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THURSDAY 19th JULY 2007 AT 7.30 PM.

(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), G May, B Moores (Also NDDC), Mrs P Renshaw, S White (Vice Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 8 parishioners.

2707/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

a) Apologies: - Cllrs M Green.
b) Welcome: - The Clerk welcomed Cllr Mrs P Renshaw to her first parish council meeting since being co-opted, a welcome that was unanimously echoed by all fellow Councillors. (Noted)

a) Crime and Matters Akin: -
PCSO Dan Cornish informed Council that 4 crimes had been reported in the parish since the last meeting, namely, 2 thefts (property recovered), 1 criminal damage and 1 miscellaneous. In addition he said that 17 telephone calls, where information logs had been created, had been received and that these could be broken down as crime (1), Road Related (1), Welfare Concern (0), Anti Social Behaviour (8), Non-Police Related (6) and Miscellaneous (1). (Noted)
b) Anti Social Behaviour: -
PCSO Cornish said he was aware of a considerable amount of anti social behaviour occurring within the parish and that he was patrolling as necessary. Cllrs May and Harper provided related information that PCSO Cornish said would be invaluable to his endeavours and that he welcomed any further intelligence. (Noted)
c) Police Surgery – Instow: -
PCSO Cornish said he was keen to hold a police surgery within Instow on a regular basis as he appreciated that the current weekly surgery held at Fremington was too distant for many Instow residents. (Action: PCSO Cornish)
d) Instow – Neighbourhood Beat Manager (NBM): -
Constable Terry Hodgson said that as and from Friday 20th July he was to be the full time NBM for Instow (including Fremington, Yelland and Westleigh) and that he was keen to provide regular foot patrols in the parish. He told council he was fully aware of the problems within the parish and that he was keen to make a difference. (Noted)
d) Police – Contact Details: -
In answer to questions from the meeting Constable Hodgson said that urgent calls to the police should be by way of the “999” system; otherwise messages could be left for him or PCSO Dan Cornish on 01271 335365 (NMB Office at Barnstaple). Constable Hodgson said the Clerk was aware of both Officers’ email addresses and that non urgent messages could be relayed by this fashion. Both Officers finalised by adding that crimes should be reported so they could build a picture of “activity” within their parish and that the telephone number to use for this purpose was 08452 777 444; another number that could be used for general crime information was the Crime Stoppers number of 0800 555111. (Noted)
e) Parking Problems: -
(i) PCSO Cornish said he was now empowered to issue fixed penalty tickets but that he would only do so as a last resort; his prime role was to build bridges and relationships within communities adding that DCC took over the responsibility of enforcement of parking regulations in 2008 and that undoubtedly traffic wardens would become more active thereafter. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann said that DCC had not, as yet, taken a decision on the “employment” of traffic wardens and that he felt, as an aside, Instow was not a suitable location for the consideration of residents parking. IPC RESOLVED to support this view on the basis it had been seriously considered in the past and was not felt at that time to be a viable option. (Noted)

a) Overhanging Tree/Footpath – Anstey Way: -
A parishioner said the footpath on the seaward side of Anstey Way, to the rear of Lane End Close, was being impeded by an overhanging tree situated on the grass verge. The Clerk said this had already been reported to him and was in hand – see item 2707/9 (iii) (p). (Action: The Clerk)
b) Overhanging Tree/Visibility – Slee’s Corner: -
A parishioner said the overhanging branches of a tree near Slee’s corner was affecting the visibility of motorists when approaching Anstey Way from the village (in the direction of Barnstaple). The Clerk said this had already been reported to him and had in fact been dealt with. (Action: The Clerk)
c) Rubbish – Marine Parade/Sandhills: -
A parishioner reported that some rubbish bags and old coats had been left on the highway at this location but that NDDC had “declared” it to be fly tipping. IPC RESOLVED to contact NDDC and get it moved asap. (Action: The Clerk)
d) The “Instow Smell” – Sewage?: -
A parishioner reported that the “Instow Smell” had returned; The Clerk said there had been recent problems with Pumping Station A that would be reported upon later in the meeting – see item (g) below. (Noted)
e) Planning Application - Greycott, 1 Lime Grove, Instow (Reference No 44459): –
A parishioner spoke against this planning application on the grounds that, if approved, light would be lost from all adjoining properties, namely 2, 3, 4 and 5. The applicant also spoke in support of the application. The Chairman thanked both for their comments and said Council would take them into consideration when the matter was discussed later in the meeting – see item 2707/11 (a). (Noted)
f) Parking of Bicycles – Marine Drive (The Quay): -
(i) The Clerk said he was in possession of a letter from a parishioner who lived near The Bar and who was complaining about the damage occurring to the side of her house by pedal cycles being constantly leant against it predominantly by people frequenting The Bar. He said the parishioner felt the official signs indicating cycle “parks” (in the flood defence wall opposite the Bar and shops) were not adequate and requested that Council consider other options; the Clerk confirmed to Council that the parishioner had written to the licensee of The Bar seeking his cooperation. (Noted)
(ii) After debate IPC RESOLVED to take no action other than to advise the parishioner that Council felt the current “cycle” signage was sufficient but that the parishioner herself might like to consider placing a sign on her wall (private lane) asking persons not to place their cycles there and to continue her liaison with the licensee of The Bar that might hopefully prove fruitful. (Action: The Clerk)
g) Instow – Water Quality Tests (Failure): -
Mrs Rose Day (Chairman of TTEF) said a recent water quality test at Instow had failed the imperative standard and that this was the second failure for the current season. She then spoke of activity in the region of Pumping Station A during the previous 24 hours by May Gurney/Engenica who had been carrying out investigative work at/near Pumping Station A on Instow’s seafront. It was believed, she said, there was a problem in the rising mains between Pumping Station A and B. In answer to a question from the floor Mrs Day said that a heavy rain waiver had been sought for this second failure but if this was not granted Instow would fail the annual imperative standard - se also items 2707/9 (i)( (i). (Noted)
h) TTEF Matters: -
Mrs Rose Day (Chairman of TTEF) reported upon the recent activity of the TTEF particularly those matters tabled at the recent TTEF meeting of 16th July 2007. This included “EA Bathing Beach Monitoring”, “Atlantic Array – Offshore Wind Farm Bristol Channel”, “Taw Torridge Estuary Foreshore Leases”, “Explore Braunton Project”, “MSC Napoli – Seminar County Hall”, “Northam Burrow – Disused Landfill Site”, “Braunton Marsh – AONB Boundary Change”, “TTEF Visit to Braunton Marsh”, “Maritime Volunteer Service”, “New TTEF Representatives” and “Various Reports” namely “Braunton Burrows Core Area, North Devon AONB Partnership, Maritime Volunteer Service”, “Bideford Harbour Master’s Report” and “Dates of Forthcoming TTEF Meetings”. She also spoke in particular to issues of relevance to a recent “Geomorphology and Management Report: Taw and Torridge Estuary” and “Jet Ski Hire Application - TDC”. (Noted)

a) Charter Toilets – Quay Car Park: -
(i) Cllr Cann said trial holes had been dug in the car park earlier in the week and that once a price had been agreed (Bill of Quantities Process – Pearce’s) the toilets would be built – an exact date could not be given. He said the existing toilets would remain open until the completion of the new ones when they would be demolished. There would hopefully be a minimum of disruption to the car park and boat storage activities; the underground petrol storage tanks needed to be de-gassed and filled with foam to render them inert. Cllr Cann said he would report progress to IPC by way of the Clerk. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said it was to be hoped that the car park machine and sign would not be made inaccessible by the building works (if it was to take place prior to the end of September) and that both were eventually incorporated into the new building by being affixed to the rear wall. Cllr Cann assured IPC that all this would be taken into consideration at the appropriate time. (Noted)
b) General Matters: -
Cllr Cann also spoke on “DCC Succession Planning – Apprenticeship Scheme”, “Recycling of Tetra Packs” (recycling bins will be placed mainly in Supermarket Car Parks), “Free Bulky Goods Collection” (recommendation going to NDDC’s Executive that I free item of bulky goods for private households be re-introduced - £15 per additional item thereafter), “Interactive Sign – Northern Approach Anstey Way” (a bid has been placed - £4,000 from DCC Ward Fund Budget), “Instow Visitor Brochure – IIB” (£985.00 has been contributed from DCC Ward Fund towards the cost of revision/reprinting), and “Landfill Grants” (this is in the “gift” of Waste Disposal Companies and not DCC). (Noted)
a) Beach Cleaning Grant 2007/8: -
(i) Cllr Moores said that NDDC’s Executive had agreed to support IPC’s costs relating to the cleaning of the beach for one year only; it was recommended that the question of this grant being continued beyond the current financial year should go to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. (Noted)
(ii) The Chairman, Cllr Johns, thanked Cllr Moores and Cllr Cann for their personal input and support; the Clerk said it was hoped that a decision on beach cleaning grants for further years (beyond the current financial year) would be notified to Council prior to IPC’s Budget (2008/9) meeting in October/November (2007) as if it was not to be forthcoming, IPC would need to seriously consider its future input into beach cleaning by curtailing current activities. (Action: Cllr Moores)
b) General Matters: -
Cllr Moores also spoke on “NDDC’s Adoption of the Corporate Business Plan 2007-2010” (i.e. provide good efficient services, improve the environment, economy and regeneration and the housing problem), “NDDC’s Commitment to Affordable Housing” (120 completions in 2007/8) and “Rural Housing Project” (identification of affordable rural housing across whole on North Devon and West Somerset). Cllr Moores suggested that Instow might benefit from this initiative. (Noted)

2707/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the June 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2706/6 (f) – Bus Service/Congestion – Instow: -
Cllr Cann advised IPC of his liaison with local bus companies with a view to having their time-tables tweaked so as to avoid unnecessary congestion particulate along the sea-front. He said this was on-going (changes are being instigated) and he would report further in due course. (Noted)
b) Item 2706/8 (d) – Local Elections 2007/Co-option of Cllr to IPC: -
(i) The Clerk confirmed to Council that Cllr Mrs Paula Renshaw had accepted IPC’s offer of co-option to IPC and that all necessary paperwork had been completed/sent to NDDC. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC he had placed a notice to the effect that Cllr Mrs P Renshaw had been co-opted on to IPC at the post office, for the information of parishioners, and had also placed a copy on the Instow website and provided a copy to the editor of the parish magazine for publication. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said he had also provided a copy of this notice to Cllrs, for their information, with their agenda papers (12.7.07). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk confirmed he had written a letter to all unsuccessful candidates (sent by email) thanking them for putting themselves forward; feedback had been given to those candidates who had requested it. (Noted)
e) Item 2706/8 (e) – Councillors/Adoption of New Code of Conduct: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated an “approved” (at IPC Meeting of 21st June) copy of the New Code of Conduct with their agenda papers (12.7.07) for their perusal/final checking. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 2.7.07) from DAPC reference “Standards Board – Bulletin 34” that he had copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.7.07). The Clerk pointed out the comment therein about not adopting Clause 7 (where members should heed advice from various officers) and reminded Cllrs that this had not been included in IPC’s “approved” copy as at (i) above. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then discussed the adoption of the New Code of Conduct at the conclusion of which it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt it including paragraph 12(2).(Noted)
(iv) The Chairman and Clerk then signed an original copy of The New Code of Conduct for reference purposes. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk referred to a copy of a blank “Notice of Financial and Other Interest” form that he had forwarded, with a memo, to each Cllr with their agenda papers (12.7.07); he said that now the new code of conduct had been adopted it would be necessary for each Cllr to complete this form and hand it back to him asap and certainly within 28 days; this would then be sent to the Monitoring Officer of the NDDC and a copy kept by the Clerk. (Action: IPC Cllrs & The Clerk)
(v) The Clerk advised IPC of a letter from NDDC (dd 28.6.07) reference “Revised Code of Conduct – Publication” and told Council he had returned the necessary paperwork for IPC’s adoption of the new code to be publicised en bloc with other parish/town councils by NDDC. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk told IPC that it would now be necessary for him to notify the Standards Board for England that IPC had adopted the revised code of conduct (including paragraph 12(2)) and that he would do so asap. (Action: The Clerk)
(vii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs that for the foreseeable future it would be necessary for Cllrs to read this new code of conduct in conjunction with IPC’s Standing Orders as many of the salient points of the previous code were referred to in Standing Orders. He said Standing Orders were normally reviewed in the second year of Council’s four year term of office which would be in 2009 (see Standing Orders No 68 (b)). (Noted)
f) Item 2706/8 (f) – IPC / Cllr Appointments & Cllr Details:-
(i) Cllr Appointments: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a final draft copy of this document with their agendas papers (12.7.07); IPC RESOLVED to adopt it as written. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Details: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had circulated a final draft copy of this document with their agendas papers (12.7.07); IPC RESOLVED to adopt it as written. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Email (dd 22.6.07) and Notice from DCC Local Services (Highways Management) reference “Road Closure – Kiln Close Lane, Instow from 26th July to 30th July 2007”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this was to enable Balfour Beatty to renew a hydrant and that he had placed a copy of the notice at the post office for the information of parishioners and forwarded Cllrs a copy with their agenda papers (12.7.07). (Noted)
b) Email (dd 25.7.07) from Clerk to IPC Cllrs reference “Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence – Friends of North Devon Cricket Club”: -
(i) The Clerk said he had noted this application in the NDDC’s Members Information Sheet for week 22.7.07 and had forwarded the relevant details to all IPC Cllrs (with an email address) for comments; he added that the application was in respect of the North Devon Cricket Club, Sandhills Car Park, Instow, Devon, EX39 1JJ: -
1. To enable the sale of alcohol on & off the premises on Wednesday 25th July 2007 from 10:30 hrs to 01:00, Friday 27th July 2007 from 12:00 hrs to 02:00 hrs and Saturday 28th July 2007 from 12:00 hrs to 01 :00 hrs.
2. To enable regulated entertainment on 27th & 28th July from 19:00 hrs to 01:00 hrs.
3. To enable late night refreshment on 27th & 28th July from 23:00 hrs to 03:00 hrs.
The Clerk said the closing date for any representations was the 12th July 2007 – to NDDC’s Licensing Team on 01271 388870. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said that as a result of feedback from Cllrs, he had forwarded an email to the Chairman of NDCC to establish that the Club was making provision to eliminate complaints of noise/nuisance from neighbours during the salient times. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then advised IPC of a reply email (dd 3.7.07) from the Chairman of NDCC which stated: -
“I can assure you and your Council that all of the events have been very carefully and thoughtfully organised. The possible issue of disturbance to immediate neighbours was one we addressed at a very early stage. Each event is different and each will have a different approach and I will explain.
1) Lashings World XI v North Devon CC
This is a day time event with a start time at 11am and conclusion of play will be at 6pm approx. There are no evening activities thus we see no problems. We will have a considerable number of stewards on duty both throughout the day and in particular at going home time to ensure good behaviour.
2) Grand Summer Ball
This event will start at 7pm and conclude at 1pm. Again we have made ample provision for Stewarts to control events and in particular will pay special attention to controlling 'home time'.
3) Wedding
The timings for this are as the Summer Ball and again we have made provision with stewards to control matters.
I believe it very important that you are aware that we consulted with all our close neighbours (The Chalet owners) very early in the planning, many of them will be at one or more of the events. In fact many of the people attending the Summer Ball will be Instow residents. There will be notices displayed requesting people to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner and in particular that they have concern for others when leaving. I hope I have answered the questions you put and can assure you and your Council, that we will endeavour to ensure a minimum of disturbance to all Instow residents. Should any further question come to mind please do not hesitate to contact me directly.” (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk told IPC that as a result of this positive response he had not contacted NDDC Licensing with any comments on behalf of Council; IPC RESOLVED to support this course of action. (Noted)
*** Cllr Crombie declared an interest and did not speak ***
c) Email (dd 29.6.07) from DAPC reference “Defra UK – Consultation on Proposals to Improve Access to the English Coast”: -
The Clerk told IPC he had checked with NDCCS and TTEF and both were aware and responding to this consultation. IPC RESOLVED to “be associated with and support” the responses of NDDC/TTEF; Clerk to advise NDCCS/TTEF. (Action: The Clerk)
d) Email (dd 23.6.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Launching of Jet Skis off Commodore Slipway”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC of the detail of the email. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that this information had also come to his attention vide an email (dd 22.6.07) from the Chairman of the TTEF. (Noted)
(iii) IPC then discussed its future “involvement/liability” in such incidents that were allegedly in breach of the Taw/Torridge Code of Conduct for Jet Skis. After deliberation it was RESOLVED that IPC (Cllrs and Clerk) had no jurisdiction to act but that it might be useful if the co-operation of DCE could be sought in that it might consider placing a “barrier” in place at the Commodore slipway to prevent access to the beach other than by persons having a right to do so. The Chairman, Cllr Johns, said he would speak/send an email to Mr Coldwell to sound him out. (Action: Cllr Johns)
e) Email (dd 25.7.07) from Clerk to DCC Highways Engineer reference “Instow Beach Level – Drainage”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had taken this proactive/precautionary action in view of the amount of wet weather that was being experienced and of his concerns for the flooding of Marine Parade if the drainage holes in the seawall became blocked.(Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told IPC that said DCC Highways Engineer had agreed to attend to this matter in the near future. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported that the necessary action had been taken on 11.7.07. (Noted)
f) Email (dd 5.7.07) reference “Police Newsletter (June 2007)”: -
The Clerk advised Cllrs he had provided them with a copy of this with their agenda papers (12.7.07). (Noted)
g) Email (dd 6.7.07) from Chairman of Village Show 2007 reference “Community on Show 2007 - Insurance”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that the beach events (on IPC’s beach) were covered by “themselves” for public liability i.e. Atturm Vehicles (MOD), Dogs (not covered by anyone as it is a personal owner liability as established by AON in 2006), BBQ (Parish Hall), Crepe Stall (Twinning Association), Bicycle race (Parish Hall), Schoolchildren (Instow School - DCC) and Bouncy Castle (if positioned no IPC’s beach) has its own insurance; the remainder of the events were not being held on IPC’s beach. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Crombie then spoke to this item; he said IPC had been assured by the organisers that all events on IPC’s beach had necessary insurance cover and that this should reassure Council that all precautionary steps had been taken. (Noted)
(iii) After discussion IPC RESOLVED to support the recommendation of Cllr Crombie and take no further action. (Noted)
h) Telephone call (16.7.07) from parishioner reference “Traffic (Parking) Congestion bottom of New Road: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had told the parishioner that IPC had debated this matter relatively recently and that DCC (and the Police), at that time, felt there was little proactively it could do. The Clerk said he had suggested to the parishioner that if a petition from immediate residents could be drawn up and sent to Cllr Cann (DCC) the matter might perhaps be taken further. (Noted)
(ii) IPC discussed the matter and RESOLVED to support the guidance as given to the parishioner by the Clerk. (Noted)
*** Cllr Mrs Renshaw declared an interest and did not speak ***
i) (i) Email (dd 18.7.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Pumping Station A (Instow) – Second Water Quality Test Failure 2007”: -
The Clerk said this stated that Instow had failed its second water quality test for 2007 (unconfirmed) and that May Gurney/Engenica were carrying out investigative work at/near Pumping Station A on Instow’s seafront. (Noted)
(ii) Email (dd 19.7.07) from NDDC’s Environmental Health Department reference “Presumptive Exceedeences @ Saunton and Instow Beach – 11.7.07”: -
The Clerk said this email stressed that said results were presumptive counts only at this stage; confirmation might result in lower values. (Noted)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Emails (dd 21.6.07/5.7.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Results as of 21st June, 5th July”
b) Email (dd 24.6.07) from Chairman of TTEF to TTEF Members reference “TTEF Newsletter – 24th June 2007”: -
This contains items on Braunton Marsh Management Study 2007, Birthday Honour for John Breed MBE, Taw Torridge Estuary Geomorphology Study, DCC Planning: Yelland Ashbeds, CC Planning: Yelland Transfer Station, Atlantic Array: Proposed Offshore Wind Farm, Duchy College: Course in Biological Recording, Environment Agency Torridge and Hartland Streams CAMS and Newsletter and Information Items.
c) Email (dd 24.6.07) from Chairman of TTEF to IPC Cllrs etc reference “TTEF Newsletter – 24th June 2007”: -
See (b) above.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 25.6.07) reference “NALC Annual Conference and Exhibition – 5/7th October 2007 at Bournemouth”; (ii) Email (dd 25.6.07) reference “Financial Reserves”; (iii) Email (dd 28.6.07) reference “LCR Opinion – September”; (iv) Email (dd 2.7.07) reference “Brixham Town Council – Policy on Allocation of Grants”; (v) Email (dd 2.7.07) reference “Commission on the Role of Local Councillors”; (vi) Pamphlet reference “Devon Countryside Access Forum: Annual Report 2006/7”; (vii) “DAPC Newsletter – July/August 2007”; (viii) “NALC Flyer – “Cracking the Code – Conference” and (ix) Email (dd 11.7.07) reference “Environmental Information Regulations – Defra”
b) NDDC’s Member Services Weekly Information Sheet for weeks 22.6.07, 28.6.07, 6.7.07 and 13.7.07
c) (i) Minutes of Meeting of NDDC’s Standards Committee held at 7 pm on Wednesday 20th June 2007 and
(ii) Agenda for Meeting of Wednesday 18th July and associated papers
d) Letter (dd 18.6.07) from Kompan (Playful Living) reference “Teignbridge Play Seminar – Wednesday 18th July 2007”: -
Details left at Post Office for information of interested parties.
e) Email (dd 24.6.07) from Clerk to parishioner reference “Vandalism/Hooliganism – Instow”
f) Minutes of Barnstaple, Fremington and Instow Area Committee held on Wednesday 27th June 2007
g) Minutes of Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee held on Wednesday 27th June 2007
h) Clerks and Councils Direct (July 2007 – Issue 52)
i) Email (dd 4.7.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Car Accident at Torridge Bridge”
j) (i) Email (dd 7.7.07) from Cllr Harper reference “Cricket Club Vandalism”: - PCSO Dan Cornish advised for information
(ii) Email (dd 12.7.07) from NDCC reference “Vandalism/Wind Damage” and “Underage Drinking/Second Beach”: -
PCSO Dan Cornish advised
k) Flyer (received 10.7.07) from North Devon Hospice reference “Annual Bumper Draw 2007”: -
Enclosed 2 raffle ticket books for sale
l) (i) Email (dd 10.7.07) from The Local Channel reference “Local Channel – July 2007” and
(ii) Email (dd 12.7.07) reference “Fire at Downton Villager Shop – Internet Video”
m) Letter (undated – received 11.7.07) from Student from University of Plymouth reference “Rural Development and the Quality of Community Life - Survey”: -
Passed to the Chairman at the request of the writer for completion
n) Leaflet on “Absence Management – Designed for the Public Sector”
o) Letter (dd 6.7.07) and consultation document from Devon Partnership NHS Trust reference “NHS Foundation Trust Consultation”
p) Information (11.7.07) from Cllr May reference “Damaged Road Sign - Huish Moor”: -
DCC Local Superintendent advised
q) Exmoor, North Devon and West Somerset Rural Housing Project – Newsletter Summer 2007
r) The Crown Estate – Annual Report 2007
s) Telephone call (16.7.07) from NDDC’s Works Unit reference “Instow In Bloom – SW In Bloom Judging 2007 (30th July 2007)”: -
Required details of judging route so that area could be specifically cleaned prior to judging; Peter Yeo (Chairman IIB) advised by email (16.7.07) and asked to get in touch with NDDC
t) (i) Telephone call (16.7.07) from NDDC (Buildings) reference “Test Drilling – Quay Car Park – Tuesday 17th July 2006 (New Charter Toilets)”: -
Clerk agreed subject to as little disruption as possible to car parking.
(ii) Quay Car Park – Untidy State (18.7.07): -
Clerk noted that NDDC had left the area of test drilling in an untidy/unsafe state; contacted appropriate department and asked them to rectify
u) Atlantic Coast Express Magazine (Issue No 71 – Summer 2007)
o) DCC In Touch Monthly News Round Up (July 2007): -
Copy placed at post office for the information of parishioners.
p) Email (dd 19.7.07) from parishioner reference “Overhanging Trees – Footpath Anstey Way: -
Suitable action taken by the Clerk; parishioner updated.

2707/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Takings Period ending 26th June 2007 £281.80
Ditto Period ending 4th July 2007 £351.00
Ditto Period ending 11th July 2007 £398.00
Ditto Period ending 18th July 2007 £291.20*
Allianz Cornhill Insurance Claim – Parish Seat £125.00
TOTAL: - £1,447.00
Key: -
* Car Park Takings £1,373.40 down on similar date 2006

Mr M Harris Village Handyman £467.00*
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No. 4) £210.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £380.00
Mr P Cook Tractor Puncture Repair (Kirkham Tyres Ltd) £ 47.00
SWEB Energy Car Park Machine £ 6.42
Mole Valley Farmers Blower/Chain Saw (DCC Grant – see 5 (b) below) £497.11
WM Ironwork Ltd Flood Defence Gate (see 5 (c) below) £464.13
TOTAL: - £2,071.66
Key: -
* Includes £75.00 for P3 activity i.e. strim footpaths at Venn X, Atturm and Water Works.

Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 27.6.07 (Statement) = £ 2,157.43*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 28.6.07 (Statement) = £15,837.57+
Key: -
* According to Clerks records this is £6.03 (7 cheques to the total value of £2,151.40 uncashed)
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £17,002.77 as at 19.7.07

IPC RESOLVED to transfer £2,070.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 above. (Action: The Clerk)

(a) Tractor – Refurbishment of Old Scrape: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had spoken to Brian Thorne (BT) (4.7.07) reference his estimate of “£250 plus VAT” to clarify what was precisely meant by “Costs of parts and collection extra” particularly as regards the detail of these additional cost. BT advised the Clerk that the steel necessary to refurbish the scrape would cost £100 and that a collection/delivery charge would be unnecessary if IPC agreed to deliver/collect it itself. The Clerk said that BT had also said that once he began the job and found, for example, that more steel was required (and which might make the task uneconomical) he would contact the Clerk and take further instructions i.e. continue with the job (knowing what extra it would cost) or stop and only incur a payment of about £60. (Noted)
(ii) IPC then discuss the options; i.e. continue as at (i) above or retain the scrape unfurbished as a safeguard for the future should the current one become inoperative. After deliberation it was RESOLVED to adopt the latter option, that is, retain the old scrape unfurbished as a safeguard for the future should the current one become inoperative; Clerk to update BT. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Cook declared an interest and did not speak ***
(b) DCC Locality Budget/Engine Blower and Chain Saw – Mole Valley Farmers (MVF) : -
(i) The Clerk confirmed that IPC had now secured an account with MVF (paperwork received 6.7.07). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk also confirmed he had visited MVF (12.7.07) and purchased the engine blower and chainsaw together with relevant safety equipment; see expenditure (2) as above (Noted)
(iii) IPC thanked Cllr Cann yet again for his generosity. (Noted)
(c) Boathouse Flood Defence Gate (See Item 2704/10 (5) (n)): -
The Clerk advise IPC that this new gate had been fitted (16.7.07) and was satisfactory; see expenditure as at 2 above – 50% now to be recovered from DCC Local Services Superintendent. (Action: The Clerk)
(d) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2007: -
(i) The Clerk reported that no parishioners had requested to view the Council’s financial records/audit papers during the “Inspection” period that was Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm) for period 1st June to the 28th June 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed he had taken down the relevant notices (4.7.07) and retained them for future reference. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk referred to a DAPC Newsletter (July/August 2007) with relevance an article on “How do you assess the effectiveness of your Internal Auditor?” The Clerk read to IPC. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC that all “checks” (as set out in the article) were done annually by IPC’s IA (and many at 3 monthly checks by Cllr Crombie as per IPC’s Financial Regulations) and that he recommended the current Internal Audit process was robust, effective and sound and that IPC’s IA was more than satisfactory; Cllr Crombie spoke in support of the Clerk’s recommendation. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this recommendation. (Noted) (e) Beach Cleaning Grant 2007/8 – NDDC: -
The Clerk advised IPC that he had received an email (dd 3.7.07) from NDDC stating that IPC’s grant application was to be considered by NDDC’s Executive on the 17th July and that it had been necessary for him to answer and return (by email) a number of supplementary questions. (Noted)
(f) Internal Audit – April to June 2007: -
The Clerk reported that Cllr Crombie had carried out this internal audit (13.7.07) and found all to be in order. Cllr Crombie confirmed this to be the case. (Noted)
(g) Bank Reconciliation – 1st April 2007 to 30th June 2007: -
The Clerk referred to a copy of this paper circulated to Cllrs at the meeting; he said the figures had been checked and confirmed by Cllr Crombie (13.7.07). Cllr Crombie agreed that this was the case. (Noted)
(h) Letter from Parish Seat Donor reference “Bench opposite The Boathouse in memory of her son Leigh Boniface”: -
The Clerk said this stated that the writer had made a provision in her will to donate £400 for a replacement bench when the current one needed replacing. The Clerk said he had spoken to the donor, thanked her for her generosity and advised her that her letter would be filed for future reference. The Clerk added that the writer had stated a preference for any replacement seat to be provided by Freebird Leisure of West Yelland. (Noted)
(i) Letter (dd 1.6.07) from Ministry of Defence (DGFM Shared Services Centre) reference “Change of Invoice Payment System – ORACLE”: -
The Clerk said this had been noted by him and filed for future information. (Noted)
(j) Alliance Cornhill (AC) IPC’s Public Liability Insurance 2007/8 – Amended Schedule: -
The Clerk reported that this document had recently been received and there was yet another error as regards “Property Damage Items”, namely, it indicated three metal/perspex bus shelters as opposed to two. The Clerk confirmed that the AC had been advised by email (19.7.07) and a response was awaited. (Noted)
(k) Letter (undated) from Portman Building Society (PBS) reference “Merger with Nationwide Building Society – Account Holder(s) Update”: -
The Clerk told Council of the content of the letter/proforma; it was RESOLVED he should complete the proforma as necessary and return it to the Portman Building Society. (Action: The Clerk)

2707/11 PLANNING
a) Extension to dwelling at Greycott, 1 Lime Grove, Instow (Reference No 44459): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (25.6.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 12th July or an extension will need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk further advised IPC that an extension had been applied for to NDDC Planning for this application (email of 11.7.07 refers) and had been granted until 20th July 2007. (Noted)
(iv) After deliberation, lead by IPC’s Planning Sub Committee, IPC RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL of this application on the grounds that the development would seriously affect the light of neighbouring properties. The applicant was present and addressed Council prior to its deliberation. (Action: The Clerk)
b) County Matter Planning Application: Completion of capping of ashbeds. former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple (Reference No JP/DCC/2429/2007: -
The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 1.7.07) and attachment letter from the Chairman of the TTEF setting out the response of the TTEF to this application; he confirmed that a copy of said email/letter had been provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.7.07). (Noted)
c) County Matter Planning Application: Enlargement and continuation of use of Transfer Station former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Barnstaple (Reference No JP/DCC/2476/2007: -
The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 1.7.07) and attachment letter from the Chairman of the TTEF setting out the response of the TTEF to this application; he confirmed that a copy of said email/letter had been provided to Cllrs with their agenda papers (12.7.07). (Noted)
d) Letter (received 12.7.07) from NDDC reference “Extension to dwelling, conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation and erection of car port at 2 Chichester Close, Instow (Reference No 44439): -
The Clerk said this stated that NDDC Planning had GRANTED planning permission for this application with conditions as listed. (Noted)
d) Email (dd 26.6.07) from parishioner reference “Building Work – Rectory Lane”: -
(i) The Clerk advised IPC he had sent an email (dd 27.6.07) to NDDC’s Planning Department in order to establish the authenticity of this work i.e. exempt from planning permission for example? (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported receipt of email (dd 6.7.07) from NDDC’s Planning stating that an Enforcement Officer had done a site visit and was looking into the matter in conjunction with the Senior Planning Officer for the area; he confirmed he had thanked NDDC Planning for this information. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then reported receipt of a further email (dd 10.7.07) from NDDC’s Planning that stated a report has gone to the Planning Case Officer and instructions were awaited; IPC to be informed in due course. (Noted)

a) Rectory Lane/Close – Weeds: - Cllr White again (previously advised May/June meeting) requested that DCC be asked to deal with this on-going issue. IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk liaise with DCC Local Services. (Action: The Clerk)

It was RESOLVED that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk take any necessary action during the August recess of the Parish Council, to canvass Councillors should the need arise, and should the situation demand it to convene a special Council Meeting. (Noted)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.

