any necessary action during the August recess of the Parish Council, to canvass Councillors should the need arise, and should the situation demand it to convene a special Council Meeting. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

