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Present: - Councillors P Cook, C Harper (Chairman), A Johns, G May, Ms A Mayoh, F Scott, S White and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk)

2407/1 PRAYER

The Clerk led the Council in prayer.


Councillors N Crombie, M Green and Mrs L Brown (NDDC).


(i) General: - Constable Parker said he was pleased to report that the parish had been virtually "trouble free" since the last meeting; he referred, however, to one incident where a male had received a warning under Section 2 of The Harassment Act. He reported he was still optimistic of securing sponsorship for a car and would hopefully report positive progress by the next meeting. (Noted)

(ii) Marine Thefts: - The Chairman said this was the time of the season when thefts of and from boats seemed to regularly occur. Constable Parker said this "trend" would be borne in mind by him when on patrol albeit they were difficult offences to prevent and detect. He suggested that CCTV might be a deterrent. (Noted)


There were no issues raised by parishioners. (Noted)


(i) General: - Cllr Cann referred to Exeter Airport (DCC plans to sell off at least 70% - Airport requires a huge investment if it is to meet future demands), Social Services (Keeping People in the Community), Proposed School Transport (in relation to Pilton School), Dog Signs for Instow Beach (5 signs have been ordered for placement at each entrance to the beach - see also item 2407/9 (iii) (a)), Greensweep Roll Out (see also item 2407/9 (i) (b) (ii)) and Changes to Road Markings - Marine Parade (completed week commencing 12th July (see also item 2407/9 (i) (d)). (Noted)

(ii) Sand on Footway/Highway - Marine Parade: - Cllr Cann reported upon a meeting he had had with Major Bentham-Green (OC Atturm) together with Joe Deasey (DCC Highways) and Andy Bell (NDCCS). The problems of sand build-up with the resultant effect on the public highway (Marine Parade) and possible environment enhancement schemes had been discussed. He said the meeting was very positive and further discussions will be taking place. He finalised by saying he had also made enquires of NDDC’s Greensweep Department to see if there was a suitable machine that might assist IPC with the day by day cleaning of the footpath but that to date nothing had been recommended. He said suggestions would be very welcome. (Noted)

Cllr Cook asked why building contractors couldn’t remove the "offending" sand from off the beach as they had done in the past. Cllr Cann said this was not possible nowadays as a "Mineral Abstraction Licence" was necessary. (Noted)

(iii) Disposal of Non biodegradable Waste: - Cllr May asked where such waste, oil for example, might now be disposed of. Cllr Cann said he was unaware but would find out and report back. (Action: Cllr Cann)


In the absence of Cllr Mrs L Brown, no report was tendered. Cllr Cann did say, however, that he had covered all issues she would have referred to, had she been present, in his capacity as portfolio holder(s) for NDDC. (Noted)

2407/7 MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the June Minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)


a) Item 2406/8 (e) - Sand on Marine Parade/DCC Strategy: - The Clerk told Council of the actions taken/complaints received by him since the last meeting. IPC noted the proactive action(s) now proposed by DCC (see item 2407/5 (ii). (Noted)

b) Item 2406/8 (f) - IPC Standing Orders Review 2004: - IPC RESOLVED to adopt the "draft" version circulated at the June meeting. The Chairman and Clerk signed a copy. (Noted)

c) Item 2406/8 (g) - IPC Appointments Review 2004/5: - IPC RESOLVED to adopt the amended list of appointments as circulated by the Clerk to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.7.04) (Noted)

d) Item 2406/9 (i) (f) (iii) - Traffic Warden Cover - Instow: - (i) The Clerk referred to a memo (dd 29.6.04) sent to him by the Senior Traffic Warden (Barnstaple) who had been handed the Clerk’s letter (to PC Parker) by PC Parker for attention. The Clerk read it to Council. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 3.7.04) received by Cllr White regarding illegal parking on the pavement opposite the shops in Marine Parade. After discussion it was RESOLVED to request Constable Parker to brief the Traffic Wardens as to the "parking" abuse (mainly by residents) of the lay-bys outside of the shops (where parking was permissible for up to 1 hour) and to deal with offending motorists accordingly. Cllr White said that more frequent visits by the police and traffic wardens were necessary together with strict enforcement.(Action: PC Parker)


(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting

a) Minutes of Meeting of Community Alliance of Parishes of Horwood/Lovacott/Newton Tracey, Westleigh, Instow and Tawstock held at Lovacott Village Hall on 6th May 2004: - The Clerk said he had copied this to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.7.04). He reminded Cllrs that the next meeting was to be held at Westleigh Village Hall at 7 pm on Thursday 9th September; subject matter Education (Instow School) and Community Safety. He added that all Cllrs and parishioners were invited to attend. (Noted)

b) (i) Letter (dd 18.6.04) from G Barclay (NDDC’s Environmental Health Dept) reference "Waste Management/Recycling Service Improvements" and (ii) letter (dd 30.6.04) from "Greensweep" concerning "Introduction of Greensweep": - The Clerk said that both letters had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.7.04) and state that (i) kerbside collection recycling (green box and bag) was to be extended into the parish; boxes and bags to be delivered to residents in the next few weeks and (ii) advises that the wheelie bin introduction to the parish had been deferred (from June/July 2004) to anticipated period October ‘04/March ‘05. (Noted)

c) Email (dd 21.6.04) from Chairman of Bideford and Instow Railway Group (BIRG) concerning "Xmas Tree - Signal Box": - The Clerk said this advised IPC that BIRG had agreed to take on the responsibility of the parish xmas tree at the signal box and that it would be included in its existing £5m public liability insurance; the group have said they value their association with IPC, the community of Instow and the parish xmas carol singing event. The Clerk reported he had advised the BIRG Chairman (email dd 21.6.04) that he would need to contact Andy Bell (NDCCS) as regards a lease to cover the erection and use of the xmas tree (as offered to IPC) and that he may well encounter similar problems to IPC; the BIRG has promised to keep IPC informed of developments. (Noted)

d) Email (dd 1.7.04) from Cllr Harper (Chairman) reference "Pichpoints - Double Yellow Lines - removal": - The Clerk advised IPC of Cllr Cann’s response to this query (email of 1.7.04 refers) adding the work had been completed as of week commencing 12th July (see also item 2407/5 (i)) (Noted)

e) Telephone message/conversation (1 & 3.7.04) from Claire Davies (CD) reference "Biodegradable Poo Bags" for sale in Instow: - The Clerk said CD sought the support of IPC for this initiative that she and colleagues wished to initiate. IPC RESOLVED to support this excellent initiative and the Clerk was asked to advise CD. (Action: The Clerk)

f) DCC P3 Summer Workshop - Uffculme on 12th July 2004: - (i) The Clerk reported he had attended this event with Mel Harris (Handyman); presentations had been given on Public Rights of Way, Rights of Way Law, Highway Authority Powers and Responsibilities, Responsibilities of Landowners and the Definitive Map Review process. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk asked IPC if it wished to consider the production of a footpath flier for the parish as a P3 coordinator from County Hall would be prepared to come and talk about it. After discussion it was RESOLVED the Clerk should liaise with IIB to establish if this could be included in their current project flier (as per previous item 2406/4 (c)). (Action: The Clerk)

g) Email (dd 15.7.04) from Nick Steenman-Clark (NSC) (DCC Public Rights of Way Officer - Definitive Map Research (North)) reference "Instow Quay Jetty and Track to Raddy Farm": - The Clerk provided Council with a resume of the email and in doing so reminded Cllrs of the history surrounding the Instow Quay Jetty (see items 2204/4 (ii) and 2205/11 (b) etc). After discussion it was RESOLVED to note the action to be taken by DCC i.e. (i) The Quay - seek the views of DCE and then put the matter before the DCC Footpath Committee meeting in September 2004 and (ii) Raddy Farm Track - DCC to take no further action. (Noted)

h) Email (dd 12.7.04) from Chairman of TTEF reference in particular "New Post of Biosphere Reserve Project Coordinator": - The Clerk said that IPC was being asked to note that the TTEF was seeking the support of IPC, by way of a letter to DCC, for the appointment of a post of Biosphere Project Officer. After discussion it was RESOLVED not to give support. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum Matters (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Email (dd 11.7.04) from Chairman TTEF regarding "TTEF Response to NDDC Consultation: (i) Anchorwood Bank, (ii) Rolle Quay, Mill Road, Braunton Road, Rolle Street, Barnstaple, (iii) Former Cattle Market, Barnstaple, (iv) SPG on Community Woodlands, (v) Yelland Ashbed Site and (vi) TTEF Response to Culver Sands"

b) Email (dd 11.7.04) from Chairman of TTEF regarding "TTEF Meeting of 5.7.04 (Notes), Report of RNLI Appledore Open Meeting (including talk on beach rescue), EA Beach Monitoring Data for Instow, Westward Ho! and Saunton, Crab Tile Leaflet for consultation, Skills Audit Form and letter from NDDC reference Dead Animals in the Estuary (OCR Copy)"

c) Email (dd 12.7.04) from Chairman TTEF reference "Update - New Post of NDCCS Biosphere Reserve Project Coordinator, Crab Tile Code of Conduct, Climate Change Conference, North Devon AONB Strategy and Action Plan Update, Skills Audit and Braunton Biosphere Report".

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in "Briefing Folder" for information of Cllrs)

a) Email (dd 18.6.04) from Clerk to Geoff Barclay (NDDC Environmental Health Dept) reference "Dog Signs" at entrances to beach and response email (dd 21.6.04) - see also item 2407/5 (i)

b) Minutes of Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee Meeting of NDDC held on 7th June 2004.

c) Minutes of Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Meeting of NDDC held on 9th June 2004.

d) Pamphlet - "The Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2005.

e) NDDC Members Services Weekly Information Sheet for weeks commencing 18.6.04, 25.6.04, 2.7.04 and 9.7.04.

f) Agenda of Standards Committee of NDDC of 30th June 2004, Minutes of NDDC’s Standards Committee of 28th April 2004 and 30th June 2004.

g) Junk Mail (Summer 2004 Edition) - Newsletter of the Devon Community Recycling and the Devon Community Composting Networks.

h) Agenda of NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee Meeting of 6th July 2004

i) Clerk’s and Council’s Direct Magazine (July 2004).

j) Letter/Poster (dd 22.6.04) from The Marine Conservation Society reference "Adopt a Beach". - Recruitment of Volunteers including posters of relevance to "Good Fish Guide", Save Our Seas - Protect Marine Wildlife" and "Adopt a Beach": -Copy placed at Post Office by Clerk for parishioners.

k) Email (dd 27.6.04) from Cllr Harper (Chairman) reference "PC Parker - Stalking at Roundswell - Complainant not Updated": - The Clerk suggested that Cllr Harper advised complainant to contact PC Parker direct or write to Barnstaple Police Station requesting an update.

l) Email (dd 29.6.04) from Andy Bell (NDCCS) reference "Beach Litter - Publicity": - Andy Bell informed the Clerk that positive assistance had been provided on this subject by Mrs R Day (Chairman TTEF) who had expressed an Instow viewpoint. Andy Bell told that Val Robson was the leader of the Instow "adopt a beach (Instow)" group and could be contacted in addition.

l) Complaint concerning overgrown footpath between Venn Cross and Atturm: - Action taken by parish handyman, Mel Harris, on 2.7.04 - parishioner rang (3.7.04) to thank Clerk/Handyman for acting so promptly.

m) Letter (dd 2.7.04) from Sutcliffe play (South West) Ltd reference "Play Areas"

n) Minutes of special meeting of NDDC’s Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee held on 6th July 2004.

o) DCC Monthly News Round Up (July 2004) - Copy to Post Office for parishioners together with leaflet/pamphlet reference "Devon in Touch Roadshows/Enjoy a Doris Day!"

p) Email (dd 14.7.04) from Chairman to Clerk reference (i) "Seat at Bus Stop (The Quay) and (ii) Removal of Trees at Parish Churchyard": -(i) Parishioner has thanked IPC for acting so promptly in fitting a seat to bus shelter. (ii) IPC to note - see also item 2407/10 (5) (c)).

2407/10 FINANCE

The Clerk reported on the financial transactions since the June meeting: -

1. INCOME: -

Car Park Takings Period ending 23rd June £ 347.10

Ditto Period ending 30th June £ 347.10

Ditto Period ending 7th July £ 425.75

Ditto Period ending 14th July £ 453.60

TOTAL: - £ 15,7355


Mr O W Cook Tractor Garage Rental £ 32.00

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £ 666.92+

Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 4) £ 162.50

Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £ 277.83

Mr P Cook Tractor Fuel £ 19.25

Inland Revenue Tax re: P Cook/R Jacob (AQA O/T) £ 67.47

SWEB Energy Car Park Machine £ 7.13

Metric Group Car Park Machine Maintenance £ 310.95

TOTAL: - £1,544.05

Key: -

+ Includes P3 Footpath activity (£24), Overtime for Sand Clearance (£22), Bus Shelter Seat at The Quay - as approved vide item 2406/9 (i) (f) (i) (£35) and Bus Shelter painting/maintenance - as approved vide item 2404/10 (5) (k) (£277.92) - £2.92 over budget - IPC RESOLVED to approve the additional expenditure.


Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02350065 as at 1.7.04 (Statement) = £13,923.07=

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02348842 as at 24.6.04 (Statement) = £ 41.28#

Key: -

= Actual balance £14,802.42 according to Clerk’s records as at 14.7.04.

# Actual balance £3.28 according to Clerk’s records as at 15.7.04 - outstanding cheques of £6 and £32 still outstanding.


IPC to RESOLVED to transfer £1,545.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)


(a) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2004: - (i) The Clerk reported that no parishioners had, as yet, requested to view the Council’s financial records/audit papers. He reminded Cllrs that the "Inspection Days" were "Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm) for period 28.6.04 to 23.7.04". (Noted)

(b) Insurance Renewal 2004/5: -. War Memorial - The Clerk referred to a letter (dd 19.6.04) from Instow PCC; he read it to Council. After debate it was RESOLVED to authorise Cllr Scott and the Clerk to liaise with the PCC with a view to negotiating a compromise settlement that would be agreeable to both parties and ultimately to the benefit of the whole community. (Action: Cllr Scott/Clerk)

(c) Instow Parochial Church Council - Request for grant towards cost of felling trees in churchyard (see item 2406/10 (5) (g)): -The Clerk advised IPC there was no obligation for a Council to give a specific annual grant to "burial grounds" within its parish (i.e. so much per head of population) although there was no limit as to how much could be granted. After discussion it was RESOLVED to defer a decision on this matter until the war memorial issue (see item 2407/10 (5) (b)) had been satisfactorily brought to a conclusion but in the meantime request sight of the PCC’s current accounts for perusal.. (Action: The Clerk)

(d) IPC’s Internal Audit April - June 2004: -The Clerk reported this had been done (by Cllr Crombie on 2.7.04) and that all had been found to be in order. (Noted)

(e) Bank Reconciliation - 1st April 2004 to 30th June 2004: -The Clerk reported that a copy of this had been circulated to Cllrs with their agenda papers (8.7.04); adding the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (2.7.04). (Noted)

(f) Letter (dd 14.6.04) from CCLA Investment Management Ltd concerning "COIF Charity Funds - Changes to Administration": - The Clerk outlined the content of the letter to Council. (Noted)

2407/11 PLANNING

a) Instow Parish Council - Tree Preservation Orders (See item 2406/11 (a)): - The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 21.6.04) from Cllr Cann who confirmed he had liaised directly with the Planning Manager about this issue. Cllr Harper said he would make an appointment to meet up with Mr A Tucker asap. (Noted)

b) Street Naming and Numbering Procedures, Section 38 Procedures: Local Government Act 1972 - Signage (see item 2406/11 (b)): - (i) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 24.6.04) from Andrew Tucker (AT) (NDDC Planning) thanking IPC for its advise and confirming that IPC’s "Marine Parade" request had been placed onto a list of name plates requiring replacement. (Noted)

(ii) The Clerk referred to an email (dd 1.7.04) from the Chairman reference the naming of "The Quay, Lyndale Terrace, Bath Terrace, Victoria Terrace and Elm Terrace" details of which he had immediately forwarded to AT for attention. The Clerk then referred to a reply email (dd 6.7.04) from AT that had been forwarded to the Chairman for his information. The Clerk advised IPC of its contents. (Noted)

c) Replacement of window with pair of white painted French doors at 1 Instow House, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No. 37956): - (i) The Clerk confirmed receipt of this application (19.6.04) and of having forwarded it by post (21.6.04) to the Chairman for the attention of IPC’s Planning Officers/Sub Committee (for reply by 7.7.04 or extension applied for). (ii) The Clerk further reported that following a communication from the Chairman he had advised NDDC’s Planning Dept (12.7.04) that IPC’s Planning Committee recommended approval of this application. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this following a briefing by a Planning Cllr. (Noted)

d) Installation of 4 dormer windows in place of 4 roof lights at 4 Instow House, Marine Parade, Instow (Reference No. 37570): - The Clerk confirmed receipt of a letter (received 28.6.04) from NDDC’s Planning Department stating that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed. (Noted)

e) Replacement of garage and provision of stores and utility room at Gorse Hill, Instow (Reference No. 37713): - The Clerk confirmed receipt of a letter (received 28.6.04) from NDDC’s Planning Department stating that this application had been GRANTED with conditions as listed; he provided Cllrs with a copy for their information. (Noted)


(i) Highway - Raddy Road to Huish: - Cllr May said the road surface of this particular highway was extremely poor and required a great deal of maintenance to bring it up to a safe level. IPC RESOLVED to report this to DCC Highways and it was suggested the Clerk should arrange a site meeting with DCC Highways and Cllr May. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Parish Emergency Plan:- The Clerk reported that the compilation of a Parish Emergency Plan was necessary. After discussion it was RESOLVED that the Chairman would draft a suitable plan and bring it back for further discussion by the next meeting in September. (Action: The Chairman)

(iii) Sandhills Toilets: - The Chairman reported that a great deal of blown sand had built up inside these toilets. After discussion it was RESOLVED to contact NDDC’s Environmental Health Department to have them cleaned. (Action: The Clerk)

(iv) Recycling Shed - Quay Car Park: -Cllr Johns said he had received a letter from a parishioner expressing concern that the recycling shed on the Quay Car Park would be removed as and when the green recycling boxes/bags were fully introduced into the parish. A discussion then ensued during which IPC recognised that some parishioners might wish to recycle more items than could be placed in their green boxes/bags and that visitors to the parish would undoubtedly make use of such facilities on a regular basis. As a result, IPC RESOLVED to notify NDDC of its concern(s) and to ask that it remain in situ albeit it was recognised that some car parking spaces would need to be sacrificed if and when the new charter toilet block was built. (Action: The Clerk)

(v) Bottom Sandhills - Quad Bikes: - Cllr May said Quad Bike users were frequenting this location and undoubtedly doing untold harm to the environment. IPC RESOLVED to notify the Environment Agency and any other statutory body that might have an interest i.e. NDCCS (Action: The Clerk)

(vi) Willow Fencing - Sand Dunes: - Cllr May said he was concerned that the NDCCS had not, as yet, done anything about this "dangerous" fence. IPC RESOLVED to chase up Andy Bell (NDCCS) to seek an assurance that the matter was in hand as a matter of some urgency. (Action: The Clerk)

(vii) IPC Briefing Correspondence Folder: - Cllr Johns asked that this folder be passed between Cllrs in a more timely fashion. It was agreed that this was a very sensible and prudent suggestion and that all Cllrs should retain it for no longer than 4 days before passing it on. (Action: IPC Cllrs)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

