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THURSDAY 30th JUNE 2010 AT 7.30 PM.


PPresent: - Councillors, P Cook, N Crombie, M Green (Vice Chairman), C Harper, G May (Part), B Thomas, S White (Chairman) and Mr R Jacob (Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Cllr R Cann (Part) (DCC/NDC), Cllr B Moores (Part) (NDC) and 18 parishioners.

Cllr Mrs Dipper and A Johns.

(i) The Chairman, Cllr White, welcomed everybody to the meeting and explained that its purpose was to discuss the possibility of purchasing some agricultural land that had become available in Instow (Marsh Lane). He identified the exact location of the land and said it was approximately 2.8 acres in size. He then asked the Clerk to explain the full rationale for this purchase and of the financing arrangements. (Noted)
(ii) The Clerk then spoke of the Parish Plan consultation process that had been adopted by IPC since 1998 and of the main findings that included the provision of projects such as allotments, a children’s play area and such like. He explained that the parish council had appeared to have exhausted all possibilities of acquiring land by freehold or leasehold within the parish and that where some private land (DCC or PCC) had previously been identified there had been valid reason(s) why the identified project(s) could not be established at those locations; he gave examples. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then spoke of the “Ransom Strip” monies (approximately £70,000) that had been set aside by NDC for suitable community projects within the parish of Instow and added that the purchase of this agricultural land and its subsequent use for allotments (or play area) was in line with the relevant funding criteria and that NDC would be willing to finance the project up to a ceiling of £35,000. He reported that the Estate Agents’, acting for the owner of the agricultural land, had agreed to seriously consider an offer in this region; the Clerk added, however, that he had received a communication earlier that day (unconfirmed) that a higher offer was now on the table and being seriously considered by the owner. The Clerk told the meeting that NDC had had the land valued by its District Valuer and that as a consequence £35,000 was the maximum figure it was prepared to pay. (Noted)
(iii) The Clerk then advised the meeting that the above action(s) had been taken by him following a RESOLUTION passed by IPC at its meeting of Thursday 17th June at which time a Sub Committee of Cllrs had been set up to urgently consider all local implications, including consultation with parishioners most affected, and Cllrs Moores (NDC) and Cann (NDC/DCC) had agreed to research the “Ransom Strip“implications including funding. (Noted)
(iv) At the request of the Chairman, Cllr Harper then addressed the meeting as regards the land in question and of his thoughts as regards to using it as allotments. He proposed that IPC’s bid for the land should be raised to £40,000. He also added that in 2005, 11 parishioners had written to the parish council (under S 23 Allotments Act 1908) requesting the provision of allotments and that the current number of parishioner requiring allotments was 14. (Noted)
(iv) The Clerk confirmed to the meeting that in 2005 IPC had fulfilled its legal obligations (under S 23 Allotments Act 1908) and ascertained from local enquiries that there were spare allotments in the parish of Westleigh and the relevant parishioners were advised accordingly. (Noted)

There were no declarations of interest. (Noted)

(i) A number of parishioners then addressed Council citing their various reason(s) for objecting to the purchase of this land and its intended usage including “Land over-priced”, “Not suitable for allotments” (sloping land, poor soil, subject to flooding etc), “Private access (Marsh Lane – upkeep at residents expense) to site”, “Parking congestion/obstruction issues”, “Nuisance/Noise/Mess/Damage issues in Marsh Lane”, “Eye-sore” and a “Very small percentage of parishioners wanting an allotment”. (Noted)
(ii) A parishioner enquired why more parishioners had not turned up to the meeting; the Clerk said it was an extraordinary meeting (in view of the land purchase time constraints), it had to be advertised throughout the parish for three clear working days, not normally including weekends, notices had been placed on all parish councils notice boards (x4) and at the post office/Instow Website and all households directly affected by this purchase had been leafleted. (Noted)
(iii) A parishioner then suggested there were other more suitable plots of land within the parish that could be used for allotments and named two in particular that belonged to Devon Christie Estates (DCE). The Chairman advised the meeting that IPC had recently written to DCE asking whether there was any DCE land within the parish that could be purchased/leased by IPC with the financial support of the NDC’s Ransom Strip monies and it had been advised in the negative. (Noted)
(iv) A “show of hands” vote then took place (other than Cllrs) on the acquisition of this land “for the benefit of the community of Instow – unspecified usage”; 9 parishioners voted in favour. (Noted)
(v) A “show of hands” vote then took place (other than Cllrs) on the acquisition of this land “for allotment use”; 1 parishioner voted in favour. (Noted)
(vi) A discussion then ensued on the acquisition of this land for a “Nature Reserve” but no clear consensus of opinion could be reached to enable a vote to be taken. (Noted)

(i) Cllr Moores (NDC) said NDC was keen to support “Community Initiatives” such as was being discussed and confirmed that NDC was prepared to finance this agricultural land (allotments, play area, nature reserve) project up to the tune of £35,000 but no more and that this was on the advice of its District Valuer. Cllr Moores added, however, that NDC would be very keen to ensure that parishioners were generally in agreement with any project before releasing any necessary monies and supporting said scheme. Cllr Moores finalised by saying he had doubts whether NDC would support an un-specified project (e.g. purchase of agricultural land – non specified use). (Noted)
(ii) Cllr Cann (NDC/DCC) said he was of a view that there was no added benefit to the parish of Instow by the acquisition of this particular plot of land despite the fact he was reluctant to adopt that view. (Noted)

(i) A general discussion then ensued at the conclusion of which Cllr Green summarised what he felt was the view of Council; land practically never comes up for sale in Instow and if it does, it should be seriously considered; NDC holds money for community projects in Instow that could finance such a purchase; however, what could the land be used for if purchased?; there was some demand for allotments; a nature reserve was appealing; it would involve a great deal of hard work and expense to set any project up even after this agricultural land had been purchased; there were significant access and parking problems; the site is very steep – a flatter field would be more attractive; parishioners in neighbouring properties were not generally in favour. (Noted)
(ii) IPC RESOLVED to adopt this summary as a true refection of its current feelings on the matter. (Noted)
(iii) After a further discussion IPC RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to check with the relevant Estate Agent asap as regards the current state of IPC’s offer for the agricultural land and to double-check with NDC that £35,000 was its financial ceiling.
(Action: The Clerk)
(iv) The Chairman then closed the meeting and thanked all attendees for their presence. He said the meeting had been extremely useful and that any further discussion would undoubtedly take place at IPC’s next meeting that would take place at 7.30 pm on Thursday 15th July 2010.


