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(please note IPC minutes are not released to the public until approved at the following meeting)


Present: - Councillors P Cook, N Crombie, M Green, C Harper, A Johns (Chairman), G May, B Moores (Also NDDC), Mrs P Renshaw, S White (Vice Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (DCC) and 7 parishioners.

2709/1 PRAYER
The Clerk led the Council in prayer.

Constable Hodgson (Sick).

a) Crime Matters: -
PCSO Dan Cornish said 12 crimes had been reported in the parish for the period 20th July to 20th September 2007 consisting of 6 thefts (all undetected), 1 vehicle interference (one suspect arrested and on bail), 4 offences of criminal damage (3 undetected and 1 ongoing enquiries) and 1 offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (suspect arrested and cautioned). PCSO Cornish said the Crime Prevention Team was advising on security guidance at one location where 3 of the thefts had been committed. (Noted)
b) Other Matters: -
PCSO Dan Cornish said over the same period of time (as (a) above) 22 logs had been created which broke down to 2 incidents of anti social behaviour, 1 enquiry, 4 information, 6 crime related (for the above crimes), 1 harassment (by text message), 2 lost property, 1 possible abandoned vehicle, 1 suspicious male (matter resolved), 1 missing person, 1 stray dog and 2 parking issues (New Road – parking cones placed in situ and Sandhills Car Park obstruction). (Noted)
c) Parking Matters: -
PCSO Cornish said he had issued several tickets for parking on double yellow lines outside of the Boathouse, particularly where vehicles were causing obstructions to passing traffic and for the access to the beach, one other for parking on the bus stop outside of the Boathouse and 3 for expired vehicle excise licences. (Noted)
d) Crime Prevention Matters: -
PCSO Cornish said in light of an increase in car crime in North Devon he had been conducting vulnerable vehicle searches in the Instow area which consisted of recording the details of vulnerable vehicles (insecure/valuable property on view within) and sending the registered keeper a letter to that effect. This initiative, he said, had a significant effect on reducing car crime levels in North Devon in 2006. (Noted)
e) Neighbourhood Policing - Instow: -
The Clerk said he felt it was appropriate to place on record the good work that had been carried out by Constable Terry Hodgson and PCSO Dan Cornish since they had been posted to the parish. He said he had received many favourable comments from Cllrs and parishioners as regards the relatively high visibility of both within the village since they had arrived and that both should be complimented for their commitment and drive. IPC RESOLVED to wholeheartedly support this. (Noted)

a) Instow In Bloom (IIB): -
Cllr Harper (speaking as a parishioner) told IPC that IIB had that day been awarded a Gold and Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Award at the South West In Bloom Awards Ceremony held at St Ives. IPC RESOLVED to extend its congratulations to Instow In Bloom; Cllr Harper agreed to convey these sentiments to the IIB committee and its members. (Action: Cllr Harper)
b) Planning – 5 Chichester Close, Instow: -
Two parishioners said they had written letters of objection to NDDC Planning as regards this application and that copies had been supplied to the Clerk for the information of IPC. (Noted)

a) Instow – Traffic Management Issues: -
Cllr Cann began his report by saying how proud he was to represent the parish of Instow as part of his DCC remit and that he was aware Council had received a letter from a parishioner raising concerns/solutions as regards the writer’s perceived traffic “problems” in the village. Cllr Cann said he was very interested to know what IPC thought of the proposals/solutions and what it would like him to do about it especially particularly as DCC was the designated (highway) authority. (Noted)
b) General Report: -
Cllr Cann spoke about Rectory Lane - 20 mph Speed Limit (signed order to help improve road safety), Proposed Weight Restriction - Local Roads (in the Eastleigh area to prevent large vehicles from accessing Holmacott Tip – being investigated), Recycling Pilot Scheme (provision of recycling litter bins near main tourist beaches – Instow to be included), Free Bulky Goods Collection (the reintroduction of this scheme has been enormously successful although demand has outstripped resources; users are urged to be patient), Free Compost Bins (to domestic residents not on green wheelie bin collection – still available), Children with Special Needs – Broken £1m Barrier” (an initiative run by Devon Welfare Rights Unit & The Joint Agency Team), 20 mph Speed Limits (need for police enforcement), Deep Moor In-Vessel Compositing (site visit 26th September) and The Adult and Community Services (to undergo a modernisation programme). (Noted)
c) Instow – Traffic Congestion/Buses: -
Cllr Cann told IPC of his various liaisons with, primarily, the First Devon & Cornwall Ltd Bus Company and especially of the fact that its Road Safety and Compliance Officer had visited Instow on 11th September to review the problem; he still awaited a response to this visit. Cllr Cann added that he was to attend a meeting with all Bus Operators in North Devon towards the end of September and that he would ensure he raised IPC’s concerns at this meeting ands report back. (Noted)
d) Quay Car Park – Charter Toilets: -
(i) Cllr White asked Cllr Cann if he knew when the new toilet project on this site was to commence. (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann said he believed that work would commence by November; there was, he said, a small legal issue to deal with (NDDC’s Legal Dept) in the first instant. (Noted)
e) Old Power Station – Recent Planning Applications (see items 2707/11 (b) & (c)): -
In answer to a question from Cllr White as to the progress of these two recent planning applications, Cllr Cann said he was not aware whether either had been decided as yet but that he would endeavour to find out by the next meeting. The Clerk said he would also enquire of DCC Planning. (Action: Cllr Cann & The Clerk)

a) General Matters: -
Cllr Moores reported on ASBO Application Section 30 Order - Granted (Forches, Barnstaple), Replacement of NDDC Chief Executive (arrangements in hand), Ilfracombe Harbour Governance (Harbour Board established), Community Councillor Grants – Barnstaple Stroke Support Group (£21,000 from 22 NDDC Cllrs – Instow has two beneficiaries) and In Bloom Grants (recommendation to Executive to honour grants for the next financial year and ring fence thereafter). (Noted)
b) Waste Management Meeting – Cleaning Instow Beach
(i) Cllr Moores said he had attended this meeting (21st August) and that amongst those matters discussed was whether there were better ways to do a mechanical clean of Instow beach; he suggested that a discussion with the Co-ordinator of “Instow’s Adopt a Beach” group might be useful. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that alternative methods (non specific) to the current manner of cleaning of Instow beach had been raised before and that IPC was awaiting viable and tangible suggestions from the North Devon Coast and Countryside Agency before considering alternative methods. (Noted)
(iii) IPC RESOLVED to await specific recommendations from NDCCS and other “interested party” but that it should be noted that IPC only had a limited amount of income/savings to invest on such a project and which heavily relied upon the annual beach cleaning grant from NDDC (normally £1,800.00). (Noted)
2709/7 MINUTES
It was RESOLVED that the July 2007 minutes of Instow Parish Council be approved and signed. (Noted)

a) Item 2707/8 (a)) – Bus Service/Congestion: -
Cllr Cann (DCC) reported upon his liaison with local Bus Companies since the last meeting of IPC – see also item 2709/5 (c). (Noted) b) Item 2707/9 (i) (d) – Launching of Jet Skis/Commodore Slipway: -
(i) The Chairman reported on his liaison (email of 20.8.07 refers) with DCE as regards the placement of a lockable bollard at this location. He said that DCE had no objection to a bollard being placed there provided it was provided with a key. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC of his liaison with the Environment Agency/DCC reference placement of a bollard and ownership of the slipway. He said the EA had no objection to a bollard being placed in situ (provided it was given a key) as did DCC, who, it believed, owned the slipway. The Clerk added that DCC was checking out this ownership issue and if it was confirmed as theirs would arrange for a bollard to be fitted and authorised persons allocated a key. (Noted)

(i) Matters for discussion/resolution or noting
a) Letter (dd 17.7.07) from NDDC reference “Street Collection Permit Application by Western Morning News – Wednesday 15th August 2007 (between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm) for MacMillan Cancer Support, Wooden Spoon Devon and RNLI”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that in view of the fact the applicant and charities were bone fide he had advised NDDC (email 3.8.07) that IPC offered no objection. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision. (Noted)
b) Letter (dd 24.7.07) from Andy Bell (UNESCO Biosphere Coordinator and Countryside Service Manager) reference “UNESCO – Biosphere Reserve Strategy Consultation”: -
The Clerk reported he had approached (email 3.8.07) the Chairman of TTEF (who is also IPC’s Environmental Consultant) and requested she include IPC in her TTEF response to this paper – she agreed; closing date 13th September. (Noted) c) Letter (dd 30.7.07) from DCC reference “Bus Information Strategy 2006 – 2011”: (i) The Clerk reported that comments were invited on this draft strategy which had been prepared within the terms of the Transport Act 2000; it was also compatible with the provisions of the current draft Local Transport Bill. The full strategy document was to be found on the DCC’s website at www.devon.gov.uk/bus-infostrategy. This strategy set out standards for the provision of bus service information in Devon and the actions proposed to achieve this provision by 2011. It also supported the objectives, strategies and targets set out in the Devon Local Transport Plan and would replace the one issued in October 2002. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of this letter to them with their Summer Recess memorandum. (Noted)
(iii) Following discussion IPC RESOLVED to take NFA. (Noted)
d) (i) Emails (26.7.07 and 31.7.07) from DCC reference “Exeter Unitary Latest/County Council to Mount Legal Challenge”: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of these emails to them with their Summer Recess memorandum for information. (Noted)
(ii) Email (dd 7.9.07) from DCC reference “In Touch Special – Unitary Update”: -
The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of this email to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.9.07). IPC RESOLVED to note the comments in all three/take NFA. (Noted)
e) Email (dd 26.7.07) from DAPC reference “Clean Neighbourhoods Act – Dog Control Order/Combe Martin Parish Council (CMPC)”: -
The Clerk advised IPC that Combe Martin PC was having to take out such an order to retain its Quality Coast Award for its beach and was seeking information from similar councils who might have adopted such a stance. The Clerk informed Cllrs that he had got in touch with the Clerk of CMPC and updated her on his previous liaison with NDDC’s Environmental Health Department/Legal Department reference the current “Dog Orders” on Instow beach and how they might be improved. The CMPC Clerk agreed to keep IPC informed of developments. (Action: Noted)
f) Letter (dd 3.8.07) and Pamphlet from South West Regional Assembly reference “Public Consultation – Review of Additional Pitch Requirements for Gypsies and Travellers in the South West”: -
The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of this letter/pamphlet to them with their Summer Recess memorandum for information. Cllr Cann (DCC) informed the meeting that DCC, by law, had to eventually establish official sites for gypsies and travellers throughout the county and that enquiries were continuing. (Noted)
g) Letter (dd 8.8.07) from NDDC reference “Review of “In Bloom” Organisations: -
The Clerk advised IPC he had liaised with the Chairman of IIB and responded to this letter accordingly by email (dd 14.8.07). He advised IPC of the “supportive” tenor of his communication. (Noted)
h) Email (dd 16.8.07) from Chairman of IIB reference “Reprint of Village Brochure”: -
The Clerk said that IIB would like IPC’s comments reference any improvements; the Clerk reminded Cllrs he had forwarded a copy of the current brochure to them with their agenda papers (13.9.07). After a discussion it was RESOLVED to offer no recommendations as to amendments/additions on the grounds it was already an excellent document. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Email (dd 29.8.07) from DAPC reference “Consultation: Licensing Act 2003/Removing DPS Requirement for Village Halls and Similar Community Buildings”: -
(i) The Clerk said that the government proposed to remove the requirements under this act which require: -
a) Designated premise supervisor to be specified on every premises licence authorising sale of alcohol and
b) Every sale of alcohol at such premises to be authorised by a personal licence holder for categories of premises including village halls, chapel halls and similar community buildings.
c) Full consultation paper can be found on www.culture.gov.uk
d) The deadline for responses was 31st October 2007. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had forwarded a copy of said email (1.9.07) to the Acting Chairman of the Instow Parish Hall Committee (also copied to Cllrs Harper/Green – Parish Hall Cllrs and Chairman/Vice Chairman for information) in order that the Parish Hall Committee might have sight of said consultation document and be in a position to comment/advise IPC prior to its meeting of 20th September.
Unfortunately no such response had been received although it was noted that a meeting of the IPH Committee was imminent and that a response by it to IPC by its next meeting would still be in time for the consultation process. The Clerk agreed to communicate with the Acting Chairman of the IPH Committee to ensure a response was received in time. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk said that IPC might feel it appropriate to recommend that parish councils should be re-instated as statutory consultees under the Licensing Act 2003. IPC RESOLVED to support this recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
j) Telephone Call (4.9.07) from DCC reference “DCC Alliance Meeting – Instow and Adjoining Parishes/Wednesday 12th September 2007 at 6.30 pm”: -
(i) The Clerk said this meeting was to be held at Lovacott School and was to be attended by the Chairman and Clerk. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported, however, that the meeting had been postponed and was to be re-arranged. Cllr Cann apologised for this re-arrangement. (Noted)

k) Letter (received 5.9.07) from DAPC reference “DAPC Annual General Meeting, County Hall, Exeter – Saturday 29th September 2007”: -
The Clerk said this also contained information of relevance to “DAPC Subscription Rate 2008/9” (Instow £129 (currently £133), “Minutes of DAPC AGM 2007”, “Agenda for AGM 2007” and Annual Report 2006/7”. The Clerk said he was unable to attend this event as normal. (Noted)
l) Email (dd 6.9.07) and attachment letter (undated) from parishioner to Cllr Moores (NDDC) reference “Instow Traffic Management”: -
(i) The Clerk said this email referred to a letter Cllr Moores (NDDC) had received from a parishioner of relevance to “Instow Village Traffic – Pedestrian and Related Issues”. The Clerk added that a copy of the email, and letter, had been forwarded, at Cllr Moores request, to Cllr Cann (DCC). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had also forwarded a copy of said email and letter to them with their agenda papers (13.9.07) for perusal and consideration prior to meeting of 20th September. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to additional paperwork received (7.9.07 & 19.9.07) via Cllr Moores from a number of Instow parishioners “endorsing” above letter (see (i) above), some with exceptions/additional comments. The Clerk said he had prepared an omnibus paper summarising details of said parishioners and their comments where appropriate and that he had forwarded copies to Cllrs (and Cllr Cann - DCC) with their agenda papers (13.9.07). (Noted)
(iv) The Chairman, Cllr Johns, said that whilst he would have to declare an interest to some of the matters mentioned in the letter (as and when it was fully debated) he felt it appropriate to point out that the writer had personally spoken to him that morning stressing that the letter was to only be seen as a discussion document and not a list of firm proposals. (Noted)
(v) Cllr Moores confirmed to the meeting that this “understanding” of the tenor of the letter (as outlined by Cllr Johns) was his “understanding” of the content of the letter having also spoken to the writer. (Noted)
(vi) Cllr White said that much of the congestion in the village was due to a total lack of enforcement action by the Police; traffic parking regulations were systematically flouted throughout the year. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk recommended that in view of the fact Cllrs had had little time to absorb the full content and implications of the letter (and there was considerable other business to deal with at the meeting) that perhaps the initial views of the “responsible” authority, DCC, should be sought and that thereafter the matter should be left for further consideration by Cllrs and DCC, with a view to debating the matter in more detail at the October meeting following which a Sub Committee of IPC could be set up to work with Cllr Cann (DCC) and relevant DCC Officers to determine what recommendations within the letter were viable and those that were not. IPC RESOLVED to adopt this course of action. (Action: IPC Cllrs and Cllr Cann)
(viii) Cllr Cann (DCC) said, as well as agreeing wholeheartedly with Cllr White’s statement as regards a lack of police enforcement (as at (vi) above), that traffic congestion and speeding was not a problem exclusive to Instow, in fact, most of North Devon’s resorts shared similar problems. He said that a considerable amount of traffic management improvements had been carried out in the parish recently (following extensive consultation with IPC and the public) and that a safety audit would have been undertaken before implementation of each. Cllr Cann added that in the 4 years, since the Marine Parade junction improvement (with Anstey Way), together with narrowing of the road with passing areas along the seafront and the introduction of the 20 mph limit there had been no recorded injury accidents, only vehicle damage. (Noted)
(ix) Cllr Cann then spoke briefly as regards some of the suggestions set out in the parishioners letter (and the endorsements of that letter by other parishioners), namely, Marine Parade/Public Transport – One Way, Speeding initiatives (road humps, speed cameras), Parking (echelon, on-street parking charges, residents parking) and Pedestrians (Pelican crossings, pedestrian refuges). Cllr Cann finalised by saying he would be more than willing to work with an IPC sub committee in due course to consider what recommendations were viable and cost effective and most importantly to the benefit and agreement of the parish as a whole. (Noted)
(x) Cllr Moores then said that on reflection he would need to declare an interest on this matter and would have nothing further to say. (Noted)
*** Cllr Moores (NDDC and IPC) declared an interest ***
m) Email (dd 8.9.07) from Cllr Green (IPC) to Chairman of TTEF reference “Instow Beach Water Monitoring”: -
(i) The Clerk said this email enquired whether the Environment Agency had provided any explanation for the results of the Instow Beach Water Quality tests 2007 adding that it seemed odd that the very high coliform readings (on three occasions) correlated with very low salinity. Cllr Green spoke to this email in further detail. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reported that the Chairman of the TTEF had forwarded said email to the Environment Agency (EA) (8.9.07) for its information and response. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said the email (as at (i) above) and response from the Chairman of the TTEF (8.9.07) had been copied to Cllrs with their agenda papers (13.9.07). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said he had sent an email (12.9.07) to the EA requesting that an explanation be given to the issues raised by Cllr Green in time for IPC’s meeting of 20.9.07. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk reported that an mail response (20.9.07) had been received from the EA; he read it to IPC. (Noted)
(vi) Following a discussion it was RESOLVED to invite a member of the EA to address IPC at a forthcoming meeting at which time further questions could be addressed to the speaker. (Action: The Clerk)
n) Telephone call (9.9.07) from Handyman reference “Stolen Parish Seat – “Jill and Eric Watts”: -
(i) The Clerk said this seat had been wrenched from its pavement fittings (chain and eye plug etc) on Marine Parade and had been stolen; an initial search of the surrounding area had proved fruitless. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk said he had notified the Police (email of 9.9.07 refers); crime report reference number cb/07/4231 - press release arranged (WMN 11.9.07). (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk advised IPC he had requested and received a claim form from Allianz Cornhill (£125 excess payment) and had ordered a replacement seat/plaque from Freebird Leisure. (Action: The Clerk)
o) Email (dd 13.9.07) from Clerk to Secretary of DAPC (Lesley Smith) reference “IPC – Child Protection Policy”: -
(i) The Clerk explained the reasoning behind this matter and set out those liabilities (beach, “employees” etc) that IPC required to consider. The Clerk recommended that perhaps a simple policy should be adopted. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to adopt the Clerk’s recommendation. (Action: The Clerk)
p) Letter (dd 14.9.07) from NDDC reference “House to House Act 1939: Fundraising Initiative – Dog’s Trust and Action for Blind People”: -
(i) The Clerk said this stated that an application had been made by Mr Christopher Gareth Wichard (Fundraising Initiatives Ltd on behalf and as authorised by the Dog’s Trust and Action for Blind People) for a house to house collection licence (direct debit donors) on behalf of the above two charities between 1st November 2007 and 31st October 2008 within Instow parish. (Noted)
(ii) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL of this licence on the grounds that: -
a) “Not all monies collected would be going to the specific charities; it was apparent that the applicant, Mr Christopher Gareth Wichard, represents a Limited Company (Fundraising Initiatives Ltd) and there is no doubt that a proportion of the monies pledged by direct debit will be taken by his company.
b) There are real concerns for the safety and general well-being of many of the parishioners of Instow who are elderly and vulnerable and will find this form of doorstep selling “threatening” by nature and it will increase their “fear of crime”.
c) There is no reason, in the opinion of IPC, why applications of this nature need to be for a 12 month period; it is too open-ended. It should be specific and short termed”. (Action: The Clerk)
q) Letter (dd 14.9.07) from NDDC reference “Member’s Code of Conduct”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter reminded parish councils that the revised Code of Conduct must be adopted by the 31st October 2007 and that once adopted notification must be sent to the Standards Board for England (confirming whether paragraph 12(2) was incorporated) as well as publishing a notice in the local paper stating that the revised code of conduct has been adopted. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk reminded IPC that all these “actions” has been done by IPC and that NDDC had been advised (by email) accordingly. (Noted)
r) Letter (dd 5.9.07) from Dusan Beim reference “North Devon Ferry Project”: -
(i) The Clerk said this letter stated the North Devon Ferry Project Committee (small group of local residents and businessmen) wished to resurrect the ferry operation between Appledore and Instow but with a difference. Amphibious vehicles (similar to the DUKW’s used by the Marines at Atturm) would be used and it would continue through seasons and tides, operating both ferry and pleasure trips between Barnstaple, Bideford, Instow, Appledore, Braunton and Fremington on a bus stop schedule and leisure boat basis. He said the letter was to inform IPC of the project and to solicit its support. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk told Cllrs he had provided them with a copy letter and attachments for perusal at the meeting. (Noted)
(iii) Cllr Cann said this would be relevant to DCC as part of its County Transport Policy. (Noted)
(iv) After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to support this excellent initiative.
(Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Johns declared an interest and left the room ***
s) Instow Ransom Strip Project: -
(i) The Chairman advised IPC of his liaison with DCE (email of 20.8.07) regarding “Children’s Play Area Atturm/Tarka Trail Bridge Field”. He said that DCE would not permit this field to be used as a play area. A discussion then ensued. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to have the Clerk convey this message back to NDDC (Brian Holme) and to enquire what step(s) should be taken next. (Action: The Clerk)

(ii) Taw and Torridge Estuary Forum and associated Matters (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) Email (dd 23.7.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “North Devon Booming Plans – EROCIPS Project”: -
The Clerk forwarded this email to Cllrs with an email address (23.7.07) in view of the fact a response was required, if necessary, by 30th July; no responses were received.
b) Email (dd 25.7.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TDC – Potential Jet Ski Hire Fleet Application” and response from Licensing Manager of TDC: -
States that only one enquiry had been received by TDC to date and it was not anticipated this would result in a formal application.
c) Email (dd 25.7.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Instow Abnormal Weather Waiver”: -
States that the second water quality failure test at Instow did not get a wet weather waiver, hence the result stands.
d) Email (dd 29.7.7) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Torridge and Hartland Steams CAMS – Consultation Response”: -
This consultation reply of the TTEF also included IPC.
e) Email (dd 2.8.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Results 2nd August”
f) Email (dd 13.8.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Results 13th August – 3rd Failure”
g) Email (dd 17.8.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Results 16th August”
h) Email (dd 4.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF reference “TTEF Newsletter 16th July 2007”
i) Email (dd 4.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF to members of TTEF etc reference “TTEF Newsletter 3rd September 2007”
j) Email (dd 4.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF to IPC Cllrs etc reference ““TTEF Newsletter 3rd September 2007”
k) Email (dd 7.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Data as at 6th September 2007”
l) Email (dd 10.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Foreshore Leases – Letter to NDDC”
m) Email (dd 12.9.07) from Secretary of TTEF reference “Minutes of TTEF Meeting of 12th September 2007”
n) Email (dd 13.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “Bathing Water Data as at 13th September 2007”
o) Email (dd 16.9.07) from Chairman of TTEF reference “TTEF – Contact Detail”.

(iii) Matters to note: (Placed in “Briefing Folder” for information of Cllrs)
a) DAPC Matters (Various): - (i) Email (dd 25.6.07) reference ”Postwatch” – copied to Chairman for information; (ii) Email (dd 25.7.07) reference “DCLG Announces 9 Successful Unitaries”; (iii) Email (dd 25.7.07) reference “Best Rural Retailer 2007”; (iv) Email (dd 30.7.07) reference “NALC Annual Conference & Exhibition – 5/7th October 2007”; (v) Email (dd 3.8.07) reference “Community Building Survey”; Acting Chairman of IPH notified; (vi) Letter (received 11.8.07) reference “SW Regional Conference of Society of Local Council Clerks” – Plymouth 4th October 2007”; (vii) Email (dd 20.8.07) reference “Post Office Closure Programme”; (viii) NALC Pamphlet (received 24.8.07) reference “NALC Conference and Exhibition – Bournemouth 5-7th October 2007”; (ix) Email (dd 23.8.07) reference “Foot and Mouth – Update from DCC”; (x) Email (dd 28.8.07) reference “Setting Up a Website”; (xi) Village Green Magazine (Issue 109 – September 2007)” including leaflets reference “Sustainable Funding Workshop – 3rd October 2007”, “Priorities for CCD Members”, “The 21st Century Village Conference – 17th October 2007” and “CCD Review 2006-2007”; (xii) Email (dd 3.9.07) reference “Standards Board Bulletin 35”; (xiii) Email (dd 6.9.07) reference “Seminar Report: A Power of Well Being”; (xiv) Email (dd 7.9.07) reference “Foot and Mouth - Update from DCC”; (xv) Email (dd 13.9.07) reference “Foot and Mouth – Latest Update”; (xvi) Letter (received 13.9.07) from Vaughtons reference “Badge Manufacturers and Medallists”; (xvii) “NALC Membership Recruitment Pamphlet” (xviii) “DAPC Newsletter (Sept/October 2007”; (xix) “DAPC Training Courses”; (xx) Email (dd 14.9.07) reference “Promoting the Conference – Rural Communities Conference 17th October 2007”; (xxi) Email (dd 17.9.07) reference “Burial Ground – Rules and Regulations” – Clerk liaised with Instow PCC and passed on relevant information to Ugborough PC; (xxii) Email (dd 17.9.07) reference “DCC – Movement of Livestock Licences” and (xxiii) Email (dd 17.9.07) reference “Car Parks” – suitable response sent to Clerk of Membury PC.
b) The Playing Fields – Devon Playing Fields Association Newsletter (Summer 2007)
c) (i) Minutes of NDDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 18th July 2007; (ii) Agenda of NDDC’s Standards Committee Meeting of Wednesday 8th August 2007 and (iii) Minutes of Meeting of 8th August 2007
d) NDDC’s Member Services Weekly Information Sheet for w/e 20.7.07, 26.7.07, 3.8.07, 10.8.07, 17.8.07, 24.8.07, 31.8.07, 7.9.07 and 14.9.07
e) Letter (dd 16.7.07) from DCC together with “DCC Annual Report 2006/7” and leaflet entitled “Improving Health and Wellbeing in Devon – Involving YOU”
f) (i) Agenda of NDDC’s Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee of Monday 6th August 2007 and associated papers & (ii) Minutes of NDDC’s Ilfracombe and Northern Rural Area Committee of Monday 6th August 2007 and associated papers
g) Junk Mail (Summer 2007)
h) RD & Express (Issue 11 – August 2007)
i) Telephone call (21.7.07) from Coordinator of “Adopt a Beach – Instow” reference “Beach Clean - Sunday 29th July”: -
Requested that beach, between Quay and Pumping Station A (approx), not be cleaned by beach cleaner for period 25.7.07 to 29.7.07 – beach cleaner told.
j) Telephone call (dd 26.7.07) from parishioner reference “Drain Blocked – Floods /Marine Parade – Quay Lane”: -
Parishioner advised Clerk that DCC had been told by her and were responding
k) Letter (undated - received 3.8.07) reference “IOG Saltex 2007 Exhibition – Windsor Racecourse (4/6th September 2007)”
l) Email (dd 31.7.07) from parishioner reference “Instow School, Rectory Lane and Atturm”: -
Copied to Cllrs with their summer recess papers for information.
m) Email (dd 7.8.07) from DCC reference “Devon In Touch – Special Bulletin/Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak Update”: -
Copied to Cllr May (for farming community) and copy to post office folder for information of parishioners.
n) Telephone call (7.8.07) from TV Production Company reference “Permission to Film at Instow for Property Programme/UK TV”: -
Clerk advised caller that general filming was fine but advised that some land/property at Instow was privately owned and specific permission might be required for that.
o) Letter (dd 8.8.07) and Plan reference “Adopted Devon County Waste Local Plan”: This plan was adopted by DCC in June 2006 but is currently under review again in light of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 – DCC will be in touch on this issue in due course.
p) Letter/proforma (dd 6.8.07) from Student of University of Plymouth reference “Rural Development and the Quality of Community Life”: -
Passed to Chairman for completion of proforma at request of writer.
q) Letter (dd 14.8.07) from Nick Harvey MP reference “Summer Surgeries 2007 – Posters”: -
Posters placed on parish notice boards.
r) Email (dd 15.8.07) from The Local Channel reference “August Edition)
s) DCC Emergency Planning Newsletter Issue No 3 (August 2007) & Information reference “Insurance – Flooding Risk”
t) Email (dd 1`7.8.07) from Churchwarden Instow Church reference “Instow Parish Graveyard Records”: -
Clerk sent letter of thanks to Mrs Jane Gayton of Bickington for getting the records up to date.
u) Agenda and associated papers for NDDC Meeting of Wednesday 29th August 2007 at 7 pm
v) Telephone call (21.8.07) from Cllr Cann reference “NDDC Beach Meeting – Pilot Scheme Re-cycling Rubbish Bin/Beach Cleaning”: -
Cllr Cann to report at meeting of 20.9.07 – see item 2709/5 (b)
w) Telephone call (23.8.07) from Instow Adopt a Beach Coordinator reference “BBC Breakfast News Item - Instow/Water Quality – Marine/Conservation Society”: -
Item appeared on BBC Breakfast News 24th August
x) Telephone call (24.8.07) from Cllr May reference “Damaged Road Sign – Huish Moor/Holmacott “: -
DCC Highways Superintendent notified
y) North Devon Direct (Issue 6 – Autumn 2007)
z) Email (dd 28.8.07) from Cllr Cann reference “Bus Service Changes): -
Copy placed by Clerk at Post Office.
aa) Letter (dd 20.8.07) and Leaflet from Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPNHST) reference “NHS Foundation Trust Membership”: -
States that DPNHST has applied for NHS Foundation Trust status and that it is striving to recruit members; interested persons are asked to apply – details of application contained in leaflet.
bb) (i) Telephone call (30.8.07) from parishioner concerning “Footpath Maintenance – Venn Cross to Tarka Trail”: -
Clerk advised parishioner that this footpath was maintained by DCC Rights of Way Department supported by IPC’s handyman although householders would be responsible for their own hedges that might effect free passage of the footpath.
(ii) Clerk received further call from parishioner (16.9.07) requesting that IPC quote a price for removing a pampas grass from her bank that was obstructing the footpath. Clerk advised parishioner that she should speak to DCC Footpaths at the Civic Centre as it was that department that directly managed footpaths.
cc) Devon Rural Transport Partnership Summer Newsletter 2007
dd) Copy email (dd 2.9.07) from Cllr Cann (DCC) to DCC Local Services reference “Holmacott Tip – Traffic Weight Restriction Order Request”: -
See item 2709/5 (b)
ee) Copy email (dd 30.8.07) from Cllr Cann (DCC) to First Devon and Cornwall Ltd reference “Instow – Bus Congestion”: -
See item 2709/5 (c)
ff) Telephone call (3.9.07) from handyman reference “Sand on Pavement – Boathouse Bus Shelter area”: -
Clerk requested that beach cleaner drag some of the sand back from the wall on the beach side and also contacted DCC Local Services to deal with the pavement
gg) Mole Valley Farmers Newsletter (September 2007)
hh) Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine (Issue 53 – September 2007) including “Local Council Update”
ii) The Local Channel (September Edition)
jj) Devontalk (Autumn 2007)
kk) DCC: Devon Minerals Update No.5
ll) Devon In Touch Monthly News Round-Up (September 2007): -
Copy placed in parishioners folder at Post Office.
mm) Telephone call (10.9.07) from Adopt a Beach Co-coordinator reference “Beach Clean – Saturday 15th September”: -
Beach cleaner advised.
nn) Glasdon’s Latest Products for Local Councils Catalogue
oo) Telephone call (14.9.07) from a non parishioner reference “Mr Yannick Lavictoire – Desire to Trace”: -
Certain enquires carried out by Clerk unsuccessfully.
pp) Email (dd 17.9.70) from Chairman of IIB reference “The Powerhouse Project”

2709/10 FINANCE
1. INCOME: -
Car Park Takings Period ending 25th July 2007 £595.00
Ditto Period ending 1st August 2007 £749.60
Ditto Period ending 8th August 2007 £899.90
Ditto Period ending 15th August 2007 £874.50
Ditto Period ending 22nd August 2007 £515.20
Ditto Period ending 29th August 2007 £1106.40
Ditto Period ending 5th September 2007 £657.00
Ditto Period ending 12th September 2007 £697.70
Ditto Period ending 19th September 2007 £573.30*
Car Park Weekly Tickets (x 3) £6.00
Instow Marine Services Mooring Fees 2007 £1000.00
DCC Part Payment Flood Defence Gate £232.07
TOTAL: - £7,936.67
Key: -
* Car Park Takings £808.40 down on similar date 2006
Mr M Harris Village Handyman £392.00
Mr M Harris Grass Cutting (No 5) £210.00
Mr P Cook Beach Cleaning £380.00
BT Tel Account per 01271 372408 £ 99.23*
Allianz Cornhill Tractor Insurance 2007/8 £214.70=
TOTAL: - £1,295.93
Key: -
* Calls £47.05, Service Charge £33.57, Payment Charges £4.50 and VAT £14.11
= £195.89 in 2006/7
Mr. M Harris Village Handyman £565.00 #
Mr. M Harris Grass Cutting (No 6) £210.00
Mr. P Cook Beach Cleaning £380.00
Mr. R Jacob Clerk’s Remuneration £897.00
Mr. R Jacob Clerk’s Expenses £417.36+
Inland Revenue Re Mr R Jacob £253.00
Audit Commission Audit Fees 2006 £334.88=
Mr. G May Tractor Garage Rental (July – Sept 2007) £112.80*
TOTAL: - £3,170.04
Key: -
# Includes £490 Handyman activity, £75 P3 activity.
+ Includes £44 - Quality Parish Seminar & Taunton.
= £49.88 VAT recoverable
* Includes £16.80 Vat – recoverable
Lloyds Bank Treasurers a/c no. 02350065 as @ 23.8.07 (Statement) = £ 3.44*
Lloyds Bank Business a/c no. 02348842 as @ 28.6.07 (Statement) = £15,837.57+
* Accords with Clerks records.
+ According to Clerk’s records this is £21,562.44 as at 20.9.07
(a) The Clerk reported that it was necessary to transfer £1,295.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (a) above when he met informally with the Chairman/Cllr Crombie (cheque signatories) on 15.8.06. IPC RESOLVED to ratify this decision i.e. transfer of monies and cheque payments as at 2 (a). (Noted)
(b) IPC RESOLVED to transfer £3,170.00 from Lloyds Bank Business account number 02350065 to Lloyds Bank Treasurers account number 02348842 to cover cheques as at 2 (b) above. (Action: The Clerk)
(a) Beach Cleaning Grant 2007/8 – NDDC: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 26.7.07) from NDDC confirming that IPC had been awarded £1,800.00 towards the cost of beach cleaning; it was necessary for the Clerk to sign and return a “Funding Agreement” (done 4.8.07). (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk advised IPC that a claim for this sum of monies would be made (by invoice, evidence of expenditure, project evaluation form etc) immediately after the September meeting. (Action: The Clerk)
(iii) The Clerk further advised IPC that the Executive of NDDC had agreed that a review of beach cleaning grants awarded by the Council required reviewing. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee of the Council would be undertaking this review during the next few months and IPC would be kept informed of developments. The Clerk said it was hoped that IPC would be advised of the decision before its November 2007 meeting as this was when IPC’s budget would be set for 2008/9 and if such a grant was not forthcoming beach cleaning activities would require curtailing for the 2008/9 season. Cllr Moores (NDDC), a member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, noted this situation. (Noted)
(b) Alliance Cornhill (AC) IPC’s Public Liability Insurance 2007/8 – Amended Schedule: -
The Clerk reported that finally a “correct” schedule had been received and that it had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
(c) Mooring Fees 2007 – Invoice: -
The Clerk reported that this had been sent to Instow Marine on 3rd August and that a cheque had been received (23.8.07) and banked – see 1 above. (Noted)
(d) Charity Commissioners – Instow Recreation Ground Account/Annual Return: -
The Clerk reported receipt of an email (20.7.07) reference this return; he said he had completed it online and had received an acknowledgment of receipt. (Noted)
(e) New Flood Defence Gate – DCC Part (50%) Payment: -
The Clerk advised IPC that an invoice had been sent to DCC (by email – 20.7.07) in the sum of £232.07 and that a cheque had been received and banked (24.8.07) – see 1 above. (Noted)
f) Audit Commission - Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2007: -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 6.8.06) from the Audit Commission together with the Certified Annual Return for the financial year ending 31st March 2007. He advised Cllrs that the External Auditors Certificate and Opinion (Section 3) stated, “on the basis of our review, in our opinion the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commissioner’s requirements and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met”. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk further reported that no other matters, not affecting the opinion of the Audit Commission, had been drawn to the attention of Council and that he had copied all correspondence to Mr G Day (IPC’s IA) and thanked him for his work and support in performing the internal audit process. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk confirmed that the “Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Right to Inspect the Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2007” form had been displayed on IPC’s notice board at the Post Office on Wednesday 15th August for a 14 day period (to end on 29th August) together with a copy of the audit report; the Clerk said that during said period no parishioner(s) had requested to see the return. (Noted)
g) Allianz Insurance plc – Tractor Insurance 2007/8 (see 2 (a) above): -
The Clerk reported receipt of the appropriate paperwork (24.8.07) that had been filed for future reference. (Noted)
h) DCC Grass Cutting Grant 2007-8/Invoice: -
The Clerk reported that an invoice had been sent (email 5.9.07 refers) to DCC Local Services in the sum of £709.61, a sum negotiated between IPC/DCC, (£615.00 in 2006/7) and that a cheque was awaited. (Noted)
i) Mole Valley Farmers – IPC Account: -
The Clerk advised IPC that this confirmed that IPC was in balance. (Noted)

2709/11 PLANNING
a) Extension to dwelling at Greycott, 1 Lime Grove, Instow (Reference No 44459): -
The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (dd 27.7.07) from NDDC Planning stating that this application had been WITHDRAWN and would no longer be considered by the Local Planning Authority. (Noted)
b) Extensions and alterations to flats at The Decks, Marine Court, Instow (Reference No 44861): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (6.8.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 23rd August or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported he had applied to NDDC Planning (email 16.8.07 refers) for an extension to this application until 30th August 2007 – it had been granted. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reported that IPC’s PSC had unanimously resolved to recommend REFUSAL of this application on the grounds: -
a) It would result in an over-intensification of the site;
b) It would have an adverse impact on the amenities (e.g. light and privacy) currently enjoyed by neighbouring properties;
c) It would detract the character and appearance of the immediate locality which is a designated conservation area;
d) It is doubtful whether 8 cars could park within the curtilage of the property as is alleged; if it were possible there would be real concern about access/egress of vehicles onto a busy Marine Parade and the danger this could present to motorists/pedestrians.
e) IPC’s PSC also resolved to have this application “called in” by Cllr Moores (NDDC) for consideration by NDDC’s Planning Committee; Cllr Moores advised by the Clerk (email of 27.8.07 refers). (Noted)
(v) The Clerk said he had advised NDDC of IPC’s decision by email (27.8.07) and post (28.8.07). (Noted)
(vi) IPC RESOLVED to ratify IPC’s PSC’s recommendation. (Noted)
(vii) The Clerk reported receipt of a letter (received 15.9.07) from NDDC advising IPC that this application has been REFUSED by NDDC Planning for reasons as listed; a copy of the letter was provided to Cllrs for their information. (Noted)
c) Extension to dwelling together with installation of first floor terrace at 14/15 White House Close, Instow (Reference No 44937): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (18.8.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 6th September or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk reported that IPC’s PSC had unanimously resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said he had advised NDDC Planning of IPC’s PSC’s decision by post (28.8.07). (Noted)
(v) IPC RESOLVED to ratify IPC’s PSC’s recommendation. (Noted)
d) Installation of replacement UPVC windows and doors at Flat 4, Estuary View, West Yelland, Instow (Reference No 44961): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (22.8.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 7th September or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk said that IPC’s PSC had unanimously resolved to recommend APPROVAL of this application. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk said he had advised NDDC Planning of IPC’s PSC’s decision by email/post (7.9.07). (Noted)
(v) IPC RESOLVED to ratify IPC’s PSC’s recommendation. (Noted)
e) Erection of 1 dwelling with integral garage and creation of new vehicular access to highway at 5 Chichester Close (fronting Anstey Way), Instow (Reference No 44991):-
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (23.8.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 11th September or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of this application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) (a) The Clerk reported receipt of an email and copy letter attachment (dd 2.9.07) from a parishioner (Cllr Green) to NDDC Planning objecting to this application; he said the letter and email had been copied to IPC’s PSC for its information. (Noted)
(b) Cllr Green (after first confirming he had taken advice from NDDC’s Monitoring Officer as regards a “Declaration of Interest”) spoke in full to his letter (as at (iii) (a) above). (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk reported receipt of 2 emails and letter attachments (dd 8.9.07 (Draft) & 11.9.07) from a parishioner to NDDC Planning objecting to this application; he said the letter (dd 11.9.07) and emails had been copied to IPC’s PSC for its information. He then read the letter (dd 11.9.07) in full to Council. (Noted)
(v) The Clerk reported receipt of an email and letter attachment (dd 10.9.07) from a parishioner to NDDC Planning objecting to this application; he said the letter and email had been copied to IPC’s PSC for its information. He then read the letter in full to Council. (Noted)
(vi) The Clerk reported receipt of a copy letter (dd 7.9.07) from parishioners to NDDC Planning objecting to this application. He then read the letter in full to Council.(Noted)
(vii) The Clerk reported he had obtained an extension to this application (emails of 31.8.07/3.9.07 refer) from NDDC Planning until Friday 21st September 2007. (Noted)
(viii) IPC’s PSC then lead IPC in a debate to determine IPC’s response to this application. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL of this application on the grounds that: -
“a) Serious concerns for the impact upon “amenity considerations” of neighbouring properties such as privacy and light. This IPC believes is contrary to The North Devon Local Plan DVS 3.
b) The proposed building is not in keeping with other properties in the immediate area – it’s design is out of character with the area (it will intrude obtrusively and unattractively into the existing landscape) and will have a detrimental impact on the street scene and local vernacular; it will have a detrimental impact in particular on the sitting and appearance of the existing house at 5 Chichester Close. This is because it is designed and positioned in such a prominent way. This, IPC believes, is contrary to The North Devon Local Plan DVS 1 (Para 4.4 and para 4.5 – design principles).
c) It is adjacent to a listed building and its design and character is not appropriate in such circumstances. The North Devon Local Plan (Policy ENV 17 para 5.70) states “the setting of a listed building is often an essential feature of its character…………….The impact of a new development on the setting of a listed building will therefore be carefully assessed”.
d) Serious concerns as regards to road safety issues (pedestrian and vehicular) if the access onto to Anstey Way is approved. It is on stretch of road that is controlled by a 30 mph speed limit and there are continuous white lines in the immediate vicinity. There is also a bus stop immediately outside of the property in question and a fairly major junction off Anstey Way within 20 – 25 metres i.e. Downs Road.
e) Instow is a location, where, to quote the Local Plan “a restrictive approach to new development will be applied in accordance with the strategy for the Area of Strategic Landscape and Development Constraints”. There is no reason, in the view of Instow Parish Council, to override this policy in this instance.
f) Concerns about water run off from the site in as much that a concreted site such as this would promote more water run off than is currently the case causing greater problems for properties below the site and in the direction of Instow beach”.
(Action: The Clerk)
f) (i) “Building Work – Willows, Rectory Lane” – see item 2707/11 (d): -
(a) The Clerk advised IPC that he had sent an email (3.8.07) to NDDC Planning asking for an update on this matter and had subsequently received a response (email – dd 3.8.07) stating that “the structure over the roof to protect the property during building works has been removed and a site visit is anticipated over the next 2-3 weeks”(Noted)
(b) The Clerk reported that a further email was sent (7.9.07) by him to NDDC Planning to determine if the application as at (ii) below was a retrospective application for the work already carried out (see (i) above) or a new and separate application. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk advised IPC that a NDDC’s Planning Officer had advised him (telephone call of 7.9.07 refers) that the application as at (ii) below was a new application and had no bearing whatsoever on the recent work that has been carried on at said premises and which had been drawn to the attention of IPC back in July by a neighbour. The Planning Officer added that as far as NDDC Planning was concerned (based on what they “know” already) what had already taken place at the Willows was “permitted development” although she would be checking it out when she goes on site in the next week or so to deal with this current application. The Clerk said he had briefed IPC’s PSC. (Noted)
(ii) Extension to dwelling together with insertion of 3 dormer windows at Willows, Rectory Lane, Instow (Reference No 45089): -
(a) The Clerk reported receipt (4.9.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 20th September or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(b) The Clerk confirmed that details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(c) The Clerk reported receipt of an email (dd 4.9.07) from a parishioner reporting that a velux window, fitted to the front of the roof in the recent build, had just been removed; the Clerk said he had copied the email on to IPC’s PSC for its information.
(d) IPC’s PSC then lead IPC in a debate to determine IPC’s response to this application. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend APROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Cook declared an interest and did not speak ***
g) Replacement of flat roof to garage with pitched roof at Highfield, Anstey Way, Instow (Reference No 44935): -
(1) The Clerk reported receipt (8.9.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 27th September or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of the application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) IPC’s PSC then lead IPC in a debate to determine IPC’s response to this application. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend APROVAL of this application. (Action: The Clerk)
*** Cllr Crombie declared an interest, left the room and did not speak***
h) Conservation area application for conversion of residential home to form 12 units of holiday accommodation to include demolition of existing single storey extension at Sands Residential Home, 4-5 Bath Terrace, Instow (Reference No 45172): -
(i) The Clerk reported receipt (13.9.07) of this application and of having passed it immediately to the Vice Chairman for the attention of IPC’s PSC; for response by 2nd October or an extension would need to be applied for. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that the details of this application had been placed on the Instow website for the information of parishioners. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then referred to a letter (dd 18.9.07) received from a parishioner reference this application and comments regarding refuse/recycling collection arrangements in the vicinity. The Clerk told IPC he had copied the letter to Cllr Cann (NDDC Environment Portfolio Holder) to deal as regards refuse/recycling issue. The Clerk then read the letter to Council. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk then referred to an email (dd 20.9.07) from the Planning Officer reference relevant conditions for residential/holiday lets; it was also stressed this was a conservation area application only at this stage to demolish the single storey extension (that joins the two buildings – where the ramp is situated) and that a full application will undoubtedly follow in due course. (Noted)
(v) IPC’s PSC then lead IPC in a debate to determine IPC’s response to this application. After a discussion IPC RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL of this application but would like the following views to be taken in to consideration: -
“Instow Parish Council is concerned that it is ultimately intended to convert The Sands Residential Home into 12 units of holiday accommodation. It believes that the occupants of these holiday flats, although contributing to the community in an economic sense, would provide no community input in to the parish of Instow which it believes is essential in a close-knit community and parish like Instow. Instow Parish Council would prefer that the intended flats were for residential use, partially because, it is understood, a proportion would have to be “set aside” as “affordable housing” (Instow is in dire need of affordable housing for its parishioners - this is an opportunity to provide some) and the occupants of the residential flats would not only contribute to the community in an economic sense but also proactively add to the fabric of the community.
In addition, Instow Parish Council has concerns about parking issues within the confines of the Sands (at the front – there is a private lane to the rear), refuse collection and access/egress (road safety issues) on to Marine Parade, a busy highway along the seafront of Instow”. (Action: The Clerk)
i) Alleged Breaches of Planning Regulations - Instow: -
The Clerk referred to two allegations of breaches of planning regulations passed to him by a parishioner as regards Blue Hayes, Kiln Close Lane and Ocean View, Millards Hill, Instow and the response he had received from NDDC Planning (email of 13.9.07 refers). IPC noted the action taken. (Noted)
j) Letter/proforma (dd 8.8.07) from NDDC Planning Manager reference “Introductory Letter – Planning Improvement Plan”: -
(i) The Clerk reminded Cllrs he had copied this letter/proforma to them with their summer recess papers with a request that any comments be passed to him by the 31st August to enable him to forward an omnibus response to NDDC Planning by Friday 7th September 2007. He reported than none had been received. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk confirmed that a response, setting out his views, had been forwarded to NDDC Planning Manager (7.9.07). (Noted)

a) Impeded Pavement – Atturm Slipway/Anstey Way: -
Cllr White said he had received a complaint about the undergrowth/hedge impeding this pavement for pedestrians. IPC RESOLVED to have the handyman cut it back to a satisfactory level. (Action: The Clerk)

There being no other business the meeting was closed.


